It is impossible to just take and go past the milesticky animals! In Thailand, it is possible to hug a raccoon in the Khaa Choo Zoo in Pattaya and in the Phuket Zoo. We have prepared a post of adoration of these amazing creatures: catch a selection of interesting facts, photos and videos!

North America - Motherland Retotovot! This is confirmed by archaeological excavations. In other countries, raccows are considered an introduced (alien) view: they were delivered randomly there or deliberately.

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In America, raccoons are called "kings of garbage tanks"! In search of something tasty, they manage to open container caps with their fragile paws.

Photo: HDWallPapers 3

The imprint of the raccoon paw is very similar to the imprint of the human hand.

Photo: Rabstol 4

Seeing the enemy, the raccoon will try to escape. If it does not work, the animal will pretend to be dead. If it does not work, it will climb into a fight! By the way, in addition to the person, the natural enemies of raccoons - wolves, bears, lynx and other predators. Once in a shotgun, the animal involves all his smelter and trick. And the raccoon is still that cunning!

Fluffy creatures are lazy enough. They do not dig minks, but prefer to use someone else's "housing". An excellent home for them can serve as abandoned Nora Badger, woody hollow or crewing in a rock.

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Raccoons are omnivorous animals. They are happy to be tugged with both small crustaceans, fish, insects and fruit, berries and even nuts. And we found a video where the macaroni will fly straight from the plates!

The body length of the raccoon is 45-60 cm, the tail is 20-25 cm, weighs the animal from 5 to 9 kg.

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Raccoon Polishkun is the only representative of the raccoon, which in the winter falls into the hibernation.

Photo: Rabstol 9

The "bars" of the animals were called because of their strange habit, everything washed. This occupation they just adore! Especially thoroughly raccoon wet their feed. Even if the dinner was caught in a puddle or a reservoir, before eating, the rodsuckle will collapse themselves in water.

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Raccoons are immune to many infectious diseases. But be careful: they carry the pathogens of the disease in the same way as other animals.

Chustal animals are perfectly closed on trees and can even hang on horizontal branches. And the moving feet of the rear legs are rotated by almost 180 degrees!

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In many countries, people hold raccots like pets. True, irritable and nervous should be abstained by such a venture. For these animals, there is no concept "you can" or "impossible" - the raccoon always makes only what he wants! And his little legs will surely bring order in all your lockers, bedside tables, boxes. Clear fingers are easily opening the doors, so look, for example, in the refrigerator for them - to spit once! And they can learn to unscrew the water tap, and then you do not see the rest - your raccoon will constantly run to open water. But is it possible to refuse to refuse something?!

Once upon a time, long ago, even in the psychos, raccoon was a man. Moreover, quite a quiet and tricky - he cheated everyone all the time, suffered, and the cradle is everything that badly lay, since he had an irresistible addiction to Kleptomania. He reached the fact that he was angry with the Supreme Spirit to such an extent that he had turned him into a raccoon. Some time later he softened - and returned the animal of human hands, the same as before, fast and dexterous.

Perhaps that is why the Indians of this animal do not eat in food, fearing that the moral qualities of the racca will be transferred to them through food, which is far uncpety characteristics in proud Indians.

Cute, fluffy, extremely curious black and white animal with a gorgeous long striped tail, few people do not like. Despite the fact that it is harmless at first glance, the animal is not only omnivorous, but also quite a successful predator and earfed: if some food I liked him, whether it is an extremely fatty chicken running around the yard, or unattended left sweet raisins Or fruits - from the target of the raccoon is unlikely to distract - and it will definitely eat it.

Northern and Central America is considered to be the birthplace of raccoon, from where they were subsequently brought to the territory of Eurasia. Thanks to his ability to quickly adapt to the environment, they quickly spread through the continent (while rods can be found even in the Far East).

