Answer left by: Guest

1. The Pacific Ocean is the largest and most ancient of all oceans. its area is 178.6 million cm2. it can easily accommodate all the continents and islands combined, which is why it is sometimes called great. It is located between the continents of Eurasia and Australia in the west, North and South America in the east, and Antarctica in the south. 2. The study and development of the Pacific Ocean began long before the advent of written humanity. junks, catamarans and simple rafts were used to navigate the ocean. The 1947 expedition on a raft of Kon-Tiki logs, led by the Norwegian Thor Heyerdahl, proved the possibility of crossing the Pacific Ocean westward from the central part South America to the islands of Polynesia. Chinese junks made trips along the ocean shores in Indian Ocean. 3.vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean lie in all climatic zones, except polar ones. over its expanses several areas of high and low pressure, winds are formed, monsoons blow in the northwest of the ocean. typhoons often sweep through. The properties of water masses largely depend on the climate. temperature surface waters measured from -1 s (in the north) to +29 s (at the equator). precipitation over the ocean is above evaporation, so the salinity of surface waters in it is slightly lower than in other oceans. warm waters The oceans contribute to the work of corals, of which there are many. stretches along the eastern coast of Australia big reef. this is the largest “ridge” created by organisms. 4.human economic activity leads to severe pollution of some areas of the Pacific Ocean. This was especially evident off the coast of Japan and North America. The reserves of whales, a number of valuable species of fish and other animals have been depleted. some of them have lost their former commercial importance.

Answer left by: Guest

Africa: coordinates of extreme points is the second largest continent on our planet. it covers an area of ​​30 million square kilometers. Africa is connected to Eurasia by the narrow Isthmus of Suez. 8 thousand kilometers - this is exactly the distance that continent Africa stretches from north to south. the coordinates of the extreme points of the continent are as follows: northern - Cape Ras Engela (37.21 degrees northern latitude). southern - Cape Agulhas (34.51 degrees south latitude). 7.5 thousand kilometers is the distance between the western and eastern outskirts of a continent such as Africa. The coordinates of the extreme points of the continent are as follows: western - Cape Almadi (17.33 degrees west longitude). eastern - Cape Ras Gafun (51.16 degrees east longitude). The length of the mainland coastline is 26 thousand kilometers. this is small for a continent of this size. the reason is that coastline Africa is poorly divided. It should also be noted that the extreme points of Africa have other names. Thus, Cape Agulhas is sometimes called Cape Agulhas. and Cape Ras Angela is sometimes called Cape Blanco. therefore, these toponyms can also be found in scientific research. Africa's situation is unique. The fact is that the equator crosses this continent almost in the middle. this fact leads to two important consequences

1. Natural complex. Interrelation of components of the natural complex.

A natural complex or NTC (natural-territorial complex) is a set of interconnected natural components in a certain territory. The largest PTC on the Earth's surface is the geographic envelope (it consists of the upper part of the lithosphere, the lower part of the atmosphere and the entire hydrosphere). In turn, the geographical envelope is divided into smaller PTCs - continents and oceans, natural zones and even smaller natural complexes: ravine, river valley, hill, etc.

All of them are formed over a long period of time under the influence of external (solar energy) and internal ( internal energy Earth) processes. IN natural complex There is a constant interaction of natural components, they are all interconnected and influence each other. These include: climate, water, vegetation and animal world, relief and rocks, soil, man. When one natural component changes, the entire natural complex changes. (Deforestation leads to the appearance of another PC - a field)

The natural complex, like the entire geographical envelope of which it is a part, develops according to special laws, the most important of which are integrity, rhythm, stability and geographic zonality.

Integrity. All natural components are interconnected through the cycle of matter and energy. Among them are the rock cycle, circulation air masses, global water cycle in nature, biological cycle and others.

Rhythm is the repetition of the same phenomena after a certain period of time.

Sustainability. Resumption of PTC in the absence of external influence.

PTK change obeys geographical zonation. (Change of natural zones when moving from the equator to the poles)

2. Australia: geographical position, history of discovery and exploration of the mainland.

Australia is the driest and smallest continent on the planet. Its area is 7.7 million square meters. km and with islands - 9 million square meters. km.

Its length from north to south (3 thousand km) and from west to east (4 thousand km) is almost the same.

