Achatina is the largest snail found in Africa. Achatina big size was found in 1976, according to literary sources. It had very impressive dimensions; its shell measured 275 mm and could stretch up to 375 mm. The weight of the largest snail representative reached 1 kilogram.

The snail with the official title of large specimen, and listed in the Guinness Book of Records, has a shell size of 27.3 cm, a total length of 39.3 cm, and a weight of 0.9 kg.

Where does it live?

It is the genus Achatina that represents the largest individuals, which are rightfully considered the largest snails, with impressive dimensions and appetite. Achatina in natural environment prefer forests with a tropical climate. Their distinctive feature is the ability to eat any product, from vegetation to dead animals. People living in the same latitude as the Achatina eat snails and consider them a true delicacy.

The largest snails photo, which shows their true size, were specially exported from Africa. Since in other territories the snails had absolutely no enemies, their numbers increased sharply, which in turn significantly harmed agriculture.

At the same time, the largest snail in the world is quite sensitive to changes in its environment. The snail population has declined significantly due to extensive deforestation, as well as the harvesting of shellfish as a delicacy. Therefore, these large and fascinating representatives of the snail world are quite rare in their natural habitat. About how long Achatina lives at home and natural nature read in.

The largest snail is Achatina due to its unique appearance and impressive size, rightfully took its place among the popular exotic pets. To date a large number of breeders prefer to have one like this pet. In Russia, some owners are also engaged in breeding tiger snails, however, there are not very many such exotic lovers.

But in the West, Achatina are quite often present in private collections. Consequently, this type of snail will not be completely exterminated in any case and will remain with private owners of exotic pets.

Achatina are hermaphrodites and lay pea-sized eggs. It is typical for these mollusks to create a special squeak, which they achieve by pushing air through the existing breathing holes. When a snail experiences fear, it is also capable of squeaking.

Owners of snails who breed them are trying to create for them the most comfortable conditions for habitation. Temperature, the most suitable for mollusks is +27 - +30 degrees, and humidity is about 80-90%. At home, a tiger snail can live from 5 to 7 years, taking into account the maintenance of all the conditions it needs.

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Today there are more than 100 thousand species of snails. They are found in all countries except harsh ones northern regions Europe, Far East And North America. The material ranges from the largest land snails to the smallest species recently discovered by scientists.

1. Achatina

Achatina are the largest land snails. According to the authoritative publication National Geographic, the largest individual of Achatina fulica weighed 900 grams, the height of its shell was 27 cm, and the length of the snail was about 40 cm. Its homeland is considered to be Kenya and Tanzania, from where the snail spread to India and Asian countries.

In the middle of the 20th century, Achatina were brought to the USA, which led to very sad consequences: the snails began to actively reproduce and destroy future harvests in farmers’ fields. Fighting them using biological and chemical methods did not bring tangible results. The only thing that really worked was collecting snails by hand.

Americans are business people, so the labor expended should bring money. And they began to sell the collected snails to Europe as a gastronomic delicacy. But not only in this capacity: Achatina began to be used in great demand like pets. Today, pet stores sell snails of three similar genera: Achatina, Archachatina and Pseudo-Achatina. All of them are distinguished big sizes and good-natured character.

The habitat of these giant snails- rainforests Central America, as well as a number of islands Caribbean Sea. Due to their large size, these snails are also called royal snails: in the largest specimens, the shells, pointed and beautifully twisted in a spiral, grow up to 11 cm.

With age, the shell loses its original brown color and becomes white. Megalobulimus are considered long-lived snails: on average, they live 15 years.

3. Buchi, or Bukha grape snail

The height of the shell of this type of land snail varies in size from 4.5 to 6 cm. This is very rare view, lives only in areas of the southwestern Caucasus.

During times Soviet Union Helix buchi was listed in the country's Red Book.

Helix pomatia is the largest snail in Europe. The height of the shell reaches 4.5 cm, and the weight is 45 grams. The grape snail is one of the most famous culinary delicacies. The French (like all Southern Europe, however) in large quantities consume this gastropod.

They were first tried in the Ancient Roman Empire. Even then, there were so-called snail gardens, where grape snails “grazed” on aromatic herbs such as thyme or fennel, which add a special taste to snail meat. In Europe in nature grape snails There are very few left, and to meet consumer demand, they are raised on special snail farms.

