There are many types of projectiles implemented in War Thunder, each of which has its own characteristics. In order to properly compare different shells, choose the main type of ammunition before battle, and in battle use suitable projectiles for different purposes in different situations, you need to know the basics of their design and principle of operation. This article describes the types of projectiles and their design, as well as provides tips on their use in combat. You should not neglect this knowledge, because the effectiveness of the weapon largely depends on the shells for it.

Types of tank ammunition

Armor-piercing caliber projectiles

Chambered and solid armor-piercing shells

As the name suggests, the purpose of armor-piercing shells is to penetrate the armor and thereby hit the tank. Armor-piercing shells come in two types: chambered and solid. Chamber shells have a special cavity inside - a chamber in which the explosive is located. When such a projectile penetrates the armor, the fuse is triggered and the projectile explodes. The crew of an enemy tank is hit not only by fragments from the armor, but also by the explosion and fragments of a chambered shell. The explosion does not occur immediately, but with a delay, thanks to which the projectile has time to fly inside the tank and explodes there, causing the greatest damage. In addition, the sensitivity of the fuse is set to, for example, 15 mm, that is, the fuse will only work if the thickness of the armor being penetrated is above 15 mm. This is necessary so that the chamber shell explodes in the fighting compartment when penetrating the main armor, and does not cock against the screens.

A solid projectile does not have a chamber with an explosive substance; it is just a metal blank. Of course, solid shells cause much less damage, but they penetrate a greater thickness of armor than similar chamber shells, since solid shells are stronger and heavier. For example, the BR-350A armor-piercing chamber projectile from the F-34 cannon penetrates 80 mm at right angles at point-blank range, and the BR-350SP solid projectile penetrates as much as 105 mm. The use of solid shells is very typical for the British school of tank building. Things got to the point where the British removed explosives from American 75-mm chamber shells, turning them into solid shells.

The destructive power of solid projectiles depends on the ratio of the thickness of the armor and the armor penetration of the projectile:

  • If the armor is too thin, then the projectile will pierce right through it and damage only those elements that it hits along the way.
  • If the armor is too thick (at the border of penetration), then small non-lethal fragments are formed that will not cause much harm.
  • Maximum armor effect - in case of penetration of sufficiently thick armor, while the penetration of the projectile should not be completely used up.

Thus, in the presence of several solid shells, the best armor effect will be with the one with greater armor penetration. As for chamber shells, the damage depends on the amount of explosive in TNT equivalent, as well as on whether the fuse worked or not.

Sharp-headed and blunt-headed armor-piercing shells

An oblique blow to the armor: a - a sharp-headed projectile; b - blunt-headed projectile; c - arrow-shaped sub-caliber projectile

Armor-piercing shells are divided not only into chambered and solid, but also into sharp-headed and blunt-headed. Sharp-headed projectiles pierce thicker armor at right angles, since at the moment of contact with the armor, the entire force of the impact falls on a small area of ​​the armor plate. However, the efficiency of work against inclined armor for sharp-headed projectiles is lower due to a greater tendency to ricochet at large angles of contact with the armor. Conversely, blunt-headed shells penetrate thicker armor at an angle than sharp-headed shells, but have less armor penetration at a right angle. Let's take, for example, the armor-piercing chamber shells of the T-34-85 tank. At a distance of 10 meters, the sharp-headed BR-365K projectile penetrates 145 mm at a right angle and 52 mm at an angle of 30°, and the blunt-headed BR-365A projectile penetrates 142 mm at a right angle, but 58 mm at an angle of 30°.

In addition to sharp-headed and blunt-headed projectiles, there are sharp-headed projectiles with an armor-piercing tip. When meeting an armor plate at a right angle, such a projectile works like a sharp-headed projectile and has good armor penetration compared to a similar blunt-headed projectile. When hitting inclined armor, the armor-piercing tip “bites” the projectile, preventing ricochet, and the projectile works like a blunt-headed one.

However, sharp-headed projectiles with an armor-piercing tip, like blunt-headed projectiles, have a significant drawback - greater aerodynamic drag, which is why armor penetration at a distance decreases more than with sharp-headed projectiles. To improve aerodynamics, ballistic caps are used, which increases armor penetration at medium and long distances. For example, on the German 128 mm KwK 44 L/55 gun two armor-piercing chamber shells are available, one with a ballistic cap and the other without it. An armor-piercing sharp-headed projectile with a PzGr armor-piercing tip at a right angle penetrates 266 mm at 10 meters and 157 mm at 2000 meters. And here armor-piercing projectile with an armor-piercing tip and a ballistic cap, the PzGr 43 at right angles penetrates 269 mm at 10 meters and 208 mm at 2000 meters. In close combat there are no particular differences between them, but at long distances the difference in armor penetration is huge.

Armor-piercing chamber projectiles with an armor-piercing tip and a ballistic cap are the most versatile type of armor-piercing ammunition that combines the advantages of sharp-headed and blunt-headed projectiles.

Table of armor-piercing shells

Sharp-headed armor-piercing shells can be chambered or solid. The same applies to blunt-headed shells, as well as sharp-headed shells with an armor-piercing tip, and so on. Let's summarize all possible options in a table. Under the icon of each projectile are written the abbreviated names of the projectile type in English terminology; these are the terms used in the book “WWII Ballistics: Armor and Gunnery”, according to which many projectiles in the game are configured. If you hover over the abbreviated name with the mouse cursor, a hint with decoding and translation will appear.

(with ballistic cap)


with armor-piercing tip

with armor-piercing tip and ballistic cap

Solid projectile





Chamber projectile



Sub-caliber shells

Coil sabot shells

Action of a sub-caliber projectile:
1 - ballistic cap
2 - body
3 - core

Armor-piercing caliber projectiles were described above. They are called caliber because the diameter of their warhead is equal to the caliber of the gun. There are also armor-piercing sabot shells, the diameter of the warhead of which is smaller than the caliber of the gun. The simplest type of sub-caliber projectile is coil-type (APCR - Armour-Piercing Composite Rigid). A reel-to-reel sub-caliber projectile consists of three parts: body, ballistic cap and core. The housing serves to accelerate the projectile in the barrel. At the moment of contact with the armor, the ballistic cap and body are crushed, and the core pierces the armor, hitting the tank with fragments.

At close ranges, sub-caliber shells penetrate thicker armor than caliber shells. Firstly, a sub-caliber projectile is smaller and lighter than a conventional armor-piercing projectile, due to which it accelerates to higher speeds. Secondly, the projectile core is made of hard alloys with a high specific gravity. Thirdly, due to the small size of the core, at the moment of contact with the armor, the impact energy falls on a small area of ​​the armor.

But reel-fired sub-caliber shells also have significant disadvantages. Due to their relatively low weight, sub-caliber projectiles are ineffective at long distances; they lose energy faster, hence the drop in accuracy and armor penetration. The core does not have an explosive charge, therefore, in terms of armor effect, sub-caliber shells are much weaker than chamber shells. Finally, sub-caliber projectiles do not work well against sloping armor.

Coil-type sabot shells were effective only in close combat and were used in cases where enemy tanks were invulnerable to caliber armor-piercing shells. The use of sub-caliber shells made it possible to significantly increase the armor penetration of existing guns, which made it possible to hit even outdated guns against more modern, well-armored armored vehicles.

Sub-caliber shells with detachable tray

APDS projectile and its core

APDS projectile in section, showing the core with a ballistic tip

Armor-Piercing Discarding Sabot (APDS) is a further development of the design of sub-caliber projectiles.

Coil-fired sabot shells had a significant drawback: the body flew along with the core, increasing aerodynamic drag and, as a result, a decrease in accuracy and armor penetration at a distance. For sub-caliber projectiles with a detachable pan, instead of a body, a detachable pan was used, which first accelerated the projectile in the gun barrel, and then was separated from the core by air resistance. The core flew to the target without a pallet and, thanks to significantly lower aerodynamic drag, did not lose armor penetration at a distance as quickly as coil-type sub-caliber projectiles.

During the Second World War, sub-caliber shells with a detachable tray were distinguished by record armor penetration and flight speed. For example, the Shot SV Mk.1 sub-caliber projectile for a 17-pounder gun accelerated to 1203 m/s and penetrated 228 mm of soft armor at a right angle at 10 meters, and the Shot Mk.8 armor-piercing caliber projectile only 171 mm in the same conditions.

Feathered sub-caliber projectiles

Separation of the pallet from the BOPS

BOPS projectile

Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot (APFSDS) is the most modern look armor-piercing projectiles designed to destroy heavily armored vehicles protected by the latest types of armor and active protection.

These shells are a further development of sub-caliber shells with a detachable tray and also have longer length and smaller cross section. Rotational stabilization is not very effective for high aspect ratio projectiles, so armor-piercing finned sabot (APS) rounds are stabilized by fins and are typically used for firing from smoothbore guns (however, early FEPT and some modern ones are designed to be fired from rifled guns). guns).

