Evgeny Mironov - a person is very busy and for any business is taken with great responsibility so that it is: management of the theater of nations, shooting in a film or charitable activities. With Evgeny Vitalyevich, we managed to talk shortly before the large-scale premiere of the film "Time of First", where not only he fulfilled the main role - played by the cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, first published in open spaceBut together with Timur Bekmambetov Mironov produced a film. Of course, the day before the premiere could not think about any other Mironov and did not want to talk. But our conversation began with a big intrigue.
"I'm sorry that I'm in a cap," Evgeny Vitalyevich said to his headdress, which he did not remove and indoors. - I am now removing in the same picture, I will choose some of the hair on my head - and not to scare you, I will stay in this form. I even go home so ...

Evgeny Mironov B. soon The public will appear only so - in the headdress

I understand a little, we realized that Yevgeny Mironov plays Lenin in the new film Vladimir Khotinenko (the director, with whom we have been interviewed for some time ago, two words said about the picture, but I refused to call the performer leading role - And now, it seems, everything fell into place). The actor was asking for this work not to the place, and it is useless (creative people are a little superstitious and do not like to talk about some things in advance), therefore, the conversation was about the film "Time of First", about earthly and celestial heroes and about the limits of human opportunities.

"Gravity" rests!

- Two years ago there was an anniversary - 50 years of the first exit of a person in space, and Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov a lot of interesting things told about his flight and about how much freelance situations were ...

- Do you understand now why we could not not take the film about this feat? It is good that it is now technically we are able to do it. When you see the picture of the whole, you will understand what I'm talking about. This is a serious film, where and the ground part, and the cosmic was filmed in 3D - this is the first film about space in the domestic cinema, filmed in this format. This is important in order for young guys to see this film and would be there along with astronauts, would feel at least a little bit of this miracle.

- You are proud of this project.

- For me, this is a deed: we were able to do it! I was asked: "Is this our answer to Hollywood and their film" Gravity "? Yes, what "gravity" there - we have cooler! Actress Sandra Bullock on the set flew in a large space, she had a lot of small cables attached. We are with Kostya Khabensky (he performs the role of the cosmonaut Pavel Belyaeva - the ship commander, at which Alexey Leonov made his historical flight. - Approx. Aut.) Sitted in a small apparatus together, we have 40 kilograms. And in these conditions it was necessary to play a catastrophe!

- Such heavy spaces, probably, have prevented work very much?

- At the end of the month of filming, we simply did not get out of them. But not because we liked it - just every liberation takes great amount time, plus for this happens big number of people. So we stayed in it during small breaks. At the same time, hands and legs were all the time in a semi-bent condition - these spaces are designed for flights into space, and not for walking on the ground ...

On the set of the film "Time First"

Heroes who are near

- How important did you need while working on the film to communicate with Alexey Leonov?

- He inspired us. This story is absolutely real, despite the fact that it is such a fantastic: Alexey Arkhipovich was to six or seven times. At the same time, he is a charming person who still draws attention to how the secretary approached him. He fell in love with everyone so much that, honestly I tell you, I dream of the continuation of this story!

- How much is the film itself close to reality?

- All events in the film are documentary. It was very important for me that we did not come up with and did not embellish. And at the same time no one believes - it seems to everyone that we did something there! No, all this pure truth, these are the heroes among us.

Alexey Leonov and Evgeny Mironov before the start of the shooting "Time of First" not only met, but also became friends

- And the heroes themselves tell about their exploits?

"Alexey Leonov at a recent meeting with schoolchildren told a lot about the General Designer of Social Authorities Sergey Pavlovic Queen. But at the same time did not say a word about his childhood, that he was an eighth child in the family that in the 37th year they took his father, that he once went to school in the winter. I inserted a monologue about it to the film. It was important for me to understand where the heroes come from. They do not fly to us from the moon - they are next to us. And I am very happy that Alexey Arhipovich did not kill me, looking at this picture, and said very important things for me.

Preparation for unearthly

- How did you get ready for shooting?

- The whole "course of a young fighter" passed with Konstantin Khabensky, and more precisely - astronaut. Were engaged in sports - for us we developed special programwhich is designed to increase endurance. And after that it began the hardest. For me, as it turned out, the greatest difficulty was not physical, but psychological. In a small space, our ship was filmed, there was a huge number of interfering parts, cables. Skafandra, again ... And here it was necessary to cope with me, and I somehow even doubted: would I fly on a real in space or not? This is a very hard thing!

- As far as I know, have you visited the cosmodrome?

- Yes, I was in November on Baikonur, attended when the guys were launched, which, by the way, are still still in orbit - in their eyes I tried to understand their psychological state. To the flight in space, many, as I myself, are treated as a miracle. A person overcomes some simply inconceivable things. Nobody is waiting for us there, and we go there ... We are now here, on Earth, around us - friends, acquaintances, relatives, usual things. And they are very far away and some, cut off from everything, even from the ground. There is some mysteriousness in everything. We first at one time revealed this mystery - flew into space, went out spaceAnd we have a perfect full right to be proud of it!

Evgeny Mironov played Alexey Leonova, and Konstantin Khabensky - Pavel Belyaeva

Important roles

- You offered Pavl Belyaeva Konstantin Khabensky - without casting. Why immediately chose it? Is he so similar to the legendary cosmonaut?

