Modern people don't believe in fairy tales! Childhood, when magical characters, unusual heroes, fantastic events, is behind us. Our world is inhabited by vanity, problems, passions, that is, ordinary reality. Where to make money, how to spend it, where to go are the main questions of our time. But the fairy tale exists, and for Russians who have visited Egypt (those who like exceptionally comfortable accommodation do not count), this is no secret!

The Tale of the Red Sea is amazing inhabitants, fantastic outfits, unusual fate every resident. The underwater world has its own mode of existence. There's no rush here. Loud sounds, blinding lights - all this remains on the surface.

Tourists don’t have to go far to see fabulous pictures. Even walking along the edge of the beach, you can see in the water colorful fish. But if you stand on a pontoon or, wearing a mask and fins (), freeze on the surface, the picture will become much more beautiful. There are so many living creatures swimming around that it becomes offensive: “We don’t know anything about them!” Our story is a short sketch about some representatives of the red depths of the sea.

A coral reef is a whole universe inhabited by myriads of animals. About 4,000 mollusks, 2,000 fish, and 350 species of echinoderms hide in calcareous colonies. Many reefs are the same age as dinosaurs! Some coral thickets are 2 billion years old.

The amazing is close!

Coral labyrinths are a home and an elite restaurant for marine inhabitants. Hundreds of fish swim near the shore, not at all embarrassed by swimmers. Even the children, always squealing and laughing, will not distract them from their daily worries. Nature generously decorated the scales of fish, and people gave them funny names.

Fish from the cartoon "Finding Nemo"

The creators of the popular cartoon glorified two small fish of the Red Sea: the clown and the surgeon. Clown fish - funny name for an orange sea creature with two encircling white stripes. The surgeon fish with a flat blue body became the prototype of the forgetful little Dory.

Fish - butterfly

A flat oval fish with black stripes symmetrically located on yellow scales. Sad alone? This is not about a butterfly. She is always surrounded by the same striped-yellow girlfriends. If an enemy appears nearby, the fish changes color, becomes darker with anger and boldly attacks the enemy.


A large, serious inhabitant of the deep sea. It received this name because of the resemblance of its brow ridge to the headdress of the French emperor. Napoleon's impressive size and serious appearance did not spoil his good disposition. He is curious and often swims up to hotel pontoons, causing the delight of tourists. When he meets scuba divers at depth, he swims nearby for a long time, without being at all afraid.

Sea urchin

He doesn't look like a cute character from children's fairy tales at all. Spicy, long needles little creature look scary. Prickly and menacing, he will instantly thrust the entire arsenal of his spears into the offender. The hedgehog has to pretend to be a prickly monster - he has too many enemies. Predators love to feast on its tender meat. The sea urchin moves on thin tentacles filled with liquid. You can't run far from the enemy on such strange legs. Needles are the only salvation.

If you want to get to know the fauna of the Red Sea better the best option- . There you will be taken to coral reefs, everyone will be able to scuba dive and touch the beauty in the truest sense of the word. In addition, in the reserve you will find magnificent sand beach and the clearest sea.

A spectacle accessible only to divers

Not all sea inhabitants love the proximity of the shore and people. The most mysterious characters can only be seen by diving to 5-10 meters. For lovers, the underwater world will open new pages.


One appearance fish - a long, rough body with a crocodile's mouth - causes a shudder, fear, and a desire to run away. But this is a misleading impression. The moray eel, so similar to a snake, is scary only in appearance and is a relative common eel. The unattractive moray eel is endowed with the grace and plasticity of a ballerina. During the day, she hides from her bloodthirsty neighbors in coral caves, sticking her muzzle out. The moray opens its mouth wide, gasping for air, and this scares everyone who has not seen the “beauty” before.


“Multi-armed Hercules” is one of the nicknames of the octopus. The creature is peaceful, calm and friendly. This huge mollusk is extremely valuable own home. He builds it with his own eight legs. He will build a house, climb into it and sleep. Seven legs sleep, and the eighth, swaying from side to side, stands guard, scaring away others. The octopus is an emotional animal. He expresses even the simplest feelings brightly and expressively, changing the color of the body, changing shape and masquerading as surrounding objects.