Modern BOPS projectiles have a diameter of 2-3 cm and a length of 50-60 cm. To maximize the specific pressure and kinetic energy of the projectile, high-density materials are used in the manufacture of ammunition - tungsten carbide or an alloy based on depleted uranium. The muzzle velocity of the BOPS is up to 1900 m/s.

Concrete-piercing shells

A concrete-piercing shell is an artillery shell designed to destroy long-lasting fortifications and durable buildings of capital construction, as well as to destroy the manpower hidden in them and military equipment enemy. Concrete-piercing shells were often used to destroy concrete bunkers.

From a design point of view, concrete-piercing shells occupy an intermediate position between armor-piercing chamber and high-explosive fragmentation shells. Compared to high-explosive fragmentation projectiles of the same caliber, with a similar destructive potential of the explosive charge, concrete-piercing ammunition has a more massive and durable body, allowing them to penetrate deeply into reinforced concrete, stone and brick barriers. Compared to armor-piercing chamber shells, concrete-piercing shells have more explosive material, but a less durable body, so concrete-piercing shells are inferior to them in armor penetration.

The G-530 concrete-piercing projectile weighing 40 kg is included in the ammunition load of the KV-2 tank, the main purpose of which was the destruction of bunkers and other fortifications.

HEAT shells

Rotating cumulative projectiles

Design of a cumulative projectile:
1 - fairing
2 - air cavity
3 - metal cladding
4 - detonator
5 - explosive
6 - piezoelectric fuse

The cumulative projectile (HEAT - High-Explosive Anti-Tank) is significantly different in principle from kinetic ammunition, which includes conventional armor-piercing and sub-caliber projectiles. It is a thin-walled steel projectile filled with a powerful explosive - hexogen, or a mixture of TNT and hexogen. At the front of the projectile in the explosive there is a glass-shaped or cone-shaped recess lined with metal (usually copper) - a focusing funnel. The projectile has a sensitive head fuse.

When a projectile collides with armor, an explosive is detonated. Due to the presence of a focusing funnel in the projectile, part of the explosion energy is concentrated at one small point, forming a thin cumulative jet consisting of the metal lining of that same funnel and explosion products. The cumulative jet flies forward at enormous speed (approximately 5,000 - 10,000 m/s) and passes through the armor due to the monstrous pressure it creates (like a needle through oil), under the influence of which any metal enters a state of superfluidity or, in other words, leads itself like a liquid. Zabronevoe damaging effect is provided both by the cumulative jet itself and by hot drops of pierced armor squeezed inside.

The most important advantage of a cumulative projectile is that its armor penetration does not depend on the speed of the projectile and is the same at all distances. That is why cumulative shells were used on howitzers, since conventional armor-piercing shells for them would be ineffective due to their low flight speed. But the cumulative shells of World War II also had significant drawbacks that limited their use. Rotation of the projectile at high initial speeds made it difficult to form a cumulative jet; as a result, cumulative projectiles had a low initial speed, small sighting range firing and high dispersion, which was also facilitated by the non-optimal shape of the projectile head from an aerodynamic point of view. The manufacturing technology of these projectiles at that time was not sufficiently developed, so their armor penetration was relatively low (approximately the same as the caliber of the projectile or slightly higher) and was unstable.

Non-rotating (feathered) cumulative projectiles

Non-rotating (feathered) cumulative projectiles (HEAT-FS - High-Explosive Anti-Tank Fin-Stabilised) represent a further development of cumulative ammunition. Unlike early cumulative projectiles, they are stabilized in flight not by rotation, but by folding tails. The absence of rotation improves the formation of a cumulative jet and significantly increases armor penetration, while removing all restrictions on the projectile's flight speed, which can exceed 1000 m/s. Thus, early cumulative shells had a typical armor penetration of 1-1.5 calibers, while post-war ones had 4 or more. However, feathered projectiles have a slightly lower armor effect compared to conventional cumulative projectiles.

Fragmentation and high-explosive shells

High-explosive fragmentation shells

A high-explosive fragmentation projectile (HE - High-Explosive) is a thin-walled steel or cast iron projectile filled with an explosive (usually TNT or ammonite), with a head fuse. When the projectile hits the target, it immediately explodes, hitting the target with fragments and a blast wave. Compared to concrete-piercing and armor-piercing chamber shells, high-explosive fragmentation shells have very thin walls, but have more explosive.

The main purpose of high-explosive fragmentation shells is to defeat enemy personnel, as well as unarmored and lightly armored vehicles. High-explosive fragmentation shells of large caliber can be very effectively used to destroy lightly armored tanks and self-propelled guns, since they break through relatively thin armor and incapacitate the crew with the force of the explosion. Tanks and self-propelled guns with shell-resistant armor are resistant to high-explosive fragmentation shells. However, even them can be hit by large-caliber shells: the explosion destroys the tracks, damages the gun barrel, jams the turret, and the crew is injured and concussed.

Shrapnel shells

The shrapnel projectile is a cylindrical body divided by a partition (diaphragm) into 2 compartments. An explosive charge is placed in the bottom compartment, and spherical bullets are located in the other compartment. A tube filled with a slow-burning pyrotechnic composition runs along the axis of the projectile.

The main purpose of a shrapnel projectile is to defeat enemy personnel. This happens as follows. At the moment of firing, the composition in the tube ignites. Gradually it burns and transfers the fire to the explosive charge. The charge ignites and explodes, squeezing out the partition with bullets. The head of the projectile comes off and the bullets fly out along the axis of the projectile, deflecting slightly to the sides and hitting enemy infantry.

In the absence of armor-piercing shells in the early stages of the war, artillerymen often used shrapnel shells with a tube set “to strike.” In terms of its qualities, such a projectile occupied an intermediate position between high-explosive fragmentation and armor-piercing, which is reflected in the game.

Armor-piercing high-explosive shells

Armor-piercing high-explosive projectile (HESH - High Explosive Squash Head) - post-war type anti-tank shell, the principle of operation of which is based on the detonation of a plastic explosive on the surface of the armor, which causes fragments of armor on the rear side to break off and damage the fighting compartment of the vehicle. An armor-piercing high-explosive projectile has a body with relatively thin walls designed for plastic deformation when encountering an obstacle, as well as a bottom fuse. The charge of an armor-piercing high-explosive projectile consists of a plastic explosive that “spreads” over the surface of the armor when the projectile meets an obstacle.

After “spreading,” the charge is detonated by a delayed-action bottom fuse, which causes destruction of the rear surface of the armor and the formation of spalls that can damage the internal equipment of the vehicle or crew members. In some cases, through penetration of the armor may occur in the form of a puncture, break or knocked out plug. The penetration ability of an armor-piercing high-explosive projectile depends less on the angle of inclination of the armor compared to conventional armor-piercing projectiles.

ATGM Malyutka (1st generation)

Shillelagh ATGM (2nd generation)

Anti-tank guided missiles

Anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) is a guided missile designed to destroy tanks and other armored targets. The former name of ATGM is “anti-tank guided missile”. ATGMs in the game are solid-fuel missiles equipped with on-board control systems (operating according to operator commands) and flight stabilization, devices for receiving and deciphering control signals received via wires (or via infrared or radio command control channels). Warhead cumulative, with armor penetration 400-600 mm. The missiles' flight speed is only 150-323 m/s, but the target can be successfully hit at a distance of up to 3 kilometers.

The game features ATGMs of two generations:

  • First generation (manual command guidance system)- in reality they are controlled manually by the operator using a joystick, English. MCLOS. In realistic and simulator modes, these missiles are controlled using the WSAD keys.
  • Second generation (semi-automatic command guidance system)- in reality and in all game modes they are controlled by pointing the sight at the target, English. SACLOS. The game's sight is either the center of the optical sight crosshair or a large white round marker (reload indicator) in a third-person view.

In arcade mode, there is no difference between the generations of missiles; they are all controlled using the sight, like the second generation missiles.

ATGMs are also distinguished by their launch method.

  • 1) Launched from a tank barrel. To do this, you need either a smooth barrel: an example is the smooth barrel of the 125-mm gun of the T-64 tank. Or a keyway is made in the rifled barrel into which the missile is inserted, for example in the Sheridan tank.
  • 2) Launched from guides. Closed, tubular (or square), for example, like the RakJPz 2 tank destroyer with the HOT-1 ATGM. Or open, rail-mounted (for example, like the IT-1 tank destroyer with the 2K4 Dragon ATGM).

As a rule, the more modern and the larger the caliber of the ATGM, the more it penetrates. ATGMs were constantly improved - manufacturing technology, materials science, and explosives were improved. Combined armor and dynamic protection can completely or partially neutralize the penetrating effect of ATGMs (as well as cumulative projectiles). As well as special anti-cumulative armor screens located at some distance from the main armor.