Homeland of Helix aspersa maxima (or Gros-Gris) - North Africa. In Europe it is extremely rare in nature. Reaches a height of 4.5 cm and a weight of up to 40 grams. Widely used in cooking: it contains large amounts of protein, magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc and iodine.

The protective mucus of African snails is widely used in the cosmetics industry. It contains glycolic acid, collagens, vitamins, natural antibiotics, elastin and allantoin. This mixture of natural ingredients is an excellent medicine for treating skin diseases, as well as asthma and tuberculosis.

The homeland of this snail is the Balkan Peninsula. Helix lucorum is considered quite close-up view: the height of the shell reaches 4.7 cm, and the weight is up to 25 grams.

The name “helix” itself is translated from Latin as “spiral”, “curl”. The word "lukorum" means "forest". But this name did not catch on, and the snail is called either Turkish or mountain.

Some of the smallest snails measure no more than 2 mm. The study of this species previously took place only on empty shells that were found in caves in Italy, Spain, and the Balkan Peninsula.

But recently, scientists have found a way to study a living specimen and have discovered a number of physiological features. For example, snails are very well adapted to life in caves, and their powerful stomach allows them to digest mushrooms that grow on the walls of caves.

8. The smallest snails in the world

More recently, a group of scientists from several countries made a sensational discovery: two new species of snails were found, the shells of which are no more than a millimeter high (0.86 and 0.91 mm). The discovery was made in Guangxi province in China.

Culinary delights

In our minds, snails are no less strongly associated with France than frog legs, Bordeaux or baguette. Although Roman legionnaires took grape snails with them as food on campaigns. In this way they got to France, Britain, Germany, where they liked local residents, and in France they became national dish. In the Middle Ages, Catholic monks loved to feast on snails during Lent, growing them in special cabbage beds at monasteries. Thanks to this, they easily endured fasting - snail meat is very nutritious and contains a third more protein than egg. In addition, snail is one of the aphrodisiac foods.

With increased interest in French culture among the Russian aristocracy, grape snails appeared in noble and landowner estates, brought from Western Europe more than two hundred years ago. Even now, based on the presence of colonies of grape snails, one can judge that there was once a noble nest in this place. Despite its popularity in Europe, for nobles and landowners Russian Empire snails remained an exotic dish that was rarely prepared here, preferring traditional food to snails. And with the advent of Soviet power, the tradition of cooking grape snails was forgotten for many decades.

Supermarkets today offer the purchase of specially prepared semi-finished snails. They are easy to prepare: just heat them in the oven or microwave, and the dish is ready to serve.

If you wish, you can cook the snails yourself:

  • stew snail meat taken from the shell in snail oil - mixture butter, garlic, dill, parsley and white wine.
  • snails are stewed in oil with spices in a pot and served in it.

Snails in Burgundy style

  • Fry garlic, diced red pepper and shallots in butter.
  • Remove from heat, add parsley, salt and pepper.
  • Rinse the snails.
  • Remove the stems from the mushrooms, rinse and wipe dry.
  • Add half a teaspoon of butter and the snail to the mushroom cap.
  • Place the stuffed caps on a greased baking sheet, sprinkle with grated breadcrumbs and dry orange zest.
  • Bake in an oven preheated to 230 degrees for up to 8 minutes.

If snails are served baked in the shell, then the table setting must be complemented by shell tongs and a small fork. The snails are served with French bread, which is dipped in melted butter, and good white wine.

The giant snail Achatina is the largest land mollusk on Earth August 5th, 2013

Giant snail Achatina (lat.Achatina fulica) is the largest land mollusk. Since the end of the 18th century, these huge (up to 30 cm) snails have spread widely across the tropical and subtropical latitudes of the planet.

On African continent, as well as in the forests of the territory South-East Asia, where these African snails now live, after they were brought here, they live on tree trunks. Young people are harmless and very useful Achatina- They eat rotting parts of plants. Adults Achatina harm the majority cultivated plants, especially bananas and citrus fruits.

