The winter count of wild animals has started in Tatarstan. 1575 routes are planned. Their length exceeds 16 thousand kilometers. 3,312 of them pass through forest lands.

The start of the campaign on January 1 was announced by the State Committee for biological resources countries. Its forests are home to more than 400 species of vertebrates and 270 species of birds. 60 swim in the reservoirs of Tatarstan different fish.

Wild animals of Tatarstan



A couple of decades ago, the republic’s wolves were shot according to public policy. Predators were subject to complete destruction. Later studies showed that forests are needed as orderlies.

First of all, predators kill sick animals, for example, deer. This stops the spread of the infection. Prey viruses are generally harmless to wolves.

A wolf's brain is a third larger than a dog's. This indicates greater mental potential wild predator.


Until the middle of the last century these wild animals of Tatarstan were numerous. Hunters annually hunted from 4 to 14 thousand individuals. In the 21st century it is found and mined less frequently.

The ermine belongs to the mustelidae family and is a predator. Externally, the animal looks like. The animal is dexterous, agile and quiet. Therefore, meeting an ermine is good luck. An animal can run nearby without being noticed.


It deftly jumps from branch to branch and just as skillfully moves along the ground. The predator's habits resemble a cat. However, animals are competitors. Forest and martens divide the territories of Tatarstan without entering the territory of a competitor.

Nosy animals love to climb into people's farmsteads, feasting on eggs and chickens. It's difficult to catch. Hunters often remain invisible. Farmers found a way out in the grid, which was under low voltage. It scares away martens, leaving them alive.


Prefers to live in the rivers of Tatarstan. Rarely found in lakes and ponds. In the warm season, they choose a permanent place of residence. In winter they can walk 20 kilometers a day. Hunger forces me to move. Predators roam in search of food.

Adapting to environmental conditions and food supply, otters can be active both day and night.



Headed by fauna of Tatarstan by size. There are no larger animals in the republic. Males of the species gain 500 kg mass.

Being monogamous, moose choose one partner. The exception is especially large males. Feeling their superiority, they simultaneously cover 2-3 females.


A stable population lives in the Igimsky forest, in the east of Tatarstan. A few groups live in the Aznakaevsky and Almetyevsky districts.

The crested newt reaches 18 centimeters in length and weighs up to 14 grams. The body warms up by taking in heat from the environment. When the temperature drops to 6 degrees, the animal hibernates, burrowing into heaps of gravel and vegetation.

Marbled crested newt

Silver spider

The hairs covering the spider's body trap air particles. They gather in sort of bubbles. The light is refracted in them, making the animal's body appear silver. In fact, the spider is brown with a black cephalothorax.

The silverfish can surround itself with air bubbles because it lives under water. The animal breathes the surface atmosphere. Serebryanka has to periodically emerge, capturing air.


Topics like: “The Republic is being attacked” appear in news feeds poisonous tarantulas». Animal world Tatarstan they were replenished about 4 years ago. Southern Russians moved to the republic. Their bite is poisonous and is comparable in pain to a hornet puncture. The skin itches and the wound swells. A resident of Naberezhnye Chelny was the first to experience this in Tatarstan. A spider bit a woman in 2014.

Despite its poisonous nature, the tarantula is valuable because it is rare in the republic. While news people are preparing frightening headlines, zoologists include the spider on the list of protected species.


This is a big one day butterfly up to 10 centimeters long. On the hind wings of the animal there are thin, elongated outgrowths and red round markings.

The bird got its name due to popular belief. Noticing that the birds circled over the stalls at night, people decided that the guests were sucking on the cattle while drinking milk. In fact, nightjars catch insects circling near ungulates. Birds hunt at night because they rest during the day.


Brent goose

It is the smallest and rarest of them all. The bird weighs no more than 2 kilos, and its length does not exceed 60 centimeters.

Despite its name, the goose is only partially black. The bird's tail is white. There are also light feathers on the wings. The body is brown. The head and neck are painted black.


Scops Owl

The bird got its name similar to its cry: “Sleep-oo.” A voice is heard at night. During the day the bird is inactive.

The species is protected in Tatarstan. The number of scops owls is falling due to the use of agriculture pesticides. When the poisons get into the rodents that owls feed on, they poison the predators and cause mutations and diseases.

Great Gray Owl

Black markings are visible under the bird's beak. From a distance they look like a goatee. Hence the name of the owl. It is a protected species, unlike the common and long-tailed ones, which also live in Tatarstan.

The Great Gray Owl prefers to live in dense, old forests near swamps. Sometimes owls nest on the border with clearings.

Thorn-footed owl

A small, compact owl. Her legs are covered in feathers, including her toes. Hence the name of the bird. She is predatory and attacks with her eyes closed. This protects the organs of vision from damage. What if the victim begins to actively defend himself?

The owl's main prey is voles. By destroying mice, the bird stands guard over agricultural crops.


Rough-footed Buzzard

It belongs to the hawks, but its legs are feathered right down to the toes, like those of eagles. The length of the predator is 50-60 centimeters. The wingspan reaches 1.5 meters, and the weight is 1700 grams.

Territories are assigned to themselves both by land and by air, considering approximately 250 meters above the surface to be theirs. If a stranger enters this airspace, he will be attacked.

Steppe harrier

It stands out for its long, pointed wings and the same tail. Among other harriers, he is the lightest, as if gray-haired. Hence the name of the bird. The color of its plumage resembles the surface of the moon.

In Tatarstan it is found in steppe and forest-steppe regions. There the predator hunts rodents, lizards and small birds.

