A person admires grace and experiences genuine fear of the power of the large predator tiger These representatives of cats with cute pussies have in common only their colors and a sly look. Their difficult temperament and ability to hunt did not help the population survive, which has decreased by 25 times over the last hundred years. And this pattern of decreasing numbers of tigers would not have disappeared if the International Tiger Day holiday had not appeared.

Global community understands the problems of extermination and extinction of animals on the planet. That's why conscious individuals They try to raise global issues before society. The problems of extinction of unique animals - tigers are close to the countries where they live.

This became the reason for holding the “Tiger Summit”, where representatives of 13 states took part. Passed significant event in the city on Niva St. Petersburg in 2010.

It was there that the participants established International Tiger Day, the purpose of which was to resolve issues related to the conservation and restoration of striped predators.

The event is celebrated annually on July 29. There, measures were developed for the next 12 years to restore the tiger family living in natural conditions.

Stormy human activity, the expansion of settlements led to an inevitable change natural landscapes, natural for living cute pussies. And man’s insatiable desire to kill and get rich has turned tigers into a rare animal.

Due to their tiny habitat and active hunting, the Bali and Javan tigers have completely disappeared.

And the beautiful fur with a brown-gold color became the reason for the extermination of the giant Caspian (Transcaucasian) tigers.

So the person is practically with my own hands destroyed 3 species of tigers out of 9. The remaining 6 species also cannot boast of population growth.

Therefore, without human intervention, the planet will soon completely lose these whiskered, graceful, menacing, striped cats.

In 2013, Russia adopted a law providing for criminal liability for sale or murder. large species felines.

It’s interesting, but it was in the Russian Federation that it was possible to increase the number of the Amur tiger, when all other species big cats on the planet are heading towards extinction.

In the Far East, the Amur Tiger Day is also celebrated on the last Sunday of September.

Such conservation activities are not an excuse for yet another thematic entertainment, but an opportunity to take concrete steps to help restore the numbers of endangered animals.

Thus, the measures developed for 12 years provide for the expansion of protected areas, persecution of poachers, artificial breeding tigers.

Happy Birthday Tiger: Interesting Facts About Tigers

The first mentions of tigers as mythical and cult animals can be found in Ancient Greek myths.

The animal has always evoked human delight and awe.

Dangerous, unpredictable, attractive, like everything secret and unknown, tigers have become the subject of hunting.

Cult tales, legends and prejudices pushed people to ruthlessly destroy dangerous pussies.

And, despite its power, agility, speed, the predator could not resist the most dangerous and ruthless predator on the planet - a man who is sometimes ruthless and treacherous.

Magic numbers

Tiger parameters are truly magical somewhere.

After all, almost all data is associated with the iconic number three.

So the height of a tiger reaches 3 meters. His Weight Limit– 300 kg. A tiger's brain weighs 300 grams. Tigresses carry their cubs for three months.

And a tiger lives up to 30 years. Do you know how much meat a tiger eats per day? Every day the predator consumes up to 30 kg of fresh meat.

These beauties are capable of jumping 5 meters in height and 6 in length. The speed reaches up to 60 km/h. Interestingly, these cats have up to 100 unique stripes.

Each subspecies has its own size and color. The largest is the Amur, and the smallest is the Sumatran.

Where do tigers live?

Today there are only six species of tigers left on the planet, each of which has its own habitat.

Amursky settled in Russia and China. You can also find other names for this predator: Siberian, Manchurian, Ussuri.

In the natural conditions of these giants, only five hundred cats remained to live.

Indochinese lives in Cambodia, China, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand.

There is another name for this tiger - corbet.

This species has not been sufficiently studied, since the cats’ habitat is remote, impassable places. This population consists of 1000 individuals.

Bengal is found in India and Bhutan, Bangladesh and Nepal. You can also find a more majestic name for this tiger - royal.

This is the largest population on the planet, as 1,200 free cats live in nature.

The Malayan tiger lives only on the Malay Peninsula and numbers no more than 500 individuals.

Chinese, accordingly, lives only in China.

These tigers are on the verge of extinction. There are only 20 cats left in the wild and the threat of their extinction is high.

The Sumatran tiger has chosen the island of Sumatra. Almost 400 animals live there in natural conditions.

You can hear the legend of the Maltese blue tiger, but in real life no one saw them.

Therefore such unique look tigers have not been officially recorded and are rather considered a myth. But why not believe in the existence of cats with blue fur?

