Did you know that the priests of the Celtic tribes, the Druids, believed that the gods created man from wood? Depending on the date of birth, certain trees resonate with each person. There is a special Druid horoscope, according to which you can determine your affiliation with a particular plant, in particular a tree, based on your birthday.

Eighteen tree signs are valid twice during calendar year depending on the position of the sun according to the Druid calendar. Four trees correspond to the days of winter and summer solstice, spring and autumn equinox.

The Celts believed that if a person spent time in nature with his tree symbol, it would strengthen the spirit, fill physical strength body. In addition, each tree has certain characteristics, characteristic of people, whose patron it is.

Tree patron on birthday

Apple tree

These individuals are easy-going, know how to enjoy life, and have a philosophical mindset. The Druid horoscope says that people whose birthday corresponds to the apple tree are endowed with high intelligence by nature, they read a lot, have a broad outlook, but do not like to make an impression or demonstrate their erudition.

They live for today, are not vindictive, can be quick-tempered, but are not touchy. Sensitive, sentimental, happy to share their emotions, trusting, open. They require a rich emotional life, they do not agree to be content with silence and peace.

Most often they are introverts and individualists. This does not mean that firs extol themselves above others, they just need a long enough time to take a closer look and understand what kind of person is in front of them. Fir women do not like to flirt; their natural pride and tact do not allow this. They are in no hurry to draw attention to their person. There are many acquaintances and friends, but no real friends.

Stinginess in expressing emotions, demandingness towards others and towards oneself are the characteristics of the representatives of this tree symbol. Firs love to decide complex tasks, achieve their goal, while agreeing to sacrifice comfort today in order to achieve everything in the future. Most often they succeed. In love, firs are faithful and devoted.

According to the Druid horoscope, individuals related by date of birth to the elm tree symbol are calm by nature. They don't like to complicate things. Raging passions, lofty goals, vanity - all this is not for elms. Stability, practicality, constancy are their three main strengths.

Elm keeps everything under control and suits him well leadership positions. If troubles or problems arise, then elm knows how to pull itself together, calling on natural optimism and a sense of humor to help. In love, they do not chase thrills; they love deeply, selflessly; strong mutual love is enough for them to be happy.


Almost all people who are patronized by cypress have an attractive appearance, good figure, jealously monitor their appearance. The purpose of life and the main happiness for cypress is love, family, children. These individuals love to dream and fantasize, and they usually have many friends.

Conflict-free people with a light character are sometimes inclined to indulge in idleness and idleness, but due to the fact that luck never turns away from them, they do not have to remain without work or means of subsistence. Cypress trees have a great understanding of people thanks to their natural intuition, difficult situations There are reliable friends nearby who are ready to help.


According to the Druid horoscope, these people are distinguished by their passion for experimenting with their appearance, outfits, hairstyle, and makeup. They value youth and are afraid that old age can ruin their appearance. The world: place of residence and society have a huge impact on the poplar, not only positive.

Most often, representatives of this tree symbol are modest and indecisive, which they try to hide under the mask of a bright appearance. He constantly needs support and approval from others, otherwise he withers, becomes gloomy, and is prone to depression. While he himself has great complaints about his choice of friends, he places inflated demands on others. IN conflict situations poplar is distinguished by feigned indifference, which is hidden behind a joke or a smile.


Cedars are kind, cheerful, and optimistic personalities. They do not invent unnecessary problems for themselves, and are not prone to depression and excessive self-examination. Along with sociability and attractiveness, they have vulnerability, sensitivity, and an inability to laugh at themselves. People around you sometimes abuse the kindness and gullibility of the cedar. He cannot stand the role of a subordinate and can easily enter into conflict with his superiors. Their love of freedom pushes them to protest, but they are wise enough not to be selfish and tyrants.

Men who correspond to this symbol are the embodiment of masculinity, they resolve their own problems and the problems of their family, solve complex issues, bear full responsibility for this, and you almost never hear requests from them for help. He takes his life goals and goals seriously, stopping at nothing. However, there is a danger of accepting other people's postulates as your own. He may rush to defend them, falsely hoping for happiness.


Stubbornness and perseverance are the main characteristics of this symbol. On any question, the pine tree has its own point of view, and feels sympathy for those who agree with it, thanks to which in its environment there are many sycophants and flatterers who want to please.

He has a peculiar way of communicating, which immediately attracts attention. It is difficult to lead her astray, she knows what she wants and, as a rule, achieves it. Pine women are wonderful housewives, they cook deliciously, and their homes are cozy and tidy. Pine men value family, rarely decide to cheat, and live in abundance.

