Rosoboronexport displays the latest Russian portable anti-aircraft rocket complex "Verba". He was developed in the Kolomna Research and Production Corporation "Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering" Holding " High precision complexes"(Included in Rostech). Verba CRKK will be presented for the first time at the largest international exhibition of land and naval arms Defexpo India 2016, which will be held in South Goa from March 28 to March 31

"We are convinced that the Verba will be interested in both the Indian military and our partners from South-East Asia and other regions "-" Gazeta.Ru "in the press service of Rosobornexport with reference to the route of Roe Sergey Goreslavsky, who will lead the delegation at the exhibition.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Army of the Verba Army was adopted quite recently - in 2015. It is designed to defeat air purposes, including winged rockets and unmanned aircraft.

Special expensive explains that not big weight and high level of automation of the Willow combat vehicles allow one Zenitchik's arrow to lead the shelling of air targets at a height from 10 to 3.5 thousand m, on a range from 500 to 6.5 thousand meters, while developing speeds up to 400 m / with (when shooting towards meeting) or up to 320 m / s (when shooting in Logon). It is also noted that the CRKK may affect the target maneuvering with overloads to eight units.

The newest CRKK is 2.5 times more efficient than its predecessor - the complex of the previous generation "Needle".

The effectiveness of the lesion of small-sized targets with weak radiation in the heat range (winged rockets and UGS), and also increased protected from modern powerful pyrotechnic interference.

Improving the fighting capabilities of "Verba" is achieved due to the 9M336 rocket with a three-spectral high-sensitive optical head of homing (OGS), a new instrument equipment and a unique combat part with an adaptive contact-non-contact fuse and an increased weight of explosive.

"This is a new generation of CRKK, which Stinger exceeds thanks to a three-spectral head of homing with good opportunitiesWho in the world two or three countries are able to do, "said Viktor Murakhovsky's armed expert.

In addition to the rocket in the guide to the tube, the "Verba" includes a starting mechanism, a locator for recognition on the "Alien" principle, a mobile checkpoint, a small radar detector, planning, intelligence and control modules. Also, the troops comes a portable fire control module.

"Sharing 9M336 missiles from the CRKK" Verba "with a set of control equipment and starting modules allows you to create lightweight mobile anti-aircraft missile systems on their base or equip the existing anti-aircraft rocket and artillery complexes, - Approve in Rosoboronexport. - This embodiment of the combat facilities of the complex on various media allows for a volley launch of missiles, which increases the likelihood of target damage by 1.5 times. According to the General Design of KBM, Valery Kashin, has already developed a whole set of installations for the use of a new CRCK.

Verqu can be used not only from the shoulder, but also place on various terrestrial, sea and air media.

The complex uses a night vision sight 1pn97m "Mowgli-2M", which detects targets at any time of day and shelling them on the far border of the lesion zone.

The Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia for Armediation Yuri Borisov earlier he reported to the President that in 2015 two divisional sets of the Verba anti-aircraft missile complex were delivered to Airborne troops. Two more brigade sets entered the ground forces. According to him, the technique sustained the test and entered the operating organizations to equip and prep personnel.

In the meantime, progress does not stand still and to change the "Verba" already develop a promising CRC, which will be protected from laser interference complexes, only beginners to enter the forefront of the world. According to the head of the military air defense of the land forces Alexander Leonov, the armed forces will receive it "in a few years."

The deputy head of Rosoboronexport Goreslavsky, the Willow's brought to the premiere in India, is sure that "today it is best complex On the international weapon market in its class for the aggregate of tactical and technical characteristics and unique technical solutions. "

Expert for Armediation Viktor Murakhovsky explained Gazeta.Ru, that the Exploratory potential of the "Verba" is good, but there are a number of international restrictions on the supply of CRKK in some countries. "There is an agreement between the leading countries about the non-proliferation of the CRK. There is a consistent list of states that can not be delivered by portable anti-aircraft missile systems. This list is closed, but it is known that it includes the DPRK, Somalia, some countries in Africa, where the militants of the prohibited radical Islamist organization "Boko Haram" and others are, - a significant list, "the interlocutor said. He also explained that, according to the document, it is impossible to supply CRK to non-state armed groups, whatever democratic, such as the free Syrian army.