Sea turtle

An underwater reptile that has nothing in common with the slowness of its land relative. On land, the tortilla is clumsy, but at sea it develops speed and exceptional navigational abilities. Meeting her is a great and rare success!

But bloodthirsty predators are not the only horror story of an Egyptian holiday. Poisonous fish, stinging jellyfish, and electric stingrays frighten vacationers no less. How dangerous animal world Red Sea?

In fact, many “dangerous animals” are quite peaceful and kind. If you don't touch them, they won't fight or bite. "Survive!" - the main task of the inhabitants of the underwater world. “If you don’t get eaten, you can live a long time!” - guided by this motto, some creatures bury themselves in the sand, others accumulate electric charge in case of attack, others always keep a drop of poison in reserve. We will tell you about those cautious creatures whose encounters frighten tourists.


Bright, beautiful, real underwater model. Slowly and deliberately, enjoying her own perfection, she soars over the reefs, exclaiming with all her appearance: “Look at me! Admire! Envy! Its fins are similar to peacock feathers - rich, colorful. The external beauty of the lionfish is a terrible force. Luxurious fins - burning and razor-sharp - are poisoned by the poison of her beauty. The lionfish sting is very painful. The merciless lionfish searches for a long time and carefully for the victim, hypnotizing, enveloping, captivating. A swift jerk ends the life of the unwary roach. Rescue is impossible here: missing out on prey is not a lionfish’s rule.

Wart - “stone fish”

Its formidable body, completely covered with warty outgrowths, is barely visible in the coral thickets. She is a master of underwater camouflage. Choosing special places for camouflage, the wart freezes, merging into one with the surrounding objects. Nature has not endowed the stonefish with beauty and plasticity; its entire life is silent revenge for their absence. Her body is a dozen prickly thorns saturated with poison. Stepping on it is deadly! The spikes are strong and will pierce even rubber swimming shoes.


Stingrays are considered dangerous animals. Some for their menacing appearance, others for their ability to poison or inject a person. But there was no case of any of the stingrays attacking a person. The stingray is a peaceful, even timid, inhabitant of the underwater space. He looks like he's alive kite, which floats in the air. “When it lands,” it burrows into the sand in search of prey. All the strength of the stingray is in its tail. One blow, and sharp needle-spikes pierce the enemy’s body, and poison flows down them, into the wound made by the tip. The power of the poison is legendary. In ancient times, they lubricated arrows with it and soaked the clothes of enemies. The Mayans used it as a pain reliever.

Fish delicacies

There are so many fish in the Red Sea that trying to eat even one is a big temptation. IN hotel restaurants The fish menu is usually poor. But the fish restaurants (for example, on the Promenade in Naama Bay, at the Old Market) are simply amazing. Shrimp, squid, octopus, crabs - all this moves and trembles in large trays. The client chooses the delicacy he likes, waits (and sometimes personally watches the preparation) of the delicious dish.

Sea fishing

People explore the underwater world in different ways. Some admire it, looking at it through the glass of a simple mask. Others boldly dive to the bottom with scuba gear. Still others taste it. And some people enjoy fishing.

For those interested, local companies organize a tour from Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh " Sea fishing" The excursion program combines a yacht trip with fishing. The boat will make three stops during the day, and fishermen will be given simple equipment: a plastic circle with a hook and sinker on a fishing line. For lunch, the yacht's chef will prepare the fish you caught.

The catch, even for novice fishermen, is usually rich. The hook catches fish of all colors and sizes: lizardheads (the most voracious, and therefore oblivious of danger), red-striped grouper (spotted skin), thalassomas, cheylins, red mullets. You can’t count them all!

“I vacationed in Hurghada three times and always bought a yacht trip with fishing. Price - 50 dollars. You can just swim and then catch colorful fish with pieces of squid. It’s a simple idea, but it’s a lot of fun!”


The strange fish fluttering in the water of the Red Sea surprise and fascinate. I want to touch them. But many of them are dangerous: their bodies exude poison, their beauty is deadly. It happens!

Nov 22, 2015 Kate


A fish with a maximum body length of up to 23 centimeters. Color with greenish and bluish tints. Feeds on algae growing near coastline. Spawns in April-June, laying eggs on underwater rocks or in empty shells of bivalve mollusks.

