When you look at a rainbow, it enchants with its amazing, mysterious appearance. A multi-colored bridge along the sky seems fantastic, unreal, making you believe in a fairy tale. Looking at this miracle of nature, which always appears suddenly, we freeze in silent admiration.

This interesting natural phenomenon is not very often observed in the sky. It occurs when it rains and the sun shines at the same time. In this case, you need to stand with your back to the sun and your face to the rain.

A rainbow can also be seen in a drop of water when the sun shines on it at a certain angle. This beautiful phenomenon can be recreated. The easiest way to get a rainbow is with sunlight. To carry out the experiment you will need the following items: a container of water, a sheet of white paper, a mirror, a flashlight. The refraction of light in water breaks it up into colors and reflects them on a white sheet. As a result, we observe a spectrum - bands of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. There are only seven of them and they are called the main ones. In reality, they are replaced by thousands of shades, they are continuous and smoothly transition from one to another.

You can make a rainbow without using sunlight, that is, in the dark. But then the color spectrum looks less bright. To demonstrate the appearance of a rainbow, it is enough to limit yourself to one object - a CD. In this case, even water is not required. If you change the angle of the CD, very beautiful effects arise. You can get either a rainbow stripe or a whole circle.

Essay-reasoning about a rainbow

It is loving and fun to look at a rainbow. When gloomy, stormy weather gives way to sunny weather, and a bright multi-colored bridge appears before your eyes, both young and old rejoice. It’s not for nothing that in Ukrainian the rainbow is called “veselka”. Sometimes you can notice two or more multi-colored arcs that are observed against the background of a cloud if it is located opposite the sun. In this case, we see red from the outside of the rainbow, and violet from the inside.

The image of the rainbow is widely reflected in oral folk art, literature, poetry and painting. Many songs, poems, riddles and proverbs are dedicated to this delightful optical phenomenon. And how much is connected with him folk signs and superstitions! Here are just a few of them, the most favorable and promising. Whoever passes under the rainbow, his life will renew its colors, become brighter, more saturated. A rainbow resting its ends on the ground indicates places where there will be good harvest or hidden treasures - a “pot of gold”. The water from which the multi-colored semicircle “grows” has healing properties. She will give a long-awaited child to a woman who was considered infertile, and recovery to a seriously ill person. A person who sees a rainbow in winter will certainly be very happy, since luck will accompany him in all his endeavors.

Not only in Ancient Egypt, but also among the ancient Aryans-Proto-Slavs the sun god was called Ra. According to legend, he carried the sun to the vault of heaven on his chariot. Perhaps this is where the name of the rainbow came from - the arc of the god Ra. In many cultures, this phenomenon serves as a symbol of transfiguration, heavenly glory, the throne of God, the border between worlds. According to the Bible, this bridge between heaven and earth was created by God as a sign of God's promise to never again send a flood to people, as well as a symbol of forgiveness for humanity.

In conditions modern city It’s quite rare to come across a seven-colored heavenly path on your way. So let's believe in the joy and beauty given by nature itself - in the rainbow! If you are lucky enough to witness this amazing spectacle, rejoice at it with all your heart and admire it to your heart's content.

Elena Samonkina


Subject: Where does a rainbow come from?

Completed: Bagrationova Polina, Mukha Lena

pupils of the preparatory group

Preschool educational institution "Olenyonok" Nizhny Kuranakh

Scientific adviser: Samonkina Elena Alexandrovna


1. Introduction (Relevance).

2. Theoretical part

3. Practical part

5. Conclusion

6. Bibliography

Characteristics of the study:

The topic relates to empirical research, as it involves own observations and experiments.

Preliminary work: familiarizing children with research methods, conducting a training session.

Introduction (relevance)

"Multi-colored rocker

Hung over the meadow" (rainbow).

