In today's electronic world, people are starting to consider creating a paper-free environment. However, we still have very long way before we finally lose our dependence on this medium. From newspapers to paper wrappers, paper is still ubiquitous, and much of this product ends up in landfill.

Previously, paper was a rather rare and valuable resource, today there is so much of it that it is gradually filling the entire planet. It was originally invented as a communication and information transfer tool, but today it is more commonly used as packaging. It takes twice as much energy to make paper as it does to make a plastic bag.

In the case of paper, manufacturing also includes cutting down trees. Deforestation is one of the key environmental issues that we face today. 42% of the world's total wood production is used for papermaking. Is it worth the life of all the trees that are cut down?

Here are some interesting facts about waste paper. We are used to seeing products in their finished form and often do not think about how they are made and what happens after they become unnecessary.

Paper and Waste Paper Facts

  • 324 liters of water are used to make 1 kg of paper.
  • As we speak, over 199 tons of paper have already been produced.
  • It takes 10 liters of water to make one A4 sheet of paper.
  • 93% of paper is produced from trees.
  • 50% of industrial waste is paper.
  • It takes 75,000 trees to print the Sunday edition of the New York Times!
  • Recycling 1 ton of paper saves about 682.5 liters of oil, 26,500 liters of water and 17 trees.
  • The packaging is 1/3 of our waste.
  • US offices use 12.1 billion sheets of paper a year.
  • Paper makes up 33% of household waste.
  • Using all the paper we use to work each year, we can build a 12-foot wall of paper that will run from New York to California!
  • A decrease in the use of paper was predicted due to the electronic revolution. This will not happen, as demand for paper is expected to double by 2030.
  • Each tree produces enough oxygen for 3 people to breathe.

Environmental impact of waste paper

Deforestation is the main result of our thoughtless use of paper. Forest conservation groups have made significant strides in protecting the environment and limiting the commercial use of wood. This is great progress for humanity! Just imagine how long it will take for a tree to grow to its full size ... Only by realizing that wasting trees that provide us with oxygen is destructive will we save the planet from global warming.

Pollution waste paper leads to another problem: by 2020, pulp mills will be producing 500,000,000 tons of cardboard and paper annually! We, of course, need to reduce the output of this type of product, because it is the third in terms of water, soil and air pollution. The use of chlorine-based bleaches in the manufacturing process results in the release of toxic materials that seep into environment... When paper decays, it emits a gas - methane, which is 25 times more toxic than CO2.

10 easy ways to cut waste and reduce pollution

Many companies working in North America, changed their production processes to reduce the formation of dioxins. It is about a toxic byproduct of papermaking that is also a carcinogen. There is an active search for renewable sources of paper so that we can reduce the cutting down of our beautiful trees.

What can you personally do to reduce waste and paper consumption?

  • Dispose of all your waste paper.
  • Be a conscientious consumer and buy products that are 100% recycled. Buy recycled paper materials or those that come from sustainable forests.
  • In the office, using paper only on one side, do not throw it away, but save it. This small force reduces paper consumption by 50%.
  • If you already have a scanned copy of the file, do not print it again unless you really need to.
  • Use electronic media instead of paper when communicating with customers.
  • Reduce the use of paper cups and disposable paper plates, and use reusable tableware in the office kitchen.
  • Encourage colleagues and friends to recycle their paper.
  • Use paper materials made without chlorine.
  • Give preference to products that have been packaged in an environmentally friendly way.
  • Take advantage of the latest technology, such as laptops, computers and smartphones, to store your files and notes on them.

Even a small consumer contribution of this kind can contribute to the overall cause of preserving the environment.

Material overview

Target: find out how the amount of paper use affects the number forest plantations.


1. Study the history of the first appearance of paper.

2. Find out what is the raw material for the production of paper.

3. Conduct a survey among students and teachers of the Lyceum.

4. Take information about forest resources from "Leskhoz"

5. Make a mathematical calculation.

6. Make a memo "How to save paper", create instructions.

7. Document conclusions and results.

8. Prepare a presentation

Type of: research

An object: paper

Subject of study: paper as a result of forest destruction.

Planned results: having learned from what resources the paper is made, everyone will treat it carefully and rationally.

Research methods: search for information, study of special literature, generalization of results.

Stages of work on the project: project selection, planning of activities, selection of materials, analysis and comparison.

Hypothesis: if you reduce the amount of paper consumption, you can improve ecological situation woodlands.

