Aura is the area surrounding the human body. She's invisible ordinary people, but quite noticeable for those who are engaged in esotericism or the study of energy flows, penetration into the secrets of the subconscious. Aura is usually called a kind of cloud that envelops the body. Its meaning is extremely important, because it reflects the set of emotions, thoughts and state of a person for a given period of time. Only selected people are able to see this cloud, but anyone can try to learn. To do this, you need to work on opening your chakras, try to stimulate them.

In ancient times, the aura was seen by clairvoyants; this fact is mentioned in many ancient writings. Its existence can be learned from the paintings of great artists who often used the technique of displaying an energy cocoon around their heroes.

If until recently there was no logical justification for the presence of an aura, then developing science has clearly explained the possibility of the existence of a magical field, calling it electromagnetic, and therefore quite visible.

Radiation is characterized by the individual characteristics of a person. It differs not only in color, but also in density and direction of the rays. The biofield protects a person from the negative influence of others, pushing away bad thoughts, damage, envy and other aggressors. But it's a healthy aura. When everything is destroyed magical properties weaken or go away altogether. Why is this happening? A person, without realizing it, destroys his defenses with quarrels, insults, squabbles, and envy of others. At these moments, cracks and then holes appear in the energy shell. Only careful control over your thoughts and their content will help you avoid this.

The aura is completely unique, different people do not have the same biofields, they may be similar, but the radiation itself is unique, like all of us.

Aura colors

The appearance of the energy cocoon around a person’s body can tell about the state of health, thoughts, experiences and aspirations, characteristics and talents. Color represents different wavelengths with different frequencies of perception.

  • Red– the owner of such a biofield is a born leader, an excellent sexual partner and simply a strong, energetic personality.
  • Dark red – a person most likely has an unbalanced character, can flare up when it is not the case, is energetic and decisive, strives to be a leader. Usually these are dominant figures in teams and families.
  • Burgundy– the shade indicates aggression, a tendency to outbursts of anger, malice and unbalanced rage. Such a person is characterized by the desire for wealth at any cost, profit, and treacherous actions.
  • Red-brown- a cunning, selfish person with a lack of vitality. Perhaps he has diseases of the genitourinary system. Sometimes the hue occurs only around a certain area of ​​the body, indicating illness. Such a biofield often manifests itself in murderers, maniacs and other antisocial individuals.
  • Scarlet– corresponds to strong, ambitious people who have a tendency to pride and narcissism.
  • Lilac– such an aura is a symbol of selflessness, altruism, and love for the world. A person is capable of anything heroic deeds, he is kind and responsive to others.
  • Pink– this shade demonstrates love, selfless feelings, sincerity, kindness and sociability.
  • Orange– an indicator of vital energy, desire for active action, humanity and respect for others. If an orange aura appears in the liver area, this may indicate liver disease.
  • Yellow– a person with such a biofield has good health and creative potential. He is an optimist in life, an excellent friend, independent and friendly, attractive to the opposite sex.
  • Yellow-brown– reflects passivity, laziness, unwillingness to change something both in your life and in the lives of others.
  • Bright green– people with such energy fields become true friends, excellent parents and family men. They are responsive, kind, always ready to help and lend a friendly shoulder.
  • Emerald– the owner of such an aura strives for justice, is truthful, and is endowed with enormous creative potential.
  • Dirty green- an indicator of cunning, envy, deceit and deceit.
  • Baby blue– symbolizes a person with excellent health and excellent well-being. They are peace loving good people with good taste.
  • Pale blue- characteristic of the aura of an indecisive, lethargic person who listens to the opinions of others and is guided by them.
  • Indigo– the rich blue color of the aura indicates a spiritual person, striving for great deeds and achievements, possessing intuition. Usually such people strive to understand the meaning of life and to realize themselves in their chosen direction.
  • Pink-violet- indicates touchy, unfriendly people.
  • Dark purple– an indicator of lack of vitality, hot temper and nervousness.
  • Purple-gold– this color is typical for spiritual people, open and balanced.
  • Grey– this is a shade of illness. The owner of such a biofield is exhausted from life, has limited capabilities and has lost his core; he is not able to love or make friends. This is a selfish, jealous nature.
  • Blue-gray– such biofields symbolize energy vampires.
  • Blue– means wisdom and the desire for a harmonious existence, spirituality, and high ideals.
  • Dark blue– an aura of this color is characteristic of selfless people serving their calling, who carry out a specific mission in this world.
  • Black– this is an indicator of destruction: anger, hatred, enmity, rejection of surrounding people and events.
  • Sulfur gray– symbolizes loss of strength and melancholy.
  • White- this is the aura of people who have comprehended spirituality and have high levels of wisdom and consciousness. They have well-developed extrasensory perception abilities and intuition.

There are several special exercises that help develop hidden abilities and see the aura of others. The very first thing you need to do is learn to analyze your own energy radiation, get to know yourself and your inner world. After this, the opportunity to analyze the biofield of others will begin to open up.

There are several layers of the aura, but the brightest is located closer to the body. This is the ethereal layer that is easiest to see.

The first classes on aura recognition can be held with a loved one to whom you can entrust your secrets. Let it stand at a distance of 40-60 cm from the wall with a monochromatic light coating. Lighting should be soft, without direct sun rays and bright lighting fixtures, which can distort the shade of the biofield. You need to remain three meters away from the person being examined, who should be calm and relaxed.

Ask the object to sway a little from side to side, and watch carefully, as if through it, onto the wall. Gradually, a light, blurry light will begin to appear around the person’s body. Its width will not exceed 1 cm - this is the etheric layer, the most noticeable.

If you do not make sudden movements, but continue to watch, gradually an even more blurry glow will begin to appear around the subject. It may have a heterogeneous shade, glow of different strength and type. This is normal, since the aura can indicate a momentary state, as well as diseases and illnesses hidden in the body.

To consolidate the results and learn to see the aura faster, you should train on different objects. Soon you will not need a wall and immobility - you will learn to evaluate the biofield by simply holding your gaze on a person who does not even suspect. What do you look at him (in a store, on a bus, in an office).

Some manage to see the biofield of others at a quick glance, others - after careful research. It all depends on the person himself, his inner desire and experience.

How to see your aura

Personal glow can usually be seen in front of the mirror, at a distance of up to half a meter from it. The background should be a monochromatic, evenly painted object (wall, partition, sheet screen).

Relax, let your breathing be smooth and calm, and your thoughts positive. Look at the background behind you. It will be correct if the background and lighting are smooth, without glare or bright spots.

Gradually, you will learn to quickly see your aura, and then change its shades.


You can cleanse your energy field at home using ordinary table salt. This is a material of the earth element that has the ability to absorb negative waves. Take salt with you into the shower, rub it into your skin with light massaging movements, and then rinse warm water. Both regular table salt and sea salt are suitable for this technique.