- It seemed to us that it would be a very accurate hit. Externally, it really looks like, but do not forget that Konstantin is a wonderful artist, and I have never worked with him before. It was a wonderful experience. I also want to say about Vladimir Ilyin, who played Sergey Queen. I believe that this role is an outstanding job of this actor. The difficulty was that in such large films, blockbusters, there is no place for psychological description Roles, as it happens, for example, in drama. But it was necessary to show the magnitude of such a historical figure. And Vladimir Ilyin coped - it can be seen even in the frames where he is just silent.

Challenge yourself

- You used to be produced, but they were mainly taken for small art projects. Become a sprodeer Timur Bekmambetova - was it for you a challenge?

- I can say after this picture: everyone can make an act - even the one who did not expect from himself! This is a completely unexpected act for me: to become a producer. I, like Timur, was engaged in all questions - and creative, and technical, and administrative. It was for me new schoolAnd I think I coped!

Evgeny Mironov: "The hardest thing was to cope with you" Published: October 26th, 2018 Authorship: Yana Nevsky

Told why he is more comfortable to stay in the networks of doubt, and not in social networks.

- Gastrol of the theater of Nations collected full halls in Alexandrin, despite the tickets not available at the price. Do you generally have such a thing as a failure, familiar?

- Sure. Although it is very relative concept. It happens external success, I mean the success of the spectators, but you yourself understand that nothing interesting on the scene did. If we talk specifically, I had two obvious failures. The first - premiere of "Orestei" (director Peter Stein, 1994 - Approx. Red.). It seemed to me that I was incredibly powerful in ancient Greek tragedy. And then critical articles came out, and I myself realized that I did not find a hero. As a result, it was not just unconvincing, but was a pathetic sight. But it went good. Six months later, I realized that the Orest was not an ancient Greek hero - he is a boy from a different generation. He is forced to revenge according to the laws of rock, although born for another ...

Second complex role - Treplev. In this old performance, delivered by Oleg Efremov, I was introduced by one of the many performers of this role. At the rehearsal, I realized that I did not agree with the interpretation of Efremov, and I tried otherwise to look at Trepleva. From my point of view, Treplev - talented manable to love. I did not succeed.

- You spoke about criticism. It is clear that you are reading professional, but with the audience how things are?

- You have hit the mark! Literally decided to see what the reaction to our tour in St. Petersburg. I must say, I am absolutely not an "internet" man. I don't have any social networks, I do not know what it is. So by chance I clicked the link "Reviews of the audience" - in vain ... Not that I did not believe what I saw - it seems to me that these were reviews not exactly viewers. I noticed that the Internet for the most part - the field for people of the Complex, their only opportunity to show itself. In these reviews, I saw no impressions - the performance may not like, - and evil, offensive responses. Even agitated how from the plague! I realized that sometimes the artist is better distancing from the public.

With Chulpan Hamade Eugene bind profession, friendship and charitable projects

- And what exactly caused such rage?

- There were reviews specifically on Hamlet. Immediately make a reservation, there was a lot of good responses ...

- Do you have such a thing as an acting envy against you, familiar?

- And I do not know what it can be expressed.

- For example, in such posts on the Internet.

- You can envy when you consider yourself equal. But I ask myself: "Wait, why can't I? I can better! " This is what concerns my feelings. But envy in relation to me - perhaps I was lucky ... Or I just do not see it?

- The current public goes to the theater not on the director, as it was in the time of Lyubimov, Tovstonogov, but on famous actors. Is it good or bad for the theater?

- There were different periods. It was both: after twenty minutes and seeing me in Caligule (play Eymuntas Nyakroshusa. – Approx. RD.), People were disappointed, because they were waiting for a completely different. True, the opposite happened: when they opened something new for themselves. In the theater of nations, we are looking for a long time for the director, we select the material, so the viewer comes to see not just on famous facesAnd on the path you go.

Friendship Mironova and Mashkova asked the test with poor student and universal glory

- In the Internet, many different letters signed by you appeared on the Internet, in support of the Ukrainian theater, ukrainian journalists... In one you even oppose the position of the president about the situation in Ukraine. Do you have a relationship?

- Pandora's Internet box, and only depends on a person, whether he coofers with all this information or plunges into the puchin. As for me, I signed the only letter - in support of captured journalists. I came to me with a request, and I, not being a sign with the guys personally signed, because I believe to people who worked with them, were friends. In general, it was not even journalists, but a actor and director who went to collect material and fell into complex situation.

- Let's clarify: all other letters do not have a relationship to you?

- Thank God, I don't know anything about it.

- You do not answer your opponents?

- Why do these efforts on my part? I'd rather spend them on the stage, which I have to play. And then, how to answer, to whom? And after you need to answer the answer. If I pour into this pit, there and perished. I do not want. I do not have much time.

"You once told about Innu Churikov:" I studied with her by opening my mouth, as not to compromise. " Which colleagues became your involuntary teacher?

