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If you are consumed ecstasy, stop doing it.

This information is not and drug consumption

What is ecstasy? Ecstasy is a drug!

Ecstasy - drug synthesis, namely, the drug developed in the laboratory, its composition is 3.4 methylenedioxymethamfetamine. This drug was opened in the German laboratory in 1912 and patented two years later. In the 60s, the German biochemist explored the ecstasy in the laboratory and remained very satisfied with its numerous effects, which in the future devoted himself to promoting his study along with several like-minded people, psychiatrist doctors. Ecstasy was used to increase self-esteem and the treatment of fear. Soon the first reports on this drug appeared.
In 1984, it becomes prohibited for use in the United States, but its "underground" integration into youth, club culture has begun around the world.

So-called Ecstasy Sold By Tabletsis usually for use on discos and in nightclubs.

Ecstasy effect begins after half an hour of digestion, when serotonin and dopamine is separated in the brain, being translated into a state of relaxation, clarity of the thought and liberation of fears and tension. Fully disappears a sense of sleep and fatigue, in addition, the perception of hearing and tact increases, according to this, club life lovers can complete without stopping all night.

Let's look at the action "Ecstasy"

You can distinguish such drug addicts in the club in a raised mood, quick speech, dancing without stopping and rest and usually with a bottle of water in your hands. During Euphoria (Kaifa), a person moves a lot, nothing eats, does not drink alcohol, it consumes a lot of water and cannot stop in one placeextended pupils (in detail about the eyes of a drug addict on the page ).
Also, ecstasy is sold mixed with substances like caffeine and even heroin.

The usual consumer, in addition, will have serious schizophrenic disorders.
In addition to ecstasy, there is another synthesis drug class:
Eva: This drug is used in tablets with the word "Eve," is taxed and sold in some countries. He has a structure and effects similar to Ecstasy. This drug causes an increase in bodily temperature.
Pill of love: This drug, famous for incentive, combines the effects of amphetamine and mescaline, causeing strong hallucinations. Eating increases sociability and euphoria. Its toxicity is much greater than that of pure ecstasy, there are side effects (hyperactivity, hair on end, rigidity, cramps, respiratory impairment)

If you eat ecstasy, do not do it.

Angel dust: This is a white bitter taste dust, which is used dissolved in water or alcohol, although it also has in capsules, tablets or smoking. First, it was performed as a surgical, anesthetic drug and was removed from the turnover due to the fact that he led to severe, side effects in patients. His consequences can range from Euphoria to anxiety and panic attacks.

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What is ecstasy?

Video about drug Ecstasy

If you are consumed ecstasy, stop doing it.

This information is not Promotion of drugs, manufacturing and drug consumption . The purpose of this material to convey to people who consume drugs, simple principles that will help them to preserve health and avoid different kinds of diseases, one way or another related to drug use, and most importantly immediately begin treatment dependence to drugs.

Ecstasy or HTS are tablets or a capsule of psychostimulating and hallucinogenic action relating to the discharge of the drugs of amphetamine origin. Usually these multicolored pills are taken orally, drinking water. But some drug addicts use a tablet extracted in powder intranasally, intravenous injections are introduced, etc. There are even rectal candles that are inserted into the rectum.

Ecstasy action

The main mechanism of the drug action is the enhanced products of the serotonin hormone, which explains all the subsequent effects of the drug. Although Ecstasy is adopted for psycho-emotional relaxation, the physiological effect of the drug, which can lead to a long-term abstine syndrome or even death has the greatest value. When the components of the drug penetrate the bloodstream, active hormonal stimulation occurs, and serotonin and adrenaline is ejected into the blood. As a result, a person feels a tide of strength, the charge of cheerfulness, and the need for food, sleep and drink becomes insignificant.

Extasy has an impact on cardiovascular activities and other intra-organic systems. Drug calls:

  • Gastric spasms;
  • Dizziness;
  • Convulsions;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Expansion of pupils;
  • Fevering condition;
  • Hyperpotency;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Dehydration.

If the amount of drugs exceeds the dose, the body practically boils from the inside, which is manifested by the accelerated heart rhythm, confused, significant hyperthermia. Myocardia simply does not withstand such a load, the muscle tissue breaks.

It is worth saying about how the plays on the brain acts. Recent studies in this area have shown that the use of tablets violates serotonin systems and memory capacity. Studies of persons who use drugs showed that they have serious head -light violations. The more Ecstasy uses a drug addict, the stronger its brain activity is disturbed, up to the redemption and loss of memory. Such processes are explained by the fact that in the process of the output of the components of the drug there is strong depletion of the brain.
On video about how ecstasy acts:


Ecstasy has the effect of changing consciousness, which manifests itself:

  1. The appearance of lightness and relaxation;
  2. Lack of brakes;
  3. Feeling warmth;
  4. Under the tablets there is an aggravation of perception;
  5. Sensations of cheerfulness and clarity, relaxation and carelessness;
  6. Quickly forms trust and openness to others, even unfamiliar people;
  7. There is an excited state;
  8. There is a quick improvement in mood.

The action of the drug starts in about 20-40 minutes after receiving the tablet. Then the step of maximum effect comes, which lasts about an hour. During this period, trip is accompanied by a slight tingling, in jaws and limbs by feeling the tension, acceleration of heartbeat, the expansion of pupils.

Under ecstasy, ripples occurs, pressing pressure, sometimes a little nausea is worried. At the same time, the strengthening of sexual attraction is another answer to the question of which effect from the drug.

When the action of the drug ends, and the time of action is 3-6 hours after admission, the depression and emotional devastation rolls onto a person, it torments the lack of sleep and convulsive spasms of jaws, muscle tissues are under strong voltage. Since Ecstasy is strongly hit by immunity, in such a state, people become defenseless against colds, influenza and other infections.

