Everyone knows the biblical story of the Flood and Noah's Ark. However, this story is not the only one - legends about the flood (sometimes in writing) are found among many peoples inhabiting different parts of the globe.

According to the Japanese version, the first ruler of Japan, who lived before the flood, settled on the islands immediately after the waters began to recede.

Of the 130 Indian tribes of Northern, Central and South America There is not a single one whose myths do not reflect this theme. One of the ancient Mexican texts, the Codex Chimalpopoca, talks about it this way. “The sky came close to the earth, and in one day everything perished. Even the mountains disappeared under water. ...They say that the rocks that we see now covered the entire earth, and the tenzontli boiled and seethed with great noise, and mountains of red color rose up...”

In the manuscripts of ancient Mexico there is preserved a legend about a global flood that destroyed a race of giants that was displeasing to God on Earth. All the people turned into fish, with the exception of one couple hiding in the branches of a tree.

Among the Indians of California, the hero of many myths, Coit, like Noah, escaped from a flood accompanied by a fiery rain.

Memories of a terrible flood that flooded the highest mountain peaks are also preserved in the myths of the Canadian Indians.

It is interesting that in all the legends about the flood among the inhabitants of the New World, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are mentioned.

In the story of the Indians from the Yagan tribe inhabiting the Tierra del Fuego archipelago, some kind of cosmic phenomenon, perhaps it was a large meteorite falling into the sea: “...many centuries ago the Moon fell into the sea. Sea waves rose up like water in a bucket if you throw a large stone into it. This caused a flood, from which only the lucky inhabitants of this island, which broke away from the seabed and floated on the sea, escaped. Even the mountains on the mainland were flooded with water... When, finally, the Moon emerged from the depths of the sea, and the water began to decrease, the island returned to its original place.”

It is easy to see that legends about the flood have been preserved in the memory of the peoples of all continents of the globe. Only in the interior regions of Asia and Africa, far from the seas and large rivers, are tales of the flood relatively rare.

The question involuntarily arises: if legends about the flood are so ubiquitous, then does this not indicate a global phenomenon that captured all continents, i.e., was the flood truly universal?

Changes in the position of the boundaries of land and sea constantly occur in the history of the Earth. Repeated shift sea ​​conditions continental - a ubiquitous phenomenon and characteristic of geological history of our planet.

Such transgressions (advances) and regressions (retreats) of the sea are caused by geological reasons. During mountain building epochs, when the relief contrast increases, sea regressions occur: during this period, the waters of the World Ocean are concentrated in deep-sea depressions. The seas are getting deeper and the mountains are getting higher. On the contrary, in eras of relative tectonic calm, when the topography of the sea and land bottoms gradually levels out, the waters of the World Ocean cover the low plains of the continents with a muddy film - another transgression of the sea occurs.

In the geological history of the Earth, the largest transgressions took place at the end of the Cambrian - the beginning of the Ordovician, in the Carboniferous, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

However, changes of this kind in the outlines of land and sea, which occur unusually slowly, cannot be classified as catastrophic phenomena.

It is much easier to explain disasters using fluctuations in the level of the World Ocean caused by changes in the amount of water in it. Until relatively recently (from a geological point of view, of course), approximately 10 - 20 thousand years ago, ice covered a significant part of Northern Europe and America. Then the ice melted. As a result, the World Ocean received such an additional amount of water that its level rose by 100 m.

As if an explanation for the global flood had been found. The melting of glaciers is not so different from the biblical and other legends, and the widespread rise in sea levels means the complete flooding of all coastal countries.

But no matter how tempting it is to explain the legends about the flood by melting continental ice or, more precisely, by the eustatic fluctuations in sea level caused by this melting, such a hypothesis must be abandoned. The fact is that the natural melting of glaciers is an extremely slow process, lasting many centuries, and, of course, it, like any other geological or meteorological phenomenon, cannot serve as an impetus for simultaneous globe catastrophically rapid and significant rise in sea level.

