This is the information that accompanies these photographs you have probably seen on the Internet: The unique Maltese tiger is the most... rare view tigers in the world. It is also known as the blue tiger. Habitat: Fuzhian Province, China. According to eyewitnesses, this cat has bluish fur with dark gray stripes. The term "Maltese" comes from felinologist (cat lovers) terminology for blue fur and refers to the bluish-gray coloring of the animals. Majority maltese tigers, reported to belong to the South China subspecies. About existence blue tigers also reported from Myanmar and South Korea.

But still, let's still study the theme of the blue tiger... -

There is a version that modern world unlike the era of the greats geographical discoveries not filled with the spirit of exploring new lands and amazement from meeting unusual animals. The idea that all territories have been explored and all unusual creatures have already been described by naturalists and zoologists. It is believed that thanks to modern level development environment impossible to open the new kind or a subspecies of creatures belonging to the category of large animals.

However, there is evidence of the existence of many creatures that have not yet been included in the register of living things by zoologists and naturalists. These unusual, large and unrecognized creatures by official science include maltese tiger.

Cryptozoology is one of the most interesting areas of modern biology. Representatives of this non-academic (yet) scientific discipline are engaged in the search for mythical and non-existent animals, including those that are believed to be extinct. Blue tigers are one of the most popular legends of this kind: according to some information, such animals were seen in China about a century ago.

The first evidence of this animal's existence came in 1910 from an American priest named Gary Caldwell. (Gary Caldwell). Gary Caldwell was not only a man who introduced the people of southeastern China to the basics of the Protestant faith, but also an avid big cat hunter. The overwhelming majority of tigers he encountered had normal color, but one animal captured the hunter’s imagination. This tiger had a silver-blue skin streaked with inky black stripes. Gary Caldwell was never able to kill this beast, but carefully described his encounter with this unusual tiger in his book " Blue Tiger"(The Blue Tiger, 1924). Having trampled his hunting pride, he preserved the description of the Maltese tiger and the area in which this animal lives.

The missionary's story was not believed, so he announced a reward for the capture of this animal. Many experienced hunters, flattered by a lot of money, took part in the search, but they failed to track down the unique predator - the missionary’s words remained an unsubstantiated “tale.”

After the incident with the missionary, information about these animals periodically comes from different corners globe.

Another book of interest to cryptozoologists eager to find the silver-gray tiger are travel notes Gary Caldwell's associate named Roy Chapman Andrews (Roy Chapman Andrews). Mention of an unusual tiger is contained in the seventh chapter of Roy Andrews's travel diary, published in 1918.

The famous British cryptozoologist Karl Shuker, in his work “The Mysterious Cats of the World,” quotes both the work of Gary Caldwell and “Camps and Trails in China” by Roy Andrews.

Cryptozoologists and adherents of official zoology fight each other, defending opposing points of view: the former believe that maltese tiger exists, while the latter believe that tigers with silver-gray fur do not exist. However, official zoology recognizes the existence of the Maltese tiger. In 1960, a tiger with a silver-gray skin streaked with black stripes was born at the Oklahoma Zoo. The animal lived to an old age, and after death, a stuffed animal was made from the unusual tiger. This little known fact confirms the theory of cryptozoologists that on the southeastern outskirts of China live maltese tigers. Representatives of official science have not discovered Maltese tigers in this difficult-to-research territory, but this does not refute the existence of such tigers in the wild.

The amazingly elegant color combination characteristic of the skin of Maltese tigers is due to mutation. Most likely, Maltese tigers, sporting a silver-blue coat with black stripes, were exposed to genetic mutation, causing the inability to reproduce a pigment such as phelomelin. It is the action of phelomelanin that explains the golden-red color of ordinary tigers. If the animal’s body is not able to create this pigment, then the fur has a bluish-gray tint.

It is unknown whether they have survived maltese tigers in wild nature. It cannot be said with certainty that zoologists will soon receive evidence of the existence in the wild of these big cats, which have already become a legend and are on the same level as black lions, white and blue cheetahs. It is quite possible that Maltese tigers will remain legendary creatures, and the scant evidence of the possibility of the existence of these beautiful creatures will be the notes of travelers and the only stuffed Maltese tiger born in captivity.

