The people's artist was ruined by a medical error

Evgeny ZHARIKOV, who died at the age of 71, was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow. The relatives decided that there would be no civil funeral service. The popular actor was buried in the Church of the Archangel Michael in Troparevo. They say that Yevgeny Ilyich repeatedly begged forgiveness from his wife Natalia GVOZDIKOVA for treason, and shortly before his death he asked for forgiveness from the father. No matter what evil tongues say, the artist knew how to admit his mistakes and argued that after that it becomes easier for him to live. Zharikov's rich creative biography, and his personal life, were full of secret passions.

Evgeny Zharikov more than once noticed that he had been amorous since childhood. Even the fact that he studied at a separate school did not save him from heart searches. Especially girlfriends curled around him in pioneer camps. At the age of 11, the mischievous joker had as many as four "wives" with whom he kissed alternately. Already in adulthood, Evgeny Ilyich recalled:
- There were a lot of love stories! Dating, suffering, girlish tears, betrayal, notes ... Then many girls, becoming adults and getting married, called their sons Zhenya.
As a schoolboy, Zharikov went to the drama club. There I met GaleyPolish... Fell head over heels in love. Mutually, although Galia's girlfriend Lenochka was always trying to wedge in in their pair - she was drying up for Zhenya. Following the Polish Zharikov, he went to enter VGIK. Both were accepted. It seemed that this is it - happiness. But Galina married another - a student of the directing department Faika Hasanova... Soon their daughter Irada was born.

Evgeny switched from grief to Larisa Luzhin... True, their relationship, according to both, did not cross the line of what was permissible:
- We always stood in pairs at the dances, since mostly boys of small stature studied in the course - only Zhenya was a match for me. Frankly, it was nice. After all, Zharikov was rightfully considered the most handsome boy on the course. We even called him "our Alain Delon". The girls were running after him!
On the set, Yevgeny Ilyich continued to spin the heads of the young ladies. One of the most was the relationship with Natalia Kustinskaya... They worked on the painting "Three plus two".
- Zhenya amazed me with her hard work. I never whimpered, although they were filming in difficult conditions, - said Natalya Nikolaevna. - Filming began in October and ended in December. Cold, water, we got up at five in the morning as soon as the sun rose, and left the platform when it went down. We were both not free then. His first wife Valya constantly came to the shooting, she was very jealous. She herself is ugly. Zhenya fell in love with me like a boy. Valya was very nervous about this, although I did not need it at all. We just talked nicely. To be honest, outwardly I never liked Zhenya, and I never considered him very decent. What can I say - an amorous boy!

In bed with a foreigner

Zharikov had intimate relations with foreign women. For example with a Bulgarian actress Sylvia Rangelova and German Larisa Vikkel... And then also with a Japanese woman Ikedoi Kaeko, the daughter of a wealthy manufacturer. With the latter, however, the novel was of an epistolary character.
A resident of the Land of the Rising Sun was eager to cross the seas and oceans in order to merge with her beloved in sweet ecstasy. She promised that the millionaire dad would buy them a luxurious apartment. In general, just call me! But closer communication was interfered with by the KGB officers. They found out about the correspondence and called in for questioning. I had to explain to the foreigner about different mentalities, giant distances and a bunch of personal shortcomings. Ikeda stoically survived the breakup and in return sent a tie clip with a pink pearl and the words: "For memory."

Fried nails

About his first marriage to a figure skater Valentina Zotova, with whom Eugene lived for 12 years, the actor did not like to remember. But sometimes he confessed: he got married, they say, in the heat of the moment. He promised to go to a drunken shop and kept his word. “Here are the ones! - Zharikov's fans wondered. "How can a casual relationship be so long?" In the middle of last autumn, Zotova herself in an exclusive interview with Express Gazeta for the first time told how everything really happened.