"For official buyers who have a reliable end-user certificate, countries such as Algeria and Egypt, they will be quite interesting. Including India itself, "added a military expert.

Russia traditionally occupies a leading position among world air defense manufacturers, including portable anti-aircraft missile systems. So, for example, the predecessor of the "Willows", which is in service with the armies of Russia and the CIS and intended for the defeat of low-fat air targets in the conditions of exposure to false thermal interference of the NSRK "Needle", since 1994, has been exported to more than 30 states.

June 19, the American news Internet portal Business Insider published an article in which he informed Russia's intention to deliver one of his newest developments - Portable anti-aircraft complex 9K333, better known as "Verba". The author of the publication calls this weapon one of the most "disturbing" types of weapons due to its high efficiency, compactness and ease of use.

The source of information on the export of the new CRCK, the Americans call Valery Kashinsky, the General Designer of the Russian Scientific and Production Corporation "Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering" (Kolomna), where the Verba was created. At the International Military Technical Forum "Army-2015" held in June of this year in exclusive interview Rosinformbüro Kashin reported that the Corporation received a state permission to export CRK.

Business Insider called the "Verq" the most dangerous in the history of weapons by a portable anti-aircraft system and expressed concern that this weapon can "sprawling" around the world and get into the hands of terrorist groups (such a development of events is a threat, primarily for civil aviation). As an example of uncontrollable distribution american weaponswhich subsequently appealed against the United States, the author of the publication leads the Supply History anti-aircraft complexes FIM-92 Stinger Afghan Mujaughches in the 80s. Then the United States, wanting to help the rebels to be more successful to confront the Soviet troops, several thousand settings "Stinger" were illegally put in Afghanistan. At first, this plan worked very successfully, and soviet aviation It began to carry significant losses. According to some data, with the help of Stinger Mujahideen missiles, more than two hundred Soviet aircraft and helicopters have shot down.

Newest portable anti-aircraft system "Verba" export has not yet been supplied, but there are already data on its application in armed conflict Outside of Russia. According to the Ukrainian authorities, armed forms of self-proclaimed DNR and LNR, leading hostilities in the south-east of Ukraine, applying this weapon, the Ukrainian aircraft An-26 shot down in the summer of last year.

Combat formations of DPR and LPR are armed with Russian portable anti-aircraft missile complexes

CRKK "Verba", which in 2014 began to enter the Russian army in 2014, has high combat effectiveness in comparison with the analogues. According to the creators of the system, by the range of detection of the target and the zone of the defeat of the PZRK 9k333, exceeds all the currently existing types of portable anti-aircraft weapons.

PZRK "Verba" began to enter the army

Below is a table with some data according to three types of modern CRCC (data taken from open sources):

The creators of the new IDPs emphasize that they managed to improve the setting mechanism of the complex, which now uses a three-spectral sensor - two infrared bands and one ultraviolet (in foreign analogs, single or two-spectral sensors are used). At the same time, during the guidance and capture of the target (the reaction time is only 8 seconds), the device leads a constant dumping of the data obtained in different ranges. As a result, the goal is captured much more reliable and the head of the homework is not "distracted" to the false targets and "heat traps" used by the aircraft.

For the purpose of self-defense of modern aviation, it is necessary to "deceive" the instruments for guiding anti-aircraft missiles with false high-temperature signals

It is reported that the "Verba" is very effective weapons against small-sized air targets having a weakly expressed thermal contrast. In addition, the Russian designers managed to create such an appointment device for a new CRC, in which the pre-cooling of the components of liquid nitrogen is required. This significantly increases the reliability of the device, reduces the number of components, simplifies the service of weapons and allows you to manage the smaller number of service personnel during its storage and use.

