Trees are part of our lives, providing us with oxygen, food, homes, warmth and building materials. There are about 100,000 various types trees, including a quarter of all living plant species on Earth. Among the billions of trees around the world, there are completely unique and amazing representatives.

Madagascar is considered the birthplace of the baobab; it is also common in Africa and Australia.

Baobab trees are the oldest forms of life on mainland Africa and many of those that still stand today have been growing since Roman times. The amazing baobab or “monkey breadfruit tree” can grow up to 30 m in height and 11 m in width. They remain without leaves for most of the year. Characteristic feature Baobab is their pot-bellied trunk, which serves as a water storage facility. A baobab tree can hold up to 120,000 liters of water to survive severe drought conditions. Some trunks are so large that people live inside the tree. One of the most beautiful clusters of baobabs of the Adansonia Grandidier species is located on Baobab Avenue in Morondava in Madagascar. Some baobabs take on the shape of a bottle, a skull, and even a teapot.

The Dragon Tree in Icod de los Vinos in Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands, is a unique specimen. It is believed to be between 650 and 1,500 years old, but experts find it difficult to draw exact conclusions as it does not have one trunk. Rather, it consists of many small trunks that hold onto each other as they grow upward. It has a dense canopy of leaves and gets its name from the resin that is released when its bark and leaves are cut. Residents believe that this is dried dragon blood and have been using it to treat various ailments since ancient times.

Giant sequoias, which grow in the Sierra Nevada of California, are considered the largest trees in terms of volume. The largest tree is the “General Sherman” in Sequoia National Park, which reaches a height of 83 m and a volume of about 1,486 cubic meters. m, and weighs more than 6000 tons. The tree is believed to be somewhere between 2,300 and 2,700 years old, and each year the tree grows as much wood as a typical 18-foot tree. It is a true natural masterpiece and the greatest living organism on Earth.

4. Pando - aspen-shaped poplar

Pando or the Trembling Giant, located in Utah, USA, is an amazing massive colony aspen trees, sprawled across 100 acres in Utah. Almost all the trees in this colony are genetically identical, that is, they are clones of each other. Every tree in this area grows from a single organism, part of a giant underground root system. Pando is made up of 47,000 trunks and its collective weight is 6,600 tons, making it the heaviest organism in the world. Although average age individual trunks are about 130 years old, the entire body is about 80,000 years old.

5. Thule Tree

The Tule tree is a particularly large tree of the species Taxodium mexicanis, which is found near the city of Oaxaca in Mexico. This tree has the largest trunk girth (58 m) and a trunk diameter of 11.5 m. They say that the Tule Tree is so thick that instead of you hugging it, it hugs you. The tree is believed to be about 2000 years old. For a time, detractors claimed that there were actually three trees camouflaging there, but careful DNA analysis confirmed that it was, in fact, one beautiful tree. In 1994, the tree was under threat: the leaves became painful yellow and there were dead branches everywhere. The tree was dying. When the “healers” of the trees were called, it turned out that the problem due to which the Tule tree suffered was ordinary thirst and it needed to be treated with water. Naturally, after careful water procedures the tree came to life.

6. Tree of Life

The Tree of Life in Bahrain is the most lonely tree in the world. The mesquite tree is located on the very high point barren desert of Bahrain, hundreds of kilometers from other natural trees. It is believed that its roots extend several tens of meters to aquifers. The exact age of the tree is unknown, but it is believed to be over 400 years old. However, the secret of the Tree of Life is not its size, age or shape, although it is quite large and very beautiful. The most amazing thing is that it stands alone in a barren desert on the highest point of Bahrain, in an area where there is absolutely no water. In a place where it seemed nothing could survive, this tree seems to radiate life itself. People come here in droves because local residents They believe that the tree stands on the site of the Garden of Eden.