- And I am always in the process. Here, removing with Chulpan (Chulpan Hamatova. - Approx. Red.), I study at her professionalism and the most powerful humanity. I do not understand how so many patience and nobility fit in this girl. Or recently collided in the theater with Ingeborgi Dapkin, who had the premiere of the play "Zhanna". So, I discovered it for myself. Despite the fact that we are friends for many years, I could not assume that she was so non-nambitinal, workaholic to madness. She never played a big role on the dramatic scene. In the movies that she is much closer, other laws. I tried to help. She comes out one on one with a spectator with three most powerful monologues, during which she needs to keep the hall. Inge it was very hard, believe me. But how courageously she led himself! Relevant to himself as a two-year student, but did not compromise.

Tamara Petrovna donated to many to become her son to become actor number 1

- You touched the topic of monologues. In this regard, the question: Do you know the "white sheet" on stage? Garmash said that there is nothing worse for him for him.

- It happens ( laugh). But, frankly, this is a matter of article texture. If the "white sheet" occurs in Dostoevsky, then it is necessary to return to the beginning. You do not remember the word never in life, he has very difficult language. Many text in Shakespeare's "Gamlet". I was very afraid at first, I tried to think of something. Headphones, screen? It is impossible. Prompter? It is impossible - what kind of soufler when I sit on the roof? But nothing, I do not forget the text. "Hamlet" is a complex performance also technically. Every time I think: "What if this box will now shut, and I will stay? Or cable breaks? " So, together with the Shakespeare text, my numerous "Pi-Pi Pi" sounds in my head. But this is not the worst in the theater.

- What is the worst?

- When it does not work. Tired or, on the contrary, reversal. I suffer terribly because I deceive myself, and the viewer. I want to say from the scene: "Comrades, and let's give tickets! I will return all your money. "

- And how do you get out of this situation?

- Only will.

- Are you angry or experience despair, irritation?

- Despair arises, but I'm going. Legends go about our ingenious actors who have released the situation: "Well, this is a performance ..." I have a stupid sense of responsibility that I am very much. Therefore, I force myself to "jump up." Sometimes it turns out.

- You confessed that they were insanely shy. Was it aware of this quality?

- In childhood - yes, it was. I and the profession went to get rid of shyness. Publicity makes overcome yourself. So I became a shamelessness in the theater and on the set ( laugh).

- You didn't really complain directors, considering "uncomfortable," since you argued a lot and discussed. From what moment did everything change?

- And I do not consider myself uncomfortable. I am convinced that the theater, cinema - this is a creation. I have my thoughts and ideas. Of course, sometimes I see a person in front of him who opens such secrets that I'd rather clutter with my ideas. But further, digest, I can afford to speak with my own offers. I clearly see where I can perform, but where not.

- You said that you need to be ready for fate. What she presented to you in lately?

- I can't talk about it yet, but I presented!

- Pleasant?

Anna Abakumova interviewed

Eugene, on April 6, the premiere of the film "Time of First" will be held, where you play astronaut Alexey Leonov, and Konstantin Khabensky - His friend, the commander of the ship "Voskhod-2" Pavel Belyaev. Alexey Arkhipovich advised you and, probably, I have already seen the finished picture. What did he say?

Indeed, he looked at her, then he was silent for a long time and finally said: "I just became scary now." Because then, in March 1965, he fulfilled the task and all the forces were thrown on this - there was no free second to be afraid.

- But there was a lot of reasons!

Yes! After all, two weeks before the start fell a test ship, and it became clear that to fly deadly. But Leonov with Belyaev insisted that it was impossible to postpone the launch, and Sergey Pavlovich Queen persuaded. Leonov became the first person who came to open space, but it turned out to be the easiest, but to return to the ship, and then to the ground ... He could die seven times! The spacewalk in space was inflated, and he failed to squeeze into the ship's gateway until he lowered superior pressure. They refused the automation, and Belyaev sled the ship manually. No one knew where they landed, because the antenna broke down - they are randomly separated by a radio amateur in Kamchatka. For me, this is a story about faith that lives, even when it seems to be no chance of salvation.

You and Habensky had serious preparation. There was no thoughts to cut her, give the scenes to dubler, which are complex technically?

No, we wanted to go to another way and seriously engaged in physical training, but it was rather aimed at endurance, and not for something narrowly specialist. We have become more tightened, they began to smoke less. When the flight shooting began, it turned out that such a preparation was not enough: there was another type of load. I still do not understand how astronauts were placed in such a cockpit - she is tiny! The mass of cables was attached to the hands and legs, and it was difficult to be psychologically in this small space in the skaters. I never suffered claustrophobic, but I realized that it was when I first fastened the helmet. He did not always immediately disgusted, sometimes something sang something, and it was a feeling that no one would help me and I suffer, and I myself am in a huge uncomfortable safe planter, all excandled with cables and is not able to unbuckle ... We did a 15-minute break after Each scene. For a long time we got out of the spacesters, a little bit came to myself and went into battle again. In the scenes of access to open space, on the one hand, it is simpler, because spacious, but, on the other hand, everything was filmed in 3D: it is extremely difficult technically, and three years ago, the shooting of this level was impossible in our country. The director of Dima Kiselev counted on millimeters, but even a 3D camera, this huge Mahina, sometimes freezed, could not stand it.

