Representatives of the raccoon genus are indigenous inhabitants of America. On the territory of Eurasia, only one species is found - the striped raccoon, which was resettled outside its natural range.

All raccoons are very active, curious and cunning animals that easily adapt to the most different conditions life in the surrounding world. These animals are not only wild inhabitants forests, but also friendly pets. People began breeding raccoons en masse and keeping them at home not so long ago, but the furry beauties have already managed to win the hearts of many animal lovers.

Characteristics of the genus and types of raccoons

Raccoons – carnivorous mammals, representatives of the raccoon family (Procyonidae). In the genus of raccoons (Procyon), zoologists distinguish 4 species:

      • Raccoon (Procyon lotor);
      • Raccoon-eater (Procyon cancrivorus);
      • Guadalupe raccoon (Procyon minor);
      • Cozumel raccoon (Procyon pygmaeus).

Raccoons are a middle link between mustelids and bears.

Appearance and anatomical features of the body structure

It is almost impossible to confuse raccoons with other animals. Their stocky body is covered with grayish-brown fur, the muzzle is decorated with a black and white mask, and a beautiful fluffy tail is wrapped in wide rings of black-brown or gray-yellow color. A black-brown stripe stretches from the forehead to the tip of the nose. Dark spots are clearly visible around the eyes. Raccoon fur consists of 90% dense undercoat, thanks to which the animals do not freeze while catching prey in cold water.

Interesting fact

Raccoons are considered valuable fur animals, but some peoples eat the meat of these animals.

The body length of raccoons is approximately 40-65 centimeters (depending on the species), the tail grows up to 25 centimeters. The animals weigh about 6 kilograms, and closer to autumn they can gain weight up to 25 kilograms. The forelimbs of raccoons with sensitive and mobile fingers are similar to human hands. The animals' paws are short, with bare soles. In a vertical position of the body, predators rely on the entire sole of their limbs, when walking - only on their fingers, and therefore the tracks of raccoons resemble the prints of human hands.

Raccoons walk on four legs, but their forelimbs are designed in such a way that the animals can use them to wash themselves and hold objects.

Raccoons have a short muzzle, with large erect ears that protrude from the fur. On the head, chest and belly, as well as on inside Vibrissae are located on the limbs and near the claws of these animals, which help raccoons move confidently in complete darkness.

The raccoon skull is distinguished by a relatively large braincase and a short facial part. The nasal bones of animals are wide and short, and the auditory drums have a rounded shape. The occipital crest is well expressed, the sagittal crest is weak. Raccoons have between 36 and 42 teeth.

Raccoon habitat

These dexterous animals are distributed in the territory from southern Canada to Panama. They are the original inhabitants of Northern and Central America, inhabit the territory of the United States, with the exception of the states of Utah and Nevada.

At the beginning of the 20th century, because of its valuable fur, the striped raccoon was brought to the European continent. This type well acclimatized in Belarus, Germany and Azerbaijan, on Far East Russia. Nowadays, raccoons are found even on the islands of the East Indies.

These animals live mainly in deciduous forests and forests characterized by a mixture of coniferous and deciduous tree species, where there are many hollow trees. Predators have chosen places near rivers and lakes. Homogeneous coniferous forests, as well as forest plantations without ponds, raccoons avoid. Animals often inhabit the outskirts of fields and gardens and are found in city parks. In general, raccoons quickly adapt to anthropogenic landscapes and can cause a lot of trouble for owners of private land.

Within their natural habitat, agile animals inhabit flat and lowland areas, avoiding regions with cold winters.

Interesting fact

Although raccoons prefer to settle near natural reservoirs with fresh water, if necessary, they can settle well in the attic, and in old pipes, and in woodchuck burrows. Predators do not know how to dig holes on their own, and therefore occupy the shelters of other animals. In addition to the main home, raccoons have several other safe shelters, just in case, but the animals prefer to sleep in the main den.


Raccoons are carnivorous mammals, but they are actually omnivores. The diet of these agile animals shows a seasonal change in food.

In spring and summer, raccoons eat mainly animal food. Having descended from the trees, they slowly move along the ground and often stop, trying to find something edible. Raccoons react instantly to various small animals. IN autumn period animals prefer food of plant origin.