7. Wollemia

Despite its uniqueness and beauty, interesting qualities Wollemia is hidden not in its appearance, but in its history. Wollemia, which grows in Australia, is a real living dinosaur. The oldest fossil of the Wollemia tree dates back to 200 million years ago. When scientists suddenly discovered a living Wollemia tree in 1994, they were simply dumbfounded. The exact location of these coniferous trees was carefully hidden in order to protect those remaining trees, of which there are less than 100 left in the wild. To save these trees from extinction, a program was launched in 2006 that allowed the general public to purchase Wollemia seedlings and can now be seen in various botanical gardens.

8. Pirangi Cashew Tree

This famous tree, located near the city of Natal in Brazil, is a 177-year-old cashew tree that covers almost 2 hectares of land. It was planted in 1888 by a fisherman who did not know that the tree had a genetic mutation that allowed it to take up so much space. Unlike a regular cashew tree, when the branches of the Piranji tree touch the ground, it takes root and continues to grow. Today this tree serves as a tourist attraction. When you approach this largest cashew tree in the world, you will feel like you are entering a forest. In fact, this is all one tree, the size of which reaches 8400 square meters. m. The tree is 80 times larger than the average cashew tree and covers an area larger than a football field, bearing about 80,000 fruits per year.

9. Tenere Tree

The Ténéré tree is mentioned in this list because it no longer exists. A lone acacia tree growing in the Sahara Desert in Niger, Africa, which was more than 300 years old, was the only tree within a radius of about 400 km. It was the only tree that remained from a huge forest that was swallowed up by the merciless desert. When scientists dug a hole next to the tree, they found that its roots went down to a depth of 36 m below the level groundwater. In 1973, the Tenere Tree was hit by a drunken truck driver, and today a metal monument was built on the site in honor of the Lone Tenere Tree.

10. Banyan: Mahabodhi Tree

The banyan tree is named after the banyan trees or Hindu traders who sold their goods sitting under this tree. Even if you have never heard of the banyan tree, you will probably recognize it. The shape of this giant tree cannot be confused with anything: a majestic dome with aerial roots that descend from the branches to the ground. One of the most famous types of banyan tree called ficus sacred or Bo tree is the Mahabodhi tree in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. The tree is said to have been grown from a cutting from the actual tree under which Buddha achieved enlightenment in the 6th century BC. Planted in 288 BC, it is the oldest tree in the world planted by man exact date landings.

Amazing trees of our planet

We are all accustomed to the sight of the trees around us and, passing by, we do not pay much attention to them. But very unusual specimens also grow on our planet. Their appearance will not only surprise us, but will also make us stop in amazement.
On our planet there are many trees of a species unusual to our eyes. But where they grow, local residents take them for granted and do not pay much attention to them.

Dragon Blood Tree is an amazing tree that does not have growth rings - a dragon tree or simply a dragon tree. Due to the red sap that immediately appears at the site of the cut in the bark, it is also sometimes called the dragon's blood tree. The red resin of this tree is used in lipsticks, rituals and alchemy, and can be used as a breath freshener or toothpaste.

For example, not a single European will pass by the Baobab without stopping to look at and touch the giant. The people of Africa will no longer understand this delight. After all, for them it is an ordinary, unremarkable tree.
These unusual trees, which grow only on the island of Madagascar, can reach an age of 1000 years. Many of the specimens reach a height of 80 meters, and the girth of the trunk at the base can be up to 25 meters! The massive trunk serves as a source of water for local fauna, especially during the dry season. From October to December, the baobab blooms with white flowers with purple stamens. The diameter of the flowers reaches 20 centimeters; they open in the evening and after the night they wither and fall off.

The appearance of the Rainbow Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus deglupta), found only in the northern hemisphere, seems to have been created by an unknown abstract artist. But in fact, the multi-colored bark is the work of mother nature. In addition to their bright appearance, the trees are also famous for their colossal growth. It can reach seventy meters in height.

The ancient temple palace of Angkor Wat in Cambodia and the centuries-old Cotton Trees (Ceiba pentandra) have long become one. Cotton trees are also called “ceibs”. Because of this, the temple along with the trees are included in the list world heritage UNESCO (UNESCO World Heritage Site list). In addition to the unique symbiosis with ancient ruins, the trees have another extraordinary feature. Their trunk and branches are densely strewn with thorns. This “prickly outfit” allows you to better retain valuable moisture.