Willows are players, actors; in everyday reality they lack passions, they invent them themselves and live according to their own scenario. They can be insincere, are in a sad mood, and they make good creative workers: poets, writers, artists, musicians. However, the masterpieces they create are permeated with notes of melancholy.

It is easier for them to accept help from others than to solve their problems on their own; they are used to thinking for others. However, this does not mean that they are absolutely irresponsible and do not manage their lives; on the contrary, when making this or that decision, they already clearly and clearly imagine the consequences.


These individuals are realistic, even somewhat fatalistic, and believe in fate. They are hardworking and despise laziness and idleness. They almost never openly enter into conflict; they strive to live beautifully, but are not ready to sacrifice themselves for this goal.

Against the background of an excellent ability to understand people, lindens exhibit inconsistency and variability; it is difficult for them to understand themselves. The Druid horoscope says that they do not have clear life principles, credos, or guidelines. They lack confidence and clear guidelines, so they simply need an authoritative mentor who will direct their energy into the right direction.


Hazel is secretive and silent. He rarely shows his emotions or expresses his opinion to everyone. Prefers not to drink alcohol for fear of losing control of himself. It is difficult for him to make friends due to the difficulties he experiences when communicating. The hazel tree cannot work in a noisy group; it does not like gatherings.

The feelings and experiences of the hazel tree are deep and sincere, he good friend and a reliable partner, although he does not seek to start a family, is cool towards children. Indifferent to material benefits, not ready to work hard for them at work.


Rowan is energetic, optimistic, and sociable. She rarely loses her temper, but not because she has no problems at all, but because she has excellent control over her emotions. Sometimes it’s enough for her to take a walk, swim, play sports: from bad mood not a trace remains.

Rowan has a strong sense of justice, so it often comes to the aid of loved ones and defends the weak and offended. Rowan enters into marriage exclusively for love, does not accept calculation. Her house is a full cup.

A person who, according to his date of birth, is under the auspices of maple is curious and well-read, reaching for knowledge. He has certain talents, but lacks the thoughtfulness, perseverance, and depth to develop them. He easily forgets his promises, loves to command, and is reluctant to help his loved ones. He has an excellent sense of humor, expresses his thoughts well, but does not value friendship and close people too much, which is why he often remains alone in old age.

The Druid calendar defines the nut as the most complex and controversial sign than all the trees in the horoscope by date of birth. They are subject to mood swings, it is difficult for them to control their own emotions, but at the same time they are strong, have an iron character, and are difficult to get along with. They are not devoid of feelings of compassion, they help those in need, and do charity work.

They demand from others respect and recognition of merit, while they themselves remain indifferent to the problems of loved ones. A leader by nature, active, accustomed to calculating his steps in advance. The nut man is jealous, and he can be jealous not only of opposite sex, but also to children.


The character and characteristics of jasmine depend on the conditions in which it lives. If circumstances are favorable, then he is sociable, caring, sweet and kind. Under not very successful circumstances in life, he becomes insidious, vengeful, sarcastic. Jasmine achieves everything through her hard work and is not afraid life difficulties, knows how to find an approach to people, has good diplomatic skills.

Sociable and mocking, he is the center of attention. Has an attractive bright appearance. He despises generally accepted rules and foundations and follows only his own guidelines. Chestnuts by date of birth are short-sighted and unable to assess the future. They do not like to enter into conflicts, but if they are drawn into it, then, as a rule, they emerge victorious. Kashtan adores children and is very happy when he has heirs.

He is not used to wasting time, he is pragmatic and realistic. They are not used to doubting their own abilities, which is quite justified; they are excellent professionals in their field. The Druid horoscope says that their personal life is developing quite successfully, ash trees take their obligations responsibly and family life. Almost always they occupy leadership positions, intuitively feeling the right decisions, guided by logic and common sense.

Individuals whose birthday coincides with the period of hornbeam patronage are materialists and pragmatists. They have excellent will and the ability to make the right decisions without any hesitation. They take norms, foundations, and rules seriously and respectfully. They are responsible in family life and take on the role of parents with pleasure. They respect relatives. They do not know how to conflict; if a dispute arises, they feel insecure and begin to panic. They rarely change their place of work and place of residence. If changes occur in the usual way of life, it is very difficult for the hornbeam to survive it.

Fig (fig tree)

According to the Druid horoscope, figs are independent and original. He loves idleness and pleasure, and enthusiastically indulges in doing nothing. The mood changes easily, falls into melancholy and depression without any reason. He needs the support and sympathy of others, but the fig does not advertise this, for fear of appearing weak.

