Good day, dear friend!

In Kab ineth General enters the candidate. General: "I can only give you five minutes! We also know about you, I'm all clear. " "Of course, of course ... I will not delete you." - The candidate is noticeably nervous. What applies similar attacks and hardquestions at the interview for a leadership position, today and let's talk.

The dialogue described above is the real situation from the practice of the author of these lines.

After the meeting, the general, on my question look, said the following:

"Why so tough? My friend, we select a candidate for the position of operating director. I have to know who deal with. Have you seen him hesitated? Heads of workshops simply conclude and all questions will have to solve me. "

We must be prepared for similar turns when interviewing. Especially if you apply for the position of the head.

It should be understood that the tough stage of the interview is not related to how much you come to the position on your qualifications or experience. It relates to you personally.

Usually, the head (less often Recruiter) applies stiff receptions with one of two goals:

  1. Check you for strength.Is it possible to deal with you, as with an equal partner or you can dictate conditions now and in the future.
  2. Make you weaker. If you do not search for "hitting", fall into a stupor or show unnecessary emotions that will disturb you - you become weaker and you can be sold, for example by salary. Until the bottom.

With strong agree, weak dictate conditions.

Typical psychological attack techniques

  • Attack on personality.

"Are you generally competent in this topic? How will we talk to you? "

  • Pressure status

Long-term expect in the corridor, restriction in the time of the conversation (as in the example that I brought).

"You still went to kindergarten when I destroyed such questions!"

  • Creating an uncomfortable situation

Low or too high chair, light in face from the window.

Testing awkwardness at the body level - you do not grow by force. The lion's share of your energy goes to keep this uncomfortable posture.

  • Silent dialogue

"Well, you first tell me, and I will listen, look at what level you have."

In fairness, I will say that the rigid part of the interview is precisely part, the initial test.

From how you pass it, the content of the business part of the conversation depends largely.

Rules of the game

To stand in a hard interview, you need to correctly play the games that you offer.

Every moment of time should be tested in which stage there is an interview and in what condition you are.

It is important to share emotion and technology.

The basic principle of a hard interview is to cause uncomfortable emotions.If you are going, you become weaker.

If you understand: yes, I have negative emotions, but this is part of the game, - you can go further.

If you know that the attack is a status - an emotional game, - you just play according to these rules.Try to play the attack.If you did not play - you were lowered for one rank below.

Know that after the first attack it can follow the second and further until you go down to the bottom.

Try not to start the main part of the conversation if you did not restore emotional balance.

Provocation is part of this hard interview technology.

Response strategies

It is important to understand here:

1. What is this game.

Which type of man picks up the leader in the team. Or why does this recruiter make it.

If it's just checking your emotional stability, you can simply ignore the attack.

2. What status in the future conversation and maybe the relationship will arrange you. If you want to show the personal power of a person of the equal level, with which you need to negotiate, I recommend to avoid the following errors:

but) Ignore the attack. You will immediately cover the category of weaker. If the appropriate answer does not come to mind, - apply. To joke? You can try, if you are confident that it will be funny.

b) Mean. "Oh, I will explain now, the thing is ... You see ..."

You rent your position.

in) Go to the conflict

Argue, prove, if you understand that this is an attack on you, and not an ordinary fair question.

It is very important to divide.

The worst response strategy negotiate from the state of needs. The need is the fear of failing an interview. Dependence on the result, vulnerability from the final outcome.

You, as it were, becoming so small and dependent on a person opposite.

Markers of needs / fear:

  • multili - as if afraid to be late, that you will not be heard, you will not understand.
  • lack of pauses and questions
  • the conversation is more about yourself, not the tasks of the company and the partner
  • the rejection of the answer "no". You go to concessions, because you are afraid to get the answer "no".

Best response strategykeep dignity, internal contact with its value and benefit you can bring.

Conviction in its value and utility for people with whom you communicate is - this is a state of dignity. And nothing needs to be proved and convinced.

From this state of dignity and should be communicated. How is Vysotsky: "This is not aware of ...")