The continent is located in two hemispheres: Southern and Eastern. Washed by the waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. (King Bay, Timor Sea, Joseph Bonaparte Gulf, Arafura Sea, Gulf of Carpentaria, Torres Strait, Coral Sea, Tasman Sea, Bass Strait, Spencer Gulf, Great Australian Bight)

Extreme points of the mainland:

northern - Cape York 10°S. w. 142° E. d.,

southern - Cape South East Point 39° S. w. 147° E. d.

eastern - Cape Byron 28°S. w. 154°E d.,

western - Cape Steep Point 26° S. w. 114° east d.

History of continental exploration.

Australia was discovered by Europeans later than other continents. This land was discovered by the Dutch. In the first half of the 17th century, they already knew the northern, western and southwestern coasts of the mainland. The expeditions of Tasman, Torres, and D. Cook collected a lot of information about the mainland.

In 1606, the Spaniard Torres discovered the northernmost tip of the Australian Cape York Peninsula, and the strait separating New Guinea from Cape York, called Torres.

A. Tasman. 1642-1643 The Dutchman Tasman, bypassing New Holland along a circular route, proved that it is a special continent. Tasman did not see the eastern shores because he was too far from them, but he discovered a section of the coast of New Zealand.

D Cook. On August 22, 1770, Cook landed on a small island in the Torres Strait and took possession of british crown the entire east coast of New Holland, which he called New South Wales. Thus ended the discovery of the fifth continent of the Earth - Australia.

3. Define what a river is. Show the following rivers on the map: Volga, Amazon, Nile, Mississippi, Murray, Ob, Yenisei.

River – water flow, flowing in the channel he developed.

Lesson type : Skill building lesson

Didactic goal: to consolidate knowledge about the characteristics of natural areas, to continue developing the skills to identify cause-and-effect relationships.


1. Educational task: to consolidate the acquired knowledge about the characteristics of natural zones in Russia and to identify the relationships between the components of the natural complex using the example of natural zones.

2. Developmental task: to continue developing the skills to describe and explain features natural area, find cause-and-effect relationships between the components of the natural complex, analyze and compare thematic maps.

3. Educational task: developing the ability and readiness to preserve environment and socially responsible behavior in nature.

During the classes:

Organizing time: Greetings.

Incentive motivation:Over the course of several lessons, you and I traveled around our Russia. Various natural zones of our Motherland appeared before our eyes in all their grandeur and beauty. From the icy, silent Arctic to humid subtropics city ​​of Sochi. Every natural landscape amazed us with something special.

Update: Let's remember

A natural area is shown and students name it.

1.What natural areas did we get acquainted with on the territory of Russia? (student points to a map on the board)

2. How are natural areas located on Russian territory? What laws do they obey?

3. Can we call a natural area a natural complex? Why?

4. What components are in the natural complex? Name them?

5. Are these components interconnected? Give examples?

6. Give PCs of different sizes?

7. Is it possible to identify the most important components of a PC? (climate, rocks, soils)

8. Can a person influence natural areas and change them? What are some examples of negative impact and positive impact?

9. What measures can each of you take to preserve natural areas of Russia?

And now we are starting to do practical work, where each of you will be able to show how developed your skills are in identifying cause-and-effect relationships and the ability to work with thematic maps.

Topic: “Establishing the relationship between the components of nature using the example of natural zones.”

Goal of the work: learn to establish relationships between the components of nature using the example of natural areas.






The soil






Astrakhan region

Wrangel Island

Conclusion: Formulate a conclusion about the relationship between the components of nature based on the analysis of the table data.

Consolidation and summing up:

1.Is there a relationship between climate and soil type?

2. Between vegetation and soil? Example

3. Between vegetation and fauna? Example

4. Between climate and vegetation? Example

5. Between climate and wildlife? Example

Guys! What conclusion can we draw from today's lesson?

In any natural complex there is a very close relationship between the components of nature. If you change one natural component, then the entire natural complex will change.

Assignment: Put a plus if you agree with the statement and a minus if you disagree with the statement.

  1. 1. Climate is one of the main components of the natural complex.
  2. 2. In the tundra zone there are soddy-podzolic soils.
  3. 3. Camel thorn - typical plant steppes.
  4. 4. In the zone arctic desert Only crustose lichens can grow.
  5. 5. In the natural area there is a close relationship between the components of nature.

Lesson summary : The components of a natural area are closely interconnected with each other, a person planning economic activity must always take these relationships into account.

Reflection: What difficulties did it cause you? practical work? What was the most difficult thing for you? What did you like about this job?


Didactic material for the lesson

Topic: “Establishing the relationship between the components of nature using the example of natural zones.”

Goal of the work:


Assignment: Using atlas maps, textbook Art. 296-297 fill out the table.





The soil






Astrakhan region

Wrangel Island