The former General Directress Newsone Alexei Semenov goes to work for the position of the same name for Tonis TV channel. He confirmed such information to the media detector. Semenov noted that during a meeting with the general director of the Tonis channel Alexander Butko, an agreement was reached on the start of cooperation and the policy of non-interference was discussed in the work of the channel.

Now, according to Semenov, contracts are preparing, after the signing of which, he will officially become the general producer of the TV channel. "I first get the opportunity to work on a channel with a good coating. I will be the general producer from the moment you will sign an agreement, "said Semenov. Semenov did not respond to the question about the sources of financing the TV channel and his rebranding, only noted that negotiations with potential investors continue.

"Today, Boutko and I have already entered several negotiation processes with potential investors. Channel development will be, "he said.

Also, the future General Manufacturer Tonis stressed that the renewed channel will not compete with the information "112 Ukraine" and Newsone: "On the channels" 112 Ukraine "and Newsone, we perfectly coped with the form, giving the country a new type of information broadcasting. It's time not only for the form, but also for the content, and the revival of the Spirit of the Rodniansky. "

On Tonis, a new team is already being formed, the main figures of which seeds will become, as well as TV presenters Evgeny Kiselev and Matvey Ganapolsky, who went out of Newsone together. Earlier in the media, Tonis TV channel was often associated with the son of the former President Alexander Yanukovych. Last year, the TV channel officially changed the ownership structure, and in fact, bought himself by the owner, Czech citizen Peter Zika.

The leader of the Radical Party Oleg Lyashko tied the dismissal of Ganapolsky, Kiseleva and Semenov not with a linguistic question, but with a direct installation from the bank. In his opinion, in the administration of the President of Ukraine, the leadership of the NEWSONE, the NEWSONE channel threatened, and Semenov had promised to even send from the country with his "Russian passport" if he would not adhere to censorship.

Ukrainian political analyst Vladimir Manko said that Semenov and TV hosts were considered as an alternative to TV channel "Tonis", which is familiar with many Ukrainians, but the ratings do not shine. "They will cost the channel is not cheap - over 50 thousand dollars a month," said Manko, referring to insiders. At the same time, according to his information, "Tonis" is ready to pay such a price to become NEWSONE and the television channel "112 Ukraine".

Colleagues on the workshop perceived this news by ridicule. "Motya and Kissel their" new "project was found on the old tonis, a sadly stubborn canal ..." - laughed in the social network editor Irina Gavrilov, opaquely hinting that recently "Tonis" survived at the expense of skipping films.

Blider and journalist Oleg Ponomarev either also could not resist weather from irony. "Ganapolsky and Kiselev went to" Tonis ". Did you know that you show on "Tonisu" from 22.00? " - He illustrated his post a spicy screenshot.

Military Observer Yuri Dudkin noted that Muraev paid Ganapolsky "25 Green Pupils per month." "They say the goronous Moscow Lvivanin, as the Face of the Canal, did not agree to the smaller," he shared his rumors in the social network. According to him, Alexander Yanukovych and Sergey Arbuzov are "the final owners of the TV channel" Tonis ". The last - the ex-head of the National Bank of Ukraine, also located in the opal. "So what?", "You say." And correctly say. Dollars have the same color everywhere. The difference in their quantity, "Dudkun decided.

Others tightened to mocking discussion. At the same time, many are confident that Alexander Yanukovych has a direct attitude towards the TV channel, which is preferred to call "Sasha Dentist" with the way of his education. Opponents believe that "Tonis" belongs to oligarch Viktor Pinchuk. There is a version that the mentioned faces of the TV channel divided 50 to 50, that is, they speak it together now.

Conventional users are lost in guesses about the new format in which Kiselev and Ganapolsky will broadcast: they will stick to the Yanukovych-Arbuzov line, will subside the pinchuk or the traditional maintenance of the "Tonisis" will be diverse.

Russian and Ukrainian journalist, film actor, director of theater and cinema, public figure


Born on December 14, 1953, Lviv. He studied at the 6th High School of Lviv and 193th in Kiev. He graduated from the School of Pour Circus Art in Kiev (1973) and the Director of the Faculty of Gitis.

Personal life

Matvey was married to Irina Ganapolskaya, he took some surname after marriage and wears so far. Irina tragically died, from this marriage from Matvey there is a son Mikhail.

Now he is married again, Matvey will grow up a little daughter. His spouse, Tamara Shengelia, is a journalist.


He worked in theaters, in Kiev (1981-1986) and the Moskovsky theaters of the stage, the children's editorial board of Gosperary of the USSR. In 1991, three plates from the series "The Consequence of Koloboki" came out at the "Melodia" company, where he was a director, and also voiced the ball.

In the spring of 2014, after the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the journalist moved to Kiev and became the leading station "Radio Vesti", while leaving the browser of the Russian station. On Radio Watch, I worked on December 31, 2015.

From September 2015 to January 2017 - the leading program "Echo of Ukraine" on the Ukrainian TV channel "Newsone".

From March 1, 2016, the leading Ukrainian radio station radio "Era". By the way, it was Matvey Yuryevich who was the first to speak in public about the terrible murder of his journalist counterpart.

On July 20, 2016, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko provided Matvey Ganapol Ukrainian citizenship.

From August 2017 - the leading Ukrainian television channel "Direct" (enters the Ukrainian air and on the Internet).

A television

"Bomond" (1992-1996) (Ostankino, ORT)
"Gladiator's Games" (RTR)
"BIG times" (NTV)
"Akun Matata" (1998-2000) (RTR)
"Detective Show" (1999-2003, TV-6, ORT, TVC)
"Russian Panorama" (RTVI)
"The disputed territory" (MTR "Peace")
"At the peak of events" (TV channel "First Information Caucasian")
"Civilization" (Peak)
"Moscow meetings" (ATR)
"Scene of action" (112 Ukraine)

Radio "Echo of Moscow"

"Beau monde"
"Kitchen secrets"
"We are looking for a way out"
"With my own eyes"
"Special opinion"
"I am Ganapolsky"
"Warm greetings"
"Turn" (Morning)
"Bun" ferrets ""
"Sho there is noise"

Prizes and awards

Prize of the International Confederation of Journalistic Unions (1995)
Golden Aries Prize (1997)
"Tefi" for the program "Detective Show" (twice finalist; 2001, 2002)
"Telegrand" (2004)
Prize of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia "Man of the Year" (2009)
Moscow Prize.