The impact of nature on our lives is pervasive. The beauty of nature cannot leave anyone indifferent. One of the most beautiful natural phenomena is the rainbow. Rainbow attracts the attention of not only children, but also adults. Who among us has not admired this wonderful natural phenomenon? The choice of theme is due to the fact that children look at the rainbow with interest, and they also love to draw with paints and the drawings turn out as bright as a rainbow.

One day, when my mother and friend Lena and I were walking on the street, we saw a rainbow in the sky. She was so beautiful. We asked mom: where did the rainbow come from? Mom said she didn’t know, she just appeared in the sky. Lena and I wanted to know where the rainbow comes from? How many colors does it have? And can there be other colors? We asked the teacher about this kindergarten. She advised us to do our research and find out for ourselves.

Problem: find out how and why rainbows appear? Can we make a rainbow ourselves?

Object of study: rainbow.

Subject of study: getting a rainbow at home.

Target: Identifying the properties and capabilities of different materials needed to create a rainbow at home.


1. Study the literature.

2. Understand the features of the appearance of such a phenomenon as a rainbow.

3. Conduct experimental work with different materials.

4. Prepare a report.

Hypothesis: if we carry out experimental work, we will find out why a rainbow appears in the sky, what colors are in it. And most importantly, we will get a rainbow ourselves at home.

Expected Result:

Will acquire new knowledge and skills focused on the development of cognitive abilities;

They will learn to conduct experiments and experiments to obtain a rainbow;

They will be able to visualize the results of their research.

Research stages: Stage 1 – analyze your knowledge;

Stage 2 – collecting information: questioning, studying literature, watching TV shows;

Stage 3 – conducting experiments;

Stage 4 – report.

Research methods:

1. Theoretical

2. Practical

Experimental base of the study: preparatory group d\s "Deer"

Practical significance of the work: The significance is that the children learned a lot useful information, discovered unusual possibilities for obtaining a rainbow effect using different materials (methods), introduced the children. The work can be used to help the teacher in ecology classes.

Theoretical part

To find out how to conduct research (determine the sequence of actions), we looked at cards with research methods. We needed to collect information.

At first we thought, what do we know about where rainbows come from?

It happens in the summer when it's raining, has the shape of an arc. We sketched this phenomenon on pieces of paper.

Then we turned to the teacher and the children in our group with questions. 20 children took part in the survey.

Questions yes no

1. Have you seen a rainbow? yes - 20 children

2. Do you know how many colors there are in the rainbow? (what) yes -12 children; no - 8 children

3. Do you know where it comes from? no - 20 children

To find out how and why rainbows appear, we decided to turn to our ecologist. To do this, we went to the environmental laboratory, to Olga Nikolaevna. And they asked to answer the questions: “Why does a rainbow appear?” Olga Nikolaevna told us: Sunlight seems colorless, but in fact it consists of different colors. A rainbow can be seen when the sun comes out during and after rain. The sun's ray is reflected in the raindrops, refracted and the 7 colors of the rainbow are obtained. There are always seven of them and they are arranged in order. And the rhyme will help you remember this order: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.” We also looked at pictures of natural phenomena. On them, the rainbow has the shape of an arc. As a group we drew a rainbow and put all the colors in order. But it turns out that the rainbow has the shape of an arc because we look at it from the bottom up

And our teacher (Elena Aleksandrovna) said that if we looked at a rainbow while flying on an airplane, we would see that the rainbow has the shape of a circle.

In the library, we (together with Elena Alexandrovna) read and looked at books, from which we learned that there is interesting experiments How to get a rainbow yourself. We decided to try experiments.

Practical part

Experiment 1: What is a rainbow? - mixing colors.

What colors does a rainbow consist of? To obtain Orange color you need to mix red and yellow To get purple you need to mix red and Blue colour, To obtain green color You need to shift the yellow and blue colors.

We mixed colors and painted a rainbow.

Experiment 2: Rainbow film.