Dignity markers:

  • You are talking to the interlocutor, and not with your inner dialogue.
  • Specify questions.
  • You can start free to talk about him and its needs. If you need, you really want to tell about yourself.

One of the markers of this state: Can you say phrase: "You can refuse ..."?

Just make an offer: "You can say" no "and we do not spend our time with you." In a state of need it is very difficult to say this phrase.

Psychological attack reflection techniques

In this article we said that you have a preliminary offer. This is what you go to the head.

If there is still no, it can be your advantages, the answer to the question "?". This is your horse.

The reflection of the emotional attack is not a response essentially.

This is not an excuse, not refuting and not dispute.

This is a bridge on your skate.

The answer in most cases begins with the words "you are absolutely right ...", or something in this spirit. Accompanied by a slight smile tips of lips. Only not to the ears and God forbid a laugh.

1. Strengthening attack

- I can only give you only five minutes!

We do a pause - you are absolutely right, I think enough and 4 minutes to understand whether it is worth talking further. That is why I will be brief and go to what I would like to say ...

2. Template break

- Do not have a portfolio, tell quickly .... And waiting that you will flame, apologize ...

- You are absolutely right. Do not show. If you are ready to make a solution based on a short oral conversation, is excellent. It is important that it will be your decision ... "

The main thing - you showed that you have value and you value your time, do not be afraid to leave.

3. Clarification of content

- I heard your managers are not clean in hand ...

- You are absolutely right, it happens, the staff are not clean in hand (, remember?). I hope you have weighty arguments and evidence. We can devote time to their analysis or go to what I would like to say "

You have no need, you are not afraid that work will slip away from you. And when you are not afraid, you have much more chances to get it.

4. A compliment Attack

"You are absolutely right, Lev Abramovich. Thank you for clearly and most importantly reported your position loudly. Now listen, please, my ... "

5. I'm flattered

"There are rumors that you need to keep your ear in sharp ..."

"I flatter that the person of your level is interested in me, but it is surprising that it stands on other people's opinions. That is why we can give each other the opportunity to discuss this question in today's conversation. "

It is very important that in your answers there is no irony and even more so mock.

6. game in fog

About this technique. You can also apply other techniques from this article to remove the excitement.

So, summarize:

  1. Distribute the business and rigid emotional part of the conversation.
  2. In the tight phase of the interview there are rules, response strategies.
  3. It is important to constantly control your condition, in which phase of the interview you are.
  4. The reflection of any psychological attack is not a meaningful discussion. This is a way to retell on your skate.

Perhaps the techniques of reflection of emotional attacks seemed difficult to you. Especially if you are not from those who do not climb in the pocket. Indeed, people are often lost in the case of unexpected hitters.

But the very understanding of the fact that it is just a trick - an important step towards the ability to reflect attacks and hold on with dignity. The ability will come gradually. And it will serve you faith and truth not only at the interview.

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  1. Share with friends by clicking on the social networks buttons.
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What to talk about interview

1. Tell me a little about yourself.

When you answer a candidate for a question, pay attention to the following: - Formally sets out the biographical data or immediately lay out the "trump cards", emphasizing his desire and the opportunity to take this position; - only the main thing, that is, speaks of his qualifications, experience, responsibility, interest, diligence and decency, or leads not relevant facts; - Says briefly, exactly, clearly or for a long time, mumps and poorly expresses his thoughts; - keeps or speaks calmly, confident or unsure of himself.

2. How to look at life: what do you see difficulty in it and how they do?

Some people speak in the sense that life is difficult, there are a lot of problems, most of which are unresolutes that people are evil and unfavorable that there are few joys in life and everything decides fate, a case or other people, but not he himself. It means that you are a passive person, insecure, not trusted by another, pessimistic and unhappy (loser). Other people speak out about life positively: life without problems does not happen, the difficulties are overcome, the fate and career of a person in his hands, people are friendly and ready for cooperation, the man himself of Kuznets his own fortune. So says a person who is acting an active life position aimed at success, ready to take responsibility, successfully interacting with people and able to enjoy life.

