Australia is different from other continents globe antiquity and unique originality of flora and fauna. They formed under conditions of long-term isolation of the continent (with Cretaceous period). Among plants, endemics account for 75% of species. The most characteristic representatives The flora of Australia are eucalyptus (more than 600 species), acacia (490 species) and casuarina (25 species). Among the eucalyptus trees there are giants reaching 150 m in height, as well as shrubby forms. Araucarias, proteaceae, southern beeches, tree ferns, palms and a number of other plants indicate the presence in the past of land connections with other continents ( South America, Africa, Southeast Asia). Animal world Australia is extremely unique. The fauna of the continent has a pronounced relict character. Endemics make up 90% of total number animals of Australia. Only here the most primitive mammals (platypus and echidna) have been preserved. Greatest variety species were given by marsupials: giant kangaroos (up to 3 m in height) and dwarf kangaroos (up to 30 cm in size); koala - marsupial bear, wombats - resemble our hamsters; marsupial predators and rodents, insectivorous and herbivorous marsupials. Birds that are also unique in Australia include parrots, emus, black swans, cassowaries, weed chickens, lyrebirds and brightly colored birds. birds of paradise. The waters of Northern Australia are home to crocodiles and turtles. There are many lizards in dry savannas and deserts, poisonous snakes; mosquitoes and other insects. The local fauna of Australia, which developed in isolation for a long time, turned out to be easily vulnerable and could not compete with the settlers who came with humans. She went wild and became dangerous predator dingo dog. Rabbits, foxes, rats, sparrows, and starlings, brought here from England, quickly multiplied. Many Australian animal species have become extremely rare or extinct, like the Tasmanian marsupial wolf. Currently, 27 species of animals and 18 species of birds are threatened with extinction. Australia is well aware of the uniqueness and significant vulnerability of local nature. This is probably why there are now more than 1000 protected areas in the Commonwealth of Australia ( National parks, reserves, state parks), occupying more than 3% of the country's territory. In Australia, as in Africa, it is well expressed natural zoning landscapes. This is facilitated by the flat nature of the continent's topography and the absence of well-defined orographic boundaries on it. Natural areas gradually change when moving from north to south as temperatures, regimes and precipitation change. Among continents, Australia ranks first in the relative area of ​​deserts and semi-deserts and last in forest area. However, only 2% of Australia's forests are of industrial importance. The central and western regions of Australia within the tropical zone are occupied by deserts and semi-deserts with sparse vegetation of hard grasses and shrubby forms of eucalyptus and acacia (scrape). In deserts, special primitive soils are formed, often colored red. Equatorial, subequatorial and humid rainforests are represented in small areas in the far north of the continent and along the eastern windward slopes of the Great Dividing Range. In these forests, palms, ficuses, laurels, tree ferns intertwined with vines grow mainly on red ferralite soils; Eucalyptus trees predominate in the forests of the eastern part. Subequatorial climatic zone correspond mainly to savannas and woodlands (of eucalyptus, acacia and casuarina). Red-brown and red-brown soils form under the canopy of light eucalyptus forests and in savannas. Within subtropical zone In the southeast and southwest of the continent, special natural complexes are formed. In the humid subtropical forests in the southeast of the continent, eucalyptus forests grow on red soils and yellow soils, and evergreen southern beeches grow in the southern part of this zone. In the southwest of the continent there is a zone of hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs of typical Australian species on brown soils. All natural areas of Australia convenient for farming are occupied by fields and plantations of crops imported from Europe and other parts of the world. Along with cereals, grapevines, cotton, corn, rice, many vegetables and fruit trees are well acclimatized here.

Natural areas of Australia (grade 7) - this is one of the most interesting topics school geography. Indeed, this continent, despite its small size, is characterized by a very rich natural diversity. This article gives a brief description of all natural areas of the continent.

What is a natural area? Formation of natural areas

A natural (or physical-geographical) zone is a part geographic envelope, which is characterized by its own set natural ingredients and conditions. Any natural area includes a number of structural components, namely:

  • climate features;
  • landforms;
  • inland waters;
  • soil;
  • flora and fauna.

All these components are in close interaction with each other, and the nature of these connections will be different for each of the natural zones.

The main factor that influences the formation and distribution of natural zones on the planet is the ratio of moisture and heat received. This ratio will vary depending on the latitude of the area. Natural zonation is also influenced by other factors (for example, the nature and complexity of the relief, proximity to the ocean, etc.), however key factor nevertheless, it is the climatic one that plays a role.

