
For the Russian missile and space industry, 2016 was the year of anti-advertise on the number of space launches. For the first time in recent decades, Russia has exercised less than 20 space launches over the year, losing the leadership of the United States and China.

In total, Baikonur cosmodrome, Military cosmodrome Plesetsk ( Arkhangelsk region) and the new cosmodrome East ( Amur regionIn 2016, 17 space launches were completed, one of which (Soyuz-U's missile on December 1) was an emergency.

Even taking into account the launch of the "Proton-M" rocket scheduled for December 28 with the American Satellite Communications Echostar 21, Russia can no longer catch up by the number of launches of its competitors - the United States (21 executed launch) and PRC (20). Following the first place for the first time, Russia is still ahead of the European Union (10), India (7), Japan (3) and Israel (1). In total in the world in 2016, 88 space starts.

Industry leader

In previous years, Russian cosmic launches accounted for from 30% to 40% of the total launchers in the world. Russia in the launch was leading. So, in 2015, Russia accounted for 26 Zaspusov (USA - 20, PRC - 19, EU - 11). In 2014, Russia fulfilled 32 launch (one emergency), USA - 23, PRC - 16, EU - 11.

In the time of the USSR, the country was the leader in the number of space launches. The peak fell in 1982, when the USSR performed more than 100 space launches. After that, the number of space starts in our country decreased, reaching a minimum in 2002, when a little more than 20 launches were performed.

The decline in space launches in Russia in 2016 may be due, in particular, with an unsuccessful launch campaign of the Proton-M. Since the beginning of the year, only three launches of these missiles were completed, whereas it was usually carried out from 8 to 12 proton-M starters.

A number of launches in 2016 was postponed to a later date due to the clarification of the reasons for the abnormal work of one of the engines of the second stage of the Proton-M rocket during the June launch of the Intelsat DLA-2 apparatus. Then the source in the space industry said RNS that when starting a satellite, one of the engines turned off to eight seconds before the time. The error had to compensate for the engines of other steps. As a result, the satellite was led to the estimated orbit.

The role of accidents and sanctions

Russia has no need to maintain the number of launches at the same level, Academic Russian Academy Cosmonautics them. K.E. Tsiolkovsky Alexander Zheleznyakov.

"First, we have already completed mainly the deployment of our satellite groupings of the navigation system, communication systems. And the number of launches that were required in previous years are no longer required. Therefore, there was a decrease in the launches according to our national program, "said Zheleznyakov.

According to him, they also began to affect the consequences of those accidents with the Proton carrier rocket, which occurred in previous years. " "Still, some of the customers left the use of the" proton ", as a result, the number of commercial starts of this carrier missile this year decreased dramatically. If I'm not mistaken, there were eight in the previous one, a year before that 12, this year only four. Well, as a result, in the amount it turned out that we were in third place after the United States and China by the number of launched missiles, "said the expert.

He stressed that "the status of the cosmic power is determined not by the number of launched missiles, but the number and purpose of spacecraft that were bred into space."

"That's more difficult and worse than the situation. We do not have a single interplanetary station, we have practically no scientific satellites - they can be counted on the fingers. This is the biggest trouble. And the fact that we began to launch missiles less, have ceased to be a cosmic driver, - nothing terrible, "said Zheleznyakov.

This point of view partly divided the independent expert in the field of space politician Andrei Ionin. According to him, evaluate the level of development of cosmonautics by the number of launches incorrectly. "Adults are still measuring astronautics with some other horizons. This is a huge process, long-term, "he said. According to him, " more important qualitythan quantity. "

"In commercial starts, we asked for obvious reasons: there are sanctions, and the space market is very sensitive to all risks. Here on the horse millions of dollars, and therefore any risks are perceived as threats. Therefore, it is better to go to another rocket that is on the market than to risk and not get the permission from the State Department to launch. Therefore, the number of commercial starts has decreased significantly, "said the expert.

October 28, 2014, just a few seconds after the start, there was a private freight in orbit spaceship "Signs" with a cargo for the crew of the ISS. Of course, this incident is a very big failure for Orbital Sciences Corporation, a rocket developer company. However, the explosion of "Antares" can hardly prevent the rapid development of private cosmonautics, which we are observing last years. In addition, in the entire history of the development of space, there were and much more severe space disasters in the consequences. The most famous unsuccessful launch rocket And their consequences in our current article.


