I wanted to eat fish, there was a lot of choice.
And I always want to try something new. It was called a fish, in Bulgarian garfish, in ours needle fish. It looks like a needle.
I’ve never eaten something like this before and a surprise awaited me.

I brought it home and cut it up as expected.

I added potatoes, carrots and bell peppers. I poured olive oil over everything and into the oven.
It's simple!

And a simple salad to go with it.

The fish was ready quickly.

We sat down to eat. And then a surprise awaited me. Having cut up the fish, I saw that its bones were green.
To be honest, I was scared and thought that I shouldn’t eat it.
It smells delicious though!
I typed on the Internet: “fish have green bones.” And this is what happened:

"The garfish, like some other marine fish, such as the eelpout, has greenish or even brightly colored bones. green color. This is explained by the fact that a pigment substance similar to biliverdin, a coloring pigment of bile, is deposited in the bones, skin, scales, and rays of the fins of the garfish.

Except for the green bones, everything turned out delicious.

Have you ever met a fish with green bones?

It has unusual appearance- flat, elongated body and long jaws. Because of this feature, it is often called the arrow fish. Belongs to class bony fish, the garfish family. There are about twenty-five species of this marvelous fish.

Garfish: description

The garfish stands out not only for its special appearance, but also the color of the vertebral bone is green (several types). This is what makes some people refrain from catching it, but it is absolutely in vain: the unusual color of the bone is just a pigment that does not affect taste qualities meat. On the contrary, fish has excellent taste, and you can prepare a lot of culinary masterpieces from it.

It boasts powerful and very long jaws with tenacious fang teeth, characteristic of a predator. The dorsal and anal fins are located near the tail itself, and the lateral line is located low, near the belly. The body is covered with very small scales, and its color depends on the subspecies:

  1. The most common - European (common) - has a greenish back and greenish-silver sides, a dark stripe stretches along the entire back. The maximum size it reaches is 90 cm.
  2. Black Sea fish garfish. Belongs to the subspecies of the European common. Garfish fish in the Black Sea are smaller in size (up to 60 cm).
  3. Giant (crocodile) has silver scales with a bluish tint. Grows up to 2 meters, Weight Limit– 6 kilograms.
  4. Pacific or Far Eastern - the owner of small scales with a bluish tint on the back, silvery towards the belly. The size of the Far Eastern species is up to 1 meter in length.
  5. Black-tailed - silvery in color with transverse stripes and an anthracite-colored spot at the tail, reaches 50 cm.

The average lifespan of a fish is about 13 years. Catch specimens are considered to be 5-8 year old specimens. Swims very quickly and quickly jumps out of the water when there is danger, when obstacles arise, or into the light at night. There have been cases when a predator jumping out in this way caused serious damage to a person.


Gar fish, with a few exceptions freshwater species, sea Lives in seas with moderate warm water. In Russia, these are the Black Sea, the Taganrog Bay, the Sea of ​​Azov and the Sea of ​​Japan. Garfish are also found off the coast White Sea. He also took a fancy to Western and southern shores Europe and North Africa. The largest individuals, a little more than a meter, are found here, in the coastal waters of Cape Verde, Norway and Iceland.

One of the freshwater species that lives in reservoirs South-East Asia, has a cylindrical body shape, silver-green color and small size - up to thirty centimeters. That is why it is bred in aquariums. And the ribbon-like one lives in tropical waters and lives in open ocean. Some subspecies have chosen coral reefs as their habitat.

Lifestyle and nutrition

Our hero lives in packs. Swims in the upper layers of water. He is not particularly picky about his diet: he does not disdain small fish, crustaceans, insects, and even the fry of his relatives. All subspecies are characterized by seasonal migrations. Black Sea garfish migrates from waters in spring

The Black Sea to the Azov Sea for anchovy - a favorite food. By autumn it returns to the Black Sea. And the Pacific sails from Korea to summer time year for spawning in Primorye. Males reach sexual maturity at 5 years of age, females a little later, at 6 years.

