Unlike cats and dogs, parrots and fish, you buy a turtle for almost its entire life, because it lives 30-40 years in captivity. Therefore, before you get an exotic pet, think carefully. As for, everything here is also not as simple as it seems at first glance. A turtle is a reptile, so it equally needs water, where it can swim, and land, where it can relax and bask in the sun or under a lamp, so housing for it needs to be created as close as possible to natural environment a habitat. Prices for small red-eared turtles start from 50 UAH, so everyone can afford to buy such a pet.

Photo source: http://like-zoo.com/


pretty red-eared turtle came to our latitudes from the southern states of the USA and the northeastern part of Mexico, where it prefers to live in shallow ponds and lakes. However, due to its unpretentiousness and omnivorousness, as well as the ability to tolerate more low temperatures, the habitat of this turtle species has expanded significantly. Today it can be found in the countries of northern and South Africa, in the central and southern Europe, in southern Asia and Australia.

Photo source: http://vsetke.ru/


The red-eared turtle got its name from two bright red (sometimes bright orange) oblong spots located on the head near the eyes. Most often, turtles do not grow very large - the shell size is from 3 to 30 cm in diameter, but among the representatives of this species there are real giants, whose shells reach 60 cm in diameter. The lower part of the shell, the plastron, is darkish in color, oval, decorated with yellow stripes and a small edging. Carapace – dorsal part, has a green color at first, which with age gives way to an olive or yellow-brown color. In the first couple of years of its life, the turtle's growth is very noticeable - the diameter of the shell can increase up to 10 cm per year, but from the age of two the turtle's growth slows down, and then it adds 1-2 cm per year.

Photo source: http://vsetke.ru/

You can keep American red-eared turtles either one at a time or in a group, but you must take into account that for one turtle you need an aquaterrarium with a volume of at least 110-130 liters. There should not be only males in the group, otherwise this will develop into constant battles for territory, and all turtles in the group must be the same age and size. The aquaterrarium should be filled 20-25 cm with clean warm (26 - 28°C) water, which must be changed at least 1-2 times a week, unless you use a special filter. If you installed a filter, then you will have less work, but you still need to completely change the water once a month. Remember, the water in the aquarium must be no less than the width of your pet’s shell, otherwise the turtle simply will not be able to turn over if it suddenly falls on its back. To maintain a constant water temperature, you can install a special heater with a temperature sensor or simply place the aquaterrarium in a warm place.

Photo source: http://vsetke.ru/

In addition to water, it is necessary that the turtle has dry land, at least 25% of total area her "home". In this case, the island should be inclined from the very bottom, the surface of the slope should be rough but safe, the land should be 25-30 cm from the top edge of your aquaterrarium, if you don’t want your pet to get out and run away one fine day. On land, you can pour soil, but make sure that it does not fall into the water.

The main entertainment for turtles in the wild is to lie on the warm sand and bask in the rays of the sun. Instead of the sun over land, you need to hang 2 lamps - a simple incandescent lamp that will illuminate and warm, and a low-power, non-medical one. ultraviolet lamp, which is necessary for proper development, growth and prevention of turtle diseases. The UV lamp must be installed at a height of about half a meter above the island and turned on 1-2 times a week for 5 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 30 minutes daily. It is advisable to install a thermometer on the island and monitor that the air temperature does not exceed 30°C.

Photo source: http://i007.radikal.ru/


What does the red-eared aquarium turtle eat? Of course, nutrition plays an important role in the development of turtles, and therefore it must be properly selected and balanced. During the period of active growth, turtles eat mainly animal foods, but with age they increasingly switch to plant foods. How much to feed? - At first, turtles need to be fed every day, but after two years the number of feedings can be reduced to 2-3 per week. You can use special dry or frozen food for turtles, purchasing it from a pet store that these animals eat.

Photo source: http://www.myturtles.info/

However, it is better, of course, to make the mixture yourself, if possible, based on edible gelatin. To do this you need:

  • carrots – 70 g;
  • cabbage – 50 g;
  • apple – 50 g;
  • fish fillet – 145 g;
  • squid fillet – 100 g;
  • raw egg – 2 pcs;
  • milk – 150 ml;
  • drug "Tetravit" - 20 drops;
  • calcium glycerophosphate - 10 tablets;
  • gelatin - 30 g;
  • water - 150 ml.

