Six main energy channels associated with the heart, lungs, brain, liver, spleen, vascular system, large and small intestines, pass through the hands and fingers of a person

The art of the Mudras originated in China over two thousand years ago.... The healers of that time believed that the vital activity of the body is supported not only by food, but also by the energy that it receives from the Cosmos.

This energy circulates through special channels-meridians, providing "delivery" to all organs and tissues of the body. If a failure occurs in one or more meridians, the energy "fuel" stops flowing to its destination, and the work of internal organs is disrupted. The reasons can be different: unfavorable external conditions, poor heredity, stress, but the result is the same: a person starts to get sick.

Six main energy channels associated with the heart, lungs, brain, liver, spleen, vascular system, large and small intestines, pass through the hands and fingers of a person. That is why the hand has such tremendous healing power! By connecting fingers in certain combinations, it is possible to activate the meridians and direct energy throughout the body, restore the flow of energy and eliminate "breakdowns" in diseased organs.

Learning to fold your fingers into healing combinations is easy. It is better to perform Mudras in a calm atmosphere, facing east. But if necessary, they can be done anywhere - on a walk, in transport, at work during lunchtime. It does not matter at all whether you are sitting, standing or walking.

Keep your hands calm, without tension. Some exercises can be done outdoors without taking your hands out of your pockets, as well as in mittens (in this case, you will have to free your thumb and fold the mudra right inside the mitten). It's better to take off your gloves. Hands should not have any jewelry: rings, bracelets.

The attitude with which the Mudras are performed is of great importance. When you start practicing, you should be absolutely calm and confident that the healing gestures will bring you relief. Forget about troubles and grievances, mentally ask for forgiveness from those whom you offended, and try to forgive the one who offended you yourself. If you are a believer, before starting the exercises, read a prayer, ask the higher powers to help you, and after the end of the lesson, do not forget to thank the person you turned to for help.

When using healing gestures, energy flows are normalized not only in the body of the one who performs them, but also in the surrounding space. This means that Mudras can be healed from a distance. The main thing is to feel a sincere desire to help someone who needs it. If this person is next to you, calmly, trying not to attract attention to yourself, approach him and start doing the Mudra that is most suitable in this situation. If you are far away, imagine the addressee and mentally hold his image in front of you for the entire time while doing the exercise.

Choosing the right Mudra, remember that you can relieve pain and malaise, but not get rid of the causes of the disease. For example, the head may hurt not only because your blood pressure has jumped, not because of osteochondrosis or poor digestion. To make the effect on the body complex, perform not one, but several Mudras during the day.

To increase immunity, relieve fatigue and stress, perform the Mudras of Life, Earth, Energy, "Three Columns of Space", "Turtle", "Chandman Chalice", "Shield of Shambhala".

For diseases of the cardiovascular system - Mudras of Knowledge, "Saving Life", "Temple of the Dragon", "Ladder of the Heavenly Temple", "Turtle", "Arrow Vajra".

In case of hypertension - the “Saving Life” Mudra and the Knowledge Mudra, and then, alternating, the Wind and Life Mudras.

Your lungs are out of order, are you suffering from colds and respiratory diseases? Take into service the Mudras "Sink" and "Raising", as well as the Mudras of Water, "Dragon's Head", "Flute of Maitreya".

Do you suffer from diseases of the digestive system? Perform the Water Mudra, as well as the Chandman Bowl, Sea Scallop, and Soaring Lotus Mudras.

For joint pains - Mudras "Cow", Wind, Life, Energy.

In case of disorders of the nervous system - Mudras of Knowledge, Earth, "Window of Wisdom", "Ladder of the Heavenly Temple", "Dragon's Tooth", "Shakya Muni's Hat", "Maitreya's Flute".

For diseases of the stomach, intestines, urinary bladder, uterus - perform the Soaring Lotus Mudra.

If you have problems with hearing, then you cannot do without the Mudra of Heaven.

Decreased vision - the Mudra of Life will help to cope with malaise.

Perform each exercise five to six times for 5-10 minutes. The optimal time for one lesson is 45 minutes, but you can break it down into shorter intervals (10, 15 and 20 minutes). If you drink medications, then exercise is best done half an hour before or half an hour after taking medications.

