To get an answer to the question: is the tinder fungus still edible or not, let’s look in more detail at what they are.

The most known species among tinder fungi these are:

  • Oak;
  • Merging;
  • Chestnut;
  • Odorous;
  • Scaly;
  • Multicolored;
  • Sheep;
  • Smoky;
  • Varnished;
  • Birch;
  • Winter;
  • Scorched;
  • Bordered;

But, despite such a variety of species, only some of them are considered edible. And even edible polypores are divided into two groups: edible and conditionally edible. The first group includes polypores, which can be edible, but only after very careful processing. Some types need to be cooked several times. Mushrooms from this group should never be eaten raw. And tinder fungi of the edible group do not need to be subjected to much heat treatment. For example, liver mushroom is eaten only after it has been grilled.

These are very hardy and adaptable living organisms. They can withstand excess moisture, heat, cold and frost. Many of them live for several years, so they are familiar with the entire cycle of changing weather conditions.

He has pulp white, with a sour taste, soft, crumbly and juicy. To prepare it you need to boil or fry it for about five minutes. It tastes like chicken meat, the smell is raw mushroom not very pleasant, reminiscent of a mouse. It is fried, pickled and salted, and added to salads. You can use tinder fungus to make mince for pies or make mushroom casserole. It can be stored frozen for a long time.

IN medicinal purposes This tinder fungus is very widely used. In Japan from mushroom powder produce a remedy for weight loss, since this mushroom provokes the liver to produce enzymes that break down fats. It is also the basis of antibiotics that act on certain types of staphylococcus.

Despite medicinal properties, you need to eat it very carefully, it can cause nausea, poisoning, dizziness and swelling of the lips. It is generally not recommended for children to eat it.

  • The tinder fungus is scaly. Also belongs to the conditionally edible group. It should be collected only in the spring, when the pulp is fleshy and juicy. In cooking, it is fried, pickled, salted, dried, and made into mushroom powder.

Before cooking, soak in water for twelve hours, and change the water every hour. Before cooking, they are finely chopped, this is a mandatory condition, and then boiled for about forty-five minutes. After cooking, the skin is removed, and then fried, the filling for pies is prepared, etc. The scaly polypore has a unique taste.

  • Sheep tinder fungus. Grows in soil, mixed and coniferous forests, can grow in mosses, loves alkaline soil. Like all tinder fungi, this mushroom is also eaten only when young. It is marinated, fried, boiled. Externally, the sheep tinder fungus is most similar to mushrooms of the shape we are familiar with. It has a stem and a cap.
  • Liver mushroom. The name speaks for itself; outwardly, the mushroom looks like raw meat or liver; the photo even shows the dark red color of the juice at the break of the mushroom. The juice looks like blood. Grows on hardwood ah trees such as chestnuts and oaks. It is fried, boiled and stewed. However, it should not be eaten by people with stomach, liver or kidney problems.

We can continue to describe edible tinder fungi, such as: winter, birch, tuberous, cellular. One thing will remain unchanged, any mushrooms and tinder fungi, including, are heavy food for the human stomach. Therefore, when consuming them, do not overdo it with quantity and carefully monitor the quality. Polypores are suitable for consumption only when young and after careful and lengthy heat treatment. It is not advisable for children to eat these mushrooms. And if you are a regular fan of tinder fungi, then enjoy their delicious and unusual taste and aroma.


Polypores are different different characteristics, appearance, taste qualities, but almost everything, both edible and inedible, is used in medicine and successfully cures various diseases. The mushroom can act as an immunostimulant, diuretic and anti-radiation agent, a drug for liver cirrhosis and hepatitis, a stimulator for hair growth, an antibacterial and antiviral drug, a drug for the treatment of diseases caused by staphylococci, chlamyses, malaria, an antioxidant, a method of combating cancer diseases.

What is scaly polypore? What properties does the mushroom have? What does it look like and where does it grow? Is scaly tinder fungus edible or not? All this will be discussed in our publication.


The scaly polypore, a photo of which is presented in our material, can be recognized by the following external signs:

  1. The hat looks vaguely like a plate with a slightly concave middle. In some cases, it can reach a diameter of 30 cm or more. Young representatives of the species often have a kidney-shaped cap. The surface here is covered with brownish or yellow scales.
  2. Leg - in the scaly polypore, it has a dense structure, impressive thickness and can be up to 10 cm long. The lower part is dark in color. Closer to the cap the leg is lighter.
  3. The pulp of old mushrooms resembles a cork tree in structure. Young scaly polypores have juicy and quite pliable flesh with a pleasant, somewhat floury odor.


