Friday marked the 20th anniversary of the execution of the most famous serial killer in Russia, Andrei Chikatilo. In 1994, at the age of 58, he was executed by a shot in the back of the head in the Novocherkassk prison. He was called the Soviet Jack the Ripper, Rostov the Ripper, Mad Beast, Citizen X and even Satan. Chikatilo was found guilty of 53 murders, he himself confessed at 56, and operational sources spoke of 65 episodes. His youngest victim was only seven years old.

Chikatilo was born on October 16, 1936 in the village of Yablochnoye, Akhtyrsky district, Sumy region (now Ukraine). Little is known about his childhood, so for the researchers of his biography, the only source of information actually became the story of Chikatilo himself. Allowance should be made for the fact that not all of his narratives look sane, although all three psychiatric examinations claimed that he was sane.

So, serial maniac told that shortly before his birth, in 1933, his older brother Stepan died: some people ate him "out of hunger."

It is not possible to check this information: at the time of the trial, Chikatilo's parents died, the younger sister might not have known about it, and after the war there was no documentary evidence left. However, some researchers believe that the eaten brother Stepan could have been invented by the parents who frightened the child so that he would not go for a walk far from home.

The maniac recalled that during the war years they often had to hide from bombings, in 1944 he went to the first class "hungry and ragged." “At school, from hungry fainting, I fell under the desk. I walked around in rags. Was the subject of ridicule and could not defend himself. He was too shy, timid, shy. If I didn't have a pen or ink in my class, I would just sit at my desk and cry. Sometimes the students talked about this to the teacher. She was surprised: "Why, Andrei has no language ?!" If I had to go to the toilet, I was afraid to take time off, "the writer Mikhail Krivich (Gurevich) quotes him in the book" Comrade Killer ". In his memoirs, he calls himself thin, but his classmates described Chikatilo as a physically strong child who bore the nickname Andrei-Sila. The boy suffered from urinary incontinence, because of this, until the age of 12, his mother constantly beat him.

At the age of 18 he fell in love for the first time - with the tenth grader Lilya Barysheva. In her, he liked "modesty" and "femininity." “We were taught in the school of sublime love. I loved the freckles on Lily's face. What kind of eyes she has, I do not know, with my short-sighted eyes I could not look into them, - recalled the maniac. - But we had close relations with Lilya. Closely, we sat next to us once in the cinema, our shoulders joined, holding our breath. I was afraid that our classmates would not notice us, that we were sitting motionless. I always wanted to talk to Lilya or go to her house along the way, but I never dared. "

As Chikatilo admitted, he "dreamed of high love", but with the girls he was shy and trembling.

“But in the spring of 1954, in the 10th grade, I once broke down. Tanya Bala, thirteen years old, came into our yard. Blue pantaloons peeped out from under her dress, - continued Chikatilo. - She asked her sister, who was not at home at the time. I told her about it, but she did not leave. Then I pushed her, knocked her down, and lay down on her myself. It was under the trees. I did not undress her, did not touch her and did not undress myself. But as soon as I lay down on it, I had an ejaculation. "

After graduating from school, he went to Moscow and applied to the law faculty of Moscow State University, but was not accepted. Chikatilo himself claimed that he passed the exams well, but they did not take him because of his repressed partisan father. After failure, he returned home and entered the Akhtyrka technical school of communications. His peer, who was friends with his sister, recalled Chikatilo as a tall, dark-blond young man with a pleasant appearance. Young people began to meet, but their romance lasted only a month and a half: the young man suffered failure after failure in his intimate life.

After graduation, he joined the army. First he served in the border troops in Central Asia, and then served communication lines in Berlin. There he joined the Communist Party, in which he stayed for 25 years, until his expulsion in 1984.

After the army, Chikatilo decided to move to Novocherkassk, where he found a job in his specialty at a communications center. After living there for a year, he moved to the village of Rodionovo-Nesvetayskaya in the Rostov region. Sometimes Chikatilo wrote articles for regional newspapers, one of them he dedicated to a communications colleague, which he liked. However, due to shyness, the novel did not work out. Then he fell in love with a library worker, but their communication was limited to discussing books. Soon, Chikatilo's sister introduced him to her friend Faina, whom he married. They lived together for 27 years, until the day of his arrest. Two years after the wedding, they had a daughter, Luda, and in 1969, a son, Yura.

In 1965, Chikatilo entered the correspondence department of the philological faculty of Rostov University. Studied in the evenings after work. Closer to the diploma, he took the post of chairman of the regional committee for physical culture and sports, and then moved to the city of Novoshakhtinsk and became a school teacher of Russian language and literature. Here his criminal biography began. One of the students recalled how the teacher pestered her, but she jumped out the window.

The first murder he committed on December 22, 1978 in the city of Shakhty, Rostov region, where Chikatilo moved with his wife. Second-grader Lena Zakotnova became the victim.

It was a cloudy and cool day. On the way home, the schoolgirl decided to run to her grandfather. She was last seen alive at about six o'clock in the evening at a tram stop next to a middle-aged man in a dark coat and a tsigay hat, who was saying something to her. As it turned out later, Chikatilo promised the girl chewing gum, and she went after him. Chikatilo invited her to the house, which he bought secretly from his wife. As soon as they entered, according to his own confessions, he immediately pounced on the girl. It did not work to rape her due to impotence, and then he took out a knife and began to stab her. Only then could he receive sexual satisfaction. He later threw the corpse into the local river.

As it turned out later, Zakotnova could become his first and last victim. Circumstantial evidence (witnesses who identified the man) led to the school teacher. However, Chikatilo denied everything, and the police believed him. At that time, another suspect, Alexander Kravchenko, had already been detained. It was for the murder of Zakotnova that he was later mistakenly shot. Kravchenko had previously been convicted of murder, and no one doubted that he could have committed another crime.

The second murder took place two and a half years later.

Subsequently, Chikatilo committed crimes more and more often. But he also acted more cautiously. The killer did not leave blood. Fingerprints could not be found. In 1984, he was again detained: at the bus station in Tashkent, he was engaged in oral sex with a prostitute. They found Vaseline, soap and two skeins of rope with him. But the tests they took from him did not match those found on the victims. Later it turned out that the doctors were simply negligent in their work when they took tests from Chikatilo.

His last victim was named Svetlana Korostik. She was 22 years old. This happened in the forest near the Leskhoz platform on November 6, 1990. The woman was a prostitute and voluntarily went with him to the forest. He gutted the corpse, ate some parts of the body. A policeman on duty on the platform drew attention to a man coming out of the forest. His clothes seemed strange to him, he did not look like a mushroom picker. The officer asked him for his documents. Chikatilo got them. He was late for the train, the policeman had to let him go. He wrote a report about a suspicious man. Then Chikatilo attracted the attention of law enforcement officers. He was arrested two weeks later.

In April 1992, a trial began, where Chikatilo pretended to be crazy. And on October 15, he was sentenced to death. All subsequent requests for clemency were denied to the serial killer.

- a detailed study of the life and crimes of Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo

The name of Andrei Chikatilo has become a household name in Russia: he is undoubtedly the most famous domestic serial killer. Perhaps Chikatilo became so popular because before his case in the Soviet Union, the crimes of maniacs, especially sexual ones, were not discussed by the general public. In a prosperous socialist state, moving towards communism, there can be no maniacs, this is a capitalist infection, a Soviet person is not like that ... Approximately this point of view was promoted by the authorities. But this point of view turned out to be erroneous, and the devoted communist Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo turned out to be a serial killer maniac.

Chikatilo was born on October 16, 1936 in a small Ukrainian village in the Sumy region. Childhood Chikatilo was at times strong psychological shocks. Andrey's older brother, Stepan, went missing in 1931. Parents suspected that he had been eaten by cannibals during the terrible famine in Ukraine in the 30s, about which his mother told little Andrey. For the child, this was an incredible pressure on the psyche, perhaps he also played a role in the formation of the future killer.

The Great Patriotic War began, Chikatilo's father went to the front, was captured. After his release in 1945, he was recognized as a "traitor to the Motherland", which, of course, did not correspond to the truth. Andrei, still a child, disowned his father, admitting his "betrayal", but nevertheless was attacked at school.

In general, he grew up as a lonely child. He had no good friends, he was shy, timid. “The teachers were surprised at my helplessness,” Chikatilo said during the investigation. "If I didn't have a pen or ink, I would sit and cry." Despite his congenital myopia, Andrei refused to wear glasses, he was afraid to be ridiculed, to be branded as "bespectacled." Besides, long time the teenager hid the problem of bedwetting, which still manifested itself in his adolescence.

Needless to say, Chikatilo's affairs with the girls were going badly. He was very shy, rarely met, and if it came to bed, at the decisive moment he did not succeed, several times he was ridiculed. Sexual problems are likely to have a very strong impact on later life Andrey and his "career" as a maniac.

Subsequently, he will tell such an episode that happened to him in his youth. “A thirteen-year-old girl came into our yard, her blue trousers peeped out from under her dress ... I said that my sister was not at home, she didn’t leave. Then I pushed her, knocked her down and lay down on her. I did not undress her and did not undress myself. But I immediately had an ejaculation. I was very worried about this weakness, although no one saw it. After this misfortune of mine, I decided to tame my flesh, my base motives and vowed to myself not to touch anyone except my own. future wife". Another case that contributed to the prevalence of Chikatilo into a monster.

After leaving school, Andrei enters the university and successfully graduates. By distribution, he gets a job as a telephone engineer in the small town of Radionovo-Nesvetaevsky in the Rostov region. Chikatilo works diligently, having saved up a small amount of money, and immediately sends it to his parents.

In 1962, his sister introduces Andrei to a local girl Faina, and soon she marries him. Despite the obvious passivity of her husband in bed, the couple has two children, Lyudmila (1965) and Yuri (1969). Chikatilo loves his wife and children very much, is a caring, sensitive father and husband.

In 1970, Andrei Romanovich completed a course on Marxism-Leninism and literature in absentia, received a diploma and got a job as a teacher at school number 32 in Novoshakhtinsk. The teacher's job is not going well. Chikatilo is not able to control his students, they constantly laugh and mock him. Despite this unfortunate state of affairs, Chikatilo remains at work. As he will later tell, it was pleasant for him to be in the company of children, boys and girls.

Facts are emerging that the teacher Chikatilo is harassing his students. Chikatilo is politely asked to leave the school, but the facts are not widely publicized. In another school, Chikatilo is caught in a more frank lesson. He tried to persuade the sleeping student to oral sex, but the older students who noticed this beat Andrei Romanovich. After this incident, there was always a knife in Chikatilo's portfolio.

Soon Chikatilo and his family moved to the city of Shakhty. It is there that the "Maniac from the forest belt", as the newspapers will christen him, will begin his bloody crimes.

December 22, 1978 Chikatilo commits his first murder. His victim is 9-year-old Lena Zakotnova. Noticing her at a tram stop, the maniac lures her into his hut in the woods, promising to treat her to American chewing gum, a treasure for a poor Soviet girl. There, the killer knocks Lena to the floor, tries to rape, and then inflicts several stab wounds in the stomach. Chikatilo throws the half-dead girl into the Grushevka River, where her body will be found two days later.

Surprisingly, the maniac could have been caught after the first crime. There was a witness of how Lena was taken away by a tall, thin man with glasses. Chikatilo was detained on the basis of a composite sketch, but his wife Faina gave him an alibi for that day. If not for her, perhaps the lives of another 52 people would have been saved ...

Another suspect, Aleksandr Kravchenko, was involved in the case, and a confession was literally knocked out of him. Despite the vague arguments of the prosecution, Kravchenko was executed in 1984. And the real killer, Chikatilo, remained free.