Attention! If, while performing this or that Mudra, you feel any unpleasant sensations, stop the exercise immediately, and after a while try another Mudra with a similar action.

Discover a reserve of strength that will help you stay healthy and live happily ever after!

Mudra "Sink" - an attribute of God Shiva

indications: all diseases of the throat, larynx, hoarseness. When performing this Mudra, the voice is amplified, therefore, we especially recommend it to singers, artists, teachers, orators.
execution technique: two joined hands represent a shell. four fingers of the right hand hug the thumb of the left hand. the thumb of the right hand touches the pad of the middle finger of the left hand.

Mudra "Cow" - in India, the cow is considered a sacred animal.

indications: rheumatic pains, radiculitis pains, joint diseases.
execution technique: the little finger of the left hand touches the heart (ring) finger of the right hand; the little finger of the right hand touches the heart finger of the left hand. at the same time, the middle finger of the right hand is connected to the index finger of the left hand, and the middle finger of the left hand is connected to the index finger of the right hand. thumbs apart.

The Mudra of Knowledge is one of the most important. Relieves emotional stress, anxiety, anxiety, melancholy, sadness, melancholy and depression, improves thinking, activates memory, concentrates potential.

indications: insomnia or excessive sleepiness, high blood pressure. this mudra revives us anew. Many thinkers, philosophers, scientists have used and are using this Wisdom.
execution technique: the index finger easily connects to the ball of the thumb. the remaining three fingers are straight (not tense).

The mudra of Heaven is connected with the Higher Forces, with the "upper man" - the head.

indications: for persons suffering from ear diseases with hearing loss. Performance in some cases leads to a very rapid improvement in hearing, prolonged exercise leads to almost complete cure of many ear diseases.
execution technique: bend the middle finger so that it touches the base of the thumb with a small pad, and press the bent middle finger with the thumb. the remaining fingers are straight and not tense.

Mudra of the Wind - in Chinese medicine, the wind is understood as one of the five elements, its violation causes wind diseases.

indications: rheumatism, sciatica, trembling of hands, neck, head. when performing this mudra, after a few hours, you can notice a significant improvement in the condition. in chronic diseases, mudra should be performed alternately with the Wisdom of Life. Exercise can be stopped after improvement and the onset of the disappearance of signs of the disease.
execution technique: put the index finger so that it reaches the base of the thumb with a small pad. With your thumb, hold this finger lightly, and the remaining fingers are straightened and relaxed.

Mudra "Raising" indications: for all colds, sore throat, pneumonia, cough, runny nose, sinusitis. The implementation of this Mudra mobilizes the body's defenses, increases immunity and promotes rapid recovery. Simultaneously with the implementation of this Mudra, you need to follow the following diet: during the day, drink at least 8 glasses of boiled water. the daily diet should consist of fruits, rice, yogurt.

execution technique: both palms are joined together, fingers are crossed. the thumb (of one hand) is set aside and surrounded by the index and thumb of the other hand.

Mudra "Saving Life" - (first aid for a heart attack)

indications: pain in the heart, heart attacks, palpitations, discomfort in the region of the heart with anxiety and anguish, myocardial infarction. in these conditions, it is necessary to immediately begin to perform this Mudra with both hands at the same time. Relief comes immediately, the action is similar to the use of nitroglycerin.
execution technique: bend the index finger so that it touches the tip phalanx of the base of the thumb with the pad. at the same time we fold the middle, ring and thumb with the pads, the little finger remains straightened.

The Mudra of Life - evens out the energy potential of the whole organism, helps to strengthen its vitality, increases efficiency, gives endurance, improves overall well-being.

indications: a state of rapid fatigue, 6 powerlessness, visual impairment, improves visual acuity, treatment of eye diseases.
execution technique: the pads of the ring finger, little finger and thumb are connected together, and the rest are freely straightened. performed by both hands at the same time.