Song of Predatory Eyes

This regal and cold look. This graceful cat knows her worth and warns with her gaze: “Don’t come near.”

The tiger's eye color is yellow, but blue eyes are also found in cats with white fur.

Although the tiger is a predatory animal, it is not nocturnal. He usually hunts early in the morning or in the evening twilight.

Therefore, the pupil of this cat, unlike its relatives, does not look like a vertical stripe, but has a round shape. But don’t think that the tiger has vision problems.

Compared to a human, he sees 6 times better.

In addition, his vision is color. It’s interesting, but the tiger never closes his eyes, but always inspects his territory. If he squints his eyes, it’s time to relax - there is no danger.


The tiger is not a herd animal. They never unite certain groups. The predator always lives independently.

This loner marks his territory and can determine by smell where his relatives are located.

Even tigers only interact with females for a few days a year. It is usually five days before a cat is able to conceive.

But the mother tigress spends almost 2 years with her cubs.

Despite the fact that one-year-old kittens are capable of leading an independent life and hunting.

Why were tigers exterminated?

First of all, the reason for the extermination of tigers was their unusually beautiful fur. Interestingly, the stripes are observed not only on the wool itself, but also directly on the skin. If you shave all the fur off a tiger, it will still remain striped.

The advice of would-be doctors of medieval times also contributed to the destruction of tigers. Then it was believed that any tiger entrails were healing - they helped heal many ailments such as arthritis and stomach diseases, as well as impotence and infertility.

Paradoxically, even today some consider tiger meat an aphrodisiac.

But the tiger cannot be called a symbol of fertility. A female's litter usually contains no more than 4 babies. Birth rates of two kittens are also common. Such fertility cannot in any way be called conducive to population reproduction.

Interestingly, the tiger's penis is incapable of erection. For support " manhood“There is a special bone that helps the predator during copulation.

Superstition was also a common reason for the extermination of tigers. For example, in Bali, the predator was considered a symbol of evil, so it was mercilessly destroyed and eventually went into oblivion altogether.

Tiger songs

The roar of a tiger can be easily heard at a distance of about one and a half kilometers from the animal. But this is not a way to intimidate the victim, but a unique method of communicating with your relatives.

Tigers rarely use loud sounds. They usually hiss or snort.

Most often they attack silently, quickly grabbing potential food by the neck.

Before jumping, the tiger makes sounds that are imperceptible to the human ear, which actually paralyze the prey.

She falls into a trance for a split second. And this time is enough for a lightning-fast predator to finish the hunt.

For bait, a tiger can use sounds that are completely unusual for it.

This is the roar of a bear and the grunting of a wild boar. Such solo concerts of predator-imitators are aimed, of course, at deceiving the victim.

But the tiger does not know how to purr at all, even though it belongs to the cat family. Each individual has a unique voice.

Mustachioed, striped...

The individuality of an individual is also indicated by its fur, that is, the pattern on it.

Hairy, but not that stripy Amur tiger. He has to survive in harsh conditions and cannot do without a good fur coat.

And the most colorful Sumatran tiger. This bright one exotic predator rewarded with its attributes of the nature of the tropics.

There are also white tigers. Handsome men with blue eyes They owe their color to a special gene.

But such individuals survive only in captivity, and they reproduce well, passing on a unique gene to their offspring. Under natural conditions, this subspecies is not able to survive.

There are golden tigers in nature. This noble yellow-sand color gives the predator a special exoticism.

No matter how beautiful and powerful tigers are, they are not capable of surviving without the help or at least non-intervention of humans.

Today, June 29, many countries around the world celebrate International Tiger Day. Norway today celebrates the Day of Glorification of St. Olaf, King of Norway.

International Tiger Day

Today, July 29, a holiday is celebrated all over the world - International Tiger Day, which was established in 2010 in St. Petersburg at the International Forum on the problems of preserving the tiger population - “Tiger Summit”.
The 13 states participating in the forum, in which tigers still live, initiated the establishment of this date.
During this event, a tiger population restoration program was developed, which was designed for 2010-2022 and the goal of which was to almost double the number of tigers during this period.
IN wildlife Unfortunately, today only about 5 thousand individuals have survived, and this number continues to decline.
Over the last century, the number of these animals has decreased by almost 25 times. Tigers today are highly endangered. They often become victims of poachers. This problem worries all environmental communities around the world, including in Russia.