Energy cracks and holes can be patched with the help of a chicken egg - a complete living cell. Move the fresh homemade egg clockwise around your body. Relax and breathe evenly. This product will absorb negative energy. You can't break the shell. After the procedure, you need to take the egg outside the gate (threshold) and bury it in the ground.


Prayer has a special meaning for a person: it helps to cleanse the aura, reduce the level of anxiety, fear, negative emotions. Say any prayers from the soul, from the bottom of your heart, to cleanse the biofield.


Thanks to meditation skills, you can restore strength and energy lost during a difficult period of life. Do this:

  • Dim the lights, turn on relaxing, calm music.
  • Take the most comfortable position - the spine should be straight, shoulders down, hands on your knees with palms up.
  • Disconnect from pressing problems life situations, any all-consuming thoughts. To calm down, you can make a ring from your index and thumb on both hands.
  • Close your eyes, breathe deeply, try to achieve complete relaxation of your body, from the muscles on your face to your fingertips.
  • Allow energy to move freely throughout the body, it will close cracks and replenish losses in damaged areas.
  • Meditate for at least 20 minutes every day.


It is good to use a church candle, which will help not only restore the aura, but also get rid of the damage caused.

An assistant is needed for the procedure. Stand on the paper, light a candle with a match, let the assistant move it over your head, then along your body. You can read a prayer. When the candle stops cracking and smoking, the procedure can be completed. You can’t put out the fire on purpose; let all the wax melt and drip onto the paper. When this happens, the sheet should be buried in the ground away from the gate.


Natural resources have no boundaries. Mother Earth is able to charge a person with pure, bright energy and positive emotions. A powerful strengthening of the aura will occur both during walks in the forest and on the shores of the sea, river, or lake. Some people prefer to hug the tree tightly and stand in this position for 5-10 minutes. The more often you walk, the easier and faster the aura will be restored.


A calm, beautiful melody can not only cleanse a person’s energy field, but also his entire home. Turn on music when you feel bad, there is a quarrel, an unpleasant conversation. Just ten minutes of listening to the right compositions will help cleanse your biofield.

Essential oils

Bergamot, orange, and cedar oils will help in cleaning the aura. They will protect against negativity and relieve unpleasant sensations. Apply a few drops of your favorite essential oil to your skin morning and evening.

Bell ringing

Many people claim that the sound of a church bell live can work miracles. It enhances energy, improves health and overall well-being.

Sadhguru - What is an aura?

An ordinary person cannot see an aura with the naked eye, but it is accessible to psychics, people with special sensitivity.

Knowing what the presence of a particular color in a person’s subtle energy shell means, they can make a fairly accurate psychological picture personality.

What is a human aura

Each person has his own unique aura - a special biofield that surrounds him. It has different colors and can consist of one or several colors. This or that color may be present in a person’s biofield to a greater or lesser extent. Based on these data, we can draw a conclusion about the personality and character of a person, since each color has its own meaning.

The meaning of colors in the human aura

Traditionally, the following meanings are attributed to the colors of the aura:

  • 1. White color . IN modern world People with a pure white aura are extremely rare. It is inherent only to highly spiritual, very moral people. Monks and people who have achieved spiritual enlightenment may have this aura color. But white with a silver tint comes across much more often, and indicates that a person has a well-developed imagination and intuition, and is prone to daydreaming. They say they have their head in the clouds.

  • 2. Black color. This coloring of the biofield is very bad sign. Pure black color can only be found in practicing witches and sorcerers who use black magic. Ordinary people may have a dirty gray tint, which indicates that the person is envious, has the “evil eye” or is an energy vampire.

  • 3. Red. Pure scarlet color indicates that the owner of such an aura is a sensual person who loves life. But it can also indicate strong irritability and aggression, especially if a gray tint complements red.

  • 4. Yellow. Inherent in people who are talented, prone to creativity and well-developed intellectually. It can be seen in writers, scientists, and artists. If there is a lot of yellow in the aura, this means that the person undoubtedly has a sharp mind.

  • 5. Blue. Talks about empathy, the tendency to support and help others. People with presence of blue color in the aura - the most reliable friends and partners, caring and loving parents. People whose aura is dominated by the color blue make very good teachers, educators, caregivers, nurses and nurses.

  • 6. Blue. Characteristic of those who strive to learn new things throughout their lives. These people usually love to travel, because travel is one of the most interesting ways knowledge of the world. This shade is present in the aura of scientists, inventors, and researchers. Also, people with a blue aura can become good teachers.

  • 7. Green. People with the color green in their aura are distinguished by a calm, reserved character; they love nature. They often have natural healing abilities.

  • 8. Orange color speaks of healthy self-esteem and ambition, as well as in general positive attitude to life. People with this shade in their biofield are cheerful, sociable, and often the life of the party. They love attention and praise. If the orange shade is dirty and ugly, this may indicate selfishness and arrogance.

  • 9. Violet The color in the aura speaks of a person’s unusual abilities. This shade is found among psychics, clairvoyants, and people with well-developed intuition. Maybe for a person interested in various spiritual practices.

What does a person’s aura depend on?

Since the color of the biofield directly depends on the character and condition of a person, it can change throughout life. Also, the aura can acquire a certain shade for a short time, under the influence of a particular situation. For example, if a person is very irritated, his aura at that moment becomes red. If a person, on the contrary, is calm and peaceful, a green tint will predominate in his biofield.

The type of aura depends on the current state of a person’s health. If everything is in order with the body, and the person himself is cheerful and rested, the aura will be bright, luminous, and look voluminous. If a person is very tired and did not sleep well the night before, the colors will be weak and dull. After rest and recuperation, the aura returns to its previous state.

Gray “gaps” and dark spots in the aura indicate that a person is sick. This may also indicate that a person will soon get sick if he feels well in this moment. Based on where exactly the dark spot is located, one can judge which organ is unhealthy. Knowing this, you can take appropriate measures.

Also, a person’s aura can seem to go far beyond the boundaries physical body, and be very close to him. Usually than stronger man morally, and the stronger he is physically, the further the boundaries of his biofield extend.

The aura is not always visible in color. Many beginning mediums see it as wavy, flowing whitish stripes.
However, for the purpose of psychic "reading", many mediums turn on their mental television screen, so to speak, so that they can see the aura in all the variety of colors that change into one another, and use these differences to determine the patient's condition.

Although a general description can be given special meanings different colors and combinations, it should be said that the perception of these colors can be purely individual, and THERE ARE NO TWO MEDIA WHICH AT THE SAME MOMENT WILL SEE THE SAME SHADES IN THE AURA - PERCEPTION IS VERY INDIVIDUAL.

