There is a mushroom in Russia, the name of which, according to the official classification, not everyone knows. This is valui. In Rus' it has been salted since time immemorial and now old recipes are being restored with pleasure. To prepare it without harm to health, you need to know the features culinary processing and not make a mistake in choosing.

The mushroom (Russula foetens) belongs to the class Agaricomycetes, genus Russula, family Russula. Local names: goby, weeping mushroom, cowshed, kubar, kulak, svinushka, svinur, snotty, undertopolnik. Refers to conditionally edible.

In small specimens, the shape of the cap is close to a ball with the edges slightly curved inward. With age, it straightens almost flat, with a small central depression. The edges are ribbed. The diameter of the span, depending on age, is from 3 to 15, sometimes 18 cm. The color varies from various shades of yellow to dark ocher. Shiny, slimy to the touch, fleshy. In older specimens it often cracks.

The stem is cylindrical or barrel-shaped with several cavities inside (looseness increases with age), height varies from 6 to 12 cm, diameter from 1.5 to 3.5 cm. The color is lighter than the cap, browning at the base.

The value mushroom has white flesh, which acquires a brownish tint during aging. The cap is of a dense type, the stalk is spongy. The taste is bitter, slightly pungent. The smell of spoiled oil is stronger with older mushrooms. Unpleasant characteristics disappear after soaking and boiling.

The plates are brittle, adherent to the cap, and are located frequently. When the mushroom is “born,” it is white and gradually changes color to creamy brown. Dark spots can be left by protruding milky juice.

Distribution and collection season

Valui mushrooms are widespread throughout the forest expanses of Asia and Europe, and are found on the northern American continent. We have settled in the Caucasus, the central territory of the country, the western half of Siberia and Far East. They prefer forests of mixed type.

They grow alone and in groups, sometimes “populating” the space with entire clearings, including small birch areas among fields and next to arable land. They prefer shaded places with well-moistened soil.

Valui mushrooms are collected from mid-summer to September, in more warm weather taking over October. It is preferable to choose young specimens, with a cap no more than 6 cm. Trim at least 2 cm from the soil to preserve the mycelium.

Differences between similar species

The description of the value mushroom is similar to its counterparts, so it is important to be able to distinguish it from them. The main differences between similar types:

  • Russula ocher - the cap is flat or curved upward, with green tint, the leg is smooth, almost white.
  • Russula almond - a freshly cut mushroom has the smell of almonds with a bitter taste.
  • Morse russula - yellow plates, edges to brown purple colors, aroma similar to almond.
  • The porcini mushroom is tubular, not lamellar.

Especially dangerous is the resemblance of valuuy to the hebeloma mushroom, other names of which are “false valuuy” or “horseradish mushroom”. When consumed, death from suffocation is ensured within half an hour. The main feature of false valu is the smell of horseradish in a freshly cut specimen, which gradually disappears. Also, its leg is covered with very small scales.

It is better not to take overripe bulls, so as not to get poisoned if the bitterness is not soaked enough.

Primary processing and preparation

Before cooking, valueu mushrooms must be soaked, first discarding the stems, which do not lose bitterness during any processing. The bulls are kept in water for at least three days, changing it twice daily. Then boil for half an hour, pour out the broth. After this, the mushrooms are ready for any further actions.

Hot or cold salting and marinating are possible. The readiness period is 1 month. These mushrooms are perfect as an additional ingredient in a salad or vinaigrette, or for frying. Caviar from gobies can be eaten as a separate dish or used for stuffing pies, vegetables and any culinary fantasies.

Since these mushrooms have bitter juice and brittle pulp, they are not suitable for drying.

Nutritional quality

Value as food product the cooked value is small, since more than 90% of its mass is water. And yet it comes here good set protein - 100 g is 2 times more than the same weight of meat or eggs. But it is only half absorbed.

At the same time, fats and carbohydrates benefit the body by 95%. Since there are only 1% of them in the product, the inclusion of the valueu mushroom will not spoil any diet. The amino acid “set” will help digest food without the deposition of dangerous cholesterol.

You will be pleased with the vitamin and mineral composition: group B, ascorbic acid, PP, cobalt, chromium, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium and so on. Although the entire set of “benefits” for the body is important, do not forget that the mushroom is conditionally edible. Therefore, it should be used in moderation.

Health benefit or harm?

Like any mushroom, valui is not called unequivocally beneficial or harmful. Their following positive properties have been proven:

  • act as a strong antioxidant and immune stimulant;
  • help reduce cholesterol and blood sugar;
  • normalize heart rhythm;
  • stabilize blood pressure;
  • have a beneficial effect on the digestion process.

If the bulls are not properly pre-treated, they can be seriously poisoned. If mushrooms were collected in an environmentally polluted place, they will “give up” everything that they absorbed from the air and soil there as food.

Taking into account the peculiarities of valuei, their collection and preparation, you can get an excellent addition to the culinary family table not only for the summer, but also for the season of winter and spring vitamin deficiency. During this period, it will be especially pleasant to crunch on the vitamin-rich salted raisin.

Valui (gobies, weeping mushrooms, kulaks) are mushrooms whose taste is rated as bitter and tart. Their edibility is questioned, but their pickling is gaining popularity, as they often catch the eye of mushroom pickers in the Far East and northern regions.

Before salting valui for the winter, they are peeled and soaked or boiled for a long time. This removes the bitterness contained in the cap. Following the recipe for salting will provide improved taste. Moreover, some consumers prefer salted valui to a greater extent than any champignons, stitches or volushki.

Edible valui or not?

Valui are conditionally edible mushrooms: due to their pungent taste, they require lengthy cooking before eating. This type of edibility includes black milk mushrooms and autumn honey mushrooms, whose taste qualities are assessed as extremely positive. Young valui with a cap diameter of no more than 7 cm are suitable for consumption.

It is important to evaluate the place of growth - valui tend to become saturated toxic substances soil, so collection must be done in environmentally friendly areas.