With Parents Vitaly Sergeevich and Tamara Petrovna. Photo: from the personal archive of Evgeny Mironova

So much strength you spent on these shootings, did not be allergic to the words "Cosmos", "Cosmonaut", "Stars", "Sky"?

No, I dream of the continuation.

Most of your peers in childhood wanted to be astronauts, but you are from the most early years Dreamed of becoming an actor and director. Attracting her sister, put at home performances. Were among them stories about space?

We lived in the Military Town of Tatishchevo-5, and we have prevailed with Oxana military topics. We did a tent from the clamshells, walked ... Probably, we live near the cosmodrome, the same clamshell would serve space ship. However, in Tatishchevo-5, there was nothing related to space, so nothing about him was invenched. But I remember with what attention we watched the launch of all space Rocket, I knew all the details: who flies, for how many days ... Although it was not the 1960s, and the 1970s, all the same, every flight became an event and all the astronauts were for us deities. Sci-fi movies I just adored about space. When I studied the class in the seventh, the picture was published "through thorns to the stars", and I could not wait for it when it would be brought to our house of culture. But the premiere coincided with my class duty: I had to wash the floors! My suffering was immensely. Mom, seeing what I am a terrible state, I found a way out: she suggested that I broke my hand. As it should be reconciled, and I came to school with a sad face - I was already started to comprehend the Aza of the acting profession. "Special operation" was successful: I was released from duty, and I got on the premiere of this amazing film.

The next day, the teachers and classmates met ovations? Screaming: "Bravo, Zhenya! Have you been great in the role of a patient "?

No one learned that I played a role. I walked with the imitation of the gypsum for another two weeks, told everyone about my own: in one day the hand sick is stronger, in the other - almost did not disturb ...

With sister Oksana. Photo: from the personal archive of Evgeny Mironova

- It is amazing that this hoax was invented by Mom! She also had acting abilities?

And she, and the dad. He once came up with an adventure, much more impressive than "gypsum". I am in early childhood anchor bug, and because of this, the bone disease began to develop. At six years old began to wipe it out, then it is still stronger and stronger to chrome. And in the end, the pain could not walk. I was treated in the hospital in Saratov, the doctors said that in the future I, most likely, I can move except in wheelchair. Then my sister was born, and my mother drove us both in her baby stroller: I was sitting, holding Oksana on my knees. And it was humiliating! I am an adult boy, but my mother takes me in a stroller - and it sees all classmates!. So, Dad accidentally heard in line about the children's sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense, where the disease like mine can cure over the year with ultraviolet rays, healing dirt, massage and all effective procedures. Just they took there exclusively children of the military - and the dad was a driver on the car that was delivering bread.

But he was not confused. Lent a friend, major, military form, photographed, and I really do not know how, but fabricated documents! In fact, this is a criminal case, only, do not go for this risk, I would have been chained to bed at eight years. I remember the father's photo: he played absolutely reliably major. Everything happened, I was taken to the sanatorium - and it was not only luck, but also another tragedy. I was very tied to the family and terribly tricked the separation. When I was put in a sanatorium, my sister was five months old, there was no money. Parents sold everything that was in the apartment so that Mom could fly to visit me.

- In the sanatorium you did not make friends with anyone?

I grew by a noncommunicable child, I was comfortable in my world of thoughts, fantasies, and a message with foreign world It was difficult. This concerned the sanatorium, schools, and study in Moscow later. But I understand that my the only way overcome natural shyness - to become an artist.

- They said to themselves: "And I will play a role of the company, a cheerful guachner"?

No, prepared theatrical ideas. The school constantly conducted events for the Day of the Border Guard, the Day of the postman, and I began to answer for them: I wrote the plays, I played them myself, attracted classmates.

They advise, getting a blow of fate, ask yourself no question "For what?", And the question "Why was it necessary?" Life hit you little so hurt ... Why? So you felt deeper than others, knew more about the soul, about suffering?

I did not feel that I feel deeper than the peers. But of course, nothing is just not given - that I understood when it grown. Never analyzed why it happened, for which there was a disease, why did they come off from home and family. For something, probably, it was necessary that the fate splash such a pattern. So that the inner piggy bank is filled not only by joys, but also sophisticated.

- I grew up with a noncommunicable child, I was comfortable in my world of thoughts, fantasies. But I understood early that my only way to overcome shyness - to become an artist
. Photo: Arsen Memetov

- remembered this baby loneliness when they arrived in Moscow to learn?

Moscow by that time I was not at all someone else's city. After the eighth grade, I not to waste time entered the Saratov Theater School. Becoming a student, for every holiday came to Moscow and sister. We went with her all theaters. They were allowed to student certificate, without places. I do not know why the student passed and a small girl, - probably, we had a touching look. We looked at the "optimistic tragedy" and "three girls in the blue" in the "Lenkom", "seagull" in Mkate, many other performances. Returning to Saratov, I told my master Ermakova and classmates about my impressions and dreamed that, having finished learning in Saratov, I would definitely go to Moscow, to the school-studio MCAT, for Tabakov's course! But the separation with the family was again terribly heavy. When I was accompanied at the station Tatishchevo, my mother could not fly away from me - so she grabbed me. When the train was moved, I shook and smoked my first cigarette in Tambour ... I understood that a new life came.
Initially it was difficult - first, adapt to the large city, secondly, to learn. I had to rent exams for the whole year, to take current exams - from the number of studies was unconscious, and not all the teachers went to help me. However, the main problem was another problem: I realized what kind of hard I was complex profession! Tobacco saw through every second of your existence and could say, reviewing the Etude, which lasted ten minutes: "Five seconds you had the right, I believed you in them, and everything else was crap." I as if I studied to breathe and walk. In addition, classmates mumbled on me: I was someone's competitor. Oleg Pavlovich took me immediately to the second course, with test time, and in the event that he left me, it was supposed to deduct someone at the end of the year. And all this knew. Psychologically it was very difficult! I could not even find a partner for a breakdown: for a long time Everyone refused to play with me.