Although the existence of Maltese tigers has not yet been documented, cryptozoologists suggest that this could be the reason of blue color tigers' fur. Theoretically, this phenomenon may be caused by a malfunction of the agouti gene, which is responsible for the striped coloration present in many cats, dogs and some other species of animals. In some cases (usually in domestic cats), there is a disruption in the production of the pigment pheomelanin, resulting in a bluish coat instead of yellow and orange.

Maybe, of course, cryptozoologists will celebrate their victory and present the blue tiger to the world, but for now I can completely show you the originals of those photographs that are usually used to visualize the blue tiger.

The Maltese, or blue tiger, is a legendary big cat with a striped color, like a tiger. Most often, reports about it come from eyewitnesses from the southern part of China. They claim that this animal has bluish fur with dark gray stripes.

The term "Maltese" refers to the blue fur of domestic cats, which is actually a bluish-gray shade. In Malta you can find many cats with a similar color, which gives such meaning to the adjective “Maltese”.

It is possible that Maltese tigers were a subspecies of the South China tiger, which is now in danger of extinction, so individuals with “blue” alleles (forms of the gene) may have completely disappeared from the face of the earth. Encouragingly, reports of blue tigers have also come from Burma (Myanmar) and Korea, the motherland of Amur tigers. Experts are quite skeptical about such evidence, some even believe that Maltese tigers are ordinary orange tigers rolling around in the mud. But black tigers also for a long time were considered a myth, and several skins found proved that melanistic tigers really exist. Such tigers are not completely black, their black stripes are much wider than usual, so the main Orange color almost invisible.

The theory of the existence of the blue tiger is supported by the fact that representatives of the cat family of blue color are not at all uncommon. There are well-known breeds of domestic cats, such as the Russian Blue, various British Shorthairs, and the British Blue. Blue lynxes are also found. Certain genetic mutations and combinations of them can cause a bluish tint, or at least the appearance that an animal's fur is a bluish-gray color.

not quite a blue tiger

To achieve Maltese striped fur, pheomelanin production must be suppressed (to replace orange with grey) but agouti (for striping) must be retained. Most likely, melanism is also present here, because, as Caldwell reported, the tiger's belly was not pure white. A similar genotype is known in cheetahs: it causes their fur to become bluish-gray with a dark gray slate pattern.
In isolated populations, genetic changes can cause unusual mutations, such as abnormal coloration, and if the mutation is not harmful, it can spread quickly.

In 1910, American missionary and hunter Harry Caldwell claimed to have seen a blue tiger. He described the color of the animal as bluish-gray, turning into dark blue at the bottom of the body, with dark stripes like a regular orange tiger.

Caldwell wrote: “I glanced at what appeared to be a squatting man in traditional light blue robes and turned my attention back to the goat I was tending. My companion pulled me by the elbow, saying: “A tiger is definitely a tiger.” I looked again, now it was emphasized. I saw a huge tiger's head, taller than what seemed to me to be human clothing. It turned out to be the chest and belly of the beast.”

Caldwell's dream was to shoot the animal and get its skin. Locals confirmed the existence of “blue devils,” as they called these animals. Caldwell, along with John and several other hunters, tried unsuccessfully to find the blue tiger.
In a number of cases, they found bluish hair on mountain paths. However, it was not possible to meet a live Maltese tiger. This hunt is described in detail by Caldwell’s companion, an employee of the American museum. natural history Roy Chapman Andrews.

Richard Perry, in his book "The World Of The Tiger", confirmed that in China, Maltese tigers were indeed called "blue devils" because they often attacked people. IN Lately, isolated reports of blues came from the mountainous region on the border between Northern and South Korea. But since North Korea does not welcome outsiders on its territory, these reports are not possible.

Theoretical possibility of existence

Eyewitness reports are not hard evidence of the existence of the blue tiger. There is not a lot of material evidence. Until now, it has not been possible to obtain the skin of this animal, or even photograph it.