Each of the continents of our planet has its own set of natural zones. Australia is no exception here. The natural zones of this continent, namely their distribution, differ significantly from the sublatitudinal one. The reason for this is the small size of the continent, as well as the presence of a powerful mountain system stretching from north to south in the east of the continent of Australia.

The natural areas of the mainland, as well as their territorial distribution, are displayed on the following map:

Natural areas of Australia: table

In order to visualize the physical and geographical zoning of Australia, we bring to your attention the following table.

Natural zoning of mainland Australia
Natural areasClimate typeTypical representatives of the floraTypical representatives of the fauna
Zone permanently rain forests
  • Tropical.
  • Monsoon.
  • eucalyptus;
  • araucaria;
  • ferns;
  • orchids;
  • palm trees
  • wombat;
  • koala;
  • tiger cat
Zone of evergreen hard-leaved forests

Subtropical (Mediterranean)

  • eucalyptus (low growing);
  • various cereals;
  • solyanka;
  • acacia
  • various types of snakes and lizards;
  • wombat;
  • Dingo dog.
Savanna and woodland zoneSubequatorial and tropical
  • acacia;
  • cereals;
  • casaurins.
  • echidna;
  • kangaroo;
  • wombat;
  • ostrich Emu.
Desert and semi-desert zone

Tropical (continental)

  • herbs and some grains;
  • Blackbeard
  • ostrich Emu;
  • various types of snakes and lizards;
  • kangaroo.

Australia: natural areas and their brief characteristics

The largest area in Australia is the zone of deserts and semi-deserts, located in tropical zone. This zone is characterized by low precipitation and extremely high evaporation. Therefore, the vegetation of Australian deserts is very poor. Quite often one can observe here extensive salt crusts covering large areas.

To the east, the zone of deserts and semi-deserts is replaced by more wet zone savannas and tropical woodlands. In this natural area vegetable world already much richer, but the lack of hydration is noticeable here too.

The eastern outskirts of Australia are known to be occupied by mountain system- The Great Dividing Range is the most important landscape barrier on the mainland. It was on its slopes that two natural forest-type zones were formed. Between the 15th and 28th degrees of south latitude there is a zone of evergreen forests, and north of the 15th degree there is a zone of constantly humid forests. Altitudinal zone on this continent it is clearly visible only in the Australian Alps.


So, we found out that within the smallest continent of the planet there are four natural zones.

The natural zones of Australia are the zone of permanently moist forests, the zone of evergreen hard-leaved forests, the zone of savannas and woodlands, as well as the zone of deserts and semi-deserts. Each of them is distinguished by its geographical features (soil, flora, fauna).

Characteristic Australia - originality organic world, consisting in a large number of endemic species. At the same time, it should be noted that the wild vegetation of Australia did not produce a single plant that would play a noticeable role in agriculture. Among plants, the share of endemics reaches 75%. These include casuarinas with leafless thread-like branches, and grass trees, and tree ferns; there are also many types of acacias, palm trees, various herbs and shrubs.

Australia is completely unthinkable without evergreen giants - eucalyptus trees, of which there are more than 300 species - from giant ones (up to 150 m in height) to low-growing ones and shrubs. Eucalyptus trees They grow quickly. In 20 years, one hectare of eucalyptus forest can produce up to 800 m3 valuable wood. For comparison, such an amount of wood cannot be produced by any of the known tree species and for 120 years. Despite the paradox - eucalyptus grows on the driest continent, the most important property of this tree is its amazing ability to drain the soil, which is why eucalyptus is called the “pump tree”. It’s not surprising that under the eucalyptus you won’t even see another tree, you won’t even see a blade of grass.

Among animals, the proportion of endemics is even greater - about 90%. This is the symbol of Australia, the kangaroo, d other marsupials: unusually cute marsupial bear - koala, wombat, mole, marsupial wolf etc. Such ancient animals as primitive are well known oviparous mammals: platypus and echidna. There are a lot of different birds: emus, birds of paradise, cassowaries, lyrebirds, black swans, weed chickens, parrots, etc. Rich and Australian world reptiles: there are especially many poisonous snakes and lizards.

