Halibut fish is one of those aquatic life, whose size can easily be larger than the fisherman catching it, since this bottom predator can weigh much more than 100 kilograms. When catching such fish, you need appropriate gear. However, amateur fishing for this fish has not become very widespread, which is due not only to the inaccessibility of the seas where it lives for many fishermen, but also to the rather high cost of gear for sea ​​fishing, to which, based on the size of the trophies, special requirements are imposed.

Maintaining or renting a boat can also be a problem, because for such fishing you need a reliable boat. However, given the possible size of the trophy, as well as the stubborn resistance of the fish, many anglers believe that it is worth the expense. White halibut - Atlantic or Pacific - is especially popular among fishermen, since among halibuts these are the largest representatives, whose weight can exceed 300 kilograms.

Features of biological classification

Halibut is a general name that refers to 3 genera and 5 species of fish:

  • White halibut include Atlantic and Pacific halibut. They differ largest sizes– these fish can weigh a couple of hundred kilograms (the sports record is about 200 kilograms, but there are also references to larger specimens).
  • The largest halibut is the Pacific one, it Weight Limit can reach more than 360 kg, with a length of over 4 meters.
  • Arrowtooths include Asian and American species. They have the most modest size among these fish - they rarely weigh more than 3 kilograms.
  • Black Halibut (or also Black Halibut) – sole representative kind. Can reach a weight of more than 40 kilograms.

All these fish have a similar body structure, but there are also differences that make it possible to distinguish individual species. The body has a diamond-shaped or closer to an oval shape (halibuts are more elongated compared to other flounders). The eyes of all species are located on right side, and the features of their placement, as well as the shape of the lateral line, nostrils, color and size distinguish representatives of different species. The body color is grayish to olive or black on the side turned upward, and whitish or light brown on the blind side. The habitat of the fish is the northern parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.

Features of spawning

The timing of spawning differs both depending on the specific species and on the sea in which the fish lives. Thus, white halibut spawns from December to May, at water temperatures up to 7 degrees. To do this, the fish enters the fjords, or gathers in coastal holes with depths of up to 700 meters. In this case, the eggs do not stick to any object, but remain in the water column until the larva emerges from the egg. Young individuals live and feed in relatively shallow water areas, and do not descend to great depths during the first years of life.

Habitats and diet features

All these fish are predators, and white-skinned halibut, and arrowtooth, as well as black ones, hunt other marine life, but the diet differs significantly depending on age, and, accordingly, size. Young representatives of the species feed mainly on small crustaceans such as shrimp and crabs, and upon reaching more impressive dimensions they switch to cod, pollock, squid and octopus, which must be taken into account when choosing live bait or bait for a rig with dead fish.

White halibut, as well as other species of this fish, lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle. However, during hunting, they are able to rise close to the surface, while holding their body vertically rather than horizontally. If you plan to fish for halibut, you should take into account that shallow waters are mainly inhabited by young fish that have not yet reached large sizes, but trophy specimens can live at depths of more than 1000 meters, entering areas with shallower depths only during spawning. Arrowtooth halibut is also occasionally found in shallow water areas.

Necessary gear

Compared to freshwater fishing, sea fishing requires larger financial investments. First of all, this applies to swimming equipment, as well as gear that is subject to requirements that are not typical for river or pond fishing.

The following requirements apply to sea fishing gear:

  1. The rod must be powerful, capable of handling loads of more than 600 grams. At the same time, the fishing rod should be light to facilitate wiring. Preferred rings – large diameter, fixed on strong legs (attachment points to the form should not be less than 3, otherwise the legs may not hold up; rollers are also suitable instead of rings).
  2. Multiplier reels are used, since only they are able to withstand the load created when fishing by fish weighing more than 100 kilograms. It should also have a very capacious spool, because if the hunt is on for halibut, fishing will take place on great depths. The multiplier must be protected from exposure to sea water; a conventional multiplier in such conditions will quickly become unusable due to metal corrosion accelerated by salt.
  3. You will also need a large diameter fishing line or braid (the use of options with a diameter of more than 1 millimeter is common for sea fishing).

We should not forget that in order for such fishing to be not only effective, but also safe, you need to use suitable sea ​​conditions swimming facilities.

Lures used

All baits that are used when fishing for halibut can be divided into three main groups:

  • Silicone vibrotails and twisters.
  • Dead fish on the rig.
  • Heavy sea lures - jigs.

When fishing with silicone baits, hinged mounts are not used; special marine jig heads are used heavy weight, which are also usually equipped with 2-3 hooks (single and triple, or two tees).