The Inyo National Forest is home to the oldest tree on the planet. This is an intermountain bristlecone pine, given the name "Methuselah". It was discovered by scientists in 1953. Only according to rough calculations, the tree is 4842 years old. The exact location of the amazing pine tree is kept secret in order to avoid acts of vandalism.

The Tree of Tule. It belongs to the Taxodium family and is found only in Mexico. Scientists believe that the tree is more than one and a half thousand years old. Its diameter is 11.62 meters, height - thirty-five meters. It is located in the square next to the church in the city of Santa Maria del Tule, Oaxaca, Mexico. In 2001 it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Having visited the island of Crete, you can see the most ancient Olive Tree(Olea europaea). Its age is about four thousand years. Surprisingly, the tree still bears fruit.

Hyperion (a specimen of evergreen sequoia ( Sequoia sempervirens)) is the name of a giant red tree that grows in American California. Exactly this tall tree on Earth, its height is 115.5 meters, the diameter of the trunk at the ground is 9 meters. Hyperion is about 1800 years old. Compared to him even giant sequoia doesn't seem very tall...

Jacaranda Mimosifolia. These tall, spreading trees, reaching 15 meters, are one of the favorite decorative elements of streets and squares (where temperature allows). In addition to its decorative value as a living plant, jacaranda mimofolia and others large trees The genus has a very valuable dense wood, highly valued in the world, and known as rosewood, used for the production of expensive furniture, luxury goods in the form of carved and inlaid metal products, as well as for the manufacture of musical instruments.

Prickly palm, Nicaragua. This tree, or rather a special variety of it (Pejibaye), is common in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Its trunk is covered with sharp black needles, organized in wide stripes. The height of the palm tree can reach 20 meters, the length of the leaves can be up to 3 meters. Previously, the natives consumed the fruits of this tree after fermentation; now they are also very popular among the residents of Nicaragua.

Spathodea campanulata - African Tulip Tree. Spatodea bellflower is a very beautiful and exotic plant. It is called the “African tulip tree” or “fountain tree” because of its numerous large, bright red flowers that actually resemble tulips in shape.

Banyan Tree in Asia, which is a shrine of Buddhists and Hindus. Its majestic crown is considered one of the largest in the world. The tree is named after the banyan trees or Hindu traders who sold their goods sitting under this tree. The shape of this giant tree cannot be confused with anything: a majestic dome with aerial roots that descend from the branches to the ground.

Schmidt's birch (Betula schmidtii) - An iron tree that grows in the southern part of the Primorsky Territory, it is called Schmidt's birch (named after the Russian botanist F.B. Schmidt). This wood is one and a half times stronger than cast iron; it sinks in water; acids do not take it. A bullet fired from a pistol flies off its barrel. The wood of this tree can easily replace metal. The iron birch lives for about 400 years, it is the most durable birch of all the birches on the planet. You cannot cut down a tree with an ax; it leaves almost no mark on the trunk. If you make a ship's hull from iron birch, you don't have to paint it: it won't risk corrosion. Wood is not destroyed even by acids. The bending properties are not inferior to wrought iron and are 1.5 times stronger than cast iron. If you shoot this tree with a rifle, the bullet will bounce off. Schmidt's birch is very rare; it grows in the Kedrovaya Pad nature reserve.

Cannonball tree (Couroupita guianensis) - found mainly in northern South America and the Caribbean, is often accompanied by a sign warning: "Beware of falling cannonballs": The fruit begins to fall after ripening, and since each one reaches 25 centimeters in diameter, they easily can kill a person.

The fastest growing plant is Japanese madake bamboo (Phyllostachys bambusoides), which can grow more than 1 meter in a day.

The largest leaves are those of the Brazilian raffia taedigera palm, which are more than 22 meters long and almost 12 meters wide.