The first memories of these animals can be found from Christopher Columbus - and since that time, scientists began to actively discuss, which animals belong to what kind of type. Some argued that raccoons are dogs, others - badgers, others called them cats, were proposals to be considered their bear. And only a few centuries later, at the end of the XVIII century, they were allocated special genes of raccoons (ProCyon), which means "like a dog."

Characteristics of the genus and types

Raccoons are predatory mammals, which belong to the family of raccoon, in the nature of which scientists allocate the following types:

  • Raccoon-bars - exactly they were brought at one time to the Eurasian continent. This species, in turn, is divided into 22 subspecies, one of which is extinct in the middle of the last century;
  • Raccoon Racoed - lives in Central and South America;
  • Cozumel and Guadelupe raccoons - endemics, are found only in Northern or Central America and live on a fairly limited territory (at the same time, the Guadelois is considered to be extinct).

External characteristic

Externally, this animal is a little bit like a dog or even a fox, but has a number of unique features that distinguish them from these animals.

The raccoon length is from 45 to 60 cm. Weight, depending on the type and floor of the animal (males are larger than females), as well as from the season (animals living in the north, in the winter fall into the hibernation). On average weigh about six kilograms. The head of the raccoons is wide, has a pointed face and standing ears of the rounded form. A little shortened face with something resembles a mask: nose - black, wool around it - white, top - black band, turning onto the forehead, around the eyes - wide black, located at an angle of 45 degrees, leading to the neck, topped with a narrow white strip .

Paws are short, with well-developed fingers (they are a little similar to human, because they do not have a member of them between themselves) and long claws - thanks to this, raccoons can not only grab and manipulate small objects, but also extremely good to climb and run around the trees. Interestingly, these animals, when moving, relieve only fingers, but when they stand in one place, use the sole of the whole. They are also able to sit on the hind legs.

The racca feet are extremely moving and able to rotate 180 degrees, which allows him to make different acrobatic tricks on the trees, including and move down the head. These animals are famous for their long black and white striped tail.

The fur of the raccoons, regardless of the type, gray-brown color, at the same time, in length it is different. The shortest rocked with the rest is much longer and thicker. A distinctive feature of the furn wool is that it consists of 90% of a very thick undercoat, the main purpose of which is not to give an animal to frozen in cold water.

Animal sense organs

These yurt predators are not only very well seen, but also capable of distinguishing the shades of green. They have very much developed slices and tactile sensations: not even touching the subject, the animal learns a lot about it with the help of sensitive long hard hair, which is located on his whole body - on the face, between claws, on the stomach, on the chest.

Even more data to the rota enters through the pads, which are on its front paws - they have a thick horny layer, which, softening in water, becomes extremely sensitive. If this odd predator will spend a long time in very cold water, it will absolutely not affect its sensory abilities.

Methods of movement

Thanks to excellent vision and superbly developed tactile abilities, this yurt animal at night is able to ride a gallop not only on the ground (surprising from danger, it is able to develop speed up to 24 km / h), but also in trees (at the same time, they feel nicely on thin branches ). Not only raccoon rods, but other species swim very well and are not afraid to twist the non-scribe, but stormy mountain rivers.

As for the trees, the raccoon is capable of moving on them even down the head - sharp claws of the animal and the deft fingers give it the opportunity to be tightly cling both behind the branches themselves and behind the bark of trees. In addition, if necessary, the raccoon is quite capable of jumping into Earth from a height of 8-12 meters - and absolutely nothing to damage.


Usually, the house of the raccoon is located near the water, chosen for himself in a suitable tree - usually the size of the input diameter in its new dwelling ranges from 12 to 19 cm and is located 30 cm from the ground. Detect the house of the raccoon is not difficult: the bark on the trunk of such a tree is very much scratched and there can be a lot of woolly on it.

In addition to the main habitat, the raccoon just in case has some more shelters, but it is still preferred in the main thing.

If there is no suitable hollow nearby, it is quite capable of living in the cleft between the stones, between the treated trees trunks and even in a bunch of twigs. Or maybe climb under the ground, finding the appropriate abandoned hole (for example, badgers), because it is not able to dig them on their own raccoon.