Techniques and skills to be mastered in the process of work:

1. Rules for working with text, reference material;

2. Rules for using the computer;

3. Ability to work with information, equipment and materials.


Paper is an amazing material that has penetrated all areas human life... It is impossible to imagine everyday household and professional activity a person without using it, because paper is, first of all, information.

Even electronic media that have thoroughly entered our life in recent decades cannot take over all of its functions. Since ancient times, paper has been widely used in the most various types and goals. Paper is knowledge, art, interior design, communication, money, packing material and much more.

The modern world has accustomed us to a utilitarian treatment of any things around us. Once upon a time, centuries ago, everything was completely different. Paper has become a convenient and not as expensive material as, for example, parchment, which greatly influenced the development of education, literature and painting. Still, paper was expensive, highly valued and used only for its intended purpose. According to experts, the production of paper products takes 42% of all timber harvested in the world, and in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, paper production is three times higher than the emissions of all existing aircraft. Such indicators make every conscious person think about not only preserving forest resources, but also about the purity of the surrounding atmosphere.

According to experts, the production of paper products takes 42% of all timber harvested in the world, and in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, paper production is three times higher than the emissions of all existing aircraft. Paper is a valuable material. This is evidenced by the recent discovery of workers in the British Museum, who found Michelangelo's sketches for a statue of the Madonna and Child in Bruges. The sketches were found on the canvas under a later drawing - in the infrared light, traces of carbon contained in the coal, which Michelangelo used for rough work, appeared. Scientists note that in those days the cost of paper was quite high, so artists used the same canvas many times.

Chapter 1.

1.1 Relevance

The work is devoted to such a topical issue as respect to paper. Today, we do not think about this issue, we do not consider it important, because you can put off one sheet and take another, and a third, and so on. And almost every one of us thinks so. But environmentalists never tire of warning humanity that the resources of our planet are not unlimited. Our paper waste is ruining the planet. Scientists have found that most of the paper is used by lawyers, financiers and officials of various ranks. It is estimated that one worker in the "paper sphere" writes as many as 17 conifers... 10,000 trees a year are cut down in China to produce postcards for the holidays. 115 billion pages of office paper every year around the world is turned into waste paper due to copiers and printers. And these are only isolated facts.

But the paradox is that the paper is not at all to blame here. She is a universal raw material required modern man like fresh food. On this stage the development of mankind, it is impossible to abandon this material, it is only necessary to change your attitude towards him and towards nature. Rational use resources will help us to prevent the slowly but inexorably approaching ecological disaster planetary scale. Today it is wiser and more expedient to recycle paper - and these are not worn out phrases, but an urgent need. Nowadays, almost half of the timber cut commercially goes to papermaking. Humanity's excessive consumption of paper, as environmental activists argue, threatens no less than the very existence of life on the planet. One of the most restless and eloquent defenders of forests - writer and conservationist Mandy Haggit says: “It's time to stop seeing something clean, healthy and natural in a white sheet of paper. We must realize that paper is nothing more than chemical bleached cellulose. ” Paper is a material made from compressed plant fibers. We cannot live without paper. Paper is used for printing texts. Executing reports at work different levels... Cardboard and colored paper are used for technology classes. Paper is a packaging material. Napkins, toilet paper are used as hygiene products. We know that paper is made of wood. “The quality of forests in Russia is sharply deteriorating, degradation is proceeding at a rapid pace. ecosystem functions will cease to be a habitat for those living creatures that are associated with the forest. species composition, and forests will no longer be of value as regulators of the local climate, producers pure water and air ", - said the coordinator of projects on forest policy of the World Fund wildlife(WWF) Russia Nikolay Shmatkov. If this happens, then due to the deterioration in the quality of wood, the number of trees will be increased for the production of paper. Russian ecologists are concerned about this situation. With our work, we want to attract others to be economical with paper. Thus, to save trees. This topic has become relevant for us.

1.2 History of the appearance of paper

How did paper come about? - this question interested us. Having studied the literature, Internet resources, we found out that paper appeared a very long time ago.