Appearance and design of projectiles

    Armor-piercing sharp-headed chamber projectile

    Sharp-headed projectile with armor-piercing tip

    Sharp-headed projectile with armor-piercing tip and ballistic cap

    Armor-piercing blunt-nosed projectile with ballistic cap

    Sub-caliber projectile

    Sub-caliber projectile with detachable tray

    HEAT projectile

    Non-rotating (feathered) cumulative projectile

  • Denormalization phenomenon that increases the path of a projectile in armor

    Starting from game version 1.49, the effect of projectiles on inclined armor has been redesigned. Now the value of the reduced armor thickness (armor thickness ÷ cosine of the angle of inclination) is valid only for calculating the penetration of cumulative projectiles. For armor-piercing and especially sub-caliber projectiles, penetration of inclined armor was significantly weakened due to taking into account the denormalization effect, when a short projectile turns around during the penetration process, and its path in the armor increases.

    Thus, with an armor tilt angle of 60°, previously the penetration of all projectiles dropped by approximately 2 times. Now this is only true for cumulative and armor-piercing high-explosive shells. In this case, penetration of armor-piercing shells drops by 2.3-2.9 times, for conventional sub-caliber shells - by 3-4 times, and for sub-caliber shells with a separating pan (including BOPS) - by 2.5 times.

    List of shells in order of deterioration of their performance on inclined armor:

    1. Cumulative And armor-piercing high-explosive- the most effective.
    2. Armor-piercing meathead And armor-piercing sharp-headed with armor-piercing tip.
    3. Armor-piercing sub-caliber with detachable tray And BOPS.
    4. Armor-piercing sharphead And shrapnel.
    5. Armor-piercing sub-caliber- the most ineffective.

    What stands out here is a high-explosive fragmentation projectile, for which the probability of penetrating armor does not depend at all on its angle of inclination (provided that there is no ricochet).

    Armor-piercing chamber shells

    For such projectiles, the fuse is cocked at the moment of penetration of the armor and detonates the projectile after a certain time, which ensures a very high armor protection effect. The projectile parameters indicate two important values: fuse sensitivity and fuse delay.

    If the thickness of the armor is less than the sensitivity of the fuse, then the explosion will not occur, and the projectile will work as a regular solid one, causing damage only to those modules that are in its path, or will simply fly through the target without causing damage. Therefore, when firing at unarmored targets, chamber shells are not very effective (as are all others, except high-explosive and shrapnel).

    The fuze delay determines the time it takes for the projectile to explode after penetrating the armor. Too short a delay (in particular, for the Soviet MD-5 fuse) leads to the fact that when it hits an attached element of the tank (screen, track, chassis, caterpillar), the projectile explodes almost immediately and does not have time to penetrate the armor. Therefore, it is better not to use such shells when firing at shielded tanks. Too much delay in the fuse can lead to the projectile going right through and exploding outside the tank (although such cases are very rare).

    If a chamber shell is detonated in the fuel tank or ammunition rack, there is a high probability that an explosion will occur and the tank will be destroyed.

    Armor-piercing sharp-headed and blunt-headed projectiles

    Depending on the shape of the armor-piercing part of the projectile, its tendency to ricochet, armor penetration and normalization differ. The general rule is that it is optimal to use blunt-headed shells against enemies with sloped armor, and sharp-headed shells - if the armor is not sloped. However, the difference in armor penetration between both types is not very large.

    The presence of armor-piercing and/or ballistic caps significantly improves the properties of the projectile.

    Sub-caliber shells

    This type of projectile is characterized by high armor penetration at short distances and a very high flight speed, which makes shooting at moving targets easier.

    However, when the armor is penetrated, only a thin carbide rod appears in the space behind the armor, which causes damage only to those modules and crew members in which it hits (unlike an armor-piercing chamber projectile, which covers everything with fragments). fighting compartment). Therefore, to effectively destroy a tank with a sub-caliber projectile, you should shoot at its vulnerable places: engine, ammunition rack, fuel tanks. But even in this case, one hit may not be enough to disable the tank. If you shoot at random (especially at the same point), you may need to fire many shots to disable the tank, and the enemy may get ahead of you.

    Another problem with sub-caliber projectiles is the severe loss of armor penetration with distance due to their low mass. Studying armor penetration tables shows at what distance you need to switch to a regular armor-piercing projectile, which, in addition, has a much greater lethality.

    HEAT shells

    The armor penetration of these shells does not depend on distance, which allows them to be used with equal effectiveness for both close and long-range combat. However, due to the design features, cumulative projectiles often have a lower flight speed than other types, as a result of which the shot trajectory becomes hinged, accuracy suffers, and it becomes very difficult to hit moving targets (especially at a long distance).

    The principle of operation of a cumulative projectile also determines its not very high destructive power compared to an armor-piercing chamber projectile: the cumulative jet flies over a limited distance inside the tank and causes damage only to those components and crew members that it directly hit. Therefore, when using a cumulative projectile, you should aim just as carefully as in the case of a sub-caliber projectile.

    If a cumulative projectile hits not the armor, but an attached element of the tank (screen, track, caterpillar, chassis), then it will explode on this element, and the armor penetration of the cumulative jet will significantly decrease (every centimeter of the jet’s flight in the air reduces the armor penetration by 1 mm) . Therefore, other types of shells should be used against tanks with screens, and one should not hope to penetrate the armor with cumulative shells by shooting at the tracks, chassis and gun mantlet. Remember that premature detonation of a shell can cause any obstacle - a fence, a tree, any building.

    Cumulative shells in life and in the game have a high-explosive effect, that is, they also work as high-explosive fragmentation shells of reduced power (a lightweight body produces fewer fragments). Thus, large-caliber cumulative shells can be quite successfully used instead of high-explosive fragmentation shells when firing at weakly armored vehicles.

    High-explosive fragmentation shells

    The lethality of these shells depends on the relationship between the caliber of your gun and the armor of your target. Thus, shells with a caliber of 50 mm and less are effective only against airplanes and trucks, 75-85 mm - against light tanks with bulletproof armor, 122 mm - against medium tanks, such as the T-34, 152 mm - against all tanks, with the exception of shooting head-on at the most armored vehicles.

    However, we must remember that the damage caused significantly depends on the specific point of impact, so there are often cases when even a 122-152 mm caliber projectile causes very minor damage. And in the case of guns with a smaller caliber, in doubtful cases, it is better to use an armor-piercing chamber or shrapnel projectile, which have greater penetration and high lethality.

    Shells - part 2

    What's better to shoot? Review of tank shells from _Omero_

Action and intended to defeat a large number of types of targets: defeating enemy personnel in open areas or in fortifications, destroying lightly armored vehicles, destroying buildings, fortifications and fortifications, making passages in minefields, etc.

When it hits the armor, it does not transmit kinetic force, but explodes, causing superficial damage (scatters fragments from enormous speed, additionally causing damage to armored vehicles, contusion, wounding or killing the crew and infantry accompanying the equipment), disabling tracks (caterpillars), damaging triplex surveillance devices, causing armor damage, deflections and microcracks

It is used to shell the site of a proposed attack, to facilitate the breakthrough of enemy defenses by attacking tank and motorized infantry units. Among all ammunition, it is the most explosive.

As a tank ammunition, it is included in the main ammunition load of the T-64 / / /84U / T-90 tanks and usually accounts for up to 50% of the total number of shells in the ammunition stowage.


For a long time, the only fuse used was the impact fuse, which was triggered when the projectile hit the target.

Impact fuses are the simplest and most reliable. Most fuses of this type can be set to contact or delayed mode. In the first case, the explosion occurs upon first contact with an obstacle and is intended to destroy objects around the obstacle. In the second case, the projectile is buried into the target and only there detonation occurs - this makes it possible to effectively destroy fortifications and buildings.

In case of a direct hit in vulnerable areas (turret hatches, engine compartment radiator, ejection screens of the aft ammunition rack, etc.), the OFS can destroy modern tank out of service. Also, the shock wave and fragments, with a high degree of probability, disable surveillance and communication devices, weapons placed outside the armor volume, and other systems installed in large quantities on modern armored vehicles.

IN game World of Tanks equipment can be supplied different types shells, such as armor-piercing, sub-caliber, cumulative and high-explosive fragmentation shells. In this article we will look at the features of the action of each of these projectiles, the history of their invention and use, the pros and cons of their use in a historical context. The most common and, in most cases, standard shells on the vast majority of vehicles in the game are armor-piercing shells(BB) caliber device or sharp-headed.
According to Ivan Sytin’s Military Encyclopedia, the idea for the prototype of current armor-piercing shells belongs to the Italian navy officer Bettolo, who in 1877 proposed using the so-called “ bottom shock tube for armor-piercing projectiles"(before this, the shells were either not loaded at all, or the explosion powder charge was calculated to heat up the head of the projectile when it hits the armor, which, however, was not always justified). After penetrating the armor, the damaging effect is provided by projectile fragments heated to a high temperature and fragments of armor. During the Second World War, shells of this type were easy to manufacture, reliable, had fairly high penetration, and worked well against homogeneous armor. But there was also a minus - on sloping armor the projectile could ricochet. The greater the thickness of the armor, the more fragments of armor are formed when penetrated by such a projectile, and the higher the destructive power.