Day of glorification of St. Olaf, King of Norway (Norway)

Today, July 29, the people of Norway celebrate the feast of the King, St. Olav, who is national hero Norway, which united this state and its patron saint.
The introduction of Christianity in this country is associated with the name Olaf. In 1030, on July 29, King Olaf II Haraldsson of Norway (995 - July 29, 1030), the baptist and educator of the Norwegians, fell in the Battle of Stiklestad.
In Northern Europe, Olaf, for many centuries, was one of the most revered saints. After his death at Stiklestad on July 29, 1030 in a battle with the Bonds, numerous cases of miracles were observed from his holy incorruptible relics. Olaf's glorification as a saint took place on August 3, 1031. On this day, many peasants began to appeal to him in their prayers, asking for help in their needs. From such prayers people received healing from illnesses, good luck in travel, or anything else they needed.
There, where the king was first buried, a holy spring gushed out of a sandy hill. People were cured of all their ailments by its water.

Unusual holidays on July 29

Today, July 29, you can celebrate unusual holidays - Turn Left Day and Alcohol Tree Day.

Turn Left Day

For the very curious and indecisive, this is a wonderful day. Today, July 29, with every left turn you make, the likelihood of seeing something very unusual increases.
If you rush too much and do it four times in a row, you'll hit your own back.

Alcohol Tree Day

Today, July 29, you can celebrate Alcohol Tree Day. What kind of trees are these? These are probably trees that produce alcohol instead of sap. What a pity that they don’t grow here...

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Finogeev day

On this day, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of the Hieromartyr Athenogenes with his ten disciples, who suffered for their faith during the persecution of Christians in the city of Sebastia.
According to legend, once the ruler Philomarchus organized a big holiday in honor of the pagan gods. He ordered all the townspeople to make sacrifices to idols, but many Sebastians at that time professed Christianity, so they refused to participate in this venture. Then the ruler ordered the soldiers to beat the apostates.
At the same time, it became known that Christianity spread in Sebastia thanks to the sermons of Elder Athenogenes, the local bishop.
Governor Philomarchus gave the order to find Athenogenes and bring him to him for trial. The soldiers sent to the elder did not find him in the monastery, but captured his ten disciples. After this, Athenogen himself came to the ruler. He began to reproach Philomarch for throwing innocent people into prison. But Athenogenes’ words had no effect on Philomarchus, and the elder and his disciples ended up in prison.
All ten students of Athenogenes showed resilience together with their teacher; even after severe torture, they refused to bow to pagan idols and were executed.
Before his death, Athenogenes heard the voice of God, who promised him and his disciples a meeting in paradise.
In Rus' it was believed that summer was at its hottest on the day of Athenogenes. The holiday itself was for the peasants great value- at this time, in many areas, peasants began to reap rye.
According to custom, the peasants called the very first harvested sheaf the birthday one and after work in the evening they carried it with songs to the threshing floor. The birthday sheaf was kept for future ceremonies. Sick cattle were fed from it, and people were also treated with its grain. Part of the first grain was necessarily left for sowing.
On Athenogenov's Day, the peasants had omens: if the tops of carrots drooped on that day, it would rain. If frequent fogs began, the peasants prepared to pick mushrooms. From that day on, various mushroom dishes: buckwheat with mushrooms, mushroom caviar, porcini mushroom cutlets and potatoes fried with mushrooms.
From that day on, the birds stopped singing and summer was steadily approaching autumn.
Name day July 29 from: Alevtina, Valentina, Ivan, Matrona, Pavel, Peter, Fedor, Yulia, Yakov

July 29 in history

1958 - US President Dwight Eisenhower signed legislation creating the National Aeronautics and Exploration Agency outer space(NASA).
1962 - First flight of the prototype TU-124A aircraft passenger plane Tu-134.
1967 - Vietnam War: as a result of a fire at American aircraft carrier Forrestal killed 134 people.
1968 - Pope Paul VI banned all artificial methods of birth control for children.
1971 - Pioneer 11 takes pictures of Saturn and its rings.
1974 - The first Soviet geostationary satellite was launched.
1974 - The Alpha group was organized to combat terrorism.
1974 - In the USA, four bishops were consecrated ordination 11 women openly defying church rules.
1985 - Gorbachev’s statement on the decision to unilaterally stop testing is published nuclear weapons before January 1, 1986.
1990 - The city of Kalinin was again renamed Tver.
1992 - Erich Honecker, former manager East Germany, forced to leave the Chilean Embassy in Moscow and appear before a German court.
2000 - The last adit of Semipalatinsk was blown up nuclear test site In Kazakhstan.