IN Western countries value belongs to inedible mushrooms. In Russia, they are salted, pickled, prepared as caviar, and added to salads. Valui goes well with a potato or vegetable side dish.

Residents Western Siberia Salted valui served to guests is a sign of respect.

Calorie content

Valui - low-calorie, calorie content is 28 kcal per 100 grams. Valui is rich in protein, B vitamins, useful minerals calcium, iron, manganese, potassium, sodium.

The classic method of salting for the winter

The classic recipe should be strictly followed to avoid poisoning and unwanted taste. Valui are conditionally edible mushrooms, so the issue of culinary processing must be approached responsibly.

Main stages of salting:

  1. Valuis are washed with running water. The skin is peeled off the caps.
  2. Then placed in an enamel or glassware, filled with clean cold water. The soaking process lasts from 3 to 5 days with a complete change of water once a day.
  3. The further recipe depends on the chosen salting method - cold or hot.

Hot way


  • Fresh valui – 2 kg;
  • Salt – 120 g;


  1. After soaking, boil in salted water for 25 minutes. Skim foam from the surface of the water during cooking.
  2. Place in a colander, let the water drain, and rinse with running water.
  3. Cut into pieces no larger than 3 cm.
  4. Pour black allspice peas, bay leaves into a sterilized container and lay out the valui in layers, sprinkling each layer with salt.
  5. Close the container hermetically, let it cool, then put it in a dark, cool place. Eating is possible no earlier than after 15 days.

Video recipe

Cold way

For the cold method, it is preferable to use a wooden barrel.


  • Raw valui – 5 kg;
  • Coarse salt – 200 g;
  • Bay leaf, allspice black peppercorns - to taste.


  1. After soaking, rinse the mushrooms with running water.
  2. Place the valui on the bottom of the barrel, sprinkling each layer with salt, add pepper and bay leaf. Sprinkle the last layer with salt. Place 5 cm short of the edge of the barrel.
  3. Place a base for pressing on the top layer - a ceramic plate, a lid. Place the load on top.
  4. If after 2 days the base for oppression is not covered with mushroom juice, it is necessary to increase the weight of the load.
  5. Eating is possible after 1.5-2 months.

Serve garnished with herbs, onions, seasoned with vegetable or olive oil.

How to pickle valui in jars correctly

Pickled valui is a real delicacy, but if the cooking technology is not followed acetic acid coupled with the properties of mushrooms can cause damage to health.


for a 1 liter jar:

  • Fresh valui – 2 kg;
  • Salt – 50 g;
  • Sugar – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Black peppercorns – 5 pcs.;
  • Allspice peas – 2 pcs.;
  • Cloves – 3 pcs.;
  • Mustard seed – 0.5 tsp;
  • Bay leaf – 3 pcs.


  1. Soak mushrooms in salted water in an enamel bowl for 4 days, replacing the water every day.
  2. Boil in salted water for 20 minutes, skimming off the foam.
  3. Prepare the marinade: add 1.5 tbsp to 1 liter of water. l. sugar, 1 tbsp. l. salt.
  4. Add valui to the boiling marinade and cook for 20 minutes.
  5. Place in sterile jars, add spices, seal the jars with a lid, turn them upside down, and cover with a blanket for 1 day.

Store in a dark, cool place.

  1. At large quantities valuev they are divided into several portions and each portion is boiled in clean salted water. Otherwise, when cooked in the same solution, they darken and the bitterness remains.
  2. Optimal serving of salted mushrooms - mixed with thinly sliced ​​rings onions, vegetable oil and parsley.
  3. Under no circumstances should you use galvanized dishes with glaze when salting to avoid chemical reaction.
  4. When placing pickled mushrooms in pickling jars, fill the container up to the neck, and place currant or horseradish leaves in the remaining space up to the lid. This creates oppression inside the can.

The taste of valuev is rightfully compared to the taste of milk mushrooms. With a competent approach to salting at home, valui will become a delicacy for the holiday table.

Many people cannot imagine autumn without mushrooms. Mushroom hunting– this is a great way to spend time, a real relaxation for the soul and good way make your diet more varied, stock up for the winter and enjoy delicious dishes. Thus, there are edible mushrooms that are not familiar to every person, even an experienced mushroom picker. These include the Valuy mushroom, a photo and description of which we will now provide for you, dear reader, and you will also learn how to cook them.

In fact, the Valuy mushroom can hardly be called completely edible; it rather belongs to the class conditionally edible mushrooms, in other words, before consuming such a product as food, it must be prepared in a special way.

In the photo there is a Valuy mushroom

Description of the mushroom Valuy

Small mushrooms have a round cap - it is shaped like a ball and has slightly curved edges towards the inside. As the mushroom grows, the cap straightens out somewhat and becomes almost flat; a small central depression is formed in it. The edges of the cap appear ribbed. The diameter depends directly on age. Most often there are specimens with a cap of three to fifteen centimeters in diameter, but sometimes it can reach eighteen centimeters. Coloring may vary, ranging from various types yellow and ending in dark ocher. The cap looks shiny and feels slimy and fleshy to the touch. Large specimens often crack.

The leg of the valuuy looks cylindrical or barrel-shaped, it has several cavities inside. Moreover, what older mushroom, the looser the leg. It can reach six to twelve centimeters in height, and its diameter can range from one and a half to three and a half centimeters. The color of the leg is slightly lighter than that of the cap, but its base looks brownish.

The valuea mushroom is characterized by white flesh, but as it ages it becomes somewhat brownish. The cap contains denser pulp, while the stem contains spongy pulp. It tastes bitter, slightly pungent. Old mushrooms tend to smell like spoiled oil. But when soaked and boiled, all unpleasant characteristics disappear.

The plates of the value look brittle, adherent to the cap and often located. When the mushroom first appears, they look white, but over time they gradually change color to creamy brown. When milky sap dries, it can leave dark spots.

