Mushrooms have a short period for harvesting, so it is worth preparing them. Belyanki can be prepared in the form of pickling. They are perfectly salted and combined with other herbs and spices, but there should not be a lot of them. This preparation, like the one, is very suitable for potatoes in any form.

Required ingredients:

  • White mushrooms – 1 kilogram;
  • Salt – 50 grams;
  • Garlic – 4-5 cloves.

Salting white mushrooms:

  1. First you need to properly prepare the container. Proper preparation white mushrooms depends on the material of the container. Glass containers are easiest to sterilize over steam; this allows the containers to spend some time under elevated temperatures, as a result of which the jars become sterile;
  2. Wooden tubs must be filled with special disinfectant compounds;
  3. It is worth sorting out the mushrooms, removing all rotten and damaged parts, and rinsing well;
  4. Place the prepared mixture in a large saucepan and pour clean water, the water should completely cover the mass. Do not add to water a large number of salt. Place the pan on the stove and bring to a boil. You need to cook the mass for half an hour, the fire should be low;
  5. When the mixture boils, you can add a small amount of spices to it;
  6. After cooking, drain the pulp in a colander and rinse with cool water, then excess liquid you need to give it time to drain;
  7. The cooked mass must be placed in prepared containers, compacted and topped with coarse salt. At the last moment, add peeled and chopped garlic into large slices;
  8. All that remains is to place pressure on the surface of the mass and cover the entire mixture with the material;
  9. You will be able to try the preparation in about a week.

How to hot salt whiteberries in jars

This recipe for how to cook white mushrooms allows you to prepare mushrooms using the hot method. This cooking method has its own nuances and secrets, but the product turns out more tasty and well-prepared. It is precisely such preparations that can be stored sufficiently for a long time and not be afraid that the mass has become poisonous.

Required ingredients:

  • Belyanki - 2 kilograms;
  • Salt – 55 grams;
  • Water – 1 liter.

How to pickle white mushrooms using the hot method:

  1. First you need to put a large container of clean water on the fire, while it boils you can prepare the mixture;
  2. Mushrooms are sorted out, and wormy parts, debris, and foliage are removed. To remove all dirt, you can wash the mixture several times. clean water. You can also soak the mixture in cool water. And before cooking, rinse well again and allow excess water to drain;
  3. The finished mass must be lowered into hot water. Add a small amount of salt there. Throughout the cooking time, it is necessary to stir the mixture and skim off the foam that forms on the surface. Cook for 10 minutes;
  4. Now the mass is washed again, drained with water and dried a little so that there is no excess liquid. To do this, you can transfer the mixture into a colander and leave for several hours. Or you can transfer the mixture into gauze and make a knot and hang the mixture at some distance from the table. This method helps drain the liquid from a large amount of pulp;
  5. Now it’s worth transferring the pulp into prepared containers, constantly sprinkling it with salt. For a recipe on how to salt whites in jars for the winter, you can use a few other spices;
  6. The mass is covered with a large plate and heavy pressure. Leave the mixture for pickling for 3-4 weeks;
  7. After this, you can transfer the mixture into separate small jars and roll up with iron lids.

Cold salting of whites

This recipe can be prepared in the most various containers, these can be glass jars, enamel buckets. But of course, the most delicious pickles are made in wooden tubs. Moreover, the tub can have the size required by the housewife. Such a container is well stored in a cellar or other cool place.

Required ingredients:

  • Belyanki – 1 kilogram;
  • Salt – 60 grams.