The developers of the new CRCs reject the assumption that the "Verba" is only the development of the previously created Soviet and Russian anti-aircraft complexes and argue that their product is an independent development and weapon of a new generation. It is indicated that in the new weapon, high continuity with other CRK is preserved. This means that military personnel who have previously mastered other types of portable missile systems, do not have to radically move relative to maintenance and combat application "Willow".

The CRCK kit includes combat parts, controls and target designation, "your own strangers" identification instruments, service tools, as well as training inventory. The complex can be used not only in manual mode (individual arrows), but also as an automatic launcher consisting of several missiles. Such batteries from CRKK can be stationary (for example, on the roofs of buildings) or installed on mobile chassis (cars or armored personnel carriers). It is reported that at present in the development of sea and air basic systems.

Startup from twelve anti-aircraft missiles on the chassis of the combat vehicle "Archer-E"

CRKK 9k333 "Verba", developed on Kolomna "KB of Mechanical Engineering," was adopted in 2015. Mass arrivals of the complex in the landlines of the ground forces began by the end of last year. The capacity of this unique weapon is constantly increasing.

The arrival in the "Willow" troops became a signal for foreign creators of similar weapons, primarily American, that the famous "Stinger" and a little more advanced French "Mistrals" no longer comply with the requirements of modernity. What, for example, eloquently testifies the time spent on the purpose of detecting the goal before the launch of the rocket, which the "Willows" is less forty-time.

"Verba" was first presented wide public At the International Military Technical Forum "Army 2015". An American magazine Business Insider commented on these "Waste": "Verba" represents serious danger For the US and their allies. This is the most terrible in the history of portable anti-missile system».

The new PZRK comes with a rich "dowry", which allows you to maximize the actions of the arrow and significantly increase the performance. The kit includes a small-sized radar detector of the target. Moreover, the tactical link of motorized rifle or tank troops Gets an automated Barnaul-T system, which allows you to find targets within a radius of 40 kilometers, accompany 80 goals and distribute to the target designation "Willow". It is automatically determined to whom and what goal is most convenient to work out. The presence of "His Alien" instruments eliminates the possibility of damage to friendly aircraft.

It is at the expense of such a high automatism, as well as thanks to the early detection of highly remote purposes and manage to dramatically reduce the time of preparation for the shot.

"Verba" rose not from scratch. She became the result of the deep modernization of the IGL-C CRKK. Significant changes have undergone a launcher, and aiming and targeting tool, and the rocket itself.

Rocket with a smart head

The range of firing and the height of the defeat of the goals new rocket 9m336 due to the use of a new solid fuel is somewhat higher than that of existing CRK. But this is not the main thing in it. The main advantage, boldly can be said, the technological breakthrough consists as a head of homing (GSN). Due to which the rocket has a high probability of lesion of little-increasing goals - winged missiles and drone. All the secrets of the rocket are not disclosed, but it can be not difficult to assume that the high sensitivity of the GSN is achieved through the use of a matrix GSN, and not an ordinary photodetector. This is indirectly indicated by the fact that the Sapphire Sapphire project project provides matrix photodetectors of various ranges. The sensitivity of the GPN rocket 9m336 increased 8 times in relation to existing analogues.

The ability of the rocket to overcome anti-missile methods of air targets. And not only the use of targeted heat traps, but also significantly more modern and sophisticated technical techniques. This is achieved due to the fact that the GPN operates in three wave ranges (the maximum dual-band system is used on the CRCK operating in the world). Receive additional information From the third channel, the rocket calculator is significantly more capable of identifying the goal and cut off false goals. Specifically, what the ranges of operations of the GSN receivers are not reported. But it can be assumed that these are two infrared bands and one ultraviolet.

