Many keep fish in their aquariums, others make a real herbalist, and some use exodtic corals. And only a few people know that you can add shrimp too. These are such small creatures (or rather big ones, depending on the species) that most they spend their time sorting through pebbles, leaves of plants and soil in search of food. And with their habits they often receive no less attention than the most active fish.

What is shrimp for in an aquarium?

  1. Aesthetics. There are many types of shrimp, and each of them has its own beauty. Experienced aquarists know that these creatures can be as beautiful as the finest tropical fish. What are the shrimp Crystals, which are distinguished by a very bright and noticeable color;
  2. Diversity. The more experienced the aquarist, the more requests he has. Common types fish do not satisfy his curiosity and desire for beauty. And in this case, shrimp will be an excellent vehicle for achieving these lofty goals. They are unpretentious in care and get along well with other inhabitants. Of course, for maximum results, you will need a large favorable price it is possible in the WuShop online store;
  3. Water purification. If you've got a powerful filter for your aquarium, that's good. But additional water purification never hurts. Shrimps, which eat algae (preventing the water from blooming), as well as other organic particles, do an excellent job with this task. Yes, filtration and water changes are still needed, but it is these tiny creatures that make their contribution to the common cause;
  4. Maintaining biobalance. Shrimp eat not only algae (which can be a hassle even for experienced aquarists), but also particles of fish food. And if these organic matter will stay in the water for a long time - over time, bacteria will begin to develop in them, provoking diseases of the inhabitants of the aquarium. Shrimps, carefully sorting out plant leaves, pebbles and soil with their paws, find and eat all the particles of food that the fish have not eaten, thereby protecting your "wards" from many problems.

What do you need for shrimp?

  1. Food. Most shrimp can make do with the algae found in any aquarium. But it is advisable to periodically (but not constantly) feed them with special food. Or make sure that after eating your fish leave "leftovers" that fall to the bottom and then be absorbed by the shrimp;
  2. Space. For the normal life of one shrimp, 5 liters of water is enough. But if there are 20, 30 or 100 of them, you will have to act. First of all, you need to buy a curbstone for an aquarium, which will withstand a heavy load of water, and will also serve as an element of the interior. And it is advisable to choose a larger aquarium itself, since shrimps can actively reproduce, and in a few months they will grow out of 5-10 "settlers" large group from several dozen individuals;
  3. Safety. Predatory fish and shrimps in the same aquarium are not the most best idea... Even scalars can eat them, preventing them from developing and purifying the water from algae and other contaminants. Therefore, either make sure that your shrimp have plenty of hiding places, or get a separate aquarium;
  4. Care. Yes, these creatures are unpretentious and can exist on their own, but some care is needed for them. First of all, periodically feed them with special food, and during the molting period, choose food with a high cellulose content. This is necessary for the speedy restoration of their shell. And do not forget that shrimp can also hurt, and at the first symptoms of the problem, you need to urgently take action.

Is the game worth the candle?

Not every aquarium can keep shrimp. But if there is a lot of free "space", and other inhabitants do not pose a threat to them - why not. Just keep in mind that some shrimp breed quickly in captivity (for example, Crystals), while others, such as Amano, are very problematic to breed.

If you are just getting started in the aquarium hobby, do not rush to buy shrimp and "add" them to your aquarium. Too much stress (changing environmental conditions) can lead to their death. Therefore, before that, it is advisable to prepare the "ground", and even better - to consult with more experienced comrades. And if you do everything right, your friends and family will be delighted with these small and extremely beautiful creatures.

Freshwater invertebrates, of course, lose to marine ones in a variety of shapes and colors and have always played only minor roles in domestic water bodies. And if reef aquarism has become a popular and booming area, then freshwater aquarium for invertebrates until recently it was only the lot of extravagant loners. But that all changed with the introduction of colorful dwarf shrimps to the attention of aquarists. It turned out that these creatures are so decorative, interesting to observe, easy to maintain and represent such a vast field for breeding work that a wave of enthusiasm for them literally swept the whole world. It became clear that they deservedly can be the main characters of the aquarium, and their small size came in very handy, given the modern fashion for creating miniature living compositions. No other group of decorative animals has won such a number of ardent fans for such a short time- this hobby is at most ten years old. The most intriguing thing is that we only slightly open the edge of the veil that hides the world freshwater shrimp... Their diversity is hardly visible. Obviously, several hundred species and forms known to date are only a tiny part of what remains to be discovered. Targeted research in the tropics has shown that even small bodies of water are characterized by their unique and diverse crustacean fauna. And how many such shrimp "Malawi" exist, one can only guess.

