Winter - conflicting season. On the one hand, in winter there are many unique entertainment and exceptionally beautiful nature. Russian winter perfectly fired by A. S. Pushkin. In addition, winter from time immemorial - the time of the most fun holidays. And adults, and children with approximately an impatience are looking forward to meetings of the New Year and associated with this date and merry christmas weekend and vacation.

On the other hand, winter is cold and related problems in the form of a cold, the need to warmly dress and related costs and inconvenience. Day in winter is short, even in the European part of the country, not to mention higher latitudes, which also does not add mood. Snow falls - trouble with transport. Thaw will come - everything is sinking in water and dirty snowy kashe ...

Anyway, winter exists, even if in different hypostasses, sometimes in the harsh, sometimes in a funny.

1. Winter is not December, January and February. Rather, such a definition is relevant, but only for most of the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, winter is just the months that we consider summer. More precisely will determine the winter in nature as a gap between the summer and autumn or as the coldest season.

In Brazil snow if it happens, then in July

2. Winter comes not from changing the distance from the ground to the Sun. The Earth's orbit is a little stretched, but 5 million kilometers of the difference between the perihelium and aphelius (the largest and smallest distance to the sun) can not play a big role. But 23.5 ° inclination of the earth's axis in relation to the vertical affects, if we compare the weather in medium latitudes in winter and summer, very much. Falling the sun rays on the ground at an angle, close to the straight - we have summer. They fall on the tangent - we have winter. On the planet Uranus because of the inclination of the axis (it is more than 97 °) only two years of year - summer and winter, and they will last 42 years old.

3. The most severe winter in the world is Yakutskaya. In Yakutia, she can start in mid-September. In Yakutia, there is also the coldest village in the world with a permanent population. It is called Oymyakon. The temperature of -77.8 ° C was recorded here, "not winter" - the local name - continues from the end of May to mid-September, and children do not go to school only if the frost is stronger -60 ° C.

People live in Oymyakon

4. The lowest temperature on the ground was recorded in Antarctica. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Japanese polar station, the thermometer once shown -91.8 ° C.

5. Astronomically winter in the northern hemisphere begins on December 22 and ends on March 21. Antipodes winter comes on June 22 and is completed on September 21.

6. The climatic winter is more relative to the timing than astronomical. In the latitudes on which Russia is located, the beginning of winter is considered to be a day, during which the average air temperature did not exceed 0 ° C. Winter ends with the reverse transition of the same temperature threshold.

7. There is a concept of "nuclear winter" - a steady cooling caused by massive nuclear explosions. According to the theory designed at the end of the twentieth century, the megatons of soot raised into the atmosphere atomic explosions will limit the influx of solar heat and light. The air temperature falls to the values \u200b\u200bof the glacial period, which will be a catastrophe for agriculture and wildlife as a whole. In recent years, the concept of "nuclear winter" is criticized as optimists and pessimists. Some similarities of the nuclear winter in the memory of mankind were already - in 1815, when an eruption of the Tambo volcano in Indonesia, so much dust fell into the atmosphere that the next year in Europe and America called the "Year without summer". Two centuries earlier, three abnormally cold years caused by the eruption of the volcano in South America led to hunger and political shocks in Russia. The great trouble began, almost ending with the death of the state.

8. There is a commodity idea that in the winter of 1941, the German troops would take Moscow if not "General Moroz" - winter was so harsh that the Europeans and their technique could not fight. That winter is indeed among the top ten in the territory of Russia in the CC century, however, the strong cold began in January 1942, when the Germans were discarded from Moscow. December 1941, in which the onset of the Red Army was held, was rather soft - below -10 ° C temperature dropped in a matter of days.

They were not warned about frost

9. As practice shows, in modern Russia, the catastrophe is not harsh, but an unstable winter. A good illustration is the winter of 2011/2012. In December, the effects of ice rain were catastrophic: thousands of kilometers of torn wires, the mass of fallen trees, human sacrifices. At the end of January, it was sharply cold, the temperature stably kept behind the mark -20 ° C, but nothing particularly serious in Russia had happened. In neighboring countries with a wipe climate (and around Russia, all countries with a warm climate) were frozen to dozens.