Materials: liter bowl of water, bottle of light nail polish

Place a bowl of water on the table so that the sun's rays do not fall on it. Hold the brush from the bottle of varnish over the bowl until a drop of varnish falls into the water. We observe the surface of the water and see that the varnish forms a thin film on the surface of the water. We turn the bowl towards the light, when the beam falls on the surface, the play of rainbow tones is visible.

Experiment 3: The rainbow has appeared.

Material: mirror, bowl of water.

Place the mirror in the water at a slight angle. Catch a ray of sunlight with a mirror and direct it to the wall (white cardboard). We turn the mirror until we see a spectrum on the wall. Water acts as a prism that separates light into its component colors. Experiment 4: Rainbow in bubbles.

Material: jar with soap bubbles.

We blow bubbles, the light falls on the soap bubbles, you can see a rainbow in them.

Experiment 5: Rainbow on disk.

Material: disks. If you take a computer disk and shine light on it, you will see the colors of the rainbow. You can also see a rainbow in a puddle where gasoline has been spilled.


Rainbows happen in summer, autumn, and spring. She appears when sunlight reflected in water droplets. The rainbow can be seen not only in the sky, it can be seen in colors (mixing and getting different colors). The colors of the rainbow are always arranged in this order. There are only seven of them.


The objectives set in our study were achieved. The hypothesis was confirmed. We learned why such a phenomenon as a rainbow appears, conducted experiments, learned to draw a rainbow different ways; told the children in our group about our research. Try to conduct experiments yourself and get a rainbow at home.


1. Great encyclopedia preschooler, M.: Makhaon, 2004.

2. Kulikovskaya I. E., Sovgir N. N. Children's experimentation, M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005.

3. Savenkov A.I. Methodology for conducting educational research in kindergarten Samara: educational literature, 2004

Rainbow is one of the most amazing natural phenomena. What is a rainbow? How does it appear? These questions have interested people at all times. Even Aristotle tried to unravel its secret. There are many beliefs and legends associated with it (the road to the next world, the connection between heaven and earth, a symbol of abundance, etc.). Some peoples believed that whoever passes under the rainbow will change their gender.

Her beauty amazes and delights. Looking at this multi-colored “magic bridge”, you want to believe in miracles. The appearance of a rainbow in the sky notifies that the bad weather is over and the clear sunny season has arrived.

When does a rainbow happen? It can be observed during rain or after a downpour. But lightning and thunder are not enough for it to occur. It appears only when the sun breaks through the clouds. Certain conditions are needed for it to be noticed. You need to be between the rain (it should be in front) and the sun (it should be behind). Your eyes, the center of the rainbow and the sun must be in line, otherwise magic bridge You won't be able to see it!

Surely many have noticed what happens when a ray falls on soap bubble or on the edge of a beveled mirror. It comes in a variety of colors (green, blue, red, yellow, purple, etc.). The object that splits the beam into its component colors is called a prism. And the resulting multi-colored line is a spectrum.

So what this is is a curved spectrum, a band of color formed as a result of the splitting of a beam of light when passing through raindrops (which in this case are a prism).

The colors of the solar spectrum are arranged in a certain order. On one side - red, then orange, next to it - yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. The rainbow is clearly visible as long as the raindrops fall evenly and frequently. The more often, the brighter it is. Thus, three processes occur simultaneously in a raindrop: refraction, reflection and decomposition of light.

Where to see a rainbow? Near fountains, waterfalls, against the background of drops, splashes, etc. Its location in the sky depends on the position of the sun. You can admire the entire rainbow circle if you are high in the sky. The higher the sun rises above the horizon, the smaller the colored semicircle becomes.

The first attempt to explain what a rainbow is was made in 1611 by Antonio Dominis. His explanation was different from the biblical one, so he was sentenced to death. In 1637, Descartes gave a scientific phenomenon based on the refraction and reflection of sunlight. At that time, they did not yet know about the decomposition of the beam into a spectrum, that is, dispersion. That's why Descartes' rainbow turned out to be white. 30 years later, Newton “colored” it, supplementing his colleague’s theory with explanations for the refraction of colored rays in raindrops. Despite the fact that the theory is more than 300 years old, it correctly formulates what a rainbow is and its main features (arrangement of colors, position of arcs, angular parameters).