The rig for dead fish can be used either of the type familiar to river fishing or intended for marine conditions. The latter strongly resembles a jig head, but has a long protrusion on which the fish is mounted. The sinker can also weigh more than 600 grams. The body weight of the fish used can be more than 1 kilogram.

Spoons are used relatively rarely when fishing for halibut. Jigs are used large sizes. They play with sea lures at the very bottom, and with the right pauses and tosses, you can provoke a halibut bite.

The largest catfish in the world - TOP 10

Catfish is one of the most large predators, inhabiting the underwater river world. With a sufficient food supply, catfish can live for hundreds of years, gaining weight up to 500 kg and growing in length up to 4-5 meters. It is indicated that the largest catfish was caught in Uzbekistan about 100 years ago. It weighed about 430 kg and was up to 5 meters long. Unfortunately, there is no official confirmation of this fact. You can find a mention that in Ukraine, in the Dnieper River, a catfish was caught, weighing 288 kg, which managed to grow up to 4 meters in length.

A catfish of this size can easily swallow an adult, as evidenced by official data. Some experts claim that there are cannibal catfish. But such statements have no scientific evidence. If human corpses are found in the belly of a river giant, it is assumed that the people were already dead. Simply put, these people drowned in due time, and only after that they were swallowed by a catfish.

Nowadays, the number of large catfish has sharply decreased due to the difficult environmental situation, as well as uncontrolled human fishing. In addition, modern gear has enormous potential in terms of catching fish. Despite this, weighty underwater predators are still occasionally encountered. In order not to be unfounded, we can present to your attention an overview of the largest catfish in the world, caught not so long ago.

1 — Belarusian som

In tenth place was a catfish from Belarus, whose length was 2 meters. It was caught by a local fisherman in 2011. When he and his assistants were catching fish with nets, after another cast, the nets suddenly refused to be pulled out of the water. For a whole hour, the fisherman and his comrades pulled the nets out of the water. After the catfish was pulled ashore, it was weighed and measured. With a length of two meters, its weight was 60 kg. The fishermen did not release the catfish, but let it go to fry.

2 – Weighty catfish from Spain

In 2009, local fishermen caught an albino catfish in the Ebro River, which was more than two meters long and weighed 88 kg. Chris, a Briton from Sheffield, managed to catch him. He tried to pull the catfish out on his own, but he failed. Chris had to ask for help from his friends, who also came to fish with him. It took more than 30 minutes for the catfish to reach the shore. The catfish was released after Chris and his friends, who helped pull the catfish out of the water, took a photo with it.

3 – Catfish from Holland

Eighth place goes to a catfish from Holland, who lives in the Centerparcs holiday park. The park is very popular among tourists and local residents. Moreover, everyone knows that in the park’s pond lives huge catfish, up to 2.3 meters long. This huge representative underwater world received the nickname "Big Momma". River Monster eats up to three birds swimming on the lake per day, as evidenced by park guards. “Big Momma” is protected by the state, so fishing here is prohibited.

4 – Catfish from Italy

At the beginning of 2011, Italian Robert Godi managed to catch one of the largest catfish. He rightfully occupies the seventh position in this ranking. With a length of about 2.5 meters, its weight was 114 kg. The experienced fisherman did not even hope that he would be so lucky. It took six people to pull the catfish out for almost an hour. Robert admitted that he arrived at the pond with friends in the hope of catching bream. The fact that instead of a bream a huge catfish pecked, very rare and surprise. But most importantly, the catfish was pulled out. After determining its size and weight, the catfish was released back into the reservoir.

5 – French som

In the Rhone River, tourist Yuri Grisendi caught the largest catfish in France. After measurements, it became known that the catfish has a length of 2.6 meters and a weight of up to 120 kilograms. The man who caught him is engaged in a targeted hunt for such giants. Moreover, he catches not only catfish, but also other large representatives of the underwater world. Therefore, the catch cannot be called accidental, as in previous cases. After another monster is caught, it is filmed as evidence and released back into the water. There is nothing strange about this, because this is the hobby of this fisherman.

6 – Som from Kazakhstan

In fifth place is a giant from Kazakhstan, which was caught on the Ili River in 2007. He was caught by local fishermen. The giant had a weight of 130 kilograms and a length of 2.7 meters. As they say local residents, they had never seen such a giant in their lives.