It is very important to distinguish Valuy from the very dangerous false Valuy or horseradish mushroom. Such mushrooms look similar at first glance, but readers of Popular Health can tell them apart by looking closely and sniffing. So, on the leg of the false valua there are many tiny scales, and when you cut it, you can feel the smell of horseradish, which will gradually disappear. Experienced mushroom pickers It is strongly recommended not to collect overripe valui; the likelihood of poisoning by them is quite high. This concludes the story about what the Valuy mushroom looks like and its description.

How to cook Valuy mushroom?

Such mushrooms, as we have already found out, must be subjected to preliminary preparation - soaking. First of all, the collected valui should be cleaned and washed.

Only their caps are suitable for culinary processing; the legs will have to be thrown away in any case - the bitterness will not go away from them even if soaked for a long time. Valui needs to be filled clean water and leave for three days. Every day the water needs to be changed to fresh twice. After soaking, the valui must be boiled for half an hour. The water remaining after boiling should be immediately poured out and the mushrooms should be placed in a colander. Then you can cook from valueu.

How to prepare caviar from valuev?

This dish is very easy to prepare. After soaking, boil the mushrooms in salted water for thirty minutes. Afterwards, the mushrooms, as we wrote just above, are thrown into a colander. Wait until all the liquid has drained from them and pass them through a meat grinder.

Chop the onion as finely as possible. Heat a frying pan with a small amount of refined vegetable oil, add minced mushrooms into it and simmer for ten to fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally. Add to mushroom caviar finely chopped (or passed through a garlic press) garlic, chopped herbs ( green onions with parsley), a little table vinegar and salt, depending on your taste preferences. The resulting dish can be used as a filling for pancakes and pies; it is also recommended to simply spread it on bread and use it for stuffing vegetables (potatoes or tomatoes).

Marinated mushroom valui

To prepare a preparation for the winter from valuev, you need to properly prepare the mushrooms: soak for three days, then boil in salted water for twenty minutes. Next, place the valui in a colander to drain the water. We will assume that we have one kilogram of mushrooms.

Place a saucepan with two liters of water on the fire, add four hundred grams of salt, ten bay leaves, twenty black peppercorns. Bring this brine to a boil, dip the mushrooms in it and boil for twenty minutes after boiling. After cooling, add thirty milliliters of vinegar essence to the mushrooms, mix and place in sterile jars. Keep refrigerated.

Although Valuy takes quite a long time to cook, it’s not a waste of time, because the mushrooms are very tasty. And when properly prepared, such mushrooms can also benefit the body. But we’ll talk about the benefits of Valuya some other time.

Family: Russulaceae.

Synonyms: goby, snotty, fist, kulbik.

Photo and description of the value mushroom

Valuy (lat. Rússula foétens) is a species of mushroom from the genus Russula of the Russula family. Local names: goby, weeping mushroom, svinur, uryupka, kulbik, kubar, kulak, podtopolnik, cowshed.

Valuy is a fairly well-known mushroom that can be found in birch and forests mixed with birch. The cap of a young mushroom looks like a ball, and then straightens out and becomes flat, with a dent in the middle. The cap reaches a diameter of 4-15 cm, slippery with mucus, reddish-brown or dirty yellow. The edges of the cap are ribbed, darker in color than the middle. The leg is thick, 3-5 cm long, at first in the shape of a cylinder, empty inside, with age a thickening may form on it, and several empty chambers remain inside. The stem of a young mushroom is white, becoming straw-yellow with age.

The lower part of the cap consists of plates that are white, then turn yellow, with brownish spots. The plates often release droplets of water. The flesh of the mushroom is white, breaks very easily, and turns gray when broken. The flesh of the cap is dense and rough, while the flesh of the stem is loose and spongy.

The mushroom does not have the pleasant smell characteristic of edible mushrooms; on the contrary, it smells very unpleasant and has a pungent taste.

Valuy is a “relative” of russula. It grows in the second half of summer, from July to September. Valuy is distributed almost throughout Russia. It can be found in the European part, the Caucasus, western Siberia, Chukotka, and the Far East. Despite bad smell and taste, valui is edible. It is salted and pickled, having previously been treated in a special way, that is, soaked and boiled.

Similar species

A characteristic russula, not like the others. Can be confused with almond russula, which can be distinguished by the characteristic smell of bitter almonds, as well as with Morse russula, distinguished by yellow plates with darker edges.

Pharmacological and medical properties

Traditional and folk medicine

In Chinese traditional medicine it is used to relax muscles. I use tinctures and compresses externally to treat pain and relieve numbness in the limbs, with lumbago.

Rules for collection and procurement for medicinal purposes

It is not collected in Russia for medicinal purposes.

Based on the book by M. Vishnevsky “ Medicinal mushrooms. Great Encyclopedia"

How to cook mushroom valui

Used for frying after soaking and boiling, salting (after soaking) and pickling.

According to some foreign publications, the mushroom is inedible due to its smell and bitterness. However, in our country it is considered edible and very tasty, but requires preliminary cooking. Only young specimens with a diameter of up to 4-5 cm, which, as a rule, do not yet have an unpleasant odor, are selected for food, cutting them off almost under the cap. The bitterness of the mushroom pulp is completely removed by removing the skin of the cap and soaking for several days (you can then boil it for an additional 10-15 minutes). Valui is especially tasty when marinated and salted.

But you should remember that:

  • This type of mushroom contains substances that have an irritating effect. They provide the valua with a bitter taste. To get rid of these substances, mushrooms should be soaked in water for a long time, changing the water.
  • Also, Valuya, like any other mushroom, contains chitin. This substance is poorly digested and absorbed in the body. This determines the restriction of mushroom consumption for children and people with gastrointestinal tract diseases.
  • It is impossible to collect valui near roads and in places where industrial facilities are located, since the mushrooms absorb harmful substances from soil and air.
  • Consumption of such mushrooms fresh can lead to significant irritation and damage to the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, nausea and vomiting.