Chorisia or magnificent chorisia (Chorisia speciosa) is one of the most beautiful trees cultivated in countries with warm climates. Powerful thorns, so characteristic of the trunk of chorisia, begin to appear at the end of the second - in the third year of life, although there are quite a lot of old trees with barely pronounced thorniness. The flowers, which live for about 1 day, are practically odorless.

Madagascar Ravenala (Ravenala madagascariensis). Ravenala is often called the “well” tree. This low tree (4 m) has no branches, and the huge leaves growing from the trunk and rolled into a tube reach a length of 7 meters. In the middle of the tube there is clean and cool water, which the plant receives from the soil. Such a tree can contain up to 25 liters of water.

Kigelia (Kigelia africana). In equatorial Africa, inedible fruits grow on tall trees that are very reminiscent of liver sausage. These trees are called kigelia, or “sausage” trees. Their fruits are used to make jewelry, dishes and cups. Sometimes the fruits are painted and hung from the ceiling as amulets.

Wollemi Pine is a tree of the Coniferous genus, Araucariaceae family, native to Australia. One of the most ancient woody plants (\"peer of dinosaurs\"), which was widespread on Earth in Jurassic period. Until recently, it was considered an extinct fossil species. A very rare and valuable plant species listed in the Red Book. Market price one tree is in the region of 5000 thousand Australian dollars. In Russia, this amazing plant can be seen in the Botanical Garden named after Nikolai Vasilyevich Tsitsin.

Puya Raymondii. Puya Raymonda of the Bromeliad family, native to the Bolivian and Peruvian Andes, has the largest inflorescence with a diameter of 2.5 meters and a height of about 12 meters, consisting of approximately 10,000 simple flowers. It is a pity that this amazing plant blooms only when it reaches 150 years of age, and then dies.

Unlike people, a tree does not suffer from various diseases with age - part of the tree may die while other parts continue to grow, allowing the tree to survive for thousands of years. Trees are one of the most valuable and undervalued resources on the planet. The World Bank estimates that the wood market is worth $270 billion annually. We depend very much on trees, although we do not notice or realize it. Taking trees for granted, we do not realize that one day they may disappear forever.

The flora amazes with its diversity and beauty. For example, trees can be so unique that sometimes you can’t even believe that such a thing really exists.

This article will present unusual, unique species of trees in the world.

In general, a huge variety of amazing trees: fabulously beautiful, centuries-old, huge and very small, with unusual shapes of crowns and branches, and many others. etc. And they all represent themselves Interesting Facts, occurring in nature.

Flowering and evergreen, dwarf and giant - these are all amazing trees. They are magnificent and attractive with their unusualness and fabulousness. Rainbow eucalyptus, swamp cypress, fire tree, majestic baobab, “dancing” pines, Japanese maples... There are a huge number of them, silently standing in one place for decades and even centuries.

Below are some interesting trees peace.

Fig tree and silk

Silk and fig trees grow on the ruins of Ta Prohm Temple (Cambodia). They attract numerous tourists with their unusual roots. They are large, long and are not hidden, as usual, in the ground, but entwine the ruins, for which they received the name “stone eaters.”

Looking at them, one can imagine the tentacles of giant octopuses sucking on the remains of the ancient temple. Today these plants are protected by UNESCO.


At first glance, this is an ordinary eucalyptus tree that has grown up to 75 meters. The trunk has a diameter of 2.4 meters. But there is something special about it. This rainbow eucalyptus, which is the only kind of this tree, growing in the northern hemisphere.

Looking at it, you can understand that this type It has an incredibly beautiful bark color. Young trees are usually bright green. But as the tree grows, the bark turns purple, orange, burgundy and blue colors, as a result of which vertical stripes are formed on the trunk, varying in width, length and shape.

In fact, the eucalyptus tree is the tallest tree in the world of all time, because in an 1872 report there is mention of a fallen tree that reached a height of at least about 150 meters. Modern eucalyptus trees do not grow higher than 101 meters.

oil tree

There are trees that can surprise even the most experienced botanist. For example, the oil tree (hanga), growing in the Philippine Islands. It is unique in that its fruits contain, one might say, pure oil.