The scaly tinder fungus, described above, is widespread in deciduous forests Europe and North America. In domestic latitudes you can meet it in Crimea, Krasnodar and Stavropol region. Scaly polypore also grows in the Caucasus, eastern Siberia, Kamchatka and the Far East.

You can see such a mushroom not only in forests, but also in park areas. It prefers the trunks of old, weakened trees. It grows quite rarely on coniferous trees, preferring beech, maple and elm. The fungus often forms small colonies.

Healing properties

The scaly polypore is not officially used for the manufacture of pharmacological drugs. Wide Application product finds in folk medicine. It is believed that the use of tinder fungus promotes absorption into its pulp and rapid elimination from the body. toxic substances. People often resort to this solution when they are poisoned by heavy metals and poisons. From time immemorial, scaly polypores have been used to make powders that are used in the treatment of fungal infections.

Such mushrooms contain a whole mass of resinous components in their structure. The latter are able to provide support to the body in the treatment of tuberculosis and liver diseases. Japanese healers at one time became interested in similar properties. It was their experience with the use of the mushroom that proved that the use of scaly tinder fungus promotes the active secretion of enzymes by liver cells that break down fats. Therefore, this product is often recommended to be used for weight loss.

Related species

There are several varieties of fungi related to the scaly polypore:

  1. Lumpy tinder fungus - inedible mushroom. Most often it grows at the roots of trees. It has a fan-shaped cap and a hard cork structure. It can have a wide variety of colors, ranging from dark brown to orange.
  2. Cellular tinder fungus is an edible relative of the scaly species. Usually has an oval cap of yellow, orange or reddish hue. The surface of the cap is densely covered with small dark depressions. It has a very short smooth leg. The pulp here is extremely hard, almost tasteless and does not have a pronounced aroma.

Edibility level

The tinder fungus, a photo of which can be seen in our publication, belongs to the category of conditionally edible products. Only young specimens with tender flesh, the structure of which has not yet begun to harden, are suitable for consumption. The suitability of tinder fungus for food is determined as follows. To do this, break off a piece of the edge of the cap. If the sample disintegrates easily, then the mushroom can be collected.

This product is often used to create all kinds of marinades and pickles, boiled and fried. It is most advisable to prepare minced meat from the scaly tinder fungus. For these purposes, the prepared pulp is passed through a blender or meat grinder. The resulting product is used in the preparation of salads, cabbage rolls, pilaf, and cutlets. The tinder fungus gives such dishes an extraordinary taste and aroma.

When should you collect tinder fungus?

It is recommended to go “hunting” for scaly polypores in mid-May, when there is moderately humid and warm weather. In fact, colonies of the fungus thrive throughout the summer. However, during this period, the structure of the tinder fungus becomes rough and practically unsuitable for consumption. The fungus develops extremely quickly. For this reason, you need to have time to collect young samples by going into the forest as early as possible.

Preparation for use

After assembly, the tinder fungus scaly mushroom quickly acquires an extremely hard structure. Therefore, it is extremely important to soak its pulp in a timely manner. You need to place the mushroom in water for about 5-6 hours. In this case, it is necessary to periodically drain the liquid and fill the container with new one.

As soon as the tinder fungus is thoroughly soaked, they resort to cleaning its upper skin. After removing the scales from the cap, cut off the stems. The latter are most often thrown away because they are quite hard.

To avoid poisoning from such mushrooms, they are boiled several times, after being cut into small pieces. To remove toxic substances from the structure, boiling the product for an hour is sufficient. Further in our publication we will consider several recipes for preparing dishes using scaly tinder fungus.

Pepper stuffed with tinder fungus

As noted above, you can make minced meat from tinder fungus. To do this, pre-soaked and boiled mushrooms are thoroughly chopped along with carrots and onions. Boiled rice is added to the composition. The minced meat is seasoned with spices and salt.

Cores, stalks and seeds are removed from the peppers. Vegetables are stuffed with tinder-based minced meat and then simmered over low heat in a deep container. You can add tomato juice or chopped tomatoes to the liquid.