Signs and symptoms of use

To suspect ecstasy use by such signs:

  • Lively view, gusty and sharp movements, lightning decision making;
  • Lack of consistency in actions, a person can immediately take up several cases, however, they cannot finish them;
  • It is based on the opinion that a drug addict carries some unknown force that does not allow him to sit still;
  • Under the influence of Extasy, person is almost impossible to focus, he cannot support the conversation, constantly jumping on different topics, and if the question is asked, it does not give an opponent to respond;
  • The addict is worried about the feverish state, he often grills his teeth, which is associated with an ecstasy with a jewish spasm characteristic;
  • Pupils are expanding, the heartbeat becomes too rapidly, the skin looks overnight and unhealthy;
  • A person is able to live without sleep a few days.

Side effects

Among the most common side effects of tablets are especially highlighted:

  1. Physical and nervous exhaustion;
  2. Serious dehydration of the body, capable of becoming the cause of death;
  3. Vascular damage. Against the background of increased pressure, capillaries can be powered;
  4. There are changes in the genetic code;
  5. A large risk of dystrophy of any internal organ;
  6. Strong fever and hyperthermia can cause serious overheating, the temperature of the drug addict under the influence of ecstasy can rise to 40 ° C, which leads to a thermal impact;
  7. Long experience of ecstasy use increases the likelihood of renal or liver failure;
  8. Long-term ecstasy use is fraught with acute psychosis.

Availability in the body

Today there are many tests capable of detecting in the body of a drug.

There is quite a few nuances regarding ecstasy:

  • How many ecstasy keeps in the blood? - It is possible to detect ecstasy in the blood within 3 days after consumption.
  • What period of ecstasy time leaves the body? - In general, at once use, the drug is excreted from the body about a week. If there is a certain experience of ecstasy use, the output duration increases in accordance with the time of use of tablets.
  • How much does Extasy act? - The average duration of narcotic intoxication is observed approximately for 3-6 hours, and the effect occurs after 20-40 minutes from the moment of receiving the tablet.

For sure to confirm either refute the fact of ecstasy use, it is recommended to conduct a study of venous blood, because some narcotic substances metabolites can be maintained in it for 4 months. Experts believe that blood tests have the greatest accuracy.

At the same time, in the urine, traces of ecstasy can also be detected within 3 days from the last use of the drug. You can conduct a study of hair in which Ecstasy is preserved for 90 days.

It should be remembered that beautiful ecstasy pills are far from vitamins for a good mood. These multicolored pills may well lead to serious and even kill a person. Therefore, to express independence and freedom, it is better to choose a more secure way, not drugs.

Many have heard of such a chemical preparation as ecstasy. But far from everyone knows how this composition applies to the human body. Usually in all studies, the answer to this question always goes paired with other requests. So, for example, it is most often found by such a tandem: what is ecstasy - Ecstasy poisoning. This is explained by the fact that in medical circles such a means is always accompanied by signs of intoxication in a person who takes it.

Historical reference

Ecstasy refers to the group of chemical drugs. It was developed by specialists from the pharmaceutical company "Merk" back in 1912, but not immediately found in today's popularity.

The main ingredient here performs methylenedioxymethamfetamine. It refers to a psychoactive drug class, which is somewhat similar to methamphetamine. A little later, the remedy was adopted by the US military who conducted tests for conducting psychological war. And after a couple of years, approximately in 1960, the drug began to be positioned as healing at extreme injury.

Responding to the question of what ecstasy - Ecstasy poisoning is considered an integral part of the taught theme. The thing is that in the 1980s, such a means was considered the most popular drug for parties. Dealers promoted him as a proven drug to fight against depression, as well as for "search for happiness." Many members of young people were conducted on such slogans and willingly used the "magic" composition to increase the mood on the weekend evening days.

Until 1985, the drug could be used without any prohibitions from the authorities. But after the doctors scored alarm, officials blocked its use by official ways, declaring it outlawed. But this did not become an obstacle to spread fashion for drugs with illegal ways.

New story

With the concept of ecstasy, the abbreviation of MDMA is often found. But far from everyone knows what it is MDMA. In fact, it is only a reduction in the main active substance.

Over time, the drug dealers began to hang ecstasy label to almost all drugs of a similar spectrum of action. In fact, methylenedioxymethamfetamine there could be contained not as much as before, but it did not stop the curious customers.

According to narcologists, the modern reading of this drug with a narcotic effect may include a number of completely different substances of different origin. Often in the contents of the means you can find traces:

  • ethylmethylenedoxyamfetamine,
  • heroin,
  • methamphetamines,

Some dubious pharmacists add completely strange components like rat poison, caffeine and means to call vomiting in animals in their narcotic potion.

According to reports from medical reports, many people die after the first sample. It promotes the unexplored composition, the individual characteristics of the body, as well as the general toxic effect, which is difficult to ignore even a healthy person.

There are two types of ecstasy depending on the form of release:

  • tablet
  • liquid.

The first is found much more often. To showcase, drug traders often publish bright pictures on boxes with such poison, which are associated with carelessness and beautiful life. Because of this, in narrow circles, especially in closed club companies, such a drug can be called differently. The most common second names of the means are:

  • Estay
  • Love,
  • Smile,
  • Vitamins
  • Vitamin E
  • round.

Danger adds the fact that even if a person survives after the first reception, he can re-come to the dealer for the purchase. And in the following times, instead of the classic composition, he will be quenched by some other components. By increasing the dose, the unsuspecting drug addict can die almost immediately after receiving the means.