How to salt whites in a cold way:

  1. The pulp should be sorted, washed, peeled, and, if necessary, soaked for several days. Usually, small mushrooms are salted whole. But you can choose the size of the mass yourself. Large elements should be cut into several parts;
  2. To begin with, the bottom of the container must be generously sprinkled with salt. You should definitely choose coarse salt. Only the use of coarse salt will help to obtain a high-quality brine, which is formed from a mixture of juice and salt;
  3. Place the pulp in dense rows no more than 5 centimeters thick and sprinkle with salt. There should be a lot of it; to be safe, you can use salt in large quantities. Moreover, before direct consumption, the pulp can be dipped in cool water and kept in it for several hours. This procedure will help rid the mass of excess salt and obtain a more natural taste of the product;
  4. The last layer must be salt, put a clean cloth on the surface of the mass and cover it with heavy oppression;
  5. The mass will be ready only after 40 days. Then the fruits can be transferred to sterilized containers and rolled up with lids. This stock will be stored more than a year, provided that the twist is stored in a cool place. Ideal place storage will be a cellar or refrigerator.

How to pickle white mushrooms for the winter with garlic and dill

White mushrooms are well suited for pickling, although mushrooms are not often salted. The taste will be complemented by bay leaf, dill seeds, pepper and other herbs. You can use herbs that you like or remove spices that you don’t like. The mass will be tasty even without adding spices, but the aroma, of course, needs to be supplemented with spices.

Required ingredients:

  • Belyanki - 10 kilograms;
  • Garlic – 10-12 cloves;
  • Horseradish root – 1 tablespoon;
  • Allspice – 30-35 peas;
  • Dill – 5 tablespoons of seeds;
  • Bay leaf – 10 leaves.

Recipe for salting white mushrooms with garlic and dill:

  1. Sort the pulp well, rinse using plenty of water, it is recommended to change the water at least three times. After this, you need to put the pulp in a large container and fill it with clean cold water. Infusion should take place over three days, during this process it is necessary to change the water to fresh water at least 2-3 times;
  2. Then you can move on to the next stage. Rinse the pulp and place it in a large container, caps down. It is in this arrangement that the caps will correctly absorb the saline solution, and the pressure installed on the surface of the mixture will act correctly;
  3. Sprinkle the prepared spices and salt over each layer of pulp. It should fit very tightly, there should be as little space as possible between the caps, and a large amount of pulp can be placed in a small container, but in the process it will still settle and compact;
  4. Cover the entire mass with gauze or cloth to prevent the entry of debris and dust. And it is worth installing a large oppression on top; any heavy objects can be used as oppression;
  5. The mass is removed to a cool room and left to fully cook. Salting will take approximately 1 month. After this period, the mass can be tried. It is recommended to store the product for no more than 4-6 months, but this is not required, because the mixture is very tasty and can be quickly consumed.

Salted whites recipe

Whitefish can be salted using only salt, or you can add various spices. But it is important to consider that a large amount of spices will be superfluous. Spices are needed only to complement the taste; in large quantities they can interrupt the main taste of the dish. It is better to add only a few types of spices and they should not be much. But you can take more salt than indicated in the recipe.

Required ingredients:

  • Belyanki - 2 kilograms;
  • Salt – 80-100 grams.

White mushrooms recipes:

  1. If the recipe for pickling white mushrooms uses spices, then they need to be washed and placed at the bottom of the pickling container;
  2. The mushrooms should be sorted out, washed well, large ones should be soaked in water for several days, the water should be changed periodically;
  3. Then the plants can be laid out in dense rows on the caps; periodically it is necessary to sprinkle the pulp with coarse salt. It is coarse salt that is most suitable for the salting process. You should also distribute a large amount of salt on top of all the pulp;
  4. Then you need to put a clean cloth on the pulp, it can be gauze in several layers, or you can use a thick cloth;
  5. Place a large flat plate on the fabric and a large weight on it. During the salting process, the pulp will gradually settle and it will be possible to add new portions of the pulp, as long as you add salt to them and put pressure on them. It is important that when salting, a large amount of juice should be released from the mushrooms so that they are completely covered with it. If there is not enough juice, the salting process will not proceed correctly;
  6. Place the pan in a cool place and leave until completely cooked.