"AURO - CAMERA 6000"

In 1992, a special device for photographing a person’s aura, the “Aura Camera-6000,” was manufactured in the USA.
A photograph taken by the “Aura-camera-6000” allows you to look into the inner world of a person, get an idea of ​​the characteristics of his psyche, emotional state, his qualities and problems. This is how the long-forgotten knowledge about the aura - the structure of human energy - returns to us.
The camera of this device is a regular Polaroid instant camera, which is built into the body. This housing contains ordinary colored light bulbs that illuminate the Polaroid card during exposure. Light bulbs are connected to devices on which the palms of the hands rest.
These meters measure resistance skin palms, and depending on this, they issue a command to one or another colored light bulb to illuminate a general photo of the client who has placed his palms on these devices.
When your hands come into contact with the sensors, information about the main auric colors is read, then the signal is sent to an electronic processor, which models the halo of radiation, converts it into a color scheme and superimposes it on your photo.
The electronic analogue of the aura, which is visible in a regular Polaroid photograph, corresponds to the human aura.
The vision of colors by psychoenergeticists and senses always coincides with the colors in the photograph. The intensity of the glow does not always coincide, but this is natural, since the aura structure is dynamic and can change under the influence of emotions, thoughts, feelings, internal transformation of the personality, external influences

Aura images are deciphered only in dynamics, so you must have at least two images. You need to take a picture while in a neutral psycho-emotional state. Only under this condition will the picture be objective, since the size and quality of the color of the aura can fluctuate depending on the emotions and thoughts overwhelmed by a person.
To study and interpret the states of the aura and a person from a photograph taken with this device, it is necessary to have several photographs. The information content of the photo is reduced due to its limited size and unclear structure. The main parameter that is interpreted in this case is the orientation of the psyche and the level of development of consciousness. Due to the fragmentary nature of the photograph (only the head and shoulders are visible), it is very difficult to judge the full structure of the aura. In addition, by highlighting color it is quite difficult to judge the general condition of a person. The color of the aura is not a constant category; in addition, it is necessary to take into account various shades and purity of color. The professionalism of the researcher plays a very important role in the interpretation of photographs.

Auras are in constant flux, their colors and shapes changing along with the thoughts and sensations of the individual. In addition, sometimes colors fade and merge, as in a rainbow, and it is often impossible to tell exactly where one color ends and where another begins.



RED is the color of emotionality and vitality. Strong feelings any kind, such as anger, fear or love, are represented in red.
A person with a red aura has physical vitality, energy, ambition, as well as sexual power. Red - courage, activity, assertiveness.
RED LIGHT, gentle, bright color, pure red color indicates that a person is in love, full of energy, and vitality. In such an aura, red means physical activity, ambition, courage, joy.
SCARLET- “warns” about excessive self-confidence, that a person loves himself too much. This is the color of false pride, pride without foundation. The scarlet color around the hips shows women who sell "love" for money.
BRIGHT RED with flashes - anger.
RED WITH BROWN- thirst for passion, tendency to violence.
BURGUNDY- indignation, sometimes sensuality.
DARK RED color is characteristic of people with a lack of energy, physical and emotional fatigue; materialism. Darkish red - malice, aggressiveness.
RED AURA WITH DARK SHADES OR BRIGHT FLASHES mean sudden anger, sometimes sudden and unmotivated. Such a person usually has a lot of energy, but quite raw energy.
CRIMSON- sexuality and passion.
DIRTY - RED with dark streaks speaks of a person’s selfishness, the ability to fly into rage, and greed for pleasure.
REDDISH ORANGE- the desire to impress others, vitality.
DULL BRICK RED among arrogant and arrogant people.
A clear red border or red tongues extending from the organ shows that the organ is in good health.
Assassins always have lower shades of red in their aura.
The lighter the red (lighter does not mean purer), the more nervous and unstable the person is. Such people are very active and cannot remain at rest for more than a few seconds. As a rule, they are self-centered.
Red colors around organs indicate their condition. A dull red color, especially with a brown tint, slowly pulsating from the organ indicates cancer. You can tell whether cancer has developed or is just beginning!
Spots, flashes of red on the jaw indicate toothache, rare pulsations of dull brown in the halo indicate fear of the dentist.


The group of red flowers also includes pink (not to be confused with coral), it indicates immaturity. In teenagers, pink predominates over other shades of red.
PINK is the color of intuition and intense knowledge of the earth. It is sometimes called the "color of planetary intuition." In adults, pink indicates immaturity and unreliability.
Pink tones - kindness, compassion for others, love.
PALE PINK - inability to show off, shyness
BRIGHT PINK - human love for other beings at its highest stage


ORANGE is a traditional healing color. Like the sun which it symbolizes, it points to masculinity or on the masculine side of feminine nature. When visible in the aura, it may indicate that the individual has strong healing abilities, or that the individual is in the process of physical growth or emotional self-healing.
A person with an orange aura has energy, health, physical endurance, and activity. He is constantly looking for change, open and optimistic. Pride can come from too much orange.
Orange (pure) - good health, kindness, the ability to feel other people, internal respect for the interlocutor. Orange - emotions, sociability and openness, at the same time discipline and competence, the color of pride and ambition.
BRIGHT ORANGE - powerful emotions, fun, optimism.
DARK ORANGE - indulgence, indicates low intelligence.
CLOSE ORANGE - irritability.
ORANGE-GREEN - a tendency to causticity, internal ridicule, callousness of character. An orange color with a hint of green indicates that a person loves to quarrel for the sake of quarreling, and when you develop to such an extent that you can see the shades of shades of colors, avoid quarreling with such people, because for them there is only white and black, they do not understand and do not want to understand shades and halftones in anything, be it knowledge, opinion or color. People with greenish-orange in the aura argue endlessly just for the sake of argument itself, not caring whether they are right or wrong, for them there is only argument.