The promising athlete Valya and the future favorite of the public Zhenya met in a summer cottage village near Moscow. The young people began a tender relationship: romantic walks in the woods, and in the evening - songs with a guitar around the fire with friends. When Zharikov was summoned to the shooting of the film "Ivan's Childhood", he invited his beloved with him. There, in the Ukrainian city of Kanev, at the grave of Taras Shevchenko, he made an offer, and then repeated the request to become his wife "for an encore" right in front of the entire film crew.
- They celebrated this business as an engagement, - recalled Zotova. - Zhenya got drunk to hell and kept asking: "Will you give birth to a child?"
The wedding took place exactly half a century ago - on January 20, 1962. A couple of years after the wedding, Zotova turned to a gynecologist: she could not have children.
- The doctor advised to take a condom with her husband's sperm and bring a warm one to the laboratory. When the analysis was ready, the manager blurted out: “Baby, run from him! He has no motile spermatozoa, ”Valentina sighed in an interview with our correspondent. - Probably all due to the fact that Zhenya contracted an indecent illness even before we got married.
Surprisingly, in the meager stories about his first wife, Zharikov repeated that it was she who turned out to be sterile due to the fact that she had several abortions from her first husband.
Still, Valentina managed to get pregnant from Eugene. True, the doctors did not determine this, they took the embryo for a tumor and sent it for an x-ray.
- A five-month-old fetus was found in the picture. Due to the fact that a special medicinal composition was introduced to me before the X-ray, I had to get rid of the child, - Zotova notes with sadness. - Zharikov, when he learned that the pregnancy was confirmed, reacted joyfully: "So, I can have children!" Soon the moment came when I fully realized: Zhenya and I needed to part.
After the divorce, Zharikov began to divide the property - down to spoons and forks. Left the former old refrigerator and two couches. After parting, Zotova never got married and did not experience the joy of motherhood.
And Eugene met the main woman of his life - Natalia Gvozdikova, who became his second and last wife. They were brought together by the film "Near These Windows". And when in 1973 Zharikov was invited to the main role in the television saga "Born by the Revolution", he suggested that Gvozdikov also try.
True, during filming Natalia actively courted Lev Prygunov, but she chose Zhenya.
The wedding took place on November 25, 1974. A year and a half later, the son Fedor was born. Star marriage has been on the verge of collapse more than once. The loudest story was the revelations of the journalist Tatiana Sekridova, who announced at the end of 2005 to the whole country that she was raising two children from Yevgeny Ilyich and considered herself his full-fledged wife. Zharikov did not refuse the children, but in an interview with our newspaper he said:
- What does not happen to us, men. I never had love with Sekridova. From my side, for sure. What happened? Vicious sexual intercourse. Fucked. But only. Sex can be without love. The story is difficult. Natasha is gnawing at the insult. It is natural. For what I have done, you cannot simply beg forgiveness from a loving woman.
Eugene stopped coming to the children and, according to the court, arranged by the ex-mistress, paid small alimony from his pension to support the heirs.
“I don’t even know if I feel sorry for his wife, Gvozdikova,” Sekridova once confessed to the Express newspaper. - If a man has everything in his family, will he go to the left and build a second family ?! And Natalia's character is complex. Look what happened to your son Fyodor. After all, he is over 30, and he is nothing and no one. And this is "thanks" to Gvozdikova. Fedor is a good guy, but is this a profession ?!
Fyodor's friends told reporters that he changes girls like gloves, but he could not marry. Once the mother decided to arrange her son's personal life herself and introduced him to Anechka, the daughter of her friend. But the continuation of the novel did not follow, which depressed the parents.

Wrong diagnosis

As we wrote above, Zharikov's love affairs did not always end well. Once, after a light affair, Evgeny was diagnosed with an indecent illness. Surprisingly, barely recovering, the actor picked him up again. But this time "thanks" to a trip to Poland. Probably, many subsequent health problems were in one way or another associated with the weakening of the immune system, obtained during the strongest attack with antibiotics, which the actor was prescribed to treat STDs. In recent years, Evgeny Ilyich suffered a stroke and several complex operations. When Zharikov was gone, the relatives became even more convinced that the fault of such a rapid departure was a medical error, which entailed many problems.