Steppe Harrier

Vulture black

Among the birds of Tatarstan, the black one is the largest. The wingspan of the bird reaches 3 meters. The animal weighs about 12 kilograms. The vulture maintains such a mass by feeding on carrion. The bird tears it apart with sharp claws and a strong beak.

In Tatarstan, the black vulture is found in the Aznakaevsky district, as it prefers mountainous areas. The species is considered a migrant to the republic. A scavenger nests in Southern Europe.



This is a wild pigeon. Unlike the urban one, it avoids people, settling in the forests. There the birds settle in the hollows of old trees. Cutting them down leads to a reduction in the number of the species.

Externally, the clintukh is almost indistinguishable from the rock pigeon. Distinguishes forest bird take off sound. Klintukh produces sharp, whistling “notes” with its wings.

Common turtledove

The animal is 30 centimeters long and weighs 150 grams. The dimensions correspond to a regular pigeon. However, on the neck of the turtle dove you can see dark ring. This is what distinguishes the species.

Is migratory. From September to May the bird lives in Africa. Turtle doves return to Tatarstan at the beginning of summer.



This is a small bird with long legs and a thin, elongated beak. The porcupine is rare and belongs to. In Tatarstan, representatives of the species settle in fields in floodplains.

The population is suffering due to the plowing of fields. As a result, floodplains are drying up. Cattle grazing in the fields also bother the guards.


Gray crane

In the last century it was widespread in the north of Tatarstan. The population has declined in the 21st century. The gray crane is not listed in the Red Country, but is close to being included in the list.

The gray one reaches a height of 115 centimeters, spreading its wings almost 200 centimeters. The bird weighs 5-6 kilograms.

Fishes of Tatarstan



Included in rare animals of Tatarstan. Sea fish. It enters the rivers of the country to spawn. A stuffed beluga weighing 966 kilograms and 420 centimeters long is on display at the Astrakhan Museum of Local Lore. There are known cases of catching 9-meter individuals weighing up to 2 thousand kilograms. IN fresh waters more large fish can not be.

The name beluga is translated from Latin as “pig”. The point is in the associations caused by the animal’s fleshy body, its grayish color, short and slightly translucent nose and large mouth with a thick lip. In addition, the beluga is omnivorous, like a pig.

Russian sturgeon

It has also become rare in nature. But in the Laishevsky district of Tatarstan, by the summer of 2018 they plan to open an enterprise for the industrial breeding of sturgeon and beluga. They plan to produce 50 tons of marketable red fish per year. Additionally, they plan to breed sterlet. It is also a sturgeon, rare in the wild and delicious.

In 2018, a customer “Sterlet Spawning Ground” with an area of ​​1,750 hectares was created in Tatarstan. In protected areas, activities that threaten relict fish are prohibited, but recreational fishing and fishing for scientific research are permitted.


Brook trout

This is a fish up to 55 centimeters long and weighing up to a kilogram. The animal was an ordinary animal on the lands of Tatarstan until the first third of the last century. Afterwards the population began to decline. The species is now protected.

The brook fish has a bright color, for which the fish is popularly nicknamed the pied fish. There are red, black, white scales. They are randomly “scattered” over the fish, like confetti.

Common taimen

The largest in the salmon family. Sometimes 2-meter fish weighing up to 100 kilograms are caught. Trophies are rare. Usually, taimen are caught in the Kamsky Reach.

Before the regulation of the Volga and Kama flows, taimen were a typical inhabitant of the rivers of Tatarstan.

European grayling

Like Siberian grayling, it prefers cold mountain rivers. The water must be clean. Grayling meat is equally light and tender. The number of the species is declining. In the 20th century, European grayling was caught on an industrial scale in Tatarstan.

Is predatory fish. Prey includes aquatic invertebrates and insects.


Whiskered loach

A fish with a low, ridged body covered with mucus. The head is not compressed laterally. There are antennae under the fleshy lips. The animal was discovered in 1758. At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, char was included in the Red Book of Tatarstan.

Char is of no economic importance. White fish meat is waste. The population decline is more related to the animal’s environmental demands. Char loves clean waters.



Externally similar to roach. The ide has a high forehead and a crooked mouth. The body of the fish is laterally compressed and high. You can meet ide in most reservoirs of Tatarstan. The widespread species leads a predatory lifestyle.

In Tatarstan it is not only a fish, but also a surname. For example, it is worn by a famous cook. Viktor Yaz even released a culinary program “Id vs. Food.” Among the presented dishes there are also those made from carp meat.

crucian carp

The most common fish in Tatarstan. The animal has the habits of a drug addict. Crucian carp swims to the smells of garlic, corvalol, valerian, kerosene, vegetable oil. These products are not in the diet of crucian carp, but they like the aromas. Therefore, fishermen often soak bread balls with odorous baits.

Among cyprinids, crucian carp is the most unpredictable. It is difficult to predict how and where the fish will bite.


Otherwise called common carp. For its omnivorous nature, the animal was nicknamed the river pig. Here the carp can compete with the beluga.

The carp has a thick, slightly elongated body. One-meter specimens weighing up to 32 kilos were caught. However, in the vastness of Tatarstan the record is 19 kilograms.


It is shaped like a cleaver. The back of the fish is straight, and the belly is convex, like a blade. Keeps in packs, has commercial value. However last years The number of animals is sharply reduced. In some regions of Tatarstan, the saberfish has been declared a protected species.

Preferring fresh water bodies, saber fish can also live in the sea. Therefore, some fishermen call the animal not a cleaver, but a herring.

Common bitterweed

The rarest of the cyprinids of Tatarstan. The length of the fish reaches a maximum of 10 centimeters. Externally, bitterling looks like crucian carp, but the back of the animal is blue.

Like crucian carp, bitterling prefers ponds with sluggish currents or standing water.