7 – Huge catfish from Thailand

In 2005, in May, the largest catfish of these places was caught on the Mekong River. He weighed 293 kg, with a length of 2.7 meters. The reliability of the data has been determined by the person responsible for international project WWF by Zeb Hogan. During this period he investigated the presence of the most big fish in the world. The albino catfish that was caught is one of the most major representatives freshwater fish, which were noted by him in his work. At one time it was noted in the Guinness Book of Records. They wanted to release Soma, but unfortunately, he did not survive.

8 – Big catfish from Russia

It’s not for nothing that this huge catfish is in third place. He was caught several years ago in Russia. This event took place on the Seim River, which flows through the Kursk region. It was certified by employees of the Kursk Fishery Supervision Authority in 2009. The weight of the catfish reached 200 kg, and its length was about 3 meters. Underwater fishermen-hunters saw him underwater absolutely by accident and managed to shoot at him with an underwater gun. The shot was successful, and the fishermen tried to pull it out on their own, but they were unable to do so. Therefore, they took the help of a rural tractor driver on a tractor.

After it was pulled ashore, local residents noted that this was the first such huge catfish that they had seen in their lives.

9 – Catfish caught in Poland

In second place is the largest catfish caught in Poland. He was caught on the Oder River. According to experts, this fish is more than 100 years old. This specimen weighed up to 200 kilograms and was 4 meters long.

A human corpse was discovered in the belly of this animal, so experts had to be invited. They concluded that the man was already dead when he was swallowed by this giant. So the rumors that the catfish could be a cannibal were again not confirmed.

10 - The giant that was caught in Russia

According to some statements, this huge fish was caught in Russia back in the 19th century. They caught him in Lake Issyk-Kul and this giant weighed 347 kg with a length of more than 4 meters. Some experts claim that at that time, at the place where this catfish was caught, an arch was built, reminiscent in appearance of the jaws of this huge underwater representative.

Unfortunately, in Lately, there is a sharp decline in fish stocks in our lakes and rivers. Fish are increasingly suffering from pollution of water bodies by various chemicals that enter rivers, ponds and lakes from fields. In addition, waste is discharged into the water industrial enterprises. Unfortunately, the state does not conduct a special fight against such pests in human form. At this rate, there is every reason to believe that humanity will soon be left without fish at all.

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The largest pike in the world - listen to the experience of trophy fishing

There are real legends about catching this predatory freshwater fish. And every self-respecting fisherman, regardless of fishing experience, dreams of catching not just a pike, but a very big pike! Longed for " gold fish" - the embodiment of fishing luck and the most coveted trophy, can truly reach amazing sizes.

Legends that came to us from the Middle Ages tell of a long-lived pike that weighed 140 kilograms and reached a length of five and a half meters. It was possible to pull her ashore only with the help of a seine. And this happened in 1497. It is not known for certain whether a predator of this size actually existed, but the number of people wishing to catch the toothy monster has not decreased to this day.

What do the facts say?

If you leave beautiful legends alone and look solely at the facts, you can find out that giant pikes actually managed to get hooked.

Since 1979, the UK has kept records of the largest pike caught. This time can be considered the official end of the era of unconfirmed legends about pikes. But, alas, the records of the English cadastral register are not particularly impressive. The weight of the fish was recorded to be slightly more than 14 kilograms.

The Russian official record was set in 1930. This is a 34 kilogram pike, caught in Lake Ilmen. From those times, a black and white photograph has been preserved, confirming this truly gigantic catch. Three men holding a pike at once!

Unfortunately, there is currently no accurate counting of large pikes. But fishermen in Russia and the CIS countries periodically catch specimens that, as they say, weigh up to 45 kilograms. And fishing books claim that there are pikes up to one and a half meters long and weighing up to 65 kilograms.


The International Sportfishing Association established in 2011 new system for entering records, according to which victory is determined only by the length of the fish. This was done in order to preserve the life of the record holder fish. The catch is quickly released into the water. To weigh it, one would have to use special scales, the delivery of which is usually delayed, and the pike dies.

In 2013 (December 2), American fisherman Matt Forddon managed to catch a pike one hundred and thirty centimeters long. It happened on the St. Lawrence River. The fisherman sent his catch data to the association mentioned above, hoping that he had set a new world record.

Just two days later, Mark Carlson, the current world record holder from Illinois, also managed to boast of a new achievement - a Muskinong pike one hundred and thirty-two centimeters long (approximate weight 27 kg). He patiently fished out the toothy predator for about 15 minutes. The pike was caught by trolling and, after measurement, was safely released into the river.