Spawning and reproduction

The fish begins to spawn in April and ends in August. Females always spawn near land, once every two weeks, choosing secluded places in reefs and among underwater vegetation. Algae are necessary not only for camouflage: the eggs are attached to them using adhesive threads.

The eggs are located close to the surface of the water. The water temperature favorable for producing fry is more than 10 degrees. One female is capable of laying from 15 to 50 thousand eggs.
Larvae have short jaws, unlike adults. As they grow older, the jaws grow to normal sizes.

How and where to catch him, the swift one?

This fish is near land only during spawning and in pursuit of food. Schools of small fish in the area of ​​bays, rocky shores, and reefs serve as good bait for it. The optimal distance for fishing from the shore is 40-100 meters.

In the open sea, when the water warms up well, you can hunt it with marine species transport. In cold weather, the bite is excellent throughout the day. At night and early in the morning it is good to fish in shallow water. Excellent bite occurs in autumn and spring, when slight wind, average, up to 1 meter, waves and water temperature more than 10 degrees. In this weather, small fish concentrate near the shore, and our hero follows them.

You will catch garfish along the coastline, in bays, bays and coral reefs. During low tide, it has the habit of burrowing into the mud to a depth of 1 meter in drained areas. Successful hunting can be in the surf zone, fishing from rocks, or the territory of seaports.
Areas where a fast current borders on a slow one attract small fish, and therefore our fish.

This predator is caught with a small organic bait:

  • Maggot.
  • Sea worms.
  • Fish fry.
  • Fish or chicken fillet (cut into 4-5 cm pieces)
  • Shrimps.
  • Nereis.

Artificial baits are also suitable: spoons, wobblers, silicone worms. From the shore, the most popular are fishing with a fishing rod (spinning rod) with a weighted float and “bomb”. In the open sea best ways- using a tyrant and without a fly fishing hook. Some even hunt underwater. A special wetsuit was created for this purpose.

You need to remember that this predator lives in the upper layers of water and can perfectly see all your manipulations with the tackle. He is cautious and shy, so the line should be thin and the bait should almost float. The hook must be hidden well in the bait. There were cases when the bite resumed if the fishermen “went into ambush.”

Video about sea fish garfish:

The Black Sea garfish has many relatives. Shelled pike, needle fish - in the absence of experience, you can easily confuse these fish, although they have little in common and they belong to completely different families. Knowing what it looks like sea ​​beauty, the peculiarities of its behavior depending on the time of year, and the most common methods of hunting for a monster, you can easily return home with a rich catch. Of course, this long-awaited event can only happen if you are lucky enough to go to sea ​​fishingnatural environment habitat of a sea monster.

The arrowfish (one of the names of the garfish) has a long body, some specimens of this family grow up to 80 cm. The body is narrow, anal and dorsal are located near the tail. The jaws are elongated, very narrow and sharp at the ends. The gar is the owner of numerous sharp teeth, which, despite their almost tiny size, tenaciously hold their prey.

The scales will please fishermen who do not like to clean their catch, because they are small and easily removed even with the help of regular knife. The unique feature of the arrow is the shade of the bones. They are greenish in color, which is rare in fish.

There are several types of garfish, the most common being the Black Sea and Pacific. The difference between the Pacific and representatives of this family is a long stripe running from the head to the very tail. The stripe has a bluish-blue tint, which stands out brightly against the green body.

Natural habitat of the garfish

You can meet garfish in many seas, especially if the water there is constantly moderately warm. In Russia this is the Taganrog Bay and the Black Sea coast, a little less often – the Azov and White Seas.

You can often find an arrow near North Africa or southern Europe. Fishermen who are lucky enough to go to the Cape Verde for trophies, with a little luck, will definitely come across a giant from this family, since it is from Norway to Ireland that the largest specimens are found. According to some reports, a trophy garfish (a little more than a meter) was caught in these very places.