It features delicious meat. Externally, the fish is distinguished by a pointed and elongated head. The bones of the operculum, like those of most perches, have spines protruding from them. The spines and fins of the animal.

It is widespread in water bodies of Tatarstan and has commercial significance. Some individuals grow up to 113 centimeters in length, gaining a mass of 18 kilograms.


How chief representative family, has a bifurcated dorsal. This distinguishing feature all perciformes. Most perches in Tatarstan are caught in the Izhminvod region.

Perch does not gain weight more than 700 grams. The average weight of fish is 400 grams. It reaches 40 centimeters in length. However, there is marine species perch They can weigh 14 kilos.


Common sculpin

Loves clean, fresh waters. They should be shallow, with a rocky bottom. The fish's requirements limit its distribution. An additional difficulty is the “socialization” of the fish. Sculpins are loners.

The sculpin grows up to 15 centimeters in length. The fish has a wide head and a body narrowed towards the tail. The pectoral fins are spread out like the wings of a butterfly.

The inhabitants of nature reserves and natural monuments feel most secure in Tatarstan. The latter includes, for example, Mount Chatyr-Tau. A colony lives on a hill. Also, several species of Red Book herbs grow on Chatyr-Tatu.

The Republic of Tatarstan is small: its area is only 68,000 square meters. km. Despite its small territory, the republic is distinguished by its unique color and diversity of cultures and nationalities. But today is not about that. Particular attention must be paid to the nature of Tatarstan. There are 138 natural monuments on the territory of the republic.

What is a natural monument

The natural monument is unique object living or inanimate nature, protected by the state and of scientific interest.

The main reason for protecting natural monuments is to preserve their natural state. The organizations on whose territory they are located are responsible for the protection of natural monuments.

The nature of Tatarstan and the history of the development of the republic are linked together through natural monuments. The authorities and the population understand that life outside of nature is impossible, and they are trying to do everything to preserve it.

Features of the nature of Tatarstan

The republic is located on the border of forest and steppe zones, so the nature of Tatarstan combines modesty and charm at the same time. The largest water arteries in Europe - the Kama and Volga - meet each other on the territory of the republic. And in its east, the Russian Plain lies before the “feet” of the Ural Mountains.

How many natural beauties are concentrated in the territory of Tatarstan is difficult to describe in a whole book. We will try to just immerse you slightly into this magical world.

Forest monuments

Several centuries ago, the territories located north of the Volga and Kama were dense taiga forest. To the south they gradually turned into broadleaf pine forests, and on the south side of the great rivers there was a broadleaf forest.

In the 13th-14th centuries, mighty forests began to be actively cut down, steppe areas were plowed up, causing irreparable damage to the forest.

And just recently, more than 100 hectares of forest were flooded by the waters of the Nizhnekamsk and Kuibyshev reservoirs.

Only small areas of indigenous forests remain, which today are natural monuments of Tatarstan.

Dark conifers southern forests, spruce and fir trees, are protected in the “Sources of Kazanka”, “Meshebashsky forestry” and “Bersutsky fir forests”.

Pine, pine-broadleaf plantings can be seen in “Bolshoy Bor”, “Kzyltau”, “Petrovsky Pines”, etc.

Broad-leaved forests are protected in two natural monuments of the Volga region - in the “Kaibitskaya” and “Tarkhanovskaya oak groves”. It was from these tree species that Peter 1 built his famous fleet.

Steppe monuments

In the southern half of Tatarstan - in the Trans-Kama region and the southern Volga region - there is a forest-steppe zone. Numerous steppe areas with fertile black soil were plowed, so only small natural areas remained. An incredible amount grows on these lands steppe plants, many of which are on the verge of extinction and are listed in the Red Book. Among them:

  • speckled charcoal;
  • grandiflora grandiflora;
  • Keleria rigidifolia.

Among the plants in these areas there are some that are not found anywhere else.

The steppe natural monuments of the Republic of Tatarstan include:

  • the slope of a river in the Novosheshminsky district, named after the geobotanist of Kazan University S.I. Korzhinsky.
  • Salikhovskaya mountain.
  • Karabash Mountain.
  • Yanga-Salinsky slope.
  • Klikovsky slope.

Zoological monuments

The fauna of the republic is also very diverse. Tatarstan is home to approximately 420 species of vertebrates, and among them there are both taiga species (chipmunk, hazel grouse, capercaillie) and steppe species (jerboa, steppe viper, marmot).

There are 20 hunting clients operating on the territory of the republic, protecting certain species of animals.

There are only 8 zoological monuments in Tatarstan:

  • Gray heron colonies.
  • Black-headed gull colonies.
  • Colonies of marmots, the largest of them are Chershilinskaya and Chetyr-Tau.

The growth of industry and illegal poaching threaten the existence of many animal species. However, the Tatarstan authorities are doing everything possible to preserve and increase the number of rare individuals.

Geological monuments

Geological monuments are objects associated with processes in earth's crust: outcrops rocks, unusual forms of folding, rocks, caves, etc.

And although most of Tatarstan is the East European Plain, there are many geological monuments here. In many ways, their formation was facilitated by large above-ground and underground rivers. Otherwise, it’s time to talk about this in more detail.

Pechishchinskoe outcrop

The Pechishchinsky geological section was declared a natural monument one of the first in Tatarstan. Its uniqueness and value lies in the fact that each of its layers represents deposits of a specific era. Dolmitas of white, gray, green flowers are replaced by brown clay and have inclusions of white gypsum. Sediments several million years old became visible thanks to the “efforts” of the Volga, which eroded the thickness of the stone with superhuman force.


Groundwater is also capable of eroding and dissolving centuries-old deposits. Dissolved gypsum and limestone form voids of varying thickness and shape.