The animation below illustrates the action of a chambered sharp-headed armor-piercing projectile. It is similar to an armor-piercing sharp-headed projectile, but in the rear part there is a cavity (chamber) with a TNT explosive charge, as well as a bottom fuse. After penetrating the armor, the shell explodes, striking the crew and equipment of the tank. In general, this projectile retained most of the advantages and disadvantages of the AR projectile, being distinguished by a significantly higher armor-protection effect and slightly lower armor penetration (due to the lower mass and strength of the projectile). During the War, the bottom fuses of shells were not sufficiently advanced, which sometimes led to a premature explosion of a shell before penetrating the armor, or to failure of the fuse after penetration, but the crew, in case of penetration, rarely felt better about it.

Sub-caliber projectile(BP) has a rather complex design and consists of two main parts - an armor-piercing core and a pallet. The task of the pallet, made of mild steel, is to accelerate the projectile in the barrel bore. When a projectile hits a target, the pan is crushed, and the heavy and hard pointed core, made of tungsten carbide, pierces the armor.
The projectile does not have a bursting charge, ensuring that the target is hit by fragments of the core and fragments of armor heated to high temperatures. Sub-caliber projectiles have significantly less weight compared to conventional armor-piercing projectiles, which allows them to accelerate in the gun barrel to significantly high speeds. As a result, the penetration of sub-caliber projectiles turns out to be significantly higher. The use of sub-caliber shells made it possible to significantly increase the armor penetration of existing guns, which made it possible to hit even outdated guns against more modern, well-armored armored vehicles.
At the same time, sub-caliber shells have a number of disadvantages. Their shape resembled a coil (shells of this type and streamlined shape existed, but they were significantly less common), which greatly worsened the ballistics of the projectile, in addition, the lightweight projectile quickly lost speed; as a result, at long distances the armor penetration of sub-caliber projectiles dropped significantly, turning out to be even lower than that of classic armor-piercing projectiles. During World War II, sabot projectiles did not work well against sloping armor because the hard but brittle core easily broke under bending loads. The armor-piercing effect of such shells was inferior to armor-piercing caliber shells. Small-caliber sub-caliber projectiles were ineffective against armored vehicles that had protective shields made of thin steel. These shells were expensive and difficult to manufacture, and most importantly, scarce tungsten was used in their manufacture.
As a result, the number of sub-caliber shells in the ammunition load of guns during the war was small; they were allowed to be used only to hit heavily armored targets at short distances. The German army was the first to use sub-caliber shells in small quantities in 1940 during battles in France. In 1941, faced with heavily armored Soviet tanks, the Germans switched to the widespread use of sub-caliber shells, which significantly increased the anti-tank capabilities of their artillery and tanks. However, a shortage of tungsten limited the production of projectiles of this type; as a result, in 1944, the production of German sub-caliber shells was discontinued, while most of the shells fired during the war years were of a small caliber (37-50 mm).
Trying to get around the tungsten shortage problem, the Germans produced Pzgr.40(C) sub-caliber projectiles with a hardened steel core and surrogate Pzgr.40(W) projectiles with a regular steel core. In the USSR, fairly large-scale production of sub-caliber shells, created on the basis of captured German ones, began at the beginning of 1943, and most of the shells produced were of 45 mm caliber. The production of these shells of larger calibers was limited by a shortage of tungsten, and they were issued to troops only when there was a threat of an enemy tank attack, and a report was required to be written for each shell used. Also, sub-caliber shells were used to a limited extent by the British and American armies in the second half of the war.

HEAT projectile(KS).
The operating principle of this armor-piercing ammunition differs significantly from the operating principle of kinetic ammunition, which includes conventional armor-piercing and sub-caliber projectiles. A cumulative projectile is a thin-walled steel projectile filled with a powerful explosive - hexogen, or a mixture of TNT and hexogen. At the front of the projectile, the explosive has a goblet-shaped recess lined with metal (usually copper). The projectile has a sensitive head fuse. When a projectile collides with armor, the explosive detonates. At the same time, the lining metal is melted and compressed by the explosion into a thin stream (pestle), flying forward at extremely high speed and piercing armor. The armor effect is ensured by a cumulative jet and splashes of armor metal. The hole of a cumulative projectile is small in size and has melted edges, which has led to a common misconception that cumulative projectiles “burn through” armor.
The penetration of a cumulative projectile does not depend on the speed of the projectile and is the same at all distances. Its production is quite simple; the production of the projectile does not require the use of a large amount of scarce metals. The cumulative projectile can be used against infantry and artillery as a high-explosive fragmentation projectile. At the same time, cumulative shells during the war were characterized by numerous shortcomings. The manufacturing technology of these projectiles was not sufficiently developed, as a result, their penetration was relatively low (approximately the same as the caliber of the projectile or slightly higher) and was unstable. The rotation of the projectile at high initial speeds made it difficult to form a cumulative jet; as a result, the cumulative projectiles had a low initial speed, a short effective firing range and high dispersion, which was also facilitated by the non-optimal shape of the projectile head from an aerodynamic point of view (its configuration was determined by the presence of a notch).
The big problem was the creation of a complex fuse, which should be sensitive enough to quickly detonate a projectile, but stable enough not to explode in the barrel (the USSR was able to develop such a fuse, suitable for use in shells of powerful tank and anti-tank guns, only at the end of 1944 ). The minimum caliber of a cumulative projectile was 75 mm, and the effectiveness of cumulative projectiles of this caliber was greatly reduced. Mass production of cumulative projectiles required the deployment of large-scale production of hexogen.
The most widespread use of cumulative shells was by the German army (for the first time in the summer and autumn of 1941), mainly from 75 mm caliber guns and howitzers. The Soviet army used cumulative shells, created on the basis of captured German ones, from 1942-43, including them in the ammunition of regimental guns and howitzers, which had a low initial speed. The British and American armies used shells of this type, mainly in the ammunition loads of heavy howitzers. Thus, in the Second World War (unlike the present time, when improved shells of this type form the basis of the ammunition load of tank guns), the use of cumulative shells was quite limited, mainly they were considered as a means of anti-tank self-defense of guns that had low initial speeds and low armor penetration with traditional shells (regimental guns, howitzers). At the same time, all participants in the war actively used other anti-tank weapons with cumulative ammunition - grenade launchers, aerial bombs, hand grenades.

High-explosive fragmentation projectile(OF).
It was developed in the late 40s of the twentieth century in Great Britain to destroy enemy armored vehicles. It is a thin-walled steel or cast iron projectile filled with an explosive substance (usually TNT or ammonite), with a head fuse. Unlike armor-piercing shells, high-explosive fragmentation shells did not have a tracer. When it hits a target, the projectile explodes, hitting the target with fragments and a blast wave, either immediately - a fragmentation effect, or with some delay (which allows the projectile to go deeper into the ground) - a high-explosive effect. The projectile is intended primarily to destroy openly located and sheltered infantry, artillery, field shelters (trenches, wood-earth firing points), unarmored and lightly armored vehicles. Well-armored tanks and self-propelled guns are resistant to high-explosive fragmentation shells.
The main advantage of a high-explosive fragmentation projectile is its versatility. This type of projectile can be used effectively against the vast majority of targets. Another advantage is that it costs less than armor-piercing and cumulative projectiles of the same caliber, which reduces the cost of combat operations and firing training. In case of a direct hit in vulnerable areas (turret hatches, engine compartment radiator, ejection screens of the aft ammunition rack, etc.), the HE can disable the tank. Also, being hit by large-caliber shells can cause destruction of lightly armored vehicles, and damage to heavily armored tanks, consisting of cracking of armor plates, jamming of the turret, failure of instruments and mechanisms, injuries and concussions of the crew.

Armor-piercing shells- the main type of projectile that can be fired by almost any weapon. This projectile deals damage only if the armor is broken enemy (accompanied by the messages “Breakthrough” and “There is a penetration”). He can also damage modules or crew, if it hits the right place (accompanied by the messages “Hit” and “There is a hit”). If the penetrating power of the projectile is not enough, it will not penetrate the armor and will not cause damage (accompanied by the message “Did not penetrate”). If a projectile hits the armor at too sharp an angle, it will ricochet and also cause no damage (accompanied by the message “Ricochet”).