In 1957, in the northern province of China, Shaanxi. In Baoqiang Cave, a tomb was discovered. In which scraps of sheets of paper were found. They were examined and installed. That paper was made in the 11th century. BC Pretty long time the recipe for the white sheet was kept a closely guarded secret. Paper was sold for unthinkable money, exchanged for expensive fabrics and metal. The first fei-tian paper money, called flying coins, even came into use. The official birthday of the paper is considered to be 105 AD. It was then that a Chinese official named Tsai Lun informed his emperor about this. That the masters managed to discover the technology for the production of thin writing material. It should be noted that a great impetus for the development paper production in Europe, was invented in 1670 in Holland for grinding the paper pulp of a roll, which was about 3 times more productive than the previously used bulky crush. The demand for large-format paper gave rise to the emergence of paper machines. The most important innovation at the beginning of the 19th century was the production of cellulose from wood. It was received almost simultaneously in different countries and differed mainly in the way of production (mechanical or chemical).

Scientists believe that the Russian word paper comes from Tatar word“Boomug”, which means cotton. It is likely that the first wide acquaintance of the people of Russia with paper took place in the middle of the 13th century, when Khan Batu, to collect tribute, made the first nationwide census of the population of Russia on paper, which at that time was used in Northern China, conquered by the Mongol-Tatars, as well as in Turkestan and Persia. with whom they were in trade relations... Some researchers believe that the origin of the Russian term "paper" should apparently be derived from Greek name cotton. The paper came to Russia from France. Russian word"Paper" goes back to the name of the Middle Eastern city of Membij. Its first domestic production began in the 16th century, in the village of Ivanteevka near Moscow. A real paper mill was built there. Alas, very soon it burned down, and the next attempt to get its own Russian paper was made only in the 17th century. Patriarch Nikon. The next significant contribution to development Russian production the papers were already done by Peter I. Such transformations of Peter I, as the replacement of a complex Old Slavonic alphabet to a simpler, similar to Latin, issue from 1703 of the first Russian newspaper and a large number books on various issues of science and technology required a lot of paper. Seeing that two mills are not able to meet the needs of the country. He ordered to install a few more, but already of the European model. By order of Peter, several paper factories were built near Moscow and St. Petersburg. Well, so that they did not have a shortage of raw materials, he issued a decree: all worn-out canvases and rags should be taken to the office of the police chief. To encourage paper production in Russia, he banned the use of foreign paper in offices. Many years have passed since then. But paper, as it occupied leading positions in human life, continues to hold them.

Output: As a result of the studied literature, we found out that the first paper appeared in China in 105 BC, and the ancestor of modern paper, cellulose, appeared in the 19th century.

Paper making in our time.

Nowadays, as in ancient times, paper is made from paper pulp, but now the raw material for it is mainly crushed coniferous wood - pine, spruce or fir. Plant fibers are made up of a durable material called cellulose. That's why good paper In modern production, shredded wood is boiled in a solution of caustic soda or other substances to obtain a friable pulp. The pulp is placed on a mesh conveyor belt, blown with air, and then rolled between rolls to make paper. Not only wood is used as a raw material for paper production. For example, the highest grades of paper for printing banknotes and important documents made from cotton and linen rags. Paper made from such raw materials is very smooth and durable. Each inhabitant of the Earth spends an average of about 300 kg of paper per year. About half of this amount is recycled to make newsprint, toilet paper, wrapping paper and other low-quality paper. The rest of the paper ends up in landfills.

1.3 What is paper made of?

The main raw material for paper production is wood pulp. Pulp is obtained from forest species: mainly from spruce, pine and birch, but eucalyptus, poplar, chestnut and other trees are also used. At the factory, machines rip off the bark from them, grind them into chips. The most economical way to produce wood pulp is mechanical: in a woodworking enterprise, timber is crushed into crumbs, which are mixed with water. Paper made on the basis of such cellulose is fragile and is most often used for the production of, for example, newspapers. Coniferous forests give soft wood, which is used to make rough but strong paper. From harder species of wood, paper is obtained that is less durable, but smoother. Often a blend of softwood and hardwood fibers is used to make paper. Paper over High Quality made from cellulose obtained by a chemical method. This wood pulp is used to make paper for books, brochures and fashion magazines, as well as durable wrapping materials. In this case, the chips are sorted by size on special sieves and sent to cooking. The wood is boiled in special machines, where acid is added. So, having received this information, we learned what paper is made of.

Chapter 2.

2.1 Use of paper in our lyceum

We decided to find out how, in what quantity, teachers and students of our lyceum use paper. For this, we conducted a survey. For the survey, we took 3.5 classes. They were asked to answer questions.