The 9M336 rocket is able to destroy targets that have a speed of 500 m / s, on distance from 500 to 6,500 meters and flying from 10 to 4500 meters at an altitude. Usage is allocress. That is, the shooting is carried out and on targets in counter courses, when radiation from aircraft is minimal.

The weight of the BC is 1.5 kg. Unclear type fuse, that is, more perfect than those used in foreign rockets. In the warhead, a vortex generator is installed - an induction scheme that works when the rocket flies near the metal affected object. Such a scheme has high efficiency And does not require direct hit.

Like any PZRK, Verba in the foreseeable future will be integrated into automatic starting complexeslocated on various moving means. Now there is a test of modifications that will be installed on helicopters and ships.

"Stinger" lagged behind

Winning a Cold War of a quarter century ago, the USA, apparently, decided that this is a final and irrevocable victory. In this connection, the creation of new types of weapons in this country strongly slowed down. Although it was perfectly clear that China, already then began to demonstrate serious international ambitions, will be struggling to increase their military power. In particular, the military-technological lag of the Pentagon affected and portable anti-aircraft missile systems. Now it has become completely obvious. By the way, to date, the USA has been overtaken in this area and the Chinese. (Not without the help of Russia, which Beijing has a little intellectually robbed). Their CRKK QW-2, which is a copy of the Russian "needle-1", in combat capabilities exceeds "Stinger".

FIM-92 Stinger was adopted in 1981. The Pentagon is caught up for 35 years. For its time, it was a wonderful CRK, even a bit of the first generation Soviet "boom" of the first generation, - it establishes a two-way GSN.

But then soviet designers From "KB of Mechanical Engineering" created "needle", which, through the use of a two-mode engine average speed Was higher. The above is the flight distance. And "Stinger" and froze in his magnificence of the period of war in Afghanistan.

The French IDGC "Mistral-2", adopted in 2000, is more perfect. The peculiarity of the rocket is that it uses the matrix GSN from the "air-air" rocket in it. She has good sensitivity, but the low ability to confront the "deception" of the object due to the use of single-channel GSN. Significant disadvantage - high weight: 37 kilograms. You can shoot only from a tripod, and this is a big time loss.

British CRKK Strestwork, adopted in 1997, differs significantly from the generally accepted scheme. Rocket has three arrows kinetic actionthat are divided in 3 kilometers from the target. It has a record firing range - 7 kilometers. But at the same time, the height of the defeat is extremely small - 1000 meters.

TTH PZRK "Verba", "Stinger", "Mistral-2", "Street"

Shooting distance, km: 6500 - 4500 - 6000 - 7000

Lower boundary of the defeat of the target, M: 10 - 180 - 10 - N / D

Maximum height Affected targets, M: 4500 - 3800 - 3000 - 1000

Target speed, km / h: 500 m / s - n / d - n / d - n / d

Mass of the rocket, kg: n / d - 10.1 kg - 17 kg - 14 kg

Weight launcher, kg: n / d - 5,6 - 20 - n / d

The mass of the BC, kg: 1.5 - 2.3 kg - 3 kg - 0.9 kg.

Materials provided: Kuznetsov V.V. (BSTU "VIRAMEKH" G. A-551)

Portable anti-aircraft missile complex (CRKK) 9k333 "Verba" is intended to defeat aircraft, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise missiles in counter and cutting courses in conditions of organized optical interference in visual visibility of the target and at night.

The head developer of the complex is JSC NPK "KB Mechanical Engineering" (Golomna).

Complex "Verba" passed state tests In 2011, adopted in 2015. First demonstrated in the framework of the International Military Technical Forum "Army-2015".

CRKK Verba is the further development of the complex, surpasses it in efficiency in 1.5 ... 2 times, especially at the turns of more than 3 km, has an increased area of \u200b\u200bthe shelling of typical air targets, a smaller mass of combat.