Numerous legends about the flood are undoubtedly associated with certain local phenomena that caused a sudden rise in water levels.

Can you name three or four of the most probable reasons floods Of course, one of the most frequent is a tsunami. The effect is similar to that of waves from a large meteorite falling into the sea (although this happens much less frequently).

Underwater earthquakes and meteorites can only cause a short-term wave invasion. Meanwhile, from many legends it is known that the flood lasted several days, or even weeks. Obviously, the reason for the prolonged rise of water was another phenomenon - strong winds who drove sea ​​water at the mouths of large rivers and, as it were, closed them with a natural dam. The most severe floods occur this way. An example of a relatively weak flood of this type is the rise in water level in the Neva, described by A. S. Pushkin in the poem “The Bronze Horseman”.

The cause of floods could also be accidental breakthroughs of water from closed reservoirs and pools as a result of earthquakes, karst processes, etc. Powerful mountain collapses and landslides are able to dam even the most large river and cause severe flooding.

Finally, typhoons. P. A. Molen believes that, except for a typhoon, not a single geophysical phenomenon is capable of generating a flood simultaneously with the help of rain and giant waves, similar to tsunami waves. Undoubtedly, the floods mentioned in legends in most cases fall into this category. But let's return to the biblical version of the flood as the most famous. Only at the end of the last century was it established that the direct source biblical legend- the Assyrian myth of Gilgamesh, recorded in cuneiform on clay tablets in the 21st century. BC The Great Flood occurred in ancient times, and the Assyrian Utnapishta escaped from him in an ark with various animals, who tells Gilgamesh about this event in the following way: “... loaded it (the ark) with everything that I had. I loaded it with everything that I had in silver, I loaded it with everything that I had in gold, I loaded it with everything that I had of living creatures, I brought on board the ship my whole family and clan, steppe cattle and animals, I raised all the craftsmen...

In the morning it started to rain, and at night I saw the rain of grain with my own eyes. And he looked at the face of the weather - it was scary to look at the weather...

The first day is raging South wind, quickly swooping in, filling the mountains, overtaking people like a war. They don't see each other...

When the seventh day arrived, the storm and the flood stopped the war... The sea calmed down, the hurricane subsided - then it stopped...

The island arose in twelve fields. The ship stopped at Mount Niqir. Mount Nitsir held the ship and does not allow it to sway...”

In the descriptions of the flood in the Bible and in the myth of Gilgamesh, it is not difficult to find very significant differences. If the Bible does not say anything about the wind that accompanied the flood, then the Assyrian source contains the most direct references to the wind. On the contrary, the Bible indicates that the wind helped stop the flood (“...and God brought a wind on the earth, and the waters stopped”).

The duration of the flood also looks completely different. If according to the Bible the flood lasted almost a year, then according to Assyrian sources it lasted only seven days.

At the same time, the description of the construction of the ark, as well as the method by which Utnapishta and Noah determined the level of the fall of the water, are surprisingly consistent. The first one released from the ark first a dove, which returned without finding a place to rest, then a swallow; Noah released a raven and twice a dove for the same purpose. “And the dove returned to him in the evening; and behold, a plucked olive leaf was in his mouth: and Noah knew that the water had abated from the earth.”

Babylonian historian and priest Berossus, who lived approximately 330-260. BC e., in the “History of Chaldea” also states that, according to legend, a severe flood occurred in his country.

The amazing similarity of the Assyrian legend with the biblical one, reaching the complete identity of individual expressions, indicates that the biblical version is only a retelling of the Chaldean (Assyrian) legend. All famous Assyrologists have now come to this conclusion.

Chaldean history reduces the flood to very small and quite plausible proportions - It is raining only seven days, the water does not cover the tops of the mountains. The stopping of the ship on the Nitsir Mountains at the time when the flood reached its maximum gives us an idea of ​​​​the height of the water rise. The height of the Nitsir mountains is about 400 m.