But why did the master did not do anything? He could simply say to someone from the students to visit the minimous partner ...

The master in it does not even climb. The student must establish relationships himself. It will survive so survive, it will fall down so much, but no so no ...

- And what kind of yield do you come up with your ear creative mind?

You know, at such moments it will not bother, on the contrary, they get closed in yourself to survive. When the building floods in a mine or wreckage after an earthquake, it is necessary not to spend strength and energy on sharp jerks, and try to adapt to this state - slowly, quietly and most calmly breathe. So I was then closed with all my paws and just began to work: I found a partner, I made an excerpt, then another excerpt ... She walked with little-gram margins. And I got: when I graduated from the institute, I was invited immediately in two theaters - to the MCAT and the Theater Studio under the direction of Tabakov. Of course, I went to the teacher.

- Only when I saw a quarry instead of the building of the theater and realized that absolutely everything would have to start with scratch, it became clear to me, what I was playing
. Photo: Arsen Memetov

Now you yourself are headed by theater, last year you had a double anniversary: \u200b\u200byou turned 50 years old, and as the artistic director of the theater of Nations - 10. When you in 2006, they suggested heading it, did you think for a long time?

Minute. Because I was internally ready. I have already been engaged in festival activities, we opened the "Territory" school festival, I as a producer did "Figaro. The events of one day, "and I was interested in trying other mechanisms of theatrical case. But it was a Klestakovsky solution. Only when I saw a quarry instead of the theater building and realized that absolutely everything really would have to start from scratch, it became clear to me, what I was playing. The first five years, before the opening of your own building, it was very hard. Without having premises for work, we, as Roma, dragged at different sites and in such conditions released "Shukshin's stories" - one of the brands of our theater. And in parallel, the issues with construction were solved, mined money ...

- There were days when you thought: "Be damn the day when I sat down for the ram of this vacuum cleaner"?

All 10 years every morning it says it. A second, but I think: "Lord, I would just just an artist, would rehearse myself and God didn't know!" My colleagues will chase me, because I also have an actor. Today I have a play "Ivanov", where I play a difficult role. But I could not do anything alone, with me my like-minded people, my team. Without partners of the theater, we could not raise such an ambitious program. With us, the Foundation of Mikhail Prokhorov, Sberbank, Sibur and Breguet. We have not only a serious theater with a repertoire, which can boast any european capital, but also whole organization By cultivation of a dream: Young directors and actors can come here with their dream and realize it. And the building of this system required the huge strength and patience. We spend in the regions the festival of theaters of small cities of Russia, we are conducting social activityMany of our actors head charity funds are Chulpan Hamatov, Ingeborg Dapkunay, Julia Peresilde, Masha Mironova.

"I didn't suffer to claustrophobia, but I realized that this was when I first fastened the helmet." Frame from the film

Leia Ahacedzhakov said in an interview as her father, when he was 95 years old, said with pride: "Cheta Mironov from the Artist Foundation congratulated me today!" Who came to mind the idea to open this fund?

Masha came to me into the office, I was already a kind, and told that he wants to do dinner with older artists in the actor's house. She knew sad stories about actors aged and about the conditions in which they live, I, too. We sat down, thought and decided not to limit dinner, but to try carefully, not a wound of dignity, help them more largely. Artists are proud people, despite the fact that after a certain age they do not need anyone. If they are not heading some institution, then practically emitted - this is the Soviet system, which, unfortunately, is still. They do not get percent of the rental of their films, although the pictures can show around the clock. In people of other professions related to cinema and theater, things are not better ... In the picture "Idiot" I made a stunning St. Petersburg master, he helped me find the image of Prince Myshkin. You know, there is important any detail here, and, it's all the mustache, maybe I would have turned out to be another Myskin. The makeup then looked at my face, resolutely grabbed the mustache, jumped to me and with the scope of them stuck! How the sculptor created the face of Myshkina like Roden! I recently found out that this master after a stroke wore a bench existence - of course, we helped him. We try to take care not only about Moscow and St. Petersburg actors, but also about veterans of the scene from small cities.

A family:mother - Tamara Petrovna, ticket in the theater; Sister - Oksana Mironova, Ballerina, artistic director of the Children's Ballet Studio "Shene"

Education: He graduated from the Studio School MCAT

Career: He starred in films and TV shows: "Love", "Anchor, still Ankor!", "Burnt by the Sun", "Muslim", "Auditor", "Mom", "Idiot", "on the top oil", "Cosmos as a premonition" "In the first circle", "Piranha Hunt", "Dostoevsky", "Parsushki Syndrome", "Time of First". In 2006 he headed the state theater of nations. People's Artist of Russia, twice laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

Eugene, you just coped our 43th anniversary ...