3. What is your job attracted in this position?

Poor, if they meet crowd phrases: "I am attracted to the prospects for growth, interesting work, a solid firm ...". Must cause serious and concrete arguments: the desire to apply your qualifications and experience where they can give the greatest return and will be appreciated, the attractiveness of work in a strong team of professionals.

4. Why do you consider yourself worthy to take this position? What are your advantages over other candidates?

This is the best question for a candidate, so that without false modesty to name your main advantages over other applicants. At the same time, he must demonstrate his ability to convince, emphasizing its advantages. Bad, if the candidate and on this question meets weak arguments and leads its formal biographical characteristics.

5. What are your strengths?

The candidate must underline first of all the qualities that are required for this work and bring convincing confirmation on specific facts. But you can hear stamps, repeating thousands of times: "I am sociable, neat, executive", etc. Ask to clarify what its sociability is manifested, accuracy, the execution, what is his manner to listen to the client, which he reached, thanks to his strong qualities.

6. What are your weaknesses?

From a smart candidate you are unlikely to hear repentance in sins and a long list of its flaws. He will try to turn the answer so as to increase its chances even more. For example, say: "Many consider me a workaholic" or "I can relax, I feel good only when I work" or "too demanding to yourself and others." If the candidate is too glanced and you will want to bring it to the frank recognition of your flaws, you can tell him such a joke. In a similar situation, the candidate characterizes himself: "Good, hardworking, I do not drink, do not smoke ..." Then he is surprised: "You do not have a single drawback?" "One is - a candidate is recognized - I love to learn."

7. Why did you leave with the previous work?

Bad, if the cause was a conflict, if the candidate scolds the former orders and his former leader. Care from work due to conflict is a flight from difficulties, recognizing its own defeat that imposes an imprint on self-esteem. Healthy attitude towards people, the habit of conflicting with employees, and especially with the leadership, is a sustainable personality characteristic and will definitely manifest themselves in one form or another in new work. A good candidate will emphasize that positive, which was in his previous work and relationships with people, and will call such decent reasons as the desire for more interesting (highly paid, which gives the possibility of professional growth) work and the desire to most fully realize their capabilities.

8. Why did you decide to change the place of work?

This question is asked to someone who works at the time of the interview. As with the answer to the previous question, the candidate about the conflict is characterized from the best side. While the desire for professional growth, expanding the scope of their knowledge and skills, is respected and welcomed in all developed countries.

9. Have you received other job offers?

The authority of the candidate will rise if he tells about other invitations to work, but will notice a special interest in this. Well, if the desire to get the maximum satisfaction from his work. His mood not only affects his health and moral climate in the team, but is the most important necessary condition for the high performance of labor, a reliable guarantee from errors, negligence and marriage, and ultimately the main key to the prosperity of the company.

10. How many successfully did you pass the interview in other places?

It is important to find out for what reasons did not pass the interview in some places and successfully passed in others. If convinced that you are interested in your competitors, then you try to keep it.

11. Does your personal life of this work, associated with additional loads (non-normalized working day, long-term or long-distance business trips, permanent connectors)?

This question is often asked for women. In some firms, trying to bypass the law, they put tough conditions, such as not to start children a certain time, do not execute hospital sheets for child care, not make holidays without maintaining content, etc.

12. How do you present your position in five (ten) years?

Many sensitive people who do not plan their careers and life answer that they do not imagine such long-range prospects. And a person aimed at personal success will readily talk about his planned professional growth, and perhaps and personal goals. Max Eggert in his book "Brilliant Career" told about the importance of career planning. In one famous business school on the first day of classes, students were asked who writing writing the stages and goals of the personal career. Only 3% of them raised their hands. After 10 years, it was these 3% that achieved financial success more than everyone else, combined.

13. What changes would you make on a new job?

Well, if you show your initiative, acquaintance with the situation of innovations and reorganization. However, this is permissible only with deep knowledge of problems on the company. Bad, if the state of affairs knows not too well, but strive to remake everything in your own way.

