This fish is not only very beautiful, but also quite tasty. Its fillet is distinguished by its tenderness, but at the same time, during processing it does not fall into pieces, but retains its elasticity.

Grayling is often included in diet food because it has a low calorie content. It contains about 90 kcal (per 100 g), and if the fish is not fried or dried, but steamed or boiled, then it can easily replace meat products during the diet.

Unlike many fish species, grayling does not smell like mud, but fresh cucumber, which is its distinctive feature.

Benefits of grayling

Grayling is excellent for the diet due to its low calorie content. But despite the fact that there are few calories in it, the meat is soft and juicy. This fish contains a sufficient amount of protein (17.5 g), while there is only 2 g of fat and 0 carbohydrates.

Among the vitamins, this fish contains PP, and among the minerals, fluorine, sulfur, chromium, nickel, and molybdenum.

Use of grayling

Buy grayling from fresh(frozen or refrigerated) can be found at any large grocery store. Any dish can be prepared from this fish. It all depends on the imagination of the cook. Grayling does not have the smell of mud, which is characteristic of many types of other fish, so there are no restrictions in cooking.

The simplest way to prepare fish is fish soup. Interestingly, those parts of the fish’s body that are usually not used in cooking can be used here: the head, fins, entrails and spine. Based on them, you can make a broth in which the fish will be cooked in the future. And although the meat is elastic, it is important not to overcook the grayling.

In addition to grayling fish soup, you can prepare other dishes of varying complexity. So, this fish can be baked, salted, fried, smoked and marinated.

But no matter what cooking method is chosen, it is important to observe the temperature and cooking time. As mentioned earlier, grayling does not tolerate unnecessary heat treatment. If you do not follow this rule, tender and juicy meat can easily turn into dry and tough.

Boiled and steamed fish can be included in the diet by replacing meat products.

Damage to grayling

However, it is worth noting that grayling prepared by salting, drying or frying will be considered high-calorie product, and can aggravate various chronic diseases due to the high salt and oil content.


Among the freshwater fish that inhabit the waters European countries and Siberia, grayling is the most colorful and spectacular. And thanks to the high content of nutrients and excellent taste meat, this fish has been classified as an exquisite delicacy for several centuries, worthy of becoming an adornment to a noble feast.

Geography and history of valuable fish

Grayling ( Thymallus) - a representative of the Salmonidae order of the Salmonidae family of the Grayling subfamily. Valuable fish prefer fresh water bodies with running water, well saturated with oxygen. Biologists call grayling "security indicator", since fish disappear from polluted water bodies in which the content of dangerous compounds is exceeded.

The habitat of the fish is mountain rivers and streams, cold lakes located in France and Germany, Austria and Finland, as well as in the northern and northeastern parts of Siberia. Representatives of the grayling subfamily are a real decoration of natural reservoirs: a luxurious fin that, when folded, reaches the tail, spectacular colored circles and bright reddish spots give valuable commercial fish resemblance to decorative inhabitants of aquariums.

The history of fish has centuries-old roots: the first Norman recipes for preparing “charus” date back to the 11th century, and in many regions of the Siberian part of the mainland, grayling dishes were a daily nutritious dish. Today, commercial fishing for fish from the grayling family is carried out in the northern part of the Eurasian continent in Holarctic reservoirs, which are saturated with clean Arctic water. The leaders in catching and, accordingly, consuming grayling are Russia, France, and Germany.

Types and varieties

Valuable fish from the grayling family are represented by three main species and several dozen subspecies. IN trading network and chilled/frozen grayling arrives at the table of connoisseurs of delicacies:
European– fishing is carried out on the territory of Russia and Finland in rivers that are part of the Arctic Ocean basin;
Mongolian– lives in flowing reservoirs of eastern Siberia, northern China and Mongolia;
Siberian (has the largest number of subspecies) – the habitat is all the rivers of Siberia: Lena and Ob, Amur and Irtysh, Amur and Yenisei.

Frozen grayling carcasses or steaks are most often sold. In specialized stores during the period of mass fishing, live ( fresh) fish or gutted chilled carcasses.

The weight of each carcass, depending on the type/subspecies and age of the fish, varies between 0.7-1.5 kg. Very often there are valuable representatives of grayling weighing up to 2.5 kg. In the 90s of the last century, a real “giant” was caught in Lake Ladoga - European grayling weighing 5.2 kg and 87 cm long.