Student survey

1. How many squared and ruled notebooks do they buy you for 1 academic year? ___________

2. How many albums do they buy you for 1 academic year? ___________

3. How many squared and ruled notebooks do you need for 1 academic year? ___________

4. How many albums do you need for 1 academic year? ___________

20 people took part in the survey. The results of the survey showed:

1. Notebooks in a cage and a ruler are bought for 1 academic year - 649 pieces

2. Albums are bought for 1 academic year - 50 pieces.

3. Notebooks in a cage and a ruler are required for 1 academic year - 427 pieces.

4. Albums are required for 1 academic year - 49 pieces.

We asked the question: “How many notebooks do they have by the end school year? " Many said an average of 5-6 notebooks.

The analysis of the results indicated above allowed us to obtain important conclusions.

We counted:

1) 649: 20 = 32.4 notebooks are bought on average per student.

2) 427: 20 = 21.3 notebooks are necessary for training.

3) 32.4-21.3 = 11.1, the notebook remains unclaimed.

4) 11.1-5 = 6.1 the notebook is simply spoiled, it has become "rubbish".

The weight of 1 notebook is 40g, which means 649 * 0.04 = 25.96kg of paper.

6.1 * 0.04 = 0.240kg. = 240g. 1 student throws out paper annually.

The weight of one album is 100g. This means that 100 * 2.5 = 250g. Of paper for one student falls on the albums.

25.96kg + 5kg. = 30.96kg. -necessary paper for students a year on notebooks and albums.

Questioning of teachers.

1. How many reams of paper do you need to work for 1 academic year?

2. How many notebooks do you need to work for 1 academic year?

Results of the survey. 20 teachers took part.

1. To work for 1 academic year, you need 112 reams of paper.

2. Notebooks will need 173 pieces (48 sheets) for 1 academic year.

On average, one teacher spends 5.6 reams of paper per year. Notebooks for work -8.6 pieces.

Knowing the weight of a pack of A4 office paper (297 x 210 mm, 80 g / m2, 500 sheets) - 2.5 kg (2500 g), you can calculate how many kg. paper is used for work.

112 * 2.5 = 280kg.

1 notebook weighs 110 grams

110 * 173 = 19kg. 30g.

Total weight: 280kg + 19kg 30g. = 299kg. 30g - this is how much paper teachers need for a year to work. In 22 general education and 4 preschool educational institutions Uryupinsky municipal district about 350 people work as teachers. This means 350 * (299 kg. 30 g: 20) = 5236 kg.

2.2 Tree consumption for paper making

How many trees are used to make 1kg. paper? This is the question we asked ourselves.

The hero of Nikolai Rybnikov in the film "Girls" says the phrase: "One cubic meter of wood can be made 200 kg of paper." This was said in 1961, but what is the situation now. We decided to find out.

We learned from sources that:

1. The following tree species are used for making paper: pine, fir, spruce - conifers, maple, oak, aspen, poplar, birch - deciduous. A blend of hardwood and softwood fibers is required to produce high quality paper.

2. Ripe tree - age from 80 to 100 years, overmature - over 100 years. Ripe and overmature forests in the Russian Federation make up more than 65% of the total forest area, but over 95% of them are concentrated in Siberia and Far East. The largest number wood in Russia is provided by pine, spruce, larch, it is used mainly in the pulp and paper industry.

3. From 1 kg of wood, you can get 240-375 g of paper. It takes one tree to produce 60 kg of paper. When processing 69 kg of waste paper, one tree is saved. When receiving 1 ton of recycled paper, 17 trees are saved. A ton of recycled paper requires 60% less energy and 50% less water for its production than if you would make paper in the usual way from cellulose.

299kg 30g: 60kg = 5 trees.

30.96: 60kg = 0.52 wood per class.

Total: 5.52 trees need to be cut down only on notebooks, albums, paper, given that this calculation was made for 20 students of the lyceum and 20 teachers.

5236 kg .: 60 kg = 82.27 trees per year are accounted for by the teachers of the Uryupinsky district.

What is the situation in our forestry?

Having received mathematical calculations, we wanted to know how many years our forest will last, at such a cost of paper. To do this, we turned to A.P. Rybiev, a specialist of the Uryupinsky "Leskhoz". He answered our questions of interest:

1. What trees does Uryupinskoe forestry plant?- Oak, ash, acacia, pine, linden.

2. How many hectares. planted with pine? -15 hectares of land

3. How many pines are planted per hectare. land? - 4686 pcs. the distance between the rows is 3 meters, and between the pines is 70, 75 cm.