Ice rain often more dangerous of strong frosts

10. In the winter of 2016/2017, the snow fell in the most exotic places for snowfall. Almost a meter layer of snow was covered by some of the Hawaiian Islands. Their residents before this could see the snow live only on the high mountain. Snow fell in the Algerian part of the Sahara desert, in Vietnam and Thailand. Moreover, in the last two countries, the snow fell in late December, that is, in the middle of summer, which led to the relevant consequences for agriculture.

Snow in Sakhar.

11. The snow is not always white. In America, red snow falls - it paints algae with the dubious name of chlamdomanade. The taste of red snow resembles a watermelon. In 2002, several colors dropped in Kamchatka - sand storms thousands of kilometers from the peninsula rose dust and grains into the atmosphere, they painted snowflakes. But when in 2007, the inhabitants of the Omsk region saw orange snow, the reason was failed to determine the cause.

12. Hockey is considered the most popular winter sport. But if several tens of years ago, hockey was the prerogative of countries with a pronounced winter, now in hockey - and even at a professional level - they play in such not winter countries, like Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Morocco.

13. The first and only battle of the ground forces with the fleet took place in the winter of 1795 on the Raid Dutch city Den Heller. Winter then happened very harsh, and the Dutch fleet was sad in the ice. Having learned about this, the French took a hidden night attack on the ships. Skiding the horseshoe horses with rags, they managed to be secretly closer to the ships. Each catering is also infantryman. The forces of the hussar regiment and the infantry battalion were captured by 14 battles and a number of accompaniment ships.

Very soon we will accomplish the year of the rabbit and meet the dragon. This time it will be a black water dragon. Dragon is a mythical, noble, strong. Astrologers advise this New Year Meet in motion, bright, unrespectantly. It is necessary to shine on this night and does not matter what - humor, precious jewelry or bright outfits and make-up. The main thing is that the meeting was memorable, and you were able to spend all our traditional New Year holidays, which stretch almost from December 25 (Catholic Christmas for the European part of the former USSR for the most part is a general rehearsal to the main events) and only slightly slow down their heat After January 13th. But then a series of festivities does not stop - Epiphany, Chinese New Year (which will begin on January 23), Tatiana Day, Valentine's Day, February 23, March 8, March 1 and 9 ... .. And we will give some interesting facts about the new year, which will allow you to shine in the New Year's company still brighter .

1. The meeting time of the new year in different peoples is very different. So in ancient Babylon, the holiday accounted for spring. And at the time of the holidays, the city left the king with all the retinue, and the townspeople had the opportunity to freely take a walk and would have fun.
2. In Micronesia, the time of the new year is traditionally - January 1. But on this day all the inhabitants of the islands receive new names and whisper inform them the closest. And trusted relatives, with a terrible force, beaten in the drums, so that their evil spirits did not overhear.
3. In Italy, it is taken on New Year's Eve to get rid of old things that are thrown directly from the windows. Moreover, the more things will be thrown away - the more wealth and good luck will bring the new year.

4. In Russia, the new year was celebrated on March 1 - in the X - XV centuries, September 1st-off 1348 after the Cathedral in Moscow, and from 1699 by the decree of Peter I moved to 1 Jervar. As a result, to date, the new year has become a dense mixture of the traditions of the Vine Kollyansky, Christian, Western European and Eastern.
5. The tradition of Christmas Poland brought Vikings to England. They saw a big tree on Christmas, which got out and dried all year. And for the next Christmas, this tree was introduced into the house and put in the hearth. If the tree burned for a long time and burned completely - then the house was lucky by luck, if she was blown, not Dogores before the ashes - wait for trouble.
6. Live Christmas trees are one of the Christian traditions of the Christmas and New Year festivities. But it turns out, they can carry not only the joy and spirit of the holiday. Scientists have found that there are fungi on the seals, which in warm home conditions easily multiply and highlight a huge amount of dispute. The disputes in turn cause cough, difficulty breathing, insomnia, lethargy, even bronchitis and pneumonia. To protect yourself or wash and dry fir before entering the house, or use an artificial tree.
7. Before becoming famous, James Belosha worked as Santa Claus. It was during the period of such work he remained without right, but the actor still decided to continue the delivery of gifts to children. In such a "degradal" form, it was detained by the police and began, and the officers began the arrest procedure, putting handcuffs and conducting a search. Personal children were sobbing and shouted with horror that their beloved Santa Claus was arrested.