If they are close to the surface, a failure is formed.

You can understand how beautiful the nature of Tatarstan is by looking at one of these sinkholes included in the list of natural monuments. The Aktash failure, also called Aktash Lake, as it is filled with water, was formed in 1939. It has the shape of a funnel, the depth of which is more than 20 meters.

Transparent, crystal pure water has increased mineralization. Underground springs prevent the lake from drying out.


The voids, covered on top with a thick waterproof layer, form caves.

The famous Syukeevsky caves near the mouth of the Kama, on the right bank of the Volga, are inaccessible today, as they are flooded with the waters of the Kama Reservoir. Syukeevsikh included the following caves:

  • Unnamed.
  • Snake.
  • Otvay-Kamen (Vali-Kamen).
  • Devichya-Vodyanaya (Bolshaya Syukeevskaya).
  • Sukhaya (Malaya Syukeevskaya).
  • Icy.
  • Udachinskaya.

Unfortunately, the impact of water led to the collapse of many of them.

Not far from the Syukeevskiye caves, other caves were recently discovered: Yuryevskaya, Zinovyevskaya, Bogorodskaya, Konnodolskaya. These karst caves, the only ones on the right bank of the Volga, are accessible to tourists.


Mount Chatyr-Tau is the most high point Tatarstan. Its height is 321.7 m.

Chatyr-Tau is often indicated on maps as a ridge. However, this is not entirely true, because it was formed not as a result of tectonic displacement of plates, but due to soil erosion.

Copper was previously mined here. Now Chatyr-Tau is favorite place paragliders.

Tourists are also attracted here by the legend that Emelyan Pugachev himself stood on this mountain with his army. According to legend, somewhere in the mountain there is a cave in which lies an entire arsenal of weapons.

Some people go to Chatyr-Tau to watch the marmots that live at the foot of the mountain.

From the top you can enjoy the panorama in all its glory surrounding area and also see settlements neighboring Bashkortostan.

Water monuments

Huge river system Tatarstan has more than five thousand small rivers that flow into the main ones - the Volga and Kama.

Many water bodies are taken under state protection, because the cleanliness of the main arteries of Tatarstan directly depends on their condition. Among them there are 29 small rivers, 33 lakes and 2 springs.


Lake Kara-Kul is located in the Baltasinsky district, it confirms how connected the culture and nature of Tatarstan are. In Tatar the lake is called “Su Ugeze” (water bull). Local residents believe that a huge snake lives under the water. Numerous legends say that many hunters and fishermen who do not want to sacrifice to the monster now themselves rest at the bottom of the lake.

The name Kara-Kul translates as “black lake”. Its color is really dark. This shade is given to the water by karst rocks located on the banks of the reservoir. Despite the terrifying legend, the lake is popular among tourists. A tourist base has been built here, there is a boat rental point, and fishing is allowed.

Blue Lake - the pearl of Kazan

Guests of the capital of the republic simply must visit the most beautiful phenomenon nature of Tatarstan - blue lake. It is located just a few tens of kilometers from Kazan, so it is almost never deserted here. Some people come to get mineral water from the springs, others like to walk along the shore of the lake between centuries-old trees, and someone wants to swim in clear waters.

The lake got its name due to the crystal clarity of the water, through which you can see the bluish bottom, covered with a thick layer of healing blue clay. Because of this, it seems that its depth is no more than a meter. In fact, the depth there is quite considerable.

The water temperature in the lake does not rise above +6 degrees even in summer. It's all because of the springs that feed the reservoir. “Walruses” and simply seasoned people love to swim in the lake, but they do not recommend swimming in it for unprepared people.

Diving enthusiasts do not bypass the reservoir either. Through clear water Even the smallest inhabitants of the lake are clearly visible.

holy key

The source “Holy Key” is located near the village of Bilyar, in the forest near the foot of Mount Khuzhalar Tava. This natural monument of Tatarstan has a history of several centuries. The key is revered by the Chuvash, Mari, Russians, and Tatars. In the 9th and 10th centuries, a pagan sanctuary was located near it. Modern pilgrims, like their distant ancestors, believe in healing power source and perform various religious rituals around it.

The “Holy Spring” originates at the top of the Khuzhalar Tava mountain. There is a marble memorial installed there, symbolizing the unity of peoples of all faiths.

Complex monuments

Complex monuments include those that include several objects.

One of them is swamp complexes. There are two of these in the republic.

Ilyinskaya Balka, located in Predkamye, is famous for the fact that the Lapland willow, which is very rare in Tatarstan, grows here.

Beyond the Kama there is the Tatakhmetevskoe swamp, where a squat birch grows - greetings from the Ice Age.

The territory of the zoo station of Kazan State University is recognized as a particularly valuable complex monument. It is the oldest biological station (founded more than 100 years ago, in 1916). On the territory of this natural monument there are several species rare plants and animals listed in the Red Book.

Raifa arboretum

The largest arboretum in the republic is considered a natural and historical monument of Tatarstan. It is located in the Volzhsko-Kama Nature Reserve and was originally created with the aim of preserving the forest ecosystems of the middle Volga region.

Now the territory of the arboretum is almost 220 hectares. It is divided into 3 zones:

1) European;

2) Asian;

3) American.

Each zone contains plants brought from the respective regions.

Various animals also visit the arboretum: hares, squirrels, roe deer, foxes and even moose.

It’s hard to imagine how sensitive the residents of Tatarstan are to nature native land. If every inhabitant of the planet also respected and took care of the world around us, we would probably never know what an environmental disaster or endangered species of plants and animals are.