4. What work does the forestry carry out to preserve trees? - cultivation, watering, loosening.

Our forestry does everything to increase the number of plants, and we throw unwritten notebooks, started albums, colored paper, and so on in the trash cans. If we compare the expenses of students in 3.5 grades and teachers, then about 1 hectare. forest plantations must be cut down for the production of consumable paper for 1 academic year.

2.3 Preventive measures

To prevent an undesirable outcome, as well as to save green spaces, there is an action in Russia for the collection of waste paper, which applies to every resident. Its essence is to:

Convincing people to take good care of natural materials and resources, inincluding paper;

Do not throw it in the trash, but carry out regular collection and delivery to the appropriate services;

Engage in recycling and production from secondary raw materials;

Reduce tree felling.

Our lyceum takes an active part in the collection of waste paper. For the first half of the 2015/16 academic year, we delivered 590.6 kg. Paper. Considering that 69 kg leaves one tree alive, it is easy to calculate 590.6: 69 = 8.5 trees. Our guys gave life to so many trees. The paper industry processes about 100 million tons of wood pulp annually. Household waste contains 34 million tons of paper. Recycling 1 ton of waste paper saves 17 trees from cutting down.

We have created memos and instructions for saving paper.

Memo "How to save paper"

For teachers.

1. To reduce waste of paper, you need to make fewer prints.

2. Print on both sides of the sheet or on sheets already used on one side.

3. Store material electronically.

4. Dispose of waste paper as waste paper.

For students.

1. Use all pages of the notebook for your studies.

2. Use all the pages of the album for drawing.

3. Use colored paper and cardboard wisely.

4. Crafts and decorations can be made from waste paper.

5. Dispose of waste paper as waste paper.

Paper Saving Instructions

1. Do not throw away paper that has text on only one side. There are many ways to use this paper again: for writing lists or notes for children to draw on, for printing informal texts and for packaging, or shred the paper and use it as garden mulch.

2. Save rolls toilet paper and rolls of paper towels. They can be used for school or home art projects. They can also be used for planting seeds.

3. Save tissue wrapping paper. It can be used again to wrap another gift, as a packing material, or to protect stored Christmas decorations.

4. Save stationery. You can use it tomake lists, as paper for notes, for drawing children,for packaging or garden mulch.

5. If you have paper that has not been reusedby the methods listed above, do not throw it away! Recycle it at home or take it to your local waste paper collection point.

2.4 Recycled paper products

Very often we hear in the media mass media about recycled paper products. Along with the importance of paper recycling itself, it is very important that products are purchased from recycled materials. And this is gradually becoming an acceptable norm. For example, the latest Harry Potter book was printed entirely on recycled paper in Canada. What are these secondary raw materials? We found the answer on the Internet. These are products and materials, after the initial use of which, it is possible to use them in production as a raw material.

5.40% waste (on average, in western world) are in a waste dump and recycling, or the so-called cycle, will help prolong their life and prevent the creation of new landfills.

6. Newspapers, after processing, can be used to produce egg cartons, game boards, new newspapers, packing boxes, etc.

7. Office paper can be processed into paper towels, napkins and toilet paper.

8. Corrugated cardboard can be used as a raw material for cardboard boxes in which breakfast cereals are packed.

We believe that such facts of paper recycling ( recycling) only contribute to the maintenance of the environment.

From waste paper in technology lessons, in a circle, students of our lyceum make various crafts, applying in practice such techniques as origami, mosaic, quilling and papier-mâché, applique, scrapbooking. (Annex 1). We buy all sorts of unnecessary kits for children's home art, from cheap and sometimes harmful materials, besides, if you dig, they are in every home. And we completely forget what can be done with simple scissors and old periodicals - newspapers, magazines, postcards and give them a second chance. You can make jewelry, paintings, dolls, animal figurines, where materials and components for them are in every home.


The hypothesis put forward by us was confirmed. We save paper - we save the forest. The forest is the lungs of our planet! Let's save our planet together. The study of this topic showed that the use of paper is growing every year, that is, there is a clear trend towards cutting down trees. Before working on the project, we did not think about how we can passively harm nature. Now we have learned a lot about such a common material as paper. Conclusion: paper is a valuable material for humans.

Can the paper be replaced? Now huge libraries fit on multiple disks on a computer. But computers are still not everywhere, and they work only from electrical network... The conclusion is clear: no other material or device can completely replace paper. You must use paper in the required amount, do not spoil in vain.