High Explosive (HE) shells

High-explosive fragmentation shells- have greatest potential damage, But insignificant armor penetration. If a shell penetrates the armor, it explodes inside the tank, causing maximum damage and additional damage to modules or crew from the explosion. A high-explosive fragmentation projectile does not need to penetrate the target's armor - if it does not penetrate, it will explode on the tank's armor, causing less damage than if it penetrates. The damage in this case depends on the thickness of the armor - the thicker the armor, the more damage from the explosion it absorbs. In addition, tank screens also absorb damage from explosions of high-explosive shells. High-explosive fragmentation shells can also damage several tanks at the same time, since the explosion has a certain radius of action. Tank shells have a smaller high-explosive radius, while self-propelled gun shells have a maximum radius. It is also worth noting that only when firing high-explosive shells is it possible to receive the Bombardier award!

Sub-caliber (AP) shells

Sub-caliber shells- These are the most common premium shells in the game, installed in almost any weapon. The operating principle is similar to armor-piercing ones. They are distinguished by increased armor penetration, but they lose more penetration with distance and have less normalization (they lose more effectiveness when firing at an angle to the armor).

Cumulative (CS) projectiles

HEAT shells- premium shells for self-propelled guns and many other tanks in the game. Their penetration is noticeably higher than that of standard armor-piercing shells, and the damage they cause is at the level of armor-piercing shells for the same weapon. The penetration effect is achieved not due to the kinetic energy of the projectile (as with an AP or BP), but due to the energy of the cumulative jet formed when an explosive of a certain shape is detonated at a certain distance from the armor. Hence the differences from BB and BP - cumulative shells do not ricochet, they are not subject to the normalization rule, three calibers, and they do not lose armor penetration with distance.

Penetration rules for cumulative projectiles

Update 0.8.6 introduces new penetration rules for cumulative projectiles:

  • The cumulative projectile can now ricochet when the projectile hits armor at an angle of 85 degrees or more. During a ricochet, the armor penetration of the ricocheted cumulative projectile does not decrease.
  • After the first penetration of the armor, the ricochet can no longer work (due to the formation of a cumulative jet).
  • After the first penetration of the armor, the projectile begins to lose armor penetration at the following rate: 5% of the armor penetration remaining after penetration - per 10 cm of space traversed by the projectile (50% - per 1 meter of free space from the screen to the armor).
  • After each penetration of the armor, the armor penetration of the projectile is reduced by an amount equal to the thickness of the armor, taking into account the angle of inclination of the armor relative to the flight path of the projectile.
  • Now the tracks also serve as a screen for cumulative projectiles.

Changes to ricochet in update 0.9.3

  • Now, when a projectile ricochets, it does not disappear, but continues its movement along a new trajectory, and 25% of the armor penetration is lost for an armor-piercing and sub-caliber projectile, while the armor penetration of a cumulative projectile does not change.

What type of projectile should I use?

Basic rules when choosing between armor-piercing and high-explosive fragmentation shells:

  • Use armor-piercing shells against tanks of your level; high-explosive fragmentation shells against tanks with weak armor or self-propelled guns with open deckhouses.
  • Use armor-piercing shells in long-barreled and small-caliber guns; high-explosive fragmentation - in short-barreled and large-caliber. The use of small-caliber HE shells is pointless - they often do not penetrate, and therefore do not cause damage.
  • Use high-explosive fragmentation shells at any angle, do not fire armor-piercing shells at an acute angle to the enemy's armor.
  • Targeting vulnerable areas and shooting at right angles to the armor are also useful for HE - this increases the likelihood of breaking through the armor and taking full damage.
  • High-explosive fragmentation shells have a high chance of inflicting small but guaranteed damage even if they do not penetrate armor, so they can be effectively used to knock down a grapple from the base and finish off opponents with a small margin of safety.

For example, the 152mm M-10 gun on the KV-2 tank is large-caliber and short-barreled. The larger the caliber of the projectile, the greater the amount of explosive it contains and the more more damage he applies. But due to the short length of the gun's barrel, the projectile is fired with a very low initial velocity, which leads to low penetration, accuracy and range. In such conditions, an armor-piercing projectile, which requires an accurate hit, becomes ineffective, and a high-explosive fragmentation one should be used.

Classifications of modern conventional weapons

Characteristic modern means defeats.

Fire and strike weapons (ammunition)

Fragmentation ammunition - designed to kill people. The peculiarity of ammunition with ready-made or semi-finished lethal elements is a huge number (up to several thousand) of elements (balls, needles, arrows, etc.) weighing from fractions of a gram to several grams. The radius of scattering of fragments is up to 300m.

Ball bombs - come in sizes from a tennis ball to a soccer ball and contain up to 200 metal or plastic balls with a diameter of 5 mm. The radius of destruction of such a bomb, based on the caliber, is 1.5-15 m. Ball bombs are dropped from aircraft in cassettes containing 96-640 bombs. Expanding ball bombs explode over an area of ​​up to 250,000 square meters.

High-explosive ammunition - designed to destroy large ground objects (industrial and administrative buildings, railway junctions, etc.) with a shock wave and fragments. Bomb mass from 50 to 10000kᴦ.

Cumulative ammunition designed to destroy armored targets.

The principle of operation is based on burning an obstacle with a powerful jet of high-density gases with

temperature 6000-7000 0 C. Focused detonation products are capable of burning holes in armored floors several tens of centimeters thick and causing fires.

Concrete-piercing ammunition - designed to destroy airfield runways and other objects with a concrete surface. The Durandal concrete-piercing bomb weighs 195 kg and is 2.7 m long and has a warhead mass of 100 kᴦ. It is capable of piercing a concrete coating 70 cm thick; after breaking through the concrete, the bomb explodes (sometimes with a delay), forming a crater 2 m deep and 5 m in diameter.

Ammunition volumetric explosion- designed to destroy people, buildings, structures and equipment with an air shock wave and fire.

What is a land mine? What types of high-explosive shells are there?

The principle of operation is to spray gas-air mixtures in the air, followed by detonation of the resulting cloud of aerosols. The explosion results in enormous pressure.

Incendiary ammunition has a damaging effect on people, equipment, etc.

objects are based on direct exposure to high temperatures.

Incendiary substances are divided into:

● Compositions based on petroleum products (napalm)

● Metallized incendiary mixtures

● Termites and termite compounds

● White phosphorus

Characteristics of incendiary ammunition:

● Compositions based on petroleum products. NAPALM- a mixture of gasoline and thickener powder (90-97: 10-3). It ignites well even on wet surfaces and is capable of creating a high-temperature fire (1000 - 1200°C) with a burning duration of 5-10 minutes. Lighter than water.

● Metallized incendiary mixtures. ELECTRON - an alloy of magnesium, aluminum and other elements (96:3:1). It ignites at 600 0 C and burns with a dazzling white or bluish flame, reaching a temperature of 2800 ° C.

● Thermite compositions are compressed powder of aluminum and oxides of refractory metals. Burning thermite heats up to 3000˚C.

● White phosphorus is a translucent wax-like solid. Capable of self-ignition when combining with oxygen in the air. Flame temperature 900-1200˚С. It is most often used as a napalm igniter and smoke-generating agent.

Precision weapons:

Reconnaissance and strike complexes (RUK) - RUK combines two elements: destructive weapons (aircraft, missiles equipped with homing warheads capable of selecting the desired targets among other objects and local objects) and technical means that ensure their combat use (reconnaissance means, communications, navigation, control systems, processing and display, information, command generation).

Managed aerial bombs— designed to hit small targets that require high precision. Taking into account the dependence on the type and nature of targets, UABs can be concrete-piercing, armor-piercing, anti-tank, cassette, etc.

The probability of hitting a UAB is not lower than 05.

Nuclear weapon. Damaging factors of a nuclear explosion. Characteristics of the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion. Nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction, the action of which is based on the use of fission energy of heavy nuclei of certain isotopes of uranium and plutonium or on thermonuclear reactions of synthesis of light nuclei of hydrogen isotopes of deuterium and tritium.

Nuclear weapons are divided according to their power: (Ultra-small (less than 1 kt), Small (1-10 kt), Medium (10-100 kt), Large (100-1000 kg), Extra-large (more than 1000 kt))


Shock wave (direct or indirect effect on the body)

Light radiation – thermal burns of the skin and eyes.

Penetrating radiation is a stream of neurons and gamma rays.

Radioactive contamination of the area.

Electromagnetic pulse

Feature: combined lesions.

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Modern means of destruction, their brief characteristics, damaging factors.

Nuclear weapons are explosive weapons of mass destruction based on the use of intranuclear energy. Nuclear weapons, one of the most destructive means of warfare, are among the main types of weapons of mass destruction. It includes various nuclear weapons (warheads of missiles and torpedoes, aircraft and depth charges, artillery shells and mines equipped with nuclear chargers), means of controlling them and means of delivering them to the target (carriers). Lethal effect nuclear weapons based on the energy released during nuclear explosions.