The mudra of the Earth - according to Chinese natural philosophy, the Earth is one of the primary elements from which our body is built, one of the elements that determines the type of personality and a tendency to certain diseases.

indications: deterioration of the psychophysical state of the body, a state of mental weakness, stress. the implementation of this Mudra improves an objective assessment of one's own personality, self-confidence, and also protects against negative external energy influences.
execution technique: the ring and thumb are connected by pads with slight pressure. the remaining fingers are straightened. performed with both hands.

Mudra of Water - Mudra of the God of Water Varuna. Water is one of the five primary elements that form our body and planet. the element of water gives a certain color to people born in the zodiacal group of this element, as well as a tendency to certain diseases. In a general sense, water is the basis of life, without which all life on the planet is unthinkable.

indications: with an excess of moisture in the body, water or mucus in the lungs, stomach (increased mucus production during inflammation), etc., excessive accumulation of mucus in the body can, according to Eastern concepts, cause an energetic blockade of the whole body. This Mudra is also recommended for liver disease, colic, and bloating.
execution technique: bend the little finger of the right hand so that it touches the base of the thumb, with which we lightly press the little finger. with the left hand we grasp the right one from below, while the thumb of the left hand is located on the thumb of the right hand.

Energy Mudra - life is unthinkable without energy, energy fields and radiation permeate the entire Universe, interacting with each other, emitting and absorbing in order to be reborn again.

indications: to provide an analgesic effect, as well as to remove from the body various poisons and toxins that poison our body. this Mudra heals diseases of the genitourinary system and the spine, leads to the purification of the body.
execution technique: we connect the pads of the middle "ring" and thumb together, the remaining fingers are freely straightened.

Mudra "Window of Wisdom" - opens vital centers for life, contributing to the development of thinking, activating mental activity.

indications: cerebral circulation disorder, cerebral vascular sclerosis.
execution technique: the heart (ring) finger of the right hand is pressed by the first phalanx of the thumb of the same hand. the fingers of the left hand are folded in the same way. the remaining fingers are loosely spaced.

Mudra "Temple of the Dragon" - The dragon symbolizes strength, flexibility, power, longevity, wisdom. The temple is a collective image of thought, strength, intelligence, holiness and discipline. By combining all this into one whole, we create a unity of thought, mind, nature and space. Fulfillment of this Mudra directs our actions on the path of knowledge and worship of the higher mind, for the implementation of good deeds, creates a feeling of unity with the cosmos.

indications: arrhythmic heart disease, discomfort in the region of the heart, arrhythmia; promotes calmness and concentration of energy and thoughts.
execution technique: the middle fingers of both hands are bent and pressed against the inner surfaces of the palms. the remaining fingers of the same name of the left and right hands are connected in a straightened position. the index and ring fingers are interconnected above the bent middle fingers. this is how the mudra "dragon temple" is performed. the index and ring fingers symbolically represent the roof of the "temple", the thumbs represent the dragon's head, and the little fingers represent the dragon's tail.

Mudra "Three Columns of Space" - the world consists of three bases, or layers - lower, middle and higher, which symbolizes the past, present and future. The unity of these three foundations gives birth, life and death.

indications: metabolic disorders, decreased immunity, renewal of strength.
execution technique: the middle and ring fingers of the right hand are placed on the analogous fingers of the left hand. the little finger of the left hand is placed near the base of the dorsum of the middle and ring fingers of the right hand, then everything is fixed with the little finger of the right hand. the terminal phalanx of the index finger of the right hand is clamped between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand.

Mudra "Ladder of the Heavenly Temple" - the intersection of paths and destinies - is the basis of the relationship between the world and man, the relationship between society and man, his views, contacts with each other.

indications: mental disorder, depression. Fulfillment of this Mudra improves mood, relieves the state of despair and melancholy.
execution technique: the tips of the fingers of the left hand are pressed between the tips of the fingers of the right hand (the fingers of the right hand are always down). the little fingers of both hands are free, straightened, facing up.

Mudra "Turtle" - according to Indian mythology, the turtle helped the Gods get Amrita (the sacred drink of immortality) from the ocean.
By closing all fingers, we close the bases of all hand meridians, forming a vicious circle, thus preventing energy leakage.

indications: asthenization, overwork, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.
technique of execution: the fingers of the right hand are closed with the fingers of the left hand. the thumbs of both hands are joined together to form a "turtle head".