Do we need secondary raw materials? Conclusion: yes, it is necessary, since secondary raw materials are used for production various subjects from paper.

But to have beautiful textbooks, notebooks on the table, interesting books, magazines and other items made of paper, you need to save it, because you need trees for production. Conclusion: saving paper is directly related to the conservation of our forests, beautiful trees... Let's be careful and economical about what is paper-related!

Download material

It takes about 3.5 cubic meters to make a ton of paper. m of wood is about 400 reams of A4 paper. Have you ever wondered how much paper you spend? How much does your office use for paperwork? Even a small organization draws up several thousand official documents in year. Obviously, any calculations are very approximate, but it turns out that each company destroys two or three trees for printing documents. Two trees a year - it seems not a lot, but think - how many such companies are.

To reduce waste of paper, you need to make fewer prints. For example, print on both sides of a sheet or on sheets already used on one side. But the best way out is to completely refuse to print documents in the office. There are electronic document management systems. They are widespread in Europe, but in Russia, unfortunately, they are still rare. This allows you to eliminate the use of paper or significantly reduce its waste, by converting documents into ...

Scientific-practical conference “Step into the future. Junior"

Environmental project

"The second life of paper"

Completed: student of grade 3a

MBOU gymnasium number 67

Starodub Anastasia

Leader: Taratorkina M.V.

teacher primary grades


I really feel sorry for the trees that die for newspapers and magazines, because people, after reading them, just throw them away. In order to get a pack of newspapers only about a meter thick, you need to cut down an adult tree 10-12 meters high.

Slide 2 Relevance: Every year the need for paper is increasing, and the supply of wood from which it is obtained is decreasing. The forest needs to be saved now.

Hypothesis: I assumed that it is possible to draw people's attention to the problem of deforestation for the sake of paper if:

make paper at home from waste paper, giving this paper a second life; make ecological crafts from the resulting paper, for example, the heart of a tree in paper, bookmarks, ...

Site search

How many trees have I destroyed with one ream of paper?

I found the answers myself (for what I bought ...)

it would take a rough average of 24 trees to produce a ton of printing and writing paper
24 woods are used to produce 1 ton of office paper.

Any wood (fibrous) can be used for the production of paper. In the west, poplar is commonly used.

Moscow, North. Behind the ring road.
Poplar grows somewhere up to 30-40 years old. That is, you can translate into tree-years! Moscow, North. Behind the ring road.

Poplar grows somewhere up to 30-40 years old. That is, you can translate into tree-years!

They do not expect so much for industrial blanks. There, about 10 year olds use it. Andrey Kovalenko
Kazakhstan, Almaty. And how much the person himself ...

136 billion sheets of 216 x 279 mm paper (A4 is 210x297) are needed to produce a hard copy of all the approximately 4.5 billion web pages on the Internet. This result was published in the student research paper "How Much of the Amazon Would it Take to Print the Internet?" Students calculated that this amount of paper can be provided by trees from only 0.002% of the area. rainforest Amazon.

The counting technique is actually pretty simple. Assuming that the English-language Wikipedia consists of 4,723,991 pages, the authors randomly selected ten of them and printed each one. It turned out that 15 sheets of paper are needed to print one article. After doing a simple multiplication, the students determined that 70,859,865 pages were needed to print the entire Wikipedia.

They then extrapolated to the known number of all Internet web pages, which was assumed to be 4.5 billion. Assuming, using the average estimate, that on average it takes 30 sheets of paper to print a page, the students got the number:

4.54 × 109 × 30 = 1.36 × 10 11 pages.
Without stopping there, the authors calculated how many trees would need to be used to produce 136 billion sheets of paper. They found that, on average, one industrial tree - birch, oak, spruce - can get 17 reams of paper, 500 sheets each. In other words, 136 billion paper pages would require approximately 16 million trees. This number triples more quantity of all trees growing in New York. The density of rainforests in the Amazon is 70,909 trees per square kilometer, so an English-language Wikipedia would need approximately 12% of trees per square kilometer to print. To print the entire Internet, 8,011,765 trees will have to be cut down, which is about 113 km 2 of the entire Amazon rainforest area.

