One of the popular names in Russia and Eastern Europe is faith. It is quite traditional and distinctive for Slavic countries. The theme of this article will be the characteristic, name day.

Characteristic named

Under the name of Vera hides a person who has its own practicalism and prudence in everything. This woman is not frivolous, fond of natur. On the contrary, all its actions are recovered, thought out and justified. In communicating with other faith, it manifests itself as a favorable person, nevertheless, her straight is often scansing people from her. In addition, a woman with this name is capable of hard deeds, and therefore it is not easy to interact with it.

Named Vera Name

Like any church name, the faith is provided with special days called namemen. For a person, this is a special personal holiday, like birthday. The name of faith correlates with the dates of the memory of holy wives, called so during life. However, it is only baptized to celebrate this holiday, because simple adhesions are not enough here.

Name Day is the festival of the church name, with whom the man is baptized. And it happens in Orthodoxy and Catholicism in honor of any saint. The day of memory of this God's facilities is the name of faith. There is another name for this holiday. So, it is often referred to as an angel day, that is, a saint patron, in honor of which a person is named. Below we will talk about the days of the name for those who name Vera. Named every woman falls on different days, as they are informed in honor of different saints. We will give the main list of such dates based on the traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Preventive Faith Vera (Morozova)

This woman was born in 1870 in Torzhok, who was then part of the Tver province. At the age of twenty, she became an obedient in one of the Moscow monasteries. The abode was closed in the early 1920s, and therefore faith with several other sisters from the monastery was removed accommodation in the city, continuing to conduct a monastic lifestyle, earning needlework. In 1938 she was arrested on charges of anti-Soviet activity and sentenced to death. In February of the same year, she was shot. It was ranked in 2001, and the name day of faith, named after her honor, began to celebrate on her death day - February 26.

Martyr Vera (Samsonova)

Vera Samsonova was born in 1880 in one of the villages of the Tambov province. He graduated from the women's school, then worked as a teacher, at the same time visiting the temple. At the end of 1920, she was elected which remained in Kasimov on the site of the monastery. Faith was arrested in 1935, sentenced for counter-revolutionary activities by five years of correctional work in the camps. Not to live to liberation for two weeks, faith died in 1940 in the White Morod-Baltic camp. It was glorified in 2000. The name of the faith wearing his name in her honor is celebrating on the day of her death - June 14th.

Martyr Vera Rimskaya

The Holy Martyr from Rome named Vera is one of the daughters of Sofia, who suffered in front of his mother for the confession of Christianity in the II century at that time faith was only 12 years old. Together with her died two her sisters - hope and love. And three days later, Sofia itself died on the grave of his daughters. Common memory is celebrated on September 30.

Martyr Vera

There is almost nothing unknown about this holy life. The tradition retained only the very fact of her life and martyrdom for confessing faith in Christ. Day of memory - October 14.

Reverend Faith (Grafova)

A woman was born in 1878 in the village of Moscow province. In 1903, she became an obedient in one of Kolomna monasteries. Before closing the monastery in 1918, she left her. He lived in Kolomna, earned sewage. In 1931, it was sentenced to five years in charge of anti-Soviet activity. But after a year she died, being in Kazakhstan. Name Day is celebrated on December 15.

Martyr Vera (Troj)

A woman was born in 1886 under Chernihiv. Worked as a teacher in a rural school. Since 1923, he carried the obedience of the Cemelitsa from Archbishop Faddey. When he was arrested in 1937, faith was also charged with counter-revolutionary activities. In 1938, she was sentenced to five years of correctional work. Faith died in 1942 in Siberia, without surviving until the end of the term for several months. It was glorified in 2000 by the Jubilee Cathedral of the Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church. Angel Day - December 31.

Value for faith: The word "faith"

In childhood, faith is a very calm and balanced child. It has developed logical thinking and most often a mathematical warehouse of the mind. In school, faith succeeds. All draws attention to the little things.

She usually has not many friends, since she chooses them carefully for themselves. But if someone is near her, then this person is tested by time.

Married faith is not in a hurry, believes that all his time. She knows how to soberly assess the situation, weigh everything thoroughly and find the only right decision. It looks really at things, without "pink glasses." Faith puts goals and successfully achieves them.

He loves music. Often all his life binds to this type of creativity.