For him, more than anyone else, family relationships, approval, and understanding of loved ones are important. For this he is sincerely grateful. The whole life of a fig is a struggle with its own weaknesses. The main thing is not to give in to temptation. Before entering into a family relationship, he starts many fleeting romances. The choice of a companion is not immediately determined.


He is distinguished by excellent health, physical and emotional stamina. Oak is completely male sign, so women born during this period are characterized by a masculine mentality. People who celebrate their birthday on March 21 are straightforward and uncompromising, and come out on top in conflicts.

They don't hide theirs true feelings, do not know how to flatter, act openly, and are not at all diplomatic. All oaks, as a rule, become leaders, managers. They fulfill their obligations, while never allowing others to take advantage of their kindness or manipulate them.

Birch is not seduced by the shine of luxury; she creates comfort in her life with the power of her own inner world. Mother birch best wife and mother from all the signs of the Druid horoscope. She is almost always happily married. She is characterized by openness, sociability, spiritual generosity and attractive appearance. She is ready to forgive shortcomings and meet her chosen one halfway. Her frugality sometimes borders on stinginess.


Olive loves the sun, she literally feeds on its energy. Difficult to cope with the off-season middle lane when there is practically no sun. It would be ideal for her to live in hot countries where the sun does not disappear from the sky all year round. All olive trees are optimists; they firmly believe that black stripes give way to white ones. She is responsive and ready to help, devoid of all ambitions and happily copes with the role of a subordinate. Rarely splashes out her emotions, despite this, she can be very happy in marriage.

The beech man is always in excellent physical fitness. Beeches are maximalists; they do not tend to make decisions only halfway. “Either all or nothing” is their motto. He has completely earthly goals - to start a family, build a house for his family, raise children. Beech does not want to stop there, strives for material wealth, is not a dreamer, and considers this activity completely useless.

Sometimes you hear the term - tree is the enemy. However, according to the Druid horoscope, due to the fact that the Celts sacredly believed in the unity of man and nature, all trees were attributed only a positive influence on people, it cannot be unequivocally stated that this or that tree is an enemy. There is an opinion: undesirable trees for humans are those that correspond to dates forty days before the birthday and forty days after. For example, if you were born on November 11, then after some simple calculations, we understand that a fig tree is undesirable for you, just like a hazel tree.

Causes no less interest than in ancient times. Trees have long attracted people for their vitality, usefulness and many other qualities. And the Druids even believed that all people on Earth descended from trees.

History of the ancient horoscope

Celtic Druids especially revered different trees. They made magical utensils from them for their sacred rituals and wrote secret sacred signs on them.

All the secrets of the Druids were not written down anywhere, but were passed on orally from teacher to student. Therefore, the Druid horoscope has survived to this day in an incomplete version.

In the pre-Christian era, Druids were a separate class of people who practiced magic, healing, and even justice. It was possible to become a Druid only by diligently adopting knowledge and sacraments from your mentor. The status of "druid" was not hereditary, and it could not be bought with money.

With the arrival of the Romans in the German and English lands, the Druids lost a significant part of their influence and went into the shadows. They continued to pass on their knowledge to each other even more secretly.

And only in the 17th century, ethnographers from Northern Europe piece by piece recreated the horoscope of the Druids, as well as some other facts related to their life.

Cycles celestial bodies- this is what underlies the Druid horoscope. Two important equinoxes and two solstices are significant milestones in this horoscope.

There are 22 signs in the horoscope. They correspond with some tree or plant, and they are also associated with the zodiac constellations. Each sign has two decades: light and dark. The Druids called winter and summer dark and light times.

A horoscope of this format not only explains the character traits of a person born under a certain sign, but also reveals general patterns between different signs.

Horoscope by date of birth

To calculate your own sign, just look at the ratio scale by year of birth. Thus, trees that patronize by date of birth may include the following options:

  • December 23 – January 1 and June 25 – July 4. Patron - apple tree. People born during this period are light-hearted and cheerful. They love to philosophize, have high intellectual abilities, and live in the present. “Apple trees” are not vindictive or vindictive. They are open, naive and sensitive. They love company and do not tolerate silence well;
  • January 2 – January 11 and July 5 – July 14. Patron - fir. These people are individualists always and in everything. They have a certain introversion. And they will never let a stranger too close to them. “Firs” are stingy with emotions and demanding of everyone around them. They can be faithful spouses, sacrificing comfort in the present for great achievements in the future;