Great care must be taken when preparing mushrooms. In such preparations, it is very necessary to take into account the correctness of the preparatory stage, the correct processing temperature and storage conditions. Only in this case can you be sure that the mushrooms will turn out tasty and healthy.

characterized by the following description of appearance:

  • the diameter of the cap of an adult mushroom can vary between 40-80 mm;
  • at the initial stage of development, the cap has a convex shape;
  • older specimens are distinguished by a prostrate or funnel-shaped cap with characteristically rolled edges, as well as a depression in the central part;
  • the surface of the cap is white, with slight darkening in the central part;
  • there are no pronounced concentric zones on the surface of the cap;
  • the cap has dense pubescence, and in rainy time may be slimy;
  • the plates are of an adherent type or have a slight descent, often located, narrow, white in color;
  • leg no more than 40 mm high, up to 20 mm in diameter, cylindrical in shape with a narrowing at the very base;
  • the surface of the leg may be smooth or have slight pubescence;
  • in adult specimens the stem is hollow, uniformly colored with a cap;
  • the flesh is dense, white, quite fragile, and has a faint mushroom aroma;
  • Characterized by the abundant secretion of white, milky, caustic juice by the pulp, which does not change color when exposed to air.

Older specimens of Lactarius pubescens have a smooth cap surface and acquire a fairly pronounced yellowish coloration. Such fruiting bodies are not suitable for food.

Chemical composition and benefits

The pulp of the white trumpet contains significant amount B vitamins, as well as vitamin A and ascorbic acid. The undeniable advantage of this forest mushroom has a beneficial effect on vision, as well as improving the condition of hair and skin. The total calorie content of white milkweed is no more than 21–23 kcal per 100 g of pulp, so dishes from the fruiting bodies of this milkweed can be consumed even if you are prone to excess weight. The amino acids contained in mushroom pulp are quite easily absorbed by the human body.

However, it is important to remember that the use of white mushroom as food should be avoided in the presence of chronic diseases such as pancreatitis and cholecystitis. It is not recommended to eat dishes with white fiber if you have diseases accompanied by a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice.

White volnushkas are traditionally used in our country exclusively for pickling, and people say about this variety of edible milkweed like this: “White volnushka is a noble mushroom.”

Boletus mushroom: how to find, recognize and cook

White mushroom: description (video)

Distribution area

As a rule, this fungus is characterized by the formation of mycorrhiza with birch trees, so most often Lactarius pubescens is found on the edges of birch groves. It grows somewhat less frequently in young coniferous and birch forests.

The mycelium forms a significant number of fruiting bodies, so Lactarius pubescens is characterized by growing quite in large groups. Peak fruiting occurs in the last summer month and the first ten days of September. The main difference between the white milkweed and other white-colored milkweeds is the pubescence on the cap.

Cooking methods

Many novice mushroom pickers refuse to collect white mushrooms, due to the rather mediocre taste qualities mushroom if cooked incorrectly. Lack of proper pre-treatment of fruiting bodies can provoke severe irritation of the mucous membrane oral cavity, and also often causes nausea, vomiting, and dysfunction of the digestive system.

To get not only tasty, but also the most healthy mushroom dish, whitefish should be subjected to mandatory primary processing:

  • the collected fruiting bodies must be thoroughly cleaned of forest debris and contamination in the form of soil particles;
  • the content of caustic juice in the mushroom pulp implies a mandatory process of soaking peeled mushrooms;
  • Fruiting bodies should be soaked for at least 48 hours, periodically replacing the water;
  • Immediately after soaking, the mushrooms should be rinsed under running water.

Despite the fact that most often they prefer to salt and pickle volushki for the winter, there are several recipes for preparing them immediately after soaking. You can enjoy the taste of these mushrooms in soups, and white mushrooms are also good fried, boiled and stewed.

Belyanka in batter

For a kilogram of mushrooms you will need a tablespoon of salt, a liter of water, a little flour, garlic and dill to taste, butter for frying.