Men for themselves faith chooses soberly and calmly. You can not doubt that it will be only with the man who loves her and loves her very much. Moreover, her husband is always a man older than her. And most often her husband appreciates equilibrium and calm, because thanks to these qualities there are no quarrels in the family.

Children refers with complete dedication. She tries to give them everything that she has itself.

Speed-smear forms of the name Vera: Verka, faith, Verochka, Verunchik, Verusik, Rusya.

All congratulations, faith, for you!
Today's queen you are.
You live, with my heart, this world is loving,
And there is no envy or anger.

How your name is sincerely sounds!
Probably determines
Your openness, let it, like a shield,
You from the troubles of all in life protects.

You congratulations today take
And wishes Million still in addition.
Be best, faith, and do not forget
What you should believe in your luck!

Vera, Verochka, faith,
Congratulations to spesh
Travel ray of hope
Wish you want.

To all enough forces
To bloody your soul,
So that the malice retreated
Not worried you!

So that the envy does not meet
To joy only to live,
To notice happiness
To laugh and joke!

Cute Verochka, I will congratulate you from all my heart. The best and wonderful faith I want to wish never to lose faith in myself and my strength. Dear, I wish to stay almost practical and judicious, but at the same time sincere and tender. May your angel keep you from any trouble and sadness, let the Lord covers your way with bright love and happiness.

Vera. Without it, not live!
Need to be friends with faith,
Faith must be respected
And love, and understand.

After all, without faith - nowhere,
Not there and not here!
She will be happiness
Solve all bad weather.

Let fun, light and joy
In the life of faith will be sweetness
And family warmth, comfort
Vera at home is true!

You are amazing, Mila and Grazical,
You are impressive kindness of the soul.
Beautiful, delicious faith,
I wish you so that your dreams come true.

So that you did not know the sorrow, sadness,
So that there were all favorable days,
Disappointment so that the heart does not know
So that the Veroral did not change and you.

Our faith is no warmer,
No wiser and kinder!
You are beautiful and pleasant
And it is hard, and neat!

Not caprica, not nois,
Exceptionally intelligent
Will's strength there are a lot,
And the advantages of all - not to read!

Let you always bring you
Let not believe the year.
Happiness let the call rings -
Our soulful congratulations!

With faith in the heart, everyone lives.
You, faith, the name let the strength gives
Let them be your guide star
In life, let him behave.

I wish you feel my life was filled with happiness,
Faith in good never ended.
I wish you to believe, love
And faith in beautiful people to give.

Happy birthday, our faith,
Happiness and love without measure.
Let in all your business
Waiting for you, and not collapse.
Smiley radiant,
And in the shower is always gratifying
Let go, laugh you
Let them give you flowers
And more than once, and every day,
Let then roses, Ile Lilac,
The main thing is to take care of
Respect and recognition.

In your name - Light joy
And luck is large
I want you to smile
And I would be pretty, faith!

So you never forget
That you are the best and certainly
VMYG Fortune gave you
All luck of our universe!

Verian, brightly smile
And be happy, dear!
Wonderful life enjoy
I wish you a big love!

Let all plans and dreams
Fit for a moment!
I wish the eternal beauty,
Health, Grace, Blossoms!

I congratulate you, beautiful faith,
I wish good and love limitless,
To happiness your home filled without measure,
And in the life of the case, everyone went on perfectly.

So that there was no envy, malice and grief,
But there were many wonderful moments,
And formed endlessly
From joy and expensive compliments!

Congratulations: 48 in verse, 16 In prose.

Preventive Faith Vera (Morozova Vera Semenovna) was born in 1870 in the city of Tverskaya province. In 1890, he received an obedient to the Moscow passionate icon of the Mother of the Monastery. In the early 1920s, the monastery was closed, and faith, along with other people, took off the room in Moscow, where they retained the monastery way of life, earned with needlework. On January 16, 1938, it was arrested on charges of "anti-Soviet activity" and "anti-Soviet agitation", and on February 21 sentenced to the highest punishment. On February 26, 1938, faith Morozov shot. Squisted to the facial of the Holy New Martyrs on December 26, 2001 by the definition of the sacred Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The Holy Martyr Faith (Samsonova Vera Nikolaevna) was born on August 17, 1880 in the village of Vrajaevo Elatovsky County of Tambov province.