  • January 12 – January 24 and July 15 – July 25. Patron - elm. Such people value stability and practicality. They cannot stand artificially complicating problems. They lead a calm and measured lifestyle. “Elms” are excellent leaders with a sense of humor. In personal relationships they are looking for a safe haven;
  • January 25 – February 3 and July 26 – August 4. Patron - cypress. Those born during this period are considered quite lucky. “Cypresses” are well versed in human nature and have developed intuition. Earning money comes quite easily to such people. And their easy-going nature and conflict-free disposition help them avoid major troubles;

  • February 4 – February 8 and August 5 – August 13. Patron - poplar. The fascinating Druid horoscope by date of birth says that “poplar” is an indecisive but bright person. Great potential is hidden in the character of such people. But it can be difficult to implement due to the wrong environment. But representatives of this sign know how to look stylish and fashionable without much effort. In conflict situations they show feigned indifference;

  • February 9 – February 18 and August 14 – August 23. Patron - cedar. "Cedars" are great optimists. Their kindness and responsiveness often baffle others. But they themselves are not at all embarrassed by such qualities. Such people are sociable, vulnerable and sensitive, they know how to laugh at themselves. Their distinctive feature a love of freedom is considered, because of which problems often arise with superiors;

  • February 19 – February 29 and August 24 – September 2. Patron - pine. These people look purposeful. The environment is chosen based on the principle of those who agree with them. They earn good money, run a household easily;

  • March 1 – March 10 and September 3 – September 12. Patron - willow. "Willows" are reputed creative personalities, living in a dream world according to their own scenario. They have a hard time solving real problems. But when making a decision, they perfectly see all the consequences of their actions;

  • March 11 – March 20 and September 13 – September 22. Patron - linden. Fatalists and realists who believe in fate. “Limes” do not like lazy people and do not allow themselves to be idle. They are changeable, but endowed with excellent intuition;

  • March 22 – March 31 and September 24 – October 3. The patron is the hazel tree. Representatives of this sign are secretive and uncommunicative. They do not tolerate noisy companies well and are not focused on material benefits. But they are good friends;

  • April 1 – April 10 and October 4 – October 13. Patron - mountain ash. The energy of these people is overflowing. And they easily make up for its losses with walks and sports. They value family and want to see justice and equality in everything;

  • April 11 – April 20 and October 14 – October 23. Patron - maple. “Maples” are curious, erudite and well-read. Their thirst for knowledge is very great, but somewhat superficial. Such people are fickle and like to command others;

  • April 21 – April 30 and October 24 – November 2. Patron – Walnut. Although these people are engaged in charity, they have complex character. There are many contradictions in them. They are picky and strong. In life, “nuts” are quite active;
  • May 1 – May 14 and November 3 – November 11. Patron: jasmine. At this time, good diplomats are born. IN favorable conditions"jasmines" show everything best qualities, in a bad environment they become insidious. They are not afraid of difficulties, they achieve everything themselves;
  • May 15 – May 24 and November 12 – November 21. Patron - chestnut. “Chestnuts” can rightfully be called the soul of the company. They are sociable, eccentric and bright. They hate rules and prefer to set their own standards;
  • May 25 - June 3 and November 22 - December 3. Patron - ash. Such people are confident in themselves. They often succeed. Happy in career and personal life. They are reputed to be great realists;

Each tree has a different effect on a person. For some it gives a rush vital energy, but on the contrary, it takes away strength from others. There are breeds that can accumulate great amount cosmic energy, give it to people and quickly restore reserves. Such trees are called “donors”; if everything happens the other way around, then they are called “vampires”.

According to astrology, each tree corresponds to its own zodiac sign. Therefore, jewelry made from such “correct” breeds can bring well-being to a person’s life, help to recover from illnesses, find family happiness and protect from outside energy influences.

Trees according to the horoscope of the zodiac signs

Let's look at which breeds presented in our assortment will be mascots and patrons for different signs.

What tree does the zodiac sign Capricorn have - 12/22-20/01

Practical, ambitious, hardy Capricorn is always focused on a clear goal and specific actions. These are unbending and, in a sense, uncompromising people who rarely consider the opinions of others.

To speed up progress career ladder, which is of fundamental importance for Capricorns, you will need an oak talisman. Powerful and centuries-old, it “sympathizes” with stubborn and persistent Capricorns, therefore it helps them at every step, inspiring and adding vitality. It will help its owner overcome fear and despondency, without succumbing to feelings of uncertainty and pessimistic mood.

example of our products for Capricorns

Severe and somewhat dry Capricorns need a talisman that will help them build bridges with others. For these purposes, a hornbeam may be suitable, which will add a little romance and sensuality to pragmatic Capricorns.

