Greetings, dear readers! Today, again about how to think positively, there is no positive thinking a lot. I have a list for you, in which the best positive thoughts for every day.

How efficiently positive thinking

If we want to achieve serious change for the better in your life, of course, just read affirmations and think about our desires. Positive thinking can give amazing results and bring the changes we need in life, but only under certain conditions.

If you read affirmations, and at the same time, without ceasing to complain about life and concentrate on problems, the desired results you will not see soon. It is not enough to read affirmations in the morning and forget about them, returning to the usual image of thinking. Affirmations are only the beginning of change. Affirmations are not only allegations. Which you regularly re-read, but also what you think and mentally speak yourself. Your internal dialogue is a stream of statements, positive or not very, but over time it forms persistent beliefs that materialize, creating your reality in which you live.

In order for positive thinking to led to the desired changes in life, it is important not only to read affirmations, but also to think about the good all day. Here requires awareness to. Affirmations are the seeds that you sowed in your mind. But whether they will give shoots, it will be random, depends on the soil in which they are planted. Therefore, the more time you concentrate on the positive sides of life, the more often you feel the joy and happiness, the faster you will see the desired changes for the better in your life.

Another important point in the practice of positive thinking is emotions. Come in yourself bright positive emotions - do you read affirmations, visualize your desires or just tune on a positive wave. The brighter and stronger than your feelings, the faster the thoughts are materialized and desires are embodied. Emotions and sensations are the key to the creation of the desired reality! In this secret of fulfilling the desires and the creation of his new life - the life of your dreams.

So that positive thinking worked, and you got what you want, turn away from everything that you do not suit you, sadness, throw out pity from my life, complaints about injustice and accusations of anyone in our current problems, as well as a discussion Negative news. Take responsibility for everything that happens in your life and start changing it. After all, it is in your power. Focus attention only on good, and then it will be more and more in your life.

Want more money - turn away from their shortage, think about abundance, find thrive people, communicate with them, watch them, infect their way of thoughts and action.

Want more health - stop thinking about diseases, pay attention to the ways of improving and promoting health, make it possible to benefit your body - healthy nutrition, moderate physical activity, bright good thoughts and a mood on improving.

Want a strong loving family - stop thinking about problems in relationships, it is better to look for examples of strong loving couples, they are, it is worth only to switch the focus of attention, and you will notice them.

Negative thinking is just a habit, and it can be changed. It is only worth wanting to make a little effort. First, consciously focusing on positive things, step by step you teach yourself to notice all the good, passing by the negative.

What would you like to seek all new and new confirmations everywhere with their positive thoughts, teach the mind to concentrate on good, and you will attract the best in your life. Positive thinking every day - the key to your happy and joyful future.

And you can start with these positive statements.

Positive thinking every day - 30 statements

  1. If you want something very much, you will find a way to get it
  2. If you have a desire, then there is also possible to implement it
  3. To achieve great success, you need not only to act, but also dream
  4. I will strive for the best and achieve all of what I want!
  5. If you feel that this is exactly what your soul wants. Do not listen to anyone, go ahead to the dream!
  6. Believe in yourself even when no one believes in you
  7. Miracles where they believe in them. And the more believe, the more often they happen
  8. All you broadcast to the world returns to you multiplied
  9. There are no problems. There are only possibilities
  10. Change yourself and then the world will change around
  11. Each Your Thought is creating, every word creates. You are able to create your own world with your thoughts.
  12. Your life is in your hands. You yourself are able to create your new reality, the reality of your dreams
  13. You are worthy of a better life and all the best, which is in the universe. Open this stream
  14. The universe is abundant, in the world enough for everyone.
  15. Invest love in everything you do in every action
  16. All change for the better! Boldly move towards new
  17. Thank the Universe for everything that is now in your life
  18. Your thoughts are the key to the exercise of all your desires!
  19. Change your thoughts - and then the world will change around you
  20. You can create your dream life yourself. Power inside you.
  21. Want to change the world? Another man? Own life? Start changes to yourself
  22. If you can change something - change it, if you can't - stop worrying
  23. Happiness in the present moment - feel happy now!
  24. When something very much you want, the whole universe contributes to the desire to come true
  25. Think of good, radiaty happiness, and your desires will be performed by themselves
  26. You can create all that just want as soon as you believe it.
  27. Believe in all the best, expect the best - and you will only get the best in life
  28. The biggest wealth that you have is time. Appreciate it, invest competently
  29. Love yourself and take yourself as you are. The Lord created you with such, you are already perfect
  30. Create yourself, create your own life! Immerse yourself with thoughts in your dream, and soon it will become your reality