The damaging factors of a nuclear explosion are shock wave, light radiation, penetrating radiation, radioactive contamination and electromagnetic pulse.

Shock wave - main damaging factor nuclear explosion, since most of the destruction and damage to structures, buildings, as well as injuries to people are caused by its impact.

Light radiation is a stream of radiant energy, including ultraviolet, visible and infrared rays. Its source is a luminous area formed by hot explosion products and hot air. Penetrating radiation is a stream of gamma rays and neutrons. Its sources are nuclear fission and fusion reactions occurring in the ammunition at the moment of explosion, as well as the radioactive decay of fission fragments (products) in the explosion cloud.

The duration of action of penetrating radiation on ground objects is 15-25 s.

Radioactive contamination. Its main sources are nuclear fission products and radioactive isotopes, formed as a result of the impact of neutrons on the materials from which nuclear weapons are made, and on some elements that make up the soil in the area of ​​the explosion. It is most dangerous in the first hours after radioactive fallout.

An electromagnetic pulse is a short-term electromagnetic field that occurs during the explosion of a nuclear weapon as a result of the interaction of gamma rays and neutrons emitted with the atoms of the environment. The consequence of its impact may be the failure of individual elements of radio-electronic and electrical equipment. People can only be harmed if they come into contact with wire lines at the time of the explosion.

Chemical weapons are weapons of mass destruction, the action of which is based on toxic properties some chemical substances. It includes chemical warfare agents and means of their use.

Toxic substances (OS) are chemical compounds, which are capable of infecting people and animals over large areas, penetrating various structures, and infecting terrain and water bodies. They are used to equip missiles, aircraft bombs, artillery shells and mines, chemical landmines, as well as airborne discharge devices (VAP). OM is used in a drop-liquid state, in the form of steam and aerosol. They can penetrate the human body and infect it through the respiratory organs, digestive organs, skin and eyes.

Based on their effect on the human body, toxic substances are divided into nerve agents, vesicants, asphyxiants, generally toxic substances, irritants and psychochemical agents.

Nerve agents (VX, sarin) infect nervous system when affecting the body through the respiratory system, when penetrating in a vaporous and droplet-liquid state through the skin, as well as when entering gastrointestinal tract along with food and water.

Toxic substances with blister action (mustard gas) have a multifaceted damaging effect. In a droplet-liquid and vapor state, they affect the skin and eyes, when inhaling vapors - the respiratory tract and lungs, when ingested with food and water - the digestive organs.

Asphyxiating toxic substances (phosgene) affect the body through the respiratory system.

Generally poisonous substances (hydrocyanic acid and cyanogen chloride) affect a person only when he inhales air contaminated with their vapors (they do not act through the skin).

Irritating toxic substances (CS, adamsite, etc.) cause acute burning and pain in the mouth, throat and eyes, severe lacrimation, coughing, and difficulty breathing.

Toxic substances of psychochemical action (Bi-Z) specifically act on the central nervous system and cause psychological (hallucinations, fear, depression) or physical (blindness, deafness) disorders.

According to their tactical purpose, toxic substances are divided into groups depending on the nature of the damaging effect: lethal, temporarily incapacitating, and irritating.

Lethal toxic substances are designed to fatally defeat an enemy or incapacitate him for a long period of time. Such chemical agents include sarin, soman, Vi-X, mustard gas, hydrocyanic acid, cyanogen chloride, and phosgene.

Toxic substances that temporarily incapacitate include psychochemical substances that act on the nervous system of people and cause temporary mental disorders in them (Bi-Z).

Irritating toxic substances (police agents) affect the sensitive nerve endings of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and act on the eyes. These include chloroacetophenone, adamsite, CC, CC.

Bacteriological weapons are special ammunition and combat devices equipped with biological agents. This weapon is intended for mass destruction of manpower, farm animals and crops. Its damaging effect is based on the use of the pathogenic properties of microbes - pathogens of diseases in humans, animals and agricultural plants.

Pathogenic microbes are large group the smallest living creatures that can cause various infectious diseases. Depending on biological characteristics pathogenic microbes are divided into bacteria, viruses, rickettsia and fungi.

The class of bacteria includes the causative agents of plague, cholera, anthrax, and glanders.

Viruses cause smallpox and yellow fever.

Rickettsiae are the causative agents of typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

Serious diseases (blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, etc.) are caused by fungi.

Insect pests of agricultural crops include the Colorado potato beetle, locust, and Hessian fly. The Colorado potato beetle is a dangerous pest of potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, eggplants, and tobacco. Locusts destroy various agricultural plants. The Hessian fly attacks wheat, barley and rye.

Conventional weapons include all fire and strike weapons that use artillery, anti-aircraft, aviation, small arms and engineering ammunition and missiles in conventional ammunition (fragmentation, high-explosive, cumulative, concrete-piercing, volumetric explosion), as well as incendiary ammunition and fire mixtures.

Fragmentation ammunition is intended primarily to hit people with lethal elements (balls, needles) and fragments.

High-explosive ammunition is designed to destroy large

Ground facilities (industrial and administrative buildings, railway junctions, etc.)

HEAT ammunition is designed to destroy armored targets.


The principle of their operation is based on burning a barrier several tens of centimeters thick with a powerful jet of high-density gases with a temperature of 6000-7000 °C.

Concrete-piercing ammunition is designed to destroy airfield runways and other objects with a concrete surface.

Volumetric explosion ammunition is designed to destroy people, buildings, structures and equipment with an air shock wave and fire.

Incendiary ammunition. Their damaging effect on people, equipment and other objects is based on the direct impact of high temperatures. This type of weapon includes incendiary substances and their means combat use.

Incendiary substances are divided into three main groups: compositions based on petroleum products; metallized incendiary mixtures; termites and termite compounds. A special group of incendiary substances consists of ordinary and plasticized phosphorus, alkali metals, as well as mixtures that ignite spontaneously in air.

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Unlike the series Western countries, continuously increasing the emphasis of tank weapons on fighting tanks by reducing the ability of the tank to fight enemy manpower, in accordance with the traditional Soviet worldview, tanks are the most effective means of combating enemy manpower and fortifications on the battlefield, and this is reflected in the nomenclature anti-personnel ammunition developed for the 125 mm gun, and the share of such ammunition in a typical ammunition load (about 40% high-explosive fragmentation ammunition, in addition to approximately 45% cumulative, also suitable for combating enemy personnel; this share may be even higher in depending on the combat mission).

The most common type of ammunition is the fin-stabilized multi-purpose high-explosive fragmentation projectile. Its scope of application was further expanded with the introduction of the Ainet system for remote electronic detonation of ammunition. There are also other specialized projectiles, such as SGPE and incendiary, but these are less common.

125-mm OFS have good accuracy (normative dispersion: 0.23 etc.) and are similar in lethality to 122-mm artillery ammunition.

The suitability of these ammunition for combating tanks is limited, however, tests in a number of countries have shown that a direct hit of OFS on armored vehicles can cause loss of mobility, and with a high probability - loss or significant reduction in firepower. Light armored vehicles are highly likely to be completely destroyed.


Soviet OFS have the following structure: the explosive charge is placed in a housing (3), equipped with two driving belts (4). In the nose of the projectile there is a fuse (2) with a protective cap (1). The tail contains 4 folded stabilizers (6), attached to the base (7) and held in the folded position by stoppers (5) and a plastic ring (8). The latter is destroyed during the firing process and releases the stabilizers, which open along the axes of rotation (9) and ensure the stability of the projectile along the trajectory.

The required operation mode (high-explosive, high-explosive fragmentation or fragmentation) is set by installing the fuse valve in one of two positions and the presence or absence of a protective cap:

OF mode : fuse valve in position “O” (open), cap installed. Response time - 0.01 sec. This is a standard operation mode, ensuring the correct functioning of the projectile in most cases, and does not require any special preparatory actions by the crew.

High-explosive shells: standard designs and promising developments

F mode : tap in position “Z” (closed), cap installed. Response time - 0.1 sec. This special mode is designed to increase the depth of the projectile before detonation, to destroy fortifications and destroy manpower and equipment covered with earthen parapets. To use a projectile in this mode, you need to turn the fuse tap with a special key before loading the projectile.

Mode O : fuse valve in position “O” (open), cap missing. Response time - 0.001 sec. This special mode is mainly intended for the correct firing of the projectile on soft soil and marshy soils at distances less than 3000 m. Due to the extreme sensitivity of the projectile in this mode, it is prohibited to use it while moving, through the protective cover of the gun, or during rain or hail .

OFS shells use a standard propellant charge (4Zh-40 or 4Zh-52) and have a n.s. 850 m/s.

Incendiary weapons are weapons whose action is based on the use of the damaging properties of incendiary substances. Incendiary weapons (IW) are designed to destroy enemy personnel, destroy their weapons, military equipment, material reserves and to create fires in combat areas. The main damaging factors of hazardous liquids are the thermal energy released during its use and combustion products that are toxic to humans.