What tree does the zodiac sign Aquarius have - 01/21-02/19

Generous, unforgiving, distinguished by unconventional thinking and an approach to solving many problems, Aquarius is largely focused on the spiritual side of life. This makes Aquarians incredibly sensitive people.

Fruit species, such as plums, enhance humanism, make them even more cordial, and develop altruistic impulses.

What kind of jewelry is suitable for Aquarius?

In love, Aquarians prefer freedom and independence, which is why they do not strive to limit themselves in choosing partners until they find their soul mate. All kinds of elements from ash can serve as fuel, which contribute to the emergence of the brightest feelings in his heart, developing spiritual community and romantic affection between partners.

Ash will help to “tidy up” and financial side life of Aquarius. Ash wood will help him learn how to wisely manage his earned capital, without throwing it away or investing it in dubious adventures.

Which tree for the zodiac sign Pisces – 20.02-20.03

Rich imagination and fantasy, sensitivity to the problems of other people, sentimentality and a penchant for solitude are characteristic of people born under the influence of the constellation Pisces. However, the duality of personality inherent in all representatives of Pisces sometimes prevents them from living, pushing them to rash actions, provoking nervous tension.

Juniper is a type of wood that will serve as an excellent talisman for fish. It will make dreamy Pisces more rational, responsible and down-to-earth, and will help establish harmony in the inner world.

what kind of jewelry is suitable for fish

In order to realize their inner potential and reveal their talents, people born under the constellation Pisces will need some kind of amulet that will push them to decisive, active actions. The miraculous hornbeam will help you cope here, decorations from which not only charge melancholy fish with optimism and determination, but can also transform their appearance.

What tree does the zodiac sign Aries have - 03/21-04/20

Aries like fire signs, are subject to the strong energetic influence of Mars, so their talismans help them improve their health and overcome everyday difficulties. One of these species is oak.

Known in ancient times as a symbol of strength and power, oak becomes one of the most powerful amulets for the people under his care. This wood gives Aries optimism, helps relieve the fatigue accumulated during the day, fills its owner with good spirits, and can help in both his career and personal life.

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All varieties are extremely useful for Aries coniferous species, which produce luxurious green shoots in the spring. For them, juniper can become that universal talisman that gives strength.

Which tree is according to the zodiac sign Taurus – 21.04-20.05

The mighty oak will help Taurus survive any adversity, find correct solution even in the most hopeless situation. For those who suffer from a lack of energy and strength, this wood will return optimism and determination. Unique Feature oak - to preserve and increase the achieved results - these are the qualities it will provide to its owner.

what jewelry is suitable for Taurus

On the love front, ash will be an indispensable patron for Taurus. He will fill you with an incredible feeling that will make his soulmate the most happy man. This talisman is for those who want to strengthen family relationships.

Gemini - which tree matches your zodiac sign - 05/21-06/21

Geminis should pay attention to jewelry made from fruit varieties. For example, cherries help develop intellectual abilities, intuition and instincts. It not only gives its owner necessary qualities to achieve your goals, but will also help you identify your hidden talents.

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Gemini, giving close attention to his appearance, you just need to turn your attention to the hornbeam. It will become a real talisman for creative people, providing them with inspiration and a thirst to create.

What tree does the zodiac sign Cancer have - 06/22-07/22

If a Cancer suffers from constant stress, even a small decoration or souvenir made from ash will help them calm their nerves and relax. It perfectly relieves fatigue and is most useful for weakened, unhealthy people. Ash wood gives its owner a feeling of hope for the best, a sense of perspective.

decorations in our catalog for the sign of cancer

Since Cancer is endowed with an incredibly sensitive character, he should choose a talisman that will provide him with a sense of security and self-confidence. In this plan good talisman oak will become for crayfish.

Which tree is according to the zodiac sign Leo – 08/23-09/22

For an active lion, a talisman should not only bring something new to life, but strengthen its character traits. Thus, ash helps them achieve what they want in career and love, gives them self-confidence, helps them get rid of negative thoughts and increases self-esteem.

Leos, tired of the endlessly exhausting modern rhythm of life, can look for a souvenir made of oak. He will help people born under this powerful constellation to become more realistic and wise, to find their path and devote their lives to it. Oak often makes people more determined and persistent in their desire to achieve what they want.

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In order to harmonize his temperament, a Leo can pay attention to the exquisite cherry, which will add restraint, tolerance and flexibility in communicating with other people. She will teach you the ability to calculate your steps ahead.

Zodiac sign Virgo – donor tree – 23.08-22.09

Charming and unique maidens, with rich inner world and a certain mystery, like no other zodiac sign needs amulets and talismans.