After launching the first satellite (October 4, 1957), which became a real shock for many Americans, public opinion in the United States demanded a speedy response to the Soviet Union. Already on December 6, 1957, the launch of the first American satellite "Avangard TV 3" was scheduled. However, in just two seconds after the launch, the carrier rocket lost traction and fell to the starting platform, almost destroying it.

Lady Flight "Flipnya"
Source: U.S. NAVY.

Of course, the American media as they could have passed under this failure, inventing more and more witty options for the name of the unsuccessful launch - Flopnik, the cable, kaprodnik, etc. As a result, the first American satellite "Explorer-1" was launched only on February 1, 1958. The "avant-garde" catastrophe served as one of the reasons for the creation of a NASA - a single agency designed to take control of the American space programs scattered at that time.

Disaster on Baikonur

On October 24, 1960, a test launch was prepared on the Baikonur cosmodrome ballistic rocket P-16. The start was dedicated to the next anniversary of the October Revolution, therefore the preparation was carried out in the avian mode, with a violation of almost all possible safety regulations. After a 30-minute readiness for starting is declared and started at zero program conductor, an unauthorized start of the second stage engine has occurred, which led to an instantaneous rocket blast.


Formally, this event is difficult to attribute to space launches. However, it is worth recalling that in those years it was often quite difficult to carry out a line between military programs and astronautics. In addition, the rocket explosion not only destroyed the entire starting table, but also led to a huge number of victims - according to official data, 74 people died, including the Commander-in-Chief rocket troops Marshal Marshal. This catastrophe has become one of the largest in the history of world shelling. Since then, October 24 is considered a black day of astronautics, and the launches on Baikonur are not produced on this day.

Mariner-1 or the most expensive missed trait in history

On July 22, 1963, Mariner-1 apparatus was supposed to become the first American apparatus directed towards Venus. However, soon the launch of the rocket antenna launched a connection with the supply system on Earth.

Start Rocket Atlas LV-3 Agena-B C "Mariner-1" on board
Source: NASA.

As a result, the Office took over the on-board computer, the program of which contained a mistake - a lost line over one of the characters, which from the transfer of the media turned into a "missed hyphen". The wrong program led to the fact that the rocket was shot from the course and was destroyed by a team from Earth in 293 seconds after the start. The damage amounted to 18.5 million dollars - with inflation, this amount would be equal to 135 million dollars. Big price for one missed symbol.

Catastrophe n-1

July 1969. All participants in the Soviet lunar program have long been clear that the age of the century is lost and soon the American astronauts will fall on the moon. But it does not mean the end soviet Program: Work continues on the superheavy of the H-1 carrier rocket, which will be able to deliver Soviet cosmonauts to the moon after a few years. In parallel, plans for the creation of the Soviet Lunar Base "Star" are being developed. It all depends on the success of H-1.


However, the launch of H-1, which happens on July 3, ended full catastrophe. The rocket managed to fly only 200 meters, after which the engines started. As a result, 1800 ton Mahina collapsed on the starting table, completely destroying it and seriously damaging another starting pad. This explosion was the largest in the history of rocket industry and one of the most powerful non-nuclear explosions of all time. The next launch of H-1 took place only in a year and also ended in failure, as well as the next. As a result, Soviet cosmonauts never managed to get to the moon.

Catastrophe on the cosmodrome Plesetsk

On March 18, 1980, Plesetsk was prepared for the launch of the East-2M launch launch. According to eyewitnesses, during the refueling of the rocket, an outbreak occurred in the third stage. After a few seconds, an explosion occurred below the zero mark and began an extensive fire that led to the death of 48 people.

Memorial Complex on the cosmodrome in Plesetsk

According to the official version, the cause of the catastrophe was "explosion (ignition) with oxygen-impregnated tissue as a result of unauthorized actions of one of the combat calculation numbers." So it was actually we will never know, since everyone who could refute this died with a rocket during one of the most terrible explosions in the history of cosmonautics.