Composition of the complex 9K333 "Verba":

  • Batties:
    • rocket anti-aircraft 9m336 in the pipe;
    • starting mechanism 9P521;
    • ground Radio Papers 1L229V (see photo).
  • Maintenance tools:
    • movable checkpoint 9B681;
    • control and inspection equipment for bases and Arsenals 9V682.
  • Training agents are represented by a single complex of training tools 9F879 as part of:
    • computer equipment class according to PZRK 9P877;
    • the simulator is unified for the preparation of anti-aircraft gunners CRKK type "needle", class 9f874;
    • simulator universal integrated 9F859;
    • tactical training field set 9F663M (see photo);
    • field upgraded simulator for training and training shooters Zenitchikov CRKK family "Needle" 9F635M1 (see photo);
    • a set of dimensional battle layouts 9k333 mock.

The 9M336 rocket (see photo) is equipped with a new head of homing (GSN) and a new instrument compartment. GSN Rocket - the following passive three-spectral, working in ultraviolet, near and middle infrared bands. Due to the increase in the sensitivity of the GSN zone of capture and lesions of typical air targets compared to the IGLA-C CRC, increased 2.5 times. At least 10 times the protection of the complex for pyrotechnic interference is increased. The new homing head ensures the selection of false thermal targets with powerful thermal radiation. One of the main advantages of the IDP "Verba" is a high likelihood of damage to little-increasing targets of the type of winged rockets and unmanned aerial vehicles.

The combat part (BC) rocket 9m336 is a fragantic fuhaasny with a non-contact contact fuse. In the guidance system, the displacement scheme of the rocket is preserved when renting to the target in the most vulnerable parts of the aircraft and the principle of detonation of the engine fuel residues.

Can be used in any geographic zones, including mountain and marine conditions, in the temperature range from -50 to +50 ° C.

To improve the efficiency of combat use of the Verba CRKK, it can be staffed by means of detection, recognition, fire control and targeting.

PZRK 9k333 "Verba" may be additionally introduced: a removable night vision sight 1pn97m "Mowgli-2M" (see photo), allowing to use a complex at night, a small-sized radar detector 1L122 "Harmon".

RLS 1L122 is intended to detect air targets different types, their automatic maintenance and issuing information on the tracks to different consumers. Characteristic feature Stations, positive manner Itifies the parameters of its work, is the use of a phased antenna array of 1200x800mm. The horizontal view is provided by the antenna rotation mechanisms, vertical - electronic scanning.

Depending on the modification, the "Harmon" station is able to update data on targets with a tempo of 2 to 10C, which is caused by the rotation speed of the antenna array. Getting a constant current with a voltage of 22-30 V and consuming up to 800 W, the station provides a search for targets for the ranges of up to 40 km and altitudes of at least 10 km. Provides a circular review of azimuth and tracking the sector within the location of the place from -5 ° to + 45 °. Maximum speed Air target - 700 m / s. The goal coordinates are determined with an accuracy of 100m in terms of range, up to 30 'in azimuth and up to 1 ° 30' at the corner of the place. It is possible to work under conditions of use by the enemy of passive and active interference of certain power. When used as a mobile RLS type 1l122, a control and control system is completed in the form of a secure laptop computer and communications.

To equip the management of the commander of the platoon-Zenitchikov Razrktolers, a portable fire control module (PMU) 9C933 has been developed.

PMU 9C933 is part of a set of automation tools (KSA) "Barnaul-T", designed for automated control The actions of the branches of Zenitchikov Zenitchikov CRK and ensures an increase in the efficiency of weapon management. The module is made in the form of an army wreck, which in a few minutes can be turned into a full-fledged automated workplace Commander. The equipment provides data exchange with higher command Points, Posts with arrows, support of air targets according to information from external radar, targeting, as well as the reception and formation of reports on the performance of tasks. PMU 9C933 provides simultaneous solution of fire tasks for 15 goals. The module allows you to receive operational information about the air atmosphere in the specified sector of the shooting, displays information about the trajectory of the target, carries out automatic target designation and setting fire tasks to zenital shooters, taking into account their location and readiness for the task.