He managed to restrain his dire needs for three years. In 1981, another murder occurred, the victim was 17-year-old Larisa Tkachenko. The girl was, in fact, a juvenile prostitute, whose main clients were young soldiers. Going into contact with Chikatilo, she did not suspect anything wrong, assuming they would go about their usual business.

The maniac spotted Larisa at the bus stop near the city library. He invited the girl for a walk, and she agreed without a second thought. Of course, she was not counting on the end that expected her. Chikatilo and Tkachenko went shallow into the forest, where the killer threw the girl to the ground, undressed and severely beat her. To muffle the screams of the unfortunate woman, he covered her mouth with earth. Soon Larisa stopped resisting ...

The next day, September 4, the body of Larisa Tkachenko was found. During interrogation, Chikatilo will say that if the first murder frightened and embarrassed him, then after killing Tkachenko he experienced glee and joy. It is not surprising that after such sensations the maniac could not stop.

In 1982, the killer has already committed 6 crimes. He worked out a plan of action for himself that practically did not fail: driving around by bus or commuter trains, he looked out for lonely children at the stations. If it was possible to lure the victim into the forest belt, where Chikatilo most often committed murders, her fate was decided.

The investigation was hampered by three facts: firstly, crimes of this kind were new, in the Rostov police good specialists there were no serial killings. Secondly (which follows from the first), the investigation believed that the killer of the boys and the killer of the girls were two different people. And, thirdly, many bodies were found several months after the murder (some were not found at all), it was difficult to identify and process them, revealing the killer's style. Thus, the case proceeded sluggishly, there was not even a suspect.

The next year, Chikatilo doubled his bloody score, committing 8 more murders (among the victims of 4 children). The maniac committed all his crimes with terrifying cruelty. From the materials of the investigation: “During the examination of the corpse (victim), the following bodily injuries were found: multiple stab-cut and cut injuries of the face, abdomen and external genital organs: nine stab-cut penetrating blind wounds of the abdomen with damage to the small and large parts of the intestine, complete cutting off of a part intestine and partial removal of it from abdominal cavity with rough ruptures of the mesentery of the small and large intestines. Two of these injuries were formed as a result of multiple (at least 18-20) dives of the blade with rotation around the axis at different angles ... One stab-cut wound in the right eye socket, two stab-cut wounds on the right auricle. An incised wound of the tongue with a complete cut off of its tip, by making several sawing-cutting movements in the transverse direction to the tongue. An incised wound in the genital area with complete cutting off of the scrotum and penis. 23 stab and cut wounds in the chest and abdomen ... ”The mutilated corpses were regularly found in the forest belt.

The situation was becoming critical. In September 1983, experienced Major Mikhail Fetisov and his investigative team arrived from the capital. Fetisov was extremely critical of the work of his predecessors, immediately stating that all the murders were the work of the same sexual maniac. In addition, he actively uses the concept of "serial killer", previously presented as inherent in Western countries, but not in the ideologically pure Soviet Union.

The first piece of evidence obtained during the investigation is a semen sample from the killer, obtained from the body of one of the victims. Sperm of the 4th group, therefore, the circle of suspects is significantly narrowed. However, evidence has the opposite effect. The suspicious subject was detained by the police on September 14, 1984. Subject introduces himself as Andrei Chikatilo. However, a subsequent check shows that Chikatilo has a 2nd blood group (in 99.9% of cases the groups of different secretions and blood are the same), and he is safely (excluded, however, from the party) released. Where he goes back to murder.

In 1984, the maniac committed 15 brutal murders: 9 adult women and girls and six children became victims of the maniac. In December, he moves to a new place of work, a factory near Novocherkassk. His position is associated with constant departures and business trips, which provides a convenient opportunity to commit crimes. Committing murders in different cities of a large country, it is very difficult to get caught, this was proved by the American Ted Bundy.

The following year, he commits two murders of women, one of which is in Moscow. In December 1985, Operation "Lesopolos" was launched, under the control of the Central Committee of the CPSU. New leader of the investigative-operational group Issa Kostoyev organizes patrols at railway stations, the best police forces and even vigilantes are thrown to catch the maniac. However, the operatives do not know that Chikatilo has also been a member of the vigilantes since the seventies. He, too, is on duty at the stations, diligently catching himself. The operation is taking place on a large scale in three cities: Shakhty, Rostov and Novocherkassk. During the operation, more than a thousand (!) Various crimes were solved, over 200 thousand people were checked for involvement in the case, and many persons with sexual and mental disabilities were registered. However, the culprit was not found. Kostoev even resorted to the help of the previously caught pedophile maniac Slivko, however, he could not help either: “It's useless. This is impossible to calculate. I know from myself. "

The surge of excitement around the case forces Chikatilo to be very careful. In 1986, waiting for the peak of the active work of the investigation, he did not commit a single murder, peacefully celebrating his fiftieth birthday (for the average maniac, by the way, a significant age). However, next year he begins to kill with renewed vigor, and will continue his bloody work for another four years ...

On May 16, 1987, while on a business trip in the Urals, Chikatilo kills 13-year-old Oleg Makarenkov. During his next business trip, already in Zaporozhye, he commits an incredibly brutal murder of a 12-year-old boy. The attack was so fierce that at the scene of the crime there was a fragment of a knife, which was wielded by a maniac. The third murder is already in Leningrad. On September 15, Yura Tereshonok (16 years old) becomes a victim of the killer. After the guy was dead, Chikatilo began to run around and shout: “I am a red partisan! I took the tongue. I have captured the enemy! "

As you can see, Chikatilo understood perfectly well that while such a fierce hunt was going on him, it was better to commit crimes in other regions. As already mentioned, this tactic makes the work of law enforcement agencies very difficult. While all forces are thrown into the capture of the maniac in Shakhty and Rostov, he calmly commits murders in Moscow and Leningrad.

In the 88th year, again believing in his elusiveness, Andrei Romanovich returns to murders in his region. An unknown girl in April, 9-year-old Lyusya Voronko in May and Zhenya Muratov, 15 years old, in July become new victims of Chikatilo. All the efforts of the police are in vain, the serial killer is at large.

He begins the next year with the murder of 16-year-old Tatyana Ryzhova. The maniac lures her into the empty apartment of his daughter (she left her husband and lives with her parents), where he gives the “guest” vodka to drink. Then he kills: a half-drunk girl is not even able to resist. Chikatilo cuts the corpse with a kitchen knife, takes pieces of the body out of the apartment and calmly carries it down the street to the place of "burial". If the police patrol checked him at this moment, it would be all over. But Andrei Romanovich is lucky again.

In 1989, he commits four more brutal murders. He kills 19-year-old Elena Varga on the way to his father's birthday on August 19th. Noticing a lonely girl at the bus stop, he, in his favorite manner, invites her to his place. However, in the grove, he knocks to the ground and kills. Having stabbed the girl, the maniac cruelly mocks the corpse, cuts off the breasts, then wraps the remains in scraps of clothing and ... calmly continues on his way to the holiday.

The bodies found by the police are often so mutilated that they cannot be identified. Even experienced operatives who had seen a lot were horrified by what they saw.

The beginning of the new decade, 1990, becomes the end of the bloody revelry of the maniac Chikatilo. However, before he is taken into custody, the serial killer will commit eight more chilling crimes.

On November 3, the corpse of the seventh victim of that year, the victim of Chikatilo, 16-year-old Viktor Tishchenko, was found. Issa Kostoyev decides to increase the number of police patrols. Small groups of plainclothes policemen, watching literally every suspicious man, carefully examine the forest belt and the areas adjacent to the railway stations. But, nevertheless, they fail to prevent the last murder committed by Chikatilo.

On November 6, a maniac takes 22-year-old Svetlana Korostik from the Leskhoz station. He takes her into the forest, where he kills. After that, he begins to cut pieces of flesh from Svetlana's body, and eats some. Having finished his bloody ritual, Andrey covers the disfigured and undressed corpse of a woman with earth and fallen leaves. It would seem that everything is as usual, but Chikatilo makes a puncture, which will cost him his freedom (and then his life). Returning to the station, he attracts the attention of Sergeant Igor Rybakov: the victim's blood remains on the killer's cheek and earlobe. Rybakov checks the documents, but the sergeant has no grounds for arrest, and the maniac is again at large.

Nevertheless, the meeting with Rybakov played a decisive role in the capture of the serial killer from the forest belt. Kostoev stumbled upon Rybakov's message, an episode surfaced about a man with an inappropriate blood type and several more episodes related to the murders and Chikatilo. By order of Kostoev, a special group of disguised operatives was assigned to spy on Andrei Romanovich.

On November 20, Chiktilo left work: a boy, one of the victims, bit his finger during the struggle, Chikatilo went to see a doctor. Having made an X-ray (the finger was broken), Andrei Romanovich went in search of the victims. While he is trying to take the boys into the forest, a surveillance group is watching him. There is no doubt about Chikatilo's guilt. On that day, the maniac was unlucky: one boy was taken away by his mother, the other could not be persuaded. The killer went to the store with nothing - to drink a bottle of beer. On leaving the grocery store, three men in civilian clothes approached him. "Are you Chikatilo?" Handcuffs snapped on the maniac's wrists.

The maniac had a briefcase with him, in which they found a knife, a piece of rope and a jar of petroleum jelly. After a search of Chikatilo's apartment, 23 more knives, a hammer and a pair of boots were found, the trail of which was found near the corpse of one of the victims. Faina Chikatilo refused to believe that the killer from the forest belt was her own husband, "so gentle, kind, sympathetic." Her husband wrote to her from the detention center: “Now I would sit at home and pray on my knees for you, my dear. And why did God send me to this earth - so affectionate, gentle, caring, but completely defenseless with his weaknesses? "

After that, a series of endless interrogations and investigative experiments began. Chikatilo was taken all over the country, to all the cities where he managed to commit murders. Once, when he was taken to the scene of one of the murders, information about this became known to the residents of the town of Shakhty. Crowds of people gathered, and the police and prosecutors had to urgently call riot police so that people would not tear Chikatilo apart. The maniac confessed to his crimes, showed on a dummy how he cut, beat, strangled. However, by the beginning of the court session, he retracted all his confessions, claiming that he had made them under pressure from law enforcement agencies.

The murderer's trial began on April 14, 1992. During the trial, he was kept in the KGB detention center, carefully guarded: among the relatives of the victims were officers of the authorities, the killer could be reached in a simple pre-trial detention center. While at the trial, Chikatilo was locked in a cell-cage that protected him from the victims' relatives rather than from escaping. Speaking at the trial, the father of 11-year-old Ivan Fomin could not utter a word for a long time, then pulled himself together and said: “I have a request to the court. No need to sentence him to death. Do not. Let it be 15 years old. Let it be less. But then from the KGB casemates, where they hide him for so long, he will get to us. Listen, Chikatilo, what will we do with you: we will repeat everything that you did with our children. Chikatilo, we will repeat everything! And you will all, drop by drop, feel how painful it is ... "

Chikatilo's lawyer showed his client as a seriously ill, unhappy person who needs urgent help. The maniac himself was diligently acting out of himself as insane: he carried utter nonsense, dirtyly insulted the judge and the prosecutor. One day he pulled down his trousers and, shaking his cock, said: "..."

Despite all the antics of the maniac, he was sentenced to death. The verdict "execution" was greeted with applause. However, even after that, the killer continued to resist justice. Every day in the solitary confinement cell where he was kept, Chikatilo began with exercises. And then he wrote complaints against representatives of the law, investigators, and a judge. Before the execution of the sentence, Chikatilo wrote a petition for clemency to the president then already Russian Federation Yeltsin. But the petition was rejected.

On February 14, 1994, Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo, sentenced to death for 52 premeditated murders, was executed with a single bullet in the back of the head.