Mudra "Dragon's Tooth" - the Dragon's tooth symbolizes strength and power. Fulfilling the Mudra, a person, as it were, acquires these qualities, increases his spirituality and consciousness.

indications: confusion, impaired coordination of movements, stress and emotional instability.
execution technique: the thumbs of both hands are pressed to the inner surface of the palms. the third, fourth and fifth fingers are bent and pressed against the palm. the index fingers of both hands are straight and pointing up.

Mudra "Chandman Chalice" ("nine jewels") - the body, mind and consciousness of a person, as well as the surrounding world, consists of nine jewels. by collecting all nine jewels in one bowl, we affirm the unity of soul and body, the unity of man and space. A filled bowl symbolizes well-being and prosperity.

indications: promotes digestion, eliminates congestion in the body.
execution technique: four fingers of the right hand support from below and clasp the similar fingers of the left hand, the thumbs of both hands are freely set outwards, forming the handles of the bowl.

Mudra "Shakyamuni Hat" - the most widespread is the image of Buddha Shakyamuni. Most often, he is depicted sitting on a diamond throne and having attained the highest enlightenment. Its main Mudras are: assurance, the wheel of life. The symbol is a beggarly bowl, the color is gold, the throne is a red lotus.
The brain is the most perfect form of perception of thought and reason, the basis of all vital processes, the regulator of all functions, the most important control panel for the entire body.

indications: depression, vascular pathology of the brain.
method of execution: the little finger, ring and index fingers of the right hand in a bent position are connected with similar fingers of the left hand. the middle fingers of both hands are connected and extended. the thumbs are closed together by the lateral surfaces.

Mudra "Dragon's Head" - the head represents the center of perception and thinking. In Tibet, the head is associated with the sign of the Dragon, the upper light, the upper light identifies the basis of Spirituality.

indications: diseases of the lungs, upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx, prevention of colds

execution technique: the middle finger of the right hand grasps and presses the terminal phalanx of the index finger of the same hand. a similar combination is performed with the fingers of the left hand. we connect both hands. the thumbs of both hands are connected to each other by the lateral surfaces. the rest of the fingers are crossed.

Mudra "Sea Scallop" - life, wealth, strength, saturation with energy.

indications: the implementation of this Mudra is recommended for people suffering from lack of appetite, asthenized, thin, patients with impaired digestive functions of absorption.
execution technique: the thumbs of both hands touch their lateral surfaces. the rest are crossed in such a way that they are imprisoned inside both palms.

Regular performance of this Mudra will increase appetite and help normalize digestion and improve appearance.

Mudra "Arrow Vajra" - vajra - "thunder arrow", the weapon of the Thunder God Indra. This is a special force that promotes liberation; lightning is a symbol of peace and the power of the Spirit. Mudra is concentrated energy in the form of a lightning discharge, a bunch of energy.

indications: Mudra is very effective for people suffering from cardiovascular disease, hypertension, circulatory and blood supply insufficiency.
execution technique: the thumbs of both hands are connected by their lateral surfaces. the index fingers are straightened and also joined together. the rest of the fingers are crossed.
bend your arms at chest level, elbows to the sides, weave your fingers in mudra
Fulfillment of this Mudra concentrates the healing energy of the channels and directs it mentally to normalize vascular disorders.

Mudra "Shield of Shambhala" - Mudra of invisibility and unrecognizability for the forces of evil. Shambhala is a country of higher essences, prosperity, virtue and well-being. It personifies longevity, kindness, eternity and the achievement of high Spirituality. Shield - protection of life, health, prosperity, prosperity.

indications: Mudra "Shield of Shambhala" protects you from the negative effects of someone else's energy. if you are not protected by your Spirituality, then these influences can have very serious consequences.

execution technique: the fingers of the right hand are bent and clenched into a fist (hand). the left hand is straightened, the thumb is pressed to the hand. the straightened left hand covers and is pressed against the back of the right fist.

Mudra "Soaring Lotus" - lotus - an aquatic plant that serves as a religious symbol. The lotus has its roots in the ground, its stem passes through the water, and the flower opens in the air, under the rays of the sun (the element of fire). So, consistently passing through all the elements, he personifies the whole world and the five elements. Its flower is not wetted with water, does not touch the ground. The lotus is a symbol of the Spirit.