The raccoon is extremely easily adapted, so often the raccoon house is located near some populated point, in fruit gardens or even in the park, of course, if they have to do. At the same time, in love with the territory, it is rarely, when it is removed from it by more than 1.5 km - and then it is necessary for this very good reasons.

The only places where it is unlikely to meet the house of the raccoon are coniferous forests, as well as places where few water bodies. Also do not like these animals regions with very harsh winters.


According to its nature, raccoons are extremely peaceful and friendly, active, inquisitive, resourceful and possess a fairly high level of intelligence - they are quite capable of learn and remember the solution of one or another task throughout the three years.

Despite the fact that the animal is absolutely non-aggressive, the cowardly will definitely call it. With this, the desire to protect himself the animals appear already in three months - in case of danger, they grow threateningly and even bite.

If you attack an adult raccoon, it will be defeated extremely actively - lying, bite, scratch. If there is an opportunity to avoid a fight, he will use it - seeing the enemy in advance, he will try to escape, and if it does not work, he will fall to the ground and pretend to be dead. It is clinging when it does not work when this technique does not work - then claws, teeth and natural trees go to the move.

The lifestyle of the animal

Despite all its friendliness, rans prefer to lead a lonely lifestyle (the only exception is the winter period, when they fall into the hibernation - in this case, several individuals often fall asleep in one shelter). Though they live alone, the neighbors are trying to maintain good relationships.

For example, if one raccoon is for any reason turned out to be on the territory of another, they do not make it from this problem (the main thing is that at the same time they do not claim to housing), therefore the forage areas of raccoons often intersect. We communicate with each other with the sounds of different types, they can grab, twitter, twisted. Thanks to such a tolerance for relatives, in places where there are a lot of food, they often create very dense settlements. For example, there are places in America, where 1 thousand hectares accounts for one hundred raccoons, and in the protected parks even more - three hundred.

Since these animals lead the twilight-night lifestyle, in the afternoon they are sleeping in the lair, and it is possible to extract food with twilight (at the same time the site of its own, about 1.5 km, they are trying not to leave). If it is necessary, the raccoon is quite capable of changing its routine of the day. For example, the power of raccs that live on the coast, largely depends on the tides and sings - when the water retreats, there are many different yummy on the sand, including a lot of crabs. Such food is especially pleased.

The raccoon-rod, which lives in northern latitudes, unlike the southern fellow, falls into the hibernation, while in order to fall asleep, it literally fat: the weight is able to increase by 2-3 times and reach 20 kg.

The duration of the hibernation itself depends on the duration of the cold - the canadian races sleep longer, about 4-5 months, whereas in the south of North America are not sleeping in the south. Snowfalls, they simply survive, despite their asylum - and it is interesting that despite her love for loneliness, so that it was not boring to sit in the lair, they will disdain themselves with whole companies. For example, one day, one scientist found huge sizes in the shelter immediately fourteen rats.


Despite the fact that raccoons are predatory animals, in reality they are omnivores, because they do not face vegetable food.

In the spring and at the beginning of the summer raccoon prefers to eat animal food. For this, he, having descended from the trees in search of food, moves slowly, often stopping and looking for something edible on Earth. In the living small creatures reacts instantly. Having made a few jumping and giving a sacrifice, he grabs prey and eats the appetite, the urchi and the Fauvka at the same time.

During the drought, when their main food (frogs and crayfish) are rare, raccoons are not afraid of mile-like rodents, beetles, capable of catching and eat a snake, collect bird eggs, eat chicks, can climb into the chicken coop.