Andrey Romanovich Chikatilo was born on October 16, 1936 in the village of Yablochnoye, Akhtyrsky District, Sumy Region, Ukrainian SSR. At the time of his birth, his parents were over 30 years old. Andrei described his father as a quiet, modest person. He often told his son about the war, about how he was in a concentration camp, while crying. Speaking about the mother, Chikatilo recalled that she often did not manage to devote enough time to her children, all her thoughts were aimed at somehow ensuring their survival.

And this is not an exaggeration, since the hardest trials in the history of the country fell to the lot of the young family - these are the periods of the mass famine of 1932-1933. and 1946-1947, and, of course, the Great Patriotic War... At the beginning of the war, Chikatilo's father went to the front, while his mother and Andrei remained from 1941 to 1943 to live in the territory occupied by the Nazis. According to A. Korchinsky, the author of the interview with A. Chikatilo's son, Yuri, it is possible that at the age of 6-7 years, Andrei could witness the rape of his mother German soldier... Although no confirmation from other sources can be found for this, the correspondent bases his assumptions on the fact that in 1943 Andrei Chikatilo's sister Tatyana was born. At the same time, it is obvious that the father, who was at the front at that time, could not be the girl's father. Whether it was really so difficult to say. In any case, Andrei Romanovich himself, talking about the horrors of the war, never mentioned such a fact.

Direct speech. Andrey Chikatilo

I was in my fifth year when my father was taken to the front. I remember it was a very good day, summer and warm, and there was nothing gloomy about it. Except for the father, all fellow villagers of military age went to the front, and there was no one to do agricultural work, the village was empty.

I remember the horrors of childhood, when we were hiding from bombing and shooting in basements, quarries, hungry and cold sitting in ditches; dash to the whistle of bullets; I remember how my home hut was burning, and the atrocities of the Nazis.

As he later recalled, once a detachment of Red Army soldiers passed through the village: young, in new uniforms, they went to take a mortal battle on the outskirts of the village. After battle little boy witnessed a completely different picture. He saw the same soldiers as the day before, but now they were all dead, many bodies bloody, mutilated, without arms or legs. This picture is engraved in his memory for a long time.

Chikatilo's father escaped a similar fate. He did not die at the front, did not become disabled, although his fate can hardly be called happy. Breaking free from the encirclement, he went to the partisan detachment. For some time he was partisan, carried out military actions against the invaders. Then he was taken prisoner. He worked for the Germans in the mine. The Americans released him. After his release, he was subjected to reprisals, since, according to Stalinist canons, he could work for German and American intelligence. He was sent to logging in the Komi ASSR, then to Chuvashia.

Thus, the family was left without a breadwinner during the most difficult period of the mass famine of 1946-47, which had especially grave consequences in the Ukrainian SSR. Explorers of this period Soviet history this is how the situation is described:

The food shortage in 1946 led to the fact that the state removed almost all of the food from the food ration. rural population(100 million people), who were offered to survive exclusively at the expense of their own subsidiary plots. However, due to directives to maximize grain procurement, 8% of collective farms stopped paying for workdays with grain, and most of the rest produced no more than 1 kg of grain per day. Money was not paid for labor in 30% of farms, so people there could not buy food for money either. At the same time, in September 1946, the prices of bread in state stores were doubled. The following figures indicate the scale of the famine: by the spring of 1947, in one Voronezh region the number of patients diagnosed with "dystrophy" was 250 thousand people, in total in the RSFSR - 600 thousand, in Ukraine - more than 800 thousand, in Moldova - more than 300 thousand. Thus, at least 1.7 million people were listed in the USSR " officially starving, ”mortality from dystrophy reached 10% of the total number of people who were diagnosed with this disease. The infant mortality rate was especially high, at the beginning of 1947 it accounted for up to 20% of the total number of deaths. The population was in a terrible situation; cases of cannibalism were noted in a number of regions of Ukraine and the Black Earth Region.

Realizing that cannibalism is becoming a reality in life in times of famine, the mother tried to warn her young children against this danger. She told Andrei that during the Holodomor of 1933, his older brother Stepan was allegedly kidnapped and eaten by people mad with hunger. This story made a proper impression on little Andrei and he did not leave the house, fearing that he, like his brother, could also be caught and eaten.

To understand the personality of Chikatilo, the fact that he was still with early years it was known that his older brother was eaten by the hungry is extremely important. Eating a person was a reality for him, and not an abstraction, as for the vast majority of people. What came to him in the story does not play a significant role, since his father and mother told him about it, moreover about sibling... It can be assumed that this was firmly settled in his psyche and largely guided his actions, although he did not realize it. In addition, in his childhood, the most susceptible years, he generally saw many dead and deaths, and death has long become something close and understandable for him.

Direct speech. Andrey Chikatilo

I remember the famine after the war, I remember the dead. I remember how I saw with horror how the dead of hunger were taken away down the street - without coffins wrapped in rags, how I heard talk about cannibalism ... I was plump with hunger together with my mother and sister. My sister and I crawled on the grass, ate "kalachiki", howled and looked at my mother from the collective farm field when she brought us a piece of black bread.

Naturally, he develops a fear of being destroyed, completely real danger for oneself, in other words - the fear of death. Such fear is almost always unconscious, but it creates a personal disposition, a certain vision of the world, its own philosophy, and all this begins to form from childhood in the absence of a sense of security in cases of rejection by other people, primarily parents. In this regard, it should be emphasized that his entire subsequent life only strengthened this fear, since it consisted of a continuous series of humiliation, beatings, sexual violence, alienation from people.

Much later, in 1990-92. all these ghosts of the past will resurrect again in the stories of Chikatilo, he will constantly return to these tragic pages of his biography and in conversations with investigators who were investigating his crimes, and during a forensic psychiatric examination, and during interviews with journalists.

Direct speech. Andrey Chikatilo

In September 1944, I went to grade 1, hungry and ragged. At school, from hungry fainting, I fell under the desk. I walked around in rags. Was the subject of ridicule and could not defend himself. He was too shy, timid, shy. If I didn't have a pen or ink in my class, I would just sit at my desk and cry. Sometimes the students talked about this to the teacher. She was surprised: "Why, Andrei has no language ?!" If I had to go to the toilet, I was afraid to take time off.

I could hardly see what was written on the blackboard - congenital myopia, now I have glasses: - 4.0. I was afraid to ask what was written on the board, I could hardly distinguish - I was nervous, cried. We didn’t have glasses in those years, we were not tested for vision, and then with age he was afraid of the nickname “bespectacled”. I began to wear glasses only from the age of thirty, when I got married.

Since at school I did not learn the material from the teacher's words - because of absentmindedness, and from the blackboard - because of blindness, I worked hard at home on my own, using textbooks. This is how secrecy, solitude, alienation appeared in me.

... all my life I was humiliated, trampled, I despaired, I am spineless, I could not protect myself from the guys. They beat me because of my awkwardness, slowness of action, absent-mindedness, they called me a muddlehead, a slob, a woman, I could not give them back. Tears of resentment choked me all my life. I was even ashamed of the fact that I was born. I remember hiding in the weeds until my mother came.

... relations with my mother are normal, generally good. She never punished, but did not caress, and what kind of caresses there, when at work from dawn to dawn. Then everyone died of hunger, so that the main weasel was a piece of bread.

.... The father is quiet, modest, I am more like him .. I prayed to God that my father would quickly return from exile (after captivity) and protect me. I remember how in those years, in a cold hut - every time I was alone - I knelt in front of the icon in the corner and prayed: "Lord, give me back my dad!" And in 1949 my father returned from the war. The patient, with pulmonary tuberculosis, coughed up blood, lay, groaned. Had good food, but it was not. The mother also had frequent headaches, but was not treated on the collective farm. And they did not know any diseases at that time. He defended me, but not very much, so I tried not to go outside ...

Because of his health condition, his father could not work with full dedication, and he was not given a good job, because he was in captivity. Mother and father worked on the collective farm, and they received nothing for their workdays, except for food, which was barely enough. Our family was poor even by the standards of that time.

As can be seen from this story, from childhood Chikatilo was timid, withdrawn, shy, had no close friends, was distinguished by daydreaming, impressionability and a tendency to fantasize. Andrei was weak and awkward, in addition to everything, he had a whole bunch of physical disabilities, because of which he was very worried, for example, the myopia mentioned in Chikatilo's story, in addition, it is known that until the age of 12 he suffered from nocturnal enuresis. On his own, he was not able to defend himself, which his peers felt in childhood. At the same time, his parents did not protect him at all. The father was "quiet, modest", in him Chikatilo could not even find psychological support. The mother, as one can conclude from his story, seemed to take a neutral position - she did not punish, but did not caress, and this suggests her indifference to her son, which, of course, was disastrous for the child, especially if he was viciously persecuted by other boys. As noted by Yu.M. Antonyan: “They might argue that in those harsh years a piece of bread was more important than a mother's affection, but one cannot agree with this in any case, since parental love is especially needed, truly vital, just in difficult times. "

Studying relationships in such families, psychiatrist A.O. Bukhanovsky, introduced the term “Chikatilo's mothers” into science, whom he describes as cruel women with a domineering character and a pronounced role as a family leader, often lonely or humiliating their husbands, pushing them to the periphery of raising a son. Often, such fathers occasionally "wake up with a rage of upbringing" - harshly cruel - in fact, they rip off their humiliation in the family on the child. The sons of such mothers have childhood years, when communication with peers is vital for the formation of a future personality, are held under the strictest control and a ban on all "off-duty" contacts. A tragic lack of communication with peers, parental love and affection, a constant lack of positive emotions, inability to understand and express oneself contribute to irreversible personality changes. Hence the inability to sympathize, to communicate with other people, the inability to be attached, to love, to empathize. These children do not know how to defend themselves either morally or physically, they hide from reality in a world of unusual cruel fantasies.

Another specialist who had direct contact with Chikatilo, Yu.M. Antonyan believes that the decisive role in the psychological alienation of a person is played not by the composition of the family, not its material well-being, not the relationship between parents, not their unseemly and even illegal behavior, but mainly their emotional attitude towards the child, acceptance or, on the contrary, rejection.

When emotional contacts with parents are absent, their moral values ​​in verbal or behavioral terms are not assimilated by the child. If the mother and father do not fulfill the functions assigned to them, the child develops a feeling of insecurity, insecurity, and anxiety. If the situation does not improve, these feelings can progress, turning into constant anxiety and even fear. It is important to emphasize that when a child's emotional needs are not met, he may not develop a need for communication with people as a result of the distance that formed between him and his parents at an early stage of life. As a result, the foundations of the future psychological alienation of the individual, misunderstanding and rejection of him the environment and her values ​​and even the expectation of a threat from her. The underdevelopment of the need for communication, social in its origin, originates in the aforementioned most sensitive period of an individual's life.

The danger of the named socio-psychological formations for further destiny the person is noted by LB Filonov. Generalizing and deepening, becoming more and more stable and rigid, they deform the personality, acquire a pivotal character, and begin to develop independently. Abnormal personality structures and distorted outlines of individual sides of the personality are created. These parties then begin to selectively react only to some, as if for them, "prepared" social impacts, filtering them out of the mass of others. A similar position is adhered to by A.F. Polis, who believes that the violation of the primary ties of socialization, emotional contacts can not only contribute to alienation and neurotization, but also correlate, in all likelihood, with such phenomena as alcoholism, hooliganism, cruelty, and with some others forms of deviant behavior.

Summing up the above, we can assert that the absence or significant impoverishment of the child's emotional contacts with the mother and father, the rejection of him by one of them, and especially by both, is the psychological alienation of the individual, which lays the foundation for further maladjustment. Family, including children in their psychological structure, thereby ensuring their primary socialization, introducing them "through themselves" into the structure of society. If this does not happen, the child is alienated from the family, which creates the preconditions for a very likely distance in the future from society, its institutions and values. Alienation from the family can turn into a persistent maladaptive existence.