Holidays ended and starting to work particularly difficult. In the modern world, the time flies so quickly that, sometimes there is no strength, resist the daily stress or just gather with the Spirit. Whatever it was, it is impossible to fall in spirit! As popular wisdom says, we yourself are the blacksmiths of our own happiness! We offer you the 5 best tips from the guru of positive thinking that will help you tune in to the working way, and it is quite possible to radically change your life for the better! All in your hands and in your thoughts! 5 rules of positive thinking for every day.

5 rules of positive thinking for every day

1. Positive setting

No matter how much I want to record everything good for habit. If the diary does not please you, get the box or just a pretty jar, and throw a leaf with warm memories every week. In a difficult period, and especially at the end of the year, on a birthday, re-read the memories accidentally falling under the arm. So with ease your concerns will remain in the past, while retaining only bright moments. And so that your every day was successful, from the evening to make an action plan for tomorrow. But there are two important secrets! The first, write down those cases that you can end up to the end, and the second - include in the list of classes that deliver pleasure (any little, pleasant to your heart: reconsider a good movie, drink a cup, or a boilers, a favorite drink, stroll along the embankment, Or just have breakfast). Happiness in trifles, programming yourself for success, you set up success in all matters.

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2. Thanks

Be grateful. God, parents, close, weather or situations. Fighting a cherished desire, thank the highest forces for its execution, and then it will come into life even faster.

3. Improve health

This is the main component. From improper nutrition, chronic fatigue, aging processes are accelerated. Completely use useful food, drink more water. Take time for charging or meditation, relax in the fresh air - it is very important, follow the posture, do not forget to smile! Learn more laugh. Laughter is also holy, like prayer.


Harmony with himself - what almost every person dreams about this planet. The book of Louise L. Hay "positive thinking. How to be happy every day "is a kind of guide to achieving this goal. According to the author, it is a positive attitude - a deposit of a successful life.

about the author

Louise L. Hay - the founder of the self-help movement, publishing company and charitable foundation. She is the author of more than 30 books of popular psychology, one of which is the famous worldwide "You can heal our lives."

The writer put forward a new theory about the effect of mental injuries and stress on the human body, in which it is argued that negative attitudes and fears are the reason for emotional and physical problems. At the moment, its philosophy has become successful in many countries of the world, not only in the United States.

Prices for Louise L. Hay positive thinking how to be happy every day

What is this book about

The book has special meditations, the spiritual attitudes of Louise Hay and her friendliers are described. The stated material will help a person to sort out in sophisticated life situations. The author offers radically new ways to solve problems, the work describes the techniques for overcoming depressive states.

According to the position of Louise L.Hay, the internal mood is the basis of many outcomes in human life situations. It is enough to get rid of negative stereotypes in order to start thinking positively and change life to a positive way.

The book is designed for wide masses. It tells how to become happy, how to achieve harmony in life and not lose this condition.

The work is filled with affirmations, quotes of great people who help motivate a person, inspire him. Louise L. Hay claims that liberation from the past must be accompanied by a sense of forgiveness. This will help free from experiences, problems. Even the fact that a person wants to forgive, contributes to the process of recovery.

The book provides methods of how to become happier, they are based on positive thinking, on the effects of repetition and listening to positive phrases from 300 times a day.