Tinder Soup

Finely chopped tinder fungus is thoroughly boiled in a saucepan. Potatoes, onions, carrots and spices are added here. You can use any grain to make soup, depending on at will. A few minutes before removing the dish from the heat, add greens in the form of chopped green onions, parsley or dill.

Fried tinder fungus

To begin, cut the onion into rings and fry in vegetable oil until a light golden crust appears. Pre-cooked tinder fungus is also thrown here. Fry the mushrooms for about 15 minutes. The ingredients are stirred periodically. Finally, spices and salt are added to taste.


So we looked at what the scaly tinder fungus looks like, where it grows and what properties it has. Finally, it is worth noting that only the consumption of timely collected and properly prepared mushrooms is beneficial. Having used this product several times as an ingredient in common dishes, you can fall in love tree mushroom for life.

06.05.2015 19.05.2018

Polypore mycelium

The mycelium of polypores develops inside the substrate, in wood, while fruiting bodies are always formed on the surface, which allows spores to spread with air currents. Reproduction of tinder fungi is carried out largely by basidiospores formed in the hymenial layer on the fruiting bodies. Once on a suitable substrate, basidiospores germinate and form primary mycelium, consisting of haploid mononuclear hyphae. After a certain, usually laconic, period of growth and development, the two primary mycelium unite to form a secondary binucleate mycelium, which develops in the wood, causing its destruction, and on which fruiting bodies are later formed.

The vegetative mycelium of polypores ensures their distribution in the substrate and nutrition. The hyphae of tinder fungi are thin (2–5 µm in diameter), dull or sometimes brownish, always with transverse septa.

Fruiting body of tinder fungus

The fruiting bodies of tinder fungi, in contrast to cap mushrooms, long-term. Their anatomical structure quite easy - they consist entirely of hyphae, of which there are three main types: generative, skeletal And connecting.

Based on their shape, the fruiting bodies of tinder fungi can be divided into the following main categories: prostrate, sedentary And differentiated on the cap and stem. But there are various transitions between them, and within the boundaries of the first family and even genus, fruiting bodies of various shapes can be observed.

Differences in fruiting bodies

Prostrate the fruiting bodies of polypores have the form of a film or plate, more or less adherent to the substrate and repeating the features of its surface. The edge of such a fruiting body can be tightly adherent and disappearing, or raised in the form of a thick ridge. From time to time, its fusion with the substrate is loose, and when it dries, the edge bends and curls up.

sedentary the fruiting bodies have a hoof-shaped or cantilever-shaped, sometimes tongue-like shape, and are attached with a wide base or side. In some polypores, the narrowed base of the fruit-bearing bodies attached laterally stretches into a lateral stalk. For example, the Schweinitz polypore (Phaeolus Schweinitzii) forms forms with a rudimentary and even noticeable stalk at the base of trunks and on the roots of trees, while on a vertical substrate it is capable of creating sessile fruiting bodies.

Sizes of fruiting bodies

As for size, some polypores from the genus Tyromyces have fruiting bodies only 0.5-1 cm in diameter, and, for example, in the true polypore (Fomes fomentarius) and the flat polypore (Ganoderma applanatum) they can reach up to diameter up to 1 m and weight up to 10 kg.

Prostrate fruiting bodies from time to time stretch along the substrate (dead trunk or log) by 1-1.5 m. But this final limits, and usually the diameter of the fruiting bodies of tinder fungi is 5-25 cm. Their sizes also depend on the weather and the position and condition of the substrate.

Tissue density and surface layer of fruiting bodies

The fruiting bodies of polypores can be membranous, waxy, fleshy, leathery, cork, woody, spongy or fibrous mixtures, with all the transitions between these categories. In some cases, they have a two-layer fabric, with the upper layer of the cap usually consisting of loose, spongy tissue, and the lower one, adjacent to the hymenophore tubes, of denser and smaller-sized tissue.

The surface of the fruiting bodies may be covered with a dense, sometimes shiny or matte crust, or a narrow, parchment-like skin, or completely devoid of cuticle. But such a “bare” surface can be wrinkled, concentrically furrowed (which is associated with the uneven growth of the fruiting body), velvety, felt, hairy or coarsely bristly. With age, the cover of the cap may change.