In the water, this animal hunts somewhat differently, because it is very difficult to see or teach production in the dark, it is even difficult to say - problematic. Therefore, the hunting occurs as follows:

  1. Raccoon lowers paws into the water and lead them along the bottom, examining not only soil, but also squigs;
  2. In the end, his super-sensitive fingers are pushing to prey and instantly grab it, rushing at the same time. Especially carefully this makes raccoons-rods;
  3. They not only deteriorate, but also determine its exact properties. In the water, his fingers are much more sensitive than outside, so help him to determine exactly whether the extraction is edible and is ready to use. For example, if the racoon is able to catch cancer or crab, he pulling out the catch from the water, with all his strength beats him about the stones, after which he again lowers in the water to determine, alive mining, or not.

At the end of the summer and early autumn, this animal prefers her plant food - mainly berries, fruits, nuts, acorns. Since raccoons do not avoid visiting in the settlement of a person, they are often in gardens, gardens, fields. If in a one or another year fruits and berries gave a bad harvest, they do not circle and grain. In search of something delicious, they are quite capable of rummaged on the garbage.

Continuation of kind

At the end of February, early March, the raccot-male feels that it was time to start the offspring, and it is sent to look for a girlfriend - this is almost the only reason that can make him get away from his site. The female, ready for mating, he discovers by smell, while the procedure for his courtship is enough short.

After mating, the male leaves the female and immediately goes to search for others, the female remains alone and puts out the cubs, before the birth of which it becomes extremely aggressive, running out absolutely all the relatives that at this time are nearby.

Pregnancy lasts 60 days, the female gives birth in his lair, the light appears from two to five kids, while it is noted that the northern raccoons are more prolific than their southern conifers.

Children of these animals are born with blind and deaf, and their weight does not exceed 75. It is interesting that random lovers still did not decide whether they have wool or not. There is no doubt that black and white celebrations on the face awake almost immediately, and for the tenth day there are quite clearly. The fur of the kids immediately after birth begins to grow hard - and when the cubs are fulfilled for two months, he is not inferior to the fur coat.

The first hardest food, children begin to try not before the ninth week, when milks teeth grow up (they begin to grow, when they are marching a month), but Noura will begin to leave a little earlier under attentive maternal supervision.

With the mother of the kids communicate with the help of sounds - you scream or shrill, depending on what they need - milk or affection. Mother, in turn, also communicates a lot from the baby, through a grill and urring.

The older they become small raccons, the smaller they express themselves, and then, leaving the mother and entering an independent life (and this happens quite quickly - in autumn or in winter), use sounds only to find and chat with relatives.

Raccoon rods entering adult life early, namely at the age of four to five months. The females reproduce the offspring are ready already in a year and a half, the males are two. His first winter is considered the most difficult test for the raccoon - if he managed to survive in the frost, it means that will live for a long time. An animal in itself is very healthy, different diseases are almost not cling to it and with favorable circumstances it is quite capable of living from 12 to 20 years.

Raccoons are not only wild forest inhabitants, it's also affectionate and friendly pets for many people. True, to use them in this capacity, people massively began not so long ago, but since then these fluffy handsome have won the hearts of many animal lovers. The content of the raccoon of the house, however, is associated with certain difficulties associated with the peculiarities of these animals.

A little excursion to mythology ... There is a legend that once a long time ago, in ancient times, the rota-band was a man. Moreover, quite a quiet and tricky - he cheated everyone all the time, suffered, and the cradle is everything that badly lay, since he had an irresistible addiction to Kleptomania. He reached the fact that he was angry with the Supreme Spirit to such an extent that he had turned him into a raccoon. Some time later he softened - and returned the animal of human hands, the same as before, fast and dexterous. Perhaps that is why the Indians of this animal do not eat in food, fearing that the moral qualities of the racca will be transferred to them through food, which is far uncpety characteristics in proud Indians.
Post for those who dream of raccoon raccoon, pet, maintenance at home, care., Facts
And now from life ... many often turn to breeders with a question where to take such a miracle as a raccoon. Learn proven contact details and acquire a cute animal. But unfortunately, few people know that he hides under this funny mask of thieves. Not everyone learn the question of the content of the raccoon at home, and then they cannot cope with the animals or physically nor morally or materially.