The basic diet of raccoons includes frogs, insects and their larvae, crayfish, crabs, snails, earthworms, rodents. Sometimes they eat reptiles and love to feast on bird eggs. From plant food raccoons eat berries, nuts and acorns, and fruits. The animals collect wild cherries and elderberries, gooseberries, and wild grapes. From time to time they also eat garden crops - grain, potatoes, corn. During a drought, they do not disdain chicks; they can visit chicken coops. Sometimes raccoons raid nests dangerous insects(hornets, bumblebees, ants, termites). Thick skin and thick fur reliably protect animals from stinging bites. Raccoons eagerly eat the larvae they find in nests. These predators are one of the few who get their food in three elements - on land, in water and air.

Interesting fact

Raccoons living in suburban areas in people's neighborhoods, they often inspect the contents of trash cans.

Since it is difficult to smell prey in the dark, aquatic environment animals hunt a little differently than on land. Raccoons dip their paws into the water to examine the soil and snags. When sensitive fingers have found the prey, predators instantly grab the victim and rinse it repeatedly in water. Raccoon raccoons do this especially carefully. This is how they determine whether the food is ready to eat.

Interesting fact

A huge amount of speculation is caused by the desire of raccoons to rinse food before eating. Previously, zoologists assumed that the body of predators produced too little saliva, as a result of which there was a need to wet the prey. However, this assumption was refuted.

The most plausible explanation is considered to be a genetic imitation of catching prey from the water in raccoons.

Raccoon lifestyle

Raccoons are very friendly animals, but they prefer to lead single image life. The only exception may be the winter hibernation period, when several animals often fall asleep in one shelter at once. Raccoons do not show aggression towards their neighbors. Even if one animal finds itself in the territory of another, the animals do not quarrel with each other (provided that one raccoon does not pretend to occupy the lair of its relative). The feeding areas of predators often overlap.

Raccoons communicate with each other using different sounds - rumbling, chirping, squealing, whistling. Often in places where there is a lot of food, animals form dense settlements. In America, up to 100 raccoons can live on an area of ​​1000 hectares, and in protected parks on such an area - up to 300 individuals.

These animals are predominantly crepuscular night look life, during the daytime they sleep in their shelters, rest in hollows and on tree branches. Those raccoons that settle in coastal areas adapt their sleep to the time of low tide. In search of food, the animals walk around an area up to 3 kilometers in diameter. Predators try not to leave their areas.

Interesting fact

When a raccoon is in danger deadly danger, but it is impossible to run or hide, he pretends to be dead. This trick often saves a predator's life. But if the technique does not work, the animal starts to fight.

Raccoons are distinguished by their intelligence and easy adaptation to environmental conditions. They climb well, get to the tops of trees very deftly and can descend from a height even head first. This is possible thanks to the highly mobile feet that rotate 180 degrees. Raccoons usually walk on the ground with measured steps, but if necessary they can run, reaching speeds of up to 24 kilometers per hour.

Raccoons receive the bulk of information about the world around them thanks to their developed sense of touch. In addition, they have keen hearing and excellent vision. These predators move confidently in the dark and swim well.

Raccoons living in the south are active throughout the year, but animals that live in the north may not leave the den for weeks at sub-zero temperatures. All this time the animals sleep, but since the metabolic processes in the body and the heart rate do not slow down much, and the body temperature does not decrease, this state cannot be called real hibernation.

The duration of shallow sleep directly depends on the cold weather. Canadian raccoons sleep the longest - about 4-5 months. In the southern part of the North American continent, striped raccoons do not sleep at all. Animals simply wait out the period of snowfalls without leaving the shelter. It is noteworthy that raccoons can wait out bad weather in one den in entire groups.

Reproduction of raccoons

The rutting period starts with the beginning of spring. Throughout the mating season, males look for potential mates, actively expanding their territory. A raccoon finds a female ready to mate by smell. After the fertilization process, the male leaves the female and goes in search of new girlfriend. Male raccoons live separately and solitarily and do not take part in raising their offspring.

The female remains alone and bears the babies. Just before the baby raccoons are born, she becomes unpredictably aggressive. Pregnancy lasts 63 days. A female raccoon gives birth to 4-5 cubs per year. Babies are born deaf and blind, weighing up to 75 grams. The cubs begin to mature on the 18th-20th day of life. At first, small raccoons feed only on their mother's milk, and when their baby teeth grow, the animals gradually switch to solid food. Babies' fur begins to grow rapidly immediately after birth, and almost immediately black and white markings appear on the animals' faces.

Interesting fact

Females feed their offspring up to 24 times a day.