The lotus flower serves as the throne of the Gods, embodies purity, wisdom, fertility, brings happiness, prosperity, eternal youth and freshness.

indications: for diseases of the female genital area (inflammatory processes), as well as for diseases of hollow organs (uterus, stomach, intestines, gallbladder).
execution technique: the thumbs of both hands are connected, the index fingers are straightened and connected by the terminal phalanges. the middle fingers are interconnected. the ring fingers and little fingers of both hands are crossed with each other and lie at the base of the middle fingers.

Mudra "Flute of Maitreya" - a symbol of all light, pious, Spiritual; victory of the Light forces over the dark.

indications: wind diseases - diseases of the respiratory tract, lungs; a state of longing and sadness.

execution technique: The thumbs of both hands are connected together. the index finger of the left hand rests on the base of the index finger of the right hand. the middle finger of the right hand is located on the middle and little fingers of the left hand. the ring finger of the left hand under the middle and ring fingers of the right hand. the little finger of the right hand is placed on the terminal phalanx of the middle finger of the left hand. the little finger of the right hand is located on the middle and ring fingers of the right hand and is fixed by the middle finger of the right hand, which is located on it.
Practice this mudra early in the morning for all lung diseases and acute respiratory diseases, as well as for states of sadness, longing and sadness.

The Mudra of Maintaining Health

indications: it is used as a prophylactic agent and an additional therapeutic agent for various diseases.
execution technique: connect the tips of the thumbs. connect the tips of the little fingers. bend the ring fingers of both hands and point them inward. place the index finger of the left hand between the middle and ring fingers of the right hand. straighten the index finger of your right hand.

The Mudra of Strengthening Health

indications: performed for preventive purposes.
execution technique: connect the ring finger of the left hand with the thumb of the left hand. put the middle finger of your left hand on the ring finger of your left hand. Press the little finger of your left hand to the ring finger of your left hand. straighten the index finger. bend the ring and middle fingers of the right hand and press it to the palm. straighten the little finger, index and thumb of the right hand. put the right hand on the left hand at the level of the base of the hand.

Mudra for lowering high blood pressure

indications: used for hypertension - a chronic disease characterized by a constant or periodic increase in blood pressure associated with a disorder of nervous regulation.
method of execution: cross the middle and ring fingers, as well as the little fingers of the right and left hands. the little finger of the right hand should be on the outside. straighten the index finger of the left hand. straighten your left thumb. bend the index finger of the left hand, and press it against the base of the index finger of the right hand. Bend the thumb of the right hand and place it under the bent index finger of the left hand.

Mudra for the treatment of bradycardia

indications: slowing heart rate.

execution technique: connect the tips of the thumbs of the right and left hands. Place the index finger of the right hand on the index finger of the left hand, under the middle finger of the left hand. place the middle and ring fingers of the right hand on the middle finger of the left hand, under the ring finger of the left hand, placing their tips on the little finger of the left hand. straighten the little finger of your right hand. published by

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Excessive stress, fatty foods, and lack of exercise destroy our heart. Unfortunately, the number of people suffering from heart disease is growing daily. And now 25 year olds already have heart problems.

Mudras for a healthy heart can be safely called hand exercises with a huge healing effect. You fold your fingers into certain gestures and in such a simple way trigger and activate the energy of your internal organs.

Mudras for a healthy heart are very ancient knowledge that came to us from the East. Mudras are suitable for absolutely everyone, have no contraindications, they can be performed at any age, regardless of religion.

Today I want to offer you 3 of the most effective, in my opinion, Mudras for a healthy heart.

1. Mudra "Saving life"

Perhaps this is the most magnificent mudra, because it can save life with a heart attack.

The "Saving Life" mudra will help eliminate various pains in the heart, heart attacks. This is first aid for myocardial infarction: while you are waiting for doctors, keep the mudra - this will drown out the attack as much as possible. The action is like a nitroglycerin tablet.

By the way, the implementation of this mudra will also save you from longing and sadness, because these two emotions live in the heart and weaken it.