Now Ukrainian, and once the Russian journalist received wide fame due to the peculiar criticism of the Russian authorities and its sharp pro-Ukrainian statements related to the beginning of the "Crimean Spring". Matvey Ganapolsky returned to Ukraine in 2014, where in 2016 received citizenship. Now there is a political talk show on television and speak with great pleasure everything that "thinks" about Russia.

early years

Matvey Ganapolsky (nee Matvey Yuryevich Margolis) was born on December 14, 1953 in Western Ukraine, in the city of Lviv, in the Jewish family Dina Levina and Yuri Magols. Mother was employees, father working. Parents spoke well on Yiddish. Mom, as he himself says, perhaps one of the few surviving evidence events in Babi Yar. She then had twelve years, when Jews from Ghetto drove to the place of the tragedy. Fortunately, someone managed to push the girl from the crowd and hide. Many of his relatives were killed during the Great Patriotic War.

Ganapolsky with warmth recalls his childhood years in Lviv, where he was absolutely comfortable. Of course, it was sometimes a shame called "Zhidovskaya Morda", but Matvey did not really respond to this, relating these statements to ordinary insults that schoolchildren exchangers are exchanged for quarrels. Then there was no difference between Ukrainians and Jews. Later, the family moved to Kiev, where Matvey and graduated from high school. After receiving the certificate enters the Kiev School of Pop Circus Art, which ends in 1973.

Student time

After graduation, the Ghanapolsky school arrives in Moscow, where he enters the directorial faculty of guitis, the famous theatrical institution. In the student years we went many times at the rehearsal in Moscow theaters. As Ganapolsky Matvey recalls, they came in advance towards the service move then a very popular theater on Taganka and patiently expected when the famous director of loveders would be asked to ask for rehearsals.

In the youth, he had many documents where his surname (then Margolis) was written with errors. To make all the problems, he took the surname of his wife and became Ganapolsky, Matvey admits that it is not much easier to write. But he at the arrival of Moscow was difficulties with the documents. Now he believes that he did right, because it is a memory of the first wife, which early left life. According to some media, a young woman died, having thrown away from the balcony of the apartment of a high-rise building.

On directorial work

After the end of the theater university, Matvey returns to the hometown of Kiev, where in 1981 he begins work at the local pop theater. Much and fruitfully cooperates with other Ukrainian theaters. On the theatrical scene of the capital of Ukraine, the performances set themselves, supplied by them, for the most part intended for the children's audience. The popular Ukrainian director in 1986 is invited to Moscow. The creative biography of Matthew Ganapolsky continued at the Moskovsky pop theater.

Soon he passes into the children's editorial board of Gosperary of the USSR, where leads the transfer of "wonders on the seventh floor." Here, he was noticed by the famous Children's writer Edward Asspensky, who offered him to do radio-actacles. Matvey became the director of popular Soviet children's audiospectacles: "The Adventures of Captain Lunned" and "The Consequence of Kolobki". The last in 1991 was published on the sound recording company "Melody" on three vinyl records. Ganapolsky took part in the record, his voice is in the production of Kolobok.

On radio and web

With the beginning of the restructuring began working on ATV (the first Russian independent private company producing television content). Located entertainment and political programs.

The cooperation of Matthew Ganapolsky with the "Echo of Moscow" began in 1991 and continues to the present. For a long time, various transmissions led, having become known due to the rapid, on the verge of decency to statements. Since 2006, he has been blogging on a radio station Internet site, which expresses about various aspects of Russian reality. Now continues to lead the page, new posts appear several times a month.

Repeatedly went to Israel with concerts "from Russia with love." In 2009, he became a "man of the year" according to the Federation of Jewish communities of Russia.


After the start of Maidan, the process of returning the Crimea and the conflict in the east of Ukraine has taken a sharply pro-Ukrainian position. Repeatedly severely expressed against Russia's intervention in Ukrainian processes. To some extent, even justifies the glorification of Ukrainian nationalists, because he considers them fighters for the independence of Ukraine. In the spring of 2014, Ganapolsky moves to Kiev, starting work at the Radio Station.

"Echo of Ukraine" with Matvey Ganapolsky on the Ukrainian television channel Newsone passed from 2015 to 2017. From 2018 - leading social talk show on the radio.

Not only journalism

In addition to the main journalistic activity, he wrote several books in which there is a merry and somewhat ironic form about the different sides of his profession, the world around and in general about human civilization. The best book, the most successful, many consider "sour-sweet journalism". Now he writes fiction in the Ukrainian language ("Sereny Vyshka will come ...", "Cooking Vakhrust").

Like almost any creative person, Matvey Ganapolsky tried to shoot a movie. In 1989, the documentary film "Circus for my grandchildren" about the famous clown and actor Yury Nikulin. In 2001 he removed the comedy "from the point of view of an angel." He himself starred in episodic roles in a detective "Detectives" (Troceurov, leading television "and medical television film" Nine months "(Doctor).


About the individual of the life of the journalist is known pretty little. His first wife is Irina. He brought up her child from the first marriage from 5 years, and therefore he considers his son. Matvey Ganapolsky still takes part in his fate. Mikhail, so the pseuding, has already managed to work with him. They were the cooping of the talk show "Akunamatat". According to some publications, the former spouse died in tragic circumstances.

Now he is married to the Georgian journalist Tamara Shenghelia, who worked with him on the radio station "Echo of Moscow". She also starred in a small role in the film "Nine Mons". Tamara younger husband for 18 years. How the journalist himself says that he now has an unbearable Georgian terror at home - the wife and mother-in-law are watching Georgian TV channels. Since social life in Georgia is constantly boiled, as a result, he eats cold soup, underdeveloped potatoes and semi-walled meat, as Matvey joked in one of the interviews "News - Georgia". Family often arrives at the homeland of his wife. From this marriage in Matvey Ganapol's daughter Katya and son Alexander, school age.

Matvey Ganapolsky is a Russian and Ukrainian journalist, famous for his catchy expressions while working on the radio station "Echo Moscow" and in the program "Echo of Ukraine". Also in the career of Ganapolsky there is an experience of acting and director.

Matvey was born in Lviv in the Dina Levina and Yuri Margalis. In the old West Ukrainian city, Matvey Ganapolsky held the first half of his childhood. Then the family moved to Kiev, where the boy and graduated from school. After receiving the certificate, Matvey enters the Kiev School of Pop Circus Art, and then leaves for Moscow and is studying at the director's faculty in the famous Theatrical University Gitis.