It's time to introduce our heroes, well, at least some of them. I must say that the taxonomy of freshwater shrimp is only taking the first steps, therefore, for many species there are no established ones yet. scientific names, and whether these are species or color forms, experts in most cases cannot say. So in many situations you have to use commercial labels for now. The bulk of ornamental dwarf shrimp belongs to two genera Caridina and Neocaridina... The range of the first kind covers almost all tropical and subtropical regions of the Eastern Hemisphere: Africa, Hindustan, China, Indonesia, New Guinea, Australia. The second is common in China, Japan and Korea. The differences between them boil down to the details of the structure of the swimming legs on the abdomen, which can be observed only under high magnification. However, I repeat, this classification is very preliminary, for sure the number and composition of genera and, accordingly, their morphological characteristics will be revised in the future.

One of the first species of dwarf shrimp to be kept in aquariums. It comes from the central and southern regions of China and is more likely to be subtropical, i.e. more cold-loving species. Inhabits small lakes and small rivers and streams in plains and mountains. This shrimp needs cool, 18 ° to 24 ° C, oxygen-rich and soft water. It easily reproduces in captivity, although this species is still bred in limited numbers, and most of the individuals sold for sale are caught in nature. The coloration is very attractive, especially in juveniles with their distinct pattern of alternating wide black and white or yellow stripes. With age, their boundaries blur, and the shrimp become more monotonous, dark colored. Females up to 30 mm long, males up to 20 mm. It can be crossed with Crystal Red, Tiger and others, which is intensively used by breeders to develop new color variations, so it is no longer clear which forms are natural and which are obtained artificially. Sometimes within this group, bee shrimps are distinguished, characterized by narrower white stripes on dark background, however, the taxonomic status of these different types coloration is not yet clear.

This type is considered the easiest to maintain and can be recommended for beginners with confidence. Cherry shrimp easily adapt to new conditions and reproduce at an incredible speed, for which they received the nickname “invader shrimp”. Introduced into unusual habitats, they are extremely efficient in reclaiming living space, and in aquariums they can eventually displace other species of shrimp. The original range of the species covers southern China and Taiwan. High plasticity allows these shrimps to inhabit a wide variety of biotopes from fast-flowing mountain rivers with stony ground to overgrown peat lakes. There is also a very wide range of temperature stability from 5 to 30-plus degrees. The optimum is 26 ° C. This species gained popularity due to its bright red color, which is more saturated in females, although other color variations are also found. Large females can reach 40 mm, males - no more than 20 mm.

These bright, fancy shrimps hit the European market just a few years ago. They come from standing or slow-flowing, abundantly overgrown with algae reservoirs of India. Their greenish coloration allows them to perfectly camouflage themselves among aquatic vegetation. This species is undemanding to water quality, the main condition for successful keeping is a large number of plants in the aquarium. Especially shrimps prefer thickets of Riccia. Green shrimps usually stay in the upper or middle layers of the water, optimum temperature content - 24 - 30 ° C. The main color is usually from light green to bright green, sometimes bluish or brown. Many individuals change color depending on the condition. Most individuals are characterized by a wide white stripe on the back. Length 30 - 40 mm, females are somewhat larger than males.

Slender, long-nosed, elegantly colored shrimp originating from the rivers of the plains of India. They keep in calm areas without strong currents. Indian red-nosed shrimp have a typical marine larval stage, so they do not breed in captivity. They keep near the bottom, rarely swim, but constantly move along the ground, digging it up in search of food. Temperature 26 - 30 ° C. At lower temperatures, they feel uncomfortable and stop eating. Characteristic feature is a red, highly elongated rostrum. The body of the shrimp is transparent, with thin reddish and golden stripes. Females up to 50 mm, males up to 40.

Tiger prawns originate from southern China. In their homeland, they live in streams and small rivers with stony deposits and heaps of branches. Such reservoirs are most often devoid of any higher vegetation, but filamentous algae grow abundantly in them. This species is very picky about the oxygen content in water, but is more resistant to changes in chemical parameters. The characteristic pattern of oblique dark stripes on a yellowish or light brown background on the abdomen and back of the cephalothorax fully justifies the name. Many color variations and shapes of shrimp are marketed under the name "tiger", some of which are clearly related to other species. Sizes from 20 mm in males to 40 mm in females.

Perhaps the most spectacularly colored aquarium shrimp, bearing alternating transverse scarlet and bright white stripes. This color variation was developed through the hard work of Japanese breeders. Among the original forms were bee shrimp and, most likely, more than one species, but it is almost impossible to say for sure. These shrimps are rather poorly adaptable and very sensitive to changes in water parameters, cannot stand anxiety, because of which they fall into stress and become easy victims of pathogens. However, all the complexities of the content are more than redeemed by the splendor of the spectacle that these “jewels” create in the aquarium.