Secrets and values \u200b\u200bof the name of Vera

The female name Vera says itself, its meaning is understandable to everyone and everyone. The noble name of Vera was very popular until the middle of the second half of the 20th century, but in the post-Soviet Russia, the faith name ceased to give newborns, which is quite symbolic. The faith name has an extremely powerful energy. The name of the faith is characterized only from the positive side, there is not a single bad sound or a syllable in its meaning. Vera is an open and honest girl, it is always honest, first of all, in front of him, and then - before others. Faith chooses a profession only in the soul, she will work only where she will be comfortable, where she will be able to develop in creative plan. It is impossible to act on faith with a cry or orders, it is necessary to talk to equal to it, even if Vera is a completely small girl. Faith celebrates the Angel and Name Day on September 30, once a year, named of faith.

Name Day Verria Vera is the Russian Old Slavonic name, which can also be considered a tracker from the ancient Greek name of the holy early period of Christianity. Literal translation from Greek means "faith", "servant of God." All Christians in a special honor are three virtues: faith, hope and love. Accordingly, the martyr faith, hope, love and their mother Sofia are.

Name Day Faith by Church Calendar

Name of faith noted not in one day a year. On the Orthodox calendar it is February 26, June 14, September 30, October 14, December 15 and December 31. These days, the church recalls the martyr to the pretext of faith (Morozov), martyr faith (Samsonov), martyr faith Roman, martyr faith, reverend faith (graph) and martyr faith (Troj). The most revered name of the faith is remembered by the Orthodox Church on its birthday September 30, when everyone prayed for the martyr faith Roman.

Value name Vera

The name of faith has ancient Greek origin and means faith.

Date Named, Angel Day Faith

How to determine the date of the name, angel day? If you do not know in honor of what holy you baptized, you choose the day of the memory of the asoimenate with you the saint, the nearest after your birthday. This day will become your birthdaynas, and the Holy - your Heavenly Patron, the Guardian angel. The rest of the memory of this saint will become your "small names."

Congratulations on the name Days, the day of the angel of faith, a viper, a faith in verse

Happy Angel Day, Veroch, you
Congratulates our whole family!
Strongly we wish you
In life, everything performed dreams.
And so that happy was
To go to your cases,
So that love was big.
With the names, my daughter is native!

Name: Russian name of the same semantic value - "Vera".

Faith: Faith, belief (Staroslav.).

Name Day: September 30 - Holy Martyr Vera, along with sisters with love and hope after the torment for faith Christ before the eyes of the mother were beheaded (137 years).


Planet: Saturn.

Color: gray.

Favorable tree: Maple.

Covenate plant: heather.

Patron of name: ant.

Stone Talisman: Beryl.

Character: faith is a very reasonable, balanced, logical and practical being. She is very smart, concrete: faith knows perfectly what he wants from life and never miss his. And this quality in it clearly exceeds the emotional perception of the world, hear over dreams and fantasies.

Faith: Art. Slav Vera, belief.

Derivatives: Verka, Veran, Veraha, Verysha, Verul, Verian, Burn, Rusya, Verukha.

Name Day of Faith, Angel Day of Faith

Feature Birthday Faith:

From the Old Slavonic language - the same meaning as the word "faith" (Wed "Love", "Nadezhda"). He is the Russian translation of the Greek named wristness. Modern faith is an ideal of a calm, balanced and practical woman without special emotions and passions. She is very well suited epithet "Cold". Alias, this one was very popular in the twenties, the actress of a silent movie Vera Cold images, which she created on the screen, are self-confident, the arrogant fully corresponded to this name.

These character traits do not interfere with faith to notice the so-called "little things of life", of which the whole of our life and our be - joy, grief and happiness. The faith of her husband chooses not in love, but by calculation, solid, which occupies a decent position in society, as well as owning a good condition.

Faith balanced woman, has a logical warehouse of the mind. Avoid noisy companies, caprives for it is not found.
Vera has a well-organized practical mind.

Veronica is capable of soberly assess the situation and shows quite understanding in specific affairs.
Delights and purposefulness prevail in it over emotional and sentimental principles, does not allow liberties.

Faith, my dear,
With the name of you!
Be beautiful, young,
Very smart and crazy! Well, in short,
Be the same as always!
Let in life
All dreams will be! © ©

Congratulations, good to you, faith.
We wish you more to meet.
Reckless, softer mohair
Madness you will meet!
We wish you make sure
That love in this world is still there.
Let the dream flies, exactly the bird,
Let him get up happy news. © ©

Faith is a name that is more beautiful.
To live without faith unthinkable - anyone knows.
Let albeit in the eyelids will not die, will not fade
Flame of faith, whose sisters hope, love.
Let she illuminate his way
And comes when it is not easy to face.