In the Philippines in last years technology is being developed to use its fruits as a source of fuel for the engine.


This plant should definitely be included in the list of “unusual trees of the world.” This is a baobab tree. He doesn't even have rings to determine his age.

There is one legend in Africa about the appearance of this tree. There was a quarrel between the baobab and God. The second, angry with the tree, tore it out of the ground and stuck it back upside down. This is how its bizarre shape arose.

This tree is not unusual for Africa, because it grows almost everywhere there. One of its species deserves special attention. The teapot baobab got its name thanks to its huge trunk, capable of holding a large number of water.

It should be noted that some trees of this species can be called real long-livers, because their age is 1200 years! Perhaps such a long life is explained precisely by the shape of the trunk and its contents. It can store water, the volume of which can reach 120,000 liters! This species is found only on the island of Madagascar.


Mahabodhi - Buddha tree. It was named after the Hindu traders who sold their goods sitting under this tree. The peculiarity of this tree is its aerial roots hanging from the branches to the ground.

The most famous type of banyan (sacred ficus) is the Mahabodhi in Anuradhapura, native to Sri Lanka. According to stories, this tree was grown from a cutting of the plant under whose crowns Buddha achieved enlightenment (sixth century BC). It turns out that the banyan tree, planted BC (288), represents the oldest tree in the world grown by man with a known exact date of planting.

Thule tree

This plant belongs to the list of "most big trees world" because of its thickness. The diameter of the thickest tree in the world is 14 meters. To fully grasp it with outstretched arms, you need at least 30 people. And its height is not small - 40 meters, and its weight is 600 tons.

Tule grows in Mexico. Initially, the opinion of scientists was that this miracle of nature is the result of the fusion of several trunks. DNA analysis has proven that this cypress is a single organism.

Regarding the exact age, not everything is clear yet. Most likely, the tree is one of the oldest.

There is one more interesting point. If you look closely at the bark, you can see the silhouette of a person or animal in the patterns located on it (a similar interesting entertainment was invented by local residents).

giant sequoia

It is the largest tree in the world in terms of volume.

"General Sherman" grows (its height is 83 meters) in Sequoia National Park. Its volume is approximately 1,486 thousand cubic meters. meters, and weight - more than 6 thousand tons.

Presumably, it is 2300-2700 years old, and every year the sequoia gains the same amount of wood as a smaller plant of this species contains (18 meters in height).


Looks pretty funny conifer tree wollemia ( oldest tree in the world), concealing within itself ancient history. It is located in Australia.

The dinosaur-like tree is 200 million years old. Scientists found living Wollemia in 1994.

The location of the trees was carefully hidden in order to protect this species from complete destruction. There are only 100 copies left. Now such a tree can be seen in botanical gardens.

The tree of Life

There are a lot of long-lived trees, but this 400-year-old one is special, magnificent. It grows in a desert with virtually no water sources, and it's impressive.

The ancient mesquite tree is another natural wonder growing near Jebel Dukhan (two kilometers away), Bahrain.

Cashew tree Pirangi

It is impossible to imagine the trees of the world without one of the most majestic and beautiful trees.

This famous forest tree is located near the city of Natal in Brazil. It is 177 years old and this cashew covers almost 2 hectares of land. It was planted by a fisherman in 1888. Due to a genetic mutation, branches touching the ground for some reason begin to take root. This does not happen with other trees of this species.

As a result, the tree represents an entire forest, covering an area of ​​8,400 thousand square meters. meters. In general, it produces approximately 80,000 fruits per year.

Dancing Forest of Russia

In the Kaliningrad region in the Curonian Spit nature reserve (37th kilometer) there is one unique place. The pines growing here are strangely twisted, bent, and in some places twisted into rings.

Until now, scientists have not been able to explain what is happening here, that even the trees are dancing. Today there are many different theories: biological, geomagnetic, mystical.

In conclusion - an interesting but sad fact

There once was a Tenere tree, which was the loneliest of the desert trees.