Sea ruff

It has a second name - scorpionfish. The maximum length of the fish is 40 centimeters, but more often than not more than 15. The main share in the diet is occupied by smaller fish, crustaceans and various invertebrates. The sea ruff systematically moults, completely shedding its old skin.


A marine fish with a very elongated thin body. It has a strong shell made of bone rings and a long snout. Often assumes a vertical position and remains motionless for a long time. The general color of the fish is green tint.


A fish distinguished by its unique head shape and upward-facing eyes. They live in the bottom layer of water. They feed mainly on crustaceans and other invertebrates. Most species are active at night.


It is distinguished by the presence of a long “sword” on its head - this is a greatly elongated upper jaw. Several bones of the skull play a role in its formation. Another feature is the ability to artificially increase the temperature of the brain and eyes due to internal chemical processes.


This is a fish with a characteristic body shape. The body is flat, the pectoral fins are fused to the head. There are 15 families of stingrays, including both marine and freshwater species. One of interesting features individual rays is the ability to produce electricity. Fish use it for defense and hunting.

Game fish


Not big fish, belonging to the herring family. The weight of the largest individuals is only 22 grams. Is the object of commercial fishing, which, on this moment, does not provide negative influence on the number of sprat.

Black Sea goby

Bottom fish, living near the coastline. Is different big head slightly flattened in shape and closely spaced eyes. The number of gobies is huge, despite the fact that it is caught in large quantities.


A small fish up to 18 centimeters long and weighing up to 12 grams. It is divided into five species, including European sprat, which lives in the Black Sea. The life expectancy of sprat is relatively short - 5 years.


A commercial fish with a narrow body and silvery color. IN different time year makes long migrations to wintering or spawning areas. It is one of the main commercial fish with excellent taste. Hamsa is salted, dried, and used in soups and other dishes.


A schooling fish that lives in the upper layers of water near the coastline. The main share in the diet of sprat is occupied by plankton. Sprat is a valuable commercial fish, widely consumed by humans. It is used for canning, smoking and pickling.


Fish with excellent taste. In the Black Sea it is migratory, that is, it actively moves between reservoirs for spawning or wintering. The recorded weight of the largest individual is one kilogram.


This is a marine fish belonging to the mullet family. It has an elongated body and eyes with a red tint. Lives in flocks, which move to wintering large rivers. The pelengas feeds on various invertebrates, as well as smaller fish.


A sea fish with an unusual head shape and pectoral fins. It is distinguished by a beautiful brownish color mixed with orange and blue colors. Is a predator. It lives and hunts in the bottom layer, actively using its wide unfolding fins.

Black Sea fish listed in the Red Book


A very large fish from the sturgeon family. Perhaps this is the largest fish capable of living in fresh water. The weight of individual individuals reaches one and a half tons. It is a predator, feeding on smaller fish. The diet also includes various shellfish.

Large fish from the sturgeon family. The body length of an average individual is 2 meters, weight is up to 30 kilograms. IN natural conditions forms stable crosses and hybrids when crossed with other sturgeons. This fact is used to artificially create spines adapted to different climatic conditions.

Russian sturgeon

Fish from the sturgeon family. The main food is a variety of crustaceans and other invertebrates, mollusks and small fish. Currently, the population of Russian sturgeon in wildlife very small, but it is actively bred in numerous fish farms.

Stellate sturgeon

Large fish from the sturgeon family. Lives at depths of up to 100 meters. The maximum body length is more than two meters, and the weight is up to 80 kilograms. It is a valuable commercial fish, but in the wild the population is very small. Currently, stellate sturgeon is grown in fish factories, some of the fish are released into water bodies, and some are processed for consumption.

Other fish

Sea crucian carp

A medium-sized fish with a body up to 25 centimeters long. It gathers in small flocks that actively move in the depth range from 3 to 50 meters. In winter, schools of sea crucian carp go far into the open sea and stay near the bottom until the onset of the warm season.


The fish has a long body with a beautiful “metallic” color. The structure and shape of the fins allows mackerel to swim quickly and actively maneuver. It is a valuable commercial fish, which is actively prepared in various forms. Mackerel is used both as an independent dish and as an ingredient.