How to pickle mushroom valui

Fresh young specimens are soaked for 3-4 days in fresh water, boiled for 10 minutes and salted at the rate of 300 g of salt per bucket (10 liters) of mushrooms. For pickling you will need 5-6 dill umbrellas with stems, 3-4 horseradish leaves, 20-25 currant and cherry leaves. When salting, the mass volume of valuev mushrooms decreases by about 10-15%, and the yield will be slightly less. The mushrooms are placed in jars 40 days after pickling and stored for a year in a cool (5-8°C) place.

Cold pickling of valuev mushrooms

For this you will need:

5 kg of main product;

7 dill umbrellas;

5 bay leaves;

Valuy is a mushroom that grows in almost all regions of our country. Despite the fact that he belongs to the less valuable mushrooms(compared to saffron milk caps and porcini mushrooms), the plant has a pleasant taste and always pleases mushroom pickers when it gets into their basket. to his appearance Valui strongly resembles a porcini mushroom. However, it is quite easy to distinguish them from each other - you just need to pick up the mushroom in your hands, and then everything becomes clear.

Most often, the value mushroom can be found in mixed and deciduous forests. It is an absolutely useless exercise to look for it among the pine needles. This mushroom is quite easy to collect, since it does not grow alone in a large clearing, but several at a time. The mushroom has a plastic structure, a white-yellow stalk, the pulp of which has a sharp and not very pleasant odor, and also has a bitter juice. It is very easy to distinguish a young valui mushroom from an old one. The former is endowed with a semicircular, beautiful cap, while the latter has an almost flat cap. Old mushrooms develop a large cavity inside the stem. Valuy can be found against a green background of leaves due to its yellow-brown cap, which sometimes has a bright yellow coloring.

You should look for the valui mushroom in July and also in August. It is least abundant in September, when the mushroom begins to feel the autumn coolness. Mushroom pickers do not specifically hunt for these mushrooms, but most often put them in their basket if they cannot find anything else.

This mushroom is quite tasty. The only rule is that you can only eat hats. It is best to serve them pickled or salted.

When collecting mushrooms, you should be careful not to take an old mushroom, since, unlike young ones, it is often almost completely wormy and unsuitable for consumption. Preparation of valuuy involves its obligatory preliminary soaking and boiling. After the activities have been completed, this mushroom can be eaten, because it acquires a good aroma and pleasant taste. It is strictly forbidden to dry such mushrooms, which also distinguishes valui from porcini mushrooms, which, after drying, acquire a delightful aroma, thereby decorating any hot or cold dish.

On the territory of Russia, the value mushroom is represented most of all in Western Siberia, the European part, as well as in the Far East. A damp place in the forest is the favorite place of this mushroom. In addition, here you will always find not one, but several values ​​at once.

Valui marinated

To prepare valuuy, you need to cut off the mushroom caps and soak them in running water for three days. After this, they should be boiled in lightly salted water for 20 minutes. Drain the water. Place the mushrooms in a saucepan and add brine. Cook again (no more than 20-25 minutes). The finished dish is cooled and transferred to jars.

For 1 kg of mushrooms you will need:

  • Water – 2 l.
  • 80% vinegar essence – 30 g.
  • 400 g salt (non-iodized) – 400 g.
  • Bay leaves – 10 pcs.
  • Allspice – 20 peas.

Salted Valui

Preparing valui begins with taking young mushrooms, cutting off their caps and soaking them in running water for at least 3 days.

After the allotted time, cook the mushrooms for 10 minutes. The water is drained, and the mushrooms are transferred into a small saucepan in the form of layers, not forgetting to salt them a little. Additionally, horseradish, cherry leaves and dill should be used. Gauze is placed on the top row of mushrooms, which must be pressed down with a wooden circle. Salted valui will be ready only 40 days from the start of preparation. After this, the caps are placed in clean jars and stored in the refrigerator.

For 7 kg of fresh young mushrooms you need:

  • Dill umbrellas – 5 pcs.
  • Salt (non-iodized) – 300 g.
  • Large cherry leaves – 20 pcs.
  • Not very small horseradish leaves – 3 pcs.

Cutlets with salted vegetables

Boil a small piece of beef until fully cooked. Add whole, peeled potatoes to it. When the potatoes are completely ready, they are passed through a meat grinder along with the meat. Finely chopped salted valui is mixed into the resulting mass. Mix everything very well and add vegetable oil. The minced meat is ready. You can make cutlets, which are breaded in breadcrumbs and fried in vegetable oil to achieve a golden brown crust. Serve the finished cutlets hot. Decorate with sour cream and green leaves.

For cutlets you will need:

  • Beef – 200 g.
  • Salty value caps – 6 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil – 100 g.
  • Large potatoes – 4-5 pcs.
  • Crushed breadcrumbs.

Fish with valuev sauce

Take river fish, separate it from the bones, and fillet it. Carefully fold into shape. Place pieces of salted valui and sautéed onions on top. To give the dish a more pleasant taste, add a little mushroom brine to the pan. After this, the form is placed in a preheated oven and covered with a lid. Cooking time – 20-25 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, pour lemon juice over the dish and sprinkle with dill and parsley. If desired, you can season the fish with pepper.

To prepare the dish you need:

  • River fish fillet – 1 pc.
  • Salted value caps – 300 g.
  • Lemon juice – 0.5 large and 1 whole.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Mushroom Valuy - preparation, recipes, beneficial features

Valuy is a mushroom that looks like a porcini mushroom, most often found in mixed and deciduous forests.

Mushroom valui: description, photo, how to cook

Valui mushroom (Russula foetens)

  • Valuy (Russula foetens);
  • Family: Russulaceae
  • Other names: goby, cam, kulbik, foul-smelling russula, snot, weeping mushroom, pig;
  • Edible: taste qualities are average (belongs to taste group 3).