Thus, in the absence of the necessary emotional contacts with parents from an early age, Chikatilo develops and consolidates the idea not only of alienation and incomprehensibility, but also of the hostility of the world around him.

As time goes on, a nondescript, notorious, half-blind boy becomes a young man, fear has entered his flesh and blood - fear of humiliation, fear of violence. He is completely alone against the hostile world around him and continues to collect his failures and humiliations from his classmates.

Direct speech. Andrey Chikatilo

Once, as usual, out of my own shyness, I was standing in a corner at a break, and then the "enraged" classmates pushed the girl at me. She tried not to fall and lingered on me. I was not deliberately, but out of horror that I was wearing a girl, strongly pushed her away from me. After that, a very offensive nickname stuck to me - "Andrey is power" ...

The experience of the hostility of the environment gave rise to a feeling of hatred in Chikatilo, which increased over the years. Depressive states were gradually erased - with the manifestation of impotent rage, feelings of resentment and feelings of inadequacy. In the future, Chikatilo began to reassess his own personality, thoughts about his own exclusivity appeared. This is most clearly seen in adolescence, when the feeling of inferiority that arose was compensated for by an increased interest in learning, a passion for Marxist philosophy, and the expectation of the imminent onset of communism as a deliverance from injustice and hostility from the world around.

Direct speech. Andrey Chikatilo

It was difficult for me to study. I often had a headache and dizzy. And my attention was kind of scattered. But I persistently, until I lost consciousness, continued to study. I read a lot of books. He admired military literature, especially the partisan "Underground Regional Committee Acts", "In the Plains", idolized the "Young Guard". I liked this also because my father was the commander of a partisan detachment. (Later, Chikatilo admits to the psychiatrists who carried out the examination that after reading these novels he had an almost visible idea of ​​how he takes the "lonely tongue" and, following the commander's order, ties and beats him in the forest. - author's note)

He tried to be ahead of his comrades in his studies. Participated in amateur performances. True, in collective forms - a chorus, literary and musical editing. Was the editor of the wall newspaper in all classes. He prepared all the documentation for the pioneer detachment, then for the Komsomol group. He was an active agitator, political informer, member of the school committee of the Komsomol. At school until late I drew manuals on various subjects.

Having learned my oral and written lessons, I drew tables. I had two favorite things to do. In middle school, I decided to depict an endless series of ordinal numbers and wrote down to almost a million. In the eighth grade, I decided to make a detailed atlas, for all regions and districts, where I wrote out the names of districts that belong to different regions from the newspapers. In the geography textbook, on each page I had the name of the secretary general of this country written, as I was convinced that communism was already coming.

Poverty and indelible shame gave birth to in me a stubborn dream of a high political career... I firmly believed: I will not the last person... My place is in the Kremlin ... "

Excerpt from the expert opinion of the commission of the Research Institute of General and Forensic Psychiatry. Serbian (1991)

When analyzing anamnestic information, attention is drawn to the signs indicating the presence of congenital cerebral-organic pathology in Chikatilo - dysplasticity, myopia, enuresis. Against this background, in his childhood pathocharacterological features were revealed in the form of a disharmonious combination of features inherent in schizoid and epileptoid types of psychopathies, which manifested itself in isolation, vulnerability, increased anxiety, and a tendency to fantasize. Attention is drawn to the nature of children's fantasies, their imagery, sensuality, fixation on negative emotional experiences. At the same age, the ease of occurrence of neurotic disorders in the form of fears was noted, the plot of which also reflected experiences that were significant for him. In prepubertal age, overvalued hobbies appeared. In the structure of neurosis-like disorders of this period, dysmorphomanic manifestations (belief in their own physical disabilities) prevailed. At the same time, heightened interest in learning, the desire to get an education, to be the best and thus stand out among his peers indicate that he has hypercompensation reactions. This may also indicate an attempt to overcome your eternal anxiety by establishing yourself in a certain role. At the same age, there is an interest in socio-political and philosophical issues, which for a certain period acquire a one-sided, exaggerated and inflexible character.

Direct speech. Andrey Chikatilo

There were guys and girls sitting on our rural street. And sometimes, though very rarely, I was with them. The fact is that I was the only tenth grader on these two streets. The rest worked on the collective farm or lounged around. I was considered too literate. I saw how they played, rolled on the grass, how the guys groped the girls.

But I dreamed of high love, like in the movies, in books. If a girl sat down with me, I was shy, afraid, did not know how to behave, shy, trembled, tried to get up from the bench; Parents set me up as an example to all children: "What kind of Andrey is quiet, modest, and he studies in the tenth grade, and works at home, and on the collective farm." And it pissed me off - I was lonely, alienated.

… I liked the girl in the 10th grade, Lilya Barysheva. She lived in a railway booth at the station - we were with her once with classmates. I liked how she played the part of a partisan in an amateur performance. I liked her modesty, femininity. We were taught in the school of sublime love. I loved the freckles on Lily's face. What her eyes are, I don't know. With my short-sighted eyes, I could not look into them.

Once our whole class went to the cinema in the village club. It had to happen that in this club I was next to Lilya. She was a pretty girl and all the boys in our class liked her, but did not pay attention to me, as if I were an empty place. Because of my poor clothes and my isolation, apparently, no one liked me and could not like me ...

In the club during the session, I was not only afraid to touch her with my hand, but I was afraid to look in her direction. And she was carried away by the film and did not pay attention to me. Fearing to move, I sat through the entire film, and did not understand what kind of film it was. In the evening, going to bed, I dreamed, imagined that I was hugging her, even kissing her. It was a pipe dream.

I always wanted to talk to Lilya or go to her house along the way, but I never dared ...

I saw one way out - to prove myself in the sciences, in work and wait for high love.

In the spring of 1954, in the 10th grade, I once broke down.Not far from our house lived a classmate of my sister - Tanya Bala. At 13, she was a pretty big girl. She had full legs, well-defined thighs. Once my sister and her parents were visiting relatives in a neighboring village, and I was at home alone. Tanya came to our yard. She talked to me, asked me to call my sister. I no longer remember what I answered her, but looking around and making sure that no one could see us, I pounced on her and knocked her to the ground under a large tree. Out of surprise or fear, she did not utter a word, and did not even offer me any resistance. I, without even thinking that at first it was necessary to bare her and my lower body, lay on her right in the clothes and tried to imitate sexual intercourse. Waking up, Tanya tried to push me, free herself. But she did not succeed for a long time. And in this struggle I experienced an orgasm. There was some kind of noise in my head, it dimmed in my eyes ...

I was very worried about this weakness, although no one saw it. For several hours I wandered around the neighborhood, shying away from people, afraid that she told everyone about what had happened. And after this misfortune, I decided to tame my flesh, my base motives. Then he wrote an oath: “Pizda is the reproductive organ of man. I swear not to touch anyone but my wife. " He hid the oath in a secluded place.

Andrei's fear was so great that even his mother, who always cared much more about her daughter than about her son, noticed his condition and asked if he was sick. A little later, this story was forgotten by everyone - three days later this girl came to visit Chikatilo's sister as if nothing had happened, and Chikatilo himself, several decades later, during interrogation, called this day no more, no less, as the day of his fall.

In 1954, Chikatilo graduated from a rural school with good grades (he had only one grade in German, he had excellent grades in other subjects) and, convinced of his extraordinary abilities and high destiny, he left to enter the law faculty of the university in Moscow. where, as Andrei was convinced, he will be able to reach heights in the political arena.

Investigator of the prosecutor's office Amurkhan Yandiev, who got acquainted in detail with this page of Chikatilo's life, said:

- Imagine: a village boy came to Moscow with a suitcase of books, there are no acquaintances in the city, he lived at the train station, he was preparing for the next exam there, he went to the university and passed perfectly. Amazing dedication. And suddenly he discovers that he is not on the lists of those enrolled. Imagine how he timidly went to the chairman of the selection committee to find out what was the matter. Of course, he did not raise a scandal due to the fact that those who had passed the worse were enrolled, but he was not. He asked, he was answered: "I did not pass the competition." Silently he turned and drove away. Already at home, the headmaster of the school explained to him in a rude, ingenuous way: “You are a fool, that you went to enroll in general. Your father is a traitor ... "

Having not passed the competition at the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University, Chikatilo, having arrived home, entered the Akhtyrka School and a year later successfully completed it, receiving the specialty of a supervisor of telephone and telegraph lines. In 1955, he went on a Komsomol ticket to the Northern Urals, where he worked at a linear technical communication center.

A clumsy, lanky 18-year-old romantic faces the wrong side for the first time Soviet life- remote taiga places, living in barracks, a brigade of adult illiterate proletarians, half of whom are hiding from justice ... And next to them is a 35-year-old divorced woman, a local resident, going crazy with longing for a man's affection in the Zapyantsovskaya Russian outback

Direct speech. Andrey Chikatilo

“… I moved to Maria's apartment. She was the initiator of the resettlement ... from the very first day she began to cuddle up to me with her breasts, with her whole body. The first night she went to bed with me, I was very worried. She herself took off my underwear and began to cuddle up to me, stroking my whole body with her hands. But all her efforts were in vain, I was so worried that the excitement did not come. So she tormented with me all night ... In the morning I came to work sleepy, the guys noticed it, started joking, they say, the woman tortured you, gave different advice - what to do, how and where to caress her. I blushed and walked away. In the evening I wanted to go back to the barrack, but the guys pushed me out, said that it was too close to spend the night with me. I went to Maria again. She again lay down with me, told me not to be shy. However, again it ended in nothing ... I was paralyzed from the memories of the daytime ridicule of my comrades. So I fell asleep. The next day at work they paid less attention to me, only a few elderly men continued to give advice. After about a week, conversations on this topic stopped altogether, and I began to calm down. And on the ninth day I made up my mind ... as usual, we went to bed, I began to touch various parts of her body. Maria began to help me, and it worked out fine ... I was about to marry her, but my comrades dissuaded me, she was 16 years older than me ... "

After a whole series of unsuccessful attempts to have sexual intercourse, he first had periods of low mood, as Chikatilo himself said, if earlier he was usually cheerful, cheerful, purposeful, then from the age of 18-19 he often began to think about his inferiority, worried that he is "not like the others", sometimes thoughts of suicide arose. He continued to study a lot, entered the correspondence department of the Moscow Electromechanical Institute. Admission to the university was assessed as revenge for his bad life... Despite periodic slumps in mood, he remained active, believed that he should devote his life to building communism. He fought against injustice, wrote complaints if he encountered any shortcomings or cases of wrong attitude towards himself.

Excerpt from the expert opinion of the commission of the Research Institute of General and Forensic Psychiatry. Serbian

At puberty (puberty), A.R. Chikatilo reveals pronounced disorders of psychosexual development with a delay in the romantic stage of the formation of sexuality. In addition to violations of psychosexual development, there is also a violation of the biological base of the formation of sexuality with a sharp weakening of sexual desire, lack of erections. Chikatilo showed a weak sexual constitution against the background of an organic decrease in the thresholds of excitability of the centers of ejaculation. This is due to the easy achievement of ejaculation (without additional stimulation of the genitals, without intercourse) during sexually significant actions.

In adolescence, after unsuccessful attempts at sexual contact with women, affective disorders are formed with a predominance of a depressive background of mood and recurrent suicidal tendencies, as well as an exacerbation of pathocharacterological features, deepening of isolation, anxiety, vulnerability, increased sensitivity to actual or imaginary infringement of his rights, during this period, the beginning of his litigious activity occurs. Fantasies during this period are distinguished by the predominance of distinct sado-masochistic manifestations.