Forddon filed first and his record was approved by the association. Carlson's documents then went through the same procedure.

The difference between the records of only 2 centimeters allowed Mark Carlson to retain the palm. Mark caught his last trophy pike in 2011 while fishing on the Ottawa River. Its length was one hundred twenty-eight centimeters.

Successful winter fishing for large pike

This is fishing happiness! Fishing with girders. The trophy weighs 25 kilograms. Even under the ice, at the very beginning of spring, pike come to shallow waters to spawn. It was probably at this time that the predator was caught by a lucky fisherman. For those who want to try their luck at fishing with zherlits, we recommend reading this article “Catching pike with zherlits and a training video story.”

Where is trophy pike caught?

A few interesting points:

And in conclusion, I would like to say that our fishermen are not chasing world records, they do not need high-profile titles... however, the secret search for large pikes in domestic reservoirs still continues.

If trophy pike haven't been caught yet - don't despair. Everything will definitely work out well for you. Fisherman's happiness loves persistent fishermen. We wish you big... very big trophies!

There are many reasons why it is important to include seafood in your diet and more. more reasons reasons why you should eat halibut. Besides the obvious that this fish has an alluring aroma and is delicious, it is also very nutritious and healthy for those who are on a diet. Halibut is a tasty and healthy fish of the flounder family.

This fish has a lot active substances, which are quite difficult to obtain from other food products. Research shows that eating halibut reduces the likelihood of many diseases.

What are the benefits and harms of this seafood? Let's consider chemical composition halibut. One hundred grams of product contains: 16.1 grams of fat, 12.8 grams of proteins and 0.1 grams of carbohydrates.

In addition, it contains a lot of vitamins, milligrams/100 grams of product, such as: vitamin A - 0.1, vitamin PP - 2, D - 0.0244, vitamin E - 0.6, vitamins B 1 - 0.05, B2 - 0.1, B5 - 0.3, B6 - 0.4, B12 - 0.001 and minerals: potassium - 450, magnesium - 60, calcium - 30, phosphorus - 220, selenium - 36.5 and iron - 0.7 .

Because it is an excellent source of vitamins B6 and B12, as well as folic acid, it is very useful to eat to lower homocysteine ​​levels, which can cause artery damage. Selenium ensures timely detoxification, so the liver will always be healthy.

The benefits of halibut medical point view:

  • The meat of this fish improves metabolism and improves vision; it is prescribed for eye diseases;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reduces the likelihood of blood clots and leakage inflammatory processes, strengthens blood vessels;
  • Reduces the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, as mentioned earlier, which reduces the likelihood of plaque formation on blood vessels;
  • As previously mentioned, eating this fish helps to detoxify the entire body and maintains the liver in good condition, it also removes toxins and waste from the body;
  • In the early stages of oncology, eating halibut in combination with appropriate treatment leads to a speedy recovery;
  • Fish perfectly restores strength, lifts mood, normalizes work nerve cells and treats insomnia;
  • This fish is prescribed to be eaten by elderly people suffering from Alzheimer's; the fatty acids it contains help nourish the brain and prevent the death of brain cells.

Halibut is contraindicated if:

  • You have a personal intolerance to this product;
  • Allergy;
  • Hepatitis;
  • If you are pregnant, since this type of fish is likely to contain mercury;
  • If there are problems with operation gastrointestinal tract;
  • For acute liver and kidney diseases;
  • If you are a heart patient or hypertensive;
  • Smoked and salted halibut should not be given to children and the elderly in large quantities.

Choosing quality halibut

This fish is brought to store shelves fresh, frozen and filleted plastic containers. To buy a fresh product you should know the following:

  • If the carcass is whole, it must be buried in ice;
  • Place the fillet on ice;
  • If the carcass is elastic and does not fall apart, then the fish is fresh;
  • Fresh fish have transparent, not cloudy eyes, the gills have a red tint, the scales are wet and slippery;
  • Fresh halibut smells sea ​​water, if the fish emits an ammonia aroma, it is spoiled and you should refrain from purchasing it.

Fish roe

Like any other fish, halibut has caviar, let's talk about its benefits.

If you need to improve the quality of your diet, you should start eating halibut caviar. This variety is not expensive, but it is very useful.

First of all, the caviar of this sea creature has great benefits for blood vessels and the heart. It helps cope with overinflated blood pressure, reduces cholesterol in the blood, useful for the prevention of angina and tachycardia.