If a Virgo wants to learn to trust her inner voice, she can always resort to using plum talismans. She will bring a certain piece of romance into their stable life, make them pay attention to their sensual side, and help them look at any component of the relationship from a completely different angle.

example of products for the Virgo sign

Pride and courage are qualities that are largely inherent in virgins, but due to certain circumstances they can fade away. Plum will again help you regain your much-needed personal dignity today. She will also help her owner improve family life and help him follow the chosen course of life.

Zodiac sign Libra, patron tree – 09.23-23.10

Any fruit tree with seeds can serve as potential amulets for Libra. You should choose them based on personal feelings and intuition; some of the most favorable types of wood are cherry and plum.

Jewelry created from these breeds will help develop the ability to make quick decisions even in difficult situations. extreme situations, will help get rid of unnecessary fears. Render beneficial influence on the mood of Libra, these varieties fruit trees They will also protect a person from illnesses and all kinds of diseases.

what kind of jewelry suits the Libra sign?

A fairly popular wood for those born in October is ash. It gives Libras the ability to pull themselves together at the right time, organizational skills, observation and sociability. Ash will help cope with attacks of unreasonable jealousy and harmonize a person’s emotional background.

Zodiac sign Scorpio, patron tree – 10/24-11/22

Oak is a fairly popular amulet for Scorpios; it helps them channel their inexhaustible energy in the right direction, conserve strength and not lose confidence in their own capabilities.

In relation to Scorpios, this wood can neutralize negative thoughts and attitudes and help in the fight against own shortcomings personality. Prudence, strict compliance with the task at hand, quick wit - all these are qualities inherent in people born under the sign of Scorpio, which oak can only enhance.

example from our catalog for Scorpio women

Pessimism is a common character trait of Scorpio. He tries hard to hide her from others, but upon closer acquaintance, the truth still becomes clear. In order for worries and doubts to fade into the background, Taurus needs constant contact with juniper products.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius, patron tree – 11/23-12/21

Ambitious and purposeful Sagittarius are usually quite successful in the professional field, but in their personal lives they are often unlucky. For family relations This is a rather complex and ambiguous partner, who, due to his high demands on a potential soul mate, may be left alone.

To harmonize this sector, Sagittarius can purchase a small product made of ash, which will serve as a kind of stabilizer for their finicky disposition.

jewelry for Sagittarius women - bright or dark red;
  • – wood of a greenish tint with a rather strong pattern;
  • – natural woody color with wavy tints, indescribable smell.
  • Any of the tree species listed here are in our catalog. Dear readers, if you are looking for sandalwood, red or ebony, remember that this wood is considered rare and costs a lot of money because... does not grow in Russia, so if you are offered to buy products from these species, then most likely you are being deceived.

    Incredible facts

    Remember the saying “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

    It turns out that a tree can tell us more than just how far the apple fell.

    Find out which tree your soul belongs to based on your date of birth.

    This type of ancient Celtic astrology is considered one of the most accurate.

    So, which tree are you based on your date of birth?

    Druid horoscope by date of birth

    Horoscope of trees by date of birth

    Weeping willow (melancholy)

    You are gorgeous, but a little melancholic. You have an attractive appearance and know how to empathize with others. You are a kind person who loves nothing more than to travel and dream big.

    You can be difficult and demanding at times, but you are always willing to share your love.

    Walnut (passion)

    You are eccentric, full of contradictions, do not know how to forgive and are sometimes aggressive. But at the same time, you have such qualities as decency, determination and spontaneity.

    In relationships, you are devoted, and although not everyone may love you, many respect you and admire your personality.

    Rowan (sensitivity)

    You are sociable and friendly, endowed with many talents, but at the same time maintaining modesty, and very cheerful. You can be called an independent person and a very passionate person.

    You will make excellent company for anyone, but you can be very emotional and quick-tempered.

    Poplar (uncertainty)

    You are very beautiful, but you don’t know it. You are a brave person, but you can be shy. You are serious about who you spend time with.

    Only in a pleasant and inviting environment can you fully open up.

    You are an artistic and creative person, but also quite organized. A good and reliable partner.

    Pine (peacemaker)

    Do you love the company of famous and popular people, just like you. You like comfort and routine, but you also try to stay active and connect with other people.

    You quickly fall in love, but later realize that it was a blind infatuation, which, as a rule, is fleeting.

    You get frustrated easily and may give up on your goals before you have the chance to achieve them.

    Olive (wisdom)

    You love to bask in the sun. You are a kind, balanced and reasonable person. You are completely non-confrontational and have good diplomatic skills and an innate sense of justice.