It’s amazing how the light and water that are familiar to us create together a completely new, unimaginable beauty, a work of art given to us by nature. A rainbow always evokes a surge of emotions and remains in the memory for a long time.

Insafudinov Kirill Rinatovich

I learned how a rainbow is made. I conducted research and experiments, got a rainbow at home and admired its beauty.



Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

education administration department municipal district Bizhbulyak district

municipal educational budgetary institution

average comprehensive school No. 2 s. Bizhbulyak


on the topic of:

« How do you get a rainbow?

Completed: Insafudinov Kirill,

Student of grade 3b, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2, Bizhbulyak village, Republic of Bashkortostan

Head: Nazmieva A.R.

Primary teacher

Classes MOBU secondary school No. 2 in the village of Bizhbulyak, Republic of Bashkortostan

Introduction ________________________________page 3

Literature review

What is a rainbow? _________________________________ page 4

Who colored the rainbow? _____________________ page 4

The emergence of a rainbow. ____________________ page 4

Who studied the rainbow? ________________________page 5

Rainbows come in different forms. _____________________ page 5

Experimental work________________page 6

Results ________________________________page 7

4. Conclusions ___________________________________page 7

5. Conclusion______________________________page 7

6. Literature___________________________ page 7


What natural phenomenon can be compared in beauty to a rainbow? The aurora is possible, but not many people have seen it. And everyone has seen the rainbow that appears immediately after the rain.Appearing in the sky, she attracts attention.
She is so beautiful that she is sung in many songs, described in literature, and legends are made about her. Many people, like me, look forward to the rain so they can admire the rainbow. What kind of multi-colored miracle of nature is this? How is a rainbow formed? Is it possible to observe this beauty at home? What other rainbows are there?

These questions interested me and many of my friends. This topic became interesting to me because not many people know how a rainbow is formed. To answer all the questions that arose, I decided to conduct research.

By exploring this mystery of nature, I can give an accurate answer to the questions I posed.

Target my work: find out the reason for the appearance of a rainbow, getting a rainbow at home.

Delivered by me tasks :

Find out who colored the rainbow.

Try the experience of getting a rainbow at home.

Learn the history of the study of rainbows.

The relevance of research:instilling interest in experimental work in elementary school

Thanks to this work, activity in the cognitive sphere of activity increases.

Hypothesis: Rainbows can be obtained in laboratory conditions, is it possible to obtain them at home? If possible, then in what way.

Research methods:


Independent practical experiments for confirmation


experiment: with prism;

experience with a spray gun;

experience with soap bubbles;

experience with a mirror;

experience with a computer disk.

1.Literature review

1.1. What is a rainbow?

In order to find out the reason for the appearance of rainbows, I started by studying literature. The explanatory dictionary gives the concept of a rainbow. A rainbow is a multi-colored arc in the firmament, formed due to refraction sun rays in raindrops.

I learned that rainbows can be seen near waterfalls, fountains, and sprinklers. At fountains and waterfalls it happened that two or more arcs were seen. You can create a curtain of droplets yourself from a hand-held spray bottle and, standing with your back to the sun, see a rainbow created with your own hands. When watering plants in the garden on a bright sunny day, you can also see a small rainbow in the splashes of water.

1.2. Who colored the rainbow?

Where does the amazing colorful light that comes from the arcs of the rainbow come from?

I received the answer to this question from the encyclopedia for the curious. It seems to us that the light is white. But in fact it consists of several colors. It happens that when it rains, the sun comes out, and then the sunlight is refracted in water droplets and “breaks up” into several colors. There are always seven of these colors, and they are arranged in strict order. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. So it turns out colorful rainbow. An object that can split a beam of light into its components is called a “prism.” The resulting colors create a stripe of colored lines called a “spectrum”. A rainbow is a large spectrum, or band of colored lines, formed as a result of the decay of a ray of light passing through raindrops. In this case, raindrops act as a prism.