International Tiger Day) is a holiday established at the International Forum on problems related to the conservation of tigers on Earth (“Tiger Summit”), in November 2010 in St. Petersburg. Celebrated annually on July 29th.

One of the main goals of holding International Tiger Day in different countries is to inform the public about the problem of extinction of tigers and ways to protect them.

The tiger is under international security, listed in the IUCN Red List, Appendix 1 of CITES. Since this year, there has been a complete ban on hunting tigers. That year, the capture of tiger cubs was prohibited and then strictly limited.

Over the last century, the number of striped individuals in the world has decreased almost a hundred times. Poachers, when shooting animals, make stuffed animals out of them, and make skins that they lay in the living rooms of rich houses. Tigers' paws are used to make medicine; In addition, tiger meat is a delicacy in a number of countries and is highly prized in restaurants. The world has reached the point where no more than five thousand of these predators remain on Mother Earth and only four hundred in our Far East.

There are only six on the planet known species graceful cats:

Amur tiger lives in Russia and China. They call it Siberian, Manchurian, Ussuri. There are about five hundred individuals left in their natural habitat.

Indochinese tiger fell in love with Cambodia, China, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia and Thailand. It is also called corbette in another way. The species has been little studied because cats live in remote, impassable places. The population numbers approximately a thousand individuals.

Bengal tiger feels at ease on the territory of India, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Nepal. They call him royal. Of all the species, Bengal is the most numerous. There are about 1,200 tabby cats of this breed living in the wild.

Malayan tiger settled on the Malay Peninsula. The species numbers about five hundred animals.

The Chinese tiger lives only in China. It is on the verge of extinction. Only 20 cats remain in nature and there are real danger the population becoming extinct.

Sumatran tiger lives only on the island of Sumatra. There are about four hundred individuals that live in natural conditions.

There are legends about blue maltese tiger , but no one has yet met it with their own eyes, so the species is not officially registered and belongs more to myths, although I would like to believe that cats with such amazing colors live on our planet.

Holiday in various places is celebrated in different ways: for example, in some zoos around the world, predators receive especially tasty rations and gifts on such a day.

International organization Global Tiger Initiative To International Day Tiger Fund has committed to raising approximately $350 million to conserve the tiger population and said that by 2022 the population wild cats not only will it not disappear, but it will even double.

In Russia, on the last Sunday of September, an alternative holiday is also celebrated - Tiger Day in the Far East, which appeared in 2000. Its initiators were the writer-hunting expert Vladimir Troinin and the international charitable foundation Phoenix with the support of Russian and international environmental organizations.

In 2001, by a resolution of the head of the Vladivostok city administration, Tiger Day was given the status of an annual official city holiday. According to tradition, the holiday in the city begins with a carnival procession; the celebration program also includes competitions and competitions.

Russian President Vladimir Putin called Tiger Day in the Far East the brightest ecological holiday countries. According to Putin, this day unites “everyone who cares about the fate of this beautiful predator, everyone who is not indifferent to wild nature and strives to live in harmony with it, protect it, creating a healthy environment both for ourselves and for future generations."

Published 07.28.18 23:10

Today, July 29, 2018, is also celebrated Navy Day (Day Navy), International Tiger Day and other events.

July 29, 2018 is celebrated folk holiday Finogeev day. The Church today remembers the Hieromartyr Athenogenes of Pidakhfoi, bishop, and his ten disciples.

According to legend, Bishop Athenogenes lived in a monastery near the city of Sebastia. When the persecution of Christians began by decree of the ruler of the empire in 305, it turned out that almost all the inhabitants of the city believed in Jesus. This became clear at the next pagan holiday, when all intkbbach Christians of Sebaste refused to make sacrifices to the gods. The ruler of the city ordered the guards to beat the “apostates” and arrest the bishop.

The soldiers captured 10 monks in the monastery. Afinogenes later came to the judge and demanded the release of the students, but he was also arrested. The monks who refused to offer gifts to idols were beheaded in front of Athenogenes. The bishop asked for only one favor - to execute him within the walls of his native monastery. The death of the martyr occurred approximately in 311.

It is believed that from Finogeev's day the heat subsides and the nights become cooler.

According to signs, if there are almost no clouds in the sky in the evening and all night, and the sounds carry far, it will rain in the morning.

Rain on Finogen - the hay will be blocked. Also, a rainy day promises a good harvest.

Frequent dense fogs mean an abundance of mushrooms, and if the carrot leaves have wilted, it will rain.