The famous Austrian geologist E. Suess was the first to use information about the flood recorded in cuneiform and discovered during excavations in Nineveh. He came to the following conclusions: by flood we must mean the devastating flood that occurred in the lower reaches of the Euphrates, which captured the Mesopotamian lowland; its main reason was the attack of a tsunami wave on the mainland, generated by an earthquake in the Persian Gulf region or south of it; it is very likely that the period of the strongest earthquake was accompanied by a cyclone coming from the south.

Subsequent researchers only slightly clarified Suess's version. They found that strong earthquakes are not typical for the Persian Gulf and the tsunami wave, no matter how high it was, could not flood the entire Mesopotamian lowland. Most likely, the flood described in the Chaldean legend was a huge flood as a result of heavy rains and strong winds blowing against the flow of the rivers.

In the Bay of Bengal located to the east, major floods caused by a cyclone occurred in 1737 and 1876. The first of them raised the water by 16 m, the second by 13 m. The death toll in each case was more than 100 thousand people. Apparently, similar phenomena have occurred for a long time at the mouths of the Tigris and Euphrates, with the only difference being that 4000-5000 years ago the floods covered much further into the mainland than now. At that time, the Persian Gulf came close to the Nitsir Mountains, and therefore the ship, driven, according to legend, up the river, could a short time reach the mountains

Among the catastrophic floods that affected European civilization, one can note the breakthrough of Atlantic waters into the Mediterranean Sea, which sharply raised its level, and the Dardanian flood. The latter is associated with the breakthrough of waters into the Black Sea. During the last glaciation, the level of the Black Sea was more than a hundred meters lower than it is today. The vast expanses of its modern shelf were dry land, especially in the northwestern part. The waters of the paleo-Danube flowed along this shelf, connecting the waters of the Danube, Dniester, and Bug, and they flowed into the salty waters that filled the deep-sea Black Sea depression. From the same depression, the flow of water flowed into the Sea of ​​Marmara (then still a lake) through a powerful sea river - the present-day Bosphorus (an analogue to it may be the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Strait). And in place of another strait, the Kerch strait, flowed fresh waters paleo-Don, which united the Don, Kuban and other smaller rivers of the Black Sea region into a single river system. The Paleo-Don flowed into the Black Sea off the southeastern coast of Crimea.

Studies of sedimentary rocks of the Black and Marmara Seas have shown that sedimentation did not occur to a depth of one hundred meters earlier than the 2nd - 6th millennium BC, since at that time these areas were dry land. The breakthrough of the Dardanelles isthmus, caused by a monstrous earthquake, led to the formation of the Sea of ​​Marmara, which was previously a lake. The consequences of the disaster were enormous. Water level in the Black Sea for short term rose more than 100 meters. Huge areas were flooded Black Sea coast. The coastline on the low-lying eastern shore of the sea moved back almost 200 km, and in place of a large lowland along which the paleo-Don and paleo-Kuban rivers flowed (and flowed into one channel), the Sea of ​​Azov was formed.

Thus, there are many possible disasters associated with floods, and scientists are inclined to believe that in many parts of the Earth at one time there was a Great Flood.

Based on materials from http://katastrofa.h12.ru

Traces of a recent flood in the monuments of ancient Russian literature. Evidence of recent climate change, in the notes of a traveler in 1692. ("Reading Vivliofika" / episode 1)

Bit by bit, the echoes of the great flood (one of them) that once covered our land, carefully hidden by the official X/Ztoria, are emerging. But you can’t hide an awl in a bag, you can’t track everything in the world, no, no, and the tip of the awl of truth will appear from a bag of lies, it will prick straight into the consciousness - but there was something. And what exactly, why, when - now we can only guess.

I'm posting here short excerpt from " Ancient Russian Vivliofika"(part eight) published Nikolay Novikov to “expose the unfair opinion of those people who thought and wrote that before the time of Peter Russia did not have any books except church books.” N. I. Novikov understood the need for publication historical monuments paleographic accuracy, compilation of heteroglossia, compilation of alphabetical indexes, etc.