8. And children and adults turn to Santa Claus or Santa Claus. Children usually want a computer, and employees ask their boss to freeze.
9. One of the most popular traditional spices for christmas baking is ginger.
10. It is believed that if in the last hour of the old year to write his most cherished desire on a piece of paper, and then with the beginning of the battle hours, set up this piece of paper, then you can define whether the desire will come true. If the note is a knot, while the clock is hit, then everything will be done.
11. An unforgettable "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Ferry" on television has been shown for over 35 years on the last day of the year.

12. For the new year, patty bakes on Tibet and distribute them to passersby. Wealth in the new year directly depends on the number of distributed pies.
13. The source of the popularity of fireworks in the ancient faith due to noise and fire in the fight against evil spirits.
14. In Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), a 76-meter artificial Christmas tree was installed, the largest in the world.
15. In Orthodoxy, the period between Merry Christmas and the Epiphany occurs. This time is filled not only by Christian traditions, but also by many pagan images, which are also related to traditional divination. An example of it can be found in Chapter 5, Stroof 8 Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

16. The main dish in Brazil is a lentil soup, which symbolizes well-being and wealth.
17. On the Christmas tree in front of the White House in the United States in 1895 he lit the first electric garland.
18. In Austria among the New Year characters there is a bird of happiness, and therefore they have no game on the festive table.
19. The new year in Japanese sounds like Akimashite Omedetto Gozaimasu.

20. Weekend January 1 in the USSR was only by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of December 23, 1947
21. In Germany, Santa Claus gifts brings to the windowsill, and in Sweden - to the stove.
22. You can find out the answer to the question for the New Year, you can throw the boom of boiled rice. If it turns out to be even pure risoking, then the answer is "yes", otherwise "no".
23. Greenland is almost always cold, and there are no problems with the availability of ice. Therefore, local Eskimos have a tradition to give each other with white bears and walrles from ice, which are not melted for a long time.

24. In southern countries, where there is no frost, no snow, you have to use other characters, for example, in Cambodia there is a grandfather.
25. In Vietnam, by the new year, a carp is produced in the armor of the house, on the back of whose back is rid of the house. For a whole year, carp lives in a pond, and the house looks after the family.
26. A turkey, cheese, patestone from goose liver and oysters are served for a festive table in France.
27. On the border of Finland and Russia in 2001, they met the New Year's characters of Yolupukka and Santa Claus.

28. It is believed that the money cannot be given before the new year, otherwise it will have to distribute all year later debts.
29. On the New Year's table in Scandinavia put rice porridge with one almond nut. Who will find him, that will be the whole year happiness.
30. With the beginning of the fighting of New Year's hours in England, I open the back door of the house for the outgoing year, and with the last shot of the watch from the front door of the new year
31. "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" was first published in 1903 in the Children's magazine "Baby". After 2 years, the poems of Raisa Adamovna Kleashev were laid on the music by composer Leonid Karlovich Bekman.

32. In Australia, Santa Claus comes from the New Year's heat to dress the front melting and saddle a water bike.
33. In the old days it was customary to give Gifts to Santa Claus, and not wait for the gifts from him.
34. In Italy, health symbols, longevity and well-being on a festive table are lentils, nuts and grapes.
35. Interesting fact - Santa Claus has a spouse that usually personifies the winter.

36. Omel has long been attributed to mystical properties. In some countries, there is for example a tradition that allows a man to kiss any girl passing under the mistletoe branch for Christmas.
37. In Cuba in the New Year, all the dishes are filled with water, which is then splashing outside on the New Year's Eve to wash off all sins.
38. For Bulgar, all the best in the new year personifies the Kizylovy sticks. They are given for the New Year.
39. Czech and Slovak children gifts pleases Mikulas with a shining smile and high hat.