Navy Day (Navy Day)

Russian Navy Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of July. It was established by Decree of the President of the country No. 549 “On the establishment professional holidays And memorable days V Armed Forces Russian Federation» dated May 31, 2006. In 2018, the event date is July 29.

International Tiger Day

International Tiger Day is celebrated on July 29th of the year. The purpose of the holiday is to draw public attention to the problem of the disappearance of the population of striped predators and inform people about ways to protect these animals.

International Tiger Day was founded by participants in the Tiger Summit, which took place in November 2010 in St. Petersburg. At the same time, they drew up a program to restore the wild cat population for the next 12 years.

Alevtina, Valentina, Ivan, Pavel, Peter, Fedor, Yulia, Yakov.

  • 1696 - Russian troops captured the Turkish fortress of Azov.
  • 1836 - The Arc de Triomphe was inaugurated in Paris on Place des Stars.
  • 1914 - VI summer summers were cancelled. Olympic Games.
  • 1948 - The XIV Summer Olympic Games opened in London.
  • 1963 - the first flight of the Tu-34 aircraft took place.
  • 1974 - an elite special group A was created within the structure of the KGB of the USSR.
  • 1981 - the wedding of the heir took place British throne Charles Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer.
  • Ivan Aivazovsky 1817 - Russian painter.
  • Benito Mussolini 1883 - Italian politician.
  • Philip Golikov 1900 - Soviet military leader.
  • Clara Bow 1905 - American actress.
  • Pavel Kadochnikov 1915 - Soviet actor.
  • Mikis Theodorakis 1925 - Greek composer.
  • Zinovy ​​Korogodsky 1926 - Russian theater director.
  • Igor Krutoy 1954 - Russian composer.

July 29 - International Tiger Day

International Tiger Day was established in 2010 in St. Petersburg at the “Tiger Summit”, which was attended by representatives of thirteen states where this intelligent and graceful animal lives - India, China, Iran, Afghanistan, and a number of countries South-East Asia, the Indonesian islands, and of course the Russian Far East.

That this animal is really smart and quick-witted can be judged if only because it is easy to train. Both in our Fatherland and abroad with great success the wonderful films "Striped Flight" were and are now being shown in cinemas and on television, in which talented soviet actors Evgeny Leonov, Vladimir Belokurov, Alexey Smironov, and the role of the barmaid was played by the fearless trainer Margarita Nazarova: or “Tiger Tamer” with the wonderful Russian actress Lyudmila Kasatkina. And who doesn’t know the world-famous Zapashny brothers?! They tour with tigers not only in Russia and the CIS, but also abroad, and always with constant success.

And it was not by chance that the international summit took place in our northern capital. Over the last century, the number of striped individuals in the world has decreased almost a hundred times. Poachers shoot animals, make stuffed animals out of them, and make skins that they lay in the living rooms of rich houses. Tiger paws are used to make medicine; in addition, tiger meat is a delicacy in a number of countries and is highly prized in restaurants. The world has reached the point where no more than five thousand of these predators remain on Mother Earth and only four hundred in our Far East. You will inevitably sound the alarm here. It was at the summit in St. Petersburg that a program for the protection of tigers by the world community was developed. The initiator of this good deed on the Russian side was Vladimir Putin. After all, in our Far East, the largest Amur tiger in the world lives. His fate greatly worries our President, who, while still head of the Cabinet of Ministers, visited the Ussuri Nature Reserve. The Amur Tiger program has been approved, and along with it, a Fund for the protection of these big cats has been created, and practically the course of the planned activities is under the personal control of Vladimir Putin, although he also involved one of his assistants in this serious matter. In the Far East, devices have been installed in the taiga that record the migration of striped predators. With the onset of unfavorable weather conditions When tigers have a hard time feeding, they are fed. Putin himself released into the open spaces Far East several young tigers, which were then monitored. Interesting fact- a couple of released tigers, having matured, crossed the border with China, but then still returned to their “historical homeland”.

In our country, International Tiger Day is celebrated quite widely. We have large zoos in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and other cities. On July 29 they hold scientific and practical conferences on tiger protection issues, symposia, zoo visitors participate in competitions, quizzes, children draw these striped predators on the asphalt paths. And of course, people go to cages and enclosures and watch with interest the life of tabby cats. Similar events are held in zoos near and far abroad. The world community has set itself the goal of doubling the number of noble and smart predators. And this difficult but honorable task is most effectively carried out in Russia.