Supporting the theory of the existence of the Maltese tiger is the fact that blue shades are not unusual among other cats. Quite widespread breeds of domestic cats are Russian Blue, Shorthair, and British Blue. It is also reliably known about the existence of blue lynxes.

British zoologist Carl Shuker suggests that blue tigers have two pairs of recessive alleles - non-agouti and degeneracy gene, which in combination give a bluish-gray color. True, in this case the tiger would not have dark stripes.

According to reports, Maltese tigers belong to the South China tiger subspecies. This subspecies is now under threat of complete extinction due to the use of preparations from them in traditional Chinese medicine. So it is quite possible that tigers with the rare blue allele are already extinct.

The tiger is the largest and most formidable representative cat family. There are legends about the fierce temper of the predator; even lions are inferior to its cruelty and pressure. The vibes of wild, uncontrollable power emanating from the tiger’s large and majestic body cause unmotivated anxiety among the inhabitants of the forest and panic fear long before the beast appeared within sight. A person who is close to an approaching predator experiences the same intense emotions.

Myths and legends

In the mythology of many peoples of the world, the tiger acts as the owner of the forest, the king of animals, the owner of magical qualities and powerful energy. IN ancient China the predator was considered a threat to demons and a protector from disease; in Korea it was known as the spirit of caves and mountains.

The Nivkhs, living in Japan and Russia, considered the beast to be a special breed of “human tigers.” When meeting him, it was necessary to bow and make a welcoming speech, but it was strictly forbidden to injure or kill the tiger. Many Indian tribes considered and still consider the animal to be their ancestor, who stood at the origins of the family.

The hunters of Transbaikalia called the tiger “fierce” and avoided the paths trodden by it. If by chance they came across the trail of an animal walking forward, they tried not to leave it, but to move with their backs in the opposite direction, while making frequent bows. This way, in their opinion, it was possible to avoid the tiger’s wrath and inevitable disaster. Kyrgyz shamans, in the process of ritual actions, turn to the kind white tiger for help.

In Chinese Buddhism, the beast represents anger. For Indians it is a symbol military valor. According to Japanese tradition, the predator in the bamboo grove symbolizes human evil.

In Eastern medicine, the tiger was considered as a source of valuable material for the manufacture of medicinal potions. To cure infertility, women were recommended to eat the meat of a predator or jump over its skin. Chinese healers made from various parts animal body antipyretics and aphrodisiacs.

Despite all sorts of prohibitions, products from tiger organs are in demand and are sold on illegal markets.

Carefully! Cannibals!

Collisions between an animal and an unarmed person end in bloodshed and a dramatic ending. Man-eating tigers pose a particular danger. Usually these are sick or old individuals who are not capable of attacking a stronger opponent. They purposefully hunt people, set up ambushes near rural roads, and always attack from behind. Quite healthy individuals can become cannibals. Animals quickly get used to the taste human meat and can no longer deny myself this pleasure.

To prevent a tiger attack, residents dangerous areas resort to various tricks and tricks. One of these tricks is a mask in the shape of a face with big eyes, worn at the back of the head. The “look” of the mask scares away the predator and it does not risk attacking, but retreats back into the jungle.

Many are sad known facts tigers once again remind us of the bloody and insidious nature of the predator. Some of the evidence, such as serial murders people by the man-eating tigress in the Indian district of Nainital (1925 - 1930) are particularly cruel. According to confirmed data, the beast managed to kill 64 people.

The Champawat tigress is considered the most bloodthirsty predator of the 20th century. According to researchers, she is responsible for 436 murders, of which 200 people were killed in Nepal and 236 in the Kumaon region. The animal hunted people for several years. Even the Nepalese army could not cope with the dangerous predator - it always managed to evade pursuit. point in this tragic story directed by the famous hunter of cannibalistic predators Jim Corbett. He covered the seasoned beast in 1911.

The mango forests of Sundraban, Uttar Pradesh state in India, still represent mortal danger for a person. According to local scientists, every fourth tiger living in these regions is a potential man-eater.

Features of hunting

For many centuries, the tiger has been a coveted trophy. Hunting for it, regardless of the region of its habitat, was widespread, becoming more of an entertainment and sporting pleasure than a way of protecting against attack by a predator.