A graduate specialist Ganapolsky returns to the capital of Ukraine and begins to cooperate with the Kiev theaters. Then Ganapolsky rides Moscow again, goes to the stage of the stage theater and even works at the main recording studio "Melody", on which he directs and voiced by children's records, including a series of famous adventures "Corobs lead" and a cheerful fairy tale "Adventures of Captain Carrunel" .


In the cinema, Matvey Ganapolsky debuted in 1989. True, it was a documentary tape "Circus for my grandchildren" about the life of the famous clown. And the first artistic picture in which Ganapolsky appeared as an actor, Matvey hesitated himself - the journalist had a directorial education. This is an adventure comedy "From the point of view of an angel."

Later, Ganapolsky appeared in small roles in the fifth season of the detective "Detectives" and the medical sitcom "nine months". But the main part of the life of Matvey Ganapolsky dedicated to journalism.


On the television of Matvey Ganapolsky hit in the late 80s. On the first Russian independent television channel Atv, the journalist led a number of entertainment programs and a political talk show. The popularity of Ganapolsky brought work on the radio station "Echo of Moscow", and since then for Matthew this work on the radio has become a priority. In 2006, Matvey Ganapolsky also started a blog on the basis of the official site of "Echo Moscow". The journalist continues to conduct this blog today, new entries in the profile of Matthew Ganapolsky appear several times a month.

Nevertheless, television projects of the journalist were in demand and had a permanent audience of the audience. From the most popular programs you need to call the talk show "Akunamatat" and the transmission-investigation of the "Detective Show", for which Ganapolsky has nominated twice to the prestigious television award "Teffi". The TV host also became a laureate at the Gold Aries Awards and Telegrand, was called the best representatives of the International Confederation of Journalistic Unions.

But the most resonant projects of Ganapolsky, of course, were political programs. Matvey Ganapolsky is always in a rapid form of his own opinion, which often dispels from the official point of view. The journalist criticized the system of Russian government repeatedly, noted the low level of freedom of speech in the country and corruption in law enforcement agencies.

The political views that the journalist express the magazine, as well as the father's last name of the Father gave rise to ill-wishers to discover the issue of the nationality of the TV presenter. By the way, the journalist never hid such details of his own biography. And the assignment of the Russian Federation of Jewish communities in 2009, the Awards of the Federation of Jewish Communities "Man of the Year" and closed this question at all.

In the spring of 2014, after the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the journalist moved to Kiev and became the leading station "Radio News". In this conflict, Ganapolsky occupied the Prokrainian position, while colleagues more than once accused journalist in bias and traveling facts in the programs that Matvey Yuryevich led.

After moving, Ganapolsky appeared in front of the audience as the main actant face of the Echo of Ukraine's rating show on the NEWS One private channel.

Personal life

Not too much is known about the private side of the life of a shock television and radio. The journalist is married for many years on his colleague-journalist Georgian origin Tamara Shenghelia. Ganapolsky's wife, by the way, also appeared in the comedy "nine months" in one of the episodes.

According to social networks, this marriage of Matthew Ganapolsky is not the first. Earlier, when the journalist constantly lived in Russia, the man was married to the Muscovite named Irina. But she died suddenly under the tragic circumstances, so Matvey prefers not to remember that the page of his life.

The journalist has a son named after Mikhail. The young man managed to rise with his father: they were together the talk show "Akunamatat". Other children, as far as the press is known, Matvey Ganapolsky is not.

Matvey Ganapolsky is the author of a number of printed publications, which in a fun and even rather ironic form argues about his profession, people, civilizations surrounding the world and so on. The most successful book is the "sour-sweet journalism".

Matthew Ganapolsky now

In 2016, Matvey Ganapolsky received Ukrainian citizenship. Boris Slakin, head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine, told about this on social networks.

From March 2016, the transfer of "Morning with Matvey Ganapolsky" on the radio station "ERA" is broadcast. By the way, it was here that Matvey Yuryevich spoke first in the public about his journalist counterpart. In the live radio "Era", Ganapolsky found out about the tragedy and did not restrain the reaction.

On June 1, 2016, Matvey Ganapolsky registered the nominal Yutub-Channel. According to this online page, this is the only official channel of Ganapolsky on YouTube..

Channel content is divided into thematic headings. YouTube journalist partially duplicates the performances of Matthew Ganapolsky on radio and television. For example, the playlist "Direct Ether" unites the videos of the author's transfer of a journalist on Radio Era, a separate heading is dedicated to the speeches of Matthew Ganapolsky at the Echo of Ukraine.

In addition, the journalist leads on the channel cycles of videos about travel. One cycle - "Ganapol State of America" \u200b\u200b- is dedicated to the trips to Matthew Ganapolsky on the United States with comments on unusual phenomena for viewers. Another cycle called "Traveling with Ganapolsky" covers a wider topic. Here the TV presenter talks about different countries, but after a year and a half the existence of the channel in this category, only a few fragments about the Czech Republic remain.

Clean comments of a journalist about politics and economics can be heard in the cycle of short video united by the name "100 minutes". Here, Matvey Ganapolsky is briefly expressed about completely different urgent issues. Releases are devoted to propaganda, the Hague Tribunal, and other topics and personalities.

No less interesting and similar to the previous format. In the heading "Ganapol + Kiselev", journalists also express the topic of interest to the audience, but the release time is increased to 5-7 minutes, and the title themes are selected two.

In August 2017, Matvey Ganapolsky began to lead the Ukrainian TV channel "Direct". The TV channel is broadcast both in the Ukrainian ether and on the Internet.


  • 1989 - "Circus for my grandchildren"
  • 2001 - "From the point of view of an angel"
  • 2006 - "Detectives-5"
  • 2006 - "Nine months"


  • 2008 - "Sophistic Sweet Journalism"
  • 2009 - "Justice for fools, or the most incredible judicial claims and solutions"
  • 2010 - "Black Hand and Pyramid of Heops"
  • 2011 - "Chao, Italy"
  • 2011 - "Smileys"
  • 2012 - "Smileyliki. Life-affirming book of the famous Cynic "
  • 2013 - "The best journalism textbook"
  • 2012 - "Black Hand and Mystery of the Eiffel Tower"
  • 2013 - "Putin will be king"


  • 1995 - Prize of the International Confederation of Journalistic Unions
  • 1997 - Golden Aries Prize
  • 2001,2002 "TEFI" for the program "Detective Show"
  • 2004 "Telegrand" resistance
  • 2009 - Prize of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia "Man of the Year"

A. Nasibov - Greetings to you. At the microphone "Echo Moscow" Ashot Nasibov. And we begin another lesson in the "School of the Young Father" on the night from Thursday to Friday in our traditional time. Nikolay Kotov is working for the director's console. Greetings you, Nikolay. Thank you. You are in your place in this hour with us. I decided to invite today as a father, not as the leading "echo of Moscow", an employee of the Echo of Moscow, leading programs, Matvey Ganapolsky. Matve Yuryevich, I welcome you.