Shiitake mushroom: biological description and medicinal properties


  • boil the peeled and pasted primary processing mushrooms in salted water until half cooked;
  • add any spices or seasonings to the broth and boil the mushrooms for about another quarter of an hour, periodically removing the foam;
  • strain the mushrooms, cool slightly and, dipping in flour, fry until golden brown.

Whitefish soup

For 0.3 kg of mushrooms you should take an onion, one medium-sized carrot, a bunch of greens, a small amount of vegetable oil, a couple of liters of vegetable broth.


  • Pour boiling water over the fruiting bodies that have undergone preliminary preparation for about a quarter of an hour;
  • rinse under running water and chop relatively finely;
  • cut the onion into half rings and the carrots into cubes, then fry in a small amount of vegetable oil;
  • add mushrooms to the sautéed vegetables and fry over medium heat for a quarter of an hour;
  • pour the broth into the pan and bring to a boil;
  • cut the potatoes into cubes and add to the broth;
  • add the fried mushrooms and vegetables and simmer for five minutes.

How to pickle white mushroom: recipe (video)

Among the young growth of birch trees you can find conditionally edible white mushrooms with fluffy edges called white mushrooms. They are valuable for their composition, which is why they are popular among professional mushroom pickers, but are often underestimated by beginners.

The white fungus (also known as the white mushroom or Lactarius pubescens) is a conditionally edible agaric, belonging to the Syroezhkov family, the Mlechniki genus.

  • The cap is at first convex, white with a pinkish tint, with a fluffy edge strongly tucked inward; with age it becomes flat, smoother, depressed closer to the center. The average diameter is 3-7 cm.
  • the pulp, as the name suggests, is white, but pinkish under the skin. The milky juice is white, does not change color in air, and is bitter.
  • the stem of the mushroom has a cylindrical shape, height - 3-6 cm, diameter 0.7-2 cm. As the mushroom grows, it gradually becomes hollow. The surface is white or light pink.
  • the plates are frequent, thin, adherent or slightly running down the stem, light fawn or pinkish, and do not change their color over time.


Volushka mushrooms mainly grow in mixed or deciduous young forests. They can also be found near forest and country roads, in meadows, clearings and forest edges. They grow both in groups and individually. The habitat regions are dominated by Siberia, the Urals, North Caucasus, as well as the center and north-west of the country. One of the key conditions for the growth of the fungus is the presence of birch trees nearby.

Belyanka usually bears fruit from the beginning of August to the end of September, less often - until mid-October.

Similar species and how to distinguish them from them

The appearance of the mushroom is very specific, it is difficult to confuse it with another. The only kind, which the whitefish is similar to, is its relative, the pink wave. The latter can be easily distinguished by the more saturated pink color of the cap, which has quite pronounced concentric zones. Pink volnushka grows in drier and brighter places, near dry birches. But even if you confuse these mushrooms, nothing bad will happen; they are similar in their properties and cooking methods.

When compared with other white lactaries, the white moth has a slightly lower cap.

Primary processing and preparation

The mushroom belongs to category 2 of edibility and is allowed for harvesting. Usually it is salted, less often pickled after pre-treatment by soaking or boiling. If pre-treatment in the form of soaking is not carried out, the mushroom juice will be unpleasantly bitter and can cause stomach upset.

Nutritional qualities, benefits and harms

White mushroom is not very high in calories; 100 grams contain 22 kcal.

Whitefish are perfectly absorbed by the body, and their protein properties are very similar to animal protein. They are also very good for skin, hair and eyesight. The chitin compounds that make up their fiber have a positive effect on the intestines.

Not all people are recommended to consume these mushrooms. For example, they are dangerous for those who suffer from low acidity of gastric juice, pancreatitis or cholecystitis. You should not use them if the gallbladder has been removed - then digestion of the components may be difficult, which can cause a noticeable exacerbation of chronic diseases of various digestive organs. Also, whitefish, if poorly treated, can irritate the mucous membranes even in people without problems with internal organs.