YELLOW is the color of intelligence, representing the process of change from the unconscious to the conscious. It involves changes and movements of all kinds, especially those leading to purification and growth of the mind. More often yellow visible as a halo or halo around the head.
A person with a yellow aura has qualities such as love, kindness, optimism, and compassion.
The purest yellow - high intelligence, active friendliness, enormous creative potential, expresses intellectual strength.
BRIGHT YELLOW - high intelligence, willpower, cheerfulness. A person with a bright yellow aura can be completely trusted.
YELLOW-RED - willpower, swiftness, determination, Vital energy.
LEMON YELLOW - clear mind.
MUSTARD YELLOW - deceit and dishonesty.
CLOUDY YELLOW - lack of clarity of thoughts, confusion in thinking, fears.
DARK YELLOW - greed, sometimes cowardice. If the intellect is content with achievements of a personal nature, phenomena of a lower order, then a dark yellow color appears.
REDDISH-YELLOW - a person’s intelligence is low and needs to be developed. This speaks of physical, moral and mental timidity, the absence of one’s own spiritual view and beliefs. People with reddish-yellow are always rushing from one religion to another, always looking for something that cannot be achieved in five minutes. However, they lack endurance; they do not linger on anything for more than a few minutes.
People with red-yellow and brown-red in their aura are always looking for their half and do not find it anywhere.
It is worth noting that if a person has red hair and a lot of yellow-red in the aura, the person is pugnacious, touchy and takes a remark as a personal insult. This is especially true for those who have bright red hair and reddish, sometimes freckled skin.
Redder shades in yellow indicate that a person has an inferiority complex. The redder the red hue in the yellow, the stronger the complex. BROWN-YELLOW - shows impure thoughts and very weak spiritual development. Brown-yellow indicates that a person has impure thoughts and does not always adhere to straight paths.
From a health point of view, GREENish-YELLOW indicates liver complaints. If greenish-yellow turns into brownish-reddish-yellow, this indicates that the malaise is more of a social nature.
People with social dissatisfaction always have a dark brown, dark yellow stripe around the thighs. Something like red pollen often glimmers in it. If the brown gradually fades to yellow and sometimes appears in the form of jagged stripes, this indicates a mental disorder.
A person suffering from duality often has one half of the aura bluish-yellow, and the other half brownish or greenish-yellow. This is a very unpleasant combination.
Pure golden-hued yellow color, the highest is "Yellow", it should always be cultivated. You can achieve it if you keep your thoughts and intentions pure. We all must reach "yellow" before we move on to the next stage of evolution.


GOLD is the color of pure intuition, mental courage and self-knowledge. Shining golden halos can often be seen above the heads of mystics and people in a state of bliss. Gold is a masculine color and is often represented by the sun. It is also the color of purification and healing.
Gold - the highest spirituality, enormous life potential, high intelligence and great abilities, wisdom, the ability to share knowledge with others
Pure gold - bright mind.
Golden - impeccability, creativity, integrity
Golden yellow - expresses high mental achievements, broad and brilliant abilities, well-being and material prosperity. Golden yellow color indicates that the person is very spiritual.


GREEN - color of growth; its presence in the aura usually indicates that a person is in the stage of choosing his attitude towards life, beliefs or behavior. This is a positive color that can appear when a person, unsettled by radical internal changes, believes that his life is going badly.
A person with a green aura is a balanced, harmonious person, prone to healing, capable of bringing peace.
Green (pure) - sympathy, desire to help, a person who has a predominant color of this color is endowed with healing abilities and special magnetism
The BRIGHT GREEN color of the aura expresses tolerance for the beliefs of others, the ability to easily adapt to new conditions, versatility, tact and politeness. Bright green - philanthropy and warmth, good health, friendliness.
Dark green - selfish plans, deception. Dark shades mean deceit and jealousy.
EMERALD GREEN - mercy, sympathy and forgiveness.
MUZY GREEN - envy, deceit, jealousy, heartache, fears
LIGHT GREEN - creative thoughts.
GREEN WITH YELLOWSHOW - self-interest, thirst for profit and the use of other people to satisfy one's own goals, hidden manipulation of people in one's own interests.
LIGHT LIGHT color is a sign of mental development.
Green with a suitable shade of blue shows a capable teacher.
Green is not a dominant color; it almost always accompanies some other color. This is an auxiliary color; it indicates that the person is friendly, respects the opinions of other people, and sympathizes with them.
However, if a person has yellowish-green in his aura, he is unreliable, and the more unpleasant yellow there is in the unpleasant green, the more unreliable the person is, the less you can rely on him.
If green turns into blue, usually a nice shade of sky blue or electric blue, this shows the most reliable people.


A person with a blue aura has a powerful psyche, broad intellect and logical thinking. Usually such a person is able to pacify with a few words.
Pure blue is a state of active thinking, readiness to act, the color of sincerity and determination, creativity, healing, self-expression, softness, tenderness.
LIGHT BLUE - failure strong-willed qualities leader, such a person must be stimulated to action
DARK SHADES OF BLUE indicate a suspicious, overthinking personality or a dreamy mentality. Dark blue without unpleasant shades, that is, pure - the gradual disclosure of spiritual potential, self-awareness.
BRIGHT BLUE - loyalty, commitment to high ideals.
SKY BLUE - spirituality, dynamism.
TURQUOISE - peacefulness, tenderness, charisma.
DARK BLUE - wisdom. Dark blue is often found in the aura of missionaries who became missionaries because they heard the "Call" as a calling. This color is not found among those who became missionaries because they wanted to travel the world for free.
The brighter the blue color, the healthier and more cheerful the person is.
PALE BLUE is the color of a person who often hesitates, cannot make a decision, such a person needs to be pushed in order for him to decide on something.
A darker shade of blue indicates that a person is making progress and comprehending.
If the shade of blue is even darker, this indicates that the person is captivated by the tasks of life and that he finds satisfaction in them.
You can always judge a person by how bright the yellow color is in his aura and how dark the blue color is.


BLUE is the color of creation, imagination and self-expression. Like the sea and sky, which this color symbolizes, it expresses femininity or the feminine side of a man's nature. A person with a blue aura harbors deep wisdom and inspiration. He is artistic and easily finds harmony with nature, knows how to control himself, can be devout or spiritual in nature, and hence an altruist. Most often - phlegmatic.
Blue color develops your own mental abilities, frees you from anxieties and fears. Blue - highly developed intuition and self-confidence. Blue - perception of beauty, selfless nature
BRIGHT BLUE - religious feeling, care for others, responsibility, spiritual insight..
CLAY BLUE - disappointment, depression, negative thoughts.
DARK BLUE - spiritual aspiration bordering on mercy. Dark blue is often a sign of depression, which develops if a person acts for the ideas of others, which he - or she - must protect more than his own.


A person with a violet aura has some achievements in the spiritual sphere, a connection with the divine, cosmic self-awareness, and so on. The color purple is associated with artistry, great ideas, intuition and mysticism. The color purple promotes compassion, sensitivity, and inspiration. Purple color - spirituality, harmonization of personality, achieving high goals, access to open life paths, patronage of the forces of light, compassion for others
Purple color with an increased aura - high spirituality, potential wisdom, revelation of spiritual qualities and superpowers
AMETHYST - spiritual insight.
LIVEL - philanthropy, altruism, healing.
PURPLE WITH SILVER - the highest degree of knowledge and experience available to man.
ULTRAMARINE-INDIGO - stillness, mystery, delicate fragrance.
DARK VIOLET with dirty stains - fears, vampirism, illness, depression.
PURPLE is the color of spirituality and devotion. People who meditate or have strong religious feelings usually have this color in their aura. But purple is also a color of pride and a passion for showing off.