    Your jealousy is not easily aroused, and you prefer to surround yourself with peaceful and intelligent people.

    Oak (courage)

    You are an incredibly strong person. Tough and strong, you are almost impossible to break. you are enough serious man, which values ​​essence, not external tinsel.

    You are reasonable, do not like big changes and prefer to keep your feet firmly on the ground rather than have your head in the clouds.

    Maple (independent thinking)

    You can be called anything, but not an ordinary person. You are a creative, proactive and extraordinary person who always remains true to yourself. You may be quiet, but that doesn't mean you lack self-confidence.

    From the outside you seem shy, but you love adventure and are always ready for new experiences.

    Linden (doubt)

    It may be difficult for you to force yourself to do something. You do not like stress and conflict and do not welcome change, even if it is for the better.

    You are very devoted and ready to devote yourself to what you love, but you are also prone to jealousy. You often put other people first, which can make your life a lot more difficult.

    You are the kind of friend you can always rely on in any situation.

    Hornbeam ( good taste)

    you have amazing beauty. You have excellent taste and are very rational. You work hard to make your life easier and more comfortable in every way.

    In your partner you look for passion and depth, being an honest and generous person.

    Hazelnut (extraordinary)

    You are charming and know how to make a good impression. You are patient and very easy to get along with. Sometimes you have mood swings, but you still remain good-natured and popular.

    You are assertive and know how to stand up for what you believe in. You are very loyal to your partner, but can be distant at times.

    Spruce (mysterious)

    You are a true connoisseur of beauty, love nature, as well as art and creations created by man. You are noble and educated.

    You have big ambitions and high goals, and are stubborn enough to achieve any goal you set for yourself.

    Wherever you appear, you make friends, but among them there may also be enemies.

    Figs (prudence)

    You are a strong personality and a loner. You hold certain principles and opinions and have difficulty accepting opposing points of view.

    Family is of paramount importance to you and you adore your children and pets.

    You are capable of forming strong friendships, but you can withdraw into yourself and at times completely ignore your friends.

    Elm (nobility)

    You are a tactful, polite and modest person. In general, you can be called very pleasant to others, but sometimes you can sulk at someone and have difficulty forgiving.

    You are a cheerful person, but you can be obstinate and do not always get along with your superiors and authority figures. You love to give advice and will help a friend make a decision, but you yourself are not always ready to accept other people's advice.

    You are very sensitive to criticism.

    Cypress (loyalty)

    You are attractive and in excellent physical shape. You face difficulties bravely and are ready for any surprises, easily adapting to different situations.

    You do not like loneliness, and you always try to remain positive and not lose optimism. You can be insatiable at times, but you can be called a very passionate lover.

    Chestnut (honesty)

    You are unique and unusual. You do not care much about what others think and adhere to strict standards of morality and ethics.

    Others admire you, and although you enjoy attention, you can be irritated by intrusive questions.

    You may often feel misunderstood, but in fact you may be suffering from delusions of grandeur.

    Cedar (confidence)

    You are a bright and friendly person who loves to enjoy the pleasures of life. Your health is enviable and you have great strength.

    You are confident, decisive and sometimes impatient, and you like to impress other people.

    You have many talents and tend to make hasty decisions.

    Birch (inspiration)

    You are elegant and undemanding. You try to live modestly and are unimpressed by excesses and status symbols. You have a very gentle nature and do not like rude people.

    You enjoy spending time in nature. You are always calm and collected, but some people think you lack passion.

    Beech (creativity)

    You have good taste, care about your own appearance, and love to shop. You believe that material things add flavor to life and the need to acquire many things may at some point lead to financial problems.

    You are wonderful leadership skills, and you can be an excellent conversationalist, but you tend to demand a lot from others.

    Ash (ambition)

    You can be unusual and sometimes demanding. You are impulsive, but at the same time spontaneous, and you are always fun to be with.

    You don't care about other people's criticism and enjoy playing with fate. You demand attention, and sometimes money takes precedence over your heart.

    However, you can be called a kind and loving friend.

    Apple tree (Love)

    You are charismatic and attractive, you have a charming smile. You are rarely assertive, although deep down you passionately desire to love and be loved.

    Other people enjoy your company because you give off a pleasant, happy energy. Sometimes you are too dependent on others.

    When choosing a stone as a talisman, remember that a stolen piece of jewelry will only bring trouble, while the one you buy will gain its power over the years. The best amulet is a stone that was given to you or one that was inherited. In addition to minerals, animals and trees can become amulet. How to find out your talisman by horoscope?