Although this mushroom is quite caustic and bitter (it surpasses even the black mushroom in this indicator), if it is properly processed, it will be very tasty, healthy and nutritious. Because this great option for collection in the summer-autumn period. The mushroom is easy to collect even for novice mushroom pickers, because they can confuse it with something, once remembering what it looks like white wave, very difficult.

Belyanka, or, as it is also called, white trumpet (lat. Lactarius pubescens), is a lamellar mushroom from the genus Milky and the Russula family.

White trumpet belongs to the group of conditionally edible mushrooms.

Description of the whitefish

White mushroom is a small mushroom; its cap rarely grows with a diameter of more than 8 cm.

As the mushroom grows, the cap turns from convex to first prostrate, and then completely funnel-shaped. In young mushrooms, the edge of the cap is rolled up, its center is depressed.

The white wave got its name due to its color. Unlike the pink wave, there are no concentric circles on the cap. In dry weather the cap looks like pubescent, in damp weather it looks slimy.

At the bottom of the cap, frequent white plates extend from the place where the stem is attached.

The leg of the whitefish is short, only 2-4 cm high, up to 2 cm thick, cylindrical, most often smooth, but may be pubescent. Young mushrooms have a full stem, while old mushrooms have a hollow stem.

Whitefish has very brittle and dense flesh with a weak characteristic odor.

If the integrity of the fungus (especially the plates) is damaged, white and caustic juice is abundantly released at the site of damage, which does not change color even when interacting with atmospheric oxygen.

According to the description, the whitefish is very similar to a young milk mushroom. The difference lies in the fact that the white milkfish is less dense than its fellow milk mushroom, its cap is not so thick, and it is smaller in size.

The white moth prefers to grow in birch groves and rare young coniferous and birch forests. This mushroom does not grow alone; it is usually found in large groups.

Collection time: beginning of August - end of September.

White milk has been eaten for a long time, but never in its raw form, otherwise you can get poisoning or at least indigestion. There are two main ways to prepare whites:

Recipe No. 1

1. Collected mushrooms cleaned of debris, the stems are cut to fit the bottom edge of the cap (they are removed, they have an unpleasant-tasting texture). Wormy mushrooms They are also not suitable for harvesting.

2. Place the mushrooms in a large container, fill them with clean cold water and press down so that not a single mushroom remains floating on the surface of the water. If the mushrooms are not properly cooked, they will turn black and will be unsuitable for further cooking. It is most convenient to use some flat object for oppression, for example, a lid from a saucepan turned upside down, on which a weighting agent is then placed (a stone, an axe, a filled container with water, etc.). By the way, sometimes it happens that leaves stick very strongly to the mushroom cap, which cannot be torn off from the mushroom without damaging the cap. In this case, you can soak the mushrooms directly with the garbage: after soaking, any debris can be easily separated from the mushroom.

3. A day after soaking, the mushrooms are washed with cold running water (faucet water), the remaining debris is removed and soaked again for a day. You can’t soak the whites for more than 2 days, otherwise they will lose their taste.

4. Pickling of mushrooms is done directly into glass jars, which are thoroughly washed and dried beforehand.

5. First, 1/2 teaspoon of salt is evenly poured onto the bottom of the jar, then 1-2 layers of mushrooms are laid out with their caps down, sprinkled with salt, again 1-2 layers of mushrooms, etc.

There are nuances: as you add mushrooms to the jar, they should be carefully compacted, squeezing out and draining the water that appears. At the same time as the salt, the layers of mushrooms can be sprinkled with thinly sliced ​​garlic slices. On liter jar it takes 40-60 grams of salt and 2-3 cloves of garlic.

6. As soon as the jar is filled to the brim with mushrooms, you need to take a tablespoon (or other long and thin object) and carefully push it to the bottom of the jar: this will release excess air from the jar and the mushrooms will thicken even more.