SILVER - feminine color of the moon, similar in meaning to the golden color, although it is visible much less frequently.
A large proportion of silver in the aura may indicate a tendency towards such psychic gifts as telekinesis - moving objects with the power of thought - or levitation. Silver is the color of astral travel; it is believed that a silver thread binds astral body with the physical when they are separated.
Silver color - will, steadfastness, idealism.


GRAY is the color of boredom and malaise, usually masking the emotions of fear or anger.
Gray - melancholy, boredom, despondency, depression, self-doubt, suppressed fears and resentments, anxiety, laziness
BRIGHT GRAY - selfishness, lack of imagination.
LIGHT GRAY - deception, unreliability, often apathy
DARK GRAY - horror, fear
Gray softens the colors of the aura. If you look at the aura of a clothed person, gray does not mean anything, there will be gray stripes and spots in the aura. But suppose we are looking at a naked body. Gray shows weakness of character and usually general weakness of health. If a person has visible gray stripes over vital organs, this indicates that the organ is being destroyed, destroyed or in danger of destruction, immediate medical attention should be taken. health care. In people with persistent severe headaches, gray smoke has been observed billowing and passing through a halo, and regardless of the color of the halo itself, gray streaks will pass through it just during headaches.


BROWN - Typically an earth color, indicating a strong connection to the physical level.
If it surrounds the feet and legs, it may indicate that the person is doing a lot of exercise. Sometimes, especially if the color appears dull and washed out, this can be a sign of weak energy.
Hard brown color is in the aura of people who are selfish, down-to-earth, jealous and greedy.
BROWN-RED, like raw liver, shows an evil, vile person, one of those who are best avoided because they can bring misfortune.
If this color is visible near any organ, then this organ is sick, if it is vital important organ, which means the person will probably die soon.
If red color is visible at the end of the sternum, then the person has a nervous disorder. Such people should curb their activity and lead a more balanced lifestyle if they want to live happily ever after. Brown-red also indicates kidney disease, if it is located above the kidney and has bluish-gray teeth - this indicates the presence of kidney stones.
Brown-orange shows a lethargic, depressed, lazy person who “doesn’t care.” Brown and red - hatred, anger.
DARK BROWN - depression, despair


BLACK is the color of death and destruction and can be read as a sign of depression, especially if it appears as a dark cloud enveloping the patient's head. However, death is a state that precedes rebirth, and destruction is a state that precedes creation and creativity. "The darkest hour comes just before the dawn." In this case, black can be seen as an extremely positive color. Black is also considered a color that symbolizes the invisible Divine Light that comes to illuminate and purify the soul.
Black - malice, anger; black holes in the aura - health problems, an indicator of painful areas, disturbed energy (damage, evil eye, etc.).


WHITE is the color of the highest spiritual achievement, purification and enlightenment. However, certain types of meditation, such as TM (transcendental meditation), whether they may or may not produce enlightenment, produce this color in the aura.
White color: - purity, kindness, perfection and spiritual insight. Powerful cosmic protection and patronage of “light forces” (spiritual mentors, Guardian Angel). The presence of white color in the aura makes a person protected from any negative impacts, life's troubles and adversities.
But also white is a serious illness, artificial stimulation (drugs, medications). Several hours before death, the aura turns white, increasing in size and becoming more intense. In most cultures, "death" is depicted in WHITE (not black) because in the past, people could actually see a white aura before death. It would seem that our ancestors knew much more than we are “prepared” and ready to admit it.


Red-yellow moving currents in the aura, incontinence, anxiety.
Wavy stripes of blue color with a reddish tint; an attack of fear, alertness.
Red-blue stripes in the form of radii, going from inside to outside, tense anticipation.
Flashing orange-yellow dots indicate strong excitement.
Bluish spots of variable shape mean absent-mindedness.
Pure blue streams, sincerity, nobility, the desire to improve one’s qualities.
Dirty blue moving streams betray a feeling of envy.
Black color in the aura is hatred.
Red-brown flashes of anger.
All shades of red indicate nervous excitement.
Gray-brown stripes indicate selfish intentions.
A dark gray cloud means deep depression.
Pale gray color in the aura indicates fear
Greenish-gray stripes, insincerity, desire to deceive for profit and to satisfy vanity.
Green-brown dots with red splashes, a person experiences a strong, exciting feeling of jealousy.
The green cloud is an unpleasant swamp color; a person wants to assert himself by any means necessary at the expense of those around him.
Blue-brown color indicates lower religiosity, aimed at achieving selfish goals.
A beautiful pink cloud enveloping a person signifies love and compassion for all humanity.
Pink rays emanating from the inside out, love for the world, wishes for love and harmony to all beings.
Moving orange cloud with brown drops, thirst for power.
A greenish blurry cloud is a sign of empathy.
Light green color sympathy.
Brown-gray stripes with red egoism, the desire to dominate other people, to capture and enslave them.
Violet lines, aspiration to a higher ideal, renunciation of the sense of ownership and thirst for possession.



The vibrations on the left side represent the feminine introversion.
We receive this energy at the present moment. And it depends only on us how we will be able to manage it, building our future.
RED color means that vital energy is flaring up in you, you are gaining physical strength or struggling with something. Be careful and remember your limits.
The ORANGE color on the left shows that the energy of life, creativity, sexual desire or new transformations in business and affairs is flaring up in you. Be reasonable and try to maintain inner balance.
The YELLOW color on the left indicates that you may be thinking about and looking for new directions in life or work. You are strong, self-confident, able to act effectively in practice, you know what you want. Use your energy as efficiently as possible, but do not overexert yourself intellectually.
GREEN is the color of harmony and peace. You open up to new energies and events; you follow the path of soul development with joy and trepidation. You stand at the source of a Divine source that can bring joy and peace to you and through you to other people.
The BLUE color to your left is a sign of purity of soul, inner intelligence and good taste. You are intuitive and have your own special inner world, often filled with spiritual or creative quest. Perhaps you have to comprehend what is happening to you on a more subtle, intuitive level.
VIOLET. If the color violet is to your left, then you are endowed with a special, unique sensitivity or the gift of capturing energies inaccessible to others. Your inner life is more important to you than external vanity. You have talent and personal power. But do others always understand this?
WHITE. If there is white energy at the entrance to the left, then your inner perception is heightened, sometimes the tension reaches its limit, preparing to reach a new level of spiritual or creative experience. This is the energy of meditation and enlightenment. Treat her and yourself with care.