The cubs communicate with their mother using sounds - whistling and piercing screams. The female also communicates a lot with small raccoons through purrs and grunts. It is noteworthy that the older the animals become, the less and much quieter they communicate.

Interesting fact

In case of danger, the female prepares up to 12 different shelter burrows for the rapid relocation of the brood.

Young raccoons become completely independent at the age of 4-5 months, but sometimes the brood remains near the mother until winter. It is the winter period that is considered the most ordeal for young animals. If raccoons survive their first winter, then they will be able to live in natural conditions.

Females reach sexual maturity at one year of age, males - closer to two years.

In the wild, raccoons live from 2 to 5 years, in captivity - up to 20 years.

Enemies of raccoons in their natural habitat

Raccoons are threatened by coyotes and wolves, bears, bobcats, alligators, and owls. Juveniles are often preyed upon by snakes and large carnivorous birds.

The second largest source of mortality is diseases such as rabies and canine distemper. In the southern and mid-Atlantic regions of the United States, several thousand raccoons die each year from these diseases.

In cities, raccoons are considered irreconcilable enemies. big dogs. However, one adult animal is quite capable of repelling a predator; its main weapon is strong teeth and claws.

Interesting fact

In some countries, sport hunting of raccoons is popular. In one year, 2-3 million individuals are shot.

Despite all the dangers, raccoons manage to maintain the population.

Raccoon (Procyon lotor)

This species is common in North America, found in Europe and even in China. The striped raccoon, or American raccoon, is easily tamed and is perfect for breeding in captivity. IN wildlife settles close to water bodies.

Interesting fact

These curious animals were nicknamed stripers because of their very strange habit wash everything. Raccoons rinse their food especially carefully. Even if the prey was caught in an open reservoir, before eating the animal will definitely rinse the food in the water again.

The body length of adult individuals reaches 45-60 centimeters, the tail is 20-25 centimeters. Gargles weigh 5-9 kilograms. The fur of these raccoons is distinguished by a brown-gray color; characteristic dark spots in the form of a mask can be seen on the muzzle around the eyes.

Carnivores feed on animal food and plant feed. They lead a solitary lifestyle and go into shallow hibernation during the winter. Wolves, coyotes, owls can attack raccoons, and snakes also pose a danger to young animals.

The mating season begins in February-March; pregnancy in females lasts 63 days. In one litter, from 3 to 7 babies are born. At the age of 5 months, the young begin an independent life.

The striped raccoon is a valuable fur-bearing animal.

Zoologists distinguish 22 subspecies of Procyon lotor, namely :

Raccoon-eater (Procyon cancrivorus)

Native to the swamps and jungles of South and Central America. This species is found in the following countries:

      • Argentina;
      • Brazil;
      • Bolivia;
      • Uruguay;
      • Costa Rica;
      • Paraguay;
      • Suriname;
      • Panama;
      • Trinidad and Tobago;
      • Venezuela;
      • Peru;
      • Guyana.

Raccoon-eater - quite major representative raccoon family. The body length of the animal reaches 60 centimeters and weighs about 10 kilograms. The tail grows up to 38 centimeters. Males are slightly larger in size than females.

The fur of crayfish is long and coarse, but much shorter than that of other species of raccoons. The predators have a narrow muzzle and a black mask. In nature, there are individuals with both dark brown and gray-black colored fur. The color of the lower part of the body is gray.

The diet of these predators is based on crabs, lobsters and other crustaceans. But since raccoons are omnivores, they often eat fruits, small amphibians and insects. When communicating with relatives, they use up to 13 different vocalizations. They do not hibernate. They can become prey for large carnivores. Humans pose a significant threat to the species.

The active breeding season for crustacean raccoons is July-September. Pregnancy in females lasts 60-73 days. In one litter, from 2 to 7 cubs are born, usually 3-4. Young individuals become completely independent at the age of 8 months. IN natural environment habitat, crustacean raccoons live no more than 5 years, in captivity - up to 15 years.

Procyon minor)

It lives on the island of Guadeloupe in the Caribbean Sea, as well as in the Lesser Antilles. It prefers to live in swampy areas, but can also live in dry forests.

By appearance The Guadalupe raccoon closely resembles the striper. His body is covered with thick, long fur, and a black mask is visible on his head. The animal's limbs are long with thin fingers. The main coat color is grey, with yellowish and black hair found throughout the body. The body length of Guadalupe raccoons is approximately 50-60 centimeters. Adults weigh from 2.5 to 15 kilograms.