Wonderful salvation of fiery trap

Not all cosmic catastrophes led to victims. The case that occurred on September 26, 1983 is still considered an example of one of the most amazing salvage In the history of cosmonautics. On that day, the Salute T-10-1 ship was to go to the Soyute T-10-1 and crew as part of Vladimir Titov and Alexander Serebor. However, in less than a minute before the start of the launch on the rocket, the valve was faced with a lubricant in the fuel supply system, which led to the ignition of the rocket. In 10 seconds before the start, the operators involved the emergency salvation system, which shot down the descent apparatus with the crew. After another two seconds, the rocket fell completely.

Rescue capsule Union T-10-1

The moment of the shooting capsule can be seen on the video from 2:50:

Within four seconds, the operation of solid fuel engines of the emergency rescue system. Cosmonauts experienced overload from 14 to 18 g, rising to a height of 650 meters and then inertia to 950 meters, where the parachute disclosure occurred. After 5 minutes, the capsule with astronauts landed in four kilometers from the accident site. But despite the huge overloads, astronauts were not affected. In the history of cosmonautics, this is the only case of use. emergency system Saving astronauts.

Catastrophe "Challenger"

January 28, 1986. The Space Shuttle program will soon celebrate the fifth anniversary of the beginning of the piloted flights. Shuttles have already flown into space 24 times, and 9 flights took place in the previous year and NASA intends to increase this indicator. The anniversary 25th launch enjoys increased attention and for another reason: as part of the crew from seven astronauts is Krista Mcoliff, which should be the first teacher in space.

Catastrophe "Challenger"

Many countries dreamed of opening their own way to space. Some of it managed, some suffered defeat. We will talk about successful states whose experiments are known all over the world.

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What are the space countries of the world?

It's not easy to get to Sosmos, so each country chose his own way. Someone's first attempt brought good luck, some spent years to achieve something, and someone at all threw this venture. Whatever it, the cosmos was a lot of studies and many experiments continue until today's day. From October 4, 10, each year there is a World Week of Cosmos. Over these few days, people are invited to recall all successful experiments, discoveries that contributed to the fact that life on the planet Earth has improved noticeably.

Of course, we cannot but mention which country has opened a space era. it significant event It happened in the territory of the USSR, just 4 October 1957. In the evening of this day, scientists launched the rocket, which was supposed to throw a homemade satellite into the orbit of the Earth. The rocket fulfilled its destination, the satellite was safely separated from her and spent several weeks in space, flying around the Earth and passing important signals. Thus, Russia was ahead of the United States, because over the years, the space race has not ceased between them.

Americans also achieved considerable success, on a par with Russian scientists, they conquered space and can boldly be proud of their achievements. But now they launched your first satellite a few months later, and only with the second attempt.

Today, the conquest of space is considered in different ways. Someone wants to achieve prestige, so someone is trying to guarantee their own country safety. Do not be surprised that even the countries of the Third World are well developing rocket education. We are talking about Africa, Asia and so on.

The list of the most popular cosmic powers consists of three countries: Russia, the USA and China. It was on the territory of these states maximum amount Successful and useful flights, here real missiles were built here, it was here that it all began, as they say, from scratch.

Please note that today there are about 50 around the earth. artificial satellites from different countries. But it is interesting that only 13 of these states were able to independently create their own carrier rocket, which will deliver a satellite into orbit. And only 9 countries today continue to produce rocket data. It is these countries that are called cosmic powers, as they also have their own huge cosmodromes.

If you are interested in space, then you can visit the popular tourist company in Russia, which is called a country of space tourism. Representatives of this company organize for curious various cosmic adventures. You can see your own eyes to see the Baikonur's historic cosmodrome, experience the strength of demonstration flights, as well as traveling in weightlessness on special space devices. As a result, you will receive a real certificate that you have made an unusual and extreme flight. In general, pleasure, of course, not cheap, but it is worth it. More and more domestic and foreign tourists are desired at least a little plunge into mysterious world space.

Space programs of countries of the world

Each country that runs missiles into space has a special space program. Some countries can different circumstances Refuse such a program. In 2016, Iran did this.