Caviar is useful for those who are on a diet or recovering from serious illnesses. Since it contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, including collagen, this product helps speedy healing fabrics and leather. The protein and other substances contained in caviar make up for the deficiency in dietary nutrition, especially if you adhere to strict food restrictions.

Women need to eat halibut roe to stay healthy reproductive system, as well as healthy nail growth and hair shine.

What is the difference between fake halibut caviar and real one?

Regardless of what species the halibut belongs to, its caviar is beige in color.

Sometimes manufacturers sell pike, pike perch or pollock caviar under the guise of halibut caviar; such caviar is easily distinguished by the aroma and taste of mud. In addition, halibut roe is slightly larger than its substitutes.

And so, real halibut caviar is large, beige and has a marine aroma.

In what form is halibut consumed?

This fish can be prepared using all known methods (fry, bake, boil, stew with vegetables, pickle, smoke, dry, steam, etc.). Like other types of fish, this one goes well with all vegetables. Delicious sandwiches and salads are prepared from canned fish and caviar. It is best to boil or bake this fish in the oven.

Despite the fact that fish is very healthy, it is also worth eating it wisely, so the norm for an adult is 200 grams three times a week.

Let's look at several recipes for preparing halibut

Halibut with cheese


  • About a kilogram of fish (6 pieces);
  • 6 egg yolks;
  • 8 egg whites;
  • 120 grams of cheese;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • Salt and ground pepper to taste.

Cooking process:

We cut the fillet into thin slices and roll them into tubes, securing them with threads. Fry each tube thoroughly, then add salt and pepper. Place the fish in greased portion molds.

Preparing the dressing:

Grind the cheese on a medium grater and combine it with the egg yolks. Beat the whites thoroughly and add to the cheese-yolk mixture. Place the prepared dressing in the molds on top of the fish.

Place the fish in an oven preheated to 220 degrees and bake until golden brown, about 20 minutes; the finished fish is crushed with fresh chopped herbs before serving.

Fish soup


  • 330 grams halibut fillet;
  • 450 grams of potatoes;
  • Half a liter of fish broth;
  • 500 grams of milk;
  • 2 strips of bacon;
  • 1 onion;
  • 90 grams of flour;
  • ½ bunch of fresh thyme;
  • ½ bunch of parsley;
  • Ground pepper, salt to taste.


We take a cast iron pan and fry the bacon in it, after which we put the slices on a plate and break them, and leave a spoonful of fat in the pan. Place pre-washed and peeled diced potatoes with finely chopped onions into a pan and cook for three minutes, stirring constantly, then crush the vegetables with flour, mix and cook for another minute.

Semi-finished vegetables are poured with fish broth and brought to a boil. Cover the pan with a lid and cook the soup for about six minutes, until the potatoes are completely cooked.

Pour milk into the soup and let it boil. Place pieces of fish in a saucepan with soup, salt, pepper and season with chopped herbs, cook everything for four minutes, add fresh parsley and turn off the heat, let it brew slightly and serve hot.

The soup is served with pieces of bacon.

Halibut with spinach garnish


  • 4 halibut fillets without skin;
  • A bunch of fresh basil;
  • 20 grams of olive oil;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • Sunflower oil;

For garnish:

  • 330 grams of spinach;
  • 1 spoon of olive oil;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.


First, let's prepare the side dish; to do this, heat the oil in a saucepan over medium heat, add chopped garlic there, lightly fry until golden brown. Add half the spinach to the garlic, stir and cook for a couple of minutes, then add the remaining spinach and cook for another minute, add salt, pepper, stir and remove from heat.

Cooking fish. In a small bowl, mix chopped basil with olive oil, pepper, salt and mashed garlic. Rub the resulting mixture onto the carcasses on all sides.

Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium heat, add the fish and fry for 2-3 minutes on all sides until fully cooked.

The finished fish with spinach is served hot from the stove, garnished with lemon slices and fresh herbs.

Halibut is a sea fish of the flounder family. The peculiarity of this fish is that both eyes are located on the right side of the head. Its color varies from olive to dark brown or black. The average width of a halibut is approximately one-third its body length. The mouth is large, located under the lower eye, the tail is crescent shaped. The length of this adult sea ​​fish ranges from 70 to 130 cm, and weight – from 4.5 to 30 kg.

Only in appearance can a halibut be mistaken for a clumsy creature, but when prey is nearby, the halibut turns into a swift killer. The fish is able to live at a depth of 2,000 meters. Only in summer do they rise slightly to the surface.