On the mainland natural areas are distributed in concentric circles. In the center there are deserts and semi-deserts, they are surrounded by tropical forest-steppes - savannas and woodlands. The northern and northeastern parts of the continent are characterized by wet and variable rain forests . Different kinds palm trees, laurels, ficus trees and tree ferns intertwined with vines grow here on red ferrallite soils. On the eastern slopes of the Vodorazdelnyi Range they are common eucalyptus forests. Above 1000 m you can find separate massifs of ancient coniferous species- araucaria.

IN savannahs common species are eucalyptus, acacia and casuarina on red-brown and red-brown soils. Kangaroos and emus live here. In the extreme southwestshrub steppes give way hard-leaved forests and shrubs, in the southeast - subtropical humid mixed forests with evergreen beeches on red-yellow ferrallite soils.

In semi-deserts and deserts you can find completely impenetrable thickets consisting of hard-leaved, thorny, densely intertwined shrubs (shrub forms of eucalyptus and acacia) - scrub s. In Western and central parts mainland large areas occupy sandy deserts - Bolshaya, Victoria, Simpson. They are characterized by long ridges, occupied places tall, tough grasses (“reed grass”). Among the animals found here are giant kangaroos, wombats, emus and the dingo dog, which is a wild domestic animal. In the deserts soil cover is poorly developed, and in some places special desert soils are formed, colored red.

Altitudinal zone can be found only in the Australian Alps, where the forests on the peaks give way to alpine-type meadows.

Due to Australia's arid climate, there is much less arable land than pasture. However, grazing pressures in many areas of the continent are so great and intense that they have led to a noticeable change in its flora and fauna. A lot was brought to Australia from other continents. different types trees, shrubs and herbs. Many introduced animals (foxes, rats, rabbits) pushed aside or greatly exterminated local species of animals. Almost every year, Australian forests suffer greatly from numerous fires.

Natural area

Climate type

Climate Features


The soil

Animal world



Total precipitation

Permanently wet forests

Tropical humid continental and subtropical monsoon

Eucalyptus, palm trees, tree ferns, pandanus, flindersia, orchids, araucaria.

Red-yellow ferralite

koala , couscous , tree kangaroo, marsupials: wombat, pademelons, marsupial tiger cats and pygmy possums.

Savannas, woodlands and shrubs

Subequatorial continental and tropical continental

Eucalyptus woodlands, grasses, acacias, casaurines

Brown, red-brown and brown savannas

Marmot, echidna, kangaroo mice, giant kangaroo, wombat, marsupial mole, emu.

Deserts and semi-deserts

Tropical continental

Mitchell's grass, triodia, plectrahne, shuttlebeard

Desert sandy and rocky

Ostrich Emu, frilled lizard, snakes, kangaroo, dingo dog

Stiffleaf evergreen forests and bushes

Subtropical Mediterranean climate

Low-growing species of eucalyptus, thickets of thorny acacias, saltwort, saltpeter, quinoa


Australia, along with Africa, is a continent on which natural zonation is clearly expressed. When moving from north to south, natural areas of Australia are gradually replaced. This is due to the change temperature regime, as well as with changes in the amount of precipitation.

The open woodlands and savannas of Australia correspond. On ferrallitic red soils, as well as on red-brown soils, not only grass grows, but also eucalyptus, acacia, bottle trees, as well as casuarinas - shrubs and trees with thread-like branches without leaves. Due to the fact that small branches of this plant fall off throughout the year, a conifer-like cover is formed under them, hence the similarity of this plant to coniferous trees.

In the east of the continent there are humid and variable-humid tropical forests, this is due to the conditions of uniform moisture. Eucalyptus trees, palm trees, ficus trees, etc. grow there. In this climatic zone inhabited by: wombats, kangaroos, marsupial anteaters. A large number of birds live along the shores of numerous lakes.

The largest area, of course, is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts. In this zone there are scrubs - these are thickets of dry bushes and low-growing thorny acacias. You can also find eucalyptus trees and small-leaved grasses in this area. Some desert areas that are covered with spinifex, an evergreen perennial tough grass, and shrubs are used as pastures. giant kangaroos, echidnas and a large number of reptiles.

In the south of the continent are located subtropical forests, in which most occupied by evergreen beech, eucalyptus, etc.

The most are deserts. This is where an amazing animal lives, Australian spiny lizard- Moloch. The second name for Moloch is “prickly devil.” Its peculiarity is that its entire body, from the nose to the tip of the tail, is covered with powerful spines. When threatening appearance, the dimensions of the lizard are quite small, it reaches 10-12 cm in length, and its weight does not exceed 100 grams.