Countries with their own program are India, South Korea, China, USA, France, Russia and so on. By the way, few people know that unexpectedly for all, France became the third country, which independently launched an artificial satellite into the orbit of the earth. The French managed to design a high-quality carrier rocket.

A few words about the grand weapons of certain countries. In the near future, India is going to send a person to space, they already have a special carrier missile, which was mainly designed according to the schemes of foreign scientists.

India is also going to independently develop a diagram of a personal carrier missile and send its satellite for geostationary orbit. So far, several attempts were unsuccessful, but Indian scientists and developers do not fall in spirit, do not surrender, but stubbornly continue to go to their goal.

China has been known as cosmic world country leader. It is from China that the load is safely delivered to certain space objects, the Chinese have already sent their astronauts into orbit, they are also going to master the Moon and Mars. The Chinese are quite successful in space, they plan to build another huge cosmodrome on the island, also work on the creation of a new heavy apparatus, which will open up tremendous opportunities.

South Korea also tried to follow his own space program. Invertible military operations in this country caused investors trying to launch a space affair. But several attempts were unsuccessful, so the training of astronauts almost closed. All the same Koreans changed their mind and decided to develop a new space program with more ambitious goals. They decided to enter the list of the best spacecraft countries by 2015. The construction of the cosmodrome began, Koreans ordered serious rockets from Russians. In the near future, they plan to launch multipurpose satellites, dream of creating a special base for various rocket technologies.

In the development of various space programs, Japan, Israel, Indonesia, Brazil, Ukraine, Kazakhstan are not lagging behind. In various Internet sources, you can get acquainted in more detail with space programs of different countries.

Number of space launches by country

Every year there are many launches of various bodies into space. They are made by S. different targetsAt the same time, rockets can be created in different countries to order. Since not every state can afford the release of various rocket plants.

We offer to familiarize yourself with brief list Space launches of 2017 by various countries. It can be said that this year was very prolific, regarding orbital launches. Of course, not all attempts were successful, but it did not stop anyone. This year was active the following countries: China, USA, Japan, Russia, India. All of them committed great amount Runs, most of which were really successful.

Which country has its own multi-modular space station?

Many countries today have their own space stations. Therefore, it is very easy to give an answer to the question of which countries have space stations. First of all it is, of course, America, China, then Japan and Europe. The development of similar stations is unrealistic, so not every country can afford a similar luxury.

Space stations differ from artificial satellites in that they include the crew. People can have a certain amount of time on the territory of the station on earth orbit and conduct their scientific research. If necessary, with the help of special ships, the crew can be changed from time to time so that the studies do not stop.

It is China who will be able to boast a huge multi-modular in the future. space Station. A huge cosmic body was collected in orbit from special modules. In the finished form, this station will be the third in the world after the world and the ISS. But the first module plan to send to orbit only in 2019. This station, of course, will significantly give up in the sizes of the Soviet ("World"), but will perform the same functions. The Chinese are very hoping for the tremendous success of their own project.

Many countries plan to create their own orbital stations, for example, Russia, Iran.

Today, the space industry continues to actively develop, because on Earth, a person explored almost everything, and space stores many more mysteries, secrets and secrets. There is no doubt that people will be able to achieve unprecedented results and soon they will significantly expand their knowledge.

Spacex argue that the cost of the start was about $ 90 million. This is several times cheaper than worth $ 400 million the launch of the American super-heavy rocket Delta 4 Heavy, able to bring about 28 tons into orbit.

Video: RBC

The surveyed RBCs that this launch is another step towards the highest goal of Ilona Mask, the achievement of Mars. In "Roskosmos" Falcon Heavy "A very good trick."