7. There is no need to put mushrooms at the very top of the jar. Mushrooms should be placed until the jar narrows to the neck. Then take a flexible flat object and insert it into the jar so that it is between the mushrooms and the narrowing of the jar towards the neck. It turns out to be a kind of oppression, thanks to which all the mushrooms will end up in the water released from the pressure. Personally, for oppression, I use plastic lids from buckets of mayonnaise (I stock up on them in advance), from which I cut off the hard corrugated edge: this way the bent plastic plane easily penetrates the neck of the jar, straightens and stands between the mushrooms and the narrowing of the jar.

8. Jars of mushrooms are kept in room conditions 2 more days. At this time, the jars with mushrooms cannot be closed with lids, since the fermentation process will occur inside, accompanied by the appearance of additional water, which will have to be drained.

9. After 2 days, the mushrooms are put into the cellar, refrigerator or other cool place. Whitefish can be eaten no earlier than 3 weeks after the start of salting.

Recipe No. 2

For 1 kg of peeled mushrooms you will need:

  • 60 grams of salt;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 10 g dill seeds;
  • 5 black peppercorns.

1. Mushrooms are soaked for 24 hours as indicated in the previous recipe (step 2).

2. Boil the mushrooms for 30 minutes in unsalted water, drain in a colander and cool. To save White color mushrooms, add 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid to the cooking water.

3. Add salt and spices to the mushrooms, mix everything thoroughly.

4. Place the mushrooms, caps down, in sterilized jars and seal with plastic lids.

5. The jars are placed in a cellar, refrigerator or other cool place. Consume food no earlier than 10 days later.

Composition of white milk (per 100 g)

White mushroom is a low-calorie mushroom (see table above). Should whitefish be considered useful product food? Now let's try to understand this issue.

White mushrooms contain vitamins A, group B and vitamin C, although the concentration of these vitamins in mushrooms is not very high and varies depending on the growing conditions and the age of the mushroom itself (fluctuations can be either down or up).

Whitefish contains protein rich in amino acids such as isoleucine, leucine, threonine. However, there is not enough protein in whitefish to try to replenish the body’s reserves of this nutrient by eating it. But you shouldn’t give up eating mushrooms, because the main thing for the body is variety.

Whitefish contains fiber, mainly represented by chitin. The body needs fiber, but chitin is not the type that is easily absorbed by our body. And yet, the same chitin has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. In addition, chitin has an absorbent effect and helps remove radionuclides and heavy metal salts from the body.

Mushrooms, especially lamellar mushrooms, are not beneficial for all people. For example, it is better to refrain from using them if there is low acidity of gastric juice, with cholecystitis and pancreatitis. Such contraindications are due to the fact that the breakdown of chitin requires a fairly high activity of digestive juices, and in people with these problems it is reduced. When remote gallbladder Whitefish should absolutely not be eaten, otherwise other diseases of the digestive system may worsen.

Under no circumstances should you eat poorly salted whites. There are 2 explanations for this:

1) white mushrooms contain toxins that decompose as the mushrooms are salted;

2) when salting the mushrooms, fermented milk bacteria “work”, and the longer the process of fermented milk fermentation lasts, the easier the mushroom is digested.

But it is also impossible to store whites for a long time, since over time the likelihood of the accumulation of botulinum poison in them increases due to the activity of dangerous bacteria that produce this toxin. To reduce the likelihood of botulin formation, mushrooms are harvested immediately by removing the stems; after harvesting, the mushrooms must be processed as quickly as possible and stored at a temperature no higher than +6 o C. And in no case should mushrooms be stored for more than 12 months. Even if the year following the harvest of mushrooms turns out to be a lean year, the mushrooms should still be eliminated. Remember that 30-50% of cases of botulinum poisoning are fatal.