Now Achatina brought to many countries. They are grown in terrariums and also in gardens. They are also eaten in some countries. Snails were introduced to France in 1977 Achatina for an amount within 3 million dollars. Breeding Achatina successfully promotes its hyperfertility and rapid growth.

Let's find out more about them...

Achatina is a whole group of terrestrial gastropods, representatives of the genus Achatina. Only a specialist can distinguish between representatives of this genus, so amateurs usually do not give of great importance what kind of species they contain, especially since the biology of all these species does not differ much. The largest terrestrial mollusks belong to this genus.

The shell of Achatina can reach a length of up to 25 cm, and the body - up to 30 cm. The size of the snail directly depends on the conditions of detention - in favorable tropical climate“monsters” grow weighing 300-400 grams. The size of a snail depends on whether it participates in reproduction, therefore, if you want to raise a giant, you will need to take care not only of maintaining the proper climate and purchasing a large terrarium, but also of the fact that you will need to raise it alone - actively breeding snails do not grow up to large sizes.

Usually, where Achatina appears, people begin to experience difficulties with it, or rather, with its extermination. All this is because the snail is truly all-consuming and multiplies extremely quickly. By the way, in the USA (in all seriousness) the snail is considered a national disaster, because... at one point, these snails multiplied so much in one of the states that they ate almost everything that came their way - bark on trees, crops, and even plaster on houses (snails need calcium to build shells). People breeding Achatina in the USA are at risk prison term(probably there are no such people there;).

However, in Russia Achatina natural conditions does not survive, and keeping her at home is not dangerous. Therefore, in Lately there is an increase in the “stock” of domestic Achatina. In fact, these snails are something of an ideal pet.

To keep Achatina, a small terrarium (aquarium) with a small amount of soil is enough. The terrarium must be kept warm humid climate(25-28 degrees). However, it is not necessary to heat the terrarium: snails tolerate and room temperature, however, their agility decreases slightly and they sleep more often. Periodically, you need to moisten the walls of the terrarium and the soil using a regular flower sprayer: the snails drink water from the walls of the terrarium, licking the drops.

Achatina eat almost everything that is given. Vegetables, fruits, porridge, mushrooms, meat, fish, poultry. They do not disdain various bits and scraps. It is almost impossible to overfeed Achatina - the snail itself stops eating when it is full. It is enough to feed a young Achatina once a day, and an adult one even less often: a couple of times a week. Also, in addition to food, young animals need to be given calcium: ground eggshells are best suited for this. After Achatina has had enough, it is necessary to remove the remaining food so that it does not begin to rot. What’s interesting is that the snail will not eat food that is not suitable for it or that can poison it.

Achatina, as a rule, is extremely fond of cucumbers. Also, they rarely refuse carrots and cabbage. They eat bananas and apples, but not all varieties (which ones specifically, you’ll have to experiment). Some Achatina (specifically, ours for sure) eat bell pepper, and in such a way that it “cracks behind the ears.” It is advisable to feed Achatina everything that it eats, periodically alternate foods and not give preference to any type of food.

Achatina does not create any odors. Even her excrement does not smell. She can see objects from a short distance because... she has eyes on retractable “horns”. Achatina do not like bright light (especially direct light) sun rays), so you shouldn’t go overboard with the lighting of the terrarium. But Achatina’s hearing is not very good: it simply doesn’t exist. However, this can hardly be called a particular drawback. But Achatina’s sense of smell is fine: they smell food quite far away - at a distance of up to two meters!

Achatina are nocturnal animals and during the day they usually sleep, buried in the ground. In the evening they wake up and begin to look for food, actively climbing around the terrarium. If the conditions in the terrarium are unfavorable (not humid enough, there is no food), Achatina can “seal” into the shell, creating a lid, and sleep for a very long time. Thus, Achatina can be left for a couple of months without any care (two months is considered a completely normal period). Before the long-term absence of the owners, it is recommended to “manually” create conditions for “sealing” the Achatina - change the soil in the terrarium to completely dry and not give any food - then the snails will fall asleep pretty soon. To awaken Achatina, just place it under the stream warm water. In just a few minutes the snail will squeeze out the lid and emerge into the world. Very hungry!