How to do mudra:

The Saving Life mudra should be performed simultaneously with both hands. The index finger should touch the terminal phalanx of the thumb. At the same time, at the same time, it is necessary to fold the pads of the middle, heart and thumbs, and let the little finger remain in a straightened state. Don't strain your arms.

2. Mudra "Dragon Temple"

Mudras for a healthy heart: I will put the dragon temple mudra in second place. This is a very powerful mudra. In general, the dragon in the east is a symbol of strength, greatness, power. In addition, it is the dragon that unites 5 primary elements with each other: wood, fire, earth, metal, water. Mudra was named "Dragon Temple" for a reason, because the temple is also a symbol of wisdom, intelligence, discipline, and sacredness.

The Chinese also believe that the dragon lives on our hands - the dragon's head is on the thumb, the dragon has its tail on the little finger, but the roof of the temple is on the ring finger.

And now the main thing: when you connect your fingers, you activate the power of the dragon and the temple.

Indications for use of mudras:

Mudra helps if you have arrhythmias, coronary heart disease or heaviness in the area of ​​the heart. Mudra not only relieves these symptoms, but also helps to concentrate energy, thoughts (you remember that mudra is responsible for wisdom as well) and will bring peace and serenity.

How to do mudra:

The "Dragon Temple" mudra must be performed simultaneously with both hands. Bend your middle fingers and press them against the inner surface of your palms. Now we connect the thumbs of the left and right hands: just straighten them. Now check that your index and ring fingers are connected to each other and above your middle fingers.

3. Mudra "Arrow Vajra"

This is a very powerful mudra, because according to legends, the vajra is the thunderbolt of the lord of thunder. The mystics assure that the vajra releases energy, releases it into the wild in the form of thunder. Therefore, it is believed that this is a mudra of special power.

Mudra collects all energy, then directs it to the vessels of the heart, thereby helping it to work better.

Indications for use of mudras:

The "Arrow Vajra" mudra will help if you have hypertension, vascular pathology, heart disease, lack of blood supply.

How to do mudra:

The Arrow Vajra mudra must be performed simultaneously with both hands. Connect the thumbs along the entire length with the side surfaces. Keep your index fingers straight and at the same time connect them with the pads. Just cross your other fingers together. Don't strain your arms. Feel lightness.

Mudras for a healthy heart is perhaps the easiest, and most importantly, the safest way to be healthy and energized. But health is the key to success in any area of ​​life. Therefore, practice mudras as often as possible!

When practicing yoga, not only the posture of the body is important, but also the special crossing of the fingers. The ritual arrangement of the hands and fingers has a special meaning: Indian healers assure that healing mudras are good for the heart, they promote concentration of thoughts and energy, help to reduce pressure, relieve anxiety and relieve pain symptoms.

What is mudra?

So what is mudra, and what effect does it have on the body?

Mudra- This is yoga of the fingers, a special position of the fingers folded in a certain way and has a healing effect. These gestures were used in India as a way to heal both body and spirit. The touch of the tip of a finger to another, as suggested in the mudra, helps to control the energy flows passing through the human body, and thereby directly affect the state of organs and systems.

Performing healing mudra yoga for the fingers does not require a special setting or room. They can be done during a break at work, walking in the park, sitting in front of the TV. The total time for training - 45 minutes - can be divided into 2,3 or shorter segments. When performing mudra, both hands are necessarily involved. The fingers are not tense.

There is a group of mudras that can be used with great efficiency to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Mudra for pain in the heart and with hypertension

It is wise for the heart, life-saving.

Indications for use: Immediately, as soon as you feel an unpleasant heartbeat, discomfort in the region of the heart, the appearance of tormenting anxiety and longing, proceed to the implementation of this mudra.

Execution method: The index finger is bent and slightly touches the base of the thumb with the pad of the terminal phalanx. When performing this mudra for pain in the heart, the pads of the middle, ring and thumb are simultaneously connected. The little finger is straightened.

The "dragon temple" mudra.

Indications for use: ischemic heart disease, discomfort in the region of the heart, arrhythmia; promotes calmness and concentration of energy and thoughts, allowing to normalize the heart rate.