In contrast to the fashionable French education, N. I. Novikov tried to find examples to follow in virtues of ancestors, in moral height and the strength of the old Russian principles, which were supposed to help strengthen national self-awareness and give “an outline of the morals and customs of our ancestors” so that we would know “the greatness of their spirit, adorned with simplicity.”

The main drawback is the lack of a system and chronological sequence. The material was published, obviously, as it became available, and sources were indicated. The acts and chronicles published in Vivliofika were at one time recognized as inaccurate. This, however, does not detract from the historical significance of Vivliofika, which is still of significant scientific interest.

N. I. Novikov drew material for his editions of ancient monuments from private, church, and state ancient repositories, access to which was allowed to him by Empress Catherine II in 1773. N.I. Novikov himself compiled a collection of manuscripts of historical content. Provided a lot of materials N. N. Bantysh-Kamensky, G. F. Miller, M. M. Shcherbatov and others, as well as herself Catherine II, which supported the publication of Vivliofika with generous subsidies.( Wikipedia)

So, here it is, that passage (pp. 397-398) which talks about recent the flood, which is still alive in human memory, the contemporaries of this traveler, those from whom he drew information...

Note - Ancient Siberians and Russians say - Before the Flood. STOP!!! Until what flood? Which flood is completely calm about ( as if everyone knows about it, and there is no need for detailed description) narrates as the author himself ( sent by the king himself) and storytellers ( in his words) Why don't we know anything about this from official history? And it’s not just a flood (the river overflowed its banks) there elephants and mammoths swam, this means that settlements washed away ( a mammoth the size and weight of a log house) if nothing more.

In this small excerpt, there is a lot of information confirming alternative version stories about a flood that occurred not so long ago, with mud and mudflows that created layers of soil layers, on top of the existing soil level at that time, containing various artifacts, such as the remains of bodies, bones, fragments of ceramics, objects, utensils, and others that, while moving forward, collected mudflows.

Usually, when conducting excavations, experts take into account the depth of the found artifact when calculating its age, without taking into account the fact that the various layers were not necessarily formed as a result of dust settling over many thousands of years, but most often simultaneously, through soil stratification, mud- mudflows. In this consideration, everything found can be shifted both in time (it was much later, closer to our time) and in space (where the artifact was brought to the place of discovery is unknown). By and large, the whole House of cards MODERN X/ZTORIA. Let us consider this passage, carefully subjecting it to a detailed, detailed analysis:

Local residents talk openly about the fact that their places were very warm(before the flood) and there were a lot of elephants there… About the fact that there was a flood (!!!) and that elephants and “other creatures” swam on the water and drowned in mud(caused by mudflows) and swamps (naturally formed at the same time) which in itself, directly, in black and white, word for word confirms the version of the modern Russian Internet community alternative history, about the consequences undoubtedly the recent flood. And below - (underlined in blue) the author questions the credibility of information about climate change "except only about climate change" and gives his version of what happened (underlined in yellow)

But if you look at it, why on earth should he question this information? After all, the author never lived or visited those places at all. On what basis does he give his interpretation of the event? It is possible that there were good reasons for this (censorship?), but why then was there any mention of that event at all? Most likely (I think so) the author sincerely did not believe some of the details in the stories of local residents, and is trying to adapt for himself (and therefore for the customer) something that does not fit into his consciousness, contradicts the information available at that time, approved by official science that time. After all, he also could not help but mention this - there is information. And if someone, and not him, brings them to the highest customer, there will be a considerable embarrassment, something like this...

But the author does not doubt the fact of the flood no way(underlined in yellow) this opinion cannot be completely destroyed– needless to say, it was said more than affirmatively. It is unlikely that the biblical flood is meant here, because its time (according to legend) too far away from the reality described, and the very nature of the details presented local residents talks about an event as if it happened recently. And most likely there were not so few of these floods in the history of the planet.