First. If you want a hand raccoon, then he should get into the house very young, aged month and a half. If before one and a half months, contact with a person was not installed, the beast will not be manual and in response to attempts to handle him, like a cat, will only hiss and snap. For about 4 months you will have to be laid on my own nipple. To feed every 2-3 hours, including the night (raf's females felt their offspring 24 times a day). And every time after feeding, making a massage of the tummy. Since the kids enotics still do not know how to go to the toilet alone. Believe me when you see the happy owners with a manual eotone, know that everything without exception passed through it. Therefore, when buying a baby's cub, consider whether you can go to the most real maternity leave.

The racoon can be tied up, but he will lose little - tactile sensations are important for him. Among the animals, primates and beavers are in animals. Primates for comfortable capture and fine manipulations are set aside to the side of a thumb, and the beavers reached stunning skills in the construction of dams and walkers due to the maiden, which can easily move away towards.
These brush upgrades have their advantages and are convenient in different situations. The raccoons took both: on their front legs is isolated a little finger, and a thumb. At the same time, the brushes are so similar to human, that one of the Indian names of the raccoon is translated as a "little bear with human hands." In addition to the perfect tactile apparatus, the raccoon can boast sharp hearing and excellent night vision, like a cat. This allows him to lead a night lifestyle, and very actively: the animal can move at high speed in almost complete darkness. With his hooligan habits, such an invaluable ability. Therefore, the second thing you need to know is that the racoon needs a separate room or a very large aviary with all sorts of ladies, hammocks and houses. There you can close it overnight and for a while, when you leave home. Otherwise, your raccoon will color all your apartment on the molecules.

So we reached the third item) all raccons are very curious and large Skodes. If the raccoon will run around the apartment 12 hours, then it will run. You will not see the raccoon, like a cat or a dog arrive near you and began to just lie and relax. Raccoon is constantly in motion, something touches, bites, breaks. The racoon is not terrible any heights, sensitive developed fingers allow us to be tightly kept for any items. And due to the fact that the feet are easily rotated 180 degrees, the raccoon confidently gives the standard on the descent down the head, from some height. Also capable of jumping from a height of 8-12 meters without harm to health. In the ability to discover anything and carry with you all the interesting only monkey compare with it. Raccoon can open any doors (cabinets, refrigerator, front door), can open a tap with water and turn on the stove. Therefore, if you released a raccoon from the aviary, then do not expect to drink tea or watch movies. You will go for him on the heels and save your property. Raccoon from the video, named Temom, lives in the family year, and during this time he broke off all the walls on the walls, he broke the cornice several times, so now instead of linen curtains in the floor they hang linen curtains, cropped over the windowsill. Tyoma torn the genital plinth and even revealed the floor. Ripped several bed linen kits and a new bedspread. In the chair made a pass-through hole, I had to throw it away.

I ate countless charging from iPhone, pulled out the buttons from the laptop, broke all the hinges on drawers, as it opens them and jumps there). A sprinkle, broke a bunch of dishes, ripped several tubes with creams. And this is not all, all this did Tyoma for not a large number of time (while the owner of soap dishes, head or for 3-5 minutes left the room).
It is also necessary to take into account that the raspets are very thick skin and in nature all communication occurs through bites. And they bite them to hurt. At home environmental conditions, it is taught to control the strength of the bite, but while you will achieve this, be prepared that you will be eaten repeatedly).