14. To whom you can seek your feedback about your work?

Must be readily to provide phone numbers and addresses of former colleagues and managers. Cashing such information will immediately find the lack of positive recommendations or inexperience of the applicant.

15. What salary do you expect?

Russian proverb says: "Whoever does not know about themselves, he will always be extended." A good specialist always knows its price counts on a high salary. Let the candidate better will overestimate the expected payment of his work than she will take off. If the proposed salary, do not forget to "enlarge the pie" and list the benefits available in the organization: awards, medical insurance, children's preschool institutions, free travel and food, free training and other manifestation of personnel care. [...] If the candidate is clearly bluffing, you can "knock it out of role", cool it with a sharp understatement of the salary and benefits. Remember a similar joke? The arrogant young artist retracts its conditions to the main director of the theater in the device to work: "Salary 500 dollars, main roles, 8 performances per month and the provision of a separate apartment." What the chorement calmly puts forward his: "50 dollars, daily performances, extras and a room in a hostel." - "I agree".

On the main one, you can add another 5 questions.

16. What can you tell about your professional connections that could be used on a new job?

17. How do you raise your professional qualifications?

18. What do you like to do in your free time?

19. What time can you start a new job?

20. What questions do you have?

V. Polyakov
Excerpt from the book "Career Technology"

Among the orders, the opinion is firmly rooted that the head can only become a blatment, and education, experience and skills are not taken into account. In many cases, this position is erroneous - competition for the post-manager is even higher than on the usual vacancy. A stumbling block is often the questions and answers in an interview for a leading position. Presiding the boss often harms excessive self-confidence and insufficient preparedness.

Preparation for interview

The leader is the most responsible position in any organization, if it is not nominal, and for him all the cases pecks some gray cardinal. The boss is a huge responsibility, he has a large circle of office, which many applicant seems to be a lounge.

Before you go for an interview to a guiding position, and even respond to a vacancy, to direct your resume, you should check your compliance with many criteria:

  • well-developed intellectual abilities;
  • creative approach to business;
  • the presence of leadership qualities;
  • business grip;
  • self confidence;
  • the ability to concentrate on one subject and at the same time the ability to quickly switch attention;
  • communicability;
  • flexibility in affairs and loyalty to people;
  • ability to influence others;
  • work on the result;
  • the ability to awaken interest among others;
  • the ability to take on a big responsibility and respond to errors.

In a person who wants to become a leader, all these characteristics should be at the highest level. Also matters what level of the vacant guidance is the head of the unit, department, the entire organization or branch.

Each level is subject to additional requirements, including the experience of previous leadership. Even in the case when you were not leaning anything, you can successfully pass the interview if you demonstrate your skills and achievements.

Recommendations How to interview a management position begins with careful preparation. Its important part of it is to collect information about the company, do not neglect this, even if any information was received in the telephone conversation.

They can be found both from the Internet and from conversations with knowledgeable people. It is also necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe state of the industry to which this organization belongs. This is important both to compile one's opinions and to formulate issues during communication with the employer or personnel.

It is necessary to prepare not only theoretically, but also practically:

  • make a list of questions that will sound for an interview on both sides and fix the answers to them;
  • answers can be spoken to the recorder, it is easier to trace your speech, to do it better in front of the mirror, so that articulation and gesticulation can be visible;
  • in advance to collect all the documents, if necessary, make copies - let something be better than something will be missing;
  • thoroughly consider the wardrobe - it is desirable to stick to a business style, women should not apply a bright makeup;
  • on the eve of the interviewing position, it is necessary to relax and sleep, but be sure to put alarm clock - it is impossible to be late.

Stages of selection for post manager

The applicant for the openman's vacancy is the same person as everyone else, he is experiencing the same emotions as other candidates. One of them may be fear of man who will communicate with him. To defeat him, you need to tune in correctly, take a deep breath and calm down.

As a specialist conducting an interview, can act:

  • business owner;
  • company head (leaving his post or superior, if this is a vacancy of the head of the division);
  • personnel director;
  • personnel inspector;
  • specialist HR-Companies.