- His wife Natasha thinks that the doctors missed him. At first, they misdiagnosed him - pneumonia, then there was a serious operation on the rectum, - said the actor's classmate Larisa Luzhina sadly. - He also had problems with his legs and spine. In his youth on the set, he fell from his horse. Since this all started. It seemed that the injury was not dangerous, but made itself felt already at an older age. The operation had to be done abroad.
According to Natalia Kustinskaya, Yevgeny was recently diagnosed with oncology. She finally knocked him down.

-Zharikov-, handsome, talented. When we met with him, Zhenya said: “Well, sister, how are you? We, blondes, managed to keep the color on our faces, freckles, regular facial features, the embarrassment has not gone away yet. " Natasha Gvozdikova starred at Shukshina in a small role in the picture "Red viburnum". Vasily Makarovich admired her, her beauty, tact, ability to behave on the site. In general, it was a wonderful and beautiful married couple. What Natasha went through, you will not wish anyone to go through, and the fact that they did not part, speaks of her wisdom. Gvozdikova Zharikova loved, cherished and therefore forgave everything. We are all sinners, what can you do now ... I grieve with his family. May God give Natasha and Fedor strength to hold on.

Evgeny Zharikov and Natalya Gvozdikova, who have been married for 37 years, have long been an exemplary couple for everyone. “Fried carnations”, as the friends called the spouses, always and everywhere appeared together, raised their son Fyodor, who is now 35 years old. The myth of the family idyll collapsed in December 2005, when the metropolitan journalist Tatyana Sekridova, in the Let Them Talk program, spoke about her and Zharikov's romance, which broke out in 1994 at the Sozvezdiye festival on a cruise along the Volga. The relationship between the actor and the journalist, who is 19 years younger than him, dragged on. Zharikov was not going to leave the family. But when in 1995 Tatyana gave birth to Evgeny Ilyich's son Serezha, and in 1997 - daughter Katya, he was happy, registered the children as himself, came to them at every opportunity, gave money.

And in 2005, Sekridova suddenly decided to tell the whole country who is the father of her children. First, she gave an interview to one glossy publication, and then appeared with this story in the program "Let them talk." Tatyana did not hide that the discord in relations with Zharikov was outlined in 1999: he started the construction of a dacha near Kaluga, which spent all the earnings, subsidies for children were noticeably reduced. Quarrels began. Somehow Sekridova rashly called Natalya Fedorovna and told her the whole truth. Gvozdikova forgave her repentant husband, while Zharikov stopped all communication with Tatyana and the children.
“While Zharikov kept this lady, everything suited her, but when she lost her help, she began to make scandals,” actor Alexander Pankratov-Cherny tells StarHit. - For Zhenya and his family, it was a terrible blow.

After all that he had experienced, Yevgeny Zharikov suffered a stroke. - It's all the nerves, and the nerves - you understand, of course, the scandal crippled Yevgeny Ilyich's health, - explains the former director of the actor Pyotr Anikin to StarHit.

Two-thirds of the pension is for alimony

Zharikov admitted that he survived then only thanks to the care of his wife and son. Fedor (a translator by education) even had to leave work for a while to look after his father. In recent years, the three of them lived in a spacious apartment in the South-West of Moscow. They handed over the "odnushka" inherited by the family after the death of Yevgeny Ilyich's mother. Zharikov and Gvozdikova did little shooting, creative meetings helped out. Last summer, the actor said that he was no longer able to work, and his pension was only 15 thousand rubles, of which 33 percent goes to child support for illegitimate children.
“I don’t talk about this at all,” Tatiana Sekridova, 51, told StarHit. "Call your family and find out everything there." A year ago, on the eve of her ex-lover's 70th birthday, she told reporters: “I have never clung to men. What does Zharikov have now? Some sores! Zhenya's anniversary is coming soon. Of course, I wish him health - this is the most important thing. And so that everything was good for him - he is still the father of my children. I am not angry with him! " Tatiana does not talk about how her personal life developed. She still works as a journalist, travels a lot with children, judging by the photos that Katya posts on her Vkontakte page: here they are resting in Finland, but in Switzerland. Both go in for skiing, Seryozha is learning Chinese. Zharikov, despite all the insults, always admitted that Tatyana is a good mother and takes care of children perfectly.