Cold mind, steel nerves.
People seek to subordinate.
Power, Will Power Show.

Vera Alentova (1942), Soviet and Russian actress Theater and Cinema, People's Artist of Russia
Meaning: similar to the word "faith".

Origin: The name of Vera has an old Slavonic origin.

Character: Faith In childhood, a balanced girl has a logical warehouse of the mind. Loves a variety of trinkets, and all the things unnecessary in the house, in the end, are among her toys. Avoid noisy companies, caprives for it is not found. He studies diligently, willingly cares for the younger brother or sister. Loved ones from faith a bit. Do not hurry to marry early.

Vera has a well-organized practical mind. It is capable of soberly assess the situation and manifests the understanding in concrete affairs. Faith has musical abilities. She is able to learn how to play well on some musical instrument.


Vera is a balanced and calm person. Often, men tend to see in the calm good nature of faith sign of her good-skinned to them. Do not, however, hurry. It is unlikely that faith will decide to associate with any of his fate without careful reflection and weighing all "for" and "against."

You want to be everywhere first.
Cold mind, steel nerves.
People seek to subordinate.
Power, Will Power Show.
People, like pawns, play.
Men in the arms drive.
Loving and playing,
Sleeping, piquant and jealous.
You go, faith, right to goal.
What do you believe, in fact?

congratulations to the names of faith

A person cannot live without faith:
Criteria and measures
All the foundations of human existence ...
No, it is impossible to live without faith.

Vera - Greek Pistis - Vera.

Named Faith by the Church Calendar:

  • September 30th: Faith Roman, MC., Otrokovitsa
  • October 14: Faith, MC.

Characteristic of Vera name

From early childhood, Vera is very serious, calm and stack. From it you can achieve caresses. She always helps in the house, trying to understand the parents, she does not need to clarify it for a long time and to redeemed it - the faith is very intelligent. It existed early and begins to strive for independence.

Learn faith loves. She is inquisitive, obedient, quickly grabs and makes great stuffing material. Faith is read, erudite, many things understand intuitively. She especially has time for humanitarian subjects, writes writings brilliantly, is fond of biology. It is harder to her exact mathematics and a foreign language. Vera is a gifted girl, has a musical hearing, artistic. You can always rely on it, she will fine with any instrument, very valid and smartly not by year.

The adult faith is distinguished by practicality and critical attitude towards the world. She quickly understands what stands in life, trying to get a good education. Faith refers to work responsibly, prefers to set concrete goals and, as a rule, achieves them. With colleagues, faith keeps good, but always at a distance. She is independent, will not tolerate pressure from the side, knows its price. Faith hates a hypocrite, hypocrisy, doubliness. It is very reasonable, never accepts an increasing decision, it is extremely rare. Faith is perceptive and excellently disassembled people. She will be a good psychologist, a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, a researcher. From faith, a skillful leader will work, accountant; It can organize your own business. From the creative professions, faith can choose the path of the writer or actress.

In the youth of the faith, many different acquaintances and buddies. But in the mature life of Vera is alone. She does not need friends, preferring to communicate with the family. Vera does not trust anyone, and it applies to everyone with suspicion, it criticizes everyone. In the Council of Faith does not see the need, although herself, if possible, distributes them to the right and left. She has a wonderful sense of humor, more bordering the irony, even sarcasm. The comments of faith are sometimes peeled, consuming, taking up people and bring them to the extreme irritation with their accuracy.

Conquer the heart of faith is very difficult. It attracts his literacy, listen to the ability to listen, charm and inaccessibility. Faith hates sorts, does not believe recognition, coldly perceives ardent courtship, indifferent to flowers and gifts. She will marry only for a clever, decent, business man. It is important for faith to find a decent interlocutor in the husband and reliable support. She will appreciate and respect him, will become a wonderful mistress and a strict mother. Vera will never understand betrayal. In man, she is disappointed once and forever. To repeated marriage, faith refers skeptical, preferring loneliness and independence.

    I had a friend - colleague, the family of which for some reason loved these names. She herself was faith, her younger sister is hope, and her daughter, in principle, the next generation, love.