To prepare the mixture, pour gelatin with hot water to swell it, then heat it in a water bath until it is completely dissolved. Grind all the ingredients in a meat grinder, mix them with beaten eggs and milk, add hot gelatin. Let the mixture cool to 30°C, add tablets and vitamin preparations and refrigerate until hardened. Before feeding the turtle, warm the mixture until room temperature, it will be enough for 10 feedings.

In order for your turtle to live as long as possible, grow healthy and not cause you grief, you need to follow simple rules.

  1. The turtle should not be on the floor - it could be stepped on, eat some small object, catch a cold in a draft, or be bitten by another pet.
  2. The turtle is a representative of reptiles, so it cannot constantly be in water and needs dry land, otherwise it will simply drown.
  3. The turtle's food should be varied and balanced, it should contain both animal and plant foods.
  4. The water in the aquaterrarium should always be clean.
  5. Do not remove the horny scutes or clean the shell with a rough brush if you notice that the turtle is beginning to become overgrown with algae.
  6. Oil vitamins must be added only in the specified quantities.

There are more than 335 species of turtles that inhabit different continents. Some species are very popular and easy to buy in pet stores, some are rarer, and some species are difficult to see even in zoos.
The homes of animal lovers in Russia most often contain the following types turtles: freshwater red-eared turtle, freshwater marsh turtle, freshwater Trionics turtle and land turtle Central Asian tortoise. Found in the south of Russia Mediterranean turtle And marsh turtle, in the east of Russia the Far Eastern trionics is found, in Ukraine and Belarus the marsh turtle is found. Red-eared turtles in large quantities brought from nurseries in Europe and Asia, and then released by bad people American turtles into Russian ponds, so the chance of meeting a red-eared turtle in a river or pond is very high.

This is what the most popular types of turtles look like:

Land (lat.Agrionemys horsfieldii)

A yellow-beige turtle with dark spots on the shell, usually up to 25 cm long. The turtle is listed in the Red Book and the CITES list and is prohibited for sale without documents, which is ignored by pet stores and, of course, smugglers.

The Central Asian tortoise lives in the states Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan in steppe and semi-desert regions.

Eats like everyone else land turtles, vegetation (field plants, dried forage grasses, houseplants, occasionally allowed vegetables). Meat, milk, bread and white cabbage, fruits are strictly contraindicated for it. Once a week, the turtle should receive calcium and reptile vitamin powder.

For maintenance you need: terrarium from 100 l + UV lamp 10-12% UVB + incandescent lamp + soil (sawdust/hay/chips + pebbles) + house. The temperature in the terrarium should be from 25 in a cold corner to 35 in a hot corner (under a lamp).
Hibernation for turtles is optional, and also harmful and dangerous if not carried out according to the rules, so it is better to avoid it. It is recommended to bathe your turtle once a week.

Freshwater Pond slider(lat. Trachemys scripta)

This bright green (the shell becomes dark as an adult) turtle with red “ears” on its head has become very popular throughout the world in the last 25 years. The turtle can bite painfully, although it is not very aggressive.

This turtle is the most popular and the most “aquarium turtle” in our country and in many others.

The turtle lives in the USA and is brought to Russia from turtle farms. It is strictly forbidden to release it into Russian water bodies - this harms the ecosystem, and besides, the turtles themselves rarely survive the winter.

The turtle is freshwater and carnivorous (snails, feeding insects, raw freshwater not fatty fish with bones and entrails, occasionally dry food), but she also needs dry food and plant food (algae, or lettuce, dandelions).

You can read more about feeding turtles, aquariums and terrariums, and caring for turtles in the relevant sections.

It is important to know:

  1. You cannot add new turtles to existing ones without prior quarantine.
  2. If symptoms of disease occur or if you refuse to feed for a long time, you should contact a veterinarian-herpetologist.
  3. If turtles in the same aquarium/terrarium are fighting or are too aggressive, they need to be separated.
  4. Turtles should not be allowed to come into contact with other pets.
  5. Land turtles (and sometimes aquatic ones) are kept on the floor like cats and dogs, as a result the turtles are stepped on, they are injured by other pets, they catch colds, and quickly develop rickets, vitamin deficiency, arthritis and kidney failure.
  6. They buy a pair for the turtle so that it doesn’t get bored, but the result is fights and bitten off paws and tails. Turtles are loners! And they only need a pair for reproduction.
  7. Feeding turtles the wrong food leads to major health problems. internal organs and even to death. Just because a turtle eats something doesn’t mean it’s okay for it.