M. Ganapolsky - Good evening, Ashot.

A. Nasibov - I specifically decided to invite Matthew Ganapolsky today due to the fact that you all know Mr. Ganapolsky as the leading "echo of Moscow." But what is the other hidden side of the life of the life of Matvey Yurevich? How does Matvey Yuryevich behave in the extramanent time? How does his relationship with children? How do children develop relationships with our famous leading? All these questions I am going to ask Matvey Ganapolsky today and I ask you, dear listeners, join. Let me remind you the number of the air pager 725-66-33. And in the second half of the hour we will take several phone calls. I am very pleased (the only one) - limit my questions with the relationships between fathers and children, the problems of the radio station of the Echo of Moscow, as well as the spaces around us to this, directly, at least do not have anything. Before we start our conversation, I want to do traditionally immediately, we discuss subtle intimate issues of family relationships, you have the full right not to answer any of my questions or on all issues together.

M. Ganapolsky - I will actively use it, because this transmission is in some way dangerous. I understand that basically we will talk about some kind of education principles that are probably important, and some personal things are some kind of personal things, no one needs to know about them.

A. Nasibov - I will not agree to yourself. The leading "echo of Moscow" - people are still public, they are already related to the formation of public opinion. The people have the right to know.

M. Ganapolsky - no, the people have no right to know.

A. Nasibov - has.

M. Ganapolsky - the people have nothing to know. The people have the right to know exactly what I consider it necessary to say in this program on the topic that you invited me. But what I think that the people should not know, this people will not know.

A. Nasibov - Your choice is your will. You are a guest - the owner of the studio. As Gilyarovsky wrote, "you will take wines, you will be the owner."

M. Ganapolsky - the right was uncle Gilyay.

A. Nasibov - Let's start with autobiographical details. How old are you? Traditional questions that we always ask all guests.

M. Ganapolsky - I will be 52 years old on December 14th. I was born in the 53th year in the city of Lviv, about which I am always sent to Ukraine all the time so that I finally left Russia and went to "my Ukraine," without interfering with the Russians here to build a bright joyful life.

A. Nasibov - these details could be just not to give.

M. Ganapolsky - But I am a guest! And he is the owner.

A. Nasibov - Good. How many children?

M. Ganapolsky - I have three children. Son from first marriage. This is my son's son.

A. Nasibov - How many marks?

M. Ganapolsky - two.

A. Nasibov - now live by the second marriage, right?

M. Ganapolsky - yes.

A. Nasibov - Son from the first marriage is your son?

M. Ganapolsky - No, Son of Spouse.

A. Nasibov - from her first marriage, or what?

M. Ganapolsky - from her first marriage.

A. Nasibov - Clear. But this is not your son?

M. Ganapolsky - no. But the person I was raised from 5 years old is my son.

A. Nasibov is the son of the second spouse from her first marriage, right?

M. Ganapolsky - Why the second spouse? First.

A. Nasibov - Clear, but did you raise him?

M. Ganapolsky - with 5 years.

A. Nasibov - and continue so far?

M. Ganapolsky - a man who has already been 24 years old, difficult to educate. Now only some tips, if they need them.

A. Nasibov - need to put so that they need (tips).

M. Ganapolsky - no, it is not necessary to put. I have my understanding that such a small person and your understanding, how to raise a child, it may be erroneous, but it is my understanding is purely individual. There is a set of principles that is important.

A. Nasibov - and two more?

M. Ganapolsky - two more from the second marriage. I have a spouse Tamara, she is Georgian, he wriggled me into the puchins of this Georgia, this incredible country. She is a 100 percent Georgian with all the advantages and minuses of this nation, very hot, the same poetic at the same time, very specific. And there I have two kids. There I have Katya, which is now 6 years old and Sasha, who is 2 years old, probably now will be 4 months.

A. Nasibov - here is the first response to your age. Lyuba says, you will not say, would give 45. Saved Lyuba on our guest today.

M. Ganapolsky - Lyuba, thanks.

A. Nasibov - 6 years Kate, Sasha 2.5 (2.4) years, although every month at this age gives very important importance. You later married the second time, as I understand?

M. Ganapolsky is late enough, you can say.

A. Nasibov - when they decided to acquire children, you pointed out our age and the age of future children or the future child. What is your attitude and attitude of your spouse to this?

M. Ganapolsky - Since the spouse is much younger than me (she is 18 years younger than me), on her part it was a courageous act to marry me. Of course, my husband is wonderful, it is clear. But some separate young women may understand that there is a certain risk, because so far the spouse is capable ... And you need to really treat yourself, if this is not a marriage for calculating, if the marriage is calculated, then everything is clear, my husband throws At a certain age. We are here, unfortunately, on the "Ech" we know a couple of cases of sad, I will not call when people in old age have very sorry that they went to this step.

A. Nasibov - married young, in the sense, yes?

M. Ganapolsky - Yes, and everything was fine until the old age was asking that each of us is waiting. Therefore, after that it came bitter disappointment. Therefore, I somehow strange. I have two love at first sight: to my first spouse and to the second.

A. Nasibov - Dovlatov said, "I was married twice, both times happily."

M. Ganapolsky - Probably, the old man was right. This is such a very strong test and for an adult person who understands that this will be an extension to his wife psychological ...