Sea bass

Fish from the scorpionfish family. It is distinguished by its red color and poisonous spines at the ends of its fins. Fin prick sea ​​bass leads to slight painful inflammation. Different types They live at depths from 10 meters to three kilometers. They hunt mainly from ambush, attacking small fish and invertebrates.

red mullet

It is distinguished by a laterally compressed body and a blunt “face” shape. It lives in small schools at a depth of up to 30 meters. Red mullet is a bottom fish and never rises to the surface. It feeds on small invertebrates, which it searches for at the bottom, feeling the silt and soil with special antennae.


It has a flat, oval-shaped body. It lives in the bottom layers at a depth of up to 200 meters. Young flounder often stays near the shore. It feeds on crustaceans and invertebrates, as well as mollusks, which the fish actively collects during daylight hours.


A medium-sized fish from the order Perciformes. The maximum recorded length of an individual is 44 centimeters. The greenfinch lives in a wide range of depths - from one to 50 meters. The color of the fish is yellowish with a green tint and red longitudinal stripes.


Valuable commercial fish with good taste. It lives at a depth of up to 200 meters, feeding on various invertebrates. Thanks to the special shape of its mouth, it can swallow large prey and periodically engages in cannibalism.

Sea Dragon

A peculiar fish that looks like floating algae. Her body is covered with shoots that imitate the stems of vegetation. The sea dragon swims very slowly, but often goes unnoticed by predators. It feeds on plankton and algae, swallowing food whole.


A schooling fish that actively attacks schools of smaller fish. During the hunt, they break up schools of fish in an organized manner, drive and swallow the prey, doing this at a very high speed. The fish has high taste qualities and is an object of sport fishing. However, catching bluefish is not easy due to its speed and great physical strength.

Brown trout

Large salmon fish, which is an object fishing. It lives at various depths, feeding on invertebrates, mollusks and small fish. Brown trout meat is different good taste and is used in different forms for cooking food.


Cartilaginous fish weighing up to 15 kilograms. It lives close to the coastline, preferring depths of up to 120 meters. The diet of fish is very varied. The diet includes both invertebrates and a large number of small and medium fish. At certain times of the year, schools of Katrans are capable of attacking dolphins.


Fish with long and flexible body. The color is gray and with a metallic sheen. In appearance it resembles an eel. It is distinguished by very small scales and the presence of a peculiar beak. It contains small sharp teeth, which help to tenaciously grab prey.

To the Red Sea no rivers flow into, apparently, that’s why it remains the warmest and saltiest of all. It also has crystal clear water, due to the fact that there is no additional influx of sand, silt and other river pollutants. Almost the entire sea coast is located in the tropical zone.

Even in the coldest time of the year, the water temperature in it remains at twenty degrees, and in summer months rises to twenty-seven.

The flora and fauna are very diverse and unique. Comfortable climatic conditions and rich underwater world have made it one of the most sought after tourist destinations today. Diving And exciting fishing in the Red Sea will leave vivid impressions for a long time.

Currently found and described about one and a half thousand various types fish, living in warm and clean waters Red Sea. They have the most varied, sometimes unusual shape and coloring. Moreover, many of them are endemic and cannot be found in other bodies of water. In addition, scientists believe that only a little more than half of the inhabitants of the fish kingdom are known, and many deep sea fish existing in this sea remain unexplored.

Catalog with photos and descriptions

To the most popular and safe For humans, the species include the following:

  • Parrot fish. It owes its name to a growth on its jaw that resembles the beak of a parrot. Its color is always bright and multi-colored, and its wide body reaches an average length of fifty centimeters. She does not attack humans, but you should not provoke her, as she has a very powerful jaws and their bite can be quite painful;
  • Antais. It's very shallow schooling fish, living in coral reefs. The length of its bright reddish, orange or green body ranges from seven to fifteen centimeters. A flock can contain up to five hundred specimens at a time;
  • Black-spotted Grunt(black-spotted sweetlip). This big fish yellowish in color with graceful black spots, it received such names for the specific gnashing sound it makes and its large, thick lips. Loves to be photographed with drivers;
  • Fish Napoleon(Maori wrasse). This is the most beloved inhabitant of the Red Sea by drivers. Despite impressive size(up to two meters in length), this is a very friendly and trusting fish with thickened lips and a peculiar growth in the frontal part. This appearance gives her even more good nature;
  • The Napoleon fish is so highly intelligent that it itself swims up to a person to get acquainted and play.