On the one hand, student scientific work may seem like just an academic exercise. On the other hand, we can recall the recent statement of the "father of the Internet" Vint Surf, who warned about a possible "Dark Age" due to the habit of people to store all their information in digital form. This is not only about technical failures in data storage devices, but also about the fact that manufacturers stop supporting outdated devices, and programmers stop supporting outdated file formats.

After some time, it may turn out that even if we accumulate huge archives of digital content, we will not be able to find out what it is.




Maria Budenkova

2 "B" class MBOU Surgut Natural Science Lyceum


Avdeeva Olga Valerievna, primary school teacher


2015 g.


I... Introduction …………………………………. ………………………… ..… .3

II... Theoretical part ……………………. ………………………… ..… .5

1. The meaning of the word "paper" ………………………. …………….… ..5

2. Precursors of paper ………… ... …………………… ..… ..... 6

3. History of the origin of paper ………………………… ............. 7

4. How is paper made? Paper production. ……………….….nine

5 Types of paper ………… ..... ………………… ..… ....... ……… ..… ..... 10

6. Interesting Facts about paper ………………………. …… ... …… .... 10

III... Practical part …………………………………………………… .12

    Sociological survey …………………… ... …………………… 12

    Making crafts from waste paper ……………………… ..14

    Saving Paper Memo ……………………… 14

IV... Conclusion ………………………… ... ………………………… .....… ... 15

V... List of information sources ……………………… ... ……… .16

Appendix  computer presentation

I. Introduction

We come across paper and paper products every day. It is impossible to imagine the modern world without paper.People are constantly discovering new ways to transmit and store information. Over hundreds and thousands of years, many inventions and discoveries have been made in this area, but none of them can compare with the emergence of writing and paper.She reminds of herself whenever a person turns to the documents  birth certificate, insurance policy, notebook when we pick up a book, a magazine, we take it out of mailbox newspaper or letter, we pay with paper money. Many of our actions are associated with paper. It is needed both for study and for creative work, and for everyday needs. kindergarten, in the classroom, technologists made paper crafts. In first grade Istudied in a circlearts and craftsand made a lot of paper crafts - origami, appliques and other beautiful products. After our classes, I noticed that a lot of paper is thrown into the trash can as unnecessary waste, and I really feel sorry for the trees that die to make paper. Every year the planet is cut down125 million trees a year! Is paper worth the sacrifice?

Adults say: "the paper age has passed, the age of information and computer technologies has come."I thought, what would happen in the world if all the paper suddenly disappeared? All books from all libraries will disappear, students will have nothing to write on, they will not be able to independently acquire knowledge from textbooks, people from distant countries will not be able to receive information in the form of a letter, apartments will become naked and uncomfortable without wallpaper and pictures. It's hard to imagine such a thing! And I thought, what do I know about paper, which is in every home and is used by all people? How and what is it made of? How much paper can be made from one tree? With this and other questions, I turned to my classmates. They were able to answer that paper is different, and that it is made of wood! But how many trees do you need for this?

To find answers to all these questions, I decided to conduct a study and called it "The Magic Leaf".

Target of this work - to find out the history of the appearance of paper, to show the value of paper in a person's life.

This goal assumes the solution of the followingtasks:

    Examine the history of the origin of paper.

2. Get acquainted with the methods of obtaining paper from wood.

3. Conduct a survey among classmates.

4. Make crafts at home.

5. Give a presentation to classmates.

An object research: paper.

Subject of study : modern production paper,possibility secondary use paper.

Practical significance work is to teach classmates to take care of trees and paper products.The results of our work will be useful to us in the lessons. visual arts environment and technology lessons, as well as expandknowledge about the history of papermaking.Draw up memos on the protection and replenishment of forest reserves.

Hypothesis. Paper is the most important human invention. No other material or device (computer, etc.) can replace it.Prove that used paper can be given a thief's life.

Theoretical value work is to determine the role of paper in human life.

Relevance of the chosen topic

Paper is widely used in various industries and in everyday life. A lot of different household goods are made from it: clothes, napkins, towels, wallpaper, cardboard, dishes, ropes, etc. It is impossible to study at school and at the institute without textbooks and notebooks. All this requires a lot of paper!

Every year the need for paper increases, and the supply of wood from which it is obtained decreases.To make a pack of newspapers with a thickness of only about a meter, you need to cut down an adult tree 10-12 meters high, andevery second felled tree on Earth dies to make paper. The question arises: hthe same should be done so that the paper does not run out?

Research methods:

1. Analysis of theoretical material.

2. Poll.

2. Observations.