All the beauty of Tatarstan’s nature cannot be conveyed in words or photographs. To understand how rich and amazing the republic is, you definitely need to visit there!

Geography and relief of the Republic of Tatarstan

The Republic of Tatarstan is located on the eastern part of the East European Upland. The total area of ​​the republic is 67 thousand 836 square meters. km.

The relief of Tatarstan is mostly flat, slightly undulating and slightly elevated. Small hills exist only in the southern part of the republic and on the right bank of the Volga. The whole area is cut up river valleys. Within the republic there are forest and forest-steppe zones.

In the Volga and Kama valleys there are the lowest areas (50-70 meters above sea level).

The highest point is located near the southern city of Bugulma and is 367 m.

The republic is surrounded on both sides by the Kama and Volga rivers, dividing the territory into three parts:

  1. Predkamye (Zavolzhye) – northern territories, border of the forest zone;
  2. Zakamye - southeastern regions, steppe zone;
  3. Pre-Volga region – southern territories, mountainous terrain.

Climatic conditions and soils

The climate is temperate continental. Climate formation is greatly influenced by atmospheric circulation, solar radiation, the nature of the underlying surface, anthropogenic activity. Characterized by snowy, moderately cold winters and warm and dry summers.

The average temperature in winter is up to -14 ºС, in summer - +20 ºС. The absolute minimum temperature can reach -48 ºС, and the maximum - +42 ºС. The growing season lasts up to 170 days. The sunniest period is from April to August.

The average annual precipitation is 460-520 mm. During the warm period of the year, up to 75% of the annual precipitation falls. The most precipitation falls in the Volga region and in the Predkamye region, the least in the western parts of the Trans-Kama region.

Greatest relative humidity air is fixed in winter. Maximum absolute humidity observed in June-August.

Note 1

Tatarstan is characterized by unstable and variable weather and climate conditions, which contributes to the development emergency situations natural character: strong squally wind, prolonged heavy rains, downpour, large hail, snowfall, severe frost, blizzards, floods, floods and congestion, landslides, landslides, screes, gully erosion, natural fires, etc.

Within Tatarstan, climatic differences are weakly expressed. Fogs, thunderstorms, and snowstorms have a significant impact on human economic activity.

The main part of the foggy period occurs during the cold season. Average annual duration one fog – 4-6 hours. Thunderstorms are most often observed in the summer. The average number of days with thunderstorms reaches 25-32 days. The highest frequency of days with thunderstorms is in July.

Snowstorms are usually confined to the first snowfalls. There are up to 35 of them per year.

The soils are diverse and vary from heavy loamy soddy-podgold to solonetzes and solods.

Soils of the republic:

  • fertile - typical medium-deep and typical thick, leached and podzolized, residual carbonate chernozem;
  • heavy loamy and clayey dark gray forest;
  • floodplain;
  • brown-gray;
  • sod-carbonate.

Natural resources

Water resources. 24 thousand rivers flow through the territory of the republic. Largest rivers- Volga and Kama, tributaries of the Kama - Belaya and Vyatka. Their total flow is 97.5% of the total flow of all rivers of the republic. The largest reservoirs - Nizhnekamsk and Kuibyshevsk - contain large reserves of water. There are more than 8 thousand lakes and ponds on the territory. There are significant reserves of groundwater (fresh, mineralized and slightly saline.

Mineral resources and raw materials. The main asset of the republic is oil. Natural gas is also being extracted along the way. Its reserves amount to 800 million tons. The following are being developed and used in the republic: oil fields (Romashkinskoye, Elabuga, Almetyevskoye, Bavlinskoye); carbon-hydrogen containing deposits (Agryzsky area, Tukaevsky, Menzelinsky, Mendeleevsky districts, Azeevo-Salauskoye, Ozernoe fields); deposits of sand and gravel mixture (Krasnoyarsk Zelenoostrovskoye). The Republic has reserves of dolomite, limestone, building sand, building stone, clay, gypsum, and peat. There are promising reserves of hard and brown coal, oil bitumen, oil shale, copper, zeolites, and bauxite.

Forest resources. The following forestry districts are distinguished on the territory of the republic: Pre-Volga, Predkamsky, Zakamsky and Zakamsky upland. Forest vegetation covers more than 17% of total area territory of the republic.

Flora and fauna

The forests are represented by broad-leaved-dark-coniferous trees (spruce and fir) and broad-leaved spruce forest formed by oaks, ash, maples, and lindens. Green moss spruce forests with sparse undergrowth and sparse grass cover are typical.

Spruce and linden forests grow on the slopes of river terraces. In the southern part of the republic, various herbs grow in steppe areas. Meadows are divided into upland (for pastures), floodplain and lowland.

Forest plantations along river banks are represented by pine, in particular on sandy substrates. Broad-leaved trees, aspen and birch grow nearby, which together have water conservation significance.

Figure 1. Typical landscape of Tatarstan. Author24 - online exchange of student work

The republic is distinguished by the species diversity of its fauna. About 400 species of mammals and 270 species of birds live on the territory of Tatarstan. The main representatives of the fauna: foxes, wolves, moose, wild boars, chipmunks, hares, beavers, squirrels, martens, minks.

Among small mammals found: marmots, jerboas, bank vole, yellow-throated and wood mice, common shrew, etc.

The diverse avifauna is represented by the following representatives: black grouse, hazel grouse, capercaillie, common lentil, rook, reed bunting, chaffinch, lapwing, black swift, magpie, house sparrow, jackdaw, hooded crow, red vole, rock pigeon.

Among the representatives of the herpetofauna, the following are common: sharp-faced frog and lake frog, green toad, common grass snake, quick lizard. Sometimes common viper and brittle spindle are found.