Useful properties and nutritional value

Different types of grayling are valued not only for their exotic appearance and delicate taste of meat, but also for their balanced vitamin and mineral composition of white and pink fibers. Regardless of the type and size, the meat of fish from the grayling family consists of protein, fat and water. Distinctive feature This fish is completely free of carbohydrates, which makes the dishes dietary, hypoallergenic and very nutritious.

In addition to proteins and fats, fresh meat grayling kept:
Vitamins – PP, A, E;
Minerals – sulfur, iron, fluorine, molybdenum, nickel, chromium.

Grayling is a very valuable source of protein, which is completely absorbed by the body. Doctors recommend including fish dishes in the diet menu - the steamed product is nutritionally superior to turkey and veal.
Regular consumption of grayling helps to naturally reduce blood sugar levels, increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and strengthen the heart muscle. The absence of carbohydrates ensures that cells are fully saturated with nutrients and protein without the risk of gaining excess weight.

Taste qualities

Grayling meat is pinkish, with a slight fat layer and practically no bones. During heat treatment, the flesh of noble fish becomes white, juicy, without an unpleasant muddy odor. Despite its juiciness and softness, the meat does not contain large quantity fat and can be used in dietary and baby food.

The faint aroma of ready-made dishes gives room for flight of imagination during the cooking process. A fish dish can be complemented with side dishes of vegetables and cereals; it goes well with many herbs, spices and fruits.

Grayling in cooking

Culinary experts highly value grayling, which is simple and varied in preparation, does not require complex techniques to impart a refined aroma, and can be combined with many foods:
Vegetables/roots – tomatoes, sweet and moderately bitter peppers, onions, garlic, carrots, celery and parsley root;
Fruits/berries – lemon, lime, orange, cranberry, lingonberry;
Dairy products - sour cream, cream and natural yogurt;
Cereals – rice, bulgur, millet and other cereal products with a moderate aroma;
Chicken, quail, turkey eggs;
Spices - soy sauce, berry and rice vinegar;
Flour products– breading from white bread, corn, rice and wheat flour.

From the colorful and delicious fish culinary experts prepare hundreds of traditional and gourmet dishes:
Ukha - ordinary, prefabricated, baked and layered;
Portions of grayling baked with tomatoes;
Sirloin rolls with herbs and garlic;
Fish in own juice with the addition of tomatoes and roots;
Marinade of fish and onions;
Salty or dried fish;
Suugudai/sugudai – lightly salted fresh grayling ( Only freshly caught fish is used).

The most valuable delicacy is grayling smoked with fruit smoke. Juicy and lean meat is used to prepare:
Hot/cold salads;
Sandwiches, canapés;
Fish cocktails.

During the cooking process, it is necessary to strictly observe the heat treatment period:
Frying at a temperature of 160-180 degrees - no more than 2-4 minutes on each side;
Baking in the oven - about 15 minutes at temperatures up to 200 degrees;
Cooking on the grill/grill – no longer than 5-7 minutes.
Significantly exceeding the temperature and cooking time worsens the taste of the fish and makes the dishes dry and tough.

Grayling is a relative of fish that belong to the whitefish and salmon species. Graylings like reservoirs that have enough low temperature. As a rule, these inhabitants of the reservoir are found where the bottom is rocky. Often the bottom, where grayling spend their time, is covered with a dense layer of pebbles.

This fish is distinguished by quite powerful fin, located on the back. The fin is very similar to a sail. As for the colors, they are very bright. The fin is painted with spots and stripes. But the body of the grayling has large and strong scales. The chest and abdomen have smaller scales. There is also an adipose fin. He is on his back. It is thanks to this fin that it is possible to see the resemblance to the salmon family.

Color, size and nutrition

Grayling fish has a colorful and attractive color. On the back you can see many dark spots. Sides of the body painted in grey colour . The abdomen has light shade. Young animals are less brightly colored. But they are also easy to distinguish - by the presence of dark transverse stripes. Not last role The type of body of water the fish lives in also plays a role. For example, in a body of water where fast waters- the color of the fish is lighter. But in more muddy water- the shade is the color of steel.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to see this individual, since it merges with the ground in the water. There is also another type of grayling - humpback. It has a dark color. Its name is probably related to its appearance, because it has a humped back. The habitat of such grayling is Perm province.

the photo of which you will find below can weigh up to three kilograms. It was rare, but it still happened that fishermen managed to find fish of this breed up to seven kilograms. But, as a rule, fishermen catch grayling weighing one or one and a half kilograms. As an exception, some rivers in the Northern Urals have individuals weighing five pounds.