The shell of a fairly mature turtle is usually covered with wrinkles. Its length depends on the specific subspecies and, as a rule, reaches 28 centimeters. has a small spot near the eyes. The peculiarity is that their colors are diverse and tend to change over the years. Thus, in their youth they have green color, and in old age - completely black. The ventral shield of the carapace is bright yellow with darkish round spots. A turtle grows as follows: for the first year and a half of its life, its height reaches 7.5 cm, then the pace becomes slower and it increases by only 1.25 cm per year. In two years, growth can be more than 20 cm, that is, it is mistaken to consider it dwarf. And you shouldn’t listen to sellers who convince you otherwise.

The length of the Scripta Scripta species reaches approximately 27 cm. This turtle has a bright yellow postorbital spot. Its plastron is a rich yellow color.

Another subspecies is Elegant, has a length of 28 centimeters. A reddish postorbital stripe is located on the head, and there are narrow stripes on the chin. The ventral shield of the carapace has large spots on all scutes.

The third species of turtle, Scripta Troostii, has the shortest length of all - about 21 centimeters. There is a narrow yellowish postorbital stripe on the head, and wide stripes on the chin. And its plastron consists of unusual patterns in the form of “eyes”, and sometimes of ordinary small black spots.


Turtles live in shallow lakes with low, swampy shores. You can find them in the USA in Florida, Virginia, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, as well as in Mexico, throughout Central America, in northern Colombia.

What to feed the red-eared slider

As for young turtles, they need animal food for active vital growth of the body. In this regard, it should be given once a day, but no more. Also, the aquarium should have various algae and any other plants that are edible for turtles.

Adult turtles are individuals that are much larger than 12 centimeters. They must eat food once every two or three days and half of their diet must be some kind of vegetation. The aquaterrarium should contain any edible plants so that the turtles can eat them between meals.

The amount of food given is determined based on the size of the turtle. For kids, the norm is two or three pieces, one at a time. cubic centimeter, and for older turtles - two or three pieces several times larger in size.

It is necessary to ensure that the food is at a suitable room temperature and must have a raw consistency. It is important to remember that young turtles are, first and foremost, predators. Their main food is fish. You can add live fish to the aquarium that they cannot eat. It is necessary to diversify the diet given and not feed only gammarus and dry food. And adult turtles are omnivores. They eat both animal and plant food.

Types of feed

As for fish, it is useful for turtles to eat pollock, gobies, cod, blue whiting and any other fish, but not fatty ones. The liver can be beef, and you can also give liver, chicken heart. From insects and crustaceans: non-dry gammarus, earthworms, daphnia crustaceans, legless crickets, beetles. You can diversify the food served to them with the help of small snails, mollusks, squids, frogs, small tadpoles, seafood You shouldn’t get carried away, since any turtle itself is a sea turtle. From plant food Aquatic plants are not prohibited: duckweed, hyacinth and others. In addition, it can be dandelion, daisies and any non-poisonous meadow flowers and plants. It is not advisable to give vegetables other than carrots and lettuce.

It is strictly forbidden to give turtles any meat: any minced meat, sausages, beef, sausage, lamb, chicken, pork, etc. Fatty fish, cheese, fruit and bread are prohibited. It is better to avoid dry food.

If the aquarium is well equipped, has ultraviolet lighting, appropriate temperature conditions, then vitamins can not be included in the diet. But, in the case when the conditions are far from ideal, it is necessary to remember about the vitamin and mineral base. Vitamins are already included in the food specifically for this purpose.


Puberty occurs differently in females and males and this is also influenced by their lifestyle. If they are in captivity, then this period begins at 4 years for males and at 5-6 years for females. And in the wild they reach maturity at about 8 years of age. The mating season begins in the spring: in March - April. Their process is as follows: the male crawls very close to the female, sticks his muzzle into her and tickles her chin with long claws.

The eggs laid do not exceed 4 cm in size. They are laid on land, not in water. But the place for the eggs must be moist, so the female moistens it with water from the anal bladder and then digs out a small hole. Female turtles lay no more than 10 eggs in their nests, which are subsequently buried. The incubation period is up to 150 days. Interesting feature with temperature. If the temperature remained above 30 degrees, then females hatch, and if below 27, males hatch.