The author does not give unusual advice and does not lead examples of difficult life problems, it describes the positive, life-affirming installations. The stated thoughts, statements, reasoning and approval are set up exclusively for love, faith due to kindness and sincerity.

Conditionally, the book can be divided into three parts:

  1. First. It contains meditative settings that are written on behalf of the author. Find solutions to women's life problems, get rid of stress, overcome the disease, eliminate the feeling of fear, become more confident. These conclusions help to gain a mental balance and a sense of security. Each thought is presented in the form of several sentences, but carries a lot of meaning.
  2. Second. It presents the "heart thoughts" Louise L. Hay, it shares with people with their own life conclusions.
  3. Third. It is filled with brief theses from the statements of significant people in the history of mankind - adherents of the theory of positive thinking.

Opinion readers

Readers allocate several positive characteristics of this book:

  • positive;
  • with severe positive energy;
  • possesses the motivational component;
  • easy to understand;
  • does not have complex speech revolutions.

Many people book "positive thinking. How to be happy every day "helped play with life difficulties in work, personal life, business. The work helps to repel a person in itself.

The disadvantages of the work include the fact that the book is in a sense of "infantile": no person can be constantly in a positive mood, cannot achieve absolute happiness.

Many readers believe that the book can quite become a desktop, it can be read daily, open on any page and "dive" in the abyss of positive and positive energy.

Thus, the work is an excellent motivator and inspirer. It will suit reading not only to women, but also to men, because it contains universal positive attitudes for a happy life.

With people filled with life, always easy and pleasant to communicate. Yes, and their life is going well: good work, pleasant surroundings, the world in the family. It would seem that these individuals possess a special gift. Of course, luck should be present, but in fact, a person himself forms his happiness. The main thing is the right life attitude and positive thinking. Optimists are always configured positively and do not complain about life, just every day improves it, and this is die for everyone.

Thinking introverts and extroverts

Before you figure it out how to change the way of thinking to a positive one, it is necessary to understand your mental warehouse. Introvert is a person, the solution of the problem whose is directed to the inner world. A person tries to figure out what is required at the moment. It works with information, without trying to resist the circumstances or people who brought discomfort. The energy flow does not come out in the form of insults, but remains inside.

Extraverats are aware that all tests are overcome and are required for perfection of the individual. Conduct with them will help changing some character traits or increase professional knowledge. This approach is comparable to a person in a school of life, where he can go to a new level. Thus, it can be said that positive and negative thinking characterize the personality as an extrovert or introvert.

Features of negative thinking

Modern psychology conventionally shares the mental process to negative and positive and considers it a tool of an individual. From how much it owns, his life depends.

Negative thinking is the low level of human brain abilities, based on the past experience of individuality and others. This is usually perfect errors and disappointments. As a result, the adult becomes a person, the more negative emotions accumulate in it, and new problems are added, and thinking becomes more negative. The view in question is characteristic of introverts.

The negative type of thinking is based on the denial of the facts that are unpleasant for the person. Thinking about them, a man tries to avoid a re-situation. The peculiarity is that in this case he sees even more what is unpleasant for him, and does not notice positive sides. In the end, the person begins to see his life in gray colors, and it is very difficult to prove that it is full of excellent events. People with negative thinking will always find many facts that refute such an opinion. According to their worldview, they will be right.

Characteristic negatively thinking

Focusing on the negative, the individual is constantly looking for the guilty and trying to find the reason why everything is so bad. At the same time, he rejects new opportunities to improve, finding a lot of flaws in them. Because of this, a good chance is often overlooked, which is not visible due to past problems.

The main characteristics of people with a negative type of thinking include the following:

  • the desire to live in a familiar way of life;
  • search for negative sides in all new;
  • lack of desire to receive new information;
  • traction for nostalgia;
  • waiting for more hard time and preparation for it;
  • identification of pricks in their own and other people's successes;
  • i want to get everything and immediately, while doing nothing;
  • negative attitude towards people and unwillingness to cooperate;
  • lack of positive parties in the real life;
  • the presence of significant explanations of why it is impossible to improve life;
  • poorness in material and emotional plan.