This is a plant that grew in the Sahara Desert (Niger). The age of a single tree growing over a vast area (radius 400 km) was 300 years. Once upon a time there was a forest there, gradually destroyed by the winds and the desert. The last acacia had very long roots, which allowed it to feed on water from great depths.

In 1973 by a drunk driver unique tree Tenere was shot down, after which a metal monument dedicated to the Lonely Plant was erected at this place.

The natural beauty of our Earth never ceases to amaze us. Throughout the planet there are the most incredible trees that do not leave travelers indifferent. And among them there are unique specimens that can only be seen in one certain place. Therefore, it will be interesting to find out what the most unusual trees in the world are (photos of some of them are presented), and what exactly makes them unique. But besides the fact that a plant can be interesting in itself because of its shape or size, people sometimes give them surprising names.

Baobab "Teapot"

An unusual tree grows on the island of Madagascar, which in its shape resembles a huge teapot. This plant is very famous here, and the locals are no longer surprised by it. But it impresses all tourists. Scientists say that this plant is already 1200 years old. In addition, like a kettle, it can hold a large volume of water. According to some estimates, its “capacity” is 117,000 liters!

This baobab tree has a very thick trunk, in which it stores moisture and uses it during the dry season. It is also interesting that its roots have impressive size and stretch for tens of kilometers. They can also collect moisture. During periods of drought, this tree drops all its leaves so as not to waste water on their maintenance. But instead of them, buds come out.

These baobabs have very soft wood. When an elephant is thirsty, it breaks the trunk and eats the inside to quench its thirst. But the unusual tree does not stop existing there. It is very tenacious and tries to take root again in order to continue growing.


This plant belongs to the Myrtaceae family. It is called jaboticaba, or Brazilian It is fruit-bearing and is cultivated in tropical latitudes. The plant has small leaves that are distinguished by a myrtle aroma. It can grow up to 12 meters, but on plantations it does not exceed five.

These plants differ in that their fruits appear not at the ends of the branches, but on the trunk itself. Of course, these are not the only unusual trees (photo of jaboticaba shown above) that bear fruit in this way, they include jackfruit, cocoa and several others tropical plants. With the arrival of spring, the main branches and trunk become covered huge number small white flowers. In one year, a tree can bear more than one harvest. Fruit ripening lasts less than a month. Ripe “grapes” have an almost black tint. All fruits are no more than 4 cm in diameter. They are very similar to grapes, their pulp is the same consistency, but there is a large seed inside. The fruits are very juicy and sweet. They make jam and juices.

bottle tree

This tree species grows in Namibia. Each plant not only has an unusual shape, but is also distinguished by its dangerous secretions. Their juice is a poison that can cause death not only to animals, but also to humans. It looks like milk. These unusual trees (photo shown below) were used in the past as lethal weapons. The Bushmen soaked the tips of their arrows in poisonous tree secretions.

This vegetation can be found in the mountainous regions of Namibia. The strange shape of the trunk, which resembles a bottle with a wide bottom, has led to the tree being called “bottle tree”.


This rare plant can be seen in Cambodia, but not everywhere, but only in some places. These unusual trees of the world (see photo below) are also found in Southeast Asia, near the Ta Prokhm temple. The amazing thing about plants is that they seem to embrace this ancient structure with their roots. Trees can have very impressive sizes, rising up. And not far from the temple, no less impressive strangler ficus trees grow. They also extended their roots towards the building to envelop it.

peach palm

It is believed that the first representatives of this plant appeared in Nicaragua and Costa Rica, but today they are often found in South and Central America. These are rightfully the most unusual trees, because they look really strange. The entire trunk, from roots to top, is decorated with rows of sharp thorns that resemble large hedgehog spines.

The leaves of the plant are long and oblong. Some of them grow up to three meters in length! The tree itself usually does not exceed 20 meters. The fruits of this plant are edible. It is interesting that among Native Americans this “dish” was the basis of their diet. Today, the fermented fruit of this plant is a popular delicacy.

crooked trees

Another curiosity is plants with curved trunks. They grow in Poland, in the forest near the town of Gryfino. There are a little more than 400 of them there. The reason for the curved trunks is not exactly known. There are assumptions that each of these trees unusual shape obtained as a result of human intervention, but who needed it and why remains a mystery.