These animals feed on fish and shellfish, meat, vegetables and fruits. They are nocturnal, sleeping on branches or in tree trunks during the daytime. Unlike the striped raccoon, the Guadalupe raccoon does not hibernate.

The mating season begins in January and ends in March. Pregnancy lasts about 2 months. The female gives birth to 2 to 5 babies. The lactation period lasts up to 4 months.

The Guadalupe raccoon is listed in the International Red Book as a species on the verge of extinction. People hunt Procyon minor for its beautiful fur and meat.

Cozumel raccoon (Procyon pygmaeus)

It lives on the Mexican island of Cozumel, found in mangrove forests, near beaches and cultivated lands.

The Cozumel raccoon differs from the continental raccoon in its smaller body size. Adults grow up to 55 centimeters in length, and their tail is no more than 25 centimeters long. The animals weigh from 3 to 4 kilograms.

The coat of Cozumel raccoons (another name for the pygmy raccoon) is brown-gray in color; the fur on the tail has a golden-yellow hue. There is a characteristic large black spot on the throat.

These raccoons are omnivores. About half of their diet consists of crabs, the rest is insects and minilkara fruits. Apart from the breeding season, Cozumel raccoons lead a solitary lifestyle.

The animals reproduce throughout the year, pregnancy lasts 63 days. In one litter 4-6 cubs are born.

According to the data International Union Nature conservation, the species Procyon pygmaeus is critically endangered. Many raccoons die during hurricanes. The population of the species is estimated at 300 individuals.

Keeping raccoons at home

Before you get such an exotic animal as a pet, you definitely need to weigh the pros and cons, because it’s very complicated. Caring for an animal will require a lot of time and effort. The animal needs a spacious home (cage, enclosure) and a place for safe walks. Raccoons cannot live free-range in an apartment/house.

You should not have a raccoon if there is one in the house Small child so that keeping an animal does not turn into a nightmare for all household members. Raccoons bite and can seriously harm children.

It is also important to consider the presence of other pets. For example, a raccoon can get along with a cat or dog, but definitely not with birds and rodents. In addition, raccoons are difficult to tame to the tray, and therefore you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to clean up after the moving animal often and in the most unexpected places. During the rutting season, raccoons also mark their territory.

For creating comfortable conditions If a raccoon lives in a house or apartment, you need to take care of housing for the pet. For this purpose, you can choose a spacious cage or enclosure. The cage can even be left on the balcony, but only if the air temperature does not drop below 5 degrees Celsius.

You need to feed your domestic raccoon a variety of foods. Any natural products, such as fish and meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, cottage cheese will appeal to the playful animal. You can also offer the raccoon high-quality dog ​​or kitten food.

Fish and meat must undergo heat treatment, but it is better to give fruits and vegetables to your pet raw.

If, despite all the difficulties, you decide to have a raccoon in your house, be patient. The agile and dexterous animal will have to pay a lot of attention and watch over it like a small child.

Class: Mammals Infraclass: Placental Squad: Predatory Suborder: Canidae Family: Raccoons Genus: Raccoons Latin name Procyon Storr,

Have you seen a raccoon? No, not in pictures and movies, but live, up close?

If yes, then you will never forget how sweet, touching, crafty, sociable and cute this creature is! It is not without reason that now, when in our countries (the former CIS) it is possible to have unusual, exotic animals, so many people dream of owning a raccoon...

The raccoon belongs to the genus of mammals, the family of predators, the genus of raccoons. There are 2 types of raccoons: the striper and the crustacean.

Its ancestors came from the forests of America (Central and North America), where it is still widespread today. Subsequently, raccoons acclimatized on the islands of the West Indies, Germany, Belarus, Russia (in the Far East and in Krasnodar region), in Dagestan, Azerbaijan and a number of other places.

The striped raccoon is the most characteristic representative kind. It has a body length of 65 cm, a tail of 25 cm, a height at the withers of 30-35 cm, and it weighs from 6 to 16 (on average 6) kg. Belongs to valuable fur-bearing animals. In some countries it is even bred on farms.

Among a number of peoples, the meat of the raccoon, no matter how sad it may sound, is used as food. In the USA and other countries, the striped raccoon is a popular object of sport hunting, where up to 2-3 million animals are hunted annually.