The habitat of this fish is distributed from the North Pacific Ocean to the coast of Japan and the Bering Sea. Halibut lives on or near the bottom great depth. The preferred water temperature for halibut is from 3 to 8 degrees. It feeds on small larvae and mollusks, which it finds on the bottom. Spawning takes place in winter. One female spawns about 500,000 - 4 million eggs, from which fry appear after 2 halibut photoweeks.

All halibuts can be divided into several categories:

  • White-skinned halibuts are the most close-up view halibuts reaching 4.5-5 meters in length and weighing 350 kg.
  • Arrowtooth halibut - one of the smallest types of halibut, has an average length of 70-75 centimeters and weighs 2.5-3 kg.
  • Black halibuts are medium-sized halibuts, rarely reaching 1.5 meters in length. Its weight, as a rule, does not exceed 45-50 kg.
  • Halibut flounder.

Useful properties of halibut

Halibut - amazing delicious fish, the meat of which is practically boneless and contains over 5% fat.

Halibut meat contains valuable Omega-3 fatty acids, which normalize metabolism in the human body. Halibut contains 7 amino acids (aspartic acid, glutamic acid, alanine, valine, leucine, lysine, arginine), which play an important role in the fight against cancer. Halibut is rich in vitamin B12, and also contains vitamins, micro- and macroelements such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

A sufficient amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids helps preserve vision even in old age.

In addition, eating halibut can reliably protect the body from the development of central nervous system diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease.

It is believed that when frying, the calorie content of such fish can increase 4 times, since these types of fish absorb a lot of oil, which must be taken into account when planning a diet.

For those who like leaner fish, you can choose white halibut, whose meat is less fatty than other types. Halibut is good in any form - smoked, fried, salted - and will undoubtedly decorate any table.

Part of the catch is sold in fresh, some of it is prepared frozen, sometimes followed by hot smoking, the rest is salted, sometimes with additional cold smoking. Halibut liver oil contains 200 times more vitamin A than cod oil.

Dangerous properties of halibut

Halibut is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. In addition, people suffering from hepatitis and acute diseases gastrointestinal tract, doctors do not recommend abusing halibut because of its high fat content, so as not to cause an aggravation.

Halibuts, or halibuts, also known as "Sea Tongue" is a name that combines five different species included in three genera that belong to the family Flounder and the order Flounder. Representatives of the family are inhabitants of the northern seas, which surround the eastern and northern territories Russia.

Description of halibut

The main difference between halibut and most species of other fish belonging to the Flounder family is a more elongated body. Some symmetry of the skull is also preserved, which is expressed to a lesser extent compared to. The characteristics of the external appearance of halibuts directly depend on the species characteristics of such representatives of the Flounder family and the Flounder order.


Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) - a fish with a body length in the range of 450-470 cm, with a maximum weight of up to 300-320 kg. Atlantic halibuts have a flat, diamond-shaped and elongated body. The eyes are located on the right side. The body is covered with rounded scales, and all large scales are surrounded by a ring represented by small scales. Fin pectoral fin on the ocular side, larger than the fin located on the blind side. Big mouth has sharp and large teeth directed backwards. The caudal fin has a small notch. The color of the eye side is even dark brown or black without markings. Juveniles have light, irregularly shaped markings on their bodies. The blind side of a fish white.

Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) is one of the largest members of the family. Body length reaches 460-470 cm, with a maximum body weight of up to 360-363 kg. The body is more elongated compared to other flounders. The eyes are located on the right side. There are two rows of teeth on the upper jaw, and one row on the lower jaw. The color of the eye side is dark brown or gray with a not too pronounced greenish tint. As a rule, there are dark and light markings on the body. The blind side is white. The skin is covered with small cycloid scales. The lateral line of the fish is characterized by a sharp bend above the pectoral fin area.

Asiatic arrowtooth halibut (Atheresthes evermanni) - small-sized fish with a body length of no more than 45-70 cm and a weight in the range of 1.5-3.0 kg. Maximum length an adult individual does not exceed a meter and weighs 8.5 kg. The elongated body is covered with ctenoid scales, which are located on the eye side. The blind part of the body is covered with cycloid scales. The lateral line of the body is continuous, almost straight, covered with 75-109 scales. The jaws have a pair of rows of arrow-shaped teeth. Each side of the body has a pair of nostrils. Distinctive species characteristics are represented by the location of the upper eye, which does not extend onto top part head, as well as an anterior nostril with a long valve on the blind side. The eye side is grayish-brown, and the blind side is characterized by a slightly lighter color.