A person with a negative attitude to everything never knows exactly what he wants. His desire is to make his life that has at the moment is easier.

Optimistic mood - success in life

Positive thinking is a higher level of development of the thought process that is based on the extraction of benefits in everything that surrounds a person. The optimist's motto sounds like this: "Each failure is a step towards victory." In cases where people with negative thinking are surrendered, the individuals under consideration attached twice as much effort to achieve the desired result.

Positive thinking gives a personality chance to experiment, receive new information and make additional opportunities in the outside world. A person is constantly developing, and no fears are constrained. Since focusing on a positive, even in failures, the personality finds benefits for itself and counts what they managed to learn due to the defeat. The considered usually characterizes the extroverts.

Features of a person with a positive type of thinking

The person visiting all the surrounding only positive can be characterized as follows:

  • search for benefits in everything;
  • great interest in obtaining new information, since these are additional features;
  • restless desire to improve their lives;
  • creating ideas, planning;
  • the desire to work a lot to achieve the goals;
  • neutral and positive attitude towards others;
  • monitoring successful people, thanks to which their experience and knowledge takes into account;
  • search for answers to the question of why the planned is necessarily implemented;
  • calm attitude towards their achievements;
  • generosity in the emotional and material plan (in compliance with the sense of measure).

Based on the foregoing, it can be safely concluded that the opening and achievements committed by man - the result of the painstaking work of people who have a positive way of thinking.

How to form an optimistic attitude?

For thanks to which, from each situation, something useful can be extracted, the person must configure himself positively. How to do it? It is necessary to repeat positive statements more often and communicate with people-optimists, to learn their worldview.

For modern citizens, this approach to life is absolutely not accustomed as they are raised differently. There are different prejudices and negative installations received from childhood. Now you need to change your habits and more often to speak to your children so that they are not afraid of anything and believed in themselves, they sought to become successful. This is optimistic education, thanks to which there is a positive thinking.

The power of thought is the basis of the mood

The current generation is very educated, and many are well known that everything is what a person thinks, the highest strength gives him over time. It does not matter whether he wants it, it is important that he sends certain thoughts. If they repeat repeatedly, be sure to come true.

If you wish to understand how to change thinking to a positive one, we must follow the recommendations of supporters of Feng Shui. First, you must always think about positive. Secondly, in their speech and thoughts, exclude the use of negative particles and increase the number of affirmative words (I get, winning, I have). It is necessary to be firmly confident that everything will definitely work out, and then the positive installation will be implemented.

Want to become an optimist? Do not be afraid of change!

Each person gets used to everyday life, and many strongly can even grow into a phobia, on which in no case cannot be concentrated. Attention should be paid to positive qualities that personality will acquire, and not focus on negative beliefs. They just need to drive away.

For example, it appears to go to another job. Pessimist is greatly alarming, and such thoughts appear: "In a new place, nothing happens", "I will not cope", etc. A person who has a positive way of thinking, argues: "New work will bring more pleasure", " I will learn something new, "" I will make another important step towards success. " It is with such a configure that new vertices conquer in life!

What will be the result from changes in fate depends on the very personality. The main thing is to start a new day with positive thinking, enjoy life, smile. Gradually, the world around will become brighter, and the person will definitely become successful.

Tibetan art of positive thinking: the power of thought

Christopher Hansard wrote a unique book about the considered image of the thought process. It says that the correct thinking is capable of changing the life of not only the person himself, but also his environments. The person does not suspect at all what tremendous possibilities in it are laid. The future is formed by random emotions and thoughts. Ancient Tibetans sought to develop the strength of thought, combining them with spiritual knowledge.

The art of positive thinking is still applied at the present time and is also effective as many years ago. Some inappropriate thoughts attract others to themselves. If a person wants to change his life, he must start with himself.