A. Nasibov - ... Plus it will be necessary to adapt to a new person that at the age ...

M. Ganapolsky - no, not at the age. There are people quite conservative, they will not tell me about me. I take another point of view, but marriage is a special story. All the same, it was clear that it would be a special test. I admire that the spouse made such a decision. As a result, children appeared - our happiness. They appeared, and all the questions disappeared by themselves. We swear, finding out the relationship, but raise children that all parents do. As for such a late paternity - it has its own minus, because it is unlikely that I can see my grandchildren. I perfectly give myself a report. On the other hand, these two creatures up to my deep old age, I hope will ask my life. I have a lot of familiar people who have families in classical construction. Imagine this. My Mishke is now 24 years old. If everything was, as somewhere in divine scrubbles, it was written if there were no changes in my life ... In general, the family: children grow up and go, and relatively young parents remain themselves. This is a gigantic psychological test for them. Love for this makes some strange metamorphoses with them. And she changed, the first fervor disappears. If people are flat, one-dimensional, especially if their marriage all their lives are the main, except for the "groom" period defined only the love for children, then they remain alone with them. Most often, the marriage decays. Or he is dying. I will not have such anguish, except that my spouse is a very bright person, rich in all sorts of ideas that I even scare. I'm starting to hide my hands, she says, well, I just suggested. I say, you have not a very long time from the offer before the realization of this idea. No, I only suggested. Even upset sometimes. Kids: Sasha will be 22, and I will be 73 if I live. This is happiness, because this little man will grow with me. We are not in vain with you took the topic that "children like grandchildren." I have a strange attitude towards them. I look at them with an incredible surprise and with some kind of special feeling. And my sense of paternity is mixed with a shade of "sage", not army, and normal, because it is surprising when these two stuffeds go around the apartment.

A. Nasibov - Tell me, please when you made the decision to have children, thought about ... You said correctly, you are now 52 years old, the child is 6 years old, do you have to put children on your feet before you won't be able to do it : Conditionally speaking, you will retire, will you sit with the fishing rod somewhere in the country? In some age you will not have the strength to put children on your feet, give them a push.

M. Ganapolsky - the position of the other side is very important here, that is, the position of the spouse. Of course, many marriages disintegrate due to the fact that people do not have children. Although we know that modern medicine is capable of flasks, in test tubes, etc. - It's true, I'm not ironing, I know these doctors. I invited them to the ether.

A. Nasibov - I do not feel the irony in your words, because I know that it is quite possible.

M. Ganapolsky - you understand, here is what story, here a lot depends on my wife. These questions, although when we got married, we perfectly understood that the children are needed.

A. Nasibov - How old are you married?

M. Ganapolsky - We are married for 7 years. More than seven years, the eighth year went. Here was a very subtle moment, it was immediately clear that my spouse is a young woman, so it was somehow without children ... Therefore, it immediately became clear that we would give birth to children.

A. Nasibov - Does your spouse have this first marriage?

M. Ganapolsky - Yes, my spouse has the first marriage. At this moment (there was a very important moment here), her support, her (if so to speak, if the word "fatal" can be used in a positive sense) some fatalistic solution. The fact is that Georgians are such a special people, I already know this nation well, the burned out of the way: fire, water and copper pipes, not always pleasant ...

A. Nasibov - We will talk about it.

M. Ganapolsky - I do not know if we will talk about this topic. There is such a moment. As a Georgian feast: I talked a little, and then I got. In these people, some pragmatism is combined, it is 30% somewhere ... no, 60% of romanticism and 10% of the recklessness. In addition, she is a believer man, so she immediately said that the Lord would not give the children to children. After all, it perfectly understands that the moment will be coming when it will remain alone with the very adult children, but she decided on it. Everything.

A. Nasibov - 725-66-33 - Phone of the Ether Padier "Echo Moscow". I ask the listeners to ask questions Matvey Ganapolsky, who today acts in an unusual role.

M. Ganapolsky - Why did the questions? We are wonderfully talking.

A. Nasibov - we include listeners. Listeners have the right to voice. In the end, we work on them.

M. Ganapolsky - Yes, no right they do not have in that conversation that we are with you.

A. Nasibov - Please leave this remark until the host of the program you will be. Now you are a guest. I have another point of view on this account. When did you decide to get married and have children, did you think about interethnic relationships that children will have different parents' nationalities? And what was the attitude and your relatives and relatives of the wife for this?

M. Ganapolsky is the most wonderful. In general, everyone knows well that in the same way as I condemn (I am a very consistent person). As I deeply disgust the discussion of interethnic relationships in the negative sense on the echo of the "Echo of Moscow" radio station, just as it was enough for me if it were suddenly someone began to say that she is Georgian, but he is not Georgians. We are adults enough to make a decision. In general, we somehow agreed when they married that they marry each other, and not on relatives. Although in Georgia, relatives in the life of the family (the big concept of "family") occupy a very important place, but here my spouse turned out to be a very consistent person, I'm really married on it, and not on, suppose, the mother-in-law, although my mother-in-law is completely wonderful Man, and my spouse's brother - a wonderful man talented. Just some segless or semi-welded solutions that we have been accepted. You know how a marriage contract without a contract. It is very important to agree on some things on the shore, so that it is not to get to hear. And we try to keep this line. So when my mom, give her a god of health, she is 78 years old, when she begins to give some practical advice, comments, remarks, I comply with them from my wife, and accordingly my spouse is some tips on the other side, the recommendations also cut off . I call it a "sanitary zone of the family." This is one of the collateral of the healthy life of the family. It must be understood that you live together. Very dangerous, in my opinion, and I saw many such examples when you take with some conflicts of relatives to mediators, you need to remember that even if you have a quarrel (in any case, this is my principle), then In the end, relatives do not decide anything, you decide.

A. Nasibov - And friends?

M. Ganapolsky is the same. No friends.

A. Nasibov - Eugene sent the following message: "I read somewhere that half-breeding smartly thorns. Take me, for example. Signature "Eugene". On the example of your children?

M. Ganapolsky is absolutely ... Fascist - I can't say. I do not like the Spirit of this. I do not know what "half-blood" is, how to understand it? This means that a piece of blood is a little more, and the other is barely pale?

A. Nasibov - I do not know what I meant Eugene I in this case. Grandparents take children to themselves?

M. Ganapolsky - My grandparents can do it only virtually, because they all have fallen into war, I have no one left.

A. Nasibov - No, I mean not yours, but kids, I mean your wife's parents, for example, or your mother.

M. Ganapolsky - My mother-in-law is deeply beloved now in Tbilisi, and we are engaged in children.

A. Nasibov - No, well, sometimes she takes to her children? Have you taken children to Tiflis?

M. Ganapolsky - Of course, Katya went to Tiflis, walked there in the garden. She took her garden. She began, not understanding the word in Georgian, to build children. She is such a brisk, like me. She began to build children or a word not understanding in Russian. And it was necessary to see. I was told how she was in this group, big boys, you know who already have legs with hair, like her ... I go play ...

A. Nasibov - By yourself I know, this is not an indicator.

M. Ganapolsky - You get here, you are here, come here. And they, stupidly looking at her, performed. I now realized what is the meaning of the hegemony of Russia. Yes, really older brother. In this case, she was an older sister. Here it will steal all. I arrived, spoke in Russian with the amazing melody of Georgian.