False mushrooms, or as they are also called white mushrooms, are considered conditionally edible mushrooms and doubles of saffron milk caps. They are widely used in cooking; if prepared correctly, the result will be a tasty and unusual dish. However, many amateurs quiet hunt bypass them. And there are reasons for this. If used incorrectly, it can cause stomach upset and lung poisoning or moderate severity. Therefore, waves, photos and descriptions false species which can be found in any encyclopedia about mushrooms, are not so safe.

Pink and white volnushki

Mushrooms false whites there are different types, however, in Russia representatives of the pink and white wave are more common. It is quite easy to identify these species by the characteristic color of their caps. Pink copy - conditionally edible mushroom, which is the most great representative of its own kind. It has a convex cap, which can reach 12 cm in diameter. A representative of the white species is no less common. This is completely White mushroom with a short stem and a funnel-shaped cap.

Distribution and fruiting season

Volnushki occur in mixed and deciduous forests. However, most of all they like to grow near old birch trees. The fruiting season for these “inhabitants” of the forest is quite long. The pink species can be found in the forest as early as the end of June. And the season for collecting pink specimens ends in mid-October. White look occurs from early August to late September.

Use in cooking

Volnushki are rarely used for cooking. Most often they are salted or pickled. Like other lactiferous mushrooms, such as milk mushrooms or silver milk mushrooms, trumpet mushrooms are carefully processed before salting. To do this, the entire collection is well cleaned and soaked in water for 24 hours. The water needs to be changed periodically. Fans of fried foods will have to boil the mushrooms first to remove the bitterness.

False waves

Popular names for mushrooms are different. Volnyanka, rubella, decoction, Volzhanka are mushrooms that differ only in name. However, the wave also has false doubles. These include the spiny milkweed and the flaccid milkweed. They also prefer moist soil, so they grow in swampy deciduous and mixed forests. Sometimes they can be found in coniferous forests, which distinguishes them from the wave. This mushroom does not grow among spruce or pine trees.

Milky spiny

A description of false whites with photos can be found in any book on a suitable topic. It is not difficult to distinguish the prickly lacticaria from the moth, since it can be recognized by its size. The diameter of the mushroom cap does not exceed 4 cm. A peculiarity of the spiny lacticaria is the depression in the middle of the pale pink mushroom cap, which you will definitely notice. The mushroom itself rarely exceeds the size of a chicken egg.

Milkweed sluggish

A common representative of the false moth is the flaccid milkweed. It can grow up to 10 cm in height. The leg grows up to 8 cm, and the diameter of the cap often reaches 10 cm. The cap is red-brown, the color of the flesh is white. A characteristic feature lactifera is a pungent odor and unusual green color juice

How to prevent volnushka poisoning?

In order not to get an upset stomach by eating whitefish, you need to follow a number of rules when preparing:
  • fresh mushrooms are boiled in several decoctions, never using the first one;
  • The dishes and knife must be clean;
  • It is better not to use cutlery and dishes made of tin, copper or cast iron;
  • salted and pickled mushrooms are not left in open jar, it is better to eat them immediately;
  • Dishes made from fried or boiled trumpets are not stored for longer than 24 hours.
When purchasing or collecting forest products, it is important to pay attention to their appearance. Shriveled, damaged or rotten specimens may be unsafe. Good mushroom It has a solid cap with uniform color and a dense stem. Such forest gifts can be used in cooking.

And a little about secrets

Many mushroom pickers are wary of mushrooms. IN Western countries false whites are considered poisonous. However, in Russia they are loved and often used in cooking. The peculiarity of the waves is milky juice, which is quite bitter. To remove bitterness and remove toxic substances, just soak the mushrooms, boil them, and drain the first broth. After such processing, they lose their negative properties and become suitable for food. Young specimens are considered tasty and safe. They can be stored raw in the freezer for up to six months. To do this, the waves are cleaned, soaked in water, and then dried. You can cut them into cubes. The volnushki are wrapped in paper bag and place in the freezer.