In ancient Korea, animal hunters were highly revered and high status in society. Their clothing was different from that of their fellow tribesmen, consisting of a blue turban, a jacket of the same color and an unusual necklace. The daily diet of trappers necessarily included the meat of a killed animal.

Hunting tigers in Central Asia was studying great conqueror Alexander the Great. For her, he used darts sharpened in a special way.

The English colonialists entertained themselves with this dangerous and cruel activity. They used local residents as beaters. They themselves moved on elephants or followed the victim on foot. The skins of killed animals became carpets or stuffed animals in the homes of the English aristocracy, and the meat became a delicacy during feasts.

History of the species

Since 1929, the animal belongs to the genus Panthera (panther). Latin name kind - Panthera tigris, where "tigris" translated into Russian means fast or spicy. The first information about the predator can be found in the works of the physician and naturalist Carl Linnaeus; zoologist George Robert Gray also studied this species and contributed to Scientific research naturalist Nikolai Severtsov.

Fossils wild tigers, dating back to the Pleistocene period, were found on the island of Java, northern China, Sumatra, Siberia, and India. According to molecular genetic studies, the predator is directly related to the genus Panthera and separated from the common ancestral branch more than two million years ago.

In the same time Saber-toothed tiger, despite its name, according to DNA results it has no relation to living tigers.

Distribution and population status

Previously, the living space of the predator covered vast territories: from Indonesia to Transcaucasia and Central Asia, from the Far East to Iran. At the beginning of the 20th century, up to 100 thousand animals lived on Earth, 40 thousand of which lived in India.

The growing invasion of civilization into virgin nature and poaching contributed to the catastrophic decline of the species. Now the tiger's habitat is limited to several regions of Asia, divided into separate populations, the total number of which does not exceed 5 thousand.

On the islands of Bali and Java, in Transcaucasia and Central Asia, animals disappeared in the second half of the last century. In Korea and Manchuria, from 20 to 30 individuals have survived, on Far East There are up to 550 predators; in Sumatra there are no more than 500 of them. The largest number of tigers remain in Indochina and India - about 3.5 thousand.

Security measures

The predator is under international security and is listed in the Red Book. Hunting for it is prohibited. To preserve the species and maintain the population size, specialized protected areas are created.

In the Far East there are several state-protected zones - Sikhote-Alinsky, Lazovsky and Ussuriysky national parks, Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve. To observe tigers, scientists most often use camera traps, the tracking method, GPS tracking, and radio tracking.


The tiger cat is massive in appearance, but incredibly flexible and agile animal.

  • Its weight exceeds all conceivable limits and is the most impressive among the representatives of the cat family. The average-sized tiger weighs 190 - 250 kg. A large individual can reach a body weight of up to 300 - 320 kg.
  • An adult animal has a length excluding the tail of the order three meters, height at withers up to 1.2 meters.
  • The front legs are more powerful and tall than the hind legs. The feet are very wide, the claws are retractable. The hind paw has only four toes, the front paw has five toes.
  • The massive, rounded head of the tiger is set on a wide, powerful neck. The muzzle is decorated with sideburns on both sides.
  • Eyes yellow color with round pupils.
  • The forehead is convex.
  • The nose is large, the bridge of the nose is wide.
  • The jaw is strong, the length of the fangs is up to 8 cm.
  • The ears are small, without tufts.

Thanks to its color, the tiger looks very colorful in life and in photos. The southern subspecies have a short, sparse and fairly hard coat. Northern individuals have a fluffy skin with long, medium-hard hair. The striped tiger may have a rusty brown or rusty red base color. The throat, belly and paws are white-gray on the inside. There are light spots on the face and ears.

The stripes on the coat are located uniquely in each individual. The predator has up to 100 such stripes. The color palette includes all shades of brown and black, depending on the subspecies. In the neck and on the body they are located in the transverse direction, reaching the belly, where they end with sharp ends, like a bayonet.

On the front half of the body, the stripes are rare, their frequency increases towards the beginning of the tail. In the pelvic area, the stripes go down halfway to the hips. The tiger's tail has up to ten transverse stripes and a black spot at the very end.