Because of the animal’s fanatical love for cleanliness, it is called “gargle.”

What does a raccoon look like? Let me note right away: you should not confuse the raccoon with the raccoon dog, which are somewhat similar in appearance, but these are different animals, and they have different characters. Its body is very stocky, with short legs, a lush striped tail and long fluffy fur of a brownish-gray color.

The faces of these animals seem to be decorated with a black mask with a white fur trim, similar to sideburns. A black-brown stripe stretches from the forehead to the tip of the nose, and there is a black-brown spot around the eyes. The tail is usually surrounded by several wide dark rings, only 5-7 rings.

The limbs of these animals are very interesting. Although they walk on four legs, their forelimbs are akin to our human hands, and can grab any objects, as well as food, hold them and wash them...

Sitting on hind legs kah, the raccoon confidently holds an edible object with its front ones, like with its hands. Its long, very agile and tenacious fingers are so developed that they allow the animal not only to manipulate food, but also to hang freely, clinging to a horizontal branch or, like a sloth, to move along a horizontal branch, hanging on it with its back down. Raccoons even use their dexterous and very sensitive fingers to detect prey in muddy water.

When walking, the raccoon rests on one toes, and when standing, on the entire sole, so their traces vaguely resemble the imprint of a human hand. The peculiarity of the structure of the raccoon’s hind legs is that it has very mobile feet, which can rotate 180 degrees, thanks to which it very deftly climbs trees to any height, and can also descend from a tree head first, which only a few species can do animals.

Raccoons are found mainly in mixed forests with old hollow trees along the banks of reservoirs - lakes, swamps, rivers, and often not far from settlements. The proximity of a person in such cases does not bother him.

A raccoon can build its nest hole in a hollow tree, in a rock crevice, and in abandoned holes of rodents and other animals; The raccoon itself does not know how to dig holes. Dwellings (often several) built in hollows, sometimes at a height of 20-30 meters above the ground, are very welcome among raccoons.

Raccoon raccoons adapt well, settling on the outskirts of fields, in gardens and other forest plantations, often in public gardens in cities and suburbs; They can also use old abandoned buildings for their arrangement.

Their lifestyle is nocturnal. During the day they sleep, and at dusk they go out hunting and wander not far from their homes within a radius of 1.5 m, without going too far in search of food.

Thanks to excellent night vision and vibrissae, tufts of which are located not only on the head, but also near the claws, on the inside of the limbs, on the chest and stomach, the raccoon moves confidently even in complete darkness. Raccoons swim well, although reluctantly.

Of course, in order to get yourself such an animal, you must first understand its habits and lifestyle in the wild, and only then will you understand how to treat it at home.

Under natural conditions, the raccoon is completely unpretentious in its food habits, and eats everything - both what moves (rodents, small birds, frogs, lizards, crayfish, fish), and what lies poorly - bird and lizard eggs.

Thanks to their ability to masterfully climb trees, raccoons are able not only to destroy bird nests and feast on chicks and eggs, but also on high-growing fruits, berries and wild grapes.

Elderberries, mushrooms, acorns and nuts are also food for these charming animals. In those habitats where this is available, garden crops, such as potatoes and grain, also become the basis of the raccoon’s diet.

Before eating its prey, the raccoon often washes and rinses it in water.

In North America, raccoons often harm fields and melons, orchards and vineyards, and sometimes harm birdlife. farms, destroying nests and eating chicks.

Raccoons can even raid the nests of dangerous insects such as hornets, bumblebees, termites and ants. Thick skin and fur reliably protect raccoons from stinging bites, and they themselves eagerly eat the larvae in the nests.

To be continued =>

Based on materials from the site

Many people online say that a raccoon is a bear, and some even classify it as a dog. However, this is completely incorrect information. Of course, the raccoon is a predator that belongs to the raccoon family. Which means a raccoon is a raccoon.

However, the raccoon combines the physiological and behavioral characteristics of many living creatures. Latest Research show that the raccoon's intelligence is similar to the development of a five-year-old child: just as cheerful, playful and overly curious. From foxes, the raccoon received incredible cunning when tracking down prey while hunting. Since raccoons are omnivores, it is not difficult to find food for themselves. Raccoons love sweet berries and fruits, and are not averse to stealing homemade chicken, plunder a quail nest, catch a crayfish or profit from caviar on coastline.

The paws are from beavers and primates.