Soil invertebrates are represented by the millipedes Chilopoda, earthworms, and grasshoppers. Among the hydrobionts known are cladocerans, rotifers, and copepods. Herbetorium mainly consists of arachnids, insects, mollusks, and nods.

The words pencil, attic, sundress, hard labor, money, closet came from Tatar to the Russian language. They enriched the culture of the Slavs. The Tatars adopted Russian speech with difficulty. According to the 1887 census, the majority of Tatars spoke their native language, Arabic and Turkish, fluently.

Russian was broken. There was more unity in nature than in language. Most of the animals of Tatarstan are found in other territories of Russia. A century and a half ago the situation was the same. There are 400 species of vertebrates and 270 names of birds in the republic. The moment of acquaintance has come.

Common animals of Tatarstan


The prevalence of foxes in the republic periodically threatens people. In 2015, for example, they announced a mass shooting of red cheaters. Tatarstan has become the leader in the anti-rating of Russian regions for the incidence of rabies in foxes.

Over the course of the year, more than 130 infected animals were identified in the republic. Eighty-odd of them were foxes. Shooting reduced the population, but did not put it at risk of extinction.

Foxes - animals of the Republic of Tatarstan, the number of which is tried to be kept within one individual per thousand hectares. Accordingly, there are about 8 thousand red-haired cheats in the republic.

Pied variegated

Belongs to the hamster family. The length of the rodent does not exceed 12 centimeters, and its weight is 35 grams. Along the back of the pestle black is coming band. The rest of the fur is gray. You can also recognize the pestle by its miniature round ears and black button eyes.

Parsleys settle in burrows and dig them themselves. Therefore, rodents are “drawn” to soft, chernozem soils. It’s easy to dig in them and the tunnels don’t collapse like they do in sand.


Wolves in Tatarstan, like foxes, were shot. However, scientists found out in time that the grays are forest orderlies, killing sick and weakened animals. Viruses and bacteria from their meat are harmless to wolves.

This is how epidemics are prevented. The discovery of biologists prevented the extermination of the grays. The population has recovered.

If dogs are tamed wolves, then they are degraded. Grays have a third larger brain. This means that the mental potential of wolves exceeds that of dogs.


It took almost 10 years for its numbers to be restored. The goal has been achieved. The population size was increased to 5 thousand individuals. Some of them gain weight of 500 kilograms. As a rule, this is the weight of males.

Feeling superior, they impregnate several females. Medium-sized moose are monogamous and remain faithful to one partner.

Moose are the largest animals in Tatarstan. Other deer are smaller and live in herds. Moose are solitary animals and unite only during the breeding season.


The same applies to restored species. From 2400 individuals, the population was increased to 3500. This is the result of a series of measures on biotechnology and species protection. It was necessary to protect the roe deer, in particular, from feral dogs. They gathered in packs and began to attack wild animals. Roe deer also came under attack.

Because of the dogs, the roe deer also lost some of their food. It was placed in special feeders in hunting grounds. Feral dogs devastated them. We had to catch and shoot the “brutal” dogs. Media reports about this were published in January 2018.

Red vole

Among voles, it stands out not only for the red-red tone of its fur, but also for the length of its tail. It does not exceed 4 centimeters. Other voles have longer tails. The total length of the body of representatives of the red species is 12 centimeters.

Animals of Tatarstan in the photo often holding pine nuts in their paws. This is the main food of red-backed voles. If they cannot get nuts, rodents are content with cereal grains.


This is a snake. Many people confuse it with a viper. However, the copperhead is a grass snake. The snake is gray on top, with a copper-colored belly. Hence the name of the species. Its representatives differ from the viper in the absence of a zigzag dark stripe on the back.

Last time A marsh turtle was seen in Tatarstan 20 years ago in the interfluve of the Nurlatsky region. The animal was filmed by Garanin Valerian, associate professor of the Department of Biology at Kazan State University. However, the turtle is not recognized as extinct. Scientists hope for new meetings.

Snow Leopard

It appears on the emblem of the republic, but is rarely found in nature. It’s easier to see a predator in the Kazan Zoological and Botanical Garden. Beyond its borders, the beast has climbed high into the mountains and leads a secretive lifestyle. There are reasons to hide. Leopards were once exterminated for their fur. Now they are destroying the territories where they live wild cats.

On the coat of arms of Tatarstan, he raises his paw. This is a sign of supreme power and the beginning of a movement. Residents of the republic perceive it as a movement for renewal.

Brown bear

In the republic it was also included in the Red Book list. The inclusion of a clubfoot there is conditional. In the 2000s, the number of the species began to decline. Zoologists have listed the bear as a vulnerable animal. It didn’t reach the point of being labeled “on the verge of extinction.” The species, which was taken under protection, had restored its numbers by 2016. The issue of exclusion is now being resolved brown bear from the Red Book of the Republic.

There are especially many clubfooted animals in the Rybno-Slobodsky region. We counted 120 individuals. However, most of them enter the republic only in the summer. The bears go to winter Kirov region and Udmurtia. The forests there are denser, and there is less risk that animals will be disturbed during hibernation.

Golden pike

Information about the fish does not come out immediately, since there is also a bird, the golden bee-eater. Sites about her “pop up” first. However, residents of the republic know that unusual pike are found in the Blue Lakes Nature Reserve.

Golden pike is similar to ordinary pike, but the fins of the fish are yellow. The scales of the fish are olive. Like ordinary pike, golden pike loves cool bodies of water with running water.

South Russian tarantula

Belongs to the family of wolf spiders and is poisonous. The bite of the South Russian tarantula is similar to the puncture of a hornet. The pain is the same. However, the site of the tarantula bite becomes swollen. The pain lasts for several hours, and in children and the elderly - for days. The poison is not lethal.