These shrimps have gained popularity thanks to Takashi Amano, who uses them in his plant aquariums to combat algal fouling, but their reputation as an algae killer is greatly exaggerated. It's pretty large view(females reach 70 mm) and require a wide variety of foods to achieve normal size. Initially, their distribution was limited to Japan and Taiwan, but over time, the species was spread widely throughout the world. In their homeland, the Amano shrimp inhabit mainly cool mountain streams with a strong current and free from aquatic vegetation. These shrimps cannot boast of a flashy color, but they are constantly in motion and are clearly visible in the aquarium. Unfortunately, due to the inherent mode of development of this species (the larval stage takes place only in sea ​​water), reproduction in captivity is difficult to implement, and only wild specimens caught in nature go on sale.


The biggest mistake novice shrimp lovers make is the desire to put newly acquired pets in their shared aquarium with fish. In the presence of larger and more mobile animals, shrimps will experience constant stress, hide and, even if they take root, will not feel comfortable and reproduce. Shrimps are so exciting to keep that they deserve their own aquarium. Only in a separate container with optimal environmental conditions, left to themselves, are they able to demonstrate all their remarkable qualities. The minimum recommended volume of such a shrimp aquarium is 40-50 liters, in a smaller container it is much more difficult to create stable environmental conditions. In such an aquarium, you can settle a group of several dozen individuals of one or different types... Only with a sufficiently high stocking density will something constantly happen in your shrimp, and you can count on the opportunity to observe interesting behavior of its inhabitants. Compared to fish, crustaceans are much more sensitive to the quality of their habitat and react more painfully to sudden changes in conditions. Particular attention should be paid to the parameters of the water, it should be soft, neutral or slightly acidic and, if possible, as chemically pure as possible. Excessive concentrations of organic matter and poisonous substances have a very negative effect on the health of shrimp and their fertility. You need to change up to 40% of the water in the aquarium weekly. It is better to use an internal filter with a sponge, reducing the pump power to a minimum and directing the ejected water jet into the wall of the aquarium to reduce the flow rate. For tropical species the optimal temperature will be 25-27 ° C, for many subtropical 24 ° is the upper limit, so additional heating is not required. Some species, such as Amano shrimp, are planted in plant aquariums to combat algae, but as we will see later, these conditions are far from optimal for them.


Fish are not the most pleasant neighbors for shrimp. Most of them view small crustaceans as potential food and will be a constant concern. Adult shrimps may well get along with peaceful, non-aggressive fish, but you should not count on reproduction in such conditions: young and freshly melted individuals risk becoming easy prey. Single fish which can be safely kept together with shrimps are herbivorous chain-mail catfish with a specialized scraping mouth apparatus such as ototsinklus or ancistrus.


In fact, shrimp do not need plants; in the natural reservoirs where they live, there is often no aquatic vegetation at all. In tight-fitting aquariums higher plants practically do not leave resources for the development of algae and bacterial flora, which make up the main part of the diet of shrimp. In such conditions, even with abundant additional feeding, a deficiency of certain nutrients occurs, and the shrimp quickly die. A container without plants with a layer of leaf litter at the bottom, which serves as a substrate for the development of unicellular organisms, is optimal for keeping shrimp culture. It looks, of course, not very aesthetically pleasing. Plants in a shrimp aquarium play a supporting role, first of all, to create an environment. In this case, preference should be given to undemanding slow-growing species. Most suitable are aquatic ferns, mosses, balls of cladophores, in which young shrimps find refuge. It is absolutely unacceptable to use any fertilizers for plants, since shrimp react very painfully to organic water pollution.


In nature, shrimp feed on detritus - decaying organic matter accumulating at the bottom. These are fallen leaves, rotting wood, dead plant fragments. The main nutritional value of detritus, of course, is not cellulose, but various microorganisms that develop on this substrate: bacteria, fungi, unicellular algae... So don't be too meticulous about keeping the bottom in your shrimp aquarium clean, removing what you consider to be garbage will deprive your pets of food. It is even worth putting dried foliage on the bottom of oak, beech, hazel or other broadleaf trees as a plantation for food resources. Shrimp will happily eat any flaky and granular dry aquarium food, you just need to take into account that fish feed is too rich in proteins, and their regular use can lead to shedding problems. Recently, special dry foods for crustaceans have appeared, they are more balanced in nutrients. Feed should be given in small portions every 1-2 days, so that it is eaten within half an hour. Overfeeding and the accumulation of food residues in the aquarium can lead to changes in water parameters and, as a result, to the death of shrimp.