Incendiary weapons have damaging factors that operate in time and space. They are divided into primary and secondary. Primary damaging factors (thermal energy, smoke and toxic combustion products) manifest themselves on the target from several seconds to several minutes during application incendiary weapons. Secondary damaging factors, as a consequence of emerging fires, manifest themselves from several minutes and hours to days and weeks.

The damaging effect of incendiary weapons on people is manifested:

  • in the form of primary and secondary burns of the skin and mucous tissues due to direct contact of burning incendiary substances with the skin of the body or uniform;
  • in the form of damage (burns) to the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, followed by the development of swelling and suffocation when inhaling highly heated air, smoke and other combustion products;
  • in the form of heat stroke, as a result of body overheating;
  • exposure to toxic products of incomplete combustion of incendiary substances and combustible materials;
  • the inability to continue the respiratory function due to partial burnout of oxygen from the air, especially in closed buildings, basements, dugouts and other shelters;
  • in the mechanical impact on humans of fire storms and whirlwinds during massive fires.

Often these factors appear simultaneously, and their severity depends on the type of incendiary substance used and its quantity, the nature of the target and the conditions of use. In addition, incendiary weapons have a strong moral and psychological impact on a person, reducing his ability to actively resist fire.

An incendiary substance or an incendiary mixture of substances capable of igniting, burning steadily and releasing a large amount of thermal energy. Figure 7 shows the main groups of incendiary substances and mixtures.

Rice. 7. Main groups of incendiary substances and mixtures

According to combustion conditions, incendiary substances and mixtures can be divided into two main groups:

  • burning in the presence of atmospheric oxygen (napalm, white phosphorus);
  • burning without access to air oxygen (thermite and thermite compounds).

Incendiary mixtures based on petroleum products can be unthickened or thickened (viscous). This is the most common type of mixture, capable of infecting manpower and igniting flammable materials.

Unthickened mixtures are prepared from gasoline, diesel fuel and lubricating oils. They are highly flammable and are used in backpack flamethrowers for a short flamethrowing range.

Thickened mixtures (napalms) are viscous, gelatinous, sticky masses consisting of gasoline or other liquid hydrocarbon fuel mixed in a certain ratio with various thickeners. Thickeners are substances that, when dissolved in a flammable base, impart a certain viscosity to mixtures. Aluminum salts of organic acids, synthetic rubber, polystyrene and other polymeric substances are used as thickeners.

The self-igniting incendiary mixture is triethylaluminum thickened with polyisobutylene.

The damaging effect of a high-explosive fragmentation projectile

The appearance of the mixture resembles napalm. The mixture has the ability to spontaneously ignite in air. The mixture is also capable of self-ignition on wet surfaces and on snow due to the addition of sodium, potassium, magnesium or phosphorus.

Metallized incendiary mixtures (pyrogels) consist of petroleum products with the addition of powdered or shavings of magnesium or aluminum, oxidizing agents, liquid asphalt and heavy oils. The introduction of combustible materials into the composition of pyrogels increases the combustion temperature and gives these mixtures a burning ability. Unlike ordinary napalm, pyrogens are heavier than water and burn for 1-3 minutes.

Napalms, self-igniting incendiary mixtures and pyrogens adhere well to various surfaces of weapons, military equipment, and human uniforms.

They are highly flammable and difficult to remove and extinguish. When burning, napalms develop a temperature of about 1000-120000C, pirogels - up to 1600-200000C. Self-igniting incendiary mixtures are difficult to extinguish with water. When burning, they develop a temperature of 1100-130000C. Napalms are used for flamethrowing from tanks and backpack flamethrowers, for equipping aircraft bombs and tanks, various types of fire mines.

Self-igniting incendiary mixtures and pyrogens are capable of causing severe burns to personnel, setting fire to weapons and military equipment, and also creating fires in the area, in buildings and structures. Pyrogels are also capable of burning through thin sheets of metal.

Termite– a compressed mixture of powdered iron oxides with granulated aluminum. Thermite compositions, in addition to the listed components, contain oxidizing agents and binders (magnesium, sulfur, lead peroxide, barium nitrate). When thermites and thermite compositions burn, thermal energy is released as a result of the interaction of the oxide of one metal with another metal, forming liquid molten slag with a temperature of about 300,000C. Burning thermite compounds can burn through iron and steel. Thermite and thermite compositions are used to equip incendiary mines, shells, small-caliber aircraft bombs, hand-held incendiary grenades and checkers.

White phosphorus- hard, waxy poisonous substance. It dissolves well in liquid organic solvents and is stored under a layer of water. In air, phosphorus spontaneously ignites and burns, releasing a large amount of acrid white smoke, developing a temperature of 100,000C.

Plasticized white phosphorus It is a plastic mass made of synthetic rubber and particles of white phosphorus; it is more stable during storage; when used, it is crushed into large, slowly burning pieces, and is capable of sticking to vertical surfaces and burning through them.

Burning phosphorus causes severe, painful burns that take a long time to heal. It is used in incendiary and smoke-generating artillery shells, mines, aircraft bombs and hand grenades, and also as an igniter for napalm and pyrogel.

Electron– an alloy of magnesium (96%), aluminum (3%) and other elements (1%). It ignites at a temperature of 60,000C and burns with a dazzling white or bluish flame, developing a temperature of up to 280,000C. Used for the manufacture of casings for small-sized aviation incendiary bombs.

Alkali metals, especially potassium and sodium, have the property of reacting with water and igniting. They are dangerous to handle, so they are not used independently, but are used as a rule, to ignite napalm or as part of self-igniting mixtures.

For effective application incendiary substances and mixtures are used special means. Combat means - a specific design of a combat device or ammunition that ensures delivery to the target and the effective transfer of an incendiary substance or mixture into a combat state.

Combat weapons include: aviation and artillery incendiary ammunition, grenade launchers, flamethrowers, fire mines, grenades, cartridges, checkers. Means and methods of protection against incendiary weapons. To protect personnel from the damaging effects of incendiary weapons, use:

  • closed fortifications;
  • weapons and military equipment;
  • natural shelters, as well as various local materials;
  • personal protective equipment for skin and respiratory organs;
  • overcoats, pea coats, padded jackets, short fur coats, raincoats, etc.

To protect weapons and military equipment from incendiary weapons, use:

  • trenches and shelters equipped with ceilings;
  • natural shelters;
  • tarpaulins, awnings and covers;
  • coverings made from local materials;
  • standard and local fire extinguishing agents.

Protection of troops from incendiary weapons is organized with the goal of preventing or maximally weakening their impact on troops, maintaining their combat effectiveness and ensuring that they carry out their assigned combat missions, as well as preventing the occurrence and spread of massive fires and, if necessary, ensuring their localization and extinguishing.

The organization of protection of troops from incendiary weapons is carried out by commanders and staffs of all levels in all types of combat activities of troops simultaneously with the organization of protection from other means of mass destruction. The general management of the organization of protection against incendiary weapons is carried out by the commander. It determines the most important activities and the timing of their implementation.

On the basis of the commander, the headquarters, together with the chiefs of services, develops measures to protect units (units) from incendiary weapons and monitors the implementation of these measures.

  • The main measures to protect against incendiary weapons are:
  • forecasting the occurrence and spread of fires;
  • conducting continuous reconnaissance and surveillance, timely detection of enemy preparations for the use of incendiary weapons;
  • timely warning of troops about the threat and the beginning of the use of incendiary weapons;
  • dispersal of troops and periodic change of areas where they are located;
  • engineering equipment for troop deployment areas;
  • use of protective and camouflage properties of the terrain, protective properties of weapons and military equipment, personal protective equipment;
  • providing troops with the necessary forces and means of fire extinguishing and fire-fighting measures;
  • ensuring the safety and protection of troops when operating in the zone of massive fires;
  • identifying and eliminating the consequences of the enemy’s use of incendiary weapons.

Conventional means of destruction(OSP) is a complex of small arms, artillery, engineering, naval, missile and aviation weapons or ammunition that use the energy of impact and explosion of explosives and their mixtures.

Conventional weapons are classified according to the method of delivery, caliber, type of warheads, and the principle of action on obstacles.

The most common conventional ammunition that can be used to strike cities and settlements, there may be fragmentation bombs, high-explosive bombs, ball bombs, volumetric explosion ammunition, incendiary weapons. Let's get acquainted with some types of conventional weapon ammunition and their damaging factors.

Fragmentation bombs used to kill people and animals. When a bomb explodes, it produces a large number of fragments that fly in different directions at a distance of up to 300 m from the explosion site. Splinters do not penetrate brick and wooden walls.

High explosive bombs designed to destroy all kinds of structures. Compared to nuclear weapons, their destructive power is small. Unexploded aerial bombs pose a great danger. Most often they have delayed fuses that go off automatically some time after the bomb is dropped.