Ecstasy, which is produced for intravenous injections, is actually a gamma hydroxybutyrate. Pharmacists know it as a substance that stably reduces the activity of the nervous system. In everyday life and industries can be found in the compositions provided for:

  • pipe cleaners;
  • floor washing;
  • degreases of different surfaces.

Development Dependency

Some mistakenly believe that the dependence on this narcotic substance is the usual fiction. But in addition to the status of a drug addict in the use of this drug, a person becomes at least several other risks. The most common hazards are called:

  • Eating mixed content. In 1995, only 10% of the entire ecstasy sales included a pure original chemical. In all other cases there were other dangerous toxins.
  • Increase dosage. Due to the fact that the effect of ecstasy with each subsequent reception is significantly reduced, the consumer has to increase the dosage all the time. This can lead to two options for the development of events. Or dependent significantly increases the dose, risking to die from side effects. Either he goes to heavier drugs to catch the desired mood again.
  • Buyers need an "antiphelter". Ecstasy reception always carries mental and physical suffering after the end of its action. To block this unpleasant effect, many customers (according to statistics, this is an overwhelming majority) enjoy a heroine or.
  • Ignorance. Almost all such drug addicts believed that the only ecstasy effect is new sensations without side effects.

Scientific approach

To prove the public harm from ecstasy, scientific members of many countries conducted numerous case studies. The results shocked even experienced experts in the treatment of drug addictions. This is what the published report says:

  • Reception of the drug systematically leads to the failure of the liver. In some cases, even its transplant turns out to be non-responding.
  • Analysis of the narcotic substance sometimes becomes a mystery even for laboratory technicians.
  • Teenagers who take drug ecstasy, often die from dehydration of the body, as well as from a general depletion or heart attack.
  • Even a brief admission has serious damage to the kidneys, and also pushes into irreversible reactions in the brain.

Negative impact

Because of the abundance of various impurities in the base composition, the remedy can turn into a hallucinogenic. According to the result, the consumer is able to see not only pleasant pictures, but also terrible imaginary spectacles.

The use of MDMA is dulling a sense of self-preservation. It can end that a person under the buzz will be climbing in a fire or extended will be released on a twenty-graduated frost, nothing feeling.

The negative effects of Ecstasy was long studied and proved. Researchers during the study of a set of diseases of diseases concluded that the list of initial consequences looks like this:

  • permanent thirst;
  • non-flow dry mouth;
  • acceleration of heartbeat;
  • an increase in blood pressure indicators;
  • breathing;
  • nausea with vomiting;
  • dehydration;
  • increased body temperature;
  • shakes his teeth;
  • coordination violation;
  • problems when urination.

Later it flows into more significant problems, the signs of which indicate:

  • depressive condition;
  • nightmares during sleep;
  • memorization problems;
  • paranoid inclinations;
  • increase in liver volumes with subsequent jaundice;
  • development of chronic renal failure;
  • fire shakes.

The clinical picture also provides for skin problems and the beginning of obesity. In particularly launched cases, the drug addict expects a decrease in reproductive function, various diseases of the cardiovascular system (including infarction), anemia, psychological dependence.

The effect of ecstasy on the body always implies the development of depression up to the manifestation of suicidal inclinations. This drug is especially dangerous for pregnant women, which can lead to deadly fetal pathologies.

How is the addiction?

In society, it was quite long in society that ecstasy causes fast addiction. But, compared with cocaine or heroin, it is not so strong so that the person in the initial stage could not cope with it under the control of specialists.

But the longer the effect of ecstasy on the body occurs, the dende the attachment is formed. It will not work independently to break the connection, but under the supervision of qualified experts, you can still avoid the worst.

The dominant causes of addictions are usually always advocated:

  • use in the composition of other, heavier drugs;
  • the desire to extend Euphoria by increasing the dose;
  • desire to repeat the former euphoria with other drugs;
  • the desire to follow the specific rules of a limited circle of communication.

Signs of use

The first characteristic symptoms appear approximately half an hour after reception and can hold up to eight hours. In some cases, when the composition has an uncertain origin, the effect can still hold out a few days.

A person feels cheerfully, makes harsh movements and at the same time cannot stop at some particular action, jumping from one task to another. He dramatically wakes up the need to communicate, as well as attempts to bodily convergence with people around him.

The physiological component is distinguished by the following signs:

  • extended pupils;
  • rapid pulse;
  • dry skin;
  • fever.


In addition, drug addicts, loving ecstasy, is necessarily waiting for a serotonin failure and, as a result, depression, there are many other dangers.

The deadly dosage of this drug varies solely within its contents, as well as the individual characteristics of a particular body. The causal relationship in this case looks approximately as follows:

  • Brain hemorrhage. It occurs due to improving the limit body temperature to 42 degrees. Hyperthermia is caused by convulsion, protein denaturation and muscle necrosis.
  • Reduced sodium content - direct threat of brain edema.
  • Enhance arterial pressure. This leads to hemorrhages not only in the brain, but also to blocking the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • DVS syndrome, which includes a sharp increase in blood coagulation, which leads to the formation of thrombov. After that, the same sharp decrease in coagulation, leading to death.

Separate attention deserves the theme of ecstasy and alcohol. According to some information, ethyl-containing fluids are considered absolute contraindications when using this drug. When combining two substances of the effects of use, almost always means death.

First aid

Since the action of MDMA on the body occurs pretty quickly, the team of doctors may not even have time to get to the scene of the incident. That is why you must first call the "ambulance", and then study the state of the drug addict.

First of all, it should be checked by its life indicators. If they are far from the norm (a person unconscious, and the pulse stopped tacking) then the emergency resuscitation measures should be made.