The hands of raccoon paws are very similar to human hands and also have five fingers, few people know, but their paws are very similar to the paws of a beaver. The most dexterous limbs of all animals belong to primates and beavers. In primates, for convenient grip and fine manipulation, it is set aside thumb, and beavers have achieved amazing skill in building dams and lodges thanks to their little finger, which can easily move to the side. Raccoon paws have a combination of both of the above limbs: on their front paws both the little toe and the thumb are separate. Moreover, the hands are so similar to human ones that one of the Indian names of the raccoon is translated as “ a little bear with human hands."

But main feature steel raccoon paws, which help the raccoon navigate under water and in pitch darkness. With the help of vibrissae, the raccoon not only finds food, but also frees its eyes, which allows the raccoon to receive information about the surrounding space from both different sources: vision and vibrissae. Thus, the raccoon can look in one direction and track the approaching danger, and with its paws scan the space under water in search of food.

Swimming - from the otter .

And everything connected with it. The raccoon rinses everything in the water: prey, toys, and even itself. Like otters, raccoons live near water. Raccoons are excellent, albeit lazy, swimmers. The mother raccoon begins to teach the babies to swim in the second month of life, where the babies play on the shoreline in search of snails and frogs. By the way, if there is no lake or reservoir in the forest, then you will never meet a raccoon there. The animals spend about 3 hours a day in water.

Night vision - from a cat.

The raccoon boasts excellent eyesight and acute hearing. Raccoons are nocturnal predators, so this is absolutely necessary for survival and searching for food. Thanks to these feline skills, the raccoon leads a very active nocturnal lifestyle, for example, a raccoon can reach speeds of up to 24 km/h in complete darkness. Given the hooligan behavior of raccoons, this ability is invaluable.

Hibernation - from the bear.

Despite their thick fur, raccoons are very heat-loving creatures. In some regions, raccoons hibernate for three to three months during the cold, long winters. The raccoon's hibernation is intermittent and not deep. Often for the winter, raccoons unite in groups of up to 10 individuals. Unlike a bear, an awakened raccoon poses no danger. Since its favorite prey - small rodents and insectivores - sleep soundly in safe places, the raccoon, after wandering, returns back to the hole and falls asleep again.

Climbing - from a squirrel.

Although raccoons are very clumsy in appearance, they are excellent climbers. Developed fingers allow you to tenaciously hold on to even the thinnest branches. The joints of the hind legs turn 180 degrees, thanks to which raccoons can climb in any direction. The reward for dexterity is bird's nests and ripe, juicy wild berries and fruits. Raccoons climb with the help of their claws, which they do not know how to retract inside their paws. Some raccoons sharpen their claws on stones or, conversely, bite off overgrown claws.

Fat - from a groundhog

Since raccoons hibernate, they need to accumulate fat for the winter to survive. Raccoons have a feeling of fullness, but due to the rapidly accumulating subcutaneous tissue, raccoons often become obese at home. By the way, an adult animal can weigh up to 25 kg in winter.

The ability to freeze - from the opossum

Raccoons, per se, are not conflict animals. In case of danger, the animals prefer to run away, but if there is no way out, then they pretend to be dead. This type of protection is called thanatosis (imaginary death). Thanatosis lasts several minutes, during which time the animal freezes in an unnatural position and almost does not breathe; outwardly the animal is indistinguishable from a corpse. This strategy helps scare away predators that avoid carrion. By the way, domestic raccoons have lost this ability.

Stealth comes from a monkey.

You can distinguish the striped thief by his famous black mask. The animals are excellent at opening 8 out of 10 locks (zippers, latches, hooks, etc.), by the way, zoologists conducted tests in which in 30 minutes raccoons figured out how to open 10 locks to get a treat. In their ability to open anything, only monkeys are comparable to raccoons. Often raccoons climb into human houses or conduct raids on restaurant kitchens, and raccoons steal not only food, but what they like.

The raccoon is a funny and resourceful animal.

Raccoons get along well both in the forest and next to humans, aggressively and bravely repel almost any enemy, are not afraid of stinging insects and have almost the highest immunity of all animals. North America is considered the homeland of raccoons; in all other countries, the animals were introduced either accidentally or in a special way. In Russia, the striped raccoon can be found along the entire coastline of the Black Sea (Anapa, Sochi, etc.). Raccoons quickly learn and adapt to new living conditions.