American arrowtooth halibut (Atheresthes stomias) - a fish with a body length in the range of 40-65 cm with a body weight in the range of 1.5-3.0 kg. The elongated body is covered with ctenoid scales on the ocular side. On the blind side there are cycloid scales. The lateral line on both sides is continuous, almost completely straight. The jaws have a pair of rows of arrow-shaped teeth.

This is interesting! Halibut fry have a symmetrical shape and are not much different from any other fish, but after a while one of the sides begins to grow faster, due to which the body flattens, and the mouth and eyes shift to the right side.

There are two nostrils on each side of the body. Distinctive specific character The American arrowtooth halibut is represented by an anterior nostril with a short valve on the blind side. The eye side of the body is characterized by a pronounced dark brown color, and the blind side is light brown with a purple tint.

Lifestyle, behavior

Representatives of the Flounder family and the Flounder order are predatory bottom fish that live at considerable depths. In summer, such fish also live in the middle water column. Adults of Pacific halibut most often stay on the continental slope when the water temperature at the bottom is in the range of 1.5-4.5 ° C. During the summer, such fish migrate to feeding areas represented by coastal shallow waters. American arrowtooth halibut is a marine bottom fish that lives at depths ranging from 40-1150 meters.

Asian arrowtooth halibuts are schooling bottom-dwelling fish that live above rocky, muddy and sandy bottoms. Representatives of this species do not make long migrations. They are characterized by very pronounced vertical migrations. With the onset of the warm season, Asian arrow-toothed halibuts move to shallow depths. In winter, the fish actively move to deeper habitats. Juveniles and immature individuals typically live at shallow depths.

How long does halibut live?

The maximum, officially confirmed to date, life expectancy of representatives of the Flounder family and the Flounder order is slightly more than three decades. The maximum life expectancy of representatives of the American arrowtooth halibut species is just over twenty years. Atlantic halibut at favorable conditions quite capable of living from thirty to fifty years.

Types of halibut

Currently, the halibuts include three genera and five main species of flounder fish, including:

  • Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) and Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis);
  • Asian halibut (Atheresthes evermanni) and American halibut (Atheresthes stomias);
  • black or blue-skinned halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides).

This is interesting! Interesting property all halibuts is the ability of their meat to participate in detoxification of the body, which is due to the presence of a sufficient amount of selenium, which maintains liver cells in a healthy state.

In addition to the five species listed above, there are also relatively numerous halibut flounders.

Range, habitats

Atlantic turbot lives in the northern Atlantic and adjacent parts Northern Ocean . In the eastern part of the Atlantic, representatives of the species have become quite widespread from Kolguev Island and Novaya Zemlya to the Bay of Biscay. Atlantic halibut is also found near the coast of Iceland, near the eastern coast of Greenland, near the British and Faroe Islands. In Russian waters, representatives of the species live in the southwest of the Barents Sea.

Pacific halibut are quite widespread in the North Pacific Ocean. Representatives of the species live in the waters of the Bering and Okhotsk seas, near coastline North America, from Alaska to California. In the waters Sea of ​​Japan single individuals are observed. Pacific halibut are found at depths of up to 1200 meters.

This is interesting! The Asian arrowtooth halibut has become widespread exclusively in the North Pacific Ocean. The population occurs from the territory east coast the islands of Hokkaido and Honshu, in the waters of the Sea of ​​Japan and Okhotsk, along the eastern and western coasts of Kamchatka, in the east in the waters of the Bering Sea, to the Gulf of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands.

American arrowtooth halibut is a popular species, quite widespread in the North Pacific Ocean. Representatives of the species are found from the southern part of the Kuril and Aleutian Islands to the Gulf of Alaska. They are an inhabitant of the Chukchi and Okhotsk seas, settling along the territories of the eastern part of the coast of Kamchatka and in the east of the Bering Sea.

Halibut diet

Atlantic halibut are typical aquatic predators, feeding primarily on fish, including cod, haddock, capelin, herring and gobies, as well as cephalopods and some other bottom-dwelling animals. The youngest individuals of this species feed most often on large crustaceans, giving preference to crabs and shrimp. Typically, halibuts keep their bodies in a horizontal position when swimming, but when pursuing prey, such fish are able to break away from the bottom and move in a vertical position closer to the surface of the water.

Pacific halibuts are classified as predatory fish, which feed on various types of fish, as well as numerous crustaceans in the form of snow crab, shrimp and hermit crab. These halibuts also often eat squid and octopus as food. The composition of the natural diet of Pacific halibut undergoes marked seasonal, age-related and regional changes.