This fish can eat almost anything. For example, its diet includes all kinds of organisms that are in the reservoir. These include:

  • larvae,
  • caddis flies,
  • shellfish,
  • stoneflies.

If a grasshopper or a midge suddenly gets into the pond, the grayling will not disdain this delicacy and will definitely eat it. Larger individuals also feed on fish eggs. Unfortunately, this factor greatly affects the number of inhabitants of the reservoir. Also large fish feast on fry and shrews. But it is extremely rare to take a photo of this action.

Habitat and habits

Usually, this fish is located in a mountainous area. Grayling and trout are the main inhabitants of cold European and Siberian rivers. They are also met in the Hangar. Both in smaller bodies of water and in larger ones, directed into the Baltic Sea. Also the habitat is northern rivers. For example, they are often found in the Arctic and White Seas.

This fish is quite agile. In its behavior it is very similar to trout. If she senses something suspicious, she immediately rushes to a safe place - to the bottom. If the weather is warm and there is no wind, grayling often jumps out of the water to catch a couple of insects. Often the height of the jumps is quite impressive, but the individual quickly gets tired, so it goes to the bottom. All activity and feeding occurs during the day.

Graylings generally live in small schools. Based on some studies, it can be stated that until they reach a certain age, they are one family. Even adults have their own family.

A photo showing several individuals looks great.

It can also be noted that young animals are mainly found in shallow places and various rifts. The older generation spends time in deep ditches and holes. They can often be found on rapids and rifts. If it is a warm season, then they live in shallow places, and if it is cold, they live in depth. Grayling belongs to the sedentary species. As a rule, in summer time they are in certain places. They can stay there all day and return to the bottom when it gets dark. During the daytime they are in deep places or hiding behind rocks. They attack insects at a moment when they do not expect it at all. As for large individuals, they swim out only at night. In order to better camouflage themselves, they hide in the grass.

In the spring, individuals leave the places where they overwintered and climb up. At this time, they can be found alone, they are easy to notice, because they have a bright color. Sometimes barren individuals are also found. They are quite well-fed and light in color.


As a rule, spawning occurs at a time when summer comes. After all, the water temperature at this time in reservoirs ranges from ten to fifteen degrees Celsius. Typically, areas that have fast currents are selected.

Grayling spawning is similar to how eggs are laid in representatives of the salmon family. Sometimes the case drags on for a month. For this reason, caviar is released in two or more batches. Then everything happens quite quickly: the fry soon rise to the surface and grow. In case there are favorable conditions residence, then after two years the weight reaches one foot. After spawning has passed, the individuals are together again.


There are several types of grayling:

  • European.
  • Siberian.
  • Mongolian.

There are also subspecies. Mostly they are not too large, but sometimes they still occur major representatives. Let's take a closer look at each type.


Occurs in the Baltic and White Sea. Graylings are also found in the upper reaches of the Volga and Dniester. The main difference between them is the presence of a large mouth. This makes them very easy to see. This species lives where there is presence fast current and a meager base for feeding. Under such conditions, over the course of five years, the individual gains only about two hundred to five hundred grams. And the length is about fifty centimeters. They are distinguished by their bright colors.

They look very beautiful in the photo.


It lives where there is clean water that is rich in oxygen. In the eastern as well as northern regions grayling is common. They grow extremely slowly. Over ten years of life, they gain about one kilogram of weight.


The grayling fish lives in the rivers and reservoirs of Mongolia. This is the most close-up view grayling His weight may reach 16 kilograms. The maximum lifespan is seventeen years. As a rule, it feeds on mollusks and insects. Spawning occurs in April or May.

Grayling fish and its description

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Grayling belongs to the freshwater fish of the Salmon family, subfamily Charisidae. This type of fish prefers to live in reservoirs with clean, flowing and well-oxygenated water. The distribution area is mountain rivers, fast streams and cold-water lakes in Europe, France and the north-eastern and northern parts of Russia, as well as in Siberia. At the same time, in Russia, grayling is one of the most beautiful and spectacular fish species. What gives the fish a special beauty is its large dorsal fin, which appearance resembles a sailboat and reaches to the very base of the tail.