The automation means of automation of the Zamenitechikov shooters (KSAS) 9C935 from CSA "Barnaul-T" is designed to equip the branches of Zenitchikov ZRRK, coordinating their actions, increase the efficiency of weapon management under any combat situation (see photo). The KSAS elements are placed on wearable vest and helmet, so as not to reduce the maneuverable capabilities of the platforms and the separation of anti-aircraft gunners.

Rocket 9M336 can be applied not only in the version of shooting from the shoulder, but also as an interspecific unified combat Combating aerial targets for equipping various media terrestrial, air and marine based.

At the International Military Technical Forum "Army 2016" were presented fighting machine Departments (BMO) and the intelligence and management machine of the platoon commander (Mrook) from the composition of the Flexible-C complex. "Flexible-C" - the result of the work of co-operative enterprises, headed by JSC "NPK" KBM ". The number of developers include NPP Rubin JSC (Penza), JSC Saratov Aggregate Plant, JSC" State Ryazan Instrumentation Plant " , FSUE "Research Institute of Applied Acoustics" (Dubna), JSC "VNII" SIGNAL "(carpets), FSUE" GosNIIAS "(Moscow).

BMO is a bronotable mobile means of movement of the separation of the Zenitchikov Zenitchikov of PZRK with standard weapons, ammunition and property. The machine is designed for the defense of the general-official units from the air attack means flying on small and ultra-long altitudes, with all types of battle, day, at night and march.

BMO can apply both the newest IDGC "Verba" and CRKK "Needle-C". In ammunition - 8 rockets. Four of them are placed on the start-up. The work of the BMO is automated as possible. Mode of combat application - autonomous or under the control of command items from basic kit KSA "Barnaul-T".

The reconnaissance and management of the platoon commander is intended for automated control of the branches of the Zenitchikov Zenitchikov. The composition of Mroch includes a small-sized radar 1l122 "Harmon". Mroarch allows you to quickly interact with higher command items and manage six subordinate combat vehicles or four branches of anti-aircraft gunners, equipped with 9C935 automation sets. The guaranteed communication range of Mroarchs with BMO is 17 km during the parking lot and 8 km while driving.

BMOs and Mrook are based on the Tiger car. Crew Mroch - commander, telephone operator, driver. Crew BMO - driver, commander of the PZRK branch, two zenitchik arrow.

Tactical and technical characteristics

Thermal imaging Mowgli-2M

Corner field in the space of items, hail 24
Dioptere Setup, DPTR -3…+6
Device resolution limit, corner 10
Spectral Range, MKM 8-12
Format of a bolometric matrix, pixel 320x240.
Frame frequency, Hz 50
The time of translating combat facilities from a hiking position in combat, with Not more than 12.
Operating temperature range from -50 ° C to + 50 ° С
Supply voltage, in 12
Operating temperature range, ° С from -40 to +50
Continuous work time (without replacing the battery), h no less 8
dimensions, mm 256x135x109.
Weight, kg no more 1,5

CRKK "Verba" is the Russian newest anti-aircraft missile laptop, which was developed by the specialists of the "KB of Mechanical Engineering" (Kolomna) and was adopted in 2014. Its main task is to combat low-fat air targets, including with cruise missiles and unmanned vehicles (UAV) of the enemy. Currently, the Verba is just beginning to enter the troops, it is known that this complex has already received the fighters of the 98th division of the Airborne Forces. Serial production of PZRK is engaged in the Kovrovsky plant. Degtyarev, it began in 2012.

According to mine tactical and technical characteristics (TTX) Russian IDPs "Verba" significantly exceeds the existing foreign analogs, so it can be safely called a new generation anti-aircraft complex. The range of heights and distances on which the "Verba" is capable of working, quite comparable to the characteristics of more serious army Systems Air defense. The complex confidently overlaps the main high-altitude ranges army aviation, In addition, the head of the rocket is capable of distinguishing the real goals from heat traps and confidently affect them. And this moment is called the main "highlight" "Verba."