Color options

  • The white tiger is a successful result of a gene mutation, occurring once in 10 thousand individuals. In life and in photos white tiger looks amazingly beautiful - absolutely white fur sparkling in the sun, heavenly purity Blue eyes, clearly defined black-brown stripes. The first such tiger cub was taken from its mother by a trapper in 1951. Since then, scientists have been breeding them in captivity, and all individuals are descendants of the found animal. Tigers with unusual colors reproduce well and constantly replenish their mini-population.
  • The golden tiger owes its color to a recessive gene responsible for unusual color wool The history of the appearance of the animal goes back to the beginning of the 20th century, it was then that the first animal with this color was discovered. At that time, many theories were put forward in this regard, but none of them were confirmed. An explanation for this phenomenon was found after a genetic study, as a result of which a recessive gene was found. There are 30 golden-colored individuals in zoos around the world, and almost all of them are the result of crossing adults with their offspring.
  • The population contains completely black tigers and animals with a bluish-gray color.

Habitat and lifestyle

The landscapes where these animals live are very diverse. The predator adapts well to any climate and terrain, be it mangroves or bamboo thickets, rainforests, bare rocks, harsh Siberian taiga or dry savanna with sparse vegetation. Found at altitudes up to 3 thousand meters.

The animal tiger is a loner by nature. During the day it sleeps in the den, and in the evening it goes in search of prey. Hiking sometimes lasts until the morning.

At the age of a tiger cub, he deftly and quickly climbs trees; an adult predator does not climb trees - his weight does not allow him. Loves and knows how to swim, is not afraid of severe frosts, tolerates well hot weather. Usually the tiger is silent. Makes dull growling sounds only when mating season, in a moment of rage and when it attacks the victim.

Wherever a tiger lives, its personal territory is saturated with an individual scent. It abundantly irrigates rocks, bushes, and tree trunks with urine. Leaves urine marks on vertical surfaces. To remind himself even more, he rubs his back against the trees, scratches the bark, loosens the snow or earth.

The size of hunting grounds depends on the region inhabited, the amount of food available and gender. Males occupy large areas– from 60 to 100 km 2. In search of prey, they cover from 9 to 41 km per day. Females are limited to more modest boundaries; the area of ​​their personal territory does not exceed 20 km 2. The areas of a male and several females can intersect with each other. Animals always move along the same paths.

It behaves aggressively towards other males, when it sees them it takes a threatening pose and makes no less threatening sounds. If mutual understanding is not reached, he enters into a brutal, bloody battle to the bitter end. The tiger is more favorable towards females; it can live with them in the same territory and share its prey.

Hunting and food

The predator hunts alone. It waits for prey near trails or stalks. The choice of hunting method depends on the time of year. IN summer time In search of prey, it follows the trail, and in winter it hunts near trails. For an ambush he chooses the leeward side. Sneaks up on the victim quietly and unnoticed.

The tiger attacks with lightning speed, making incredible leaps (up to 10 meters). The victim is grabbed by the throat and breaks her neck, sometimes simply strangled. It can eat up to 30 kg of meat per day. Stays near large prey for several days.

The daily diet includes all the game that lives in the same region. As a rule, these are ungulates, hares, birds, and monkeys. Loves nuts and fruits, eats grass.

Reproduction and care of offspring

The mating season occurs in December - January and is accompanied by stormy courtship. Males find a female ready for fertilization by the smell of marks left by the chosen one. Other males, if they appear on the tiger’s path, meet with a decisive rebuff and are driven away.

The female's estrus lasts several days and repeats after some time if pregnancy has not occurred. Animals mate several times a day. The process is accompanied by a loud, heartbreaking roar.

The female is ready to have offspring when she reaches three to four years of age, but not more often than once every two to three years. Pregnancy lasts on average three months (98 - 112 days). Before the birth of her babies, the tigress sets up a warm den in hard-to-reach and safe places - in windbreaks, distant caves, dense mangroves, rock crevices. The male is not allowed to the den, as he has a ferocious disposition and may well kill newborn tiger cubs; he does not participate in the upbringing of his offspring.