Execution method: The middle fingers of both hands are bent and pressed against the inner surfaces of the palms. The other fingers of the left and right hands are straightened and connected. In this case, the index and nameless are connected to each other above the bent averages. When performing this mudra from the yoga complex for the heart and blood vessels, the index and ring fingers should be folded so as to resemble the “roof of a temple”, the big ones - the dragon's head, the little fingers - its tail.

Mudra "turtle".

Indications for use: dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.

Execution method: the fingers of the right hand meet the fingers of the left hand. The thumbs of both hands touch each other to form the turtle's head.

The heart mudras should be performed with the face to the east, placing the fingers at chest level.

Vajra arrow mudra.

Indications for use: hypertension and other disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Execution method: the thumbs of both hands are connected by their lateral surfaces. Straight index fingers touch the upper phalanges. The remaining fingers are crossed.

Completed on time, this mudra can save the life of you and your loved ones! Life-saving mudra - first aid in case of emergency!

Mudry in the East has long been used for the spiritual. But it was also noticed that the redistribution of energy flows, which contributes to the implementation of mudras, has a beneficial effect on the physical condition.

This mudra was called "Saving Life" for a reason. Everyone should learn how to implement it, since the timely application of this healing mudra can save lives!

Life-saving mudra can significantly improve health, and in emergencies, this will be the first aid that you can give yourself or others.

Indications for use are pain in the heart, heart attacks, palpitations, discomfort in the region of the heart with anxiety and anguish, myocardial infarction².

In these conditions, you must immediately begin to perform this mudra with both hands at the same time. Relief comes immediately, the action is similar to the use of nitroglycerin.

Life-saving mudra: execution technique

1. The index finger is bent so that it touches the ball of the end phalanx of the base of the thumb.

2. At the same time, fold the middle, ring and thumb with small pads, the little finger remains straightened.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Mudra - in Hinduism and Buddhism - symbolic, ritual arrangement of the hands, ritual sign language (

Arrhythmia is a frequent companion of arterial hypertension (essential hypertension), physical and emotional stress. Not in all cases this condition requires drug therapy, quite often it can be corrected with the help of gymnastics, yoga. There is a special kind of yoga technique that does not require physical activity. These techniques are called mudras.

Mudra - what is it?

Initially, a special arrangement of hands and fingers was called wise, which had a religious and symbolic meaning. Over time, these techniques entered spiritual practices, became one of the types of yoga. It is believed that this type of practice has a healing effect on the human body, on its systems and organs. This type of technique helps to control the flow of energy in the body, normalizing its work and putting in order the functions.

Indicate your pressure

Move the sliders

There are a huge number of mudras, the impact of which is aimed at correcting various diseases and pathological conditions of all systems and organs. Each disease has its own set of techniques. For diseases of the heart system, separate mudras have been created, which are used for arrhythmias of various origins, tachycardia (heart palpitations), high blood pressure and other disorders of the heart.

What are the benefits of the technique for the heart?

Mudras used to treat heart disorders have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems, help to calm down and relax. As a result of the implementation of these techniques, the work of the heart muscle is normalized, arrhythmia passes, and the heart rate normalizes. Mudras from cardiac arrhythmias are used not only to arrest an arrhythmic attack, but also to prevent and treat this condition. In the case of therapy for cardiac pathologies, the most popular are techniques such as "Turtle", Ganesha Mudra, "Vajra Arrow". But the most commonly used technique is the "Temple of the Dragon".

Mudra "Temple of the Dragon" is used to treat the cardiovascular system.

In the "Temple of the Dragon" technique, two mighty images of the East are combined into a single whole: "Dragon" and "Temple". "Dragon" personifies the unified nature of the five eastern primary elements: metal, fire, wood, earth, water. The symbol of the "Temple" is identified with the unity of thoughts, discipline, reason, strength, holiness. The union of these two images together unites bioflows of energy in the body, restores harmony to the functioning of organs and systems. The "Dragon Temple" technique is recommended for use in case of various arrhythmias, discomfort in the heart region, and in the presence of coronary heart disease. In addition, this technique stimulates emotional calmness, concentration of the energy flow, as a result of which the functioning of the heart muscle is normalized.