The South Russian tarantula reaches a length of 3.5 centimeters. The spider's body is covered with hairs. The animal can be seen on moist steppe soils. Spiders choose areas where ground sources come close to the surface.

Common flying squirrel

Flying squirrels - animals living in Tatarstan, and are often classified as proteins. However, the orders of animals are different, although the animals are similar in appearance. The flying squirrel is smaller. The length of the animal's body including the tail does not exceed 22 centimeters. In addition, the flying squirrel has leathery folds between its legs. When an animal glides between trees, the skin stretches, increasing the area of ​​contact with air currents.

Most often, flying squirrels are found in the Agryz region of the republic. One of these meetings was described by Alexander Belyaev, an employee of Kazan University.

Forest horse

This is a beetle with a bright green, oblong body and the likeness of jagged tusks protruding from its mouth. In the Red Book animals of Tatarstan turned out to be because they are not prone to flying apart. Once born in a certain area, beetles remain there until death. Therefore, the populations are isolated. Humans transform the habitats of these populations through economic activity. Therefore the species is dying out.

The length of the horse is 1.5-1.8 centimeters. Long, springy legs allow the beetle not just to crawl, but to jump. Hence the name of the species.

Speckled gopher

Rinur Bekmansurov, head of the Lower Kama Nature Museum, was the first to speak about the reduction in the number of speckled ground squirrels. This national park republics. Rinur noted that the disappearance of the species leads to a reduction in the number of imperial eagles. These birds of prey feed on ground squirrels.

A program to protect the speckled ground squirrel is being prepared in Tatarstan. Its name is related to its color. The behavior of the animal is fussy and, judging by the threat of extinction, there is something to fuss about.

Water scorpion

Its front legs are curved like claws. The body shape is also similar to that of a scorpion. This is where the similarities end. The length of the Red Book animal does not exceed 2 centimeters. The creature, as the name suggests, lives in water. Scorpions do not bite and, in fact, are insects from the order of bedbugs.

Fauna of Tatarstan The water scorpion enriches you unnoticed. The insect disguises itself as a leaf that has fallen on the water. Therefore, the color of the bug is green-brown, as if withered.

White hare

In the 70s of the last century, there were 70 thousand white hare in the republic. By 2015, there were 10 times less left. Hare habitats are now scattered. The reasons for the decline of the species were hunting and the use of pesticides in agriculture.

An adult white hare is 45-65 centimeters in length. The record is a 75-centimeter individual weighing 5.5 kilograms.

To maintain populations game species, their representatives are bred artificially and then released into natural environment. So in 2017, 10 thousand ducks, 100 deer, 50 deer were sent to the vastness of Tatarstan. The latter were not bred, but were brought from Altai.

Kamil Samigullin on how the denial of multiculturalism and religious tolerance leads to a dead-end path of development for Islam

Kamil Samigullin, chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Tatarstan, in a column specially written for Realnoe Vremya on the eve of the upcoming All-Russian Forum of Tatar Religious Figures, recalls the document adopted back in 2013. We are talking about the conceptual foundations of the development of “Islam and the Tatar world”. We invite our readers to get acquainted with the thoughts of the mufti.

Islam and the Tatar world... This year marks 5 years since the key, I would even call the pivotal document for the entire Tatar world, with the same name, “Islam and the Tatar world”: conceptual foundations of development, was adopted in 2013.” By that time, Kazan already had the status of the sports capital of Russia, Tatarstan had achieved significant success in the industrial and IT sectors, as well as in the field of attracting investment - all this determined the priority directions of the socio-economic development of the republic. And the spiritual life of the Tatar world received its features and vectors of further movement precisely thanks to the concept of “Islam and the Tatar world”.

Can we talk today about intermediate results of the implementation of this concept? Most likely, no - it's too early. But it would not be out of place to remind the Tatar public on the eve of the upcoming Forum of Tatar religious figures about our spiritual guidelines - sometimes it seems that they have, unfortunately, been forgotten.

So, in May 2013, the IV All-Russian Forum of Tatar religious figures took place in Kazan. Based on its results, the concept “Islam and the Tatar World” was adopted, developed by the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan together with the Russian Islamic Institute and the executive committee of the World Congress of Tatars. In that important document fundamental theological and social issues. Much attention in the concept is paid to the preservation and promotion of traditional Muslim religious values, the preservation of spiritual, moral and cultural traditions Tatar people, the legacy of great scientists and religious figures of the past. In other words, the program, in fact, determined the spiritual guidelines of the entire Tatar people.

From year to year, the same question is raised among Muslims: is it right to celebrate Mawlid or Sabantuy and observe national traditions, some of which are not directly related to Islam?

I can confidently say that the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Tajikistan has been carrying out its activities in recent years, especially in the sphere of relations with the state and secular society, while remaining true to the strategy outlined in this document. A strategy that theologians, scientists, public and political figures, national and spiritual leaders worked on. And I am deeply surprised when today here and there disputes arise or the expediency of certain actions of our muftiate is questioned - I just want to ask: how long ago did you discover the concept of “Islam and the Tatar world”? In my article, for the convenience of readers, I will present brief excerpts from this voluminous document - they are not only relevant today, but, perhaps, will remain classics for all time!