Body coloring Australian lizard with spikes can change depending on external conditions. This happens for camouflage, and the spikes to some extent serve the same purpose. If a predator manages to notice a lizard, it can swallow a large amount of air and swell up like a ball covered with large spines. This transformation often scares off predators, allowing the lizard to survive.

Despite the fact that Australia is the smallest continent on the planet, it surprises with the diversity of its nature. The change in the balance of moisture and heat depends on the latitude of the area. This is manifested in the conditional division of the continent into territories with characteristic soil types, animals and plants - the natural zones of Australia.

Division of the continent into natural complexes

Australia is divided into four zones, which replace each other depending on the ratio of humidity and heat. The pronounced latitudinal zonation is due to the predominant flat terrain, which only in the east turns into mountain slopes.

The central position on the Australian continent is occupied by a zone of deserts and semi-deserts located in the tropical zone. It occupies half of all Australian lands.

Table Natural areas of Australia

Natural areas

Climate type

Typical representatives of the flora

Typical representatives of the fauna

Permanently wet forests





tiger cat

Evergreen hardleaf forests

Subtropical (Mediterranean)

low growing eucalyptus

Dingo dog

various types of lizards and snakes

Savannas and woodlands

Subequatorial and tropical


ostrich Emu

Deserts and semi-deserts

Tropical (continental)

cereals and herbs


snakes and lizards

ostrich Emu

A characteristic feature of Australia is the amazing originality of nature, which consists of a large number of endemic species, both among plants and among animals. Only on this continent can you find unusual representatives of flora and fauna that are not found anywhere else in the world.

Features of natural complexes

In Australia, the most impressive zone is the desert and semi-desert zone - it occupies largest territory and is located in the tropical zone.

For this natural complex characterized by very scanty precipitation, which evaporates very quickly in hot climates. It is not surprising that Australia is often called the desert continent, because there are 5 large desert areas:

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  • Victoria - the most big desert Australian continent, occupies 424 thousand square meters. km.
  • sandy desert - the second largest wasteland. Here is the famous Australian national park Ayres Rock, which attracts tourists from all over the world.
  • Tanami - unlike most deserts, it is characterized by a sufficient number of rainy days. However, due to extreme heat precipitation evaporates very quickly. Gold mining is underway in the desert.
  • Gibson Desert - its soils are highly weathered and very rich in iron.
  • Desert Simpson - the driest Australian desert, famous for its bright red sands

Rice. 1. Red Sands of the Simpson Desert

The vegetation of this zone is very poor, but here you can also find drought-resistant cereals and herbs, and salt-tolerant varieties of trees.

Animals in desert zones have been able to adapt to life in harsh conditions. Some of them, hiding from the heat, burrow into the soil: marsupial species of rats, moles, and jerboas. Reptiles hide in rocks and rock crevices. Such large mammals, like the Dingo dog and the kangaroo, they run vast distances in search of moisture and food.

As you move east, the zone of tropical deserts gives way to a zone of savannas. The flora of this natural complex is already somewhat richer, but here too there is still an insufficient amount of moisture.

There are three types of Australian savannas, which replace each other as humidity decreases:

  • deserted;
  • typical;
  • wet.

Australian savanna is a large flat area with grasses, thorny bushes and separately standing trees or groves of acacias, eucalyptus, casuarinas.

Rice. 2. Casuarina - a plant typical of Australia

Typical representatives Australian savannah- all kinds of marsupials and wombats. Birds are represented by bustards, emus, budgies. There are a lot of termites.

IN wildlife In Australia you will not find herbivorous ungulates. They were “replaced” by kangaroos, numbering more than 60 species. These animals are record holders for speed running and jumping. The kangaroo, like the emu, is the national symbol of Australia.

Rice. 3. Australian Kangaroo

In the east of the continent there is a mountain system - the Great Watershed Range, on the slopes of which there are two forest zones:

  • evergreen forests;
  • permanently wet forests.

Palm trees, ferns, ficus, and eucalyptus trees grow here in great abundance. The fauna of these zones is somewhat richer and is represented by small predators, various types reptiles, koala, platypus, echidna.

What have we learned?

We found out which natural zone is dominant on the mainland - this tropical desert and semi-deserts. It gives way to savannas and open forests, which smoothly transform into the zone of evergreen and constantly wet forests. A characteristic feature of Australian nature is the presence large quantity endemic among plants and animals.

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