  • bring a patient to feeling;
  • reduce its body temperature by placing ice compresses;
  • give abundant drink.

After specialists arrive in place, they will begin to pour salt solutions to the patient intravenously.

Modern medicine does not know the effective ecstasy antidot. Therefore, treatment and recovery period can stretch for a long period. Because of this, doctors insist that people do not even try drugs if they want to keep health.

Ecstasy is a prohibited narcotic agent that has been widespread in society. USA Drug Control Included Ecstasy in List 1, which contains narcotic substances representing a greater threat to life, and which do not apply in medicine. This list included substances such as heroin, LSD, Mescalin and Psilocybin.

Ecstasy drug is very popular among adolescents and young people. According to statistics, it was consumed by at least one time more than ten million people, the overwhelming majority at that time was not fulfilled and 25 years. More than 50% of them began to regularly eat ecstasy, even knowing all its danger. When mixing ecstasy with alcoholic beverages, its influence becomes so serious that it can lead to a fatal outcome. Also in medicine there are cases when death in young people occurred after one-time use of this narcotic substance.

Ecstasy causes so strong damage to the health that the number of people entered into the resuscitation department increased at least 1200%, from the moment MDMA began to be considered a "club drug". The most extensive narcotic substance extends to Rave disco in clubs and other dance sites.

Ecstasy most often spreads in the form of tablets, but it is also taken as intravenously

There is a saying accurately reflecting the action of a drug: dancing under ecstasy is replaced by funeral music.

Methylenedioxymethamfetamine or MDMA - This is a narcotic substance from the amphetamine group. For the first time, Ecstasy was synthesized in 1912 by Merck, and after the 70th year of the 20th century, MDMA became one of the most popular drugs applied on discos. In pure form, the drug MDMA is sold in crystals or in the form of a crystalline powder with a characteristic smell of mold, more often than a red-brown shade.

To date, it is almost impossible to find ecstasy in its pure form. It adds such components such as LSD, heroin, and sometimes poisons with which rats are etched. This is the main threat to the health of consumed. By acquiring ecstasy, the dependent is rarely interested, which components are the drug. In the case when the concentration of MDMA is rather low, the addict begins to increase the dose with each admission. In turn, it becomes the main cause of overdose.

Ecstasy is more often taken in a tablet form. The so-called bombs were previously popular - paper rolls for cigarettes, in which MDMA crystals were kept, such sweats needed to swallow completely. In rare cases, the drug is inhaled through the nostrils, smoke or put intravenously, especially ingenious even introduce rectally pills. The tablets received such widespread due to the fact that when inhaled through the nasal cavity, the mucous membrane receives a serious burn, then bleeding appears, and when the solution is introduced in the form of an injection, the MDMA effect occurs too rapidly and causes strong side effects.

A single dose of reception is usually 120 mg of substance. Overnight, depending on the addimentation stage, the dependent can take from one to ten tablets, each of which contains from 60 to 100 grams of matter. Having understood what MDMA is, we will tell a little about the history of the drug.

Ecstasy is often referred to as a "love tablet" because it increases color perception and sound

History Ecstasy

1912. - MDMA for the first time synthesizes Merk Pharmalikals.

1914 - Merck Pharmal Tychikals receives a patent for the invention of MDMA.

1953. - Military and chemists are engaged in the study of the toxicity of the substance, there are experiments on various animals (pigs, rats, dogs, monkeys).

1965 year - Chemist Alexander Fedorovich Shulgin produces ecstasy, but experiments have not yet conducted.

1967 year - There are small production, synthesizing ecstasy underground.

1968 year - Alexander Fedorovich conducts experiments with MDMA, he shares the results with the scientist community.

1970 - In August, the first mention of the use of MDMA as a narcotic drug has appeared.

1976 - The first scientific article on methylenedioxymethamftamine comes

1977 year Ecstasy spread on the streets as a narcotic substance.

1977 year - United Kingdom makes ecstasy to "List A", which includes the most dangerous drugs in England.

1977-1981 - During this period, 8 people hit the resuscitation separation due to drug use.

1981-1985 - For this period, not a single case of an overdose of substance was revealed.

1985 - US drug control includes MDMA in List 1.

1987 - The first case of the fatal outcome of the drug use is registered.

1994-1999 years - During this time, 27 cases of MDMA use were officially registered on the territory of the USA, which led to the death of dependent.

2000-2001 - About 20 cases of lethal exodus were recorded worldwide on the use of a pair-based tablets - methoxyamfetamine, which were implemented under the guise of ecstasy.

Ecstasy action

When used, the effect of ecstasy is the following manifestations:

  • eases appear in communication, constraints and closure disappears;
  • earlier experienced psychological barriers disappear;
  • tactile, sound and light perceptions are significantly enhanced;
  • there is a need for love;
  • consisting of a tremendous pleasure of physical contact with the surrounding people;
  • escape such emotions as compassion, pity;
  • there is a feeling of harmony with the world around;
  • everything around is felt completely in a new way.

Here are some eyewitness stories about how ecstasy acts:

Diana: I saw this guy in the club, he was under ecstasy, and for several hours he repeated the same thing: "I am a mandarin, why do you take a skirt with me, I'm a mandarin, why do you take a skirt with me."

Kate: On the raw-disco, the guy who pumped ecstasy decided that he was flying and his head was on the window glass, trying to break out.

The image of ecstasy as "pills of love" is one of the many myths that apply to this drug.