40. The snowman began to sculpt in the XIX century with indispensable attributes - a bucket on the head, broom and nose-carrot.
41. There is a belief that pre-New Year's sleep (from 30 to December 31) predicts the next year.
42. In China, the dragon especially love - he symbolizes well-being. Therefore, it is customary to make his personification - paper serpents. In addition, many bright lanterns are lit on the streets.
43. In Ecuador, adopted before the new year to describe all trouble on the piece of paper, and then burn them together with the straw stuffed.

44. In England of the XIX century, even charitable societies existed, which poor people were distributed to the preparation of Christmas pudding flour, sugar and raisins.
45. Eucalyptuses usually dressed in the southern hemisphere, since the new year is a summer ripping.
46. \u200b\u200bFor the new year in Holland, traditional dishes are donuts, symbolizing the full cycle, completion.
47. The Snow Maiden was invented in the mid-50s of the last century children's writers Lion Cassil and Sergey Mikhalkov, introducing granddaughter of Santa Claus to children's ideas.

48. Pen Noel (French Frost) rides on donkey and leaves children gifts in shoes. And the children prepare his gifts - a straw for the riding animal.
49. In Greece, the head of the family on the New Year's Eve on the street about the wall of the house breaks the fruit of a grenade. Good luck is promised to be scattered in different directions of grain.
50. The first glass toys on the Christmas tree began to produce in the middle of the XIX century in Scandinavia.
51. Mexicans find New Year's gifts in the boot, and the Irish and the British are in socks.

52. In ancient Egypt, the new year began on the day of the spill, at the beginning of summer.
53. It is customary to celebrate the New Year in the new clothes, so that all year later have new things.
54. In Cuba, the New Year is called the Day of Kings
55. The largest number of christmas trees in Europe is sold in Denmark.

56. Many surprises are hidden in New Year's Romanian cakes. In the frequency of the coin means happiness next year.
57. The French usually give the new year souvenirs and postcards.
58. For a long time, Slavs are decorated with a Christmas tree toy-delicacies.
59. In Scotland on the first day of the new year, the proposal of hands and hearts do not make garbage.

60. Santa Claus began to call a house in the USSR in the 1970s.
61. The christmas record holder and congratulatory New Year's postcards are traditionally the United States.
62. In Japan, the new year, an interesting fact, traditionally served cabbage, fried chestnuts, beans and caviar, which symbolize the joy, successes, health and many children.
63. The Motherland of Santa Claus is considered great Ustyug, and Snow Maiden - Schelikovo village, not far from Kostroma, where the estate A.N. Ostrovsky is located. It was he who wrote on the reasons of Russian folk fairy tales "Snow Maiden"

64. In the new year, the light is divided exactly at midnight in Bulgaria. For three minutes, everyone can kiss anyone, and only the night will know about it.
65. In the Slavic myths, Santa Claus personified winter stupus, he shoved water.
66. The birthplace of Yolupuk is a city of Rovaniemi in Lapland, at the very polar circle.
67. On New Year's Eve in Scotland, barrels are settled on the barrels and ride them through the streets, running the old year and calling new.

68. For a festive table in Poland put "Paczki" - Pyshki with jelly.
69. The first New Year's postcard was printed in London in 1843.
70. Santa Claus Pension Fund of Russia assigned the title "Veteran of fabulous labor". No wonder, of course. He has enough work. And gifts to drain, and the kids hang together with the Snow Maiden. Snow Maiden and Santa Claus at St. Petersburg House - a fully accessible service for everyone and joy for children. New Year with the participation of Living Santa Claus - an unforgettable holiday!

And encountered year of the Dragon remember that next year of the Snake It will be no less interesting. After all, the snake symbolizes wisdom, and she advises

Winter with snow, snowflakes, ice is far from all parts of the world. Most of the inhabitants of our planet have never been witnessed snow falling, although once in a few decades falls even in hot sugar. About winter, cold, winter weather events have many interesting facts.


Interesting facts about winter - ice. Most of the icicles grows on the southern side of buildings, as this side is better illuminated by the sun, the snow melts and this melt water freezes at night. The north side is heated worse, and icicles from this side less.