Perhaps these floods are convenient stripping tool surfaces from civilizations that have completed their journey and achieved their goals (CLEARING OF THE POPULATION AT THE NEXT MATRIX RESET AS A MANDATORY CONDITION OF THE NEW ERA; perhaps this is not at all connected with people (processes on a cosmic scale) but the fact that this happens periodically is beyond doubt (JUST ADD WATER, OR NEW ABOUT FLOODS) AND BY THE WAY, ABOUT MAMMOTHS (2 parts)

Well, as for elephants, in the words of Polygraph Polygraphych Sharikov - “Elephants, they are useful animals” (“Heart of a Dog” by M.A. Bulgakov) Back in the second quarter of the 15th century, “unknown” animals lived in Eurasia, as can be seen on the map Borgia 1430. It depicts in the area between Kama and Yaik mammoth supreme ruler with a saddle on the back(the fact that this is a mammoth can be seen from the depicted fur on the object’s body)

And images of elephants in the territory of the country of Cathay that perished in the global catastrophe () are not uncommon. (map Keller 16th century)

Here's a leopard old map 15th century, approximately area White Sea.

Here is the griffin, on the same map, the area of ​​modern Vorkuta

And such images confirming a different, warmer (than in our time) climate northern territories of our country, many (from what has survived on this moment) And how many more have sunk into oblivion, or kept in special storage facilities and storerooms of museums, in private collections? The tip of the awl of truth still peeks out from the bag of lies, no matter how you look at it. I decided not to make this post too long - the topic is known to everyone and many of the works of my comrades have illuminated it for the interested user, and I, a sinner, took the plunge, using the links you can get acquainted with something (TRACES OF THE FLOOD IN TVER) so, food for thought... (GLACCIER IN AFRICA OR GIANT SPATULA)

And in addition - a link to a resource (VKontakte) where you can download and calmly study this valuable historical document in 20 parts (!!!) True, there is a lot of uninteresting, downright boring (if you read for a long time - the very manner of presentation is very different from the modern one) but something I think it's possible to fish it out. Mainly official documents, business correspondence(letters) but there are also such relics. (travel report) there are even theatrical productions of that time, comedies.

P.S. in general, the very manner and style official letter of that time obligated to observe many formalities required by rank, such as listing regalia, an oath of allegiance to the ruler, expressing gratitude of all kinds to him, and so on and so forth, and read all this for a long time very tedious to modern man(In my opinion)

In Western civilization and culture, the phrase “Great Flood” does not need detailed explanation and decoding. Here a strong association has developed with the events described in the Old Testament, which resulted in the flooding of the entire land and the death of almost all living things, with the exception of those who escaped on the ark of righteous Noah and his family. However, the biblical story of the flood is far from the only one - it has both predecessors and analogies around the world.

About the flood - earlier Old Testament

The fact that the biblical narrative did not arise out of nowhere, but in line with a certain tradition, is already obvious to specialists. To be convinced of this, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the versions of legends about the flood that existed before the Jewish sacred texts were written down, in the region of the most ancient civilizations of the Middle East - Sumer, Akkad, Babylon.

The Sumerian version of the flood story is presented in the form of a poem about Ziusidra, a pious king of one of the Sumerian cities, who was also a priest of the god Enki. It was in the temple that Ziusidra heard from Enki, who decided to save his faithful servant, that the gods, at their council, decided to make a great flood and destroy all of humanity. Full text The poem about Ziusidra has not survived, so there are no details of how exactly the hero prepared for his salvation. However, judging by the fact that at the end of the story, Ziusidra, after a flood that lasted seven days and nights, left the ship and made sacrifices to the gods, he was given instructions on the construction of a saving ship.

IN general outline this story is repeated in the Akkadian and Babylonian versions of the flood story. The Akkadian hero Atrahasis did his best to save humanity from disasters sent by the gods (the proliferating people began to disturb the gods with their noise), but he had no opposition to the flood. One of the gods, friendly to the wise Atrahasis, warned him about the flood and ordered him to build a ship where he could take his family, assistants and all kinds of animals. Similar events occur with the hero of the Babylonian version, the wise king Utnapishtim. True, in the Babylonian poem there appears a detail that later became characteristic - how during the flood Utnapishtima sent out the birds one by one and they all returned, and only when the raven did not return did it become clear that the water was leaving.