Coloring of fruiting bodies

The colors of the fruiting bodies of tinder fungi are very diverse, and the color of the tissue, noticeable in the cross section, often differs from the colors of the upper and lower surfaces. Some tinder fungi are characterized by a striking cinnabar-red, orange, or yellowish color of the tissue, but in most cases it is snow-white, yellow, cream, or pinkish. The color of the surface can be light (snow-white, gray, pale cream, wood yellow), black (brown, dark) or various bright colors.

Often the surface of the fruiting body is painted with concentric alternating dark and light zones, and it is possible to trace different colors brown, coffee, grayish, yellowish, orange flowers. When dried, the colorful colors often fade, turn white, the fruit body becomes dirty, covered with vague brown or yellowish spots, or even completely darkens.

Polypore hymenophore

The polypore hymenophore is in most cases tubular in shape, i.e. consists of more or less long tubes, tightly fused at the sides. By the number of layers that grow once a year, you can find the age of the fruiting body on the section - however, from time to time, when changing favorable and unfavorable conditions, a pair of layers of tubes can form within one summer.

The color of the hymenophore is similar to the color of the fruiting bodies - at first it is white or light-colored. But the delicate colors of pink, yellow, and lilac often change to dirty gray or black when dried.

Where do tinder fungi grow?

In the forests in the European part of our country there are several hundred different types and varieties of tinder fungi. Their distribution is determined by a number of reasons, the most important of which is the substrate, i.e. availability of appropriate wood in a certain condition. Typically, tinder fungi exhibit selectivity; narrow (or very broad) specialization is rare among them. For example, the false aspen polypore (Phellinus tremulae) grows only on aspen. In general, the false polypore (Pigmarius) is found on many deciduous trees, but on each of them it develops different shape. The polypore polypore (Inonotus obliquus), the sterile form of which is widely known as Chaga birch, grows mostly on birch; the tinder fungus Inonotus rheades is common on aspen. Some types of tinder fungi are able to develop only on living trees, which is explained by their need for vitamins produced during the life of the tree.

How does a tree become infected?

Infection of trees with polypores occurs through frost cracks, burns, and mechanical damage. Therefore, you cannot break branches, throw knives and hatchets into tree trunks, and mark the road by cutting bark or cutting off branches.

The mycelium of the fungus grows in the tissues of the tree and causes rottenness of the wood. A couple of years after the tree is infected, fruiting bodies begin to form. The first of them usually appears at the site of initial infection - on a tree this place can be easily found by the older, darker fruiting body of the fungus.

A tree that is rotten from the inside may bend. Then a new hymenophore layer of the fungus appears, taking into account this inclination, strictly parallel earth's surface. If the tree trunk falls, the upcoming growth of the fungus will end and it will be overgrown with a layer of sterile tissue. In this case, the new fruiting body is placed perpendicular to the old one. This is how you can determine by the location of the fruiting body whether it was formed on standing tree or already mowed down by rot and fallen.

On the trunks of coniferous and deciduous trees, fruiting bodies of the tinder fungus are often found, colored yellowish-orange or reddish-ochre, darkening to black-brown over time. And since the new hymenophore that grows once a year is usually brightly colored on top, an orange-red border appears along the edge of the mushroom. This - Edged tinder fungi(Fomitopsis pinicola). This beautiful mushroom is quite a terrible pest. Although in most cases it is found on dead wood, windfall and windfalls of coniferous and deciduous trees, it can also infect living trees, especially weakened ones, through mechanical damage. The mycelium of this fungus can survive for a long time in a dried tree trunk and again resurrect and destroy tree species, finding yourself in conditions of high humidity in a lumber yard or even in outbuildings and residential buildings.

Hollows in old oaks, willows, chestnuts and lindens are the result of the activity of the sulfur-yellow polypore (Laetiporus sulphureus). This species got its name from the orange or sulfur-yellow color of its flat or clawed fruiting bodies, which usually appear in the middle of summer. Unlike other tinder fungi, the fruiting bodies of this fungus are one-year-old. Their young tissue is soft, juicy, with a pleasant mushroom smell. The total mass of fruiting bodies grown on one ancient tree can reach 10 kg or more.

Wood affected by the sulfur-yellow tinder fungus is greatly reduced in volume and breaks up into prismatic pieces. The adhesive properties of the wood are reduced so that it is simply crushed into powder with your fingers. Infection with tinder fungus very often leads to dry tops and then to complete drying out of trees. Strong gusts of wind complete the destructive work begun by the mushroom.