Funeral money

... Yevgeny Zharikov was buried on Saturday at the Troekurovsky cemetery.
- I visited Zhenya before the New Year. Once he was a handsome man - and here already there was such an old man, - he asked me: "Well, Sanka, come on, tell me new anecdotes." I sit, persecute, and suddenly I notice how my roommate is crying, realizing that Zhenya is doomed. And I saw it, - says Pankratov-Cherny. - And from the Guild of Screen Actors, which Zharikov created and headed for a long time, no one has ever come to him. There were enough problems, Natasha was going crazy. Only Nikita Mikhalkov helped with money, the rest, it turns out, did not care. “There’s nothing to even arrange a commemoration for,” Natasha told me when I brought her money for the funeral. The Minister of Culture Alexander Avdeev and Zhenya's fans also helped financially. And in the Guild one woman, to whom I turned for help, answered: "We will send a wreath" ... Well, nothing, they collected the money, I will not name the amount, but there will be enough to bury Zhenya and Natasha for the first time ...

Evgeny Ilyich Zharikov. Born on February 26, 1941 in Moscow - died on January 18, 2012 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian film actor. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1989).

Father - Leonid Zharikov (according to the passport - Ilya Milakhievich Zharikov), writer.

Mother is a teacher of history, as well as the Russian language and literature.

The family had many children, Evgeny was the sixth, the youngest child.

Early childhood fell on the war years, grew up in the Moscow region near Zagorsk (now Sergiev Posad) with his grandparents who raised him. As the actor said, at the age of 4, he already knew how to handle horses, could do men's work, and mastered crafts. These skills then helped him a lot in his artistic career.

“Our family was creative, humanitarian, which was passed on to me. Already at the age of nine, I was reading under the blanket of Emil Zola and other writers forbidden to children. Fortunately, there was my father’s library at hand,” the actor said.

His parents wanted him to enter a technical university. However, because of his first love for a girl who studied at VGIK, he applied to this institute - to be with her.

In 1959 he became a student of the course of T. Makarova and S. Gerasimov. And already in his second year of study, he first appeared in a movie.

He made his film debut in 1961 in the film "And if this is love?"

Played the role of Galtsev in the film "Ivan's childhood"... Later, Tarkovsky invited Zharikov to the main role in the film "Andrei Rublev", but the actor could not, because he was in Germany.

In 1964, after graduation, he left for the GDR, where for two years he starred in the main role in the local TV series "Russian for You". After his return, since 1966 he has been an actor at the Film Actor's Studio Theater in Moscow, and has been acting a lot in films and on television. Member of the CPSU since 1970.

All-Union glory to Zharikov was brought by the television series filmed in the 1970s "Born by the Revolution" on the formation of the Soviet militia and its heroic fight against crime in the 1920s.

As the actor said, he and Natalya Gvozdikova were forced to act in this film, although at first they themselves refused: “We were forced to act in this film. At first, Natasha and I refused roles because the script seemed stupid. "What do you allow yourself to do! Why did you come to Mosfilm? Work? Well, work! ". I was then already a master, behind 13 films."

In 1978 he received the USSR State Prize for playing the role of Nikolai Fomich Kondratyev in the TV series Born by the Revolution. And the image of a Soviet policeman who became a general stuck with Zharikov for the rest of his life.

Evgeny Zharikov in the film "Born by the Revolution"

In the 1980s, films with his participation were released "Seven Hours Until Death", "Shuravi", "Secrets of Madame Wong."