Dwarf shrimp reproduce well in captivity. The beauty is that development in most species is direct, i.e. occurs without a larval stage - a miniature copy immediately hatches from the egg adult... This means that the creation of specific conditions is not required, and reproduction can take place in common aquarium... There are, however, exceptions to this rule. For example, the Amano shrimp and the red-nosed shrimp have a free-swimming larva typical of crustaceans, which requires brackish water for normal development. It is clear that breeding such species at home is associated with a number of serious problems... Females differ from males, as a rule, in larger size, massive build and enlarged lateral lobes of the abdominal segments, covering the swimming limbs. The mating period is confined to a short time after the female's molt, by which time eggs ripen in her ovaries located in the front of the cephalothorax. In species with non-intense coloration, it is seen as a lighter or, conversely, a darker area immediately behind the eyes. Mating is preceded by a courtship ritual, during which the male rides on the female. Copulation occurs in a position where the partners are turned towards each other with their ventral sides; in the process, the spermatophore is attached near the female genital opening. The emerging eggs are fertilized by passing next to the spermatophore, and then attached by the female to the swimming limbs on the abdomen, where incubation takes place. Development lasts 3-4 weeks, and all this time the female carries eggs, constantly shaking them up, aerating and removing the dead. The hatching juveniles are completely independent and do not require any additional care from their parents. At first, they often shed and need permanent shelters, which can be clumps of greenery or fine-mesh ceramics. Adult shrimps do not pose any danger to young animals. The lifespan of most species does not exceed 1-2 years and, given the ease of breeding, it is quite possible to maintain self-renewing populations under artificial conditions. You should only avoid uncontrolled hybridization, which can occur when closely related species settle in the same aquarium.

Every aquarist wants to diversify their home aquatic world. Before huge attention was given to various ornamental plants, but today the fashion for shrimp is growing exponentially. These crustaceans will decorate any aquarium, as they have a bright variable color and interesting behavior. In this article we will talk about how aquarium shrimp breed, about their maintenance, care and feeding.


Shrimps belong to the order of decapods, the class of Higher crayfish. These arthropod creatures can be found in almost any sea in the world. More than 100 varieties of these arthropod creatures live only in the water spaces of Russia and in the seas surrounding it.

These small crustaceans are of two types: those that live in fresh water, and those that live in the seas and oceans. Only freshwater crustaceans remain valuable for domestic aquaculture.

Did you know? Black Tiger shrimp- the largest representative of her infraorder. Its weight reaches 700 grams, body length is about 35-37 cm.

Freshwater shrimp differ in body structure from the same crayfish: they do not have separate claws for capturing prey, the jaws act as a kind of claws, which simultaneously perform the functions of movement and feeding food into the mouth.

All arthropod crustaceans have five pairs of legs and a tail, which serves them for sharp, coordinated movements. The tail helps the crustaceans to move quickly, to escape from the danger that threatens them. In addition, shrimps have long antennae, which give them a good sense of smell. The eyes of arthropods can rotate in any direction up to the maximum angle of view.

The size of the shrimp depends on the variety. Some individuals can reach a length of 15 cm, while others do not exceed 2 cm.It should be noted that in a home aquarium it is better to keep small representatives of decapods, since they are not capable of harming the inhabitants of the aquatic world. Large shrimps are able to completely destroy small fish, as well as pull out some weak plants with roots.


The habitat of decapods is very extensive. They can be found in almost any large body of water in the world. It should be noted that each species of freshwater representatives of the genus has its own specific deposit. For example, the Amano shrimp is found only in the cool mountain waters of South Korea and Japan. Fan-shaped species of these creatures can be found in Panama, and the red-nosed shrimp is a resident of the fresh waters of Venezuela.

In home aquamir, representatives of Asian fresh water bodies are most often used, which in natural conditions live in rivers of Japan, China, Vietnam, Myanmar and Indonesia.

Types of decorative

Among the aquarium representatives of the world of shrimp, the following species remain the most popular:

Important! If you keep arthropod pets at temperatures of + 15 ... 17 ° C, then their life expectancy will be less than 3 years. At temperatures of + 22 ... 26 ° C, shrimps will live for at least 4 years.

Shrimps are inherently unpretentious pets. They do not require special and careful maintenance. All that is required is correct and timely feeding, optimal water parameters and the necessary plants in the home aquarium.

Nutrition and feeding

First of all, you need to figure out how to feed the aquarium shrimp. Experts say that these arthropod pets are omnivorous and will feast on fish food or living plants. But it should be noted that in the aquarium where decapods live, tough toxic algae should not be grown.

If you are going to keep these crustaceans in a separate vessel, then you need to take care of food for them. Such food can be found on the shelves of any pet store or veterinary pharmacy. It happens that, for some reason, the purchased food has run out, and it's time for the shrimp to eat. In such cases, you can feed your pets with salad, zucchini, or even regular pasta.

Did you know? Dried shrimp caviar can be stored for several years, but as soon as it is immersed in water, the hatching of babies will immediately begin.

It is important to understand that you should not overfeed your pets, as they become lazy from this and cease to act as cleaners of the home aquamir. Two meals a day are considered optimal, and not a day, but a week. The amount of dry food per animal will be indicated on the package. Also, it will not be superfluous to consult an experienced veterinarian.


A prerequisite for the normal life cycle of shrimp is the presence of phosphorus and its compounds (phosphates) in the aquarium. Without it chemical element crustaceans are simply not able to build up a normal shell. To optimize phosphate levels, use special aquarium water where phosphorus is abundant.