A. Nasibov - how much did she spend there?

M. Ganapolsky - Oh, she spent almost 3 months there.

A. Nasibov - It was at what age?

M. Ganapolsky - last summer.

A. Nasibov - that is, she was 5?

M. Ganapolsky - like this. All complete impressions came. At the same time there were phone calls all the time, dad, as I miss you, but clearly tied her arrival in Moscow with a lot of gifts. In general, she told me one phrase. She is now annoyed, like every little child, but already man. I made her a remark. She told me, dad, do you know what a father should do? I say I have to do a father? He must love his daughter and constantly give her gifts. I was struck by the word "constantly". I imagined ...

A. Nasibov - and "should" not struck?

M. Ganapolsky - no, it is clear that I should everything. I presented myself as constantly ... Tape of the conveyor, and her endless gifts. Terribly. We brought something sachet from the supermarket, some kind of chewing. If the chewing is 1.5 times no longer be given to her, mutual resentment begins, he begins to pull her a chewing gum, because she is more, she begins to take away from him. In general, there is a circus. And still runs a crazy dog. I have endless stories with dogs small. My wife loves little dogs. She all the time says that a little dog is a dog. After the dog grows up all the furniture and exhaust something there. Our current doggy has a wonderful ability to continuously bark. She is a buggy, stupid, and in this nonsense is immensely charming. And when children begin to yell, she begins to bark them.

A. Nasibov - from which the children are yelling even more.

M. Ganapolsky - And the very moment comes. You know, probably, my feelings at this moment, when Sasha yells on Katya, Katya yells on Sasha, Tamon (wife) yells on them, dogs dogs and at that moment there is still a TV, because Tamara is looking at the Georgian program at this moment, where There is a parliamentary program, where the Georgian parliamentarians go on top of each other. At this moment I am experiencing a similar feeling that combers are experiencing when he rides Tibet. I imagine, he sits on the grief and contemplates. And you look from above. I contemplate this smelly dog, these cries of children. Then the roar is heard, and the plastic car in our eyes falls on the sashina. Sasha has round eyes. He opens the mouth, but the mouth to be buried. Before he does a sigh, he is heard the still cry of Katya: "He first started!" At the same time, we saw that he did not start anything, a plastic car was taken simply. I am very grateful to the manufacturers of toys that make disposable toys. That is, about Sasha's head it hits, and the car, the giant "KAMAZ" plastic, scatters on small pieces. Perfectly wonderful. Here is also such a story. The main principle - who goes to us to complain, he gets. They stand each other.

A. Nasibov - but they have different weight categories: 2.5 years and 6 years.

A. Nasibov - Oh, Lord, about your children!

M. Ganapolsky - Peel Blood.

A. Nasibov - Good. There is such a comprehensive and fundamental question from Alexandra from Yekaterinburg. She sent us over the Internet before our program began a capital question: "Matvey Yuryevich! What is for you, as a young father, is the fundamental principle of education? " Matthew Juryevich thought.

M. Ganapolsky - Yes, I did not conceive, I already tried it, I am very glad that my wife is exactly the same understanding. It is difficult to formulate, but I would say that. Respect in a small creature, which is suitable for you, which is capricious, something wants, etc., the absolute understanding of the fact that this is a little man, a small but little man.

A. Nasibov - with their problems, thoughts ...

M. Ganapolsky - He is like you, only small. Nick anger, if he does something wrong. In my life there was a sufficient number of people who told me and explained. I remember one person told me, do not shout on children. I asked why? He says, because it is very scary day of them. I say what is terrible? He says, let's do an experiment. I say what? He says, you can squat. I say yes. And squatted. And he got up next to me, looked at me. He says, you see how he sees you. I understood a lot. I realized that it was a little man, and it should be treated very respectfully from the moment when he starts to understand this respectfulness. First, a little needed to drive the first one ... The main thing is not to be angry.

A. Nasibov - Drink, I hope not physically?

M. Ganapolsky - sometimes physically.

A. Nasibov - Sometimes they split?

M. Ganapolsky - Sleeping, because it is impossible to climb on the stairs, you can "bo-bo", and will be "Va-Wa". Or "babai". It is known that the Japanese has such a strange story. Vladimir Flowers, do you remember, was it?

A. Nasibov - Moreover, I was one of the latter who spoken with him.

M. Ganapolsky - maybe it was in this conversation that he said this phrase, which I now mention. He spoke in some kind of speech (or wrote - I do not remember) that in Japan children under 3 years old allow you to do everything they want, understanding that they do it, not realizing what they do, and after 3 years - rigid, type, sticky discipline. I understand the first part, and in the second part I am more loyal.

A. Nasibov - I do not remember a wandering discipline in Japan, there, in my opinion ...

M. Ganapolsky - I do not know what I remembered, for the fact that I said. As for the second part, I come from what they do not ... I once had a conversation with the eldest son, when he was already adult. He told me, just I ask you very much, there is one thing that annoys when you talk to me. I asked what? He says when you say, sometimes you say that I do something specifically. He says, I remember, I never do anything specifically, especially with regard to you. So here are children ... Often parents say, "you are specifically". Very rarely, the child does something specially. This is his reaction - this is his growing. As you know, his hooliganism is his self-study, it is testing relationships. Drawing on the walls - yes, drawing on the walls. And we need to understand that it does not specifically draw on the walls. I, maybe I feel normally with the children and I understand that these are little men, but personality, because I remember myself in childhood. I had a radiol "Ural". Many listeners of the older generation ...

A. Nasibov - on thin legs?

M. Ganapolsky - No, it was such a cube with a good speaker.

A. Nasibov - Nikolai Kotov, our director nods his head, he remembers.

M. Ganapolsky - there was a player for 78 revolutions. And my mom and dad loved all sorts of plates, we had a rocks, and Shulzhenko, and Tymoshenko, and Berezin, a cockroach and a plug - a lot. And Lyal Black. In general, there was a lot of everything. Let me remind you that such metal needles have been inserted there. And the heavier head of the pickup was put on this plate, and sound was heard. I have such a memory as a child, that I listen to this music, I look around, and start your hand to press this pickup, and the chips begin to go from the plate. At the same time, two feelings are fighting in me: I understand that I do something terrible, but, nevertheless, it is some kind of incredibly sweet ... Sports interest. I understand that in me there was some kind of mechanism of knowledge that automatically acts in all children why they climb. And when we have been treated: "Do not touch it," "Put it," "I told you, do not touch it," "I am the 15th time you" ... stop, think why he takes it. He takes it not because it makes you called. He does not know how to do in 3 years. He takes it, because he likes the form, the content, something there is in the crack. Especially, I indignant me as an amateur of the equipment when I approached, turned on, turned off a thousand times a TV, and Sasha - a remote, buttons, etc. All parents know. A mobile phone. How many mobile phones drowned in the toilet. He played music, he walked, walked. After that, went to the toilet, began to gently lower this "la-la" in the toilet. Lowered several times, raised, "La-la" stopped. Comes and says "La la". And from there, the driver flows. Well? Kill? She looks like it will be, if "la-la" omit into the water. When you talk about the education system, I, Ashot, not at all I say, I am talking about those principles that are important for me to me when you are dealing with a small person.