1.3. The emergence of a rainbow.

Rainbows always appear after rain, I think everyone knows that. But there is another trick here. The rainbow sparkles not after, but during the rain; the rain simply no longer falls on us, but not far from us. When the rain stops, it means that the wind has simply carried these rain clouds further.

And if the rain goes towards the sun, then we can admire the rainbow. After all, drops split the sunlight, white light, because they are small prisms and reflect these multi-colored rays in the sky. I think everyone has seen a drop falling from the hole in the sink faucet, so everyone will agree that it looks like a prism.Light enters a raindrop, reflects off the other side of the raindrop, and exits. And rain is millions of such droplets.That's the whole secret of this beautiful natural phenomenon. Rain dots the entire sky with small prisms, and sunlight, passing through them, is split into a spectrum. At the same time, we have a wonderful picture in the sky - a rainbow.

I have a question - is it possible to create a rainbow yourself? The answer to the question is described on page No. 7.

1.4. Who studied the rainbow?

Has anyone in the history of mankind tried to understand the nature of the rainbow?

My mother and I found the answer to this question on the Internet.

The first attempt to explain the rainbow was made in 1611 by Archbishop Antonio de Dominis. His explanation of the rainbow was contrary to the Bible, so he was excommunicated and sentenced to death.

The scientific explanation of the rainbow was first given by Rene Descartes in 1637. Descartes explained the rainbow based onlawsrefraction and reflection of sunlight in drops of falling rain. But he did not yet know about the decomposition of white light into a spectrum during refraction. That's why Descartes' rainbow was white.
30 years later, Isaac Newton explained how colored rays are refracted in raindrops. By figuratively American scientist A. Fraser, who made a number of interesting studies of the rainbow in our time, “Descartes hung the rainbow in in the right place in the sky, and Newton colored it with all the colors of the spectrum.”
Although the multicolor spectrum of the rainbow is continuous, according to tradition, it is divided into 7 colors. It is believed that Isaac Newton was the first to choose the number 7, for whom the number 7 had a special symbolic meaning. Moreover, initially he distinguished only five colors - red, yellow, green, blue and violet. But, subsequently, trying to create a correspondence between the number of colors of the spectrum and the number of fundamental tones of the musical scale, Newton added two more to the five listed colors of the spectrum.

Even though the Descartes-Newton theory of the rainbow was created more than 300 years ago, it correctly explains the main features of the rainbow, including the arrangement of colors.

1.5. Rainbows come in different forms.

Rainbows come with one or two arcs.Few people know, but there is also a night rainbow. At night, when the rain stops, a rainbow can also appear as a result of the action of rays reflected by the moon. Undoubtedly, it is not as bright as during the day, but it is clearly visible. IN winter time A rainbow occurs very rarely, but in its colorfulness and picturesqueness it differs from all others.


My classmates and I conducted a survey.

To the first question, “Have you seen a rainbow?” all 14 students answered “Yes.”

To the second question, “Do you know when a rainbow appears?” 12 people answered “Yes”, two “No”.

To the third question, “Do you know how a rainbow appears?” 5 people answered “Yes”, 9 - “No”.

To the fourth question, “Do you know in what order the colors of the rainbow are located?” 6 students answered “Yes”, 8 - “No”.

To the fifth question, “Is it possible to get a rainbow at home?” three answered “Yes”, 11 people answered “No”.

2. Experimental work

I experimented with producing a rainbow at home.

Experience 1.

Equipment: mirror, glass prism.

Description: the teacher caught a “sunny bunny” with her mirror and pointed it at the glass prism that I was holding in my hand. A rainbow appeared on the ceiling.

Experience 2.

Equipment: spray bottle filled with water, sun light source.

Description: create a cloud of drops falling in the air and observe a rainbow on them.

The conditions of such an experiment are quite consistent with nature, however, obtaining the required cloud is not at all easy.