In the 1990s, Yevgeny Zharikov often starred in political detective stories and dramas. He played the chairman of the KGB in "Gray Wolves", Stalin in "Trotsky", Luka in "Prince Igor Dolgorukiy".

In the 2000s, he played in the films The Salvation Army, I Stay, The Perfect Couple, Bless the Woman. He also played roles in television series.

From 1988 to 2000 - President of the Guild of Soviet Cinema Actors (since 1991 - the Guild of Russian Cinema Actors).

During his career, he played in almost 70 films. He also participated in dubbing of over 200 films.

Illness and death of Evgeny Zharikov

Zharikov's health problems began at the height of his cinematic career. In 1970, on the set of the film "There's no death, guys!"

In 1999 he underwent two complex operations with prosthetics.

Shortly before his death, he suffered a stroke, then doctors diagnosed pneumonia, then there was an operation on the intestines. The consequences of a long fall from a horse on the set also had an effect.

A few months before his death, doctors diagnosed the actor with cancer.

In his last interview he said: "Communication with the viewer gives me a boost of vivacity for many months. People love me for the past, for old films. They do not help to overcome the disease, but to get stronger spiritually - yes!"

He died on January 18, 2012 in Moscow, in the Botkin hospital from cancer. He was buried on January 21 at the "actor's alley" of the Troyekurovsky cemetery.

Social and political views of Evgeny Zharikov

He also had a positive attitude towards the Stalinist era. On the screen, he played Stalin. It was with this image, he said, that his greatest triumph in life was associated. It was in China when it was announced that an actor who played the role of Stalin would perform in front of the audience. “For them, Stalin is God. They even asked to say a few words on his behalf. I replied that I would just go out and shut up, as Joseph Vissarionovich did,” the actor recalled.

He himself said about Stalin: “I think that history is still underestimated. the figure is ambiguous. Stalin was ill with distrust of people, but under him we became great. History will still mark this, only not with a stupid TV series, but with a significant literary work. I portrayed not a negative character, but a personality in time. Stalin was the greatest Russian emperor! The borders of the empire expanded more against him than under Peter I. The country flourished, it was respected and feared. I embodied just such an emperor on the screen. "

In memory of Evgeny Zharikov

Personal life of Evgeny Zharikov:

First wife - Valentina Zotova (born 1936), figure skating coach. The marriage lasted from 1962 to 1974. We parted due to the absence of children.

The second wife is an actress. Their love story from the picture "Near These Windows" and ended with a serious relationship in the cult film of the Soviet era by Grigory Kokhan "Born by the Revolution". It was then that the family of Zharikov and Gvozdikova appeared, which friends called "fried carnations".

They signed up after a year of dating. "There were only 11 people at our wedding - my family, Natasha's mother and her friend. I still remember that Natasha wore a white down dress, she was just insanely good," the actor recalled.

On August 2, 1976, the couple had a son, Fyodor Zharikov, who became a French translator, now working as the head of the information security service in aircraft construction.

In 1994-2001, Zharikov had an affair with journalist Tatyana Alekseevna Sekridova (born 1960), who gave birth to his son Sergei (born 1995) and daughter Katya.

In 2005, in the studio of the Let Them Talk program, Zharikov's mistress Tatyana Sekridova announced to the whole country that she had two children from him and was still dating the actor.

"I did not invade Yevgeny's personal life - rather, there was an invasion of my life. He actively courted me and hinted at a serious relationship. He wanted me to give birth to children. With Natasha, he no longer lived as husband and wife. They are they even slept in different rooms in the hotel if they came together to some film festival and other social events, "Sekridova said.

After that, Zharikov ended the relationship, and later spoke about them with regret and remorse.

After the scandalous broadcast, Natalya Gvozdikova was in a terrible state.