Juveniles of this species primarily consume shrimp and snow crabs. In pursuit of its prey, such fish are capable of breaking away from the surface of the ground.

The basis of the diet of the Asian arrowtooth halibut is represented mostly by pollock, but also such a relatively large aquatic predator may feed on some other fish species, shrimp, octopus, squid and euphausids. Juveniles and immature individuals consume Pacific cod, pollock, pollock, and some species of small flounder. American arrowtooth halibut feeds on pollock, cod, hake, sea ​​bass, lycodae, crustaceans, and also cephalopods.

Halibut... This name is familiar from childhood to everyone who managed to live in the USSR, and then buying halibut was problematic. Now this healthy fish is available in almost all hypermarkets, and it is available not only in the form of carcasses, but also live - you can easily choose the fish you like in an aquarium with ice.

This state of affairs has led to the fact that today halibut (baked in the oven, smoked, fried, boiled or otherwise prepared), as well as its caviar, are not at all uncommon even at the most ordinary feast.

By the way, Russian Pomors who hunted in northern seas, considered “paltosin” the most desirable prey, because its fatty, dense meat was excellently salted and was stored salted for a long time.

Halibut Background Information

Halibut belongs to the predatory bottom fish of the flounder family. This is an amazing fish because its length can reach 5 meters and its weight can reach 350 kg.

At the same time, unfortunately, due to the excessive activity of fishermen, some types of halibut have already been included in the Red Book (in particular, the white halibut), despite the fact that this fish reproduces very, very quickly.

Despite the fact that halibut prefers to live in deep waters, the fish rises to a depth of about 300-500 m to spawn, and the number of eggs can reach several million. And it is during the spawning period that it is caught greatest number halibut - mainly for the sake of obtaining valuable caviar, which in its properties is very similar to black sturgeon caviar.

Types of halibut

Halibuts are divided into several subspecies that are so different from each other that sometimes it seems that they are absolutely different type fish And yet…

Types of halibut:

  • blond
  • black or blue
  • asian arrowtooth
  • American arrowtooth

In stores we most often encounter the first two types of halibut. Moreover, they can be caught in different oceans. If this is the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, then the fish was most likely caught with violations international standards, and may be sick. But if the label says “Pacific halibut,” then the fish can undoubtedly be bought and cooked.

Composition and beneficial properties of halibut

The value of halibut is large quantities There are omega-3 unsaturated fats in the meat of this fish, and the further north the halibut lives, the more healthy fatty acids there are in its meat.

With a low calorie content (103 Kcal per 100 g of fish), halibut is one of the most healthy fish for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce arrhythmia, reduce the likelihood of blood clots, increase the human body’s resistance to the development of inflammatory processes and reduce the risk of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

In addition, omega-3 fatty acids can help in the treatment of cancer, as well as in their prevention. Doctors are unanimous that these acids are beneficial to the entire body, but most of all to the human brain. Omega-3 acids are used in the treatment of macular degeneration and for the prevention of this disease.

Halibut itself perfectly helps in the treatment of dry keratitis (dry eye syndrome), and gives elderly people a good chance in the difficult task of preventing Alzheimer's disease, since omega-3 fatty acids nourish brain cells, preventing their death.

The more complete composition of halibut looks like this:

Contraindications for eating halibut

  • for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • for hepatitis
  • limiting the consumption of smoked and salted fish for children with exacerbation of liver and kidney diseases

Halibut caviar

Halibut caviar is prepared without removing the shell - this is a thin film in which the eggs are located, after which the caviar is immediately salted, aging for about 10 days in wooden barrels. Further processing Halibut caviar is even more complicated: they take the caviar out of the barrels, wash it, and put it back into barrels to age for two weeks.

Halibut caviar belongs to the partial variety due to its ovary and appearance caviar is different from sturgeon black caviar. Firstly, halibut roe is larger; secondly, its natural color is beige, but for sale caviar is tinted, which does not affect its taste qualities. And thirdly, everything that is in halibut is also in caviar - vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, etc.

Nutritionists recommend halibut caviar to patients with digestive and nutritional problems in general as a complete source of many substances valuable for the human body.

Of course, there are contraindications for caviar:

  • hypertension
  • duodenal diseases
  • individual intolerance to seafood and fish products


Based on all of the above, we can draw some conclusions about halibut as a very useful fish for human nutrition, the meat of which contains the necessary omega-3 fatty acids in natural form. Therefore, even a small amount of halibut in your diet will help you maintain youth and health longer.