Body length adult is 60-65 cm, average weight fish - about 2 kg, grayling weighing more than 4-5 kg ​​is less common. Graylings are omnivorous fish that eat plant foods, small crustaceans, mollusks, insects and smaller fish. In winter, grayling lives in the depths of lakes and rivers. And in the spring it goes to the upper reaches of the rivers.

The body of grayling is elongated, covered with small scales, which sunlight shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. Small asymmetrical spots on the sides give the fish its visual attractiveness.

Chemical composition grayling is rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements, beneficial amino acids and vitamins (vitamin D and). Grayling meat contains large quantities of vitamin PP (niacin equivalent), as well as minerals such as fluorine, chromium, zinc, molybdenum, iron, nickel, and sulfur.

Beneficial features

Due to its low calorie content, grayling is often used in dietary nutrition. The calorie content of 100 g of product is only 88 Kcal. Despite the fact that grayling meat does not contain a large amount of fat, it is very tender and juicy. The chemical composition of grayling is rich in useful and easily digestible proteins, which consist of essential amino acids that are valuable for the body.

Dishes made from grayling stimulate digestive processes and help strengthen digestive system, improve the secretion of gastric juice and digestive enzymes.


Grayling meat has a dense consistency, light pink color, absolutely no smell of mud and seaweed. In specialized stores you can purchase both frozen and chilled grayling. Grayling can be prepared in different ways - boiled, fried, dried, salted, baked in the oven with vegetables, pickled. Any grayling dish will have a spicy and delicate taste, and fillets from this fish are suitable for the most daring experiments. The main thing is not to overcook the meat during heat treatment, as it becomes dry and hard.

Grayling soup is very tasty, transparent and aromatic. Smoked grayling is considered a real delicacy. Grayling is served with any boiled side dish, herbs or vegetable salads.

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Grayling is a fish that prefers cold and clean water. Delicious meat allows grayling to be classified as a noble breed.

Description of grayling

Grayling fishing is an aesthetic pleasure. Due to their rarity, graylings are not caught industrial methods, and you can’t see them on store shelves. In the European part of Russia, they are included in the regional Red Data Books; there is no ban on catching them only in the Asian territory of the country. Fishing is possible in the Ob and Yenisei basins, in Altai rivers, in the Amur and Kolyma basins. Some species inhabit Lake Baikal and the rivers flowing into it.

Grayling belongs to and has an adipose fin at the beginning of the caudal section of the body. In all species, except the Mongolian, the males have a highly developed dorsal fin of almost a train shape. It is believed that its movements contribute to better fertilization of eggs during spawning.


The peculiarities of how the fish looks allow us to consider it the most beautiful of Russian species. The coloring of male graylings becomes especially bright in mating season. The trailing dorsal fin is dark in color with numerous spots of crimson, blue and violet shades with a metallic tint, and in the Angara subspecies it has a wide crimson border.

A reddish spot appears on the body, in the area of ​​the anal fin. In the black Baikal subspecies it stands out most clearly, in light-colored varieties it is paler. The breeding plumage is complemented by red stripes on the ventral and caudal fins.

Females are olive or dark in color and are not as beautiful. The young have a protective striped coloration. The scales of the fish are small, tightly fitting, with a beautiful greenish or blue tint; the color of the belly is only slightly lighter than on the back.

Body shape river predator resembles salmon. Depending on the type, sizes can range from 50−60 cm European species up to 1 m in Mongolian. Siberian varieties rarely exceed 50 cm, and even dwarf forms are found (no more than 30 cm in length).


Grayling lives on average 13-15 years. Its lifespan may be slightly shorter or longer, depending on living conditions.


All representatives of the genus - freshwater fish. They cannot be found in coastal waters seas and oceans into which they flow large rivers. They lead a relatively sedentary lifestyle, migrate nearby for spawning, and lake forms do not rise into rivers. Spawning migration is driven by search better conditions: shallows with a sandy or small pebble bottom.

Fish overwinter at depth, accumulating in bottom holes. They show a tendency towards the company of their own kind during the mating season, but mostly single life. They prefer deep parts of reservoirs with shelters. Young animals often gather in small flocks.