The raccoons eat everything in a row: insects, frogs, fish, small rodents, bird eggs, no berries, acorns, nuts and fruits. With the appetite and the accumulation of subcutaneous fiber in the raccots, everything is so good that, hitting the greenhouse household conditions, the animals immediately earn obesity. Even the tail is getting tasty! The imprint of the raccoon paw is very similar to the trail, which leaves the hand of a person. On the passion of raccs to rinse in the water of food and in general, everything that will fall, up to his own young, scientists still have no accurate response. Size with a large cat, the lifespan is about seven years in the wild and up to 15-20 in captivity. Raccoons are terribly curious and are not afraid to come closer to the interested person. But even agile under one roof with a man, Raccoon can go into a wild nature and perfectly adapt to natural conditions. So the victorious procession of raccoons will continue. After all, if somewhere the inventive animal somewhere, which can escape and adapt in the wild environment, it will surely run away and adapts. And raccoons - genius adaptation. And besides, damn sympathetic geniuses.
A little humor ...

Bought raccoon. He devoured everything in the refrigerator, then climbed through the loggia to the neighbors, broke the vase, scratched aunt aunt and nasal on the carpet. Aunt Rosa caused a precinct while he walked, the raccoon was frightened to the grandmother in the toilet and dragged her toilet paper. I climbed into the storage room and did not want to go out. The cops did not succumb to the persuasion, only crunched chips cloudy. Aunt Rosa said if the racca we bought "What a fuck he makes them in the apartment?" Then the dad came and tried to return the raccoon to the apartment. Raccoon bitten him for his finger, broke the jacket and remained in the storage room. Plots offered to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Those refused to come as soon as they found out that this is a raccoon. In general, still lives in aunt roses. But at night climbs into our refrigerator.

Racoses that live next to people often check the garbage tanks and climb into the house in search of food. For this they are called small gangsters. But besides thieves, they possess a mass of abilities that help them survive both in wildlife conditions and in large cities.

Facts about raccas

These animals are far relatives of the bears.

The females fed a young about 24 times a day.

See and hear tiny enamers start only three weeks after birth.

The rear feet are rotated 180 degrees.

Raccoons are descended from the height of the head. This can only make some mammals.

There are many tactile receptors on the paws that help identify objects, even when the animal does not see them. Sensitivity of the skin is enhanced due to the water, so the raccoon is so fond of everything wash and rinse.

In winter, the strangers in contrast to the brethren of their species fall into the hibernation, but sleeping with a shallow sleep, so they often wake up. Animals living in the southern regions in the cold are as active as in the summer.

Do not get any injuries, even when jumping from a height from 8 to 12 meters.

In the cold season in one nest or voupel, up to 10 animals can join.

Faced with the danger from which it is impossible to escape or hide, the "dead" falls. If the trick does not work, try the fight.

Fluffy creatures are so lazy that the holes are not buried for themselves, preferring to settle in foreign. Most often, they serve the hollow trees or crevices in the rocks.

The presence of vibrations near claws and on the stomach, in combination with excellent night vision allow raccats very quickly to run even in the pitch darkness.

Omnivores, so with the same pleasure eaten crustaceans, insects, fruits, nuts and berries. Domesticated animals do not even face Macarona. In large cities, they often turn into garbage tanks, cleverly removing the covers from them.

If you compare the footprint with a human hand, it turns out that they are very similar.

Unresponsible to infections, but tolerate them as well as other animals.

Life expectancy in captivity reaches 20 years. But only those who have strong nerves are solved to start raccoons at home. "You can" and "impossible" for animals does not exist, so they gladly check all lockers, drawers and even the refrigerator. If the cutie learns to open the cranes, the peace will definitely be the owner only to dream.

Do you like raccoons? Would you like to have such a little animal?

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According to Encyclopedias, the raccoon is a predatory mammal family of raccoons. However, many since childhood remember these fluffy animals as charming heroes of numerous cartoons and literary fairy tales.

Retrootes created in children's works represent them as a cute, funny, mischievous, resourceful, brave, fun characters. It is no coincidence that it is the animated crumb of the raccoon that has a popular song "Smile" ("From the smile of the gloomy day of Sveley") among several generations of Russian children.

Cheerful temper and sharp mind of pretty animals, high ability to adapt, unpretentiousness in food led to the fact that increasingly and more often racco-rods become domestic pets.