You can also buy special feed with an increased phosphorus content or plant plants whose metabolic products are calcium phosphates and other compounds. But it is important to understand that the concentration of phosphates in the aquarium should not exceed 0.3 mg / l, as too high a rate can lead to a death of crustaceans. Special tests can be purchased to measure this concentration.

You should not change the water in your home aquarium too often. Experts recommend replacing 20% ​​of the fluid every 5-7 days. It is important to understand that too frequent water changes cause a lot of stress in crustaceans, as a result of which they can die in a day or two.

An important step in the care of domestic arthropod pets is soil cleaning. Small invertebrates tend to excrete large amounts of excrement, so the soil in the shrimp must be siphoned regularly. I would also like to note that for normal life, shrimp needs iodine. Purchase iodinol from the pharmacy and add it to the water at the rate of 1 ml per 10 liters of water. Iodinol will not harm fish and plants in any way, but shrimps will be happy with such a gift.

Important! Each individual in a shrimp house requires about 3 liters of water.

Sometimes arthropods remain dissatisfied with the water parameters in the aquarium or other inhabitants of the aquatic world. In such cases, they try to leave the territory of their place of residence by means of graceful acrobatic stunts, and they often succeed. However, if the crustacean leaves the aquarium, it will die in a few minutes. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to tightly close the aquarium during your absence, and also try to change the conditions of keeping the pets.

I would like to note right away that shrimps are much more sensitive to the presence of a sufficient amount of oxygen in the water space than fish or snails. If the shrimp is planted with a large amount of algae, then at night it is necessary to aerate the water. In general, arthropods, unlike fish, undemanding to the chemical composition of water. However, they are very sensitive to the presence of harmful toxic substances in the water space, which can be released from the remains of food, the corpses of the inhabitants of the aquamir or some species of algae. Toxic substances may also be present in poor quality water.

These creatures prefer neutral to moderately alkaline water in the 6.8 - 8.5 pH range. If the acidity indicators are below the minimum level, then there is a great risk of damage to the chitinous cover of decapods. By the way, soft water, characterized by a lack of calcium salts, is also harmful to shrimp, because calcium is the basis of the building material - chitin. As for the hardness of the water, it should be in the range of 6-25. The most important thing is to ensure that the water parameters do not change too often and abruptly. Experts say regular piped water is ideal for a shrimp.

Water temperature is directly related to metabolic processes in the body of arthropods. The recommended water temperature is + 15-30 ° C. If the temperature indicator is too biased to the lower side, then the metabolism will slow down, as a result of which aquatic pets will become inactive and lethargic. At high temperatures that are on upper bound, the shrimp are getting too active. But it is important to understand that such temperature and constant activity lead to a reduction in the life cycle of crustaceans. The following are considered ideal temperature indicators: +22 ... + 26 ° С. But sudden changes in temperature, for example, when changing water, can lead to the death of shrimp.

Did you know? The heart of shrimp is localized not in the abdomen, but…. in my head!

Shrimp can be placed in an aquarium of absolutely any size: everything will depend on the planting density. If you have purchased 10 five-centimeter individuals, then they can be planted in a one-liter aquarium. If such an aquarium is aerated, the planting density increases by 4-5 times.

Keeping shrimp in the same aquarium with fish implies the presence of a large amount of algae, small stones and driftwood in it. Such decorations will serve as a shelter for crustaceans, which will become active and leave their places of shelter only at night. The most suitable plants for a shrimp will be: fern, bolbitis, echinodorus and others. Shrimps also like small-leaved thickets: kabomba or pinnate. By the way, ludwigia is a plant that can grow strongly, make an underwater jungle. Arthropods are especially fond of these plants, as they give them plenty of hiding place.

Important! Check the water in the shrimp house weekly for chemical composition... Remember that even minimum quantity copper ions can lead to the death of crustaceans.


Breeding aquarium shrimp at home is one of the simplest things to do. All that is required for this is the creation of the necessary conditions. In order for arthropod pets to actively reproduce, it is necessary to plant several branchy small-leaved algae and Javanese moss in the corner of the aquarium. It is very easy to guess about the beginning of mating games: the female begins to run around the aquarium, and males constantly pursue her from behind. This process is very interesting and exciting, because it is difficult to wait for such activity from crustaceans in any other period.

Very often, the female mates with several males at once. This creates a "complex" offspring, which, however, will be healthy and without any congenital defects. You probably already know that there are many types of shrimp with a transparent belly. So, if you have such individuals in your shrimp, then you can admire the view of the maturation of eggs in the abdomen. If you look closely, you can see the formation of small eyes. In general, the process of extending offspring in shrimps is very interesting. Small individuals will begin to emerge from the eggs within 4-6 weeks. By the way, different types of shrimp will not have sexual intercourse with each other.