At the same time, in adolescence and young age, despite the presence of these disorders, there are no signs of social maladjustment, but attention is drawn to the low level of heterosexual adaptation, which manifests itself in a decrease in sexual desire, insufficient erections, and pallor of orgastic experiences. Erotic fantasy with a distinct sadomasochistic coloring, characteristic of that period, takes the form of surrogate sexual activity.

From 1958 to 1961 Chikatilo serves in the army. First, in Central Asia, in the border troops, then he was given a job in his specialty - to serve government communication lines under the department of the KGB of the USSR in Berlin.

In the army, as in school, Chikatilo achieves undoubted success in combat and political training, being the editor of a newspaper, a propagandist. He also considered joining the ranks of the Communist Party a serious achievement. This significant event for Chikatilo also happened during his military service in 1959.

At the same time, he still cannot find himself in communication. When colleagues offered to introduce him to some woman, he refused, preferring to read socio-political literature and listen to the radio. He was worried about the ridicule of his comrades about the female waist and chest, he was very shy about this, in the army he had the first passive homosexual contacts, according to him, violent. Occasionally he masturbated, while there was no erection of the penis, he held back ejaculation, as he believed that it was harmful.

Direct speech. A. O. Bukhanovsky

A normal person has two communication systems: verbal and non-verbal. Moreover, in an informal setting, the non-verbal system is often the main one. Well, for example: a woman says “no” to you, but in her intonation and behavior you pick up “yes”. For sadists, such shades are not available, they are only capable of formal sociability. Moreover, in an ordinary, formal situation, they are no different from us.

Here is the same Chikatilo: he was one of the best in the army. He even joined the party there. And in an informal situation, when communication takes place on a non-verbal level, when intuition is needed, such people do not understand what is happening, they become, as it were, feeble-minded, and they acutely feel this inferiority. And therefore, they carefully avoid such informal situations. In the army, when everyone went on leave - to dances, to the girls, - Chikatilo went to Lenin's room and was engaged in "political preparation." But compensation did not come - on the contrary: the painful state intensified.

These people do not have self-defense skills. During childhood and adolescence, they were the targets of peer violence, although physically they are often stronger than those who offend them. But they are not able to protect themselves. An inferiority complex arose, a low self-esteem, which increased over the years. Their sexual constitution is weak, difficulties in communicating with women further increase the inferiority complex.

After being discharged to the reserve, Chikatilo returned to his native village Yablochnoye.

New neighbors settled near the parents' house, one of the neighbors turned out to be Tatiana, who had recently kicked out her drunken husband. Very soon Andrei and Tatiana met. Outwardly, Chikatilo has changed a lot, as is almost always the case after the army.

Direct speech. Andrey Chikatilo

“… After about a week I began to touch her, took her hands and even kissed her. The kiss made my throat dry, my head clouded, my heart beat faster, she responded to my kisses. But at the same time, I could not bring myself to enter into intimacy with her, because I was afraid that I would not succeed and I would disgrace myself in front of her ... "

But then he made up his mind. The moment was convenient, no one was in the house, and the story with Maria repeated five years ago - inadequacy of preparation, inconsistency in sensations, and also a long-standing fear - FEAR OF FAILURE.

Direct speech. Andrey Chikatilo

“… From the excitement I did not get excited, she apparently understood my condition, calmed me down, tried to excite me, however, despite all the efforts, the sexual intercourse did not work, and I just wetted my panties ... I was ashamed of my weakness, especially since I saw her displeasure. For several days I did not appear in her eyes ... "

Then a couple of weeks later there was another attempt at rapprochement, this time in a grove, past which they walked from the guests, and again failure. And as Chikatilo said he was "very angry and he wanted to destroy everything."

Direct speech. Tatiana Narizhnaya

... In the village of Yablochnoye, not far from us lived the Chikatilo family. I made friends with my same age from this house, Tanya. Her brother Andrey Chikatilo studied in Moscow. When he arrived on vacation, we met and began to meet, this lasted for a month and a half. Andrei was affectionate, kind ... Once at my house they decided to get in touch with him, but Andrei did not succeed. Another time we went to his relatives in the village of Mayskoye. On the way to the meadow, Andrei tried again ... But he again failed.

One detail is interesting - Tatiana Chikatilo also wanted to marry at first. Maybe from the depths of his consciousness an impulse was breaking through, pushing him on the right path - calmly, calmly, everything was ahead. Thousands of men keep in their memory their own youthful failures of this kind, which does not prevent them from mature age start a family, live a fulfilling life. But this marriage was also vetoed by fate, and his parents, who were categorically against his possible marriage to a “divorcee”, also "helped". And this love of Andrei Chikatilo gradually faded into the past.

So, the world familiar to Chikatilo collapsed, his dreams were not destined to come true, but he did not hang himself, although, as he said in his later interviews, he was quite ready to get into the noose of despair, he decided to leave ...

Chikatilo's First Life, the first part of his novel full of failures, fears and disappointments, is over. He leaves his native village Yablochnoye to start a completely different life ...

Andrei Chikatilo is one of the most famous Soviet serial killers, who committed 53 proven murders from 1978 to 1990 (although the criminal himself confessed to 56 murders, and, according to operational information, the maniac committed more than 65 murders): 21 boys aged 7 to 16 years old, 14 girls aged 9 to 17 and 17 girls and women.

For the murder committed by Chikatilo, Alexander Kravchenko was mistakenly shot. Nicknames: "Raging Beast", "Rostov Ripper", "Red Ripper", "Killer from the forest belt", "Citizen X", "Satan", "Soviet Jack the Ripper". Although according to some reports, Chikatilo surpassed Jack the Ripper in his atrocities.

Andrey Chikatilo - childhood

Andrey Chikatilo was born on October 16, 1936 in the Kharkov region of the Ukrainian SSR in the village of Yablochnoye (today the village belongs to the Sumy region). There is information that Chikatilo was born with signs of hydrocephalus. Until the age of 12, he suffered from urinary incontinence, for which he was constantly beaten by his mother.

In 1943 A. Chikatilo's sister was born. His father Roman Chikatilo, who was at the front at that time, could hardly be the girl's father. Therefore, it is possible that at the age of 6-7 years he could witness the rape of his mother by a German soldier, with whom he lived in the same room on the territory of Ukraine, then occupied by the Germans.

In 1944, Chikatilo went to first grade. When famine began in 1946, he did not leave the house, fearing that he could be caught and eaten: his mother told him that during the famine his older brother Stepan was allegedly kidnapped and eaten. There is also a version that the older brother was eaten by the parents themselves during the famine. Subsequently, no documents about Stepan's birth and death were found.

In 1954 Andrey graduated high school and tried to enter the law faculty of Moscow State University, but did not pass the competition. However, he considered that he was not taken to the university because of his father - a "traitor" and "traitor to the Motherland."

In 1955, Chikatilo graduated from the Akhtyrka Technical School of Communications. After college he entered the correspondence department of the Moscow Electromechanical Institute of Railway Engineers.

From 1957 to 1960 he served in the army, served in the army in the Interior Ministry troops, according to other information - as a signalman in the Soviet troops in Berlin.

After the army, he moved to the village of Rodionovo-Nesvetayskaya, not far from Rostov-on-Don. There he got a job as an engineer at a telephone exchange.

In 1962, Chikatilo's sister Tatiana introduced him to her friend Faina (Evdokia), who in 1964 became his wife. Immediately after the wedding, Chikatilo entered the correspondence department of the philological faculty of Rostov University. In 1965, his daughter Lyudmila was born, and on August 15, 1969, his son Yuri, who later became a criminal. In April 1965, Chikatilo got a job as chairman of the regional committee of physical culture and sports. In 1970, already at the age of 33, he graduated in absentia pedagogical institute on the course of Marxism-Leninism and literature, began to work as a teacher of the Russian language and literature (and then as an educator) at boarding school number 32 Novoshakhtinsk.

In 1974, Chikatilo began to work as a master of industrial training at Novoshakhtinsky GPTU No. 39.

In 1978 he moved with his family to Shakhty, where in September he began working as a teacher at GPTU No. 33, and in December he committed his first murder.

The first murder of Andrey Chikatilo

On December 22, 1978, Chikatilo killed his first victim, 9-year-old Elena Zakotnova. The murder took place in house number 26 (the so-called "hut") on Mezheviy lane, which Chikatilo bought for 1,500 rubles in secret from his family and used to meet with prostitutes.

December 24 Shakhty, and the entire Rostov region, was shocked by a terrible find. Near the bridge over the river Grushevka, the body of a 9-year-old student of the 2nd grade of school No. 11 Elena Zakotnova was found. As the examination showed, an unknown person had sexual intercourse with the girl in the usual and perverted forms, causing her vagina and rectum to rupture, and also inflicted three penetrating stab wounds in the stomach. The girl's death, however, came from mechanical asphyxia - she was strangled. The expert suggested that Lena was killed on the day of her disappearance (her parents went to the police on December 22), not earlier than 18.00.

The murder of a child, and even with special cruelty associated with sexual violence, required immediate disclosure. One of the most experienced local detectives, the senior investigator of the adviser of justice Izhogin, was thrown into the case. Local residents were passed through a fine sieve.

As it turned out later, Chikatilo lured the girl into the "hut" with promises to give chewing gum. As he showed during the investigation, he only wanted to "play with her." But when he tried to undress her, the girl started screaming and struggling. Fearing that the neighbors would hear her, Chikatilo fell on her and began to choke her. The victim's suffering aroused him, and he experienced an orgasm.

Chikatilo threw the body of the girl and her schoolbag into the river Grushevka. On December 24, the corpse was found and on the same day they detained the suspect in the murder - Alexander Kravchenko, who had previously served 10 years for the rape and murder of his peer. Kravchenko's wife gave him an alibi for December 22, and on December 27 he was released. However, on January 23, 1979, Kravchenko committed theft from his neighbor. The next morning the police detained him and found the stolen goods in the attic of his house. A murderer and a drug addict was put in the cell of Kravchenko, who beat him, forcing him to confess to the murder of Zakotnova. Kravchenko's wife was informed that her husband was already in prison for murder, and was accused of complicity in the murder of Zakotnova. The frightened woman signed everything that was demanded of her.

On February 16, 1979, Kravchenko confessed to the murder of Zakotnova. At first he was sentenced to 15 years in prison, but the relatives of the murdered girl demanded a review of the case and the death penalty. As a result, the Kravchenko case was sent for further investigation three times and, in the end, was sentenced to death. On July 5, 1983, 29-year-old Aleksandr Kravchenko was shot for the murder committed by Chikatilo. In 1990, the execution sentence against Kravchenko was canceled.

However, the investigation also had one more suspect. On January 8, 1979, in Novocherkassk, a certain Anatoly Grigoriev, 50 years old, born in the city of Shakhty, hanged himself. On December 31, on New Year's Eve, in the tram depot where he was an employee, Grigoriev, being very drunk, boasted to his colleagues that he had stabbed and strangled a girl about whom “they wrote in the newspapers”. The hard workers knew that "Only a drunken fantasy wakes up", and therefore no one believed him. However, Grigoriev, apparently, expected that these drunken revelations would still come back to haunt. Arriving to his daughter in Novocherkassk, he was very worried, drank a lot, cried that he had not killed anyone, but took vain upon himself. After waiting for his daughter to go to work, Grigoriev hanged himself in the toilet.

The beginning of a series of murders

The first murder scared Chikatilo, and for 3 years he did not kill anyone. However, on September 3, 1981, he killed 17-year-old prostitute Larisa Tkachenko. Taking her into the forest belt, he tried to have sex with her, but he could not get aroused. When Tkachenko began to mock him, he beat her, bit off her nipple, stuffed her mouth with mud and strangled her. The body was found the next day.