The birthplace of rods - North America. The English name Raccoon occurred from the Indian word "Arachan", which means "the one who scares his hands." Indeed, the paws of animals with long and well-developed fingers are very similar to human palm. And the fun habit of long and stubbornly "wash" in the water of their food gave the name to the Russian version of the name - Rota-Polsky. The need for water procedures is delineated by animal habitats - these are mixed forests with indispensable water bodies - lakes, rivers or swamps. They live on the sea coast.

For a long time, the Raccoon Polish was exclusively an American resident, but at the beginning of the 20th century was brought to Germany, from where it was distributed in many European countries. Attempts to acclimatize these fluffy animals in the USSR. Best of all, they were mastered in Belarus and Azerbaijan. Unfortunately, in Primorye, raccoons did not fit.

Nowadays, the most numerous population of rods in North America, they also live in Germany, France, Baltic States, Scandinavia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, the Caucasus, the south of Russia and a number of other countries.


Externally, raccoon is reminiscent of a small dog. He has short paws with strong fingers and long claws, a native torso, a wide head and a short narrow face with a "robbery" mask. Eyes and ears in raccoons are large, which is characteristic of animals leading an active lifestyle at night.

The adult score reaches the following sizes:

  • height in the withers - up to 35 cm;
  • the length of the body is up to 60 cm;
  • tail length - up to 40 cm;
  • body mass - from 5 to 8 kg.

The "pride" of the raccoon is a thick gray-brown wool. Especially gorgeous tail - long, fluffy, decorated with wide black stripes. However, due to the excellent properties of fur, this animal was and remains an object of fishing hunting.


Its lair racco-bars arranges in the hollows of old trees, but can also live in other places - nonorah other animals, crevices of rocks. Raccoons living in close proximity to people are superbly mastered the attics, basements, drainage pipes, abandoned chimneys.

Happy Raccoon-Polsky prefers to sleep on the branches of trees or the lair, and at night goes on hunting. These animals are surprisingly deftly and quickly climb trees, easily overcome all sorts of obstacles and, most importantly, perfectly focus in complete darkness. This is facilitated by acute vision and so-called Vibrisians - tactile hair located on the head, chest and stomach, as well as near the claws of the animal.

Floating raccoons do not like, but if necessary, it is easy to spread the water barrier.

Raccoons-rods are the only animals from the raccoon family, flowing into the hibernation. They sleep in the logs, often gathering a close company to 10 individuals. For the winter they need to feed the sufficient supply of subcutaneous fat, so in the summer and autumn they are actively feeding, and then fall into the dream, which in Canada can last 4-5 months. However, in the southern regions, the raccoon can not sleep at all.

Gastronomic addiction

Although the raccoon is a predatory animal, vegetable food includes its diet. Adult raccoons eat almost all:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • grain;
  • frogs;
  • snakes;
  • insects;
  • lizards;
  • fish;
  • crabs;
  • crayfish;
  • bird eggs;
  • mice and other rodents;
  • acorns;
  • nuts;
  • berries.

Raccoons living near human housing, with pleasure "Take up" on garbage dumps. They can penetrate into the house itself to pull something delicious. Amazing, but raccoons easily open door valves, refrigerators, container locks.


The marriage occurs in the raccoons in February-March. In April-early May, a young female appears for young, most often 4. After 4-5 months, the puppies already feed on their own, but the female females are becoming by year, and males - to two years. Mom-raccoons can feed not only their cubs, but also orphaned puppies.

Raccoons-rods are very vitality of animals. With the help of strong teeth and claws, they bravely protected from numerous natural enemies - wolves, trotters, coyotes, alligators, etc. Skill flew by flight, and if there is no such possibility - pretend to be dead.

Raccoons-rods are resistant to infectious diseases; Rarely suffer, although they can be carriers of serious infections.

The average life expectancy in nature is 5-6 years, but under favorable conditions, the raccoon can live up to 20 years.