It is better not to plant different types of shrimp in the aquarium, as enmity can begin. The fact is that the law of the jungle also exists in the world of shrimp, and the larger species will always attack their smaller counterparts. Moreover, large crustaceans are always ready to feast on small shrimps. As for arthropods of different species, the sizes of which are the same, they can be kept in one shrimp. Just take into account the fact that in this case, a large number of shelters are needed so that each family builds separate tunnels and burrows for themselves.


Shrimps lead a secretive way of life, constantly hiding under stones and in thickets of algae. Predatory fish can harm aquarium shrimp, so you should be especially careful with the issue of compatibility.

The best neighbors for shrimp will be small, non-aggressive fish or.

But, despite all this, arthropods can get along well even with predatory fish, but for this you should plant a lot of plants in the aquarium, make decorations from branches and bark of trees, lay out small and big stones at the bottom. In such conditions, shrimps will make a shelter for themselves, and predators will not be able to reach them.

Now you know in what conditions you need to keep shrimp, how to care for them and how to feed them. This information should be enough to have a wonderful shrimp at home.

Modern aquarists have long gone beyond traditional fish keeping. Today, in artificial reservoirs, more and more often you can find other aquatic life- turtles, frogs, crustaceans, snails. Even a shrimp can no longer be called a rare aquarium inhabitant. Such a variety is impressive, but only if the company is selected correctly, and everyone coexists peacefully with each other. All unusual creatures are of interest, and aquarium shrimps are no exception. Who do these crustaceans get along with, and how difficult are they to keep?

Shrimp in nature

You can meet these crustaceans all over the world - they live in both fresh and salt water. However, there are many varieties of shrimp, and each of them has its own habitat:

Almost all successfully domesticated shrimp come from various Asian regions. Shrimp are crustaceans and are classified as arthropods. But, unlike marine crustaceans, they have leg jaws, thanks to which the creatures not only move, but also capture and hold food.

In addition, the aquarium shrimp have five pairs legs and quite massive tail, which helps them escape from enemies. Indeed, with the help of it, individuals can move quickly and spasmodically. Aquarium shrimp have a very modest size, but at the same time they have an excellent sense of smell and touch, which are provided by elongated antennae.

Moreover, eyes these creatures can rotate, contributing to an extended field of view - it is difficult for enemies to catch these big-eyed inhabitants by surprise. And in the search for food such unusual organs vision is very helpful. Oral system in shrimp it is quite complex: it includes three jaws, whose task is to grind food, as well as legs, which hold food at the mouth. Other limbs help these arthropods to grab food and crawl. The size individuals depend on their sex, it varies within 3-8 cm.

Features of shrimp

Most freshwater shrimp are omnivores whose diet is based on lower aquatic vegetation. In addition to being omnivorous, they are distinguished by high endurance.

It is most interesting to watch shrimps in the daytime, when they are most active - then the crustaceans quickly move along the soil surface, looking for food, they are also able to deftly crawl over the leaves of plants.

When the shrimp senses danger, it begins to move quickly, making spasmodic movements due to the contraction of the tail. These creatures are prone to regular molting, they shed their shell, consisting of chitinous plates. During this period - 2-3 days before molting and 1-2 days after, shrimp are not eaten.

When shrimps are freed from their old cover, they hide in secluded places - plants, under pebbles or in grottoes, and for good reason - their soft tissues are left without a hard shell that performs protective functions.

After shedding the "skin" in crustaceans, the damaged or lost limbs are restored. Regeneration processes in young animals are the most intense, and in adults they are slow and gradual.

Keeping aquarium shrimp

Freshwater crustaceans do not need special conditions; a beginner can also keep and care for them. For one and a half dozen individuals, a 10-15-liter reservoir is enough. However, it should be borne in mind that these crustaceans are quite fertile, and sooner or later the number of inhabitants will increase, which means that it is better to immediately place them in a larger aquarium.

These creatures look most impressive against the background of black soil, but here you can also be guided by your own taste. The most suitable are following conditions keeping aquarium shrimp:

  1. Water temperature- 24 ° -25 ° C. Although shrimp can live if this parameter drops to 15 ° C or rises to 30 ° C, it is better not to test the inhabitants for viability.
  2. Heating- not required if the air temperature in the house does not drop below 17 ° C.
  3. Aeration is required- crustaceans are very sensitive to the lack of oxygen in the water.
  4. Live vegetation required- it is best to plant Javanese moss in a tank, its shrimps are used as a cache and for cleaning. It is recommended for beginners to start with unpretentious plants - pistia or hornwort.
  5. Water must be filtered- it is only necessary to put a nylon multilayer mesh on the end of the filter. If the device creates a strong current, then it can be reduced using special nozzles.
  6. Lighting- shrimps usually do not need additional light sources, but plants need moderate lighting for growth and development.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the water, as aquarium shrimp immediately react to changes in its chemical composition. For a change, you can use only clean, well-settled water. It is enough just to add some water containing chlorine, and the crustaceans will start to get sick and die.