When breeding Achatina, apparently, there are no problems at all. The man who gave my friend the snail admitted that he himself had become a “breeder” without knowing it. They say there were two snails in the aquarium. I looked in one day and there were already ten sitting there. Moreover, ten is said quite modestly, because... one Achatina is capable of laying 100-200 eggs, of which approximately half survive. At the same time, after 2-3 weeks the juveniles appear, and after 1.5 months the juveniles become adults. From this it is clear that snails are capable of reproducing at a simply gigantic rate and it becomes clear why they are a disaster in countries with a climate favorable for their livelihoods.

It’s funny that if you feed Achatina with brightly colored vegetables (for example, varieties of sweet peppers), its shell as it grows takes on the shade of that very vegetable. This way you can adjust appearance shells, if you feed Achatina first with one type of pepper (for example, red) and then with another (green). There is information that not all Achatina eat pepper, but ours definitely does - that’s why I’m telling you this.

Because Achatina leads night look life, she is not averse to rustling around the terrarium at night - then you can hear how her body rubs against the walls or how she clinks her shell on the glass (if the terrarium is glass). When frightened, the snail sharply retracts into its shell and then a squeak can be heard. These are, perhaps, all the sounds that Achatina can make.

In captivity, Achatina live 7-10 years - i.e., and in this regard they are not inferior to other domestic animals. In addition, Achatina does not bite.

Thus, Achatina are simply wonderful pets that know their owners, are extremely unpretentious, do not bark or meow throughout the house, have no odor and do not cause allergies.

Achatina have been shown to have long-term memory: they can remember the location of food sources and return to them. Young individuals are more mobile and cover long distances during the day, and are also capable of long-distance migrations. Usually they do not return to the same place to relax. Old snails, on the contrary, have a place where they prefer to rest and from where they crawl out in search of food, without moving more than 5 meters away. When the snails are transferred to the resting place of another Achatina (within 30 meters), they still return to theirs.

The biggest land snail is Achatina achatina, whose original habitat is Africa. If you study literary sources in detail, you will find out that the largest Achatina snail was found in 1976. Its shell reached truly incredible proportions - 275 mm. In this case, the leg of the mollusk extended by 375 mm. The largest snail weighed about 1 kilogram.

The specimen officially listed in the Guinness Book has the following dimensions: the shell is 273 mm, and the length from tail to head is 393 mm. The weight of the record mollusk is 900 grams.

The largest snails living on our planet belong to the genus Achatina. And perhaps not all of them can safely be called the largest, yet their size and appetites are truly impressive. IN wildlife Achatina snails live in tropical forests. They are distinguished by such a property as omnivorousness. The diet of these snails includes both dead animals and plants. Interestingly, people who live in this area eat these snails, considering them a true delicacy.

There are certain types of Achatina snails that were specially brought from Africa. Mollusks began to quite actively develop other territories. However, on other continents, snails, without having a single natural enemy, began to multiply en masse, causing harm to most crops.

At the same time, the largest snail in the world reacts more sensitively to changes in living conditions. Due to the fact that deforestation began quite actively in Africa, and the indigenous inhabitants directed their gastronomic preferences towards tiger snails, the population of the latter has decreased significantly. That is why clumsy and slow creatures are considered rare these days.

Their amazing appearance and considerable size have made these snails attractive as exotic pets. Today there are many lovers of these mollusks, who are trying in every possible way to create ideal conditions for their livelihoods. In Russia there are also people engaged in growing tiger snail. However, since this type today is a rarity; a wide range of people are not yet aware of the fact of their active breeding.

IN Western countries This amazing animal has already been bred in private collections. For this reason, there is no doubt that this species will remain on earth, even if it is exterminated in natural conditions.

The largest snail, Achatina, has both female and male genital organs, thereby being classified as a hermaphrodite. The eggs of such a snail are the size of large peas. These amazing shellfish by retracting the leg, they push air through the breathing hole, thereby emitting an unusual squeak. Snails often squeak when they are scared.

Those who breed the largest snails strive to create optimal conditions for the animal that are as close to natural as possible. Optimal temperature for normal life of a mollusk, 27−30 0 C is considered. In this case, humidity should fluctuate between 80−90%. In such conditions, the tiger snail feels as comfortable as possible. In captivity, it can live from five to seven years.