“I knew my husband well and was okay with his flirting with other women. Although we often quarreled. Once Zhenya went to Kinotavr, I couldn't go with him. Then I saw him on TV - everything went well and I was for him But soon the phone rings, I pick up the receiver and a certain woman tells me that she is my husband's mistress and that they already have their own family, children, "said Natalya Gvozdikova.

But in the end, Gvozdikova forgave Yevgeny Ilyich and, thus, was able to save the marriage.

She spoke in detail about life with Zharikov and his infidelities in the program "Let them talk" (dated 10/16/2014).

Confession of the actress Natalia Gvozdikova. Let them talk

Filmography of Evgeny Zharikov:

1961 - "What if this is love?" - Sergey
1962 - "Ivan's childhood" - senior lieutenant Galtsev
1963 - "He's Alive" (short) - Arthur partisan
1963 - "Three plus two" - Vadik, diplomat
1964-1966 - "Russian for You" (GDR)
1966 - "Wild Honey" - episode
1966 - "No and Yes" - Latyshev
1966 - "Air Seller" - Luke
1967 - "The Mysterious Monk" - Latyshev
1968 - "Angel Day" - Salin, navigator
1968 - "Snow Maiden" - Lel
1970 - "There is no death, guys!" - Vladimir Rubin, Lieutenant
1970 - "Signals - Adventures in Space" (GDR - Poland) - Pavel
1972 - "The Life and the Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" - Captain
1972 - "Anvil or hammer" (Bulgaria, East Germany, USSR) - Igor
1973 - "Near These Windows" - Mikhail Anokhin, projectionist, agitator
1973 - "Fulfillment of Desires" - longtime friend of Nikolai
1973 - The Garden (short)
1974-1977 - "Born by the Revolution" - Nikolai Kondratyev
1975 - "It can't be!" - Nikolay, husband of Zinaida
1976 - "Duma about Kovpak" - Platon Voronko
1976 - "The Most Beautiful Horse" - Boris Stepanovich Inozemtsev
1978 - "I want to see you" - Myron
1980 - "Long Road in the Dunes" - Otto Grunberg / Alexander Efimov
1981 - "My Eternal Love" - ​​Gleb Nikitich
1981 - "Autumn Road to Mom" ​​- Dmitry
1981 - "The facts of the past day" - Yusin
1981 - "This minute, this moment" (Czechoslovakia) - Boris, commander of a partisan detachment
1983 - "Seven hours before death" - surgeon Shulgin
1984 - "First Horse" - Klim Voroshilov
1984 - "Quiet waters are deep" - Uvarov
1986 - "The Secrets of Madame Wong" - Captain of "Ivana Bunin"
1986 - Turksib
1988 - Shuravi
1989 - "Private detective, or Operation" Cooperation "" - professor
1990 - "War in the West" - Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov
1990 - "Hat" - Writer
1991 - "Kill the" Jackal "" - Nikolay Alekseevich Petrov, head of the criminal investigation department
1992 - "Rat Corner" - "Teacher", crime boss
1992 - "Richard the Lionheart" - Bishop of Tire
1993 - "Your fingers smell of incense" - Grzhimailo
1993 - "Knight Kenneth" - Bishop of Tyr
1993 - "Gray Wolves" - Alexander Nikolaevich Shelepin
1993 - "Trotsky" - Stalin
1994 - "Boulevard Novel" - Captain Fyodor Agapov
1995 - "The Young Lady-Peasant" - a neighbor-landowner
1995 - "Train to Brooklyn" - Rozov
1996 - "To Love in Russian 2" - Governor Turchak
1996 - "Midnight in St. Petersburg" (USA) - Fedor
1997 - "Night of the Yellow Bull" ("Children of the Earthquake", Turkmenistan)
1998 - "Prince Yuri Dolgoruky" - Luka
1999 - "To love in Russian 3: The Governor" - ex-governor Turchak
1999 - "Transit for the Devil" - Stepan Dorokhov, FSB General
2000 - The Salvation Army - General Thunder
2001 - "Detectives" - Minister of Internal Affairs
2001 - "Ideal couple" (series "Queen of the gas station") - Gudimov
2002 - "Code of Honor" - Mikhail Matveyevich Ermakov, Lieutenant General
2002 - "Golden Medusa" - Khan, Aram's old partner
2003 - Bless the Woman - Passenger
2006 - "Detectives-5" - General Ostapenko
2006 - "I stay" - doctor Oleg Saprunov
2008 - "Rich and Beloved" - Yuri Dorokhov
2009 - "One day there will be love" - ​​Dr. Korzh
2011 - "Hostages of Love" - ​​General Zuev.