Almost a year later, on June 12, 1982, he killed 12-year-old Lyubov Biryuk. A series of murders began: in 1982, Chikatilo killed a total of seven children between the ages of 9 and 16. Most often he got acquainted with future victims at bus stops and train stations, under some plausible pretext (to show a short way, puppies, stamps, VCR, etc.), lured them into a forest belt or another secluded place, (sometimes the victims passed with the killer several kilometers - Chikatilo always walked in front), unexpectedly pounced with a knife. Up to sixty stab wounds were found on the mutilated bodies of the dead, many had their noses, tongues, genitals, breasts cut off and bitten off, eyes gouged out (Chikatilo could not bear the gaze of his victims). Among his victims were many vagabonds, alcoholics and the mentally retarded.

The first arrest of Andrei Chikatilo

1984 was the peak of Chikatilo's criminal activity - he killed 15 people, the total number of his victims reached 32. On August 1, he entered the post of head of the supply department of Rostov production association"Spetsenergoavtomatika". The work was associated with constant travel around the country, which was very convenient for him. On August 8, he went on his first business trip to Tashkent, where he killed a woman and a 12-year-old girl.

On September 14, 1984, at the Rostov Central Market due to suspicious behavior, he was detained by a district inspector, police captain Alexander Zanosovsky, with his partner Shaikh-Akhmed Akhmatkhanov. Chikatilo tried to get acquainted with the girls, molested them in public transport, right at the bus station a prostitute was engaged in oral sex with him. A knife, a can of petroleum jelly, a bar of soap and two skeins of rope were found in his portfolio (for some reason, all this was returned to Chikatilo or, according to other sources, was simply lost). His blood was taken for analysis, his blood group was the second.

The group of sperm, which was found on the corpse of one of the victims, was the fourth. Later, this circumstance will be explained by the fact that Chikatilo allegedly had a so-called. “Paradoxical secretion”: his blood was of the second group, and the body's secretions were of the fourth, and this provided him with a kind of alibi. After the trial, Chikatilo will appear in the media as a "paradoxical highlighter" - a person with an extremely rare feature organism ("one in several million"). In fact, the analysis of the detected semen gave an incorrect result due to the microbial contamination of the material.

Chikatilo was released without a more detailed investigation and analysis. However, he was soon expelled from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, of which he had been a member since 1960, and was sentenced to a year of corrective labor under Article 92 of the RSFSR Criminal Code for stealing a battery. But he was released on December 12, 1984. In January 1985, Chikatilo moved with his family to Novocherkassk and got a job there as an engineer at the Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant. Later he became the head of the metals department of this plant, and in 1990 he was transferred to the external cooperation department of the Rostov electric locomotive repair plant, where he worked until his arrest.

After his first arrest, Chikatilo killed 21 more people.

Operation "Forest belt"

As time went on, the killings in the forest belts continued. Therefore, in December 1985, the operation "Lesopolos", which was under the control of the Central Committee of the CPSU, began - perhaps the largest operational event ever carried out by Soviet and Russian law enforcement agencies. Over the entire period of the operation, more than 200 thousand people were checked for involvement in a series of murders, along the way 1062 crimes were solved, information was accumulated on 48 thousand people with sexual deviations, 5845 people were put on a special account, 163 thousand drivers of vehicles were checked. Military helicopters were even used to patrol the railroad tracks and adjacent forest belts. The search for the killer cost the state about 10 million rubles in 1990 prices.

The meeting held by the regional prosecutor's office on this case in Rostov-on-Don in April 1987 was attended by the deputy chief investigative department Prosecutor's Office of the USSR V. Nenashev and Deputy Prosecutor of the RSFSR Ivan Zemlyanushin. It opened with the words: “The Lesopolos case is under control in all higher authorities, as well as in the Central Committee of the CPSU. There is no business more important in the country than Lesopolos ”.

The special task force dealing with the case of the killer from the forest belt was headed by Viktor Burakov, who turned to the psychiatrist Alexander Bukhanovsky with a request to draw up a psychological portrait of the criminal. Bukhanovsky immediately rejected the version that the killer is mentally ill, marginalized or homosexual. In his opinion, the offender was ordinary, unremarkable Soviet citizen, with family, children and work (one of the killer's nicknames was "Citizen X").

Police officers, dressed in civilian clothes, constantly traveled by electric trains as bait. The Taganrog - Donetsk - Rostov - Salsk highway was controlled by the police throughout its entire length. Chikatilo, being a vigilante, himself took part in this operation and was on duty at the stations, "helping" the police to catch himself. Feeling the increased surveillance, he became more careful and in 1986 did not kill anyone.

The killings continued in 1987, when on May 16 he killed 13-year-old Oleg Makarenkov, whose remains were only discovered in 1990, after Chikatilo's arrest. The corpses of children were found regularly, even in the center of Rostov, in the Aviators Park and the Botanical Garden. He killed in other cities of the USSR, where he went on business trips - in Zaporozhye, Leningrad, Moscow. Issa Kostoev, who held the post of deputy head of the investigative unit of the Prosecutor's Office of the RSFSR, took over the leadership of the investigation.

In September 1989, Kostoev visited the serial killer Anatoly Slivko, who had been sentenced to death, in the Novocherkassk prison in the hope that he would help the investigation. But Slivko, repeating the previous mistake of the investigation, only pointed out that the murders in the forest belts are most likely committed by two: one “specializes” in boys, the other - in girls and women. “No use,” he said. - It’s impossible to calculate. I know from myself. " A few hours after the interview with Kostoev, Slivko was shot.

Andrey Chikatilo - psychological portrait

The psychological portrait of the killer from the forest belt, compiled by Bukhanovsky, took 62 typewritten pages. Bukhanovsky himself called the portrait “prospective”.

According to him, the offender did not suffer from psychosis or mental retardation. Outwardly and in behavior, he was quite an ordinary person: the victims trusted him. He considered himself talented, although he did not have any special abilities. He had a plan to track down and lure victims, but he often improvised.

He was heterosexual, and boys acted for him as "symbolic objects" on which he, perhaps, took out the resentment and humiliation suffered in childhood and adolescence. He was a necrosadist who needed to watch the death and torture of people in order to obtain sexual satisfaction. To render the victim helpless, he first hit her on the head. He was physically well developed, tall. The numerous stab wounds he inflicted were a way for him to "penetrate" (in a sexual sense) into the victim.

The blade played the role of a penis, making reciprocating movements in the wound, but without leaving it completely. Therefore, most likely, he was impotent. He blinded his victims because he was afraid of their gaze. He kept the severed body parts as "trophies" or perhaps ate them. By cutting off the boys' genitals, he tried to make them look more like women or to take out anger on his own sexual inadequacy.

His age is between 25 and 50, but most likely he was between 45 and 50 - the age at which sexual perversion most often develops. If he was married, then his wife was not particularly demanding of him and allowed him to be away from home often and for a long time. Perhaps he had a personal vehicle ( Chikatilo did have a car, but he did not use it when he did murders), or his work was related to travel. He could stop killing for a while if he sensed danger, but he would not stop until he was caught or died.

Andrey Chikatilo - execution

In 1990, Andrei Chikatilo killed 8 more people. He committed his last murder on November 6. The victim was a 22-year-old prostitute Svetlana Korostik. After killing her, he left the forest, and near the Donleskhoz railway station he was stopped by police officer Igor Rybakov, who asked to show documents, since in this area people usually went to pick mushrooms, and Chikatilo's clothes were not suitable for a mushroom picker. Since the policeman did not have a formal basis for the arrest, having recorded his surname, he released Chikatilo.

A few days later, the corpse of Korostik was found near the same station. The forensic scientist set the date of the murder - about a week ago. After checking the reports of the police officers on duty at that time, Kostoev drew attention to the name of Chikatilo, who had already been detained in 1984 on suspicion of involvement in the killings in the forest belts. On November 17, Chikatilo was placed under surveillance. He behaved suspiciously: he tried to get acquainted with boys and girls, appeared in places where corpses were found.

Chikatilo was arrested on November 20, 1990. On that day, after taking time off from work, he went to the clinic to take an X-ray of a finger, which was bitten by one of the victims during the struggle. The finger was broken. Chikatilo returned home, then went to the kiosk for a beer, taking as a container a three-liter can, which he carried in a mesh bag for vegetables. On the way back from the beer stall, he was detained by operatives.

According to one of the operatives who took part in the operation to detain Chikatilo, everyone was surprised that "Chikatilo, it seems, is such a healthy man, but he bought a little beer - there was about half a liter in a 3-liter can." During a search in his house, 32 kitchen knives were found (it is still not known exactly whether they were used for murders) and shoes, the imprint of which coincided with the imprint found near the corpse of one of the victims.

During the search of Andrei Chikatilo's house, they did not find the organs of the victims, which he took with him, perhaps he ate them. His wife said that when he went on a business trip, he took a saucepan with him. Chikatilo was interrogated for ten days, but he did not confess anything. There was no direct evidence against him, and the term of his detention was already expiring. Then Kostoev turned to Bukhanovsky for help, and he agreed to talk with the killer. After a conversation with a psychiatrist on November 30, Chikatilo confessed to the murders and began to testify. He was accused of 36 murders, he also confessed to 56. The investigation could not prove three murders.

His trial, which began on April 14, 1992, was held at the Rostov House of Justice. Chikatilo tried to portray madness: he shouted, insulted the judges and those present in the hall, bared his genitals, claimed that he was pregnant and lactating. But a forensic psychiatric examination, carried out three times, showed his complete sanity. On October 15, he was sentenced to death (the multi-page sentence began to be read on October 14 and was finished only the next day). The number appearing in the verdict is 52 murders, as in one episode the court found the evidence base insufficient. In addition, Chikatilo was charged with several cases of minors growing up.

While on death row, Chikatilo wrote numerous complaints and requests for clemency, monitored his health: did exercises, ate with appetite.

On January 4, 1994, the last request for pardon addressed to Russian President Boris Yeltsin was rejected. On February 14, Chikatilo was executed in the Novocherkassk prison.

Sexual assault

Many specialists, even those who participated in the examination Chikatilo, claim that he never raped his victims, as he suffered from impotence. On the other hand, for example, Katherine Ramsland, who wrote a text about Chikatilo for, indicates that at least one of his victims was found with signs of rape, and semen was found in her anus (for the first time allowed to establish the blood type of the killer from the forest belt). During the first arrest of Chikatilo in 1984 and the last arrest in 1990, a jar of Vaseline was found in his portfolio, which, as Nikolai Modestov writes in his book “ Maniacs ... Blind Death", Along with a rope and a sharpened knife, was" prepared for his victims. " When Chikatilo asked why he needed petroleum jelly, he replied that he uses it as a shaving cream "on long business trips." Later, during interrogation, he admitted that he used it to rape victims.


Three forensic psychiatric examinations unambiguously recognized Andrei Chikatilo as sane, that is, "not suffering from any mental illness and retaining the ability to be aware of his actions and to direct them." However, Nikolai Modestov believes that the doctors' verdict was dictated by the desire to protect society from the murderer. If Chikatilo had been declared insane, that is, mentally ill, he would have avoided being shot and ended up in a special hospital. Therefore, theoretically, after some time, he could be free.

Alexander Bukhanovsky claims that, in his opinion, Andrei Chikatilo was ill, and after the adoption of the new Criminal Code, he could be recognized as "partially sane", which would also mean a psychiatric hospital for special purposes.

Recognition of Chikatilo as sane means that he was aware of the illegal nature of his actions and could purposefully control his behavior. But sanity does not imply the recognition of a person as mentally healthy, and his behavior is normal.

"Paradoxical allocation"

Main article: Paradoxical allocation

In the verdict of the Rostov Regional Court in the case Chikatilo his long-term non-exposure was explained not by the mistakes of experts and the flaws of the investigators in general, but by the “paradoxical allocation” of the culprit: the mismatch between his secretions (sperm) and blood according to the AB0 antigenic system. Chikatilo's blood group was the second (A), but in his semen, found on one of the victims, traces of antigen B were also found, which gave reason to believe that the killer from the forest belt had blood of the fourth group (AB). Chikatilo turned out to have an unsuitable blood type, and therefore, after being arrested in September 1984, he was released.