The sulfur-yellow tinder fungus can also infect trees growing in gardens and parks: cherries, Walnut, pear, cherry, edible chestnut, white acacia, poplar, beech, birch, ash, honey locust, eucalyptus.

The young pulp of this mushroom is edible, although somewhat harsh. It can be stewed and fried like regular edible mushrooms. The fruiting bodies of the Sulfur-yellow tinder fungus are readily inhabited by various insects, which completely destroy them by the end of summer. But they are no longer necessary, since they have fulfilled their purpose and spread an unlimited number of spores, and they, in turn, falling on the warped parts of the trees, continued their destructive work.

For humans, tinder fungi pose absolutely no danger; rather, on the contrary. Many species of such mushrooms have healing properties for the human body. Medicines made from these mushrooms have cleansing properties, help improve metabolism and remove carcinogens from the body. Latest scientific developments made it possible to obtain a medicine from the tinder fungus that stops development and growth cancer cells. The human desire to taste everything also affected tinder fungi. You can prepare good dishes from tinder fungi, which practically do not differ in taste from ordinary edible mushrooms.

Polypores and their role in nature

In nature, these mushrooms play a dual role. On the one hand, they participate in the decomposition of dead wood, turning it into humus. Downside medal is their love for growing trees. Feeding on the cellulose of the tree, tinder fungi destroy the wood with their secretions, causing rapid weakening, destruction and death of the tree.

Varieties of tinder fungi and their types

By scientific classification There are about 600 species of tinder fungi, which are divided into families:

  • poriaceae;
  • fistulin;
  • Ganoderma;
  • Hymenochetaceae;
  • scutigeridae;
  • bondartseviev;
  • boletopsid;
  • polypore;
  • schizophyll;
  • Lakhnocladian;
  • Cortiaceae.

Only a few dozen species of mushrooms are common in our country.

Common types

Most species of tinder fungus can be found in gardens, parks and forests.


Ray tinder

Polypore Hyphodontia

The strange one looks like shapeless white sagging on the trunk. The size ranges from 5 cm to 20 cm. This fungus settles on all deciduous trees, causing white, extremely toxic rot.

Red tinder fungus

It has a flat cap with a thickened base. The color of the cap ranges from yellow at the edges to brown at the base. These types of mushrooms are widespread in middle lane. Settled on deciduous trees, infect them with white rot.

Got its name for its external resemblance to chaga, which has medicinal use. Only a specialist can distinguish it from chaga. Its shape is more geometrically correct and its colors are brighter. This mushroom is widespread in the area temperate climate middle zone countries.

Rare representatives

The following representatives are not as common as the above.

It has the shape of a hoof and got its name from the bright red border along the edge of its shiny reddish cap. Distributed in temperate climatic zone. It settles on deciduous trees, affecting them with white rot.

Distributed in southern regions and looks like a small saucer with a rough dark brown cap. It prefers to settle on the roots of pine trees, infecting its wood with white rot, which quickly kills the tree.

spruce sponge

Unlike the above mentioned species, it is not an enemy of living, healthy trees, settling only on very old or fallen spruce trunks. It has a small, hard, saucer-shaped cap of brown color. Lives mainly in northern regions.

Rust-brown tinder fungus

Prefers northern regions and old spruce trunks and stumps. Represents shapeless growths irregular shape, rusty brown color. Causes white rot and is extremely toxic to trees.

The true tinder fungus is a mushroom of the Coriolaceae family, genus Thomes. This is a widespread mushroom. The true polypore is a saprophyte. This is an inedible mushroom.

The Latin name of the mushroom is Fomes fomentarius.

The fruiting bodies of the tinder fungus are hoof-shaped. They are woody in structure. Their width ranges from 5 to 40 centimeters, and their thickness is 5-20 centimeters. As a rule, the fruiting bodies are sessile, attached sideways.

The surface of true polypores is smooth, covered with a thick crust of whitish, dull gray, brown or leathery yellow color, and in old age the crust becomes almost black. Sometimes there is a slightly reddish tint. Concentric zones are noticeable in the coloring. The surface of the cap is furrowed, and the edges are growing, fluffier or woolly.

The flesh of the true tinder fungus is hard and woody. The color of the pulp is yellow-brown. It emits a faint fruity odor.