I did not help only. That's right, just I did not help.

If you look at your site, it seems that you are just ... Superman. Foundation "Artist", theater of Nations, its own theater company, work in the theater, work in the cinema. How do you all withstand it?

To be honest ... I do not know. Just it happened - I took up the man, do not say that not a dowel. With the company it turned out, because I wanted to be independent, and the performance was sterling. With the theater there were many ideas, suddenly a concrete business was realized - the theater of nations. it international Centerwhere a lot of things should occur and already happening. These are new projects with great directories, and young projects - very young guys here can first get their chance. The "Artist" Foundation also began with the action, and then ... It turned out to be a lot more than we imagined ... It means that it was necessary to make a fund, and he should work annually. And every year, people are already waiting for help - and medical, and product. What to do. So it turns out. (Activity Charitable Foundation The "artist" includes two main programs - "actors - actors" and "actors - children". The purpose of the "Actors - actors" program is to provide financial and moral support to veterans of the theater and cinema. The program "Actors - Children" aims to assist children - orphans - disabled - information from the site of the Fund ).

Are you a workaholic?

In general, I am in life a workaholic. I love this business. Clear was that his birthday was not wasted. I did not take congratulations and did not think about myself, did not suffer from how the birthday would be. I didn't have these thoughts of stupid, because I was filmed all day at Mosfilm and played Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, and suffered for another reason - from the fact that I did not have a role there.

The premiere of "Shukshin's stories" was a year ago. What is changing for you in the play with time?

This question is not at all to me, but to the director Alvis Hermanis, but I can answer for him. In October, we had tourists in my homeland, in Riga. And he did not see the play year. And he says, "I really liked it. So much interesting, new ... "despite the fact that it is not destroyed and what was ... But some things, of course, are introduced. Nuances are some. The most beautiful thing that could be is the nuances. Heroes are changing, the characters are even more fighting. After all, there is such a parade of characters. Everyone has. Everyone plays ten roles. And I am also interested to look at the guys, how they change, how they think of some more details. This means that they did not frozen, they did not die in their own character, the image, and constantly live, develop.

I watched the journey rehearsal before the performance. In the course of the action, the actors and sing, and play on the accordions, and from time to time they are started. All this must be honest before each performance. The atmosphere at the rehearsal was, as in the theater studio. The actors smiled, squeezed and looked at each other with interest and warmth. Long-way to watch.

The performance takes great success, and critics about him are very flattering responding, but it sounds - the only thing is that it is a "performance about the village for the Snob's current Moscow." Do you share this view?

No no. You know something, maybe he sounds, but in general it is rare case. For my life, maybe the only one. The performance suddenly satisfied and liked critics, simple audiences, difficult audiences, foreigners, people who never came to the theater in life. It is really impossible to get on this performance, and places are painted until February-March ... Rarely when the performance makes such an impression. And there is an answer to this question - this is suddenly an open treasure. Alvis Hermanis said you have a currency - this is Shukshin. Because such a shortage of kindness ... which has long arose. For a long time, people lock the doors to the castles, the danger in the air ... And suddenly - the story about people ... about our own, about those who live there, from where we arrived. I arrived from Tatishchev Saratov region. This is nostalgia, and a sip of openness, simplicity, when there is no one for the sinker, when you don't love a person, then you are talking right ... And not as it is accepted in a civilized society, the eyebrow will not rise - it will not get drowned, and already such a plan Ripens in your address ... everything is open, as on the palm. it fine people. These people, they are. We were when they were in fragments - they are. And thank God that they have survived and exist. We will go there in December and play this performance for them.

Before starting rehearsals, the director, together with the photographer-artist Monica Pormael and all the cast visited in their native village Valisia Shukshin - fragments. In this ethnographic expedition, the actors worked on the images, the artist - above the scenery.

Tours in Altai is scary?

Scary. Because these people are among the heroes of our performance. Photos, against the background of which we play - these are real residents of the villagers. Therefore, they will see themselves. Therefore, I do not know ... Maybe some tomatoes, although there is no tomato in the winter, it means that maybe swears.

You mentioned Tatishchevo. You can still introduce yourself to this person from a distant depth, who came to the big city?

I never forget about it. Never. Not so long ago, a boy approached me on the service entrance in Mkate. The guy is probably twenty years old. Came from somewhere out of the depths. "I ... Evgeny Vitalich, I ... finished ..." Something theatrical finished ... "I really wanted to see you ..." And suddenly it will pay! It is worth it and says: "I'm wrong ... well, it was not necessary ... Not so I said ..." I look at him and I think, "My God, I was just as stood in front of Tobacco." I was as sausage, because I understood that now fate is solved, it seemed to me ... and really decided. And I will never forget this and did not forget.

Israel. I understand that you have been there, but not on tour.

No, why. I was there on tour with the Tabakov Theater. We played in Jerusalem, in Tel Aviv, in Haifa and somewhere else ...

I wanted to ask you what you expect from the Israeli public. Now I can ask you that you can say about the Israeli public.