In addition, it is important to avoid the appearance of any chemical impurity in the environment... Do not use indoors where the shrimp tank, sprays and air fresheners are located. It is advisable to regularly ventilate the room. Also, shrimp do not tolerate an increase in the concentration of nitrogenous components very well.

Who do shrimp get along with?

Various aquarium inhabitants love to feast on these small crustaceans, while the shrimps themselves are peaceful, friendly and unobtrusive. In order not to endanger them, one should seriously approach the issue of choosing neighbors. It is best to add shrimp to small, non-aggressive fish - neons, guppies or zebrafish. They also feel good in the company of snails - both of them will not be attacked.

Shrimp feeding regime and diet

Shrimp are omnivorous, and they spend most of their waking hours looking for food. They are real orderlies of the underwater world - they devour dead plant areas, the remains of other inhabitants (if any) and even microscopic particles of forages that have settled on the ground. In general, everything that you can profit from.

The main shrimp menu is already in the tank, the owner only needs to feed his wards a couple of times a day. It is not recommended to do this more often. You should not feed crustaceans on the day of water change, feeling hunger, they more persistently tolerate stressful situations and other unwanted changes.

The shrimp will eat whatever food is offered to them. This can be either dry daphnia or concentrated, balanced branded diets. Some manufacturers produce special menus for shrimp, they meet all the needs of these unusual creatures and are considered the best option... It is advisable to alternate food so that the inhabitants receive everything they need, and their menu is varied.

How to care for a shrimp?

Caring for such a tank is practically no different from maintaining the tank in which the fish live:

  • water is changed weekly, by approximately 30-35% of the total;
  • the siphon of the soil is done 1-2 times a week, a fairly easy procedure;
  • biological debris - snail shells, dead plants, etc. should be removed as soon as they appear.

Any measures related to the invasion of the habitat of shrimp should be carried out as carefully as possible - these creatures are smaller than most fish, and they can be accidentally crushed or even killed. Otherwise, there are no special difficulties.

Breeding aquarium shrimp

In the matter of reproduction, shrimps are completely independent - they do not need help and special conditions. If they are well cared for, individuals that have reached sexual maturity will soon begin to produce numerous offspring. If the female is ready to breed, she signals the males in the form of pheromone secretions. And then you can observe a real race - the males begin to rush around the tank in search of the alleged "bride".

A male can spend more than one hour to find a female, and the duration of mating is no more than a second. After fertilization, a “saddle” is formed in the female's back - in cherry shrimp it is yellow, in speshla it is gray. In fact, it is the eggs that shine through at a certain stage of development.

After that, the female moults, and the eggs are under the abdomen. And after 21-28 days fry appear. Young animals do not require special care, babies immediately eat what their parents eat. They hide in dense vegetation and swim in spurts.

Not all shrimps are easy to breed, and if there are no problems with neocardines-cherry and neocardines-special, then in order to obtain offspring from Amano and filter feeders, it is worth gaining knowledge and experience.

Diseases of aquarium shrimp

Another threat is pathogenic fungi, from which even those individuals that live in clean water corresponding to all the parameters presented. Fungi gradually deprive an individual of nutrients, poison the body with poisonous toxins. In this case, the risks of death of the inhabitant are very high.

Also, shrimp can suffer from viral, intractable infections. Whatever the shrimp gets sick, the affected individuals should be removed from the general container into a separate tank and the water changed.

Freshwater shrimp are creatures with an unusual appearance, slender, graceful and at the same time rather agile. And if you provide them with decent conditions, they will become wonderful inhabitants of the aquarium, attracting attention and not letting the owner get bored.

Photo of aquarium shrimp

Video about aquarium shrimp

The water spaces of a home aquarium can be diversified not only with unique species of fish or snails, but also aquarium shrimps can be placed in its depths. And you shouldn't associate given view with ordinary monotonous marine inhabitants, since special shrimps for the aquarium, unlike their non-freshwater relatives, are distinguished by a bright colorful color and a unique body shape. But not only the unique original color attracts the attention of aquarists, these species are very hardy, unpretentious in maintenance, omnivorous, and their interesting image life attracts the attention of others. That is why aquarium shrimps are increasingly found in home ponds not only for real aquarists, but also among novice lovers of the aquatic world.

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Range and description

In its natural habitat, aquarium shrimp is found in almost all freshwater and salt water bodies of the world. However, it should be emphasized that each species has its own specific deposit. For example, the colorful red-nosed shrimp inhabits the rivers of Venezuela, fan-shaped species are found in the cool freshwater waters of Panama, and the Amano shrimp lives only in cold mountain rivers Japan and Korea. But, as a rule, all individuals of this species living in a home reservoir come from some regions of Asia.

These species are referred to as a crustacean species such as arthropods. But in comparison with their marine crustacean counterparts, they have jaws that not only perform motor function but also designed to hold and grip food. Also, these individuals have five pairs of legs and a very massive tail, with the help of which these individuals, in case of danger from other aggressive inhabitants of the water, are saved, making spasmodic movements.