Heavy monopoly

There are only four countries in the world - the United States, Russia, France and China - have heavy rockets. Super heavy carriers launched only two US countries and the USSR. We are talking On the American Saturn V (13 successful starts in 1967-1973), which could bring to low near-earth orbit 141 tons, and the Soviet Rocket "Energy", which took into space a reusable ship "Buran" weighing 105 tons about 30 years ago. The new Russian super-heavy rocket will appear only by 2028, the general director of Roskosmos, Igor Komarov, declared on February 1. In 2018-2019, work will be performed on the sketching project of the super heavy rocket, he noted. Its main task, according to Komarov, "Studying Solar system, Planets of the Solar System, Moon and Oil Space. "

Loss of leadership

From 2011 to 2016, inclusive Roskosmos was an indisputable world leader in the number of civil starters. Until 2017, Spacex had no military launch. However, over the past year and a half, the situation has changed dramatically. In 2017, Spacex had 16 civilian launches. Roskosmos (taking into account the explanation of the press service of the Corporation that all the starts specified on its website - civilian) were 15 launches, one of which. The launches from the Kuru cosmodrome in the French Guiana were not taken into account.

A little differently looks like a picture, if you add orders of the military, as well as to take into account the statement of Roskosmos received in the RBC that the state corporation considers the launches perfect in 2017 with the Kuru "His", since "the operator and rocket were Russian." Then, if you compare the total number of civil starts and launches in the interests of the military, in 2017 the account becomes equal to 18:18. If you consider the launches of the "Unions" with Kuru Roskosmoshovsky, then the state corporation goes to the leaders - 18:20.

To withdraw a ton of cargo on Falcon Heavy is twice as cheaper than in the Russian "Proton" and almost three times cheaper than "ANGARA-A5" - $ 1.4 million against $ 2.8 million and $ 3.9 million, respectively.

Experts in conversation with RBC, which is not clear what Spacex will download its super heavy rocket. According to the creator of the community " Open space"Vitaly Egorova, Mask is counting on the plans of the Pentagon" Launch big satellites ". The general director of the company "Cosmokurs" Pavel Pushkin assumed that Mask focuses on "orbital stations and production in space, as well as tourist orbital major stations."

Before you please the surrounding with your wise conclusions, it would be nice to be in the subject.

but you don't have to lie, that since the rocket exploded to the start command!, then there was no emergency launch. The rocket exploded, the satellite was lost, the starting complex was destroyed. Accident 100%

Well, to a heap, two Russian unions, launched with Kuru, the author of the table recorded on the successful launch of the EU. If they launched under the Esov flag, then this is the success of European astronautics, right?

In fact, on 17 launches of the Russian Federation this year accounted for one accident. It approximately as much as it has always been. One accident for 20 flights. Other countries have never been better, and if better (Japan and federal launches of the United States), then launches are very expensive.

For those who analyze statistics, it is necessary to begin to understand that the accident accidents are not accidents or failures in a traditional understanding. This is a business. Anyone industrial production produces some marriage. No difference, Roskosmos, Intel or EPL. But intel or epple marriage can be checked when testing, and the rocket, unfortunately, is not. The rocket is disposable, and what to check it, it is required to run it. Only after that, it can be recognized as suitable. When the Intel is thrown out the defective processor in garbage containerThis is not visible to anyone. When a rocket marriage falls into the ocean, so immediately excited hamsters begin to jump out of pants. "And I said! There are the same losers, like me!" Well, heats this illusion of all losers, that everyone is the same as he himself.

Is it possible to make a missile missile? Yes, it is quite. The Japanese H-2 and the US federal runs are almost not falling. Each riveting is checked by x-ray and ultrasound, etc. etc. True, it is worth such a launch 3 times more expensive than the usual commercial. This rocket, oddly enough, is not needed. They are to insure them, the benefit of the accident occur infrequently, and run three times cheaper. If anyone is not known, we have now in the country market economy. Therefore, everyone demands that the rocket would be competitive primarily, and if possible, reliable. But only "if possible."

As for the allegedly recession of the number of launches, it never can be represented by a falling exhibitor, it is enough to turn on his head and see the statistics. The decline began in 2014, and exclusively in foreigners. State launches have not become less. Sanctions. Obviously, now the rate is made to provide comprehensive space services, if we are expelled from the starting service market.

This is certainly more difficult, and takes time to develop payload and import all components. But work successfully comes. "Blagovest" for MO is fully on the domestic base, works successfully. In essence, the usual communication satellite. Fallen meteor was also recycled to the domestic base. It all takes all time, as well as CCM-100 and MS-21.