You know, I honestly remember badly. I remember that it was very warm, well and very well met. Everywhere. Now it's also a special event - Tel Aviv century. It is very honorable for us. In my opinion, we close the festival. He opened his "three-choke opera" in the formulation of Robert Wilson. Wow. Highly good company. We understand all responsibility. And I think we will adequately represent our communes.

In late September, a tour of the national artist of Russia Evgenia Vitalyevich Mironova was held at the Samara Academic Drama Theater of Drama. He is known to the audience for many films, among them "Mom", "Limit", "Cosmos as a Premonition", "In August 44th" ... Created images in the TV series "Apostle", "In the Circle of the First", Idiot became The property of domestic culture. Evgeny Mironov for more than twenty years - actor theater under the leadership of Oleg Tabakov. Since 2006, he has head of the theater of Nations, the winner of the State Prize of Russia. More than three hours on the scene of Samara dramatic, a story was about ordinary people on the works of Vasily Shukshin. Such anchlage, as in these two days, it is difficult to remember, even on the approach to the theater he was already felt. Asked an extra ticket as in the old good timesAnd this is despite the considerable cost ...

Evgeny Mironov refused to arrange a press conference, a tight rehearsal schedule and the performance itself took a lot of time and strength. The organizers of the tour announced this in advance. But my desire to see Mironov and take an interview with one of the most wonderful actors, a deeply believer Orthodox person, was stronger than all the prohibitions ... Listed all the obstacles meet me there is no point, I will only say that there were many of them. But suddenly in the gray corridor, he appeared to Evgeny Mironov in the gray corridor.

Sorry to distract. You can talk to you, I'm from the Orthodox newspaper.

So ... My words about the Orthodox newspaper produced some effect. And it is necessary to quickly consolidate success ...

Here are these Lampada magazines and newspaper "Blagovest" Our editor Anton Evgenievich Zhogolev asked you to transfer ...

I have a hurry to be made, the run will still be ... - On the go, although a slowing step, justifies your artist's employment.

But I also want to give you a photo ... Your photos ... Already fifteen years ago, I took an interview with you and made these pictures ... You are not just young, but almost young ...

And! .. (peering into black and white pictures) I came to you with the "Hamlet" ... Yes, let's go to the street, there and talk.

Theater met the audience. And as was customary, he began, he began with a hanger ... Many walked to the performance just to see the sortie of Mironov. And at this time, behind the theater building, Eugene Mironov was quietly sitting on a bench at the bench and gave an interview, and from the walking public, this is a paradox, for some reason no one worked out. Neither a hype, no autographs ... Nothing prevented me to ask a few questions. famous artist.

Today, on the stage of the Samara dramatic viewers, they will see a performance on very good and sincere stories of Vasily Shukshin. It can be assumed that your performance will be for someone first step in the knowledge of his soul? And subsequently in the knowledge of God?

I would not even like to think about this topic ... these are primarily the stories about ordinary feelings. ordinary peopleAnd I don't want to bind it to faith. We played this performance in Holland, in France, and people came perfectly miscellaneous religion. But everyone reacts equally - crying at the end or laugh ... Simple stories Shukshin is united by all. Good feelings are born from a simple human act. Here the man bought his wife's boots for the last money, he did not think that this money could be accumulated or in line to fit somewhere ... He just took his whole soul and bought his boots on his whole pay. This kindness is equally shook and Saratovtsa, and the Dutchman, and the Frenchman. Because it is the most real feeling that is touched by every person is love. This is faith ...

- Would you dare to play a holy man?

No, I would not dare ... This is not the case of artists. Tell people about the saints should priests. And our profession can only tell about a person who just loves God. I liked the work of Mamonov in the film "Island". His hero was not saint, he did not even have a priestly san, but his whole soul was close to the Lord. He really searches for himself and is looking for a path to God, which should occur in our life in our soul. That role I would be interested to play ...

- What is the most important thing for an Orthodox person?

To work ... above your soul ... This is a difficult thing, because I want to calm down and do not worry your heart. How do you want to calm down ... But without the excitement of the soul, is it possible to be a real Orthodox? Of course, you can perform all attributes church rulesAnd at the same time I ship inside yourself. And do not even notice that the main thing turned out to be lost ... the most difficult thing is all the time to ban and never lie. And it is difficult! I once played Prince Myshkin in the TV series "Idiot" on Dostoevsky, played a man who cannot lie a priori. Maybe I would like to learn, but he is so arranged ... I tried to live as my hero for a while and did the conclusion for myself that it was very difficult for him to speak all the time. There is a "lies to salvation" that we almost forcibly impose the unwritten rules of our common life. In general, in search of the truth very easy to get confused, and seeking an Orthodox person especially. After all, as they say, the demons do not dreamed and try to lead us from the fertile right way to know God.

After severe psychological roles among actors there are nervous breakdowns. So, after the role of Hamlet Innokenty Smoktunovsky was treated in the clinic, after the role of the same Myshkina Yuri Yakovlev undermined his health ... How did you go through this difficult path?

It was hard in all respects. And psychologically, because Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is a very heavy author, and physically. Eight months shot 14 hours a day, I had a lot of text, I had to play much, and, of course, I was tired ... But I have a breakdown and all the more hospital, thank God, was not.