Water can not be cold than zero degrees, but the ice can have a lower temperature. In Antarctic, ice ice can have a temperature of minus 60 degrees Celsius, Greenland glaciers have a temperature of about minus 28 degrees Celsius. The tops of the Alps and the Scandinavian mountains are covered with ice, which often has a temperature on the verge of melting - near zero degrees.

At low temperatures, the ice with a blow makes such a sound, as if the blow fell by iron subject.

The Chinese Harbin has an annual ice sculpture festival. In 2015, a snowy baba record holder was presented there with a height of 37 meters, she was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Its weight amounted to 6 million kilograms.

In Antarctica, a record low temperature was recorded at the East station - almost minus 90 degrees Celsius.

Interesting facts about winter - snowflakes. Snowflake size record - 12 centimeters. In 1944, snowflakes fell in Moscow in Moscow, which were the size of a palm of an adult.

Usually snowflakes have a diameter of 5 millimeters. But in the windless weather, snowflakes are often connected with each other, forming large snow flakes. The biggest lumps of snow that fell during the snowfall were recorded in 1987 in the US state of Montana, their diameter was almost 40 centimeters, the thickness is about 20 centimeters.

The pattern on each snowfish is different, there are no identical snowflakes.

Snowflakes formed from a couple, which in warmer conditions would turn into rain.

Snowflakes have a very subtle pattern - in the total area of \u200b\u200bthis ice formation, the air takes 95 percent. Therefore, the snowfish is very lungs and slowly fall on the ground during the snowfall (at a speed of about one kilometer per hour).

Seven kinds of snowflakes are known - crystals in the form of stars, columns, needles, plates, columns with tips, there are also snowflakes with an incorrect shape.

For the first time, Snowflake was photographed in 1885 by the American farmer Bentley Wilson. He liked the photos of snowflakes so much that for the next 46 years he collected a collection of five thousand photographs of this openwork creatures of nature.

One cubic meter of snow has 350 million snowflakes.

In Japan, aesthetics are very much appreciated. On the Japanese island of Hokaydo there is a museum dedicated to snowflakes.

The first scientist who wrote a scientific work on snowflakes - Johann Kepler, he wrote a treatise "On hexagonal snowflakes" in 1611.


In the Mountains of Antarctica, you can observe the snow of different colors - purple, red, pink, yellowish-brown.

Northern peoples have many words in the dictionary reserve, which denote the "snow" in different states - in Eskimos 24 words, the SAMOV - 41 words.

Snowy avalanches are very quickly, at the speed of fast riding trains (about 100 kilometers per hour), some avalanches can accelerate to a speed of 360 kilometers per hour. Therefore, skiers in most cases cannot escape from avalanche, but sometimes they manage to drive away from the path of this catastrophic movement of the snow.

In winter, the snow reflects about 90 percent of the rays of the sun, which even more difficult to heal and so cold earth. But despite the best warming up, dirty snow melts more slowly than clean.

There are cases that the wind rolls rolls out of snow, like a snowman balls. This phenomenon occurs at certain properties of snow. Snow cylinders are like pipes because inside the hollow.

Snow creaks at a temperature of minus 2 degrees. It sounds snowflakes that break and rub each other.

Snow color often depends on the color of dust in the air. There were cases of green snow (California, 1955), in Sweden in 1969 fell in black. In 2002, a colorful snow fell on Kamchatka, the cause of which was dust storms.

Snow Buran has a great strength - it can take up to 40 million tone of snow on the ground to Earth, the energy that is released is equivalent to 120 atomic bombs. Record snowfall fell in Georgetown, American State of Colorado. On December 4, 1913, residents of the city saw a layer of snow with a thickness of more than one and a half meters. In 1932 in Canada, the snow was 9 days in a row, falling asleep at home almost completely.

Snow is on different planets of the solar system. On Mars, he is two species - from water and carbon dioxide, on this planet there are glaciers. Saturn Saturn Titan has snow from methane.

In the middle of the current week we cross the equator of the coldest and dark from the seasons. What is not a reason to learn more about winter? We present to your attention 8 interesting facts about this harsh mistress and its "attributes".

1. Soselki Formed, as a rule, on the southern side of buildings.

2. Hot water turns into ice faster cold.

3. What is common snowflakes and fingerprints of man? Answer: All of them are unique! It is difficult to believe in it, but in nature it is really impossible to meet two identical snowflakes. The shape of each snowflake, in turn, is determined by the temperature, wind, the time of falling to the ground and the number of water vapor in the air.