    The well-known date of celebration of the Day of Angel of Faith is September 30. Also on this day, the owners of such names such as hope, love and Sofia celebrate their holidays. According to the old style, this day fell on September 17th.

    September 30 marks the day of faith, hope and love, as well as their mother Sofia. Woman and her daughters became sainted martyrs. They preached Christianity, and for this, the emperor ordered girls to subjected to cruel torture. And the mother was alive, so that she would experience even greater torment from grief. Then the woman buried the body of children, and soon the herself died.

    Girls with the name of Vera only AZ in a year can celebrate their name days or angel day - this is September 30th.

    Just on this day, a holiday is celebrated the Day of Memory Day of the Holy Martyrs of Faith, Hope and Loves and their Mother of Sofia, who in the name of the Christian faith were doomed to torment and suffering

    The day of the Angel of Faith - the name day of Faith is celebrated once a year - September 30 in a new style, on the old style it was - September 17. He is celebrated in honor of the Holy Martyr Faith Roman.

    On this day, the name day is also celebrated women with Nadezhda, love and Sofia names.

    Faith, as Natalia, notes named once a year, on September 30, in honor of the martyr Faith Roman. On this day, the name of the hope of hope, love and sofa. Here is a small historical certificate

    Such a female name as Vera is Staroslavansky in its origin, that is, this is the name of the original Russian.

    The name of this name is only six, although it was originally celebrated only on September 30th. After it was added to them five - this is in February of the 26th, in June 14, in October 14th and in December 15 and 31st.

    Noble name Vera It was popular in the 20th century, in the 60s and 70s, but then they stopped why I call girls this name, although the name Vera very beautiful name.

    Vera has very powerful energy and is characterized only from a positive side, in the meaning of the name there is nothing wrong and stupid, girl or woman wearing name Vera Open, honest, faithful and first of all in front of him.

    Usually media names Vera people creative and work will be where it feels easily and comfortable, on Faith Do not shout or order, she understands a person with a half-clow and talk to her need equal, even if it's a little girl Vera.

    Their name days girls with the name faith will be able to celebrate six times. At the same time, each day corresponds to his Holy Faith, which must be praying if you were baptized in one of these days:

    September 30th - The most famous for all Holy Faith Roman, whose sstroces were hope and love. The story of these TRA Xyatomogenic is the most clinging soul.

    October 14 - Named Mary of Faith, about which little has been preserved in history. It is only known that the girl was ranked in the face of the saints for the bold and firm confession of the faith of Christ and the refusal to accept a different faith.

    In the provoctern churches, you can buy the icon of the Roman faith, and already from prayers about the Holy Faith, the most famous prayer to the martyr faith, hope, love and mother of their Sofia are the most famous.

    Every year - September 30 - all representatives of the weak floor named Vera celebrate and celebrate their names - Angel Day.

    This tradition is not so much developed in Russia, as in Western countries and the main reason why people do not want to celebrate their Angel's Day, this desire to be individual. And the day of the angel on this day is celebrating all faiths, and I do not want to be like all.

    Angel's Day with carriers named after faith and Christians is celebrated, if I'm not mistaken, seven (7) once a year. The name of the veras- can be said by Old Slavonic, in the Greek translation means- the servant of God. Christians always had a virtue of a virtue in a special reversion. Name Day in Christianity is the day of memory of the saint, that is, a day - a holiday for a man wearing the name of the saint. Name Day Faith is celebrated: in January 26, in February 13, in June 1, in September 17, in October 1, in December 2 and 18, that is, twice. These days are remembered by the Saints Rev. Faith (Count) One of the confessors (1932) and the Holy Martyrs: the martyr faith, as well as the pretext of faith (Morozov), faith (Troj) Martyr (1942), faith (Samsonov) Martyr (1940 ) And the martyr from the sort of faith Roman near (137 years) from the Nativity of Christ.

    Angel's Day of Faith marks September 30th every year in the holiday Faith, hopes, love and their mother Sofia.

    This day is celebrated only once a year.

    It so happened that in my family there were all the names of this holy four. Mom Nadia, Grandma Vera, other grandmother Love and great-grandmother Sofia. Therefore, we always gathered my family and celebrated the names of all at once :)

    Prababats and grandmothers Luba, however, quite a long time ago, it was not ... But this day is still for us as a certain tradition. This is another opportunity to remember the departed relatives.