The influence of MDMA on the body

Components in MDMA may have hallucinogenic properties and cause different "pictures" using various "pictures" from pleasant to truly nightmarish. Ecstasy dults the instinct responsible for self-preservation, after use, the perception of cold and heat is reduced. Harm Ecstasy does not cause any doubt, which is why it was included in the list of the most dangerous forbidden narcotic drugs. After use, the following negative symptoms appear at the addict:

  • the appearance of thirst and dehydration;
  • pulse and hell;
  • nausea, vomit urge;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increasing temperature;
  • urination difficulties;
  • dizziness.

Less frequently, such symptoms may occur:

  • despondency and depression;
  • nightmares;
  • paranoia and mania persecution;
  • reduced mental abilities;
  • liver dystrophy;
  • tremor;
  • the appearance of ulcers and acne;
  • reducing libido and impotence.

The most common symptom after the abolition of MDMA is depression. Sometimes she is so capturing the drug addict that he seriously thinks about suicide. With regular consumption of matter, infertility develops. Eating during pregnancy can lead to serious pathologies in the development of the fetus.

How MDMA addiction is formed

Dependence on MDMA arises less frequently than from such substances as heroin or LSD. Experiments conducted on rats have shown that addiction to ecstasy is weak and completely abandon him will not be much labor. But sometimes the drug addicts are still being addicted and addiction, the factors of serving this are as follows:

  1. Due to the fact that finding MDMA in pure form is quite difficult, drug addicts often acquire ecstasy with the addition of other components that cause dependence.
  2. Like other types of narcotic substances, MDMA has a property of addiction, i.e., each subsequent application brings an dependent smaller effect, in connection with this, drug addicts increase the dose of the received drug each time.
  3. To get rid of side effects and negative symptoms, drug addicts are forced to resort to stronger substances, such as heroin, cocaine or morphine.

Many underestimate the harm that can cause MDMA organism, often people give false information regarding this substance. Regular admission of ecstasy in a short time can lead to dependence, the development of negative side effects, and sometimes to the death of the addict.

Ecstasy worsens emotions, and its consumers often suffer from depression, confusion, extreme concern, paranoia, psychotic episodes and other mental disorders

Signs of ecstasy use

After using MDMA, the first symptoms appear after 30-50 minutes and continue about 9 hours, there are cases when the signs are preserved two, or even three days. The host appears, the movement becomes abrupt. The constancy disappears in actions, the drug addict is taken for several cases immediately, moving from one to another, the effectiveness is, as a rule, does not bring. There is ease of communication, I want to touch the surrounding people. External signs of consumption of substances may be the following:

  • increasing pupils;
  • rapid heartbeat and pulse;
  • dry lip and skin;
  • insomnia;
  • toothbrush;
  • fever.

Signs of overdose

To identify how the dose of substance is lethal, has not yet succeeded. In the body of the drug addicts killed from overdose, the concentration of MDMA was 2-10 tablets. It all depends on the characteristics of the body, the duration of the reception and many other concomitant factors. Cases are registered when death occurred at the reception of only 1 tablet, also in the entire history of the use of drugs there were cases when people survived, taking 30-50 pieces. Let's look at what happens with the body when MDMA is overdose:

  1. In case of drug poisoning, the body temperature increases, up to 42 degrees. A significant increase, leads to the emergence of convulsion, the structures of proteins molecules are disturbed, the cardiovascular system gives failures. The fatal outcome may occur from acute heart failure, the failure of one of the internal organs or extensive muscle tissue necrosis.
  2. In the blood, the level of sodium is sharply reduced, which leads to the edema of the brain and early death.
  3. Arterial and intracranial pressure increases, hemorrhages in the brain arise.
  4. An disseminated intravascular blood intake syndrome appears, in which blood flowability is significantly increased, a large number of blood clots are formed in small vessels (arterioles, venules and capillaries). When the resultability decreases, bleeding appear, which lead to the death of the dependent.
  5. Long-term use of MDMA leads to the fact that the liver cells begin to die.
  6. The increase in dose may cause liver failure and coma.
  7. In case of overdose, instead of the expected euphoria, paranoia often occurs, the drug addict is horrified.

Ecstasy shakes a natural "alarm system" existing in the body

What to do with ecstasy overdose

In the case when a person who takes ecstasy loses consciousness, first of all, it is necessary to find out if he has signs of life. Immediately call the ambulance carriage.

Purge the victim first help, first you need to wipe the body with a towel dipped in cold water, it is possible to cool the body and reduce the temperature, to the forehead can be applied to the ice package (the application time should be no more than 1 minute, and the interval between them is at least 3 minutes ).

Overdose is always accompanied by dehydration, to replenish the balance of drug addiction (if it is conscious), the diluted rehydration salt should be obtained, as well as to carry out intravenous infusion of the physiological solution. The main procedures should be improved in the early removal of the substance from the body. This can be carried out by the procedure for washing the stomach and inflation to the vein of detox solutions. The remaining events will hold ambulance doctors.

Among the psychostimulants, along with cocaine, ecstasy are widely known. The action of this drug is based on the activation of serotonin production, this hormonal substance is more known as the hormone of happiness. It affects the highest headlights, including pleasure and mood. Serotonin causes a crowded feeling of happiness and love. Studies have shown that those with a reduced and constantly depressive mood, serotonin level is seriously reduced. If a person stays in love, then Serotonin has enhanced.

This drug was created as an effective agent for the treatment of pathological psychological states like depression, depression or closetness. In the eighties of the last century, ecstasy is actively used and moved as a magic drug that is rapidly eliminating from closedness, depression, depressive state and low self-esteem.

Today, ecstasy - drugs actively distributed in clubs in tablet form, less often as a powder or capsules.

Externally, the drug looks like multicolored tablets with various drawings, graphic printing or logos. The basis of the ecstasy is amphetamine, but in the final composition there are often impurities like ephedrine, caffeine, methamphetamine, ketamine, cocaine, dextromethorophane, etc., and it is precisely the composition that the drug works in each individual case. Club youth sincerely believes ecstasy distributors, that the pills are absolutely safe, in fact, the picture is much sadder.