Arrowfish diet

The main food of garfish is anchovy. The appearance of the arrow in the Black or Azov Sea is associated with the migration of this particular small fish - the garfish pursues its favorite food. In addition to anchovy, the predator will not disdain other representatives of small fish; hunger forces it to go in search of invertebrates.

Among the fish that attract garfish:

  • pipefish;
  • smeltweed;
  • young mackerel;
  • gerbil;
  • sprat.

Photo 1. Anchovies or anchovy - favorite treat garfish

Pursuing a tasty goal, the garfish develops enormous speed, increasing it a little with each jerk. Carried away by the hunt, the arrow can make incredible leaps above the surface of the water, which leaves no chance for the prey to escape.

How do the seasons affect garfish?

If the gar fish lives in comfortable conditions– in coastal areas, it rarely moves, preferring to stay in one place. The only thing that can make an arrow migrate over long distances is the search for food.

The predators living in the Black Sea prefer to spend the winter in place, but after the anchovy moves to the Sea of ​​Azov (this happens in the spring), the garfish goes after their favorite food. With the onset of cold weather, Black Sea representatives of the family try to stay closer to the shores of Crimea, which allows fishermen all year round go out to hunt for a tasty and unusual beauty.

Photo 2. The fish came close to the shore.

Lures and tackle - what to choose for hunting garfish

Even novice fishermen know very well that it is not worth going fishing in the hope of catching a garfish with a donka - it will be of no use even during the hours of rest for predators, which takes place at depth. What to choose for successful arrow fishing? It is imperative to remember that the tackle must be strong and powerful, otherwise large specimens of garfish will easily tear the fishing line and even break a thin fishing rod. Of considerable importance sea ​​waves And strong wind– they can also easily damage fishing accessories if chosen incorrectly.

Photo 3. Fishing at sea.

The cross-section of the leash should not be less than 0.3 mm. The length of the leash also matters - the longer it is, the shorter the casting distance becomes. To catch a garfish, it is better to take one that is almost invisible in the water and has a rigid structure.

How to equip your gear when setting off? The first thing that should be there is a triple swivel (). It’s better not to take a large one; a medium one is enough for an arrow-fish. At the same time, the quality of fishing is significantly improved, since no extra time is spent on additional installation.

Fishermen who are interested in spinning fishing can try their luck by using. Traditional fishing will not be fruitful - the structure of the garfish's mouth will make most bites in vain. Another feature is that when the predator feels cold metal in its mouth, it immediately throws a dangerous, suspicious object. Resourceful fishermen act quite cleverly - they connect a tee and a spoon on a short leash. Having swallowed the lure, the arrow-fish simultaneously deeply swallows the hook.

Simple but powerful ones are most popular when fishing for garfish. Raw meat will be used as bait, sea ​​worm or freshly caught anchovy. It takes a good arrow (usually raw, but you can also take boiled one).

Interesting! Experienced fishermen have a strange way of fishing. You don't need hooks for this - instead, lush thread tassels are tied to the fishing line. It is enough for a curious voracious predator to be tempted and swallow an attractive bait - it is no longer possible to throw it away, the threads become tightly entangled between its numerous teeth. Sometimes a fisherman, happy with a good catch, has difficulty removing the thread tassel, preferring to cut it off with a knife.

Sargan is an interesting fish, but it is not popular among many fishing enthusiasts. This happens due to the unusual shade of the bones, which is completely safe for the human body. Only true connoisseurs know how tasty this predator is; they are ready to spend whole days doing their favorite hobby, and this hobby will certainly be rewarded with an excellent catch!

The gar fish, the photo of which in itself looks quite exotic, is an amazing inhabitant of the seas. Its jaws are so elongated that they resemble a bird's beak. And since its mouth is full of small and sharp teeth, many fishermen compare the garfish with the famous armored pike and even with the pterodactyl. Its jaws are very reminiscent of the beak of an extinct lizard. His body is elongated, like a needle fish. Characteristic feature The garfish are its green bones. And even the broth made from this fish takes on a pistachio hue. Many people think that this is due to the high content of phosphorus in the body. Idle tongues are chattering, as if the garfish even glows in the dark. But amazing property What gives fish is not phosphorus, but biliverdin - a special pigment of bile, which colors bones and internal organs in green.