A. Nasibov - I was not specifically interrupted by Matvey Ganapolsky.

M. Ganapolsky - And what to interrupt, if I am smart things say.

A. Nasibov - I hope. I will not evaluate, I will not evaluate the listeners. They listened again, I respect them. And in the mass of their own, I join many of the listeners. Marat Vagizov from Tatarstan also sent a message: "I already have two sons in my 30 years: Ivaza and handwritten, 9 and 7 years old, and I consider the sole correct education method. Iron discipline. I am sure that they will never be addicts and find their place in life. Gingerbread Method - Slyutai will grow. Am I right? Thank you". Here such a letter sent Marat from Tatarstan.

M. Ganapolsky - I can say one thing. I remember all the kindness of my father. I remember every good step that my father made me, and remember every unfair step that my father made me. It may be some other, incomprehensible to me a system of upbringing, is such a Bolshevik approach. It to drive children into obedience. The child must be obedient, because he must understand the motivation of that suggestion of the system of the actions you offer. Please bate them, but they will remember it. In general, the child remembers everything. No wonder there is such a wonderful saying as a joke: "Be careful about handling your children, because remember that it is them to determine in which" nursing home "you will live your days."

A. Nasibov - good expression.

M. Ganapolsky - Therefore, before you blow them, think, maybe you have some kind of arguments. We are quite simple with my wife. I can tell how. For example, Katya shouts that she wants another chocolate, while refuses soup - a typical story. Or not, let's go another story. Katya is right now wants to "McDonalds", which, on the contrary, eat potatoes-fries. The usual behavior of parents: no, you will not go, eat soup, etc. We do otherwise. In children, it turns out to be amazingly developed pity and compassion. I say, Katya, well, who will go with you? She is disturbing, well, you go. I say, Katya, pray, look, I came from work, there is no face on me. She, well, let mom go. I say, look, now my mother cleaned, prepared, and here prepared the soup. Well, please mom. Katya in despair: Well, who will go with me? I say, well, let Sasha go with you. Katya is angry: Little he, you joke, all. I say, listen, I ask you very much, you can make me a favor. They adore the word "favor", they are small, for them it is very important that in this life something from them depended, so if they can give us some kind of gift, you can make us happy with something, then they go to it. I say you love me? She is through the teeth, yes. I say, you can now eat soup today to eat soup, but I promise you that we will just go with you because I'm tired, she understands what I say, and mom is tired. She says, and when will you go? Next begins pure PR on my part. Tomorrow, as soon as the sun looks from behind the mountain, immediately at 6 am. Okay.

A. Nasibov - a specialist in PR in family relationships.

M. Ganapolsky is not a specialist in Piara, but I just understand. Our children, I will explain to you, they grow incredibly compacted in our Soviet families, because we are very often very sensitive that these are personal, it is only small. And most importantly for them: remember, the child runs up, pulls you, go, look. We have a ritual at home. I will tell you. Funny. But this ritual is repeated from day to day. When I call on the door, squealing is distributed: "Dad!" And she both roll out. The door opens. And then happens ... it is funny, but these are many parents. In short, I have to get up like Uncle Stepa, putting my legs - this is a house. They should fly five times on the landing, pushing each other. Only after that I go to the house. Then I do not undress, she grabs me for his hand and shouts ...

A. Nasibov - a pencil in a circus - he had a dog of Klyax.

M. Ganapolsky - Here I have two dogs blots. She screams, go, look, I built some kind of house, etc. And I go, sicking the moment. I go and see, because I understand. Often I still lean. I say, let me undress, thinking that she will forget. She then drags this house to see anyway. For her it is very important. Father came, mother came. They were preparing. I remember my childhood. Father traveled on business trips. At 3 o'clock in the morning his call was heard. I woke up, I was ashamed, I shouted, dad, is that you? I knew it was him. He, who disappeared to Tobacco, he "accept" smoked one after another, survived to 86 years. I shouted, did you bring me something? I did not say the words "gift." I'm not so cool as Katya, Sasha still does not know how to say "gift." Something, you understand? I often swear with my wife, she goes to a supermarket, she necessarily buys something. I consider it a waste of money. Then I look as they grab it, I understand, it is right.

A. Nasibov - Good. Matvey, it's time now at least a couple of phone calls to take on the phone 203-19-22. Let me remind you that the guest and the owner of the Echo Moscow Studio, Matvey Ganapolsky - a very good father, from my point of view.

M. Ganapolsky - Yes, the usual, I assure you!

A. Nasibov - Normal - it means good.

M. Ganapolsky - I just before you take calls, I want to say one thing. There was such a project "One Family of the Times of Vladimir Putin". Radi-listeners remember him. I want to say that such people, such parents, as they were in that project, I did not see in my life. There are 5, 6 children. And how they are raised. And how these people found that faithful manner of behavior with children, when children rose normally sane, calm, kind, humane. We have a person, and a man's deficiency in it. And they rose normally. Here there were parents! ABOUT! What!

A. Nasibov - 203-19-22 - Live Ether Phone. We already have the first phone call. What is your name?

Listener - My name is Tatiana.

A. Nasibov - Slightly Potache Make your receiver, please.

Listener - I want to say Matvey Yuryevich. So he says he comes from work ... about such a robot, like you, Lion Tolstoy said that such as you "live for breakdowns."

A. Nasibov - that is,?

The listener is free and balaboles.

A. Nasibov - Clear. Thank you. I unfortunately, I can not agree with you.

M. Ganapolsky - answer me, Ashot, why should I listen to it? I told you that you do not need calls.

A. Nasibov - Sorry. This is my program, and I believe that the listeners are absolutely necessary.

M. Ganapolsky - Ashot ...

A. Nasibov - and then I hope that the next phone will be from a person ...

M. Ganapolsky - the following will praise. I don't need it either.

A. Nasibov - We will also cut and interrupt. 203-19-22. I remind you, I really want your questions to deal with the relationship of fathers and children. Goodnight. You are on the air.