The use of ecstasy tablets, as a rule, occurs in the club medium. Young people swallow drugs in the form of tablets. Some crush pills into powder and inhale through the nose, dilute and administered intravenously. Drugs are distributed in nightclubs, night-party, in transitions or bars.

The effect after use is saved for about 3-4 hours. All this time, a person is toning effect, his perception and the feeling of time is distorted. The combination of tablets with alcohol is very dangerous, since such a mixture may have unpredictable consequences for health.


When penetrating the active substances, the tablet in the body occurs a powerful serotonin emission, however, at the end of the effect, a person experiences fatigue and strong irritation. Drugs allocate such properties of ecstasy:

  • The ability to cause a sense of love and emotional good nature to others, and even unfamiliar;
  • Deep feeling of Euphoria, when everything around seems unusually beautiful;
  • Tablets destroy all psychological obstacles, disappears awkwardness, constraint and stiffness when communicating;
  • A person literally pisses an activity that affects all spheres of the body - mental, psychological, physical, etc.

But this is only one, the rainbow side, so on. Positive properties of the drug. There are also negative effects from ecstasy use like:

  • Hyperpottyness and expansion of pupils;
  • Sleep disorders, overexcitation and excessive concern;
  • There is an excessive load on the cardiovascular system, which is manifested by an increase in pressure and pulse increase, as well as impaired heart rhythm;
  • Thermal impact, increased temperature, fever and convulsive cuts;
  • Twitching the eyelids, cleaving muscle spasm, muscle tissue tension;
  • Dizziness and dry oral mucosa;
  • Dehydration;
  • Difficulties in breathing.

A drug addict using ecstasy tablets loses attention to traditional organic needs. He does not want to drink, there is sleep, all this becomes unimportant. But the abstinence after consumption, in comparison with the alcohol hangover, it is many times stronger and can stretch for several days.

Street names

Ecstasy in the club has other names:

  1. Ex-ti;
  2. Wheels;
  3. Tablas;
  4. Cadillac;
  5. Estay;
  6. Love;
  7. Smile;
  8. Kalachi;
  9. Bagels;
  10. Discs;
  11. Vitamin E;
  12. Sneakers, etc.


Ecstasy You can call almost any tablet preparation on an amphetamine basis. Additionally, they add other psychoactive or stimulating components. Therefore, it is rather difficult to determine in advance which effect it will be from the use of a certain tablet.

The most common types of ecstasy are multi-colored and variety capsules or tablets. There are about 1000 different types of them. They take them orally, although some of them smoke or inhale their nose, rarely administered intravenously.

Characteristic symptoms of use

The characteristic symptoms of drinking tablets appear about 20 minutes after reception:

  1. All over the body feel tingling;
  2. In muscle tissues of legs and hand, the resistant voltage is felt;
  3. Hyperpotency;
  4. Intense heartbeat;
  5. Shiver in the lips;
  6. Drying with oral mucosa;
  7. Easy feeling of nausea;
  8. Changes in breathing.

Outwardly, a person, after consuming Ecstasy, you can note the expansion of pupils, unusual discrepancy and liberty, activity and excessive sociability, the feeling of euphoria, lovingness and acute need in trusting relationships. After consuming ecstasy, an incredible delight, invulnerability, tide of strength and energy is felt.

But when the action of the tablets ends, and this happens in about 3-6 hours after the reception, it occurs apathetic and depressed state, drowsiness and strong fatigue. Similar well-being can hold out for several days, because the body needs additional forces to restore.

At first, the ecstasy drug is used in small quantities, however, over time, the body produces a habit and the standard dose has already ceased to cause the former delight, and the duration of action is noticeably reduced. There is no concept of physiological dependence on ecstasy in the narcological industry. People for whom the use of similar drugs for relaxation and emotional stimulation is quite common, have a strong mental need for drug use. They consider these pills the only way to fully relax. Therefore, it can be assumed that the dependence on such narcotic drugs is psychological in nature, despite the existing consequences for the body.

If ecstasy is constantly and for a long time, then the level of intelligence gradually occurs, the brain activity will slow down, the person becomes blunt. Serotonin receptors are destroyed, which provokes a melancholic and depressive state. We often have cases when in such a state, the escitasists make suicidal actions, because they can no longer feel pleasure and joy from life.

Over time, drug addiction needs to increase the dosage to get a full psycho-emotional effect. In such a situation, a multiple increase in the destructive effect of ecstasy occurs. The likelihood of overdose increases, which against the background of the strongest intoxication and organic overload often ends fascinated. Ecstasy tablets for persons suffering from cardiovascular or renal pathologies, diabetes and mental disabilities are deadly. Documentary ecstasy:


Drug Ecstasy MDMA: action, harm

Ecstasy is a prohibited narcotic agent that has been widespread in society. USA Drug Control Included Ecstasy in List 1, which contains narcotic substances representing a greater threat to life, and which do not apply in medicine. This list included substances such as heroin, LSD, Mescalin and Psilocybin.

Ecstasy drug is very popular among adolescents and young people. According to statistics, it was consumed by at least one time more than ten million people, the overwhelming majority at that time was not fulfilled and 25 years. More than 50% of them began to regularly eat ecstasy, even knowing all its danger. When mixing ecstasy with alcoholic beverages, its influence becomes so serious that it can lead to a fatal outcome. Also in medicine there are cases when death in young people occurred after one-time use of this narcotic substance.