If there is a good food supply, they behave like typical predators, hunting small fish. When there is a lack of such food, they collect benthic inhabitants (worms and invertebrates) and are able to eat the eggs of other species. They often grab insects falling into the water; adult individuals often catch insects in flight, jumping out of the water. It is believed that grayling can grab a small animal (mouse, shrew) swimming across a body of water.

The Siberian and Mongolian varieties have well-developed teeth. The inhabitants of European waters are distinguished by small, almost reduced teeth and smaller mouth sizes.


They begin to spawn at 2-3 years of age. Grayling fish spawn in such small places that even part of its back can stick out from the water. The female digs a hole in the ground, where she spawns a portion of large golden eggs. The size of the eggs is up to 4 mm. The male waters the eggs with milk, and the high dorsal fin creates turbulence in the water, preventing the rapid removal of the seminal fluid by the current. After spawning, the parents do not care about the eggs and return to their habitats.

The fry appear on days 5–10 and swim independently on days 3–5. In the first weeks of life they feed on invertebrates and small plankton.

Where are grayling found?

We looked through the reports of fishermen and marked on the map the places where it is best to catch grayling.

Varieties of grayling

Graylings inhabit many reservoirs of the Holarctic, descending into rivers and lakes as far as France and Italy, Altai and Mongolia. In the southern regions of their range they inhabit only mountain streams and rivers, reminiscent of their demands on water. In the north, rivers and lakes, taiga streams and shallow channels are more widespread and inhabited.

Highlight the following types grayling:

  • common - common in the European part of the Eurasian continent, but its representatives live and spawn in Siberia, in the Ob basin;
  • Siberian - has many subspecies, found from the Urals to Far East, recognize the identity of the forms of Canadian and Siberian representatives;
  • Mongolian - in rivers and lakes of the southern part Eastern Siberia and on Mongolian territory;
  • Some subspecies of Siberian grayling are classified as individual species(Upper Yisei, Tugarin, Yalu, Khubsugul).

The differences are not only in color. Scientists believe that the original form of all varieties is Mongolian grayling. It is more primitive in structure, does not have a long dorsal fin. The teeth of this variety are more developed; there are also sections of the dental apparatus that were reduced in Siberian and European forms. The subspecies of grayling from Lake Baikal (black and white Baikal) are endemic and are not found anywhere else.

Fishing methods and techniques

Grayling is caught as an object of sport fishing. But residents of the shores of the reservoirs where it lives value it as tasty and useful product. The fish meat is light, pinkish in color, with a pleasant taste characteristic of salmon, fatty and nutritious. Everyone has only positive things to say about grayling. It is suitable for different types dishes, the preparation is also used for future use (salting, smoking). Grayling caviar is considered valuable.

Only poaching methods of fishing are prohibited. It is recommended to obtain a license to catch grayling, as catch restrictions apply in most areas. Fishing is allowed using float tackle and spinning rods with a spoon.


For fly fishing, wooden floats (booms) are used, which can lift up to 100 g of weight. The tackle is secured to the end of the fishing line and allowed to float with the flow; leashes with hooks and bait are attached to the main part of the fishing line, which is pulled by the float.

Sport fishing is carried out using similar float gear: bombard and Tyrolean stick. In them, the leash is attached to the main line after installing a large float that floats with the flow. The bait is found in the bottom layers of water, where fish prey on it.

On the current, other types of equipment are also used (, sleds). The operating principle is similar to previous methods: the leash is delivered to the fishing spot using a floating object.

Long casts can be made using a spinning rod with an inertial reel. Fish are often caught using simple float rods, if there is an opportunity in the summer to sail a boat into the deep parts of reservoirs.

Lures and baits

Objects that grayling prey on are used as bait. These can be lures in the form of insects and lures, to which a lurking predator will react. The best nozzle considered to be an earthworm. In the summer, when grayling begins to hunt insects at night, fishing with surface baits and tackle (flies and chub baits) will also be successful. For winter fishing, methods with high-capacity floats are used.

Useful properties of grayling

Meat contains a number of microelements necessary for human body(zinc, fluorine, sulfur, etc.). It contains essential amino acids and healthy unsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6). Beneficial features has and fish fat, which supplies calciferol (vitamin D) to the human body.

The calorie content of fish is low and is about 90 kcal/100 g. Grayling can be included in diets that do not prohibit the consumption of fish.

The smell does not have a hint of mud, since grayling is predatory fish. The meat is tender and does not require long cooking.