Valuy is classified as a member of the Syroezhkov order and is not considered a toadstool, this is quite edible mushroom. However, amateurs quiet hunt they don't always put it in the basket. There are other names for value: goby, cam, kulbik, fetid russula, snotty mushroom, crying mushroom. All these names are associated with him external features and characteristics.

hat The mushroom has a height of up to 5 cm, a diameter of up to 14 cm. Its color is often light brown, the surface is slippery, and there is a small depression in the center. The cap is shaped like a hemisphere and becomes flatter or slightly concave with age.

Height legs varies from 5 to 15 cm, diameter up to 3.5 cm. It is tightly wrapped around the edges of the cap, has a cylindrical shape and a dense consistency. Its color is lighter than that of the upper part of the fruiting body. In older mushrooms, the stem is loose and has a darker color. If you pluck it out with the tip of a knife, the cap will become hollow, and you can see the plates inside it. They are long and frequent.

Records They have a creamy or off-white hue and secrete a yellowish liquid that, when dried, leaves dark spots. This is a completely natural feature of a bull. The flesh is white when cut, but darkens over time. It does not have a pleasant smell and has a pungent taste. Its structure is brittle and fragile.

The color of the cap is from yellow to brown with various shades.

When and where to collect

Valuy collect from mid-summer to early October. The goby is actively bearing fruit in August . He is often meets in the north of the Caucasus, the Far East, and west of Siberia. Mushrooms usually grow in dense forests with high humidity, under pine, birch, and oak trees.

The goby is a favorite delicacy of insects and slugs. This is indicated by characteristic marks on the cap. Mushroom pickers have to pick out the stem to check for worminess. Often the cap of young mushrooms is not infected, and then it can be put in a basket.

Doubles of Valueu

The mushroom has no poisonous counterparts. There is a false value that has a sharp and unpleasant smell, reminiscent of horseradish. It grows from late summer to early September. People called it the “horseradish mushroom.”

It is very similar to its edible counterpart, but has a number of characteristic differences:

  1. There is a small bump in the center of the cap.
  2. The leg thickens at the base and is covered with small scales.
  3. The cap and leg have a brown or dark yellow tint.

The false valuuy lacks the ring characteristic of poisonous species. However Eating this mushroom leads to serious poisoning.

Beginning mushroom pickers may confuse valui with some specimens of almond russula and Morse russula. The first mushroom has a characteristic odor of almonds, and the second has plates yellow color, which have a noticeable purple tint around the edges. In order not to confuse the valui with a porcini mushroom, just look under the cap; the goby has plates there, and the boletus has tubes.

It is better not to take overripe mushrooms and not to cut off dubious specimens, so as not to put that same worthless mushroom in the basket.

How to cook

Valuy is a conditionally edible mushroom that can be included in your diet. after careful processing . In the West, it is classified as an inedible species.

Before cooking it is necessary to clean the product from debris and leaves, remove the bitter skin and soak the mushrooms for 2-3 days in cold water. The fluid must be changed twice a day. The soaking period will help remove bitterness and unpleasant odors.

Instead of this procedure, you can boil the valui. This is the most quick way preparing mushrooms for pickling. The washed bulls are placed in a pan and filled with water. The cooking process takes at least 40 minutes. The valui can then be used for cooking.

  1. Mushrooms cannot be consumed raw; their milky juice is dangerous for the human body.
  2. They are not suitable for drying due to their bitter taste. It is recommended to use only the caps for food.
  3. It is not recommended to freeze fresh mushrooms. If you put them in the freezer, do so after boiling them first.
  4. Large specimens are just as good as small ones.
  5. It is better to eat young mushrooms whose flesh has not yet hardened.

In Europe, valui is not very popular, but in our country it is marinated, fried, and stewed. Salted bulls are especially popular. They are prepared using hot and cold methods. When pickling, a marinade with spices is used, and after 2 months the mushrooms are ready. Ukrainians and Belarusians make traditional mushroom caviar from it. Many consider valui to be a real delicacy and prefer to eat it pickled.

Marinated bulls

It is necessary to prepare 1 kg of valuev by cutting off the mushroom caps and soaking them for several days. Then the product is boiled in salted water for 15-20 minutes. The water from the gobies is drained, and the mushrooms are transferred to a saucepan and filled with brine. They are kept on the fire again for 20 minutes, and then cooled and placed in jars.

For the marinade you will need the following ingredients:

If desired, you can add cloves or other spices.

Caviar from Valuev

To prepare valuev caviar, you need to boil the mushrooms for 20 minutes in salted water. This is done after preliminary soaking. Then the product is cooled and passed through a meat grinder. To the resulting composition add chopped onions, which need to be fried in a frying pan, salt and spices. At the end, the mushrooms are stewed for 15 minutes, and the caviar is ready.

Sauces, pates and soups are prepared from valueu, it is added to salads, meat dishes and baked goods. Despite the fact that goby is a less valuable mushroom, compared to milk mushrooms or saffron milk caps, it has a pleasant taste and is loved by many chefs and housewives. In addition, its low calorie content (29 kcal per 100 g) and nutrients allow you to quickly saturate the body and use valui during a diet.

Valuy, before frying, must be soaked in water.

Medical use and benefits

The pharmacological properties of goby have not been fully studied. However, in ancient Chinese medicine it was used to relax muscles. And today compresses and tinctures are made from it, which are used for pain, lumbago and numbness in the limbs. In Russia, valui is not collected for medicinal purposes. It is not used for the preparation of cosmetics.

It has a beneficial effect on the following indicators:

Experts have been studying the anticancer properties of mushrooms, including gobies, for several years now. They contain ergothioneine, which can prevent the development of tumors.

Beta-glucans contained in valuy strengthen the immune system. Chitin, which is part of these mushrooms, helps remove toxins and heavy metals from the body. However, this substance is only useful in limited quantities. It cannot be destroyed by soaking or cooking.