The litter appears in late March - early April and consists of two, three or four kittens. Cubs are born blind, have a significant weight (1.3 to 1.5 kg), and require constant maternal care. Eyes open one week after birth.

They eat for up to one and a half months breast milk. Upon reaching two months, they can leave the den and accompany their mother on short trips. The female gradually accustoms them to eating meat, teaches them all the intricacies of hunting, and serves as a reliable support and protection during the entire period of their stay together.

By the age of two, young tigers are ready to live independently. Young females tend to establish their own den near their mother's hunting grounds. Males have to go in search of new, unoccupied territories. Often they come across old predators on their way, and here they cannot do without a fight that is fatal for one of the individuals.

Females reach sexual maturity at three to four years, males at four to five years.

Lifespan of animals natural conditions does not exceed 26 years.

Life in captivity

They live in many zoos around the world and reproduce well. In some US states, according to experts, 12 thousand predators are kept as pets. They are tamed and trainable, but keeping them outside an enclosure is very dangerous. With age, the animal becomes aggressive and poses a real threat to life. You can find out how much a tiger costs in a specialized nursery.


The desire for profit by owners of private zoos has led to the emergence of tiger hybrids. The most famous of them are the tiger lion and the liger.

  • The tiger lion was the result of crossing a male tiger and a female lion. The animal has a short mane, stripes and spots on the body. Its weight does not exceed 150 kg. Females can give birth, males are sterile.
  • The liger is an unusual hybrid that grows throughout its life. In old age, its body reaches three meters in length. The liger's mother is a tigress, and his father is a male lion. Female ligers can interbreed with individuals of the original species.


This species has nine subspecies, three of which are completely exterminated by poachers.

  • lives in Ussuri taiga, owns huge hunting grounds (up to 800 km 2). This is the most big tiger, known to science. No more than 500 individuals of this subspecies survive in the wild. The weight of a tiger can reach 320 kg, body length - 2.5 meters. The animal has a thick, long wool and a thick layer of belly fat. It is distinguished by a dull color and a smaller number of stripes than its relatives. The beast is depicted on the coat of arms of the Primorsky Territory.
  • - endemic to the island of Bali. The last individual was exterminated by poachers in 1937. The animals had short, stiff fur of a bright orange hue and a small number of black stripes. Local residents did not like the animal; they considered it a dark and destructive force.
  • – is part of the largest population (3 - 4.5 thousand individuals). Lives in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan. In some countries it is considered the national animal. Average weight females are about 150 kg, males - 230 kg. It has a light orange or yellow color, brown stripes. The menacing roar of the predator can be heard at a distance of three kilometers. This subspecies has become notorious due to numerous attacks on people.
  • lived on southern territory Russia, Azerbaijan, Abkhazia, Armenia, Turkey. Another name for the subspecies is the Caspian tiger. The predator was exterminated in the sixties of the last century. He had a bright color with dark, numerous stripes and long, thick hair. Most large tiger had a mass of 240 kg.
  • It is distinguished by its dark color and lives on the Indochina Peninsula. The weight of adult males reaches 190 kg, females – 140 kg. The population size is about 1.8 thousand individuals. Animal organs are illegally used by Eastern healers.
  • - one of the smallest subspecies. The weight of females does not exceed 120 kg, males 180 kg. The body length of animals is in the range of 2.3 – 2.6 meters. These animals most likely no longer exist in the wild. The South China tiger is kept in zoos in China, where only 59 individuals live.
  • chose the Malacca Peninsula as his place of residence. It was classified as a separate subspecies only in 2004. The population numbers almost 800 individuals. The animal is depicted on the coat of arms of Malaysia.
  • lives on the island of Sumatra. The number of subspecies is 400 - 500 individuals. The animal is relatively small compared to the Indian and Amur subspecies, sizes. The weight of males does not exceed 130 kg, females - 90 kg. The beast is very aggressive and often attacks people.
  • - endemic to the island of Java. The beast was completely destroyed in 79 of the last century. The animal had a small weight category - the minimum weight of a female reached 75 kg, a male - 100 kg.