4. Goleed - An extremely dangerous thing, since this type of ice is very difficult (and sometimes it is impossible at all) to notice. The ice is a thin and slippery film that is formed primarily on the structures of the type of bridges. By the way, damage to the bridges in winter is not so much from snow and wind, as from the weight of the ice, accumulated on the structures.

5. World record for most abundant daily snowfall Belongs to the American city of Georgetown, Colorado. On December 4, 1913, Georgettons literally drowned in unprecedented persistent 160 centimeters of the White Pooh.

6. But the record the lowest temperature on the surface of the earth It was broken at the end of last year. On December 8, 2013, an incredible -91.2 degree Celsius was recorded at one of the Japanese high-altitude stations in Antarctica.

7. Winter you get up with difficulty in the morning, overeat and gain weight, feel the decline of strength? Do not rush to scold yourself for laziness. You should probably undergo a course of treatment from winter depression - seasonal disease, which is diagnosed by doctors of Azh since 1984.

8. But for a serious fear of snow, cold and ice in psychology there is a separate term - kionophobia. People with a kionophobia are afraid to get lost in a snowy space or get into a snowball and die there, no matter how absurdly it sounds. An unfavorable weather forecast can cause cold sweat, panic from a kionophobe, panic and an inexplicable sense of despair and anxiety.

We love to look at the snowfall. This is in itself a beautiful sight. But if you have more careful and try to consider falling snowflakes, you can see even more amazing - the tiny world of snowflakes of various shapes and sizes. "First Lipetsk" gathered 12 facts about the world of snow, winter and snowflakes.

I. Astronomer John Kepler explained the shape of snowflakes as God's will. And the Japanese scientist Nakaya Ukitiro believed that snowflakes are unknown hieroglyphs written in heaven. By the way, it was he who created the first classification of these mysterious hieroglyphs. In honor of Nakaya even opened the Japanese Museum of Snowflakes.

II. Snowflakes are amazing that simple matter can be self-organization in a complex.
III You will never find the two similar snowflakes each other. Each snowflake is unique! And in its number of snowflakes more than atoms in the entire visible universe.

IV In 1951, the International Commission was established - she took up the study of snow and ice. Which introduced the classification of the forms of snowflakes crystals. All of them are divided into 7 species; Classic needles, stars, columns are ordinary, columns with tips, among them there are even spatial dendrites, plates, and of course, among other proper geometric shapes there are snowflakes of irregular shape.

V. Previously, snowmen looked to thread the evil spirits of winter.

VI The usual snowy avalanche is dangerous in that it can overtake the train moving at a speed of 80-10km / h, and the fastest develop the speed of 360 km / h, which is equal to modern sports cars.

VII April 30, 1944 in the capital of our Motherland - Military Moscow - Snow fell. Huge snowflakes were the size of the middle man's palm. In shape they were similar to ostrich feathers. But the largest snowflake has reached a size of 38 cm and 20 cm thickness. The snowflake-record holder was found on January 28, 1887 during the snowfall in the United States.

VIII. And you knew that snowflakes can "sing"? If you get into the water or reservoirs, they publish high-frequency sound. A person is not able to hear him, but the fish, according to experts, do not love him!

IX Fact from history. In the era of the French king Louis Xiv - the King-Sun - his official favorite Madame Madamenon, obviously following exceptionally female logic, expressed a desire to ride a sleigh - despite the fact that the middle of a rather hot summer was standing outside the window. But the time of year for kings is not a hindrance: for his beloved King on the next day ordered to arrange a long "snowy" road in the Versailles Palace - it consisted of sugar and salt.

X. Almost 7.5 billion people on Earth. Of these, 4 billion ever saw a lively miracle like snow.

XI If you want to lose weight, then the snow will help you. Energy consumption on its eating is greater than the calorie content obtained from it.

XII. The snow itself is not only white, but high in the Antarctic he becomes red, and pink, and even violet. And it is called watermelon snow. This is due to algae living in it - they are called chlamydomonade snow.