All of them must be competent with regard to work and a specific position. The interview is almost always a dialogue or an interview in which both sides are actively involved. The applicant who is conceived how to successfully pass an interview for a leadership position must know about all his species, the most popular:

  • biographical - a story about the facts of the candidate's life, often precedes basic questions;
  • free - not connected with any framework, each party asks questions without a prior plan;
  • situation - is considered the most informative, since it allows you to see the applicant in the case when he is offered to find a solution to any problem;
  • behavioral - assesses the behavior, motivation of the potential chief in certain circumstances;
  • panel - helps learn the communicative skills of the future of the Chief, the leaders of other departments can be invited;
  • stressful - the candidate turns out to be in unusual conditions that give up the psyche (noise, obsession, insults), of which he needs to go correctly.

Questions to the applicant

The most important part of the interview for a leadership position - questions. Prepare should be prepared in advance, worrying them in a relaxed home environment. It is necessary to answer questions not only to successfully answer, but also to ask them competently, then the interview will be easily.

To behave correctly, you need to consider that the interviewer wishes to make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe availability of skills for the following guidelines:

  • organizational abilities;
  • the ability to distribute the responsibilities between employees and delegate authority;
  • ways of motivating staff;
  • planning time and workflow;
  • implementation of control over the execution of subordinate duties.

All questions will be based around it, they can be divided into 3 groups:

  • personal;
  • professional;
  • concerning position.

Among the personal most popular are:

  • such as described in the summary - the interviewer can only clarify them, without invoking the space of personal life, otherwise the applicant may refuse to respond;
  • about the strengths and weaknesses - it is not necessary to sing the diffilaments, it is necessary to stop on their merits that help in work;
  • successes and mistakes - you should not lead conversations about your life, it is enough to mention one of your failure and lessons learned from it.

Professional issues make up most of the interview, the prospects for employment will depend on the responses.

Answers to them must be competent, full, tidy, truthful. Often ask about:

  • leadership qualities - without them, no boss will be able to manage the team;
  • professional achievements - you should not list everything, it is enough to describe in detail one, if there is an opportunity, show it on the presentation, it can be an increase in sales levels;
  • self-learning - you need to show your readiness to receive new knowledge;
  • conflicts with former colleagues - do not say that they were not at all, the main thing - to show ways out of them;
  • motivational methods are bad that the boss who does not know how to encourage staff to actively work, it is better to think about the methods in advance in order not to be confused;
  • the reasons for dismissal from the past work - you should not focus on the human factor, it is better to say about the need for change;
  • a leaving of difficult situations - the answer can be unfolded, showing a potential leader as a multi-faceted person who can find a solution in any situation.

Answers of a man who apply for the post of chief must be confident, intention so that after them there is no extra question. The voice should be calm, the intonation is to themselves, it is impossible to allow pauses, consuming inseparable sounds. Proposals must have a logical structure.

In order to interview the position of the manager, it is necessary to competently answer questions directly related to:

  • about salary expectations - it is impossible to call specific figures, it is preferable to express confidence in decent wages in this company;
  • on plans in the future workplace - you need to be careful, it is better to limit both with general words;
  • why should you take you - you need to outline your strengths;
  • on competence in the field of activity of the company - when preparing for an interview, this moment must be well done;
  • duration of work in this organization - you need to assure an interviewer as much as possible cooperation.

Employer issues

At the end of the interview, the interviewer may ask about the availability of the appendage of questions, or they can be asked in the course of an interview. Candidate, reflecting how to properly take an interview for a guiding position, should not miss questions addressed to the interviewer. It is allowed to ask about:

  • the possibilities of delegation of powers;
  • upcoming projects of the company;
  • corporate culture;
  • the signs for which an employee will be chosen;
  • official duties, if they were not voiced.

Answers need to listen carefully without interrupting. Do not ask about possible privileges in the workplace, about raising the salary, it will become clear later in the event of a successful employment. At the end, it is necessary to ask when and how it will be possible to learn about the results of the meeting.

Before taking any position, a citizen passes several degrees of verification. One step is to conduct an interview.