“Modern Muslim Tatars, despite years of persecution of religion and then the spread of the so-called. “pure” Islam, continue to remain Maturids and understand that their ancestors were on the right path from the point of view of Sunni Islam, and consciously chose Hanafism and Maturidism,” the document says. As you can see, there is no talk of any other schools of thought in matters of faith among the Tatar public. Hanafism, like no other madhhab, most fully corresponds to Russian realities, since it arose in a multi-confessional environment. Lately we have heard a lot about threats of persecution of people for their beliefs. So in the concept, as if anticipating, it is clearly stated: “You cannot condemn people for their beliefs as long as these beliefs do not harm society and do not threaten its existence.” Although the document concludes: “In order to avoid misunderstandings, misunderstandings and unrest among Muslim Tatars, it is necessary to adhere to the Hanafi madhhab. At the same time, proceed from the fact that following one madhhab in matters of rituals will contribute to the unity of Muslim Tatars and symbolize their unity.”

From year to year, the same question is raised among Muslims: is it right to celebrate Mawlid or Sabantuy and observe national traditions, some of which are not directly related to Islam. The concept says this:

“Pre-Islamic traditions that do not contradict Sharia, performed among the Tatars after the adoption of Islam, according to the Hanafi madhhab (legal school - ed.) are allowed as belonging to the category of customary law (goref-gadat). Traditions and customs that do not contradict religion and reason are correct in Sharia and approved. The Koran itself confirms this source of law: “And their maintenance and clothing are on the father, according to custom (ma’ruf)” (2:233), “And whoever is poor, let him spend according to custom (ma’ruf)” (4:6) . Muslim rituals and certain religious acts based on Sharia cannot be an innovation in religion (bidgat). Therefore, from the point of view of wisdom in daghwat (call), it is impermissible to call innovations and prohibit Muslims from celebrating mawlid - the birth of the Prophet (s.a.w.), reading certain verses and dua (doga) for the repose of the soul and forgiveness of the deceased, the use of rosaries, holding Koranic majlises (ashlar), funerals on certain days, visiting (ziyarat) the graves of the righteous, etc. rituals. It is believed that during such holidays Allah shows special favor to his slaves. At this time, Muslims remember the mercy that God showed to people by sending the Prophet Muhammad (saw).”

The Great Marjani could not be mistaken: “Islam will survive thanks to national dress, national traditions and national language.” Photo by Oleg Tikhonov

The document also touches on the issue of the development of Sufism, which today is often compared to a sect and is believed to have no place in Tatarstan. Meanwhile, the traditional Sufi school has great potential in countering extremism and radicalism, strengthening the ideas of humanism and strengthening intercultural dialogue. Sufism is one of the integral parts of traditional Russian Islam. Rich traditions of Sufism are characteristic of the Muslim peoples of the Volga region and North Caucasus. Zainulla Ishan Rasulev, Imam Shamil, Shigabuddin Marjani, Tajuddin Yalchygol, Mahmud Afandi, Gabdrahim Utyz-Imian, Saifulla Kady, Galimjan Barudi, Said Afandi, Kursavi, Kunta Haji - these are just a few bright stars from a whole constellation of great scientists of Russian Sufism! Representatives of Russian Sufism have always been the most progressive and patriotic part of the Muslim community. All traditional Tatar theology is in one way or another connected with Sufi peace-loving traditions. I believe that Sufism is a real alternative for young people, because the traditions of Sufism call for tolerance, humility and respect for each other, and this is one of the most important elements of human morality and necessary source spiritual discipline and virtue. “Sufism and its traditions came to the Tatar lands simultaneously with the spread of Islam,” the document emphasizes.

The concept fully reflects the Islamic approach to the national issue. The main principle here is the “concept of divine predestination”: everything that is created by Allah cannot be changed by human efforts, which means that the unification of people into “tribes and peoples” will remain eternal and unchanged. “In Tatar society, national ideas quite quickly combine with Islam and help strengthen the position of religion and at the same time strengthen the immune system national culture" That is why the Muslim Spiritual Directorate of the Republic of Tatarstan has taken on the mission of preserving the Tatar national identity. The Great Marjani could not be mistaken: “Islam will survive thanks to national dress, national traditions and national language.” As you can see, the arguments of those who believe that there are no nations in Islam look untenable.

Before this, there was no such document that somehow regulated and defined issues of state-confessional and religious-secular relations in such a deep and diverse way. But the concept “Islam and the Tatar World” clearly states: “A secular state must be distinguished from an atheistic one, which denies religion in principle. A secular state can cooperate with various religious communities and provide assistance to believers.” Is there an even more suitable type of state for a multinational and multi-religious country and republic?! The secularity of public space makes life together fair and as comfortable as possible for all citizens of our Motherland.

The noble Quran gives us the following principle: “O believers, obey God, the Messenger and the people of command” (4:59), that is, the holders of authority.

The noble Quran gives us the following principle: “O believers, obey God, the Messenger and the people of command” (4:59), that is, the holders of authority. Photo by Roman Khasaev

Denial of multiculturalism and religious tolerance, non-acceptance of cultural diversity as a natural state modern society- a dead-end path of development for Islam in Russia. “Muslims should make every effort to be included in social life, the concept summarizes. “The modern multicultural world is a situation of competing ideologies, which can be won not with the help of brute force of aggression or, conversely, complete isolationism, but with the help of an adequate humane ideology.”

It is precisely this competitive, popular and successful ideology that the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan is developing. Considering that throughout the entire Volga-Ural region of Russia, representatives of the Muslim clergy are Tatar religious figures, using the concept of “Islam and the Tatar world” in their work would be appropriate for them as well. Moreover, Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, to ensure the “sovereignty of the Russian spiritual space“The priority tasks were identified as the restoration of the theological traditions and heritage of Russian Muslims, the return of the authority of our traditional Islam, the revival of the domestic Islamic theological school on the basis of traditional Islam, expressed by the Hanafi madhhab and the Maturidi faith. That is, exactly what is discussed in this document, which is important for the entire Tatar people.

Kamil hazrat Samigullin