What should an aquaterrarium be like for a red-eared turtle?

It should be quite long, but at the same time not wide and low. Volume not less than 120 liters. The water level must match the proportions of your turtle's shell so that it can turn over. A small bank should be installed near the aquarium. Maintain the water temperature within 25 degrees, on land - 31 - 33 degrees. To keep the temperature at the same level, a special heater must be provided.

The water must be changed and cleaned depending on the degree of contamination. But you can also use a special filter. For young turtles, external is preferable, and for adults, only internal. An ultraviolet lamp will not hurt, but it should not be located low, the approximate height is 25 cm, so that the turtle does not get a burn to the eyes. Another option for arranging an aquaterrarium is an incandescent lamp with the same requirements. They both need to switch off at night.

If it's nice outside warm weather, then try to take the turtles out to bask more often. But remember that the first time you do not need to keep it in the sun for more than 5 minutes. And it is important to increase the time spent on fresh air gradually. They also need a dark place where they can periodically hide from the sun, as they are susceptible to overheating.

So, for the remaining two turtles from January to March the temperature should be 18 degrees, and the duration of illumination should be 8 hours, April - 21/8, where 21 is the temperature, and 8 is the duration of illumination, May - 24/10, June - 27 /13, July – 28/13, August – 28/11, September – 25/10, October – 22/8, November and December – 18/8.

And for Trachemys scripta troostii the requirements are as follows: January - March - 18/8, April - 20/8, May - 21/10, June - 23/13, July - 26/13, August - 25/11, September - 20/ 10, October – December – 18/8.


Some scientists argue that Trachemys scripta hibernates and that they need to do so. But it’s quite difficult to imagine this process at home. It would be more logical not to create difficulties for yourself and not to cause unnecessary harm to the turtle’s health by organizing its hibernation.

Up to 45 years, and European swamps can last up to 80.

Many fishermen use their eggs to attract fish.

Be careful, as turtles can bite not only their own kind, but also humans! But if they are accustomed to being handled, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

And don’t forget that a balanced diet is the key to a turtle’s active growth and longevity!

Video review

IN Lately People are increasingly starting to have all kinds of exotic animals and reptiles, following fashion trends.

A respectable place in this long list is given to the red-eared turtle.

But, before getting this exotic reptile, you need to know how to properly care for it at home, which will be discussed in this material.

Red-eared turtle: how to care for it at home: general information

The homeland of these reptiles is the United States, however, their vitality and ability to move over vast distances has led to the fact that they have settled far beyond their original habitat - Europe, Asia, Africa, that is, they can be found almost all over the world.

The red-eared turtle began to be used as a pet relatively recently, starting in the mid-19th century. Until this time, these reptiles were used exclusively as food.

These animals got their name not because of their ears (which they do not have), but because of the crimson color of the skin tissue around the eyes.

This type of turtle is classified as a freshwater reptile. Her main feature– a bit long red-orange spots, which are located immediately behind the eyes. Despite the fact that they do not have ears, they hear perfectly. Since the shield on their belly is bright yellow, they are often called yellow-bellied. Females of these animals are usually much larger than males. Puberty of these animals occurs at 4 years of age.

By purchasing this reptile in a pet store, first of all you need to pay attention to its size and appearance. If a small turtle has dimensions of less than 5 cm, then it will be very difficult to keep it, since such miniature individuals are very susceptible to various diseases.

Check the claws on the paws - there should be no breaks or damage on them. Healthy individuals have a smooth tail and a shield plate. Also take a closer look at how the turtle swims; it should move smoothly and not fall to one side.

Red-eared turtle: how to care for it at home: treatment

Before you start keeping this reptile, you need to understand how to handle it correctly. If you pick her up, you need to be extremely careful, she may start to slip out, hiss, resist and empty herself. The turtle has sharp claws and strong paws, and it can bite painfully. You must hold it with both hands. Due to improper handling, many owners and even more animals suffered.

After you hold the reptile in your hands, you need to wash them thoroughly with soap, especially for children, since these animals live in completely different conditions with different types of bacteria. It is also necessary to monitor the freshness of the food and the cleanliness of the aquarium, since these reptiles can carry salmonellosis.