Equipment: a jar of soapy water, a device for blowing bubbles.

Description: take the device, dip it in a jar of soap foam and blow out bubbles. You can see a rainbow on the bubbles flying in the air.

Experience 4.

Equipment: mirror, bowl of water.

Description: I placed the mirror in a shallow bowl of water. Place the bowl so that a ray of light from the sun is reflected from the mirror onto the wall or ceiling.

I saw a rainbow on the ceiling. The experiment was a success.

Experience 5.

Equipment: computer disk, light source - sun.

Description: On a sunny day, point the computer disk at an angle of 25°. If the disk “catch” a ray of light, then as a result of the refraction of the ray a rainbow will appear on the wall or ceiling.


After studying the literature, I learned that a rainbow can be one arc, or it can be double.There is a night rainbow (lunar) and a winter one, but it is very rare and not as colorful as the summer one.

Sunlight is refracted in water droplets and “breaks up” into several colors. These colors are called the spectrum. And the drops are small prisms that reflect these multi-colored rays in the sky. This is how I learned how a rainbow appears and why it is colored.

From the history of studying the rainbow, I found out that many tried to explain the nature of this phenomenon, but this phenomenon was fully discovered by Isaac Newton more than 300 years ago.

I managed to get a rainbow at home. The experiment was successful and I could admire this beauty at home.


Based on the results obtained, I came to the conclusion that:

1. The cause of a rainbow is the refraction and “disintegration” of sunlight in drops of water and the reflection of this light in the sky.

2. Obtaining and observing rainbows at home is possible.


Having completed this work, I became convinced that rainbows are a well-known optical phenomenon in the atmosphere; observed when the sun illuminates a sheet of falling rain and the observer is between the sun and the rain. Rainbows are seen not only in the veil of rain. On a smaller scale, it can be seen on drops of water near waterfalls, fountains and in the surf. In this case, not only the Sun and the Moon, but also a spotlight can serve as a light source.

The arrangement of colors in the rainbow is interesting. It is always constant. The red color of the main rainbow is located on its upper edge, violet - on the lower edge. Between these extreme colors, the remaining colors follow each other in the same sequence as in the solar spectrum. In principle, a rainbow never contains all the colors of the spectrum. Most often, blue, dark blue and rich pure red colors are absent or weakly expressed. As the size of raindrops increases, the color stripes of the rainbow narrow, and the colors themselves become more saturated.

At the same time, I learned how, thanks to Newton, centuries-old ideas about the origin of flowers were destroyed.

Obtaining a rainbow by an experimental method (artificial rainbow) allows us to study this rainbow. The results obtained during the study may be of interest to schoolchildren.


1. Ozhegov S.I. and Shvedova N.Yu. Dictionary Russian language. 4th edition, expanded. - M.: LLC “A TEMP”, 2008.

2. Travina I.V. 365 stories about planet Earth / Popular science publication for children. - M.: JSC "ROSMAN-PRESS", 2007.

3. Encyclopedia for the curious “Where, what and when?” CJSC Company "Makhaon" - M.: 2007.

Rainbow is one of the most beautiful phenomena nature. Since time immemorial, man has thought about its nature and associated the appearance of a multi-colored arc in the sky with many beliefs and legends. People compared the rainbow either with a heavenly bridge from which gods or angels descended to earth, or with a road between heaven and earth, or with a gate to another other world.

What is a rainbow

A rainbow is an atmospheric optical phenomenon that occurs when the sun illuminates many water droplets during rain or fog, or after rain. As a result of the refraction of sunlight in drops of water during rain, a multi-colored arc appears in the sky.

A rainbow also appears in the reflected rays of the Sun from the water surface of sea bays, lakes, waterfalls or big rivers. Such a rainbow appears on the shores of reservoirs and looks unusually beautiful.

Why is the rainbow colorful?