The general community was first demonstrated at the international exhibition Defexpo India, which took place in 2016. After that, the American publication of Business Insider called the Verqu "the most terrible portable anti-aircraft complex in history."

The complex, except for the launcher itself and the anti-aircraft missile, is also included by mobile small radar and automated system Fire control (ACS), which is capable not only to determine the parameters of the goals, but also to give target designation to start settings. She was also developed by the specialists of the "KB of Mechanical Engineering".

The new Russian complex was already interested in India, negotiations are currently underway with Algeria, Egypt and a number of other countries. It is known that the IRRK "Verba" was already put by the Armed Forces of Armenia. There is information that this complex is currently running "running" in Syria, moreover, information about the successful use of CRCs against Eslamist drones appeared in the media.

History of creation

The emergence of powerful and long-range anti-aircraft missile systems forced pilots of combat aviation to descend from the transcendental heights and seek protection in close proximity to Earth. However, in the early 60s ground troops He began to receive portable SPK, which very soon became one of the main enemies of pilots. Mobile, simple, practically imperceptible portable anti-aircraft rocket complexes turned out to be very effective weapons. The fighter, an armed CRK, could well destroy a large and expensive fighter or attack aircraft. For the first time, PZRK were massively applied in the Arab-Israeli War of 1969. These were the Soviet complexes "Strela-2". The effectiveness of their use struck specialists.

At about the same time, American was adopted portable complexes "Red ah". And in the early 80s, the famous CRKK FIM-92 Stinger received a lot of blood to our pilots in Afghanistan to the American army. At the time of its creation, it was a wonderful CRK, in many ways superior foreign analogues, including Soviet complexes. But if we talk about today's Dn., it should be recognized that "Stinger" is already morally outdated. In terms of its basic characteristics, it is inferior not only by the newest "Verba", but also many late modifications "Needles".

Portable anti-aircraft complexes quickly found their place after graduation Cold WarThis weapon remains very popular and in our era of hybrid wars and local conflicts.

It should be noted that in the USSR this type of weapons has always paid special attention to the domestic designers on the field of development of the CRCC managed to achieve significant success. "Arrow-2" replaced the more perfect "Strela-3", and in the early 80s for armament soviet army The needle complex was adopted, which is still used russian army. It is believed that the Soviet, and then the Russian CRCs in their entire history, about 700 different aircraft were shot down. The main center of the development of domestic CRCK is the Kolomna "KB of Mechanical Engineering", which is rightfully considered to be the world leader in creating this weapon.

PZRK "Verba", in fact, became the further development of the needle complex, which was adopted in the beginning of zero years. The first information about the "Verba" appeared in approximately in 2008, but for obvious reasons it was very foggy and scraps. True, it was argued that the new CRC will be ready for 2009. However, this did not happen, the deadlines for the commission of the complex were constantly transferred. Only in 2011 began military Testingwho lasted for several years. The IPRK "Verba" was adopted in 2014. The first to receive units of airborne troops began to receive it.

Shoot from the "Verba" not only from the shoulder, but also to install this complex on martial vehicles, helicopters or various ground platforms. The Russian military believe that the new complex will allow them not only to more effectively with the already familiar threats - aircraft and helicopters of the opponent - but also successfully fight the wicked rockets and unmanned devices of the enemy. Last year, in a number of domestic media, information about the destruction of an unmanned aerial vehicle near the Syrian capital appeared with the help of the IPRC. With it, the rebels adjusted the artillery fire. True, the data on this incident was not officially confirmed.