Tibetan art: why do you need to deal with the negative?

According to K. Hansard, the whole world is one big thought. The first step to the use of its energy is to understand the degree of influence of the pessimistic mood. After that, the study of ways to expulse unwanted fantasies.

It is surprising that negative thoughts can master a person before his birth (in the womb) and have influence throughout life! In this case, it is necessary to get rid of them as soon as possible, otherwise the number of problems will only increase, and the ability to rejoice at the next moment will be lost. Negativeness is always masked for all overly complicated to not expose it. Salvation will be only a positive way of thinking, but to achieve a new level you will need to make an effort.

Exercise №1: "Liquidation of obstacles"

In the book on the Tibetan art of positive thinking, K. Hansard gives the reader a lot of practical recommendations. Among them there is a simple exercise that contributes to the destruction of obstacles in life. It is best to do it on Thursday morning (the removal of barriers in the Bonn Regulation). It is performed for 25 minutes (if desired longer) according to the algorithm described below.

  1. Sit at a comfortable position on the chair or floor.
  2. Focus on the problem.
  3. Imagine that the obstacle crouched on small pieces from the blow of a large hammer or burned in a flame of fire. At this time, it is necessary to allow negative thoughts hiding under the troubles, to go to the surface.
  4. Thinking that everything is bad is destroyed thanks to the resulting explosion of positive energy.
  5. Upon completion of the exercise, it is necessary to calmly sit, having a flow of gratitude to the highest forces.

Continue exercise is necessary for 28 days with an interval of at least 1 week. The more it lasts, the stronger is the development of positive thinking.

Exercise number 2: "Turning a negative situation to a positive"

A person with a positive perception of the surrounding world sometimes faces the need to make an unfavorable situation favorable for himself to continue moving forward. It is possible to do this with the help of a fairly powerful positive energy of the thought process.

First of all, the individual must understand the reason for the occurrence of the problem and how long it lasts, to see the reaction of other people (relating to the problem): they believe in its elimination, which results may be, if we turn a negative case into a positive, how long the effect lasts. After honest and thoughtful answers are given to all these questions, the following technique applies.

  1. Sit in a quiet place.
  2. Present a burning fire, surrounded by pleasant flavors.
  3. Imagine how the reason for the occurrence of the problem falls into the languages \u200b\u200bof the flame and melts from the strength of thought and high heat temperature.
  4. To mentally transform the reason for something positive, useful.
  5. The situation changes, along with it the bonfire becomes another: instead of an orange flame, a dazzling white-blue pillar of light appears.
  6. The new object enters the body through the spine and is distributed in the head and heart. Now you are a source of light and outgoing in the world's surrounding world.

After completing this exercise, the result does not cause herself to wait long.

Exercise number 3: "Good luck for your family"

Tibetan thinking allows you to help close in search of good work, friends and find happiness. The main thing is to be clearly confident that only the benefits and intention of sincere (care is not about yourself will be brought. To perform the exercise, it is necessary to send mental energy to the personality that you need to take care (free from obstacles). Next, you need to see and feel how all barriers in life disappear under the influence of strong thought. After that, send a white beam of mental energy in the heart of a person in which positive energy starts to awaken, attracting good luck. So stimulates the life force of close people. Upon completion, it is necessary to lie loudly in your hands 7 times.

Exercise "Creating good luck for your family" is necessary for a week, starting from Sunday. Repeat three times. Then the person for whom the help is sent will begin to make the first steps towards achieving new peaks and make the right deeds.

Based on all of the foregoing, it can be concluded that success, positive thinking and the will of a person - three interrelated elements that can improve his life.

Inner harmony - This is the most important thing in life. Without the feeling of happiness and joy to live quite difficult. Ways to achieve mental harmony today quite a lot, but the easiest, simple and efficient - this is a positive thinking.

What is positive thinking? This is a certain system of views on a world based on some major concepts.