This energy reflects the internal state of your personality, gives an idea of ​​what is going on in your thoughts, how you react to the surrounding reality.
The RED color above your head indicates that you are obviously currently absorbed in earthly affairs, constantly encountering manifestations of the material world. You will need strength, courage, self-confidence.
ORANGE. A balanced fiery red orange in the center indicates that you have a craving for an eventful life, vivid experiences, cheerful company. Your actions are guided by strong emotions and inner purity.
YELLOW. If there is a lot of yellow around your head, then you are - great thinker. At the moment you feel a surge of strength. You are ready to lead and take full responsibility. Try to find time for creativity and meditation, because... this will significantly expand your life horizons.
GREEN in the center means that you radiate around you the energy of calm, regularity and acceptance of everything and everyone. You see your role as one of "service", always ready to give compassion and love to those who need it. Intuition and inner knowledge helps you.
BLUE. The glow of blue above the head is a sign of a person’s high spiritual and personal aspirations, combined with intelligence, gentleness, devotion to high ideals, although sometimes detachment from real life and the everyday essential needs of loved ones.

Clean blue aura- enough a rare event V real world. What can she tell about a person? It is necessary to know about it, especially for those who want to know with whom they are dealing.

In the article:

Blue aura - secrets of heavenly color

Any color in the palette of aura possibilities has its own, so to speak, brothers. They are similar to each other in meaning and the character traits that they reflect. A blue aura has a blue aura. Sometimes, if the blue color is faded, it can be confused with cyan. It is important not to confuse them, since these colors have different meanings.

The blue color of the aura shows a personality close to introverts. She is not completely self-absorbed, but prefers solitude. Not spiritual, but physical. Such people are often more comfortable being alone in an apartment, but with the opportunity to call someone. Not complete introverts, so to speak.

Blue color . He brings peace, loves silence. They speak of high prudence and love of discipline. They easily take control of their will and can easily direct their actions where they need to go. From this it follows sufficiently serious attitude to life. They are no strangers to fun, they can lose their heads with passion, but it is difficult to unsettle them. The most important quality of the “blues” is satisfaction. They are happy with their life, no matter what happens to it. It may seem irrational at times, but it won't change anything. And why? After all, such people can bring this satisfaction to the lives of those around them. Moreover, they are filled with kindness and tenderness towards others.

As in the case of blue, the blue color of the aura indicates piety, which is impossible not to notice. Difference is the goal. In the first case, a person with such an aura tries to learn as much as possible about God. In the second, he simply calmly believes, without rushing to extremes.

Such people tend to be faithful to the last word. It doesn’t matter - to a business or a person. Sometimes this can take a sad turn, but only for the “blue” himself. They, blinded by loyalty, may not notice how this leads them further and further into a trap.

The meaning of the blue aura in different cultures of the world

What will such an aura say about the person over whom it blossomed? Much, very much. But the blue aura, its meaning extends much, much wider than it might seem. Let's dwell on these points. And more precisely, what does it mean in religions from different parts peace.

Judaism exalts blue as the color of mercy. Many noble deeds were accomplished under his shadow. Moreover, in paintings that depict a merciful act, you can often see strokes of blue. It's worth taking a closer look at these if you want to see confirmation. Blue means a lot in this religion.

Buddhism speaks of the wisdom of this color. Yes, the wisest Buddhists do not wear it openly, but that is the point. Real wisdom is hidden, it is not customary to stick it out. She appears only when she is needed.

Europe interprets blue as a symbol of fidelity. This quiet, calming light always accompanies faithful people. They do not rush headlong into battle. Their loyalty manifests itself more quietly. Such people wait - silently and enduring all problems.

China This color marks people who are educated and happily married. Yes, these two seemingly strange characteristics go hand in hand here. The Chinese believe that only educated person have enough intelligence to choose someone with whom they will be happy until the end. And who can judge them for this?

Many researchers who have seriously immersed themselves in the question have discovered interesting feature. They claim that “blues” are prone to clairvoyance and telepathy. There are many versions put forward, but mostly they focus on that very divinity. Although, perhaps, it also has to do with the energies that overcome such people. The structure of the brain may differ in precisely the aspect that opens up new areas of life. The Blues need to listen to themselves - do they feel the future? In this way, they can help themselves and their loved ones. Use data from above only for good.

Shades of blue aura

As with all other aura colors, the main differences are distinguished by the shades and brightness of the glow. Dirty shades, for example, they say that a person is captured by irrationality. He is slowly but surely detached from reality. The hardships of life reject a person. Such people often have their head in the clouds, trying to distance themselves. This also includes the problems that appear when a person tries to close himself off. This is melancholy, sexual promiscuity, and even psychosis. Dirty blue color is prone to despoticism, which it tries to cover up its insecurities from others.

Light shades blue is said to be extremely developed intuition. Truly, this man can walk through a dark room without stumbling once. And active imagination will help in creative activity. Strange images that arise in the head can migrate to a piece of paper, or to the strings of a musical instrument.

Dark colors- a sign of loneliness. He is consumed by sadness and tries to find his way in life. A person may be in search of the Divine, thus looking for a way out of the current situation.

In general, the blue aura, like the other colors of the spiritual palette, reflects a person’s personality. Thoughtful, with a powerful imagination and strong intuition. “Blues” are capable of great achievements, dictated by concern for others and mercy.

In contact with

A person's aura can be viewed from different points vision. From the point of view of esotericism, the aura is flowing from human body substance. From the point of view of science, this is our energy field (the aura is also called a bioenergy field, psychokinetic energy). An aura seems to envelop a person; something similar is depicted on icons when saints are depicted with a halo or glow around their heads.

Human aura: colors

Different people have auras of different colors, and these colors can change depending on the spiritual and physical state of the person. The brighter the aura, the more different colors are included in its composition, the better, the more harmonious the human condition. By the predominant color you can determine the character, characteristics, inclinations of a person, and his health. The color of the aura can even tell about the thoughts and desires of its owner.

Aura color: meaning

So, each color present in a person’s aura has a specific meaning. The predominant color is the most important, it shows the main thoughts or problems of a person. Serious illnesses are reflected in the color scheme of our bio energy field. Also serious illnesses lead to the aura becoming paler and the glow weakening. As a rule, with the death of a person, the aura also disappears, but in some cases this happens during life, which indicates a completely hopeless state of the person.

Helps you understand what they mean aura colors, decoding the meaning of these flowers.

Red aura

Red is the color of energy and everything it can give: strength, vigor, love. The presence of red in large quantities can indicate a person's leadership abilities and ambition. People with a primary red aura color are used to taking responsibility and making decisions on their own. Always strive for financial success. They have remarkable energy, are temperamental, conscientious and brave.

For men— red is associated with the subconscious, with the state of nakedness of the female body, erotic dreams, creativity.

For women- excitement, passion, embarrassment, childbirth, children, creativity, conscience.

People with a red aura, realists, rarely suffer from remorse. They love to live and achieve their desires. These people are explosive and quick-witted. They have difficulty communicating on an emotional, intimate level. Sometimes life with the Reds can be compared to a bullfight. They tend to protect their feelings and thoughts. They hate retreats. They have a self-possessed character, are hardworking, honest and can provide for children. These are self-confident people who prefer to work independently.