This personal meeting largely determines the professional qualities of a person, its communicative skills and the ability to respond quickly to non-standard requests.

Therefore, employers are trying to come up with extraordinary ways to conduct such a procedure.

How to successfully pass it

Depending on the specialization, a citizen requires accounting for the features of the interview. Each position has its own positions regarding the requirements for the applicant. These may be the norms for communicability or the presence of skills to lead people.

In order to have more chances to adequately respond to all points of both live and phone, you need to know the positions on issues.

The task of each inspector is to put those positions that act as provocative. At such a moment, a person is easier to catch on lies, uncertainty and ignorance of the necessary stages of work.

For a leading position

The main list is based on the format database question-answer in such limits:

Management style Pay attention to the organizational abilities, willingness to help in overcoming difficulties subordinates. The main task is to lead the team to the goals
Does the face of himself consider himself a good leader and why To form speech is on questionnaires on achievements and performance. Emphasize the skills of a good organization, drawing up plans and establish contacts with all subordinate and supervisory guidance
What is valued in subordinates Indicate the presence of skills, initiative. You can enable the positions for adaptation in the team and teamwork skills.
Experience dismissal It is worth describing one of the situations, emphasis on positive moments

Sales manager

Under the device to the position of a sales representative, you must have the qualities of the communicator. This will build the whole conversation.

If there is an opportunity to ask the interviewer, then it uses it. In this case, ask about sales volumes.

This will show that the citizen has planning skills, draw up the strategy and bringing their own forces and opportunities.


In this case, the verification is to familiarize themselves with the peculiarities of the face skills. The most often comes to talk about specialized programs.

Such as 1C, therefore it is worth indicating configurations in which the applicant can work. Separately stipulates access and interest in literature on accounting.

Due to the constant changes in the law, it is important to stay up to date with all events, such as a lawyer.

Here is also involved in the presence of self-education in human professional activities.

When the moments appear in the conversation about the conduct of black accounting, it is necessary to move to other issues in a smoothly. You can argue with common phrases in this vein.

Right answers to frequently asked questions

All positions on answers to typical questions are thought out in advance. It should be understood that there are standard items for which the employers extend.

The extraordinary answer will follow, the greater the chances of "hooking" a manager or HR. It is worth relying in this situation on brief guidelines.

But there is no universal position, since it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of a particular organization.

In fact, you need to understand that questions on the interview and answers to them can be interrelated at the level of the already specified task.

For example, when at the stage of formulation of the issue in it, it contains an answer acceptable to the employer. These items take into account when preparing and reviewing basic positions on the list.

Interviews can be conducted in several ways, including in English:

  • in telephone call mode;
  • personal meeting with the personnel worker;
  • conversation with the head of the selection of personnel;
  • personal presence and communication with the main accountant.

Tell us a little about yourself

You need to build exemplary answers on the principles of brevity - it can take a story for no more than two minutes. You can prepare in advance and calculate how much information is placed as a standard pace.

In the filling of speech, you do not need to use the information of distant childhood. All positions should concern the working orientation - relative to their plans and careers. For the formation of a more connected story, theses are used based on a summary.

Speech must be only a collection of positive qualities. In the literal sense, it is necessary to "sell" yourself. The better the story about the "product", the greater the chance that his "buy".

This is very important in the modern world, therefore it is not necessary to decline to talk about their advantages, achievements and endeavors.

Why do you want to work with us

The answer should be built on the principles from the opposite. Here you need to talk about what companies need. Thus, the topic of human qualifications continues.

It is emphasized that before serving the summary, it was familiar with the company and its activities in absentia.

Also mention the benefits of work in this field and the company in particular:

  • the enterprise has its strengths;
  • citizen wants to be part of such a coordinated work;
  • the applicant has an interest in the tasks that need to be solved in the course of work;
  • the employer and the worker have common goals to achieve.

As learned about the job

There is a certain hidden meaning. There are two options to cope with the task:

Cause of dismissal

There are several options to effectively use this question. All of them are based on telling the truth.