According to some guesses, these plants were intended for making curved wooden furniture, for agricultural implements or for boat hulls. Because of the Second World War, the owners of these plots were forced to hastily flee, and now this story will remain a mystery.


Also on Earth there are unusual trees, such as larch, which sheds its leaves in the fall. And near the city of Alberta (Canada) there is a soft pine called “Burmis”. This is the only extraordinary specimen of this genus that has its own fascinating story. The tree is remarkable in that it died back in the 1970s, but at the same time it continued to stand without rotting or decomposing. Experts say that by the day of its death the plant was about 600-750 years old.

In 1998, the city was hit strong wind, who felled this unusual tree, but caring residents picked it up and put it in its place - to stand in the same position. After a while, someone broke the branch, but people reattached it to the trunk. Today, travelers come from all over the world and take pictures near the Burmis tree.

The tree of Life

Another unusual tree is located in Bahrain. It dates back approximately 4 centuries. But it is remarkable not for this, but for the fact that it grows in the desert, where there is absolutely no water. There are no other trees within a radius of several kilometers. Its roots are deep in the soil, so some are sure that this is where the plant gets its moisture. But this has not been proven, and people still cannot understand how this tree manages to survive. About 50,000 tourists come to see this amazing plant every year.


The national tree of India, which is called or banyan, is also amazing plant. For a long time it was considered the widest. But the tree still continues to grow. The peculiarity of the banyan tree is its roots, which hang from the branches. There are so many of them that it seems that this is not one tree, but a real forest. The tree can grow to cover an area the size of a city block.

"Walking Tree"

Near Lake Baikal there are also unusual plants that are among the attractions of this area. These are ordinary larches and pines, which differ in their roots. They protrude from sandy soil. Over the years, the wind blew away the sand, and the roots were exposed for several meters. But complicated root system helps the tree stay on the surface. From the outside it seems that the plants are standing on stilts. The most famous grove of “walking trees” grows in Peschanaya Bay. At this point, the roots extend outward more than two meters.

Other amazing trees

In addition to the 10 listed unusual trees there are plenty more mysterious plants. So, you can hear about them growing in Yemen and the Canary Islands. The plant received this name because of its resin and juice, which have a rich bloody color. The local population is confident that this liquid is a real cure for all diseases.

No less unique is the “iron tree”. It can be found in Iran and Azerbaijan. stronger than iron and just as heavy, so it sinks if you put it in water. The plant is also impressive with its characteristics; a planting of “iron trees” can grow into an impenetrable thicket. Over time, these plants grow together.

Also, many are impressed not only by strange structures, but also by unusual ones. Thus, on Earth you can find candy, sausage, cabbage, and silk trees. They all have their own stories, characteristics and characteristics that are interesting to explore and explore. Whatever country you go to, you can find it everywhere unusual plant, which locals are willing to talk about for hours.

One can only envy Mother Nature’s fantasy - it is truly inexhaustible. There are so many interesting and unusual corners on earth that it wouldn’t take a lifetime to explore them. Each continent is unique in its own way, and above all, with its flora. There are more than 100,000 species of trees alone. Some of them are so unique appearance, texture and dimensions, that I would like to pay special attention to their description.

Trees of the world: amazing and incredible among us

An impromptu top ten of the most amazing trees in the world might look like this. Moreover, the order plays absolutely no role - they all deserve a prize, if not for beauty, then certainly for their strangeness and originality.

The place of “deployment” is the island of Socotra (the archipelago of the same name in Indian Ocean). Visually it resembles an umbrella turned inside out or a giant russula mushroom with a green cap. The massive trunk of this miracle of nature reaches up to 10 m in height, and the radius of the crown can be tens of meters. The tree got its exotic name because of its resinous red sap, reminiscent of blood. During monsoon rains dragon “umbrellas” begin to bloom, becoming covered with funny branchy panicles.