Ecstasy causes so strong damage to the health that the number of people entered into the resuscitation department increased at least 1200%, from the moment MDMA began to be considered a "club drug". The most extensive narcotic substance extends to Rave disco in clubs and other dance sites.

Ecstasy most often spreads in the form of tablets, but it is also taken as intravenously

There is a saying accurately reflecting the action of a drug: dancing under ecstasy is replaced by funeral music.

What is ecstasy

Metiladioxymethamfetamine or MDMA is a narcotic substance from the amphetamine group. For the first time, Ecstasy was synthesized in 1912 by Merck, and after the 70th year of the 20th century, MDMA became one of the most popular drugs applied on discos. In pure form, the drug MDMA is sold in crystals or in the form of a crystalline powder with a characteristic smell of mold, more often than a red-brown shade.

To date, it is almost impossible to find ecstasy in its pure form. It adds such components such as LSD, heroin, and sometimes poisons with which rats are etched. This is the main threat to the health of consumed. By acquiring ecstasy, the dependent is rarely interested, which components are the drug. In the case when the concentration of MDMA is rather low, the addict begins to increase the dose with each admission. In turn, it becomes the main cause of overdose.

Ecstasy is more often taken in a tablet form. The so-called bombs were previously popular - paper rolls for cigarettes, in which MDMA crystals were kept, such sweats needed to swallow completely. In rare cases, the drug is inhaled through the nostrils, smoke or put intravenously, especially ingenious even introduce rectally pills. The tablets received such widespread due to the fact that when inhaled through the nasal cavity, the mucous membrane receives a serious burn, then bleeding appears, and when the solution is introduced in the form of an injection, the MDMA effect occurs too rapidly and causes strong side effects.

A single dose of reception is usually 120 mg of substance. Overnight, depending on the addimentation stage, the dependent can take from one to ten tablets, each of which contains from 60 to 100 grams of matter. Having understood what MDMA is, we will tell a little about the history of the drug.

Ecstasy is often referred to as a "love tablet" because it increases color perception and sound

History Ecstasy

1912 - MDMA for the first time synthesizes Merk Pharmalikyls.

1914 - Merck Pharmaceticus is obtained by a patent for the invention of MDMA.

1953 - military and chemists are engaged in the study of the toxicity of the substance, experiments are carried out on various animals (pigs, rats, dogs, monkeys).

1965 - Chemist Alexander Fedorovich Shulgin produces ecstasy, but experiments do not yet hold.

1967 - small production appear, synthesizing ecstasy underground.

1968 - Alexander Fedorovich conducts experiments with MDMA, he shares the results with the scientist community.

1970 - in August, the first mention of the use of MDMA as a narcotic drug has appeared.

1976 - the first scientific article on methylenedioxymethamftamine

1977 Ecstasy spread on the streets as a narcotic substance.

1977 - the United Kingdom introduces ecstasy to "List A", which includes the most dangerous drugs in England.

1977-1981 - During this period, 8 people hit the resuscitation department due to drug use.

1981-1985 - during this period, not a single case of an overdose of substance was revealed.

1985 - US Drug Administration includes MDMA in List 1.

1987 - registered the first event of the fatal outcome of the drug use.

1994-1999 - During this time, 27 cases of MDMA use were officially registered in the United States, which led to death dependent.

2000-2001 - about 20 cases of lethal exodus were recorded worldwide from the use of vapor-methoxyamfetamine tablets, which were implemented under the guise of ecstasy.

Ecstasy action

When used, the effect of ecstasy is the following manifestations:

  • eases appear in communication, constraints and closure disappears;
  • earlier experienced psychological barriers disappear;
  • tactile, sound and light perceptions are significantly enhanced;
  • there is a need for love;
  • consisting of a tremendous pleasure of physical contact with the surrounding people;
  • escape such emotions as compassion, pity;
  • there is a feeling of harmony with the world around;
  • everything around is felt completely in a new way.

Here are some eyewitness stories about how ecstasy acts:

Diana: I saw this guy in the club, he was under Ecstasy, and for a few hours he repeated the same thing: "I am a mandarin, why do you take a skirt with me, I'm a mandarin, why do you take me a skirt with me."

Kate: On the Rave-disco, the guy, the gapped ecstasy decided that he was flying and fought his head all evening about the window glass, trying to break out.

The image of ecstasy as "pills of love" is one of the many myths that apply to this drug.

The influence of MDMA on the body

Components in MDMA may have hallucinogenic properties and cause different "pictures" using various "pictures" from pleasant to truly nightmarish. Ecstasy dults the instinct responsible for self-preservation, after use, the perception of cold and heat is reduced. Harm Ecstasy does not cause any doubt, which is why it was included in the list of the most dangerous forbidden narcotic drugs. After use, the following negative symptoms appear at the addict:

  • the appearance of thirst and dehydration;
  • pulse and hell;
  • nausea, vomit urge;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increasing temperature;
  • urination difficulties;
  • dizziness.

Less frequently, such symptoms may occur:

  • despondency and depression;
  • nightmares;
  • paranoia and mania persecution;
  • reduced mental abilities;
  • liver dystrophy;
  • tremor;
  • the appearance of ulcers and acne;
  • reducing libido and impotence.

The most common symptom after the abolition of MDMA is depression. Sometimes she is so capturing the drug addict that he seriously thinks about suicide. With regular consumption of matter, infertility develops. Eating during pregnancy can lead to serious pathologies in the development of the fetus.