Because of the lies, problems may arise, since an experienced and qualified recruiter will quickly determine this. It is worth using the fixation method on the favorable sides.

For example, when moving from a small company to a large obvious desire to increase their level of competence.

Refer to the lack of growth in career with equal positions of organizations in the market is stupid.

In this case, the assumptions arise that the employer for some reason did not trust the complex tasks to a person.

When dismissing under the article, it is better not to specify information in the summary and not to mention it on an interview without need.

If the question of this nature was set, it is worth telling. But it is necessary to indicate that the conclusions of this situation are made, advanced training, courses, and so on.

How do you see yourself in 5 years

The main goal in this case is to find out how clearly the applicant is able to form its goals and objectives. Build a story stands in line from the moment of taking a point.

Such tricks are building a story on the moment:

  • work in the team;
  • mastering official duties;
  • what moments in the functioning of the enterprise will improve.

All these positions are better prepared in advance. If you can, you need to make them as detailed as possible.

This will allow to evaluate the organizational abilities, the ability to structure the processes and work on the result.

Video: on this topic


These tricky questions are asked in the key of the position "Why should you take exactly you." Accent attention is needed at several points:


At the end of the interview, they are often asked to characterize themselves. Here you need to tell not only about the positive parties, but also about the minuses.

In such conditions it is important to properly shift accents. At the same time, the negative moments are voiced, they should be translated into a positive key.

Plus, do not forget about the positive positions - they definitely have to overlap all points on the minuses.

What salary is counting on

Some additional questions should be set:

It is necessary to clarify, based on what indicators the level of payment is compiled. This should include both the average factors and its own assessment of skills and professionalism.

Registration to the staff is associated with the passage of the interview. According to his results, the question of whether the candidate is suitable for a vacant place.

Therefore, it is necessary to prepare and have prepared answers to the most common and inconvenient questions from inspectors.

Who does not dream of good, and, the main thing, profitable work, which would still be pleasure? The question is rhetorical. However, in the current realities it is very difficult to find a place, which would have come to the applicant in everything. In this article on the website Website We will consider the main criteria for which employers pay attention primarily when choosing personnel. The message on the interview, most people experience fear, uncertainty. This is the natural state of each person, as it is not known what a truth will ask the recruiter.

It is important to understand that questions on the interviews are divided into two types:

  • Those employer asks for the applicant.
  • Those who potential applicant will ask the employer.

To be sure, it should be prepared in advance and well think about what you will talk about with a personal meeting with the personnel manager or the head of the enterprise. This applies to any person, especially the future employee who claims a prestigious position. Responsible attitude to the interview is an indicator of the qualifications of specialists. Even if you have a weighty experience, but you will not be able to show your best qualities, consider this vacancy you missed.

How to answer asked questions

Most interviews begin with the request of the recruiter to tell about themselves. In fact, all your biographical data is not so important to the employer, but only those that can be useful at a vacant position. At this point, it is best to list your merits, achievements, special skills. By this, you show your advantages to the employer before other applicants. Be sure to think in advance what you will talk about. You do not need to try to dust into the eyes, because questions a candidate for an interview for that and asked to find out how suitable it is for work on a vacant position in this company.

And even if you succeed in getting a place, then during the trial period, the authorities will definitely be able to see your true essence.

The employer does not always ask about some particular skills or duties in the previous place. Questions can concern the detached things, for example, your gaze on life, some of their prospects and so on. Only at first glance it may seem that this question is asked "for a tick". However, the answers can say a lot about you. Someone treats problems in life with a positive attitude, with readiness at any time to rush into battle to solve emerging difficulties. Other people, on the contrary, are ready to put up with injustice and failures, float withinth, not even trying to change anything. It is unlikely that a person with such a worldview will be able to interest the manager who needs active employees.

Get ready to get a question about interviewing your weaknesses. You need to be able to objectively and adequately evaluate yourself and your capabilities. Speak directly and frankly. But it does not mean that you need to immediately list the entire list of your drawbacks. Try to file their personal advantages. For example, if you are too scrupulous, it can be described as a demand for yourself and others. One of the disadvantages that will help create a positive impression about you may become work rate. A good answer will be, for example, the story that the completion of the next project leads to the fact that after work, it is delayed in the workplace for a long time, having lost in time, but achieve the tasks for the specified period.