Evgeny Zharikov and Natalya Gvozdikova rarely give interviews. They don't like to talk about their personal problems either. "Only the stars" tracked down the former passion of their son - 35-year-old Fedor, who gave away many family secrets of the famous couple.

Fedor's parents, famous actors Yevgeny Zharikov and Natalya Gvozdikova, were sure that their son would follow in their footsteps. At the age of 12, he starred in the film "Shuravi", but did not want to play a movie anymore. Fedor entered the French department at the Institute of Foreign Languages. Then he worked for a long time in an aircraft manufacturing firm. But in the 90s he was forced to change his profession and worked for several months in the field of social security, dealing with the problems of the elderly. Then he returned to his usual industry and became the chief of information security.

“Fedor is a very sweet, attractive man, he has a great sense of humor,” says Svetlana, the ex-girlfriend of Zharikov Jr. - He perfectly tells jokes, apparently, he inherited his acting talent from his parents. At first I wondered why he never married. Why - I understood this only after closer communication.

For three long months Svetlana and Fedor communicated only by phone. Zharikov told her funny stories, complained about colleagues, asked for advice. But I didn't ask for dates. The girl was lost in conjectures: she did not understand how the man treated her.

“Every time he found a reason to cancel our meeting,” Svetlana complains. - He had to take his mother to the dacha, then he had to bring something for the computer from the other end of the city. But I never complained and patiently waited for a date.

Sometimes in conversation, Zharikov mentioned former girls. According to Svetlana, he remained on friendly terms with only one of his passions - he quarreled with the rest to smithereens.

- He complained that his parents say every day that it is time for him to get married and finally give them grandchildren. As far as I know, Fedya only once came close to proposing to a girl. But soon, for some unknown reason, he parted with her. Then Fedya began to look after Vika. She was a girl in a body. Fedya said that she had very large breasts and his friends called Vika Miss Big Boobs behind her eyes. But relations with her did not work out either.

According to Svetlana, after parting with Vika, Fyodor's desperate parents decided to take extreme measures and arrange their son's personal life, as they did in the last century. They invited guests to the house and there they introduced Fedor to his friend's daughter.

- The girl's name was Anna, and Fedya liked her, - says Svetlana. - It seems that they even went to a restaurant together, but there was no continuation of the novel, which upset Yevgeny Ilyich and Natalya Fedorovna a lot.

Zharikov's son changed girls like gloves. The novels followed one after another. But Fedor did not want to marry any of his passions.

“Once he told me this story,” Svetlana recalls. - Fedya met a girl for a long time, loved her very much, literally went crazy. Somehow they agreed that they would meet after work. While he was waiting for the girl, he decided to wiretap her phone, and she cooed with some other man. Fedya is very jealous, he will not tolerate treason, so he broke up with the cheater.

Eavesdropping on other people's telephone conversations is one of the favorite activities of Zharikov's son. Sometimes Fedor can connect to a stranger - just out of curiosity.

“He has all the equipment for this,” says Zharikova's ex-girlfriend. - Once he connected to the mobile phone of one person whom he considered his enemy, and as a result he knew everything that he said about him. When Fedya and I talked, he often joked: “Aren't you afraid that I’m listening to your phone too?” I replied that I had nothing to hide.

Finally, after three months of talking on the phone, Fedor decided to ask Svetlana out on a date. And not just for a meeting, but for getting to know their famous parents.