The main concept of positive psychology and thinking:

- There is no guilty and the world is fair;

- the universe is abundant;

- the basis of everything is love for yourself;

- For everything that happens to a person in life, he responds himself;

- The person is what is his thoughts and, therefore, everything that happens to him is only a reflection of his thoughts.
Compliance or not compliance with these concepts and determines the fate and human health. Failures, troubles, health problems and other vobility of fate indicate "deviation from the course" and make you think and reconsider your behavior and your thoughts. While the right and positive thoughts give excellent health, inner harmony and happy fate.

Positive thinking - three main directions.

1. Affirmations (positive statements).

2. Positive attitude.

3. Positive thinking (positive thoughts).

Positive statements.

Affirmations are statements that argue that man wants to have. It is better if positive statements will be built with a support for the future ("Every day I become all younger," my incomes are constantly growing and increase every day, "and so on). It is possible to use affirmations and in the present time, but the use of them last time will not lead the desired result.

For example, consideration about weight loss. If you tell: "I lost weight!", It will not work. But if you talk: "Every day I get all the slim and slimming!" Or "I am constantly losing weight, and with every second my weight is becoming less!" - It will work. On the right setting and working with your subconscious for those who want to lose weight, I wrote in the article :, I also advise you to read.

Prophoving what you want many times during at least a month will inevitably lead to the desired result. And if you attach positive emotions to this, then everything will happen much faster. It would be good to do and exercise "Breathing of Happiness", his description can be found in the article

There are universal affirmations that every person can pronounce:

- The world is safe and friendly. I am sailing in the stream of life, and nothing threatens me.

- The source of love inside me is always full and I radiate and attract love.

- My life is joy, prosperity and happiness.

But, best of all, if each person comes up for himself his statement that he needs at the moment. There is a close relationship between our emotions and health, and if you have a health problem, you need to choose allegations related to this problem. Louise Hay, a famous psychologist, found a connection between diseases and emotions, on a page you can see its table.

If you lack self-confidence, then you can pronounce affirmations in front of a loud voice mirror than you usually talk. You can even wear a business suit.

If you want more love and harmony in the shower, then the allegations of love for yourself and the world, it is better to pronounce in a cozy, warm atmosphere (sitting in a soft chair, in a warm bath, before bedtime in bed or underwear under the sunny rays).

Positive attitude.

This is an absolute faith, internal self-sustaining in what you can all, you are always lucky and you are on the wave of good luck.

A positively configured person sees and finds advantages in everything and connects not binding concepts, at first glance.

For example:

- sprayed the car - to the money;

- broke the plate - to joy:

- The Black Cat has moved the road - to a pleasant news.

A person himself may come up with any admission, in which the main thing is not a logical chain, but a positive attitude!

For example, I love the numbers 5 and 7 very much. And if I see the car, in the room of which there are two fives, two seven or just a collection of these numbers, then I know that I am lucky today. I look at the number and say: "Fortunately!". This is my personal sign - :)

Positive thinking.

People themselves choose how to respond to events in their lives. Take the well-known example of a glass, which is half a half, or empty empty. A positive person sees it half full, and negative - half blank. But the glass is not changing from it!

Even in responses to standard questions, people behave differently. For example, the husband asks his wife a question: "You gathered, ready to go out?" What a negative woman will answer: "No, I'm not ready yet. Do not torment me! ", And a positive configured will say:" Almost gathered, I will go out in 20 minutes. " This little thing seems to be, but very precisely showing the inner state of a person.

There is another good tool with which you can quickly master and start applying in life the principles of positive thinking is a "Diary of Success", in which you can record and fix everything is good that you have happened per day. How to create it, read in the article: Thus, you will concentrate your attention on success, and not on failures.

Without work on yourself, your life will not change! Parents, society, teachers in school gave us a lot of good, but, unfortunately, and much unnecessary, or rather, even "not ours." Working on yourself, you can make your life better, brighter and richer.

If you want to work out your negative programs that interfere with you to flourish, check out "

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I wish you a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive, joy and positive emotions!

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