- Maybe faith helped you survive?

It helps me with Orthodoxy since that time, as in 19 years I was baptized. At that time I studied in Moscow, broke away from home. Was always such a domestic child, and here one in the metropolis ... were heavy life circumstances, it was necessary to survive in the sense of money, and in the sense of the acquisition of the profession, but most importantly - in the spiritual plan. All this made me look for protection, such a truly strong wall.

I found it in the church. I was baptized in my homeland, in Saratov, and at the same time I drank my mother and sister, I simply insisted on it.

- How did you still understand that you need to take Orthodoxy?

Yes, I was born on this earth, and for me never stood about another faith. For mne, it was necessary ... I have familiar who are not baptized, do not harvest, but it does not prevent them from being the most decent people, which I only know. But I needed it Orthodox faith. I was hard for me, that's why I got on this way ...

- What believers did people influence your life?

At the age of thirty-three, I had some unresolved questions, and I had to consult with a spiritual person. And I went to Optio desert. I did not even know why this is this monastery! Just decided for myself with someone there to consult. And only in the place found out that there is such an old man there - Shiigumen Eli. And also learned that it is very difficult to get to him. He was at that time sick, and I am such a "tourist for one day", a visitors of Muscovite ... I didn't let any people from his house, waiting there for several hours. And the young obedient came up to me and he suggested to go and ask her father Elijah if he could accept me and listen. After some time, the elder himself went down to me. This meeting was meaningful to me, all the time of communication with him I felt something extraordinary. I was shocked by all what was happening to me. And for the first time I saw a man who really worried for the whole world - it was noticeable! From the monastery I left the sensation, as if I was candle. But came home, and with each other day of light in me was getting smaller.

- You played in the film "Muslim". This meeting with someone else's spirituality did not embarrass your inner world?

Not. All conversations about the correctness of faith should not have people to give away from each other ... I do not treat Muslims as an aliens. Here you have introduced me to me that from the Orthodox newspaper, but you're a dark, dark eyes and something like the eyes of Muslim women ... You and appearance It could well be accepted for Muslim. And what, now for this reason, do not talk to you for this reason? .. Since Muslim, it means, should I move three meters? .. I do not consider people of another religion with its own enemies.

You talented played in Muslim. But didn't you think that this role could someone from young people who have not yet defined in life, push to the transition to another faith, someone else's for Orthodoxy?

And I do not consider this my role to sin ... The question is not so much in the one who "dragged" where to show the power of faith and open faith for people. After all, my hero does nothing bad, he only believes in his own way. And no one involves in his faith, but personally for him, as he believes, only it right way. If we start closing from everything and the whole and the fact and say that another faith is bad, then much more people This will be seduced and, maybe even go out of Orthodoxy. Such a law human nature. Here are children saying: "Do not eat it, throw out!" And they will still take in the mouth. Therefore, it is better to speak openly and show everything as it is ... I fell in love with this religion during filming, but when I opened the Quran once, I immediately understood it - it's alien to me. So there must be other people, that's why it is not necessary from somewhere from the outside to force them to come to faith. Understanding the faith of Orthodox they should feel from the inside, from the heart. How much, neither the other religion was hoping, for convinced of his belief, it would not matter.

Artist Alexander Baluyev in an interview told that he took the baptism just after his work in the film "Muslim" ...

I don't know anything about baptism Baluyev and trying to be away from all legends. Faith does not require confirmation if the man lives faith.

Unfortunately, many people of art believe that there is enough God to "have in the shower", and those justify their unrecord to church life. And how do you look at it? What rules in spiritual life stick to?

I'm sinful ... I come to the temple only on big holidays. I'm trying to stick with church rules, but it is not always possible ... But what is more correct to adhere to the so-called "faith in the shower" or prayer on liturgy in the temple - every person must determine for himself. I do not want to impose my opinion anyone. As the elder said to me: the heart tells the heart ...

- Many temples have now revealed, people reached upon services, but did it strengthen the faith in most of us?

I do not think that now people began to believe less. Although these are laws - always something goes and becomes less, and something, on the contrary, comes. But the Lord God balances everything, and in percentage of evil and good in the world, probably, as much.

For example, at the time of my childhood, there was simplicity in people. This simplicity was not directly related to religiosity, but it was inside the people. Doors did not close, the neighbors were friends, it was easier to find mutual languageIn society reigned "average" good. Now other laws, the laws of survival, and in these harsh conditions to remain much more difficult. But you do not need to condemn anyone, you must be able to understand, explain and forgive ...

... There is such a saying - "Do not touch the stars with your hands, and then the gilding will be sprinkled." The correctness of these words can be confirmed by many journalists who happened to communicate with celebrities and see them without embellishment. But in the case of Evgeny Mironov - a joyful exception to this sad rule ... It is even better, another sincere Hero - Prince Myshkin, and it turns out that this is possible! I revealed an incredibly delicate soul, and at some point of the conversation I thought that to be truly Orthodox - it means to be a delicate person!

You know what, and let's make a pleasant editor, "says me for goodbye Evgeny Mironov. - Take a picture of me with Lampad magazine in hand ...

What a thin soul from our artist!