Questions for stress resistance

Such issues are allocated among the rest specifically so that the recruiter can clearly understand whether you really come to this position. You may ask, for example:

  • why we have to take you exactly to the company;
  • why correspond to the desired position;
  • how to part with the past place of work and the employer;
  • what characterization will you be given if we call the former manager;
  • what circumstances could make you quit or translate to another job.

Stress resistance - one of the factors to which the head pays special attention when selecting new personnel. Often, in the announcement of the recruitment of employees, it is stressfulness. Therefore, if you can issue a maximum result in an atmosphere of absolute calm, silence and relaxation, it is unlikely that such proposals will be suitable for you.

However, if you feel the potential to achieve the best results, regardless of the working conditions, your resume will be studied with interest by the employer. Often, it is necessary to work in a tense atmosphere, for example, when you need to serve several customers at the same time, to follow the execution of tasks, urgently find information and so on - and all this on the background of conversations of other employees, phone calls and other stimuli. If all this does not play roles for you - most likely you will be accepted.

Projective Questions on Interview

Personnel services of a number of commercial structures are selected by specialists using certain techniques and techniques. You can learn about a person by how he evaluates various situations and refers to other people. In such principle, the projective interview is based. A person uses his life experience, carrying it on the actions and actions of other people. A lot of questions have been developed that help personnel manager to identify certain qualities of the applicant. But not all of them are effective and can be applied in the context of modern commercial organizations.

One of the effective techniques is considered a survey, the answers to the questions of which should be given to the respondent in the rapid pace. In addition, questions are compiled in such a way that the applicant does not speak for himself, and for the actions of other people. That is, the person subconsciously projects its actions on the actions of other people. This makes it more relaxed and truthful. This method allows the employer to obtain additional personal information, which, with a standard approach in some cases, is considered not correct and uncover the hidden ability of the applicant.

Projective issues are aimed at obtaining the results of estimation of an interviewed direction:

  • Motivational component of activity - material, intangible.
  • Values, responsibility, loyalty, honesty.
  • Communicability. Collective relations among employees.
  • Conflict or its absence.
  • Customers.

In the answers, the recruiter listens not only information, but also her presentation by the candidate. As a result of the survey, the motivation of the future employee is analyzed and the expectations of the candidate from a particular position are considered.

Questions on an interview for a guiding position

Employment interview is a serious test of both parties: the future employee and the owner, or the head of the enterprise. For the first there is a task to get a good position, the second is important to acquire a competent responsible employee who would meet the requirements of the company and owned professional skills at a high level. To get the position of the manager should be prepared carefully. Personnel managers of companies are not limited to standard methods when searching for a professional leader. Theoretical knowledge is not interesting to the company. It is important in the process of preparing for an interview to analyze its best achievements, practical experience. The interview with the leader provides questions about these areas:

  1. Intelligence.
  2. Quality leader.
  3. Innovative thinking.
  4. Judgments and views.
  5. Strategic vision.
  6. Performance and best achievements.
  7. The ability to attract a third-party resource.
  8. Build relationships in the team and manage them.
  9. Experience in international spheres.

During the interview, various non-standard, tricky questions are possible. An example may be misses, errors. Each leader who stubbornly walked to his position could not avoid any omissions, since this is a working time. And the more calmer, intelligible to give an answer, the greater the chance to show that the post is worthy of a candidate. This also applies to a psychological aspect as evidence of a balanced personality. It is necessary to take into account questions relating to courage, confidence, inclinations to self-analysis, the ability to support the subordinate, create cohesion in the team, strengthening the motivation of employees, the worldview. An important skill of each executive officer is the simultaneous solution of a number of tasks. It is also desirable to talk about the constant improvement of the professional level.

These may be advanced training courses, trainings, seminars. Employers will give the advantage to candidates who studied the information on the company's activities and showed what contribution to successful development.