The surface of the underside of the fruiting body of the mushroom, which is called the hymenophore, is flat. Its color can be whitish, grayish or gray-brown. The pores are round in shape. The tubes are arranged in layers: every year, on last year’s old layer of tubes, a new one appears, the thickness of which is 5 millimeters. The pores of the new layer are whitish in color, and over time they become yellow-gray; if you press on them, they noticeably turn brown.

Places where real tinder fungi grow.

True tinder fungi live everywhere in the northern hemisphere. This is one of the most common mushrooms and is cosmopolitan. Fruiting bodies appear singly or in rows.

Evaluation of the edibility of the true tinder fungus.

The true tinder fungus, like other members of the Coriolaceae family, is an inedible mushroom.

Interesting information about real tinder fungi.

  • Depending on what tree these mushrooms grow on, there are several forms of true tinder fungi;
  • Previously, tinder fungi were used as tinder, and they were also used to make hats and other types of clothing;
  • Real tinder fungi lead to the development of white core rot of wood, as a result the tree becomes brittle and falls apart into plates.

Medicinal properties of true polypores.

Popularly, the true tinder fungus is called the deciduous tinder fungus, the larch sponge and the blood sponge. last name It is no coincidence, because it is used as a hemostatic agent. The pores of the true polypore perfectly absorb blood, creating something like a bandage.

The medicinal properties of real polypores are extensive. These mushrooms have been used for therapeutic purposes since tsarist times. They became so popular in Russia that at some point they began to be imported abroad. Tinder even got honorific name"The king of all medicinal drugs."

These mushrooms were actively used for medicinal purposes in Greece. The Greek connoisseur Dioscorides called this mushroom a panacea and prescribed it for various internal diseases. The doctor believed that real tinder fungi help restore strength and relieve depression and fatigue.

The tinder fungi are real in Ancient Greece were very expensive. King Mithridates found out that if you regularly take an infusion of this mushroom, you can protect yourself from the effects of poison. Throughout his reign the king drank this remedy. And at one point the king became depressed, he wanted to poison himself by taking a large portion of poison, but the toxins not only had no effect, but did not even cause digestive irritation.

Real tinder fungi are capable of removing toxins from the body, this has been recorded by modern scientists. Tests were carried out on mice, and the results were amazing - arsenic compounds and mercury dichloride came out of the animals' bodies. This is facilitated by agaric acid contained in the fruiting bodies.

Also, real polypores are capable of restoring the liver. Mushrooms contain the polysaccharide lanophil, which stimulates the liver to secrete essential proper operation enzymes.

Tinder - really unique mushroom, it is also used to treat the lungs. Infusions made from real polypores help with both common coughs and serious lung diseases, such as lung cancer and pneumonia. The tinder also gives good results for tuberculosis.

In China, drugs based on polypores have a very wide range actions. They are used for excess weight, pulmonary diseases, diarrhea, liver problems and even impotence. In addition, real tinder fungi can help rejuvenate the body; they have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and relieve fatigue. Women claim that after taking drugs based on tinder fungi, the skin becomes tightened, and the nails stop peeling and grow faster.

But you should know that these drugs cannot be used by children, pregnant and lactating women.

Rules for collecting and storing true tinder fungi.

These mushrooms can be collected independently for medicinal purposes throughout the year. But they should only be cut from living trees.

For prevention purposes, tinder fungi are used for about a month twice a year. But in the process of treating certain diseases, the period increases to 4 months.

Infusions of tinder fungus are made using boiling water, warm water or vodka. The infusion must be insisted. And it should be stored in the refrigerator.

Doubles of real tinder fungi.

A similar species is the bordered tinder fungus. This is also an inedible mushroom. Its fruiting bodies are perennial, sessile, round or hoof-shaped. The diameter of the fruiting body can reach up to 30 centimeters, and its height is 10 centimeters. Concentric zones are clearly visible on the cap. The color of the cap is gray-gray, gray-brown or almost black. There is a yellow-orange edge. The pulp is elastic, dense, woody. The color of the pulp is beige or light brown.

These are saprophytic fungi and cause brown rot on trees. They grow everywhere in temperate zone. Ringed polypores settle on dead wood of coniferous and deciduous trees, but can infect living weakened trees. In Siberia, these fungi cause damage; they cause wood to rot in logging sites and warehouses.

Preparations for homeopathy are made from tinder fungus; they are actively used in Chinese folk medicine.