You should also limit your turtle's access to the kitchen and places where food may be present. In addition, you should not wash it, the aquarium and all accessories in the kitchen sink.

How to handle babies

Often turtles that appeared in home aquarium, are toddlers. They require special care as they are very susceptible to disease and have an increased mortality rate.

If you see something underneath the shell, most likely it is a stomach pouch. It is needed to ensure that the hatched reptile gets all the nutrients it needs, so touching it is prohibited. For some time after birth, babies may ignore food until this pouch resolves.

It is not recommended to handle babies, as they are very timid and can get sick and become stressed. Also try not to stand near the aquarium for a long time or knock on the glass, it is important to give them some time so that they can get used to it and start eating. Also make sure that the temperature on land (27 °C) and in water (up to 32 °C) always remains constant.

Attention! It is forbidden to place the aquarium in a draft or under direct sun rays, and also be sure to separate babies from adult reptiles.

Red-eared turtle: how to care for it at home: content

In addition, an artificial land must be created for it, on which the reptile can climb out to bask; it can be bought at any pet store. The island must have a sloping rise, stability, and the absence of burrs and sharp corners.

The island should occupy at least ¼ of the surface of the terrarium and meet certain requirements.

1. Heating. The temperature on it must be set at least 10 ° C higher than in water. Too much high temperature there is also no need to expose it, as the reptile may overheat.

2. Flooding. On an island, at least one side must be in the water.

3. Security. The reptile should move freely and not get stuck between the island and the glass.

4. No toxicity. Shouldn't stand out from it toxic substances.

5. Sustainability. The land must stand very securely, because this type turtles are very strong and can easily turn it over.

6. Textured surface.

Red-eared turtle: how to care for it at home: feeding and hibernation

Feeding red-eared turtles should not be a problem, as they are omnivores. The only thing is that they don’t like monotony. You can feed them the following food:

In addition to variety, you also need to ensure that balance with increased level calcium. This is necessary so that they do not overeat and have a powerful shell, which, as is known, is a sign good health turtles.

As for hibernation, which a reptile can fall into during the winter, it is advisable to avoid it. The thing is that if you are new to keeping this type of turtle, then you may simply not have enough experience in caring for it. this period. Therefore, there is no need to stimulate hibernation in this reptile! Firstly, for this period can be created unfavourable conditions, and secondly, weakened animals may simply not survive it. To prevent it from hibernating, keep the temperature at least 25 ° C, and the reptile will not even remember the long winter dream.

Turtles hibernating in natural conditions, tend to burrow into plants or silt at the bottom of a reservoir that is shallow and large dimensions. During this period, reptiles remain at the bottom all the time; they absorb oxygen through membranes located in their mouth, pharynx and cloaca. Besides great importance has the depth of the reservoir, temperature regime and the level of oxygen in it. Most of ponds created artificially are not able to provide turtles necessary conditions.

That's all you need to know about red-eared turtles. Don't forget to take care of it and give a piece of yourself, and the turtle will definitely repay you in kind.

Having decided to purchase exotic pet, many choose red-eared turtles, which live a long time and do not require specific care and maintenance. Red-eared cats come from the Central and South America Therefore, they need a tropical climate or temperatures and humidity close to it. In comfortable conditions and with proper feeding, turtles can live up to 25 years or even more. These reptiles will be a wonderful friend for a child. They instill in children responsibility, interest, and caring skills.

Character and style of behavior

Red-eared turtles strong, fast, with an aggressive character. They know how to fight back and take food from their relatives. There are fighters among them who can start a fight for prey. Very curious and active. They love to explore the aquarium, and this often causes injury or damage. You should not leave your pets unattended while walking around the house, otherwise they may get stuck somewhere or climb into places inaccessible to humans. Must be kept in safe conditions, so a turtle can live up to 25 years.

Living conditions

Before purchasing, you should stock up on everything you need for comfortable conditions pet's habitat. Pet stores have everything you need, starting with various types feed, ending with aquariums of various functionality and size. Given the rapid growth of the red-eared slider, the aquarium should be selected spacious and wide, best combined with a terrarium – aquaterrarium. This type of turtle requires both aquatic environment habitats and land, they need the shore for relaxation and sunbathing. Many manufacturers produce special aquariums for red-eared turtles.