Eating garfish is absolutely harmless. Not only that: this fish is very tasty. Below we present several recipes for dishes made from it.

Where are garfish found?

This schooling fish is very common in warm seas eastern Atlantic. Less commonly, it can be caught in the White Sea, off the coast of Iceland, Norway, and the Kola Peninsula. In summer, in Southern Primorye and Peter the Great Bay, Strongyiura anastomella, or Pacific fish garfish. The photo shows that it differs from its Black Sea and Azov brothers by a silvery-bluish stripe running longitudinally on both sides. However, jaws, occupying three-quarters of the length of the head, are present.

The Pacific garfish is a heat-loving fish, found mainly off the coast of Japan and Korea. The fish prefers the middle thickness of water, and only in good nights approaches the surface. Both types of garfish have an ideal aerodynamic shape. The long, needle-like body is capable of developing breakneck speed. In a hunting frenzy, a garfish jumps out of the water like flying fish. It feeds mainly on anchovy and small mackerel, followed by long migrations.

Garfish fish: beneficial properties

Omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, phosphorus, iron... Is it worth continuing this list to prove the benefits of fish as such? And the species of garfish also has its own personal advantages. Firstly, prevalence. Despite the limited habitat in our country (industrial production is carried out in the Azov and Black Seas), the catch of garfish is significant. And hence the low cost of this type. If we can afford salmon and salmon only on holidays, then enjoying garfish every day will be affordable.

The second advantage of this fish is that it has few bones. Despite the cheapness, it is quite a greasy look. Fish meat not only satisfies perfectly. It contains beneficial omega-3 compounds that moisturize the epidermis of the skin and thereby smooth out wrinkles. The line of B vitamins improves blood circulation. This protects blood vessels from blockage, helps keep the heart healthy and even prevents cancer.

Fishing for garfish

This is a commercial species. It is caught from April to November in nets close to the shore. Private fishermen go out to sea on a boat or speedboat and fish with a spinning rod. This species spawns in the spring, the eggs ripen, depending on the water temperature, on the 10-30th day. The fry are completely different from the adults. Their characteristic “beak” grows only towards the end of the first year of life. The gar fish reaches 94 centimeters in length, but in the net you usually come across specimens with body parameters of seventy-five centimeters. They become sexually mature in the fifth year of life. And the garfish lives on average about thirteen years. Black Sea fishermen often call it “sea pike” and value this species very much for its extraordinary taste. It is dried, salted, baked, stewed and fried.

Garfish as a snack

This fish has small scales that extend well from the body. But to serve it with beer, you don’t have to peel it or gut it. Just roll the carcasses in salt and leave for twenty minutes. Then we hang them upside down and let them dry for about half a day. But the most delicious snack from garfish are “sprats”. Baltic canned food is inferior to this dish in taste. These are not anchovies, but garfish!

How to prepare such “sprats”? We take a medium-sized carcass, gut it, remove the head, fins and tail. Cut the garfish into stick pieces (five centimeters long). We stuff the fish in columns (that is, vertically) into a narrow, deep saucepan. Add a few peppercorns, bay leaves, and a pinch of salt. Next, pour it all with vegetable oil so that it covers the fish by one centimeter. Place the dishes on the lowest heat and simmer under the lid for about three hours. These “sprats” are best served chilled, with Borodino bread, and accompanied by vodka.

Garfish fish: recipes for hot dishes

But the taste qualities of this inhabitant of the Black Sea are not fully revealed in snacks. Both dried and smoked garfish are sold at southern fish markets. But this is not for everyone. But garfish cooked in marinade will not leave anyone indifferent. We clean a kilo of fish, gut it, add some salt and fry it in vegetable oil. Remove to a plate. In a deep frying pan, fry three tablespoons of flour until creamy. Pour in half a glass of dry white wine, acidify with lemon juice or vinegar. Add rosemary, pepper, salt. Add another glass of water and simmer the sauce until it thickens. The garfish fish should be stewed in it for at least ten minutes. Serve this dish with any side dish and a slice of lemon.