If different shades are mixed with red, the meaning of the color also changes:

  • Dark red - unbalanced nervous system, hot temper, desire to dominate.
  • Dirty red - aggression, outbursts of anger. A person with a predominance of red and dirty shades in his aura is unreliable and even treacherous.
  • Red-brown - lack of energy. If this color appears next to some organ, this indicates its illness.
  • Scarlet - excessive egoism, the highest degree of self-confidence.
  • Pink - love, sociability, spiritual well-being. They love to plan and dream about financial well-being. Purposeful, persistent. They set the bar high in life. Pinks are gentle, caring and always stick to their beliefs, defending their point of view if necessary.

Purple aura

These people strive for knowledge and wisdom; they are spiritual, intellectual people.

For men- this color carries the fragrance of the female body, deep suggestibility, power, strength, holiness, self-denial.

For women- hidden anxiety, rejection of the new, sadness, melancholy, nostalgia, stability.

These people are extraordinary, they strive for freedom and independence. Space is very important. Throughout life they experience ups and downs; their life is replete with surprises and zigzags. Clearly highlighted leadership abilities. They prefer intellectual and spiritual communication and often experience a deficit in such communication. They gravitate towards everything mysterious, inexplicable and always try to find a solution to such phenomena. They have high intelligence, but are physically weak.

Shades of purple:

  • Amethyst - spiritual insight.
  • The purple color, which predominates in a person’s aura, speaks of his enthusiasm and desire to benefit other people. Such people are fair and often perform heroic deeds. Characterizes humanity, altruism, and healing in people.
  • Violet with silver is the highest degree of knowledge and experience available to man.
  • Ultramarine-indigo - stillness, mystery, delicate fragrance.
  • Dark purple with dirty stains - fears, vampirism, illness, depression.
  • Purple is the color of spirituality and devotion. People who meditate or have strong religious feelings usually have this color in their aura. But purple is also a color of pride and a passion for showing off.

Orange aura

Orange color is an indicator of vitality and confidence. People who have a predominant orange color in their energy field respect others. However a large number of this color may indicate liver problems.

People with radiated core orange Auras love to spend time with family and close friends. They are caring, gentle, have good intuition, balanced, ready to cooperate, practical, and stand firmly on their feet.

For men orange color is associated with intelligence, the blossoming of sensuality, eroticism, and love passion.

For women- courage, sensuality, courage. sacrifice, heat, heat.

Orange are daredevils, thrill seekers. They love competitions where there is physical danger, they are realists. They love to challenge and go beyond any limits. They love to make plans for their next adventures; they boldly go where no man has gone before. Incredibly inventive, energetic and self-confident. Orange people usually show no interest in family and marriage because they are busy with their own adventures. But, if they find the other half, then these people also have the courage and courage to share their adventures. Orange succeeds every time they overcome obstacles, reach the top of the mountain, perform the next risky stunt, walk through the fire and stay alive. They are not connected by emotional communication with children. They only care about a good standard of living for the children.

Shades of orange:

  • Bright orange - strong emotions, fun, optimism.
  • Dark orange - indulgence, indicates low intelligence.
  • Dull orange - irritability.
  • Golden - these people do not look for easy ways. They are ready to sacrifice the comforts of life to make their dreams come true. Hardworking, patient, focused. They have extraordinary abilities and are very responsible. This successful people, as a rule, leaders. Their energy is transmitted to others.
  • Golden orange - vitality, good self-control.
  • Orange-greenish - a tendency to conflicts, causticity, internal ridicule, callousness of character

Yellow aura

Yellow is the color of health and well-being. “Yellow” people are friendly, they are not afraid of change and are always ready to learn. They are not worried about small problems, they look at life with optimism. Typically this is creative people, which, moreover, are attractive to the opposite sex.

People of new ideas, they like to talk heart to heart, the goal is self-expression. They have creative abilities and are intelligent people. They have a sharp mind and love to have fun.

Men— they perceive the color yellow as the emperor’s clothes, orgasm, striptease, the individuality of the male subconscious.

Women- this is fire, warmth, fertility, work, husband, children, loneliness.

This open people their lives are replete with bright moments. They are smart, sensitive, and sometimes hypersensitive. These people strive for happiness and achieve it with their perseverance. Yellows believe that life is meant to be enjoyed. They want to be liked and loved by everyone. Energetic, intuitive. These are creative people who love power, who know how to concentrate strength and will and direct it to where it is most effective.

Shades of yellow:

  • Bright yellow - high intelligence, willpower, cheerfulness. A person with a bright yellow aura can be completely trusted.
  • Lemon yellow - clear mind.
  • Mustard yellow - deceit and dishonesty.
  • Cloudy yellow - lack of clarity of thoughts, confusion in thinking, fears.
  • Dark yellow - greed, sometimes cowardice. If the intellect is content with achievements of a personal nature, phenomena of a lower order, then a dark yellow color appears.
  • Yellow with a red tint - timidity, a feeling of inferiority, inability to complete the work started.
  • Yellow-brown - carelessness and laziness, a tendency to go with the flow.

Green aura

Green color is a symbol of rationality and positivity. People with a predominance of green in their aura will always come to the rescue and sympathize.

People with green aura They strive to challenge fate and achieve their goals. They have the gift of healing, are noble, sympathetic and reliable.

For men this color is associated with rebirth, friendship, expectation, calmness, and endurance.

For women- with nature, flowering, the mysticism of union, self-satisfaction, boredom of restraint.

These people are stubborn and persistent. This is the color of bankers. They are solid, respectable, and know how to create financial stability for themselves. They love peace and nature. Greens are secretive but possessive strong will, are able to overcome any difficulties. Greens are very bright people, full of strength and intelligence, good organizers, and self-critical. They often experience a fear of failure, although they rarely fail. The greatest problem for them is to find a partner. They can crush any color. Greens are very demanding of themselves and others. They feel they will get more done when they are alone and love to perform solos. The words “should” are often used in conversation.

What can shades of green in the aura mean:

  • Emerald green - versatility of personality, openness and honesty.
  • Muddy green - envy, deceit, jealousy, heartache, fears
  • Light green - creative thoughts.
  • Light green - the color is a sign of mental development.
  • Green-blue - shows a capable teacher
  • Sea wave - peacefulness and reliability. People with auras of color sea ​​wave have all the qualities to become a good teacher.
  • Dirty green - envy, cunning, betrayal.
  • Yellow-green - unreliability, duplicity, the desire to do everything only for profit.

Blue aura

Blue color is the embodiment of wisdom, spirituality, harmony, contemplation and prayer. People with blue auras are caring and enjoy making decisions. family problems. Responsible, responsive, merciful.