Biblical flood: it’s not the effects that matter, it’s the causes that matter

Actually, everyone who has become familiar with the biblical account of the Flood will admit that the above-mentioned Sumerian, Akkadian and Babylonian legends are very similar to this part Old Testament. The Bible tells how God ordered the righteous Noah to build a huge ark, and gave him detailed technical and engineering instructions. Noah and his family built the ark for 120 years (according to the Bible, in ancient times people lived for hundreds, sometimes even over a thousand years), while everyone around them laughed at him. But then the flood began, when the water rose for forty days and nights - only Noah and his family on the ark, as well as all the creatures that the prophet was also ordered to take with him, were saved. After long swims, Noah released the birds several times, until one day, without waiting for one of them, he realized that he could look for land.

The “factual” coincidences of the biblical legend with the legends of the neighbors of the Israeli people are undoubted, which, coupled with more early dates The emergence of the theme of the flood in the culture of Sumer, Akkad and Babylon gave rise to a number of scientists talking about direct borrowing. However, there are many supporters of the version that one cannot talk about simply transferring already existing legends about the flood into sacred Hebrew texts. The point of view is defended that the legends about the flood are of a universal human nature. And there is reason for this opinion: since scientists have counted about 250 versions of legends about the flood throughout the world among various ethnic groups and religious groups.

In addition, even skeptics admit that in the biblical presentation the story of the flood and the salvation of Noah has a much deeper, universal character, thanks to which it became one of the fundamental ones for modern civilization. In previous versions of the legend, the flood was the result of the whim of the gods, who either did not motivate their desire to wipe out the human race at all, or “nitpicked” about such reasons as excessive noise from human activity and the like. The Bible put it at the forefront moral problem: In the Book of Genesis, the flood itself is of little significance; what led to it is much more important. And what led to it were numerous human sins and such blind indifference of people to all the attempts of the Creator to guide them on the true path that God even repented of having created man. Thus, the biblical account of the flood is, first of all, not literary or catastrophic, but edifying in nature.


Time of the Flood: there are options...

The time has passed when the entire biblical narrative was considered a collection of legends, myths and simply fantasies. At the moment, scientists are discovering in the Bible references and indications of many things that actually happened. historical events, personalities and phenomena. One of these is the Great Flood - experts for the most part agreed that natural disasters, which became the basis for the legends about the flood, really happened. The only question is when...

But it was for real global flood

If we do not touch upon the problem of whether the flood described in the Old Testament, which Noah with his family and pairs of all kinds of creatures survived on the ark, was truly global or local, then it is noteworthy that in the history of the Earth there were cataclysms that have every reason to claim the title of universal flood Scientists call one of these a giant tsunami that covered almost the entire land approximately 200 million years ago. True, in those distant times, on the border of the Triassic and Jurassic periods, the continents looked completely different than they do now, but this does not change the essence - land already existed, and it was flooded.

Evidence of the flood was found relatively recently; they were limestone rocks discovered in Germany. rocks, forming a layer approximately 20 centimeters thick. This layer, according to experts, was formed as a result of a tidal wave of enormous force, which washed away from the bottom the simplest marine animals of that time, the fossilized remains of which were found in large numbers in the layer. According to scientists’ calculations, the waves reached a height of hundreds of meters, that is, tens of times higher than the maximum tsunamis recorded in our time (the highest of which are 50-60 meters). This wave was enough to drown most land all over the Earth, with the exception of high mountain ranges. The cause of such a catastrophic tsunami and flood could be a catastrophe on a global scale, for example, the fall of a large meteorite or comet.

Calculating the date of the biblical flood “on paper”

If we talk about the time when the flood was supposed to occur, which is described in the Book of Genesis and therefore became the most famous in history and culture, then, first of all, we need to resort to calculations based on sources. In the end, this flood became known from documents, therefore, the initial determination of its time must be based on written sources. And here there are different options. Based on the data given regarding the time of the flood in the Septuagint (the oldest translation of the books of the Old Testament into ancient greek language, dating back to the 3rd-2nd centuries BC), then the calculations yield 3183 BC.