Harm and contraindications

It must be remembered that consuming fresh valuev can lead to poisoning, which appears as:

It is forbidden collect value mushrooms near roads or industrial facilities. Not recommended include these mushrooms in the diet of children, pregnant women and people suffering from illnesses gastrointestinal tract, liver or kidneys.

The process of preparing a dish from valuev is quite labor-intensive, but it allows you to get festive table wonderful salted mushrooms. The main thing is to know the features of processing the product so as not to harm your health.

Mushroom valui: description, photo, how to cook

The valui mushroom belongs to the order Russula and is not considered a toadstool; it is a completely edible mushroom. However, lovers of quiet hunting do not always put it in the basket.

Valuy is a representative of the Russula family and belongs to the conditionally edible species mushrooms This mushroom is popularly also called pig, kubar, goby, kulbik, cowshed, svinur, weeping mushroom, undertopolnik and cam.

Appearance and description

Value's caps are up to 15 centimeters in diameter. They are convex (less often prostrate), brown in color, with grooved or cracked edges. They can be dry or slightly sticky, often damaged by slugs and insects. Young mushrooms have slimy and spherical caps. The plates are yellowish, narrow and sparse. They are often covered with drops of clear liquid, which leaves brownish stains after drying.

The legs are 3-8 centimeters high and up to 3 centimeters thick, cylindrical in shape, often tapering towards the bottom, white or yellow in color with a brownish tint at the base. Young valuevs have solid legs, while old ones have a cellular structure inside.

The flesh of young valuev is white and hard, turning yellow over time. Mature mushrooms are distinguished by brittle flesh, which has a bitter taste and herring odor. A rusty-colored cavity is formed in the legs of mature valuevs.

Where does it grow

Mycorrhiza valuuya is formed with both deciduous and coniferous trees, but most often - with birch trees. This mushroom is usually found in deciduous and mixed forests, in coniferous trees it grows less often. You can find valui at the edge of the forest, along the edges of the forest, in grasses and in damp, shaded places. The fungus is widespread in the area North America and Eurasia. In Russia, it can be found in the European part of the state, as well as in the Far East, Western Siberia and the Caucasus.

Collection method

The beginning of fruiting is celebrated in July. These mushrooms ripen until October. Suitable for collection are young valui, which have an unopened cap with a diameter of up to 6 centimeters. After peeling the mushrooms, they are first soaked for 2-3 days and then boiled for 20-25 minutes. After this, most often such mushrooms are salted or pickled.

How to choose and where to buy

When buying valui, choose young mushrooms (the diameter of their caps should be less than 6 cm) with a uniform color and an intact surface. Having bought these mushrooms fresh, they should be stored in the refrigerator, where you can keep the mushrooms wrapped in paper for several days.

Valuy: beneficial properties and harm, use and description of mushrooms, how to cook

Valuy is a conditionally edible mushroom that is most often pickled. How to prepare valui, what beneficial properties and contraindications do they have, and how to find them in the forest according to the description?

Methods for preparing valuev mushrooms for the winter

The value mushroom is quite common in our area, but the 4th category of edibility makes it slightly popular. So, you can’t eat this mushroom just like russula, so you’ll have to tinker a little with pre-processing. To know how to cook valui, you first need to carry out the preparatory stage correctly.

Every mushroom picker who wants to get tasty and healthy dish from Valuev, I must remember that you only need to use the caps of the fruiting body, since the stems will taste bitter even with prolonged soaking and boiling. In addition, you should not collect old and overripe specimens; they contain toxins that can lead to poisoning.

Valui are perfect for salting and pickling for the winter. They are also used to prepare delicious mushroom caviar. Below you can look and choose the recipe you like, showing how to cook valui mushroom for the winter at home.

Cooking valuev mushrooms using pickling

Cooking valuev mushrooms using pickling takes place in 2 ways - cold and hot (the latter is more popular). However, regardless of your choice, the caps of the fruiting bodies must be soaked in salted water for 3-4 days, constantly changing the liquid.

In this case, we will consider a hot version of pickling, which involves pre-boiling the mushrooms.

  • 5 kg of main product;
  • 200 g table salt.

Recipe for Valuev mushrooms in a simple way salting takes place in stages:

Clean the mushrooms from dirt and sand, cut off the stems and immerse them in cold salted water. Soaking should last about 3 days, during which time it is necessary to replace the liquid with cooler liquid at least 6 times. However, if soaking takes place in a cold room, the number of water changes can be halved.

Then you should boil the mushrooms for at least 15 minutes, constantly removing the foam.

Remove from the stove, drain the broth, and set the fruiting bodies aside for a while to drain.

Place a layer of salt on the bottom of the prepared pickling container. The amount of salt for each layer is taken at the rate of 40 g of preservative per 1 kg of mass of the main product.

Then spread a layer of mushrooms about 5 cm thick, compacting it well.

Repeat the procedure of alternating layers of mushrooms and salt until all ingredients are gone.

Cover the mass with clean gauze and press down on top with a weight.

When the salt crystals dissolve, the mushrooms will begin to secrete juice, along with which the last bitterness of the value will come out.

At this time, you can add a fresh portion of mushrooms and salt to the container.

After 15-20 days, the appetizer is ready for the first tasting.

Cold salting of valuev

Recipe for preparing valuev by cold salting - great option for preparing snacks for the holiday table.

  • 5 kg of main product;
  • 200 g salt;
  • 7 dill umbrellas;
  • 5 bay leaves;
  • Currant leaves.

A step-by-step description and photo of preparing valuev using cold salting will help you correctly distribute the stages at home.

  1. Usually, pickling of Valuev mushrooms for the winter is done in jars. Therefore, you need to place leaves at the bottom of glass containers. black currant, dill umbrellas and a layer of salt.
  2. Transfer the valui, soaked for 3 days, from the water to a sieve to drain well.
  3. Distribute the mushrooms in layers into jars, sprinkling with salt and dill.
  4. Distribute currant leaves on top, press down well and cover with gauze folded several times.
  5. After about 6 days, brine begins to appear in the jars. If it is not enough and does not cover the mushrooms completely, you need to increase the load. You can also add some cold boiled water.
  6. Storage salted mushrooms takes place in a cool, dark room.