- I really wanted to please Evgeny Ilyich and Natalya Fedorovna, - says Svetlana. - And Fedya had his own idea of ​​how a girl should look. He hates red nail polish, bright makeup, doesn't like it when women wear trousers. Therefore, for the meeting with his parents, I chose an elegant black dress.

Fyodor met an agitated friend at a bus stop near his house. In his hands he held a scarlet rose. The young people went into the house.

- The first one in the Zharikovs' apartment was greeted by the cat Masik of the Persian breed, - Svetlana recalls. - Fedya immediately raised his pet in his arms and began to squeeze. I took off my coat and went to say hello to his father, Yevgeny Ilyich. He sat in the living room and watched TV. Zharikov looked great - in an elegant suit with a cane in his hands. He hugged me warmly and invited me to watch a movie together. But Fedya wanted to show his room, and we left. There was a modest wall, a small sofa and a desk littered with telephones, wires, and intercoms. But the most prominent place was occupied by a photograph of his mother - Natalia Gvozdikova in her youth. I did not see the general family picture. Soon we were called to the table.

Evgeny Zharikov's wife, Natalya Gvozdikova, was once one of the most beautiful actresses. Men ran after her in droves. But, according to Svetlana, entering the kitchen, she saw a completely different woman.

- Natalya Fedorovna came out to meet me in short home pants, a crumpled T-shirt, there was not a single gram of makeup on her face, - says the girl. - I was surprised by this order, because I am a stranger to her.

Soon Evgeny Ilyich himself sat at the head of the table. According to Svetlana, the legendary actor put down his cane and timidly asked his wife for a plate of borscht.

- In response to the request, Natalya Fyodorovna threw him: “Will you not have much? Maybe not give at all? " But then she poured soup into a plate and put it on the table, knocking it loudly.

However, Zharikov, according to the girl, was not surprised by such an attitude towards himself.

The girl suggested that perhaps the strange communication between Gvozdikova and Zharikov is associated with the novel of the actor and journalist Tatyana Sekridova. The passionate relationship lasted for many years. Sekridova gave birth to a son, Sergei, and a daughter, Katya, from Zharikov. But one day she caught the actor with another woman and talked about their romance to Gvozdikova. She wanted to file for divorce, but then her son persuaded her to try to forgive her father. Apparently, she could not forget the betrayal of Gvozdikova and now, at every opportunity, she takes out her anger and resentment on her husband, even despite the presence of a stranger.

- During dinner, Natalya Fyodorovna and Fedya constantly reproached Yevgeny Ilyich for something, threw caustic phrases at him, - says Svetlana. - They remembered his mistakes, miscalculations, failures and laughed at it. They acted as if neither he nor me were at the table. Evgeny Ilyich did not even try to argue with them, he endured all these insults. I was very sorry to look at him. The famous and beloved actor looked like a beaten dog.

According to the girl, every time Zharikov asked to put him a salad or give him another dish, the household said: “Why do you need it? Is not it too much? You won't crack? ", And if the actor frowned from the salty, they asked sarcastically:" Is it really salty? Well, it happens, you will survive. "

- Fedya and his mother tried in every possible way to humiliate Yevgeny Ilyich, - Svetlana recalls. - When Natalya Fedorovna got up from the table, and Fedya left, I tried to put a salad or other tasty dish on a plate for Evgeny Ilyich. For this he thanked me with a nod of his head.

The young people parted late in the evening. Fyodor went to see the girl off. But they never met again ...

- I have a very unpleasant impression after that meeting. True, Fedya and I called up several times, but our conversation always ended in a quarrel, - says Svetlana. - Once I could not call him back, and he gave me a terrible scandal on the phone! He said that I must report to him where I was and what I was doing. I realized that I could not be close to such a person, and decided to put an end to our difficult relationship. Therefore, it is not surprising that Fedor is still not married at 35 years old.

Natalia Alekseeva.