Description "Willow"

Externally, the Verba PZRK is not too different from its famous precursors - anti-aircraft complexes "Needle" and "Strela". However, in fact, this is a weapon with absolutely different characteristics and capabilities. New complex It is capable of hitting the targets at altitudes up to 4.5 km and at a distance of up to 6 km, and both on the oncoming and in the corona courses. it essential characteristics For any PZRK and on them, the Verba is superior to the French Mistral, and the American Stinger, and even more modern British "Stastrik". To achieve an increase in the range and highness of the defeat of the objectives of the designers was due to the use of more efficient rocket fuel.

W. russian complex There is another advantage - this is the lower boundary of the lesion zone, which is only 10 meters. For comparison, "Stinger" can capture targets flying at an altitude of at least 180 meters.

The composition of the portable anti-aircraft complex "Verba" (index 9k333) includes the following elements:

  • startup 9P521;
  • anti-aircraft controlled rocket;
  • 1l122 review radar, which is able to detect range targets from 40 to 80 km;
  • the recognition system "its own strangers";
  • fire management system;
  • mobile KP 9V861;
  • mounting kit 9C933-1;
  • automation kit 9C935;
  • funds intended for training and training personnel.

The most important part of any CRK is anti-aircraft rocket. It is from its characteristics in many ways depend combat opportunities complex. The 9M336 rocket is equipped with a homing head that works immediately in three different ranges, including ultraviolet. She also received a new dashboard. Thanks to such a three-dimip band design, the head of the rocket is capable of distinguishing the real air targets from heat traps - the usual means of self-defense of modern combat aircraft and helicopters from the PZRK. Three rocket sensors constantly complement each other's data, which makes attempts to keep in its delusion and "slip" a false goal instead of the battle practically unpromising.

In addition, it should be noted the highest sensitivity of GOS Rocket, compared with existing analogues She grew up eight times. Due to this, the likelihood of damage to the so-called little-increasing targets - drones and winged missiles, as well as the effectiveness of the use of CRCs in distant distances, has increased significantly.

You can also add that the creators of the complex took care of the proper level of protection of the GSN rocket from laser interference systems, which are still adopted by the leading military powers. That is, in this case the creators of the "Verba" worked for the protection.

It should be noted that the use of several photodetectors for different spectral ranges is not some special "know-how", a similar principle is used on most SN modern portable anti-aircraft complexes. But only the "Verba" has at once three independent channels for obtaining information.

According to the developers, the 9M336 rocket is completely digital, it is insensitive to aggressive media and completely sealed.

The weight of the combat part of the rocket is 1.5 kg. It is equipped with a contactless explosion, which initiates detonation at a certain distance from the object. A similar scheme is considered more efficient, and it does not require direct rocket to enter the object.

Another advantage of the IDP "Verba" compared to competitors is the presence of rLS complex and fire management systems. The late detection of the target is one of the main deficiencies of portable anti-aircraft complexes. As a rule, the fighter begins to prepare for shooting only after the visual detection of an enemy aircraft or helicopter. In order to further complicate the life of air defense calculations, the pilots usually use small or led altitudes.

RLS, which is part of the Verba complex, can spark aircrafts The enemy at distances up to 80 km, and the fire management system through the GLONASS system determines the exact location of the calculations and makes a prevention of them, who is most effectively able to hit the target. Fighters get a beep, as well as information about the basic characteristics of the approaching objects.

CRKK "Verba" is part tactical complex Air defense Barnaul-T, so information about the purpose of calculations of anti-aircraft users can receive from higher level detection systems.

The total weight of the launching with rocket and power supply is 17.25 kg. "Verba" is equipped with a night sight "Mowgli-2", which allows it to use it at any time of the day.

Another advantage of the new complex is the simplicity of its maintenance. Unlike CRCK of previous generations, GSN rocket does not need regular cooling with liquid nitrogen. This allows you to significantly reduce its operation.

As mentioned above, the Verba PZRK can be used not only for shooting from the shoulder. "Needles" are part of the air defense unit "Bending", and also used on combat helicopters in the "Sagittarius" complexes. Similarly plan to apply the "Verq".