Listener - Good evening. My name is Nana. Tell me, please, your relationship with your wife (I missed the beginning of your transfer) Lee glaces, are they good in the national aspect?

A. Nasibov - And we are just in the first half of the transfer, it was discussed in very detail and disassembled. You know, if you have access to the Internet, then go and read the printout of our conversation. 203-19-22 - direct air telephone. We listen to you. Goodnight. What is your name?

Listener - Hello. Goodnight. I will do the radio now. My name is Radn. I live in St. Petersburg. Regarding education. I have a husband, unfortunately, died. I am 14 years old baby (son) Run one. And there was such a case that I had punished him very much, he was 6 years 6, the misdeed was very serious. I still remember it. You know, I have such a com. I feel this guilt so far. It was just awful.

A. Nasibov - I think that if each of us runs to your own memory, everyone will find similar experiments and experiments from their own biography. You know, I have the same thing. I do not know how Matvey.

M. Ganapolsky - and I do not have. I never offended my children unfairly.

A. Nasibov - Well, and the answer.

M. Ganapolsky - I will tell more than one. Our radio luster law. It remembers and he and you. That is because I remember what I was in my childhood, that is why I prefer not to make the same mistakes that were committed against me.

A. Nasibov - I also remember what I was in my childhood and remember some mistakes that were committed with respect to me, but I myself made a lot of mistakes regarding my own children, about which, by the way, our listener is right, still ...

M. Ganapolsky - I'll see you briefly. I understand that time is pressed. Misha arrives, he was still a schoolboy (senior). He loved to ride a bike. He comes perfectly green. He says dad, a very big misfortune happened. For me, misfortune only when someone dies, the rest is nonsense. I say what happened. I was the time when there were markets everywhere: just the fabric was spread, and there was a street trade. In short, he hit the stone with the wheel and fell on the side. Cycling. When he fell on the side, the bike broke the vase. Woman traded glass. And so he looks at me. I told him. Well, it happens, broke the vase. How much does it cost? That is, it was possible to distort the full program. You already imagine these monologues. I saw my face that he would understand everything perfectly. In general, the child always understands that he did something bad. And he goes to you. This is what our "Ekhovsky" psychologist tells - the fear of fear. You go to your parents, they haven't said anything yet, but you're already afraid that they will tell you something terrible. In the child you need to shoot this reaction so that the child is frank with you. If he constantly feels, and he has developed a habit that when he comes to you, you will hear your remarks, morals, advice useful ... Yes, do not need them. I made one conclusion in my life. Do you know what we differ from our children? Not mind.

A. Nasibov - at least.

M. Ganapolsky - no. Remember the phrase that I will tell you. Not very wise phrase, but fair. We do not differ in mind, they are already smarter than us, otherwise life would not move forward, the science would move forward. We differ only in experience. Therefore, the only thing that can be advised from some time, these are some cases from your life, the guy, you can do this, then the costs will be such, so - the costs are. Just as we try in our radio listeners unsuccessfully for 15 years to raise the ability to think independently, the same thing to do with children. With children it turns out more successful.

A. Nasibov - 203-19-22. I hope we will hear a new interesting phone call. Good evening, you are on the air.

Listener - Hello. Lydia Ivanovna bothers you. I concluded that for children it is better when the parents are older. I think they, taking experience, somehow fit differently. It is unlikely that 18-year-old parents just argue as Matvey Yuryevich. I am very jealous of his children.

A. Nasibov - Thank you very much. 203-19-22. Fathers! Where are you? Connect to our conversation! Here, I hope the first father sounded to us. Goodnight.

Listener - Hello.

A. Nasibov - Are you father?

Listener - Yes, I'm father, I have two children.

A. Nasibov - What is your name?

Listener - Ilya, my name is. I have two children: one 12 years, another 1.5 years. I listen to how Matvey Ganapolsky speaks of his relationship with his daughter. There is such a book Janosa Korchik "How to Love the Child". From all the literature that I read about raising children, this book replaces all this literature. Such a desktop book for parents. If someone does not know, let them write it.

A. Nasibov - Thank you.

Listener - can you say? This relationship with your daughter, when she fits and dad asks, you love me - it's not quite good. When dad still says, promises something, PR. This is not a PR, this is a hoax. My child already feels that he will begin to deceive him.

A. Nasibov - You know, I have such a question. I really hope that you learned to educate children not by books only. Books are undoubtedly useful very experience. If a person is passing for driver's license, only studying the rules of road traffic on books without practical experience, or learn to swim ...

The listener - absolutely agree. I told about the book Janos of the Korchik "How to Love the Child", because there are no recommendations there and there are no answers to the question. There are questions only. There, on every page on hundreds of questions, so that people think that parents or future parents think that before them.

A. Nasibov - Thank you for your call. Matvey, we have less than 1.5 minutes. It is necessary to sum up some results. You word. What is the most important thing you would like to say.

M. Ganapolsky - no, the results let him lead to Kiselev. I have nothing to say. We just said ... This is not a lecture. Why I think that these all phone calls and such interactivity is absolutely no importance to this transmission, because I do not lecture, and not a crunch, and does not crush myself. I do not tell people and I do not give any practical advice, I just talk about my immodest life experience in dealing with my children. Not even upbringing, but communication. This is a purely my experience. People have a huge amount, and everyone comes in their own way. Good wonderful children. Yes, they are all good and wonderful.

A. Nasibov - I still allow myself to disagree about communicating with the listeners, because my principle: Smart people learn from their mistakes, and wise people learn from the mistakes of others. I would finish our conversation, I would like the words of Lily from Kazan, who sent us the following words on the pager: "After I listened to Ganapolsky, so I wanted to get out of bed and kiss my daughter and granddaughter and wish them a good night."

M. Ganapolsky - this is a wonderful story. By the way, I want to tell you that if you even wake them up now unexpectedly, they will remember it. Such an incredible tide of this love, which unexpectedly showed himself.

A. Nasibov - I apologize to those who sent us questions, we did not have time to answer them. There are really a lot of questions, time from us, unfortunately, is limited. All the best. I, Ashot Nasibov, say goodbye to you up to 12 o'clock already coming Friday. Matvey Ganapolsky leads the program "Ruver" in the morning. He still needs to sleep. All the best.