However, it has now been proven that no "paradoxical excretion" exists, since this phenomenon would contradict the genetic foundations of the AB0 system. The phenomenon of inconsistency in the group of secretions of the body and blood is due to the bacterial contamination of the biological objects under study. The use of appropriate methods and high-quality reagents would allow to avoid incorrect analysis results, but this was not done in the case of Chikatilo.

Yuri Dubyagin, a criminologist "with 27 years of experience in the internal affairs bodies", co-author of the book "School of Survival, or 56 Ways to Protect Your Child from Crime", believes that "paradoxical allocation" was invented in order to justify the negligence of the forensic scientist, conducted in 1984 a blood test of Chikatilo.

Issa Kostoev directly says that "an inaccuracy was made in the analysis."

"Organized" or "disorganized" serial killer

The famous classification developed by FBI special agents Robert Hazelwood and John Douglas (article "The Lust Murderer", 1980) divides all serial killers by method of murder into two types: organized non-social and disorganized asocial.

Organized killers characterized by the ability to control their desires, they have a clear plan for tracking down and seducing the victim. If the plan fails, then the killer is able to delay its implementation. Accordingly, the intelligence of the organized killer is normal or even above average, and they often have higher education.

In contrast to organized serial killers, disorganized ones are unable to control their emotions and commit murders in a fit of rage (in a state of affect), often they literally kill the "first person". Their intelligence is usually reduced, to the point of mental retardation, or they have a mental illness. Unlike organized murderers, they are socially maladjusted (do not have a job, family, live alone, do not take care of themselves and their homes), that is, do not wear a “mask of normality”. Chikatilo committed his murders in a state of passion, but deliberately, systematically prepared the conditions for their commission (he could lull the vigilance of his victims so much that some walked with him in the forest up to five kilometers). If the victim refused to go with him, then he never put pressure on her, fearing to attract witnesses, but immediately went in search of a new one.

The domestic textbook of criminalistic psychology Obraztsov and Bogomolova unequivocally classifies Chikatilo as a "disorganized asocial type." However, Andrei Chikatilo is not his pure representative. For example, according to the Hazelwood-Douglas criteria, a disorganized killer usually lives close to murder sites - Andrei Chikatilo, on the other hand, committed his murders throughout the Rostov region and throughout the Soviet Union. On the other hand, the organized killer tries not to leave evidence at the crime scene, tries to get rid of the corpse - Chikatilo left a “chaotic picture of the crime” with a lot of evidence, and did not try to hide the body.

Andrey Chikatilo - all victims

Number Last name and first name Floor Age Date and place of murder Notes (edit)
1 Elena Zakotnova F 9 December 22, 1978 in Shakhty The body was found on December 24, 1978 in the Grushevka River. For the first murder of Chikatilo, on July 5, 1983, the innocent 29-year-old Alexander Kravchenko was shot.
2 Larisa Tkachenko F 17 September 3, 1981, Rostov-on-Don, in a forest belt on the left bank of the Don The body was found on September 4, 1981. Tkachenko was a prostitute and usually met with the soldiers. Chikatilo met her at a bus stop near the Rostov Public Library. Having led her into a forest belt, he tried to do with neisex, but he could not get aroused. When Tkachenko began to make fun of him, he stabbed her several times with a knife and strangled her with his hands. He stuffed his mouth with earth and cut off the left nipple.
3 Lyubov Biryuk F 13 June 12, 1982 The body was found on June 27, 1982. Chikatilo stabbed her at least 40.
4 Lyubov Volobueva F 14 July 25, 1982, Krasnodar Body found on August 7, 1982.
5 Oleg Pozhidaev M 9 August 13, 1982 The body was never found. Chikatilo cut off his genitals and took them with him.
6 Olga Kuprina F 16 August 16, 1982 The body was found on October 27, 1982 near the village of Cossack camps.
7 Irina Korabelnikova F 19 September 8, 1982, one kilometer from the Shakhty railway station The body was found on September 20, 1982 in a forest belt one kilometer from the Shakhty railway station. She left home after a scandal with her parents and did not return.
8 Sergey Kuzmin M 15 September 15, 1982, forest belt between the railway stations "Shakhty" and "Kirpichnaya" The body was found on January 12, 1983 in a forest belt between the railway stations "Shakhty" and "Kirpichnaya."
9 Olga Stalmachenok F 10 December 11, 1982, field of state farm No. 6 near Novoshakhtinsk The body was found on April 14, 1983 on the arable field of state farm No. 6 near Novoshakhtinsk. I went to classes at a music school and did not return home. Chikatilo cut out her heart and took it with him. It is from the scene of the discovery of a corpse by a tractor driver in the field that the film "Citizen X" begins.
10 Laura (Laura) Sargsyan F 15 after June 18, 1983 No body was found.
11 Irina Dunenkova F 13 Killed July 1983 The body was found on August 8, 1983. Was the younger sister of Chikatilo's mistress, suffered from oligophrenia.
12 Lyudmila Kushuba F 24 July 1983 The body was found on March 12, 1984. She was a disabled childhood, a vagabond, a mother of two children.
13 Igor Gudkov M 7 August 9, 1983 The body was found on August 28, 1983 in Rostov-on-Don. The youngest victim is Chikatilo.
14 Valentina Chuchulina F 22 After September 19, 1983 Body found on November 27, 1983.
15 Unidentified woman F 18-25 summer or autumn 1983 Body found on October 28, 1983.
16 Vera Shevkun F 19 October 27, 1983 The body was found on October 30, 1983 in a forest belt near the town of Shakhty. Chikatilo amputated both breasts from her.
17 Sergey Markov M 14 December 27, 1983 The body was found on January 1, 1984. Chikatilo stabbed him up to 70 times and amputated his genitals. Sperm of the fourth group was found in Markov's anus.
18 Natalia Shalapinina F 17 January 9, 1984 The body was found on January 10, 1984 in Rostov-on-Don. Chikatilo inflicted 28 knife wounds on her.
19 Marta Ryabenko F 45 February 21, 1984, in the Rostov Aviator Park The body was found on February 22, 1984 in the Rostov Park of Aviators. The oldest victim is Chikatilo. She was a vagabond and an alcoholic.
20 Dmitry Ptashnikov M 10 March 24, 1984 The body was found on March 27, 1984 in Novoshakhtinsk. Chikatilo bit off his tongue and penis. Near his body, the police first discovered evidence - a footprint of the killer.
21 Tatiana Petrosyan F 32 May 25, 1984 The body was found on July 27, 1984. Was the mistress (according to other sources, just an employee) Chikatilo. Killed along with her daughter Svetlana.
22 Svetlana Petrosyan F 11 May 25, 1984 The body was found on July 5, 1984. Chikatilo killed her by hitting her on the head with a hammer. She was killed along with her mother Tatyana Petrosyan.
23 Elena Bakulina F 22 June 1984 Body found on August 27, 1984.
24 Dmitry Illarionov M 13 July 10, 1984, Rostov-on-Don The body was found on August 12, 1984 in Rostov-on-Don.
25 Anna Lemesheva F 19 July 19, 1984 Body found on July 25, 1984.
26 Svetlana Tsana F 20 July 1984 Body found on September 9, 1984.
27 Natalia Golosovskaya F 16 August 2, 1984
28 Lyudmila Alekseeva F 17 August 7, 1984, Rostov-on-Don The body was found on August 10, 1984 in Rostov-on-Don. Chikatilo stabbed her 39 times.
29 Unknown woman F 20-25 between 8 and 11 August 1984, Tashkent The date of the discovery of the body is unknown.
30 Akmaral Seydalieva F 12 August 13, 1984, Tashkent The date of the discovery of the body is unknown.
31 Alexander Chepel M 11 August 28, 1984, Rostov-on-Don The body was found on September 2, 1984 in Rostov-on-Don in a forest belt on the left bank of the Don. Chikatilo met him near the Burevestnik cinema on Voroshilovsky Prospekt and lured him into the forest with promises to “show a video”. Killed him by slitting his stomach.
32 Irina Luchinskaya F 24 September 6, 1984, Rostov-on-Don Body found September 7, 1984 in Rostov-on-Don.
33 Natalia Pokhlistova F 18 July 31, 1985, not far from the Domodedovo airport, Moscow region The body was found on August 3, 1985 in a forest near the Domodedovo airport, Moscow region.
34 Irina (Inessa) Gulyaeva F 18 25 (according to other sources - 27) August 1985, forest belt near the town of Shakhty The body was found on August 28, 1985 in a forest belt near the town of Shakhty. She was a vagabond and an alcoholic. Red and blue threads were found under her nails, and gray hairs between her fingers. Sweat was found on her body, which had the fourth group, while Gulyaeva herself had the first group. Undigested food was found in her stomach - this could mean that the killer lured her into the forest belt by offering food.
35 Oleg Makarenkov M 13 May 16, 1987 Chikatilo returned home for a shovel and buried Makarenkov's body in a forest belt. The body was found only in 1991, after the arrest of Chikatilo.
36 Ivan Bilovetsky M 12 July 29, 1987, Zaporozhye The body was found on July 31, 1987 in the city of Zaporozhye.
37 Yuri Tereshonok M 16 September 15, 1987, Leningrad Region The remains were found in early 1991 near the floodplain of the Gruzinka River, Leningrad Region. From September 7 to September 27, 1987, Chikatilo was on a business trip in Leningrad. He met Tereshonko in the buffet of the Finland Station and offered to go to his "dacha" in Lembolovo. Naturally, Chikatilo did not have any dacha there, and he named Lembolovo because this settlement was the first on the board of departing electric trains. Arriving there with Tereshonk, Chikatilo went with him into the depths of the forest only 200 meters, then pushed him off the path, hit him several times, knocked him to the ground, tied his hands with a string and began to beat him with a knife. The body was covered with earth. Details - see the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets in St. Petersburg" No. 32/61 of August 10, 2005.
38 Unidentified woman F 18-25 April 1988, Red Sulin The body was found on April 8, 1988 in a vacant lot near the town of Krasny Sulin.
39 Alexey Voronko M 9 May 15, 1988 The body was found on May 17, 1988 in a forest belt near Rostov-on-Don. I went to visit my grandmother and never returned. Chikatilo cut off his genitals and opened his stomach. Voronko's classmate told the police that he saw with him a tall middle-aged man with a mustache, gold teeth and a gym bag.
40 Evgeny Muratov M 15 July 14, 1988 The body was found on April 11, 1989. Was a student at a technical school. Chikatilo cut off his genitals and took a pocket watch with a dedication from his aunt and uncle.
41 Tatiana Ryzhova F 16 March 8, 1989, Shakhty The body was found on March 9, 1989 in a sewer manhole in the town of Shakhty. Chikatilo brought her to his daughter's apartment (she was empty after her daughter's divorce from her husband). There he gave Ryzhova a drink, killed her and dismembered the corpse, cutting off the legs and head with an ordinary kitchen knife. The remains were wrapped in sport suit Ryzhova and newspapers. On a sled, he transported the remains to the wasteland and threw them into the sewer hatch there. According to one version, he borrowed the sled from a neighbor, according to another, he simply took it from an elderly woman on the street. When Chikatilo was transporting the sled across the railroad tracks, a man offered to help him. At first, Chikatilo was frightened and confused, but agreed, and the man helped him carry the sled over the rails.
42 Alexander Dyakonov M 8 May 11, 1989 Killed on his 8th birthday. Body found on July 14, 1989. Went for a walk and never returned home.
43 Alexey Moiseev M 10 June 20, 1989 Body found on September 6, 1989.
44 Elena Varga F 19 August 19, 1989 Body found September 1, 1989 Was a student from Hungary, mother little child... Chikatilo met her at the bus stop and offered to carry her bags home. Leading her into a forest belt under the pretext of a "short road", he killed her, cut off her breasts, cut out the uterus, cut off the soft tissues of her face. Wrapping his "trophies" in scraps of her clothes, he went with them directly to his father's birthday.
45 Alexey Hobotov M 10 August 28, 1989 The body was found on December 12, 1990 at the Shakhty cemetery. Chikatilo buried him in a grave that he dug for himself at the Shakhty city cemetery in 1987 (he allegedly was plotting suicide). This was the first corpse shown by Chikatilo to the investigation. The victim's mother, Lyudmila Khobotova, walked the Rostov stations and electric trains for almost a year, showing everyone a photograph of Alexei in the hope that someone saw him. Once she showed a photograph in the train ... to Chikatilo himself! During the investigation, she recognized him by the characteristic gesture with which he adjusted his glasses.
46 Andrey Kravchenko M 11 January 14, 1990 Body found on February 19, 1990.
47 Yaroslav Makarov M 10 March 7, 1990 The body was found on March 8, 1990. Chikatilo tore out his rectum.
48 Lyubov Zueva F 31 April 4, 1990 Body found on August 24, 1990.
49 Victor Petrov M 13 July 28, 1990 The body was found at the end of July 1990 on the territory of the Rostov Botanical Garden. He was at the Rostov station with his mother, went to drink water and never returned.
50 Ivan Fomin M 11 August 14, 1990, on the territory of the city beach in Novocherkassk The body was found on August 17, 1990 on the territory of the city beach in Novocherkassk. Chikatilo stabbed him 42 and castrated him while he was still alive. A clump of gray hair was found in Fomin's hand.
51 Vadim Gromov M 16 October 16, 1990 Body found on October 31, 1990, suffered from mental retardation. Chikatilo inflicted 27 stab wounds on him, bit off his tongue and testicles.
52 Victor Tishchenko M 16 October 30, 1990 The body was found on November 3, 1990 in a forest belt near the town of Shakhty. Tishchenko bit Chikatilo middle finger on the left hand.
53 Svetlana Korostik F 22 November 6, 1990 The body was found on November 13, 1990 in a forest belt near the Donleskhoz railway station. Korostik was a prostitute. Chikatilo bit off her tongue, cut out her breasts and took it with him.