  • Butterfly fish(mothfish). The body of these fish, from fifteen to thirty centimeters long, in shape and brightness of color, actually resembles multi-colored butterflies. All their types are absolutely safe for humans;
  • Bistriped amphiprion. The fish is very active and harmless to humans, although it can be aggressive towards some marine life. She is not at all afraid of swimmers, who love to photograph her because of her bright and unusual coloring. Her bright orange body is decorated with vertical stripes. white, which have a black outline.
  • The most dangerous and poisonous inhabitants

    In addition to harmless and peace-loving fish, in the Red Sea there are a large number of dangerous and poisonous species:

    Dangerous fish in the waters of Sharm el-Sheikh

    IN sea ​​waters Many species can be found near Sharm el-Sheikh dangerous fish living in the Red Sea. Therefore, those who are little familiar with its underwater world are recommended to purchase and study the relevant literature. In addition to the types described above, by visiting, you may encounter the following:

    A current discharge can only be obtained by touching the stingray with your hand or by accidentally stepping on it. Fatalities due to contact with electric ramp not recorded.

    Hurghada - the most insidious species

    Is great place For fishing. But at the same time, everyone fishing tour accompanied by an experienced instructor, since you can get damaged from dangerous fish not only when swimming, but also when catching such species as:

    Despite the fact that there are a large number of poisonous dangerous fish in the Red Sea, in most cases, with the right behavior, collisions with them can be avoided. To do this you need to comply simple recommendations:

  1. Don't swim away from the coast;
  2. Stay away approach unfamiliar fish and do not try to touch them with your hands;
  3. Don't swim at night time;
  4. Don't go into the water, having open wounds so as not to attract aggressive species with the smell of blood.

Edible fish

From the huge variety of edible fish of the Red Sea, commercial value have the following:

Popular dishes from the Red Sea inhabitants

Many types of edible Red Sea fish have very good taste and texture of the meat. In addition to the fact that they are simply fried, stewed and canned, they are also used to prepare quite complex dishes , as they go well with most vegetables and fruits, rice, pasta, as well as garlic and a wide variety of herbs.

Popular dishes using sea fish include: sesame-breaded tuna steaks; sea ​​bass stuffed with mushrooms; dorado baked in salt; marlin in Hawaiian.

The inhabitants of the sea differ according to various criteria: size, shape, belonging to the family, eating habits. water world rich and diverse so much that it is difficult to imagine.

Not all marine inhabitants have been fully studied; in the depths of the sea there are individuals that people have not yet heard of.

Not all species are edible. Humanity values ​​marine life so much as food that it has even learned to cook poisonous fish fugu.

There are a lot of useful substances in it, but if the cooking process goes wrong and poison gets on the fillet, the person will face an unenviable fate.

The division of marine life begins with the classification of the family to which they belong.


  • Haddock.
  • Navaga.
  • Cod.
  • Pollock.


  • Tuna.
  • Sardine.
  • Wahoo.
  • All types of mackerel.
  • Mareli.
  • Pelamida.


This type is incredibly useful. More than 500 species of individuals from the flounder family have a characteristic set of vitamins and minerals.

Flounder itself contains selenium, vitamin A and D. Halibut contains vitamin B12, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and fatty acids.


  • Sardine.
  • European sprat.
  • Atlantic and Pacific herring.
  • Atlantic menhaden.

Predatory sea fish:

  • All types of sharks: hammerhead, tiger, gray, spotted and other species.
  • Moray eel.
  • Barracuda.
  • Angler.
  • Swordfish.
  • Garfish.

Sharks and other predatory species have the most different sizes: from 17 cm to 20 m in length. Their first ancestors appeared on earth 420 million years ago.

Species diversity is not limited to a list of 6 items. There are more than 450 species of predators.

Most sharks are considered unsuitable for food because mercury accumulates in their bodies. But medicines are produced from the liver of some species.

Types for food

The benefits of sea fish are not limited to iodine and fatty acids. Every edible species has its own set of useful substances and microelements. Some species are used for medicinal purposes.