After 40-50 days, valui is ready for consumption. They can be seasoned with sour cream, as well as vegetable oil with finely chopped green onions.

How to salt valui in a hot way

Preparing valuev for the winter at home is not a tricky matter, but it is responsible. Such delicious snack will always enjoy well-deserved “respect” at the everyday and festive table.

  • 3 kg valuev;
  • 6 tbsp. water;
  • 3.5 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. grated horseradish root;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 7-10 black peppercorns;
  • Black currant leaves.

A detailed description of the recipe will show how to salt valui in a hot way.

  1. We clean the waluis, cut off the stems and fill them with cold water for 3 days, changing the water 4-6 times.
  2. Fill with water and boil for 25-30 minutes, remove to a colander and let drain.
  3. Place in a saucepan, add all the spices, salt, add water from the recipe and let it boil.
  4. Boil for 15 minutes, let cool completely, and place in glass jars, the bottom of which we cover in advance. clean leaves currants
  5. Fill with brine to the top of the jars and close nylon covers.
  6. Let it cool and put it in a cold room for long-term storage.

Marinating Valuev mushrooms

One more in a known way cooking valuev is marinating. With this process, the mushrooms become ready in almost 2-3 days. This is very beneficial, especially if unscheduled dinner gatherings are planned.

  • 1.5 kg valuev (weight indicated already boiled);
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 7-9 tbsp. l. vinegar 9%;
  • 5 bay leaves;
  • 20-25 black peppercorns.

How should you cook valui mushroom using marinating? It turns out that doing this is not at all difficult if you follow everything necessary rules, among which:

  1. Soaking the fruiting bodies in salted water for 3 days, with periodic replacement of the liquid (at least 3 times a day).
  2. Boil in boiling water for 25 minutes, remove foam from the surface.
  3. Preparation of the marinade - combining all the spices and vinegar in water, and boiling for 10 minutes over low heat.
  4. Distributing boiled mushrooms into sterilized jars and filling them with strained hot marinade.
  5. Rolling, complete cooling and sending the workpiece to the basement or cellar.

Marinated valui with garlic

The following recipe for preparing Valuev mushrooms for the winter will appeal to all lovers of savory and spicy snacks.

  • 2 kg valuev;
  • 800 ml water;
  • 5 peas each of black and allspice;
  • 7-10 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 tbsp. l. vinegar 9%;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 buds of cloves.

How to prepare valueu mushrooms for the winter using pickling?

  1. After a long soaking (3 days), the valui is boiled for 30 minutes.
  2. Remove and place on a sieve to drain all the liquid.
  3. Add boiled valui to the water specified in the recipe and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Add all the spices and herbs, except vinegar, mix and boil the mushrooms for 15 minutes.
  5. Pour in vinegar, cook for another 10 minutes and pour into sterilized jars.
  6. They roll up the lids, turn the jars upside down and insulate them with an old blanket.
  7. Take it to a cool place and store it for about 10 months. at a temperature not higher than +10°C.

Mushroom caviar from Valuev

Mushroom caviar is an equally popular way of preparing valuev mushrooms. It is very convenient to use as a filling for dough products.

  • 2 kg of peeled and boiled valui;
  • 3 large carrots and onions;
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 15 black peppercorns;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • Salt - to taste.

The recipe for preparing valuev for the winter can be seen in the step-by-step description.

  1. Pass the boiled mushrooms through a meat grinder and place in a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  2. Chop carrots and onions using any in a convenient way, fry until cooked for 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.
  3. Vegetables are also minced and added to the mushrooms.
  4. Add salt, add bay leaf and pepper, stir, simmer for 1.5 hours, stirring constantly.
  5. 10 minutes before the end of the process, add vinegar and stir.
  6. Divide the mixture into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.
  7. Store in a basement or cellar after it has cooled completely.

How to cook valui: photos and recipes for preparing mushrooms for the winter by salting and pickling

How to prepare valui for the winter at home: best recipes preparations with photos

Valui mushrooms are well known to experienced connoisseurs and lovers of quiet hunting. They will never be left aside, knowing how good and tasty these mushrooms are. Valuy is called a relative of Russula. It is one of the conditionally edible mushrooms, as it requires mandatory heat treatment before consumption. In its raw form, valui has a strong bitterness and is not suitable for food. By the way, it is precisely because of this quality that in many countries they are not cooked, not eaten, and even considered poisonous. But our mushroom pickers know perfectly well how to prepare this delicious mushroom, so that for a long time enjoy its excellent taste.

In mid-summer, rather large mushrooms with bright yellow or yellowish-brown caps appear in the Caucasus mountains. In young mushrooms they resemble half a globe, and in mature ones they become even and flat. The diameter of some of them reaches 15 cm. Among the bright greenery mixed forests mushrooms standing on a dense white stalk are clearly visible. Valuis are growing large families and therefore immediately catches the eye.

This lamellar type, characterized by a very unpleasant odor that repels many mushroom pickers. The cap of a young valuu is almost round, gradually turns into a hemisphere, then becomes flat with a depressed center and a slightly wavy edge, which is first tightly pressed to the stem, and then separates from it and rises. The peculiarity of the leg is that, although swollen in appearance, it is empty inside. White, with a dense outer layer, it is not suitable for cooking. They only prepare top part value.

In addition to tasty and healthy edible mushrooms, connoisseurs and amateurs are well aware of the so-called “horseradish mushroom”. This is a false value related to poisonous agaric mushrooms, having pulp with a strong horseradish smell, for which it received its second name. This species represents great danger. While edible trees can be infested with worms, false ones are never of interest to pests.