A distinctive feature of this tall and proud handsome man is his multi-colored trunk. It seems that some impressionist artist did a good job creating such a bright and unusual palette. In fact, the whole trick is that the tree bark, being renewed naturally, changes color from soft light green to brick-raspberry. And on the way from “youth” to “old age” it still manages to transform into orange, purple, green and even blue. In addition to their multicolor, chameleon eucalyptus can be safely called one of the longest-living trees on the planet. Their age often jumps over the thousand-year mark, and their height reaches 100 meters or more.

TO military themes it is, of course, unrelated, but the fruits clearly resemble war cannonballs - hence the name. Often found in botanical gardens of the subtropics. The original fruit-balls stick quite tightly to the tree trunk, posing a real threat to the lives of those who dare to stand next to this outlandish representative of the forest flora.

At first glance, nothing extraordinary, many will think. Ficuses will surprise few people, and they grow in almost every home. But all the grins will instantly disappear from your face at the sight of a huge and semi-mysterious tree growing in the botanical park of the Indian city of Khauri. It is popularly called the “Tree Forest”, representing a real forest grove with hundreds of individual trunks and a shady upper crown. And to be completely speechless, it is worth mentioning its size - about 1.5 hectares in volume. According to scientists, the old ficus is about 250 years old.

It is not difficult to guess that this relative of the baobab received its name due to its resemblance to glass bottle. Of course, no botanist will give him a prize for grace and aesthetics, but there is a certain eccentricity in his appearance - that’s a fact. It grows in Namibia, feels great under the scorching African sun and even pleases the eye with pink-red flowers, vaguely similar to magnolias. The bottle tree is also very poisonous, which Bushmen warriors did not neglect to take advantage of, lubricating hunting arrows with its juice.

The tree is native to Nicaragua and Costa Rica. It has a rather warlike appearance, thanks to the spiral-shaped turns of sharp thorns that wrap around the trunk from the roots to the very top. The height of the palm can reach up to 20 m, and the length of the leaves often exceeds 3 m. It is noteworthy that the fruits of the peach “ruff” are still popular among residents of Central and South America, making up a significant part of the daily diet. And the most interesting thing is that they acquire the brightest taste precisely in their fermented form.

In Mayan mythology, it was one of the sacred symbols, and today the relay of worship has migrated to Puerto Rico, a South American state under the jurisdiction of the United States. The fruits of mature trees are large capsules containing fluffy, shiny fiber resembling cotton. But the most amazing thing about this 60-meter giant is that the trunks and large branches are simply strewn with prickly thorns. This terrifying “outfit” helps the tree retain moisture and feel good in the tropical heat.

Its discoverers were English sailors who moored on the shores of New Guinea and watched in amazement as the local aborigines gobbled up juicy fruits that resembled bread by both cheeks. Later tree They learned to cultivate it in Jamaica, and it was long used to feed slaves on plantations. Bread “loaves” can weigh up to 4 kg, piled up on a trunk or large branches. On average, seven hundred fruits are harvested from one mature tree per year - a good harvest! And these powerful beauties with a spreading crown live up to 70 years.

It turns out that you can milk not only a cow, but also trees - amazing discovery for residents of Russia and a phenomenon of everyday life for residents of Central and South America. An incision is made on ripe fruits, and then, by analogy with birch sap, a container is placed, and the liquid gradually flows into the prepared container. You can milk up to 4 liters of juice at a time. When such milk is boiled, wax is released, which is then used to make candles or improvised chewing gum.

The second name is kigelia. Continues the food theme, although raw natural form its fruits are not eaten. Large, sausage-shaped cucumbers hang between the branches, turning brown as they ripen. Among Africans, kigelia is still considered a panacea for all diseases, and is actively used to treat skin and venereal diseases, wounds and insect bites, ulcers, as well as for various shamanic rituals. They also make it from “sausages” alcoholic drinks, adding honey to start the fermentation process.

The world of trees is truly unpredictable and amazing. And no matter how hard technological progress tries to subjugate our attention, it will never surpass nature.