    How do you know which stone is right for a person? The thousand-year history of people’s interaction with crystals has made it possible to develop clear rules for choosing the most suitable stone. The main criterion is the correspondence of the mineral to the sign of the Zodiac. So that the pebble can show its full power, he must suit his owner. For contact to occur, an indispensable condition must be your sympathy for gemstone. You should like him externally, touching him should bring pleasure.

    If you are buying for yourself jewelry with precious crystals, place it on the display case and hold your palm over it for a while. When a feeling of warmth occurs, it means that the test has been passed and you have found your stone.

    Minerals can be masculine or feminine, keep this in mind when choosing. A female pebble will not benefit a male owner and vice versa. How to determine which stone has masculine energy and which has feminine energy? The stone for men has a brighter shine and is colored in warm colors. Stones of cool colors and shades are suitable for women. Take care of your stone and love it, then it will definitely protect you from any troubles. And, of course, choose it according to your date of birth.

    Minerals for Fire people

    For Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, minerals of the related fire verse are suitable. These people have extraordinary vitality and are full of energy. Representatives of the signs fire element endowed with a powerful mind, they have exorbitant pride and a desire for leadership. They go ahead in life, sweeping away all obstacles in his path, regardless of the opinions of others. Due to their increased excitability and constant stress, Fire people often suffer from cardiovascular diseases, headaches, and diseases of the nervous system.

    Diamonds and red stones are suitable for these individuals:

    • ruby;
    • zircon;
    • pomegranate;
    • tourmaline;

    Possessing powerful energy, such minerals provide a person with strong nutrition. They stimulate performance, eliminate blocks and stagnation in the body, but, since they carry male Yang energy, they require dosed contact. An overabundance of powerful energy can cause headaches, irritability, increased blood pressure. In this case, jewelry with Yin energy will help. They will restore the necessary balance.

    Minerals of the earth element

    As Ayurveda says, The earth has become the mother of all living things. This element is present in all animals and plant organisms, including humans. Our planet is a developing organism. You need to use its resources wisely so as not to cause harm. This element belongs to the greatest extent to the three signs of the Zodiac Circle - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, in which there is a strong Yin principle. The distinctive qualities of these people are practicality, prudence, and the ability to get their way.

    Suitable stones for Earth people:

    The people of Earth are distinguished by a thirst for knowledge, great love of life, and the ability to stand firmly on their own two feet. They appreciate small joys and know how to find pleasure in the most ordinary things. The nature of these people is sensitive, they actively show feelings and know how to empathize. Among the diseases they are characterized by are arthritis, diseases of the throat and gastrointestinal tract. Skin problems and reproductive organs. Minerals of the earth's elements nourish them energetically and help resist diseases.

    Air element stones

    Air signs include Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Their native element gives them external and internal lightness, airiness, and mobility. These are kind people with high resilience . Air sign people They are romantic and cannot stand loneliness at all. They need energy obtained from communication and the influx of information. Your emotions air people They hide deeply and become liberated only in familiar surroundings. Their energy is dominated by Yang energy with a small admixture of Yin. What talisman is suitable for people of the Air element?

    Air sign stones:

    • pink and smoky quartz;
    • rhinestone;
    • lapis lazuli;
    • cornelian;
    • sapphire;
    • tourmaline;
    • amethyst;
    • citrine.

    All stones of the air element have strong energy and protect Air people from troubles and illnesses. They relieve mental and nervous stress, insomnia, speech disorders, and help with pneumonia and metabolic disorders in the body.

    Water is considered an integral element of existence on Earth, since life without it is simply impossible. Any organ human body It will function normally only if there is enough water. Water signs include Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. These individuals are very ambitious and tend to be persistent in achieving their goals. Their emotions often run wild, moving from one extreme to another. Water people are prone to depression and melancholy.

    Water element stones:

    These minerals have strong energy Yin. They protect water signs from nervous disorders, diseases of the skin and genital organs, psychosomatic disorders. Most prone to various diseases Pisces, they bring up the rear Zodiac Circle and absorb the predisposition to diseases of all other signs.

    Animal mascot

    Each zodiac sign is protected by its own animal or bird. If you purchase such a figurine from a stone that suits you, the power of the talisman increases.

    The figurine is placed near the bed or an image of a totem animal is hung nearby. In this case, you are guaranteed good luck, peace of mind and good health.

    Patron tree

    Belief in the magical power of trees dates back to pagan times, when people deified nature and believed that trees could heal and help in business. It is advisable for any person to know their patron tree, so that at the right moment they can ask an ally for help and receive nourishment.

    Using the power of trees, talisman stones and the protection of totem animals, you can strengthen your energy, successfully resist magical effects, and attract good luck and happiness into your life.

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