Today it has become popular to have unusual, exotic pets as pets, including raccoons. Due to this, the level of poaching has also increased, where raccoons are caught and sold to unsuspecting people. Do not buy raccoons through advertisements or secondhand, most likely they are scammers or resellers!

You can learn more about domestic raccoons or chat about raccoons in our group

The raccoon is a cunning predatory animal, for a long time neutral regarding family affiliation. They classified him among all sorts of species: mustelids, dogs, cats. As a result, it was decided to distinguish them into an individual subspecies - raccoons. The raccoon got its name due to its habit rinse everything in water.

Outwardly, these charming creatures are well adapted to any conditions. By nature they are nomads. They cannot live in one territory for a long time. They are attracted to territories where there is a lot of food.

Raccoon raccoon: types, characteristics, description

The family includes 15 representatives, including 4 species of raccoons: striper, crayfish, Cozumel and Guadalupe. They all live in the territory of South and North America. Prefer tropical and temperate climate, closer to bodies of water and wetlands.

Where does the striped raccoon live and what does it look like?

A predatory animal, a raccoon, has t: dense build, voluminous tail and short limbs. Approximate height - 34−60 cm, with a weight of no more than 10 kg. The color is predominantly yellow-gray, with darker sides and back. A clear feature in the exterior is the stripes on the tail and muzzle. When moving, it rests on all four paws, but not completely. The entire foot is stepped on when it is in a relaxed state.

Natural distribution area of ​​the main species of raccoons:

They are most active at night, and during the day they sleep in hollows or other people's nests. They do not dig holes on their own. They can navigate well in the absence of light and swim well.

How they eat and what lifestyle they lead

This is an animal that easily adapts to the anthropogenic landscape. Prefers to settle in deciduous thickets with big amount old hollow trees. They are not able to provide themselves with housing on their own, so they constantly change their locations. Sometimes up to 10 animals are crammed into one hollow. At night they go out in search of food. They do not move further than 2 km from their home.

They feel comfortable in complete darkness because they have night vision. They are excellent at climbing tree trunks thanks to their tenacious claws and flexible feet. It is not uncommon to see them hanging upside down or descending from a tree upside down. Sole representative of the kind that falls into hibernation. However, sleep is intermittent and short. So, in Canada they fall asleep for 4-5 months, but in the south they may not sleep at all.

The diet of the striped raccoon is quite varied. This includes:

Depending on the season, preferences change. So, in spring and summer he leans on animal food, and closer to autumn he switches to plant food. Feature This species, thoroughly rinse everything you are ready to put in your mouth in water. In captivity, he performs similar manipulations, even with perfectly clean products. When near human habitation, they like to rummage through garbage. They have a well-developed sense of touch, through which they receive most information.

The raccoon has strong immunity. Most infectious and invasive diseases do not take it. Capable of giving a worthy rebuff when attacked by enemies. A real danger they are threatened by: wolves, coyotes, crocodiles, lynxes, owls, snakes. If a raccoon sees that it will not be possible to escape, it immediately pretends to be dead. By temperament, this is an inquisitive, cunning, resourceful, intelligent animal. IN Lately They began to actively accustom him to home conditions. Life expectancy is no more than 15−20 years.

Reproduction of raccoons

Males are polygamous, so they are ready to mate in any quantity, no matter with whom. The mating season begins in late winter or in early spring when it's still cold. Sometimes it lasts until summer. The female, for one litter, gives up to 4-5 cubs. Pregnancy lasts 9 weeks. For the first 3 weeks, babies are completely helpless and need protection and care. Later they become independent and begin to lead an active lifestyle.

Anyone who wants to have such a pet at home must take into account some difficulties. Due to the animal is quite curious and hyperactive, there will be no peace from him. It is better to hide all personal and expensive things in inaccessible places. Although, it will not be difficult for him to climb to a height and open any doors.

It is advisable not to let him out of sight, not to leave him alone in the apartment. When the owners are not at home, they lock the animal in a cage. For games and free time, it is recommended to equip a comfortable enclosure. A container of water must be installed there. This is a vital necessity for him. Since in nature they love to climb trees, it is necessary to recreate similar conditions for him as much as possible.

It's better to take a very small raccoon to make it easier to tame. And so they quickly adapt and get used to human proximity. During puberty, character can change dramatically and become aggressive. For this reason, keeping other pets is risky.

If all this doesn’t scare you, then you can safely start it at home. Tireless fun and amusing fuss is the constant state of such representatives. So you won't be bored.