Ball bombs are equipped a huge amount(from several hundred to several thousand) fragments (balls, needles, arrows, etc.) weighing up to several grams. Ball bombs, ranging in size from a tennis ball to a soccer ball, can contain 300 metal or plastic balls with a diameter of 5-6 mm.

Fragmentation and high-explosive fragmentation warheads

The radius of the bomb's destructive effect is up to 15 m.

Volumetric explosion ammunition dropped from an aircraft in the form of cassettes. The cartridge contains three rounds of ammunition each containing approximately 35 kg of liquid ethylene oxide. Ammunition is separated in the air. When they hit the ground, a fuse is triggered, which ensures the dispersion of liquid and the formation of a gas cloud with a diameter of 15 m and a height of 2.5 m. This cloud is undermined by a special delayed-action device.

The main damaging factor of volumetric explosion ammunition is a shock wave propagating at supersonic speed, the power of which is 4-6 times higher than the explosion energy of a conventional explosive.

Incendiary weapon Depending on the composition, it is divided into: incendiary mixtures based on petroleum products (napalm), metallized incendiary mixtures, thermite compositions, white phosphorus.

The means of using incendiary weapons can be aerial bombs, cassettes, artillery incendiary ammunition, flamethrowers, etc.

The thermal effect of incendiary weapons on the human body leads primarily to burns.

Incendiary agents used in the form of aerial bombs represent serious danger for people. Getting on open areas skin, clothes, they cause very severe burns and burnouts. During the combustion of these products, the air quickly heats up, which leads to burns of the respiratory tract. The use of incendiary agents causes massive fires.

Mines – one of the most insidious types of weapons. They cause untold suffering to civilians long after they end. fighting. The exact number of mines left after wars and armed conflicts on the territory of more than 70 countries is unknown, but even according to approximate data International Committee The Red Cross and the UN Department of Mine Action currently put it at 100 million. Millions of them have not yet been neutralized and are still waiting for their victims in different parts of the planet; Every year, mines claim more than 25,000 innocent lives. Every week around the globe, about 500 people are killed or disabled as a result of mine explosions, in other words, every 20 minutes, someone is killed or maimed by mines.

Nuclear weapon- a type of explosive weapon of mass destruction based on the use of intranuclear energy released during chain reactions fission of heavy nuclei of some isotopes of uranium and plutonium or during fusion reactions of light nuclei such as deuterium, tritium (hydrogen isotopes) and lithium.

Nuclear weapons include: various nuclear weapons; means of their delivery to the target (carriers); controls. Nuclear weapons include nuclear warheads of missiles and torpedoes, nuclear bombs, artillery shells, depth charges, mines (land mines). Aircraft, surface ships and submarines, equipped with nuclear weapons and delivering them to the launch (firing) site. There are also carriers of nuclear charges (missiles, torpedoes, shells, aircraft and depth charges), which deliver them directly to targets. They can be launched (shot) from stationary installations or from moving objects. (A nuclear charge is component nuclear weapons).

Damaging factors of a nuclear explosion:

1. Shock wave- the main damaging factor of a nuclear explosion, since most of the destruction and damage to structures, buildings, as well as injuries to people are usually caused by exposure shock wave. It is an area of ​​sharp compression of the medium, spreading in all directions from the explosion site at supersonic speed. The front boundary of the compressed air layer is called the shock wave front. The damaging effect of a shock wave is characterized by the magnitude of excess pressure, i.e., the magnitude of the difference between the maximum pressure in the shock wave front and normal atmospheric pressure.

2. Light radiation- a stream of radiant energy, including visible, ultraviolet and infrared rays. Its source is a luminous area formed by hot explosion products and hot air. Light radiation spreads almost instantly and lasts, depending on the power of the nuclear explosion, up to 20 s. However, its strength is such that, despite its short duration, it can cause burns to the skin (skin), damage (permanent or temporary) to people’s organs of vision and fire of flammable materials and objects.

3. Ionizing radiation(penetrating radiation) there is a stream of gamma rays and neutrons. It lasts 10-15 s. Passing through living tissue, gamma radiation and neutrons ionize the molecules that make up the cells. Under the influence of ionization, changes in biological processes occur in the body, leading to disruption of the vital functions of the body.

4. Radioactive contamination is the result of loss radioactive substances from the cloud of a nuclear explosion both in the area of ​​the explosion and far beyond it, at a distance of several hundred and even thousands of kilometers. Radioactive substances are a source of radiation harmful to living organisms. Radioactive damage resulting from external irradiation and the entry of radioactive substances into the body causes radiation sickness.

5. Electromagnetic pulse occurs as a result of the interaction of radiation emanating from the zone of a nuclear explosion with atoms of the environment. As a result, short-term electric and magnetic fields arise in the air, which constitute an electromagnetic pulse.

As a result of its impact, wire and cable lines and radio equipment are damaged.

Chemical weapon- weapons of mass destruction, the action of which is based on the toxic properties of chemicals.

Chemical weapons include toxic substances (CAS) and means of their use. Missiles, aircraft bombs, and artillery shells are equipped with toxic substances.

Based on their effect on the human body, agents are divided into nerve agents, blister agents, asphyxiating agents, general toxic agents, irritants and psychochemical agents.

Bacteriological (biological) weapons- a type of weapon of mass destruction, the action of which is based on the use of the pathogenic properties of microorganisms and their metabolic products.

Bacteriological (biological) weapons (BW) are special ammunition and combat devices with delivery vehicles, equipped with biological agents and intended for mass destruction of enemy personnel, farm animals, and crops.

Along with nuclear and chemical weapons bacteriological weapon refers to weapons of mass destruction.

The damaging effect of BO is based primarily on the use of the pathogenic properties of microbes and toxic products of their vital activity. The basis of the destructive effect of biological weapons is biological agents, specially selected for combat use and capable of causing massive severe diseases in people, animals, and plants.

High-precision weapons (HTO) is a controlled weapon, the effectiveness of which is based on high precision hitting the target.

Precision-precision weapons (HPE) include: combat missiles for various purposes; guided missiles; guided aerial bombs, etc.

With the help of high-tech weapons with conventional, non-nuclear weapons, it is possible to inflict defeats comparable in their consequences to defeat from low-yield tactical nuclear weapons. Further development of the WTO goes in the direction of its “intellectualization, i.e.

the ability to recognize targets, including on the battlefield and in jammed conditions, and when targeting large targets, select the most vulnerable element to hit.

High-explosive fragmentation shells are present in the game as both regular and premium ammunition. This is the main type for self-propelled guns and short-barreled large-caliber guns. They have the highest potential damage for their calibers and the lowest armor penetration. The peculiarity of HE shells is that in order to inflict the full damage stated in the technical characteristics, they must penetrate the main armor of the tank, whereas if they do not penetrate, the damage is inflicted taking into account the armor absorption coefficient.

HE shells have the concept of “splash” - the radius of dispersion of fragments with the penetration of fragments linearly falling to zero along the length of the radius of expansion (the center is maximum damage, the edge of the splash radius is 0 damage). Premium HE shells have an increased radius of fragmentation, HESH shells have increased armor penetration. The fragments ignore the overlap of tanks, thus, a small tank, being behind a large tank in relation to the point of explosion, will receive its “legal” vectors with fragments.

The same rule applies to ignoring destructible/non-destructible objects. A tank behind a wall can take damage from shrapnel if a shell explodes with reverse side walls.
High-explosive fragmentation shells do not have normalization and do not ricochet. To calculate penetration, the reduced armor thickness at the point of impact of the projectile is used.

Main features of high-explosive fragmentation shells

  • The armor penetration of the projectile does not decrease with distance.
  • When a land mine explodes on armor (when damage passes through the armor, but without the projectile penetrating into the space behind the armor), the damage is halved.
  • A shock wave (a rupture in the armor or near the tank) cannot damage more than half of the crew members. For crews with odd number tankers are equally likely to round in both directions.

If the HE shell did not penetrate the armor of the tank or exploded next to it:

At the moment of the explosion of a high-explosive projectile, a sphere of scattering fragments is built. From the center of the sphere, vectors are constructed to all modules and armor groups of the tank. The server also determines the damage (the value chosen is ±25%, which is divided by 2). Subsequently, when calculating the damage caused by fragments, the resulting number participates in the mechanisms of attenuation with distance (the flight distance of fragments is taken into account) and damage absorption by armor (the thickness of the armor and the absorption coefficient from the installed lining are taken into account). After calculating the damage for each projectile fragment, for all modules and armor groups, select maximum value, and it is this damage that is inflicted on the tank’s hull.

Thus, the use of high-explosive shells is extremely effective against weakly armored targets.

Also, high-explosive shells from large-caliber guns can be used to cause damage to heavily armored tanks, the armor of which is difficult to penetrate with other types of shells.