The arcs of the rainbow are multi-colored, but for them to appear, sunlight is necessary. Sunlight appears white to us, but is actually made up of the colors of the spectrum. We are accustomed to distinguishing seven colors in the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, but since the spectrum is continuous, the colors smoothly transform into each other through many shades.

The multi-colored arc appears because a ray of light is refracted in water droplets, and then, returning to the observer at an angle of 42 degrees, is split into components ranging from red to violet.

The brightness of the colors and the width of the rainbow depend on the size of the raindrops. The larger the drops, the narrower the brighter than the rainbow, the more saturated red color it contains. If there is light rain, the rainbow turns out to be wide, but with faded orange and yellow edges.

What kind of rainbow is there?

We most often see a rainbow in the form of an arc, but the arc is only part of the rainbow. The rainbow has the shape of a circle, but we see only half of the arc because its center is on the same line as our eyes and the Sun. The entire rainbow can only be seen on high altitude, from an aircraft or from high mountain.

Double Rainbow

We already know that a rainbow in the sky appears because the rays of the sun penetrate through raindrops, are refracted and reflected on the other side of the sky in a multi-colored arc. And sometimes a ray of sunshine can create two, three, or even four rainbows in the sky at once. A double rainbow is created when a ray of light is reflected from inner surface raindrops twice.

The first rainbow, the inner one, is always brighter than the second, the outer one, and the colors of the arcs on the second rainbow are located in a mirror image and are less bright. The sky between rainbows is always darker than other parts of the sky. The area of ​​sky between two rainbows is called Alexander's stripe. See double rainbow- a good omen means good luck, fulfillment of desires. So if you are lucky enough to see a double rainbow, hurry up and make a wish and it will definitely come true.

Inverted Rainbow

An inverted rainbow is a rather rare phenomenon. It appears under certain conditions, when cirrus clouds consisting of ice crystals are located at an altitude of 7-8 kilometers as a thin curtain. Sunlight, falling at a certain angle on these crystals, is decomposed into a spectrum and reflected into the atmosphere. The colors in an inverted rainbow are in reverse order, with purple at the top and red at the bottom.

Misty Rainbow

A foggy rainbow or white appears when the sun's rays illuminate a faint fog consisting of very small droplets of water. Such a rainbow is an arc, painted in very pale colors, and if the droplets are very small, then the rainbow is painted in White color. A foggy rainbow can also appear at night during fog, when there is a bright moon in the sky. Misty Rainbow is quite rare atmospheric phenomenon.

Moon Rainbow

A lunar rainbow or night rainbow appears at night and is generated by the Moon. A lunar rainbow is observed during rain that falls opposite the Moon; a lunar rainbow is especially clearly visible during a full moon, when the bright Moon is low in the dark sky. You can also observe a lunar rainbow in areas where there are waterfalls.

Fire Rainbow

A fire rainbow is a rare optical atmospheric phenomenon. A fire rainbow appears when sunlight passes through cirrus clouds at an angle of 58 degrees above the horizon. One more a necessary condition For a fiery rainbow to appear, there are hexagonal ice crystals that are leaf-shaped and their edges must be parallel to the ground. Sun rays, passing through the vertical edges of an ice crystal, they refract and light up a fiery rainbow or a rounded horizontal arc, as science calls a fiery rainbow.

winter rainbow

Winter rainbow is very amazing phenomenon. Such a rainbow can only be observed in winter, during severe frost when the cold Sun shines in the pale blue sky and the air is filled with small ice crystals. The sun's rays are refracted when passing through these crystals, as if through a prism, and are reflected in the cold sky in a multi-colored arc.

Can there be a rainbow without rain?

A rainbow can also be observed on a sunny, clear day near waterfalls, fountains, or in the garden when watering flowers from a hose, holding the hole of the hose with your fingers, creating a water mist and pointing the hose towards the Sun.

How to remember the colors of the rainbow

If you cannot remember how the colors are located in the rainbow, a phrase known to everyone from childhood will help you: “ TO every ABOUT hunter AND wants Z nat G de WITH goes F adhan."