It is recommended to place the aquarium near a source of light and heat, preferably near a window so that ultraviolet rays enter. The water temperature must be at least 25 degrees, in cool water the reptile can catch a cold. Before pouring water into the aquarium, it must be left for at least two days; chlorinated water has a detrimental effect on the health of the turtle, remember this. The water must be warm and clean, and also be updated regularly.

Pond slider requires tropical climate and, accordingly, long-term daylight hours. To do this, it will be enough to open the windows in the morning for natural light, and in the evening, you can use additional lighting with incandescent lamps or any other that emit ultraviolet light, without this the turtle's shell will not release enough calcium and will become brittle.

Turtles love to soak up the sun, therefore it is necessary to build a bank of wood and a mound of sand or buy an aquarium with an appropriate device or ledge. For decoration, you can use stones and tree branches, but avoid sharp and dangerous objects that can harm the health of the reptile. It is prohibited to use artificial flowers and algae.

Feeding red-eared turtles

  • earthworms;
  • bloodworm;
  • raw small fish, preferably fresh;
  • lean meat;
  • offal;
  • shrimps;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits, excluding citrus fruits;
  • eggs;
  • snails

The meat is given raw and boiled, and before feeding it is cut into small pieces. Occasionally You can pamper your pet with boiled eggs, they are a source of calcium and protein. For training and entertainment, they provide small live fish, which the turtle will happily hunt for in the water. You can add variety to your diet with snails, squid meat or small shrimp, mosquitoes, grasshoppers or other harmless insects. In addition to meat and fish, Plant foods should also be present in the diet:

  • duckweed;
  • seaweed;
  • hornwort;
  • lettuce leaves, tender young cabbage, cucumber slices;
  • You can give dandelion and clover.

Gelatin or agar is added to food; with their help, you can prepare balanced feed. To do this, use cabbage leaves, carrots, fresh fish, meat, pieces of squid, add vitamins and minerals, pass everything through a meat grinder or blender to achieve a mushy mass and fill it with gelatin solution. Mix everything thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator to harden; this mixture can be stored for up to one week. Serve after heating slightly and cutting into cubes.

Store-bought food is no different from homemade food, many manufacturers produce balanced food for reptiles, which they love to eat.

Reptiles are fed in small portions; food must be at room temperature. It is better to throw away any leftover uneaten food., otherwise it will spoil. To keep the aquarium clean during meals, the turtle can be transferred to a basin or other vessel with a water temperature that is familiar to it. So, the water in the aquarium will be clean and the turtle will be healthy.

How many times do turtles feed?

Young individuals are fed once a day, and older and older ones - once every 2-3 days, but with a plentiful amount of food. After lunch, pets love to sleep under a lamp or in the sun.

Reproduction at home

The process of reproduction and sexual activity in captivity is quite complex for red-eared turtles. It takes a lot of effort to get offspring.. At home, turtles rarely breed, but if you know the rules and features of caring for them, you can achieve results. Of course, reproduction requires two individuals of different sexes. The sex of a pet can be determined no earlier than one year of age. Features of gender differences:

  • the female is larger in size than the male;
  • the claws on the front paws and tail are larger in males;
  • The lower surface of the shell is concave in males, while in females it is flat.

At home, turtles reach puberty a little earlier than in natural conditions. Thus, males are ready to mate already at four years of age, and females at five or more. A reasonable question is: how much should you feed your pet during the breeding season? During the period of presumptive mating it is necessary to strengthen the diet reptiles with vitamins and minerals. A mandatory requirement for turtle breeding is the presence of a container with sand in which the eggs will be laid.


The most common disease among these reptiles is pneumonia. Many owners let their pet romp around the house, but in doing so they allow big mistake. During an open walk the reptile can catch a cold when exposed to a draft or a cold floor. They should also be warned against hypothermia in the water. Remember: optimal temperature water -25 degrees. But how can you tell if your turtle is sick?

If the red-eared turtle does not eat, is lethargic and sleeps, these are the first symptoms of the disease. Treatment is prescribed by a specialist, and it consists of intramuscular injections. Current method treatment traditional medicine- This chamomile infusion steam baths. It is prepared in proportions of 1/3. The pet is placed over the infusion; the procedure takes one hour. Be sure to check the temperature of the steam; it should not be scalding, but approximately 30 degrees; this can be determined by raising your hand to the surface of the water.