How MDMA addiction is formed

Dependence on MDMA arises less frequently than from such substances as heroin or LSD. Experiments conducted on rats have shown that addiction to ecstasy is weak and completely abandon him will not be much labor. But sometimes the drug addicts are still being addicted and addiction, the factors of serving this are as follows:

  1. Due to the fact that finding MDMA in pure form is quite difficult, drug addicts often acquire ecstasy with the addition of other components that cause dependence.
  2. Like other types of narcotic substances, MDMA has a property of addiction, i.e., each subsequent application brings an dependent smaller effect, in connection with this, drug addicts increase the dose of the received drug each time.
  3. To get rid of side effects and negative symptoms, drug addicts are forced to resort to stronger substances, such as heroin, cocaine or morphine.

Many underestimate the harm that can cause MDMA organism, often people give false information regarding this substance. Regular admission of ecstasy in a short time can lead to dependence, the development of negative side effects, and sometimes to the death of the addict.

Ecstasy worsens emotions, and its consumers often suffer from depression, confusion, extreme concern, paranoia, psychotic episodes and other mental disorders

Signs of ecstasy use

After using MDMA, the first symptoms appear after 30-50 minutes and continue about 9 hours, there are cases when the signs are preserved two, or even three days. The host appears, the movement becomes abrupt. The constancy disappears in actions, the drug addict is taken for several cases immediately, moving from one to another, the effectiveness is, as a rule, does not bring. There is ease of communication, I want to touch the surrounding people. External signs of consumption of substances may be the following:

  • increasing pupils;
  • rapid heartbeat and pulse;
  • dry lip and skin;
  • insomnia;
  • toothbrush;
  • fever.

Signs of overdose

To identify how the dose of substance is lethal, has not yet succeeded. In the body of the drug addicts killed from overdose, the concentration of MDMA was 2-10 tablets. It all depends on the characteristics of the body, the duration of the reception and many other concomitant factors. Cases are registered when death occurred at the reception of only 1 tablet, also in the entire history of the use of drugs there were cases when people survived, taking 30-50 pieces. Let's look at what happens with the body when MDMA is overdose:

  1. In case of drug poisoning, the body temperature increases, up to 42 degrees. A significant increase, leads to the emergence of convulsion, the structures of proteins molecules are disturbed, the cardiovascular system gives failures. The fatal outcome may occur from acute heart failure, the failure of one of the internal organs or extensive muscle tissue necrosis.
  2. In the blood, the level of sodium is sharply reduced, which leads to the edema of the brain and early death.
  3. Arterial and intracranial pressure increases, hemorrhages in the brain arise.
  4. An disseminated intravascular blood intake syndrome appears, in which blood flowability is significantly increased, a large number of blood clots are formed in small vessels (arterioles, venules and capillaries). When the resultability decreases, bleeding appear, which lead to the death of the dependent.
  5. Long-term use of MDMA leads to the fact that the liver cells begin to die.
  6. The increase in dose may cause liver failure and coma.
  7. In case of overdose, instead of the expected euphoria, paranoia often occurs, the drug addict is horrified.

Ecstasy shakes a natural "alarm system" existing in the body

What to do with ecstasy overdose

In the case when a person who takes ecstasy loses consciousness, first of all, it is necessary to find out if he has signs of life. Immediately call the ambulance carriage.

Purge the victim first help, first you need to wipe the body with a towel dipped in cold water, it is possible to cool the body and reduce the temperature, to the forehead can be applied to the ice package (the application time should be no more than 1 minute, and the interval between them is at least 3 minutes ).

Overdose is always accompanied by dehydration, to replenish the balance of drug addiction (if it is conscious), the diluted rehydration salt should be obtained, as well as to carry out intravenous infusion of the physiological solution. The main procedures should be improved in the early removal of the substance from the body. This can be carried out by the procedure for washing the stomach and inflation to the vein of detox solutions. The remaining events will hold ambulance doctors.


The youth movement "power of young" ecstasy - the youth movement "Power of young"

Exthesis - What is it?

Exthesis - (3, 4-methylenedioxy-N-methilamfetamine, or MDMA - composition). This drug was created illegally. It spreads illegally.

Exthesis is a stimulating drug that causes hallucinations. This drug is also known as a drug, raising the mood, "drug design" so it is also called, it allows you to feel at the height. This drug is popular with adolescents, young, adults who are often visited by clubs, concerts or raw-parties.

Those people who take this drug (so-called users) claim that it makes them feel good and give them the opportunity to be a few days without rest. But they do not even imagine how much this medicine is dangerous for their lives.

Exthesis became one of the most disseminated drugs on the streets. In recent years, he sent many young people to the hospital chambers, because of its side effects. Exthesis can kill!

Ecstasy is also called:

Cadillac, Adam, Beans, Clarity, E, Estay, Ev, Love, Pig, Smile, Snowball, Ex-E, Ex-Ti, Vitamins, Vitamin E, Disc, Tabbla, Wheels, Round, Bagels, Kalachi, Sneakers

How to take ecstasy:

Exthesis take inside the organism, swallow pills or rubbing them, thus creating powder, resulting in the mixture inhale the nose.

What is the ecstasy vilia and how it acts:

Exthesis is a halucingenic drug stimulant. He raises Endorphins sailing and makes emotions, feelings, sensation of man sharper, high, whether they are good or bad. The effect of the drug lasts, as a rule, 6 hours.

Exthesis increases heart rate, causes dry mouth, teeth seat, foggy vision, chills, sweating, nausea.

He can make a person feel anxious, confusion or cause paranoid thoughts that someone or something makes a conspiracy against him, wants harm, etc.

Ecstasy can cause direct damage to brain cells that participate in the process of thinking and memory.

If a person accepted Estheses, and during the actions of the drug is subject to physical loading (for example dancing) - it can lead to the disintegration of muscles, kidneys, damage to the heart, and even death. The drug can cause cramps, head mezga swelling and its irreversible damage.

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