Despite their small size, aquarium shrimp have good sense of smell and touch and all thanks to the long antennae, more like antennas. And the rotating eyes contribute to a wide viewing range, which allows you to hide from the enemy and quickly find food.

The oral apparatus is complex in shape and consists of three jaws that grind food, and also consists of legs that hold food at the mouth. Shrimp use other limbs to crawl along the bottom of the aquarium and grab food. The size of shrimp depends on gender and variety, but ranges from 3 to 8 cm.

Living conditions in a home aquarium

A shrimp inhabiting an aquarium will not bring much trouble to its owner, and caring for this individual is no different from keeping other inhabitants of a home reservoir. However, in order for an individual to please with its bright color and active behavior every day, it is necessary to create special conditions and adhere to certain rules. In addition, some decorative individuals are quite capricious and require additional care.

Great macro shot of shrimp life in the aquarium.

  • For shrimps, the smallest and even the largest aquarium is perfect. And in order not to get confused in the calculations, you should rely on a simple decision and select the future living space on a one-to-one basis, that is, one liter of water for one aquarium shrimp... However, size should be taken into account if the shrimp are medium or big size, water needs about 2 or 4 liters.
  • Optimal temperature regime for almost all species living in the reservoir, it fluctuates in the aisles from 17 ° C to 30 ° C. Of course, more are allowed low temperature, but in this case, pets may become inactive. In addition, it should be borne in mind that with sharp temperature jumps, the life cycle is significantly reduced and the individual may die.
  • A weekly water change is a prerequisite for the normal development of pets. Can be easily refilled with regular tap water, but preferably separated and warmed up to room temperature.
  • The chemical composition of the water should be checked periodically, the main requirement is the complete absence of copper, which will burn and cause the death of both adults and larvae. The hardness of the water is as high as possible so that during molting the shrimp can draw for themselves the necessary substances to renew the shell.
  • Compressor, filter and lighting are optional but desirable.
  • It is important to have all kinds of living ornamental plants, because aquarium shrimps whose content is combined with other individuals, can, if necessary, hide from large fish in their green shelter. Javanese moss, hornwort, pistia, cladafora and other aquarium plants are perfect for landscaping.


All types of shrimp living in the aquarium are omnivores, they will happily eat food that has not been eaten by fish or eat special food. But if dry food accidentally is not enough for them, do not be upset, aquarium cleaners, because this is also called shrimp, will have a bite of algal growths located on stones, plants and soil.

In the event that aquarium shrimp live in a separate vessel without the proximity of fish, they need to be fed with shrimp food, which is sold in any pet store. But it is worth noting that many aquarists get by with regular fish food or feed their unusual favorites with slices of zucchini, pepper, salad and even pasta.

However, overfeeding shrimp is not worth it, since these types of crustaceans are a large number food become lazy and stop cleaning the aquarium. Experts recommend feeding their pets once or twice a week, this amount of artificial feed will be enough for them for a long time.


Peaceful and friendly aquarium inhabitants lead a secretive life, and it is not surprising, because very often they can become delicious delicacy for their neighbors living in the aquarium. And in order to save these individuals from death, it is worth choosing the right neighbors for her.

See the aquarium shrimp and acanthophthalmus.

Small fish such as neons, guppies or zebrafish are ideal. Shrimp in an aquarium with a company of snails, too perfect option, in which the crustaceans will remain safe and sound. But barbs, scalars, some types of cichlids, loaches and even swordtails are dangerous for joint keeping.

But according to acariumists, in the presence of various vegetable shelters and decorative elements, even these aggressively minded fish will not interfere with shrimp.


Breeding these individuals is quite realistic, but only in a vessel separate from the fish. Otherwise, all future offspring will become nutritious food for fish living in a home reservoir. In addition, aquarists recommend only raising shrimp that do not have a traditional larval phase. Indeed, in this case, the newly emerged offspring are exactly like the adults of this species, which can easily feed on ordinary food and do not require additional care.

But even shrimp that have a standard larval stage do not need additional conditions. Since at the time of breeding, the female emits a special substance that attracts an individual of the opposite sex. After fertilization, a saddle forms on the back, inside of which there is eggs, literally in a week it smoothly moves to the lower part of the abdomen, and after 3 or 4 weeks fry appear.

Diseases of domestic crustaceans

Even placing the shrimp in an aquarium with clean water and observing all parameters does not exclude the possibility that these individuals can catch fungal diseases. And although such a disease does not seem frightening, it can also cause lethal outcome... After all, the fungus that appears on the body of an individual sucks out all the nutrients from it and poisons the body with toxic substances. In addition to fungal diseases, these aquarium inhabitants are also affected by common viral infections, which are very difficult to cure.

However, in any case, the infected shrimp should be isolated, and the water in the general aquarium must be changed. Then consult a specialist and take the necessary measures.