The pulp of edible valui is elastic, white, dense, and in false specimens it has a pronounced creamy tint. The stem is white and a milky liquid never appears on the cut. The danger lies in the poisons contained in the mushroom. The first group has a nerve-paralytic effect, but the second is poorly studied by biologists and toxicologists. Accordingly, modern science and medicine do not know antidotes that can save a person in case of poisoning.

Features of collection

They collect young mushrooms whose caps have not yet opened. This process continues until mid-September, and sometimes collection is possible until mid-autumn. It is useless to look for them in the thicket of a coniferous forest; they do not grow in the dark and high humidity. It smells damp, but the repulsive smell disappears in dry and hot weather.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that from August to mid-October, great amount false values. They attract attention because they grow in huge colonies, and their bright caps stand out in the grass and among fallen leaves. When collecting mushrooms, you need to remember that the poisonous and extremely dangerous horseradish mushroom is never wormy! Another one distinguishing feature– the presence of small scales on the surface of the stem and the quickly disappearing smell of rotting radish. It is sharp immediately after the false mushroom is cut, but disappears immediately.

Having decided to prepare valui or make preparations for the winter, they collect only young mushrooms, the caps of which have not yet opened, and the flesh is dense and juicy. More mature ones have an empty leg inside, rough plates under the cap, which can crumble in the hands, turning into dust.


The peculiarity of these mushrooms is that before preparing valui, it is necessary to get rid of strong bitterness. To do this, they are soaked for three days, regularly changing the water every 10 hours. Mushroom stems do not lose bitterness, so they are never cooked, but simply cut off and thrown away, leaving only the upper part, that is, the cap, for careful processing.

But this is not enough. You need to know how to properly peel mushrooms before cooking. Many cooks claim that it is quite enough to thoroughly wash the walui, or gobies, under running water before soaking. However, those who are constantly processing and harvesting gobies are sure that, like any other mushrooms, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the valui before soaking and wash it again using a brush or nylon sponge after it.

You can cook bulls in different ways, but you need to start with boiling. To do this, use ordinary salted water, into which the whole onion is dipped. According to culinary specialists, the process of cooking bulls should last at least 40 minutes, but some experts advise that after this time, drain the resulting broth, pour cold water over the mushrooms again and cook for about 20 minutes. One of positive qualities What distinguishes valui is the constant density of the cap even after long-term heat treatment.

To get tasty and healthy dishes, you can cook mushrooms different ways, however, they are especially popular. However, amateurs know many processing options that allow them not only to eat mushrooms immediately after cooking, but also to make a variety of preparations for long-term storage. Preparing valuev takes quite a lot of time, but the result is very tasty dishes that will take their rightful place on your table.

Winter caviar from forest mushrooms

Among the many popular and universal dishes, value caviar for the winter occupies a special place. As usual, the mushrooms need to be soaked for several days and the water changed several times a day. Mushroom caviar is prepared from gobies boiled in large quantities of salt water. Boil them for at least half an hour, and then, after draining the water, pass the caps through a meat grinder or grind them using a blender.

The resulting mass is mixed with thoroughly fried onions, the amount of which corresponds to personal taste preferences, and salt and pepper are also added to taste. For storage, you need to fry the mixture, put it in hot and dry jars (you can sterilize it in the microwave), cover with lids and leave in a pan of boiling water or in the oven at 200 degrees for 20-30 minutes. Then seal, wrap and leave to cool. There is another cooking recipe, according to which salt, pepper and seasoning are added to the finished mixture of chopped mushrooms and fried onions. lemon juice. The resulting mass is laid out in hot sterilized jars and, covered with nylon lids, stored in the refrigerator.

Valuev soup

Dishes prepared from bulls are suitable not only for long-term storage. Those that are served immediately after cooking are also delicious. For example, many people know and love value soup. To cook it, you will need to prepare:

  • 500 g bulls;
  • 1 liter of meat (beef) broth;
  • 300 g onions;
  • 10 g carrots;
  • 300 g potatoes.

As the recipe indicates, the calves, previously boiled in salted water, are re-cooked in meat broth. This way the taste of the soup will be richer and quite original. Vegetables are finely chopped or grated on a coarse grater. The onion is cut into small cubes and fried in boiling oil with the addition of carrots. At the same time as the mushrooms, potatoes are also added to the broth, chopped quite coarsely. When the potatoes are ready, fry and herbs are added to the soup. To improve the taste, you can add crushed garlic directly to the plate.

Fried bull mushrooms

Connoisseurs of mushroom cuisine claim that the most delicious gobies are salted and marinated, but if you wish, you can fry valui, although you will need to follow some cooking rules to get a truly tasty and healthy dish. Before putting the mushrooms in a hot frying pan, they must be boiled in salted water for at least 30 minutes. This is necessary in order to get rid of the bitterness contained in the caps.

To prepare 500 g of fried bulls, you will need 100 ml of vegetable oil and 200-300 g of onions, pre-cut into half rings or petals. Fried valui are tasty if they are boiled in highly salted water for 15-20 minutes, then it is drained and, after pouring fresh cold water over the mushrooms, they are cooked until fully cooked, adding a little salt.

Cook the mushrooms in a frying pan with hot oil until all the excess liquid has evaporated from them and they begin to pop like popcorn. Now add chopped onion to them and bring to readiness, stirring constantly. You don't need to add salt, just pepper to taste.

Fried valui with potatoes

Another quite popular dish is fried valui with potatoes. To prepare it, you will need to boil and then fry 500 g of mushrooms, then add 500 g of potatoes, cut into thin slices, and 200 g of onion, cut into half rings, into the frying pan. Salt and pepper to taste, and add dill and chopped garlic for flavor.

As you can see, from valuei you can prepare many delicious dishes that will appeal to all household members. The only point is that it is generally undesirable to give mushroom dishes to children under 12 years of age due to the fact that mushrooms of any kind are difficult to digest, and a child can get poisoned even by a completely edible mushroom.