But most experts prefer to focus on the Masoretic texts, that is, on the texts of the Old Testament, which are considered canonical in the Jewish tradition. Here the date of the flood will be different, since this chronology will have to be traced in reverse order. In the Old Testament, special attention is paid to a joyful event for the Jews, when the Persian king Cyrus, who defeated Babylon, where the Jews were in captivity, allowed this people to return to their homeland. From historical sources it is known that it was 537 BC. Applying biblical chronology based on periods, the date is 1513 BC. Then, according to the biblical text, the date of God’s Covenant with Abraham is counted (1943 BC), and knowing the life expectancy of the biblical characters up to Arphaxad, who, according to the Bible, was born two years after the flood, the time of the catastrophe itself becomes 2370 BC.

Scientific research on the date of the Flood

However, as soon as the serious scientific study Problems of accurately dating the flood described in the Bible, the date of 2370 BC was one of the first to be rejected. No evidence, neither archaeological nor geological, confirmed the fact that at least in the Middle East region there was a large-scale flood during this period. However, data was discovered that made it possible to formulate several theories about when the events actually occurred that gave real grounds for the emergence of the narrative of the Flood.

The most acceptable hypothesis for academic science is the hypothesis according to which the tales of the Flood among the peoples of the Middle East, later reflected in the Old Testament, are memories of a cataclysm dating back to approximately 5500 BC. It was during that period that, due to a huge earthquake, the Black Sea ceased to be a closed sea (which, for example, the Caspian Sea is today). The water level rose by 140 meters, the Mediterranean Sea was connected to the Black Sea through the straits, and coastline doubled in size, flooding what were at that time some of the most densely populated areas. The memory of this natural disaster, which destroyed a huge number of people at that time, according to this theory, was then transformed into legends about the Great Flood.

Bible version

The Bible about the Flood: the rebirth of humanity

Currently, scientists (historians, linguists, religious scholars, archaeologists and representatives of a number of other humanities disciplines) are inclined to believe that the legends and tales of the Flood, widespread throughout the world, are manifestations of humanity’s collective memory of a distant global natural disaster. But the most famous, of course, is the biblical account of the flood, which poses, first of all, moral problems.

When the Creator's patience is overflowing

Book of Genesis, integral component The Old Testament tells in some detail about the Flood, about the “motives” of the Lord to take such a step, about the flood itself and about the events that followed it and were directly related to it. According to the logic of the biblical narrative, the Flood was caused not only by the lives of Noah’s contemporaries, but by the entire history of mankind, starting with the fall of Adam and Eve, their expulsion from paradise and the further division of people into the descendants of the fratricide Cain and the descendants of Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve. From generation to generation, man moved further and further from God and brought more and more evil into the world created by the Creator as ideal.

As a result, at a certain moment a situation arose that, as the Book of Genesis says, the Lord repented of having created man in the first place, since he not only fell into evil himself, but also contributed to changing the ideal order throughout the world, including nature. In addition, there is still a mystery regarding certain giants mentioned in the Bible, born from the “sons of God” and “women of men.” There is still debate about who these giants were and what role they played in the world, but their involvement in the divine decision to organize the Flood is clearly stated in the Bible. Humanity was given one last chance, a period of one hundred and twenty years when it could correct its life, but it did not take advantage of this chance.

There's a pair of each creature...

The only righteous family, that is, the family that lived in accordance with moral concepts pleasing to God, was the family of Noah. It was to him and his relatives that God decided to grant salvation (many Christian theologians indicate that the existence of at least a few righteous people convinced the Lord that humanity is not hopeless). Therefore, He ordered Noah to build a huge ark, where he and his family could fit, every living creature in pairs, in order to repopulate the earth after the flood, and enough supplies for many days of sailing.