Fried and baked garfish

This fish, as we have already mentioned, has a strange elongated muzzle, reminiscent of the predatory beak of some prehistoric creature. You can take advantage of this and serve it baked whole, with the head on. They say that this is not a gar fish, but the last pterodactyl that has survived to this day. Line a baking tray with baking paper and grease with vegetable oil. We roll the cleaned and gutted garfish into a ring, placing the tail in the elongated jaws. Salt and sprinkle with fish spices. Finally, sprinkle with vegetable oil. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven. We will bake at 180 degrees for twenty minutes.

Sargan scarf

This dish is especially loved by Crimean fishermen. Shkara consists of two layers of stewed onions, between which there is sea ​​fish. Garfish is an ideal candidate for this dish. Let's try to prepare a “restaurant version”. For it, the garfish is filleted, the strips are rolled up, pinned with a toothpick, and fried on olive oil literally 20 seconds to grab. The wooden sticks are then taken away and a lemon stuffed olive is placed in the middle of each roll. In the usual “fisherman’s” version of the dish, you can skip this stage and simply clean and gut the fish, cutting it into pieces. Next, cut the onion into rings. There must be a lot of it. Moisten the bottom of the pan with vegetable oil and line it with onion rings. Place the fish on them (in the restaurant version, carefully place the rolls with the olives facing up). Salt and sprinkle with pepper and herbs (rosemary and marjoram). Top with three shavings very cold butter- not too much. And cover the dish with onion rings. To help the stewing process, add a little water to the pan. Shkara should be stewed under the lid for 20 minutes.

Federal District: Southern Federal District

Type of reservoir: seas

Local: maritime

Fishing season: in open water

Type of fish: predatory

Family: garfish

Fish: garfish

Types of fishing: float fishing, spinning, fly fishing

Type of bait: spinners, soft baits, animals

Type of spinner: wavering

Type of animal bait: worms, dead fish, shrimp, crabs

Sargan is a marine fish of the garfish family.

The garfish has a very elongated and narrow body, reminiscent of the body of an eel or needlefish. The scales are very small, pearlescent and shiny. The jaws are very elongated, forming a characteristic “beak”, reminiscent of the beak of a pterodactyl. Little ones sharp teeth on the beak allow the garfish to grab small prey during fast swimming - sprat, anchovy, sprat, crustaceans. The color of the bones of this fish ranges from light to dark green due to high content biliverdin.

The habitat of the garfish is the Black Sea and the western, saltier part of the Azov Sea. Enters Sivash. The main form (Belone belone) is distributed from Mediterranean Sea to central Norway (Trondheim), enters Iceland and the Varanger Fiord. Found in the Baltic Sea, east to the Gulf of Finland.

Size and weight of garfish

The maximum body length is 93 cm, the usual length is 70-75 cm, the maximum weight is 1.3 kg.

Garfish lifestyle

Sargan is a sea schooling pelagic fish, that is, it lives in the thickness and near the surface of the water.

It can withstand wide fluctuations in water salinity and can enter desalinated zones. It winters in the Black Sea, and breeds in both the Black and Azov Seas. For normal development of eggs and larvae, the water salinity must be at least 10 ppm.

Spawning is portioned. The breeding season lasts from May to August. The eggs are deposited on algae and any floating objects, to which they are attached through thread-like outgrowths. The average absolute fertility is about 15 thousand eggs; for the largest producers it reaches 48 thousand. The age of mass puberty is 4-5 years. Predator.

Ways to catch garfish

Garfish are most often caught from the shore with gear designed for long-distance casting. It makes no sense to chase a flock walking near the surface in a boat: garfish are cautious and quickly move away from any vessel.