Andrey Chikatilo was born in 1936 in the village of Yablochnoye of the Ukrainian SSR. Times were difficult, only a few years after the Holodomor in Ukraine (1932-1933). Chikatilo said that as a child he had to eat grass and leaves in order to survive. Perhaps this was not the only psychological test of his childhood, because in the end he turned into a monster, for whom there was no other punishment but a bullet in the back of the head.

When completed in October 1992 trial over Chikatilo, he was found guilty of 53 proven murders and sentenced to death for each of them. This man was executed on February 14, 1994, but the thought of him still makes you shudder.

15. He believed that his brother was stolen and eaten by neighbors

There is no confirmation of this story, since there are no documents that Andrei Chikatilo ever had a brother, but, according to him, his mother told him that his older brother Styopa was kidnapped and eaten by neighbors. She said that it happened when the child was four years old - and, knowing that such cases were indeed frequent during the famine of 1932-1933, it is quite possible to believe it. “On the one hand, it scared and horrified him, but on the other, he developed an unhealthy interest in the topic of cannibalism, and his fantasies have been constantly associated with it since then,” said the psychiatrist who examined Chikatilo.

14. He gnawed the body parts of his victims with his teeth

Chikatilo received many nicknames: Mad Beast, Red Partisan, Rostov Ripper, Red Ripper, Killer from the forest belt, Citizen X, Satan, Soviet Jack the Ripper. Although he is known as a cannibal, he cannot be said to have eaten the bodies of his victims - and, more importantly, he enjoyed it like other famous cannibals - he rather chewed off parts of their bodies. Men have genitals, women have nipples, victims of both sexes have tongues.

13.His mother may have been raped in front of him

When the Soviet Union entered the Second world war, Andrei Chikatilo's father was drafted and went to war. The Nazis occupied Ukraine in 1941 and over the next few years took more than 5 million prisoners of war, as well as more people died of hunger or died at the hands of the Nazis. Chikatilo talked about what he remembers from childhood as "horrors". In 1943, a sister was born to Chikatilo, which means that, with a high degree of probability, his mother was raped by a Nazi soldier (a poor village, absolutely unprotected residents, a lonely woman). If this happened, then little Chikatilo could even witness the rape, since the family lived in the same room and the mother and son slept in the same bed.

12. He was a brilliant and versatile student

What is most shocking in the stories of serial killers is that many of them, up to a certain point in their lives, looked and behaved completely normal. The same outwardly normal was Andrei Chikatilo in his younger years. He studied well, at the age of 14 he was an editor school newspaper, was distinguished by modesty and inconspicuousness, and the teachers could not get enough of him. They say that Chikatilo had a certain superiority complex and he considered himself smarter than his classmates. After leaving school, he wanted to go to law at Moscow State University, but failed the exam. He himself believed that he was not taken due to the fact that his father was repressed (as a "traitor" and "traitor to the Motherland" who had been in captivity). Instead of Moscow State University, Chikatilo graduated from the Akhtyrka Technical School of Communications, went to work on the laying of power lines, then served, got carried away by writing articles for regional newspapers and eventually entered the Faculty of Philology at Rostov University, which he graduated in 1970 with a degree in Russian Language and Literature ...

11. His first sexual experience was domination

There are suggestions that Chikatilo was born with signs of hydrocephalus, which later led to bedwetting (which he suffered until the age of 12) and impotence. He was an incredibly shy child and turned into an even shy teenager (in part because his classmates looked at him as the son of a "traitor to the Motherland" captured during the war, and said that his father was a coward). At the age of 15, Chikatilo received his first sexual experience during a comic struggle with his younger sister's girlfriend - and in the process he accidentally ejaculated. When the news of this reached the ears of classmates, their life was completely gone. Perhaps this was the beginning of psychological impotence, with which Chikatilo then fought all his life.

10. He was impotent, but got sexual release by killing people

After a humiliating situation with involuntary ejaculation on a girl at the age of 15, Chikatilo started having erection problems. When he was about 20 years old, he had a girlfriend and they tried to have sex three times - but he never succeeded. After a year and a half, the girl left him. After finishing his military service, Chikatilo met another lady, already divorced, but he did not succeed with her either. This lady decided to consult with her friends about the problem - and as a result, Chikatilo was extremely wounded that now her acquaintances also learned that he was impotent. “They whispered about it behind my back, I was so ashamed. I tried to hang myself, my mother pulled me out of the noose. I thought no one needed such a loser. And I had to leave from there, from my homeland, ”he said later.

9. He fathered two children

Nevertheless, a woman willing to marry him was soon found. In 1963, Chikatilo married his sister's friend Faina Odinacheva. His wife gradually came to terms with problems in her sex life, especially since they still managed to make two children. Lyudmila Chikatilo was born in 1963, and her son Yuri was born in 1969. When Andrei Chikatilo committed his first murder in 1978, in which a 9-year-old girl became a victim, his son was about the same age. Chikatilo was a pedophile and mostly children were his victims. 36 of 53 known victims were children between the ages of 8 and 17. And sexually harassing students at the school where he taught, Chikatilo began even when his youngest son was 4 years old.

8. He was a school teacher and educator

Yes, it's creepy, but Chikatilo was not only the father of two children, but also worked as a school teacher in a boarding school for several years. He was fired for sexual harassment of female students with the wording “by on their own". Then he was a teacher at the State Pedagogical University, where he molested a sleeping 15-year-old boy, for which his students called him "an masturbator" and "gay." As can be seen from these cases, he never succeeded in winning the love and respect of his disciples. The disciples rebelled against him, mocked him and gave offensive nicknames like "Goose".

7. He harassed students, for which he was fired

It is believed that children were attracted to Chikatilo as weaker and vulnerable creatures that can be manipulated. The first case of harassment occurred in 1973 - the teacher asked the student to stay in the classroom after school, then began to beat her with a ruler, which turned him on with all the ensuing consequences. There was also a case when he grabbed a student in the pool and drowned her until he could finish. After these episodes became known, Chikatilo left school and was fired. However, no one raised a fuss, the case was hushed up, and Chikatilo moved to another city and continued to behave as if nothing had happened.

6. He was a murder suspect long before his arrest, but he got off the water

One of the most unpleasant facts about Chikatilo's "career" is that he was under investigation for the murder of his very first victim, was a suspect, but he was released. Chikatilo lured 9-year-old Lena to his secret hideout, promising gum. He was not the main suspect, but blood stains were found near the same house. But Chikatilo's track record (an exemplary family man, husband, father, communist) helped him create a positive image. After this incident, the maniac hid for two years. The next time he encountered the police was in 1984 (and by that time he had already killed 23 people). But despite the fact that he was detained with a suitcase containing petroleum jelly, rope and a knife, the investigators released him, as he did not look like a typical sex maniac.

5. The group of sperm found on the victim did not match Chikatilo's DNA due to an error in the analysis

When Chikatilo came to the attention of the police in 1984 (with his suspicious suitcase), they took his blood for analysis. The blood group was the second. And they were looking for a suspect from the fourth, since the sperm of the fourth group was on the victim's corpse. Later, this circumstance was explained by the fact that Chikatilo allegedly had "paradoxical secretion" - the blood of the second group, and the discharge - the fourth. But in reality, the analysis of the detected semen was carried out with errors and gave the wrong result.

4. Until the age of forty, he led an almost normal life

Serial killers usually show their sadistic tendencies in early childhood by torturing or killing pets or bullying classmates. Andrei Chikatilo was a modest introvert, but led an almost normal life until 1978. There was an assumption that if he lived somewhere in the USA or Canada, with easy access to pornography, he would have started killing much earlier. But in the USSR, pornography was not easy to obtain. At his trial in 1992, Chikatilo pulled out a pornographic publication and, waving it around, told the astonished public that it was "the source of his problems."

3. His first victim was 9 years old

After the body of nine-year-old Elena Zakotnova was found in the Grushevka River in 1978, a criminal previously convicted of rape was accused of her murder and executed (and school teacher Chikatilo managed to get out of the water). Chikatilo met a little girl, Lena Zakotnova, at a bus stop, which, by the way, later became his favorite way to choose a victim. He lured the girl to his secret hideout, offering to treat her with gum, then stabbed her with a knife, tried to have sex with her corpse - unsuccessfully - and eventually threw the corpse and school backpack of the girl into the river. Twelve years later, he killed two more nine-year-olds: the boys Oleg Pozhidaev and Alexei Voronko.

2. He gouged out the eyes of the victims

There is a superstition that the image of a murderer remains in the eyes of the victim before death, and Chikatilo mentioned this more than once. When he first began his bloody harvest, he often gouged out victims' eyes. Subsequently, he stopped doing this, but later began again - when he decided that he did not like the way dying people looked at him.

1. At the trial, he gave a whole performance

Chikatilo's trial began on April 14, 1992. When the defendant was given the floor, he talked for two hours about being a victim of circumstances, blaming his parents, the Holodomor, and anything in general except himself. He talked about how hard it is to be impotent and how it puts pressure on the psyche. Said he was helpless and weak. During the trial, the defendant was in a cage, which, on the one hand, made him look like a beast behind bars, and on the other, protected him from the relatives of the killed who were present in the courtroom. By the way, many of them fainted right there. All his behavior at the trial was aimed at appearing insane in order to avoid capital punishment. He even tried to show his genitals with the words that this is a useless appendage and he could not do anything with it.