Popular types of fish and their beneficial properties:

Name Family Benefit
Flounder Flounder Delicious white meat without small bones contains selenium, vitamins A and D. Fat content: up to 5%.

The indicator is relatively low, but the meat is rich in calcium, is dietary, and has a beneficial effect on liver function

Pink salmon Salmonidae Contains a lot of calcium, strengthens bone tissue. Helps with the functioning of the cardiovascular system, rejuvenates, removes toxins. Useful for bone diseases
Sole Flounder A delicacy that is prepared in all elite restaurants. Contains many fatty acids. Helps you lose weight
Halibut Flounder Meat is rich in vitamin B12, B6, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus
Herring Herrings Contains healthy fats, phosphorus, a lot of protein and vitamin A. Useful when lightly salted.

In Russia this is the most consumed type of sea fish. Its cost is lower than that of other varieties. There are many recipes for dishes that have become native Russian: herring under a fur coat

Sturgeon Salmonidae Has a beneficial effect on nervous system, helping to relieve stress. Strengthens tooth enamel and bone tissue. Easily digestible, energizes, reduces excess weight
Walleye Perch Large supply of vitamin D, A. Saturates with calcium and magnesium, contains iodine and healthy fats. Helps reduce bad cholesterol
capelin Salmonidae Cleans blood vessels, normalizes liver and kidney function. Has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. Strengthens the nervous system. Is a dietary product

The benefits of seafood cannot be overestimated. According to statistics, every resident of Russia suffers from iodine deficiency to one degree or another.

This has a bad effect on the functioning of the entire body, affecting the activity thyroid gland. Sea fish contains a lot of iodine.

Frying and stewing kills most useful substances. In addition to fish, it is useful to eat seaweed, shrimp and other seafood.

Fatty varieties

Fatty varieties include species of marine life that contain more than 30% fat in meat.

The benefit of such a product for the body lies in its high content of omega-3 fatty acids. This is an incredibly useful substance that promotes healing and rejuvenation.

Fatty meat of sea creatures will bring the greatest benefit to those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

After 50 years, this product should become a permanent part of the diet, as it contains a lot of calcium. Bone fragility and dental problems will go away.

Important! Fatty fish meat will bring double benefits for pregnant women. Calcium is necessary for fetal development and bone formation.

Vitamin D, which Russians are so lacking, is found in marine life. If there are no prohibitions from the doctor, feel free to go heavy, excluding poisonous varieties, such as puffer fish.

Fatty varieties:

  • Halibut.
  • Anchovies.
  • Sardine.
  • Sprat.
  • Acne.
  • Herring.
  • Tuna.
  • Sturgeon.
  • Perch.
  • Trout.
  • Flounder.

These varieties should be eaten more often.

Interesting fact! According to research results, eating fatty fish reduces the risk of developing dementia and has a beneficial effect on brain function.

If you eat such dishes 4 times a month, brain function improves and the functioning of the cardiovascular system is normalized.

It's worth considering, given that heart disease is the number one cause of death in the country.

The results of the study claim that these products reduce the risk of death from heart attack by repairing blood vessels and strengthening the heart muscle. The arrhythmia goes away.

The risk of developing Alzheimer's disease is also reduced. Today this disease is acquiring frightening proportions. It is impossible to protect yourself completely by normalizing your diet.

Lead healthy image life, exercise and more often consume foods that fill the gaps in our vitamin assets. Sea fish is one of them.

Useful video

Fish are aquatic vertebrates characterized by gill breathing. They can live in both fresh and salt waters. They can be found in various bodies of water: from mountain streams to the depths of the sea. Many people are familiar with this impressive list from childhood. sea ​​fish. These include capelin and herring, pollock and cod, halibut and hake, as well as many other small and large sea fish, the names and photos of some of which can be studied in the article offered to you.

Cod fish - photos, names

The cod family lives not only in salt waters, but also in fresh water bodies. northern hemisphere. In addition to burbot, all codfish belong to marine species . They are distinguished by:

  • mustache on the chin;
  • 1-2 anal fins;
  • 2-3 dorsal fins;
  • very small scales;
  • about 1% fat content of meat;
  • approximately 7% of fat reserves are in the liver.