Promising areas for offshore coastal fishing are not so common. One such place may be a wind-exposed surf zone. Usually these are shallow sandy areas extending tens and sometimes hundreds of meters into the sea. With strong tides and rising water levels, this zone may increase. Best time Seashore fishing in shallow water is in the late evening, night and early morning hours, when it is not yet light enough.

In shallow water conditions, for successful fishing it is necessary to use long casting and wading, and in the dark, also illumination in the form of a flashlight mounted on the head. The best time is in windy weather with low light, muddy water and a decent wave. The combination of these factors often leads to the fact that a predator, in search of small fish or invertebrates washed out of the ground, comes as close to the shore as possible. In addition, the release of forage fish is due to the movement of bottom organisms under the influence of the tidal current, which forces the garfish to follow the same pattern in search of prey near the shore. But in order to successfully fish in such conditions, you need to learn how to make ultra-long casts with any surf gear.

Another promising zone for surf fishing is areas near terraces that are close to the water’s edge. The presence of terraces implies a steeper coastline. The depth in such places is much greater than in the flat surf zone, and the fish here feel calmer, so an extra-long cast is not necessary. In some areas of the sea, except for the terraces, there are no other fishing opportunities; the terrain simply does not allow it.

When fishing from rocks, tidal phenomena do not play a noticeable role in raising or lowering the water level, so fish are fearless near the rocky shore and it is not at all necessary to search for it by resorting to long casts. It is convenient to fish from the rocks with spinning rods and float tackle. As a rule, depths in rocky areas can have significant differences from 3 to 20 meters or more.

Fishing in ports is different great variety in choosing a fishing location. There are a number of hydraulic structures, for example, piers or breakwaters, which can separate shallow waters from deep areas. Bottoms of ships, walls of breakwaters, pier piles are always covered big amount shellfish that feed small fish that attract garfish.

Good fishing areas are located near floating fish processing plants located in the roadstead or directly in the port. In addition, it should be noted that such places are crowded, there is a lot of different noise, to which underwater inhabitants They are already accustomed and do not show excessive concern when a person appears with a fishing rod. In some cases, emissions food waste(fish offal, canning waste, etc.) can be produced constantly or periodically, which accustoms the fish to regularly visiting these places. Such places are ideal for fishing both from the shore and from any watercraft located in the port almost throughout the entire fishing season. For bait, they usually use something from the local menu or use traditional sea bait: worms, shrimp meat, crab meat, pieces of fish.

If we talk about the mouth of a river or stream flowing into the sea, then here you can find areas with fast current, quiet backwaters and places where there is practically no current and where schools of garfish like to stay. Particular attention should be paid to the border between fast and slow flow, Where sea ​​water most of all it is enriched with oxygen, which creates fertile soil for the development of aquatic flora and fauna, which in turn attracts many marine fish.

Fishing for garfish with a brush

Some Black Sea fishermen catch garfish in an original way– fly fishing without a hook. This is done like this: a cork ball slightly larger than an ordinary pea is attached to the end of the fishing line. Then you need to make a kind of tassel, using for this purpose colored silk twisted threads about 15 cm long, at each end of which a knot is tied. Having cut about twenty of these pieces, they should be folded in half, made into loops and placed on a fishing line above the cork. Then lower them to the cork, straighten them into a tassel and secure with colored thread. This way you will get a tassel with knots at the ends of the threads.

They catch with this tackle in the morning, with the appearance of the first sun rays. They cast it as far as possible and quickly lead it almost along the very surface of the water, and at the shore they pull it into the air with a sharp movement of the rod. This procedure continues until the garfish grabs the bait. As soon as he grabbed it, he immediately had to pull it sharply.

When a garfish grabs the bait, the knots made at the ends of the threads cling to its teeth, and even if it wants to throw the bait, it will not do so right away. This is just enough time to pull the fish out of the water.

The disadvantage of this gear is that the brush quickly frays during fishing and has to be changed. But with a certain skill and a good bite, experienced fishermen in one morning catch up to 5 kg of fish greedy for such a simple bait.