For a man- this is the sky, height, blue glasses, strict calculation, determination, supernaturalism, conscious cognition,
faith, conviction, mysticism, fortune telling, shamanism.

For woman- depth, distance, blue stocking, restraint, modesty, wisdom, passivity.

These are emotional, sensual, spiritual people. Many devote themselves to religion or serve science. However, frequent mood swings are observed. These people have a pronounced intelligence.

Shades of blue:

  • Bright blue - religious feeling, care for others, responsibility, spiritual insight.
  • Muddy blue - disappointment, depression, negative thoughts.
  • Light blue - determination and perfection.
  • Blue - love freedom and variety. They love to travel, change their place of residence and social circle. They always remain young at heart. They are sincere, honest and usually say what they think. These people are intuitively gifted. They can know the move in advance further developments. The life of gays is a continuous search for knowledge of what GOD is. They crave to be loved and may be the one to check in on you. They do not like compliments, do not want to bother others and create inconvenience. They often live in the memory of the past without seeing the present. They prefer to do things alone. These are spiritual people, devoted, committed and lonely. They need an emotional connection with children, love to read, play, hug and be involved in their lives.
  • Dark blue - spirituality. People with a dark blue aura devote themselves to a good cause and give themselves completely to it.

Gray aura

The gray color of the aura means poor health, unclear thoughts, and limitations. This is due to a lack of energy in people with a gray aura. They rarely love anyone, and at the same time they are jealous. They cannot express their thoughts clearly. Mixing black with gray means that a person is disappointed.

Gray shows weakness of character and usually general weakness of health. If a person has visible gray stripes over vital organs, this indicates that the organ is being destroyed, destroyed, or is in danger of destruction; medical attention is needed immediately. In people with persistent severe headaches, gray smoke has been observed billowing and passing through a halo, and regardless of the color of the halo itself, gray streaks will pass through it just during headaches.

Shades of Gray

  • Silver - Builders of grandiose plans, ideological, dreamers. Bearers of the silver background are spiritual people, gifted with intuition and a rich creative imagination. They are noble, honest and trusting. Silvers always rely on their intuition and try to see only the good in people.
  • Dark gray is an indicator of health problems.

White aura

The most perfect and pure color is white. If it is he who predominates in a person’s bioenergetic field, then he is a person of broad consciousness, high intuition and spiritually pure. These people have their own beliefs, their own way of looking at things. These people are caring, modest, merciful. The main goal of these people is to serve the “highest” with complete dedication. These people are pure in soul, independent and have a constant need to increase their intellectual level and wisdom.

Black aura

The opposite of white, black means cruelty and a tendency to destructive activities.

Black means that the light in the aura is completely absent, which means that a person with a black aura denies and does not accept life. The black aura represents by-effect exposure to inferno, when, after exposure to a sufficiently powerful inferno, a person or other miraculously remains alive, but his aura experiences painful deformation. People with a black aura very often experience unpleasant situations, illnesses, and disagreements in the family. The owner of a black aura is malice, anger, often from damage, a strong evil eye. Corruption deals energy strikes, damage nervous system, a person becomes physically and morally exhausted, eats himself - which causes the aura to turn black. People with a black aura are in a depressing, irritated state, which has a detrimental effect not only on the person himself, but also on those around him.

The color or combination of aura colors in some people remains constant throughout life, while in others it can change repeatedly. Such changes most often depend on the living conditions in which a person finds himself.

How to see a person's aura

There are different opinions about why only some people see an aura. According to one of them, only those endowed with supernatural abilities see the aura. In another way, all people are able to see it from birth, but over time this ability disappears. It is preserved only by enlightened natures who constantly strive for purification.

There are techniques that suggest how to learn to see the aura person. It is usually suggested to do some exercises that help develop this ability.

You can try starting with three simple exercises.

  1. The lighting in the room should be dim, not too bright and not too dim. Stretch your arms out in front of you, lift your hands up so you can see them. Relax. Close your eyes. Concentrate your mental gaze on your hands. After a while, you will be able to see a slight glow around them.
  2. Ask someone to help you: have him stand 3 meters away from you against some light background. Relax and look at the person calmly. Perhaps over time you will be able to see an aura in the form of a glow around him.
  3. Stand in front of the mirror, half a meter away from it or further if possible. Make sure that a white or neutral background is visible behind you in the mirror. Relax, breathe deeply and rock slightly from side to side. Focus your gaze on the surface texture of the wall behind you. Looking past the outline of your head and shoulders, you will see a shell of light around your body that will move with you as you sway lightly. Remember to follow your breathing, as you are now the observer and the object at the same time.

Why see an aura? It is believed that every moment of a person’s life, achievements, problems and illnesses are captured on it. That is, from the bioenergy field you can learn a lot about a person and make a diagnosis. There is an opinion that the study of aura will become the basis for the future development of medicine.

Arrangement of aura colors

Center (primary aura color)

The color at the center of the aura represents the base color of a person's aura. Most people have one dominant color for a long time. This color represents an individual color type. It shows who a person really is and what his inner feelings, goals and desires are. It is by this color that an individual color type is identified.

Left-hand side

The left side of the body represents the passive, introverted pole. You receive and absorb these energies. These colors represent the frequency of the energy field that provides a connection to a person's future or a change that is about to occur. Perhaps a person intuitively feels what the color meanings in a given area may be associated with.

Right side

The right side of the body is responsible for the active, extroverted pole. The colors here represent the qualities in which other people describe the person being photographed. In this guise the outside world senses you.

Heart region (feelings and emotions)

The colors in the heart area show a person's ability to give and receive love. By their meanings you can understand how a person expresses and experiences deep feelings.

Around the head (thoughts and beliefs)

The colors around the head give information about the mind and mental activity. By color you can judge how a person thinks, what foundations he supports, as well as his life goals.

Strengthening the aura

To strengthen the aura, breathing exercises, fresh air and sunlight are very useful. But there are situations when additional protection is required. One way is to surround yourself with bright white light through meditation. White light will transmit positive energy to you and repel negative energy. White is the color of protection. And also, to strengthen the aura, you can use the sounds of music. Good music calms, restores strength, improves mood.

Aura healthy person can't be confused with anything. A healthy person’s aura shines, there are no inclusions, the aura seems to declare that the person is healthy mentally, physically and spiritually. Any illness, with the exception of accidents, is the result of many years of negative thinking. Moreover, the first signs appear long before the disease appears on the physical level. Changes occur in the size, color, and structure of the aura. People suffering from chronic diseases have a grayish-brown aura. Muddy colors displace the main ones and you can understand which part of the body is affected. If a migraine develops, an unhealthy aura color appears around the head. Damage muscle tissue visible as holes that disappear after restoration. Health problems appear in the form of spots appearing in the etheric body. If the symptoms are alarming, darkened areas occupy a wide area, this indicates that there has been a loss of energy balance.