Cod. A bottom-dwelling fish with a light green elongated body that feeds on small fish. It is distinguished by an abundance of dark spots on the sides, back, and lighter ones on the abdomen. It has dense white meat, which is high in protein and low in muscle bones. It is valued for its nutritional qualities and is a good raw material for the production of fish oil.

Navaga. Sea schooling bottom fish, which is divided into two types:

Haddock. Ray-finned fish, living in northern seas Arctic and Atlantic Ocean. Average weight about 3 kg, length from 50 to 75 kg. But there are also larger individuals. Differs in being slightly flattened laterally tall body with a lilac or purple back. The belly of the haddock is silvery or milky white. The fish has very tender and tasty meat, which contains many minerals.

Pollock. The family is benthic and lives in coastal waters many oceans of the north. It can weigh about 1.5 kg and reach a length of up to 55 cm. It is distinguished by an elongated body and a caudal fin with a small notch. Pollock meat contains about two percent fat and many vitamins and minerals.

Mackerel family - photos, names

The family includes ray-finned fish, which are characterized by:

  • additional fins behind the anal and soft dorsal fins;
  • laterally compressed thin caudal peduncle with 2 or 3 keels;
  • fusiform long body;
  • bony ring around the eyes.

To the names of fast swimmers of this marine family include: tuna, marel, sard, bonito, wahoo, Azov-Black Sea, Atlantic, Kuril and Far Eastern mackerel. Their meat usually does not have small bones, but is quite fatty and tender. It contains a lot of vitamins D and B12, as well as omega-3 acids.

Flounder family - photo, name

Right-sided flounders belong to the family of ray-finned fish, whose eyes are on right side heads. They have symmetrical pelvic fins, and the eggs do not contain a drop of fat. While swimming, they develop in the thickness or upper layer of water.

Most often, sea halibut or flounder are isolated. In total, about 500 flounder-like individuals are found in the depths of the sea.


Another name for this type of fish is sea ​​chicken. It has white meat without small bones, the fat content of which ranges from 1% to 5%. The most famous are the North American species of this marine fish. Flounder meat is rich in vitamins D and A, and selenium.


Among the varieties of these marine fish, the most popular are white-skinned, black-skinned and blue-skinned halibut. The fat content of their meat ranges from 5% to 12%. It is rich in vitamins B12 and B6, phosphorus, selenium, potassium and magnesium. Halibut can be used to reduce resistance in the veins, improve blood flow and prevent arrhythmia and atherosclerosis.

Herring fish - names, photos

Marine fish of this species are distinguished by the fact that they there are not a single scale on the head. They have very small teeth and no or very short lateral line. The most important commercial species of herring are:

  • European sprat;
  • European sardine;
  • Pacific herring;
  • Atlantic herring;
  • Atlantic menhaden.

Sea herring meat has big amount protein, polyunsaturated fats, vitamin A.

Terrible sea predators sharks

The most ancient representatives of these individuals already existed about 420 million years. Currently there are more than 450 species. The smallest shark measures 17 cm. Whale shark- This is the largest fish, the length of which can reach twenty meters.

Sharks are generally classified as predatory fish However, some of them feed on small fish, squid and plankton. These include largemouth, basking and whale sharks.

Despite the fact that according to some reports, mercury accumulates in shark meat, it is still used as food by some cultures. Shark fins are used by the peoples of Asia to prepare delicious soups. And her liver contains vitamins B and A, and is used for the manufacture of various medicines.

Sargan family - photo

This is another species of predatory marine fish. Garfish are different:

  • needle-shaped body;
  • small teeth;
  • long jaws;
  • weighing 400 g;
  • 95 cm long.

Sarganfish live in the White, Barents, and Baltic seas, where they walk along the coast, chasing schools of fish. Garfish meat is very tasty However, when cooking it you need to know one feature. When boiled, fish bones become green color, which is absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

The article provided only small part names and photos of fish that are inhabitants of the deep sea. The meat of all of them is very healthy and therefore quite often found on dinner tables. Even animals are recommended to be fed not with river fish, but with sea fish, which are least contaminated with heavy metals and do not contain pesticides and radionuclides.

Sea fish