Catching garfish with a petal and a hook

Other, no less original way Fishing for garfish was once invented by the Crimeans. The rig is a piece of fishing line 0.6-1 m (thickness - 0.25 mm), to one end of which a small (10-15 g) sinker is attached, and to the other - a winding ring, to which a swivel and carabiner are attached. After 10–15 cm from the ring, a short (3–4 cm and 0.2 mm in diameter) leash with a small tee is tied, then after another 10 cm of the same length, a leash with a small white petal of a spoon (usually Black Sea fishermen cut it out of tin tin ), then, after another 10 cm, a leash with a tee is knitted again. And so on, alternating leashes with tees and petals until a slight distance from the sinker, a tackle is made. To cast it from the shore, it is best to use a two-handed spinning rod equipped with a spinning reel and a long fishing line with a winding ring at the end, through which it is easy to attach the equipment with a carabiner.

This type of gear can be very productive if you catch a flock of garfish. The wiring is done on top of the water. Fish that go in pursuit of petals are most often simply caught on the tees.

Sometimes garfish are more attracted to white-yellow petals.

Fishing for garfish with a spoon

Catching garfish with a spoon is an exciting activity. Lightweight spinning tackle is usually used. Line – 0.2–0.25. An elongated spinner, oscillating. As a rule, when traditional way When rigged with a spinner, there are many idle bites, since it is difficult for the tee to catch on in the beak-shaped mouth of the garfish, and when it feels the metal, it immediately throws it. Anglers have come up with a way to attach a tee to a spoon on a short (4–5 cm) leash. This allows the garfish to immediately grab the tee deeply.

The garfish, if it is nearby, will not miss the moment to intercept the victim from its fellow pursuing it. Like any other predator, he acts here instinctively. This is what Christmas tree fishing is based on. On short (4–5 cm) leashes, two or three elongated oscillating spinners or jig-type baits with two hooks are sequentially tied to the main fishing line. The length of these baits is no more than 30 mm, the distance between the leads is from 20 to 25 cm. The trailing spoon, which imitates an attacking garfish, is 100–110 mm long and, at the same time, very narrow shape. All spinners are made from silver metal and must be equipped with the same tee lead as stated above. In many cases, especially when a large school of garfish is found, herringbone fishing is more productive than regular lure fishing.

The best time to catch garfish with a spinning rod is May–April, when it appears both in the Black Sea and in Baltic shores. You need to look for this fish in the morning and evening dawn in shallow areas of the sea. The garfish loves rocky, shallow areas overgrown with algae, on which it lays eggs. Usually they catch it, so to speak, by stealth. If you climb a hill, you can see a flock scurrying in shallow water. Then, sneaking up, they throw a spinner towards it. In addition, garfish hunting for fry will definitely reveal themselves by their characteristic jumping out of the water.

Fishing for garfish with long casting

For long-cast fishing, you will need a light 7-8 meter carbon fiber rod equipped with a spinning or light multiplier reel with a significant supply of fishing line with a diameter of 0.18 mm. The float is large, elongated, with a long antenna clearly visible from afar. The main sinker is in the shape of an olive, with dense foam pressed inside, allowing you to make long casts and at the same time sink smoothly. It is attached in close proximity to the float. An additional sinker-pellet is installed at the end of the main fishing line, to which a thin (0.15 mm) and long (25–30 cm) leash is attached, loop to loop. Hook with a long shank, No. 4–6, depending on the bait and size of the fish. The garfish ignores coarser tackle. Float release –1–1.5 m.

In addition, the fishing rod can be equipped with a float with a built-in sinker, which makes it easy to make long casts when fishing from above.

A rigging option is also possible when a weighted float is tied to the end of the fishing line, and the leash is located a meter away from it.

The most good nozzle everywhere – shrimp meat. If the bite is sluggish, the hook must be done with a long pause, when the bait is in the corner of the fish’s mouth.

The best fishing time is from May to September, when small flocks of garfish walk near the shore.