Lena river - largest river North-Eastern Siberia, flows into the Laptev Sea. The tenth longest river in the world and the eighth largest river in the world, it flows through the territory of Irkutsk region and Yakutia, some of its tributaries belong to the Transbaikal, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk Territory and to the Republic of Buryatia. Lena is the largest of Russian rivers, whose basin lies entirely within the country. It freezes in the reverse order of opening - from the lower reaches to the upper reaches. Geographical position According to the nature of the river’s flow, three sections are distinguished: from the source to the mouth of Vitim; from the mouth of the Vitim to the confluence of the Aldan and the third lower section - from the confluence of the Aldan to the mouth.

The source of the Lena is considered to be a small lake 12 kilometers from Lake Baikal, located at an altitude of 1470 meters. At the source on August 19, 1997, a chapel with a memorial plaque was installed. The entire upper reaches of the Lena up to the confluence of the Vitim, that is, almost a third of its length, falls in the mountainous Cisbaikalia region. Water flow in the Kirensk area is 1100 m 3 /sec. The middle flow includes its section between the mouths of the Vitima and Aldana rivers, 1415 km long. Near the confluence of the Vitim, the Lena enters Yakutia and flows along it to the very mouth. Having accepted Vitim, Lena turns into a very large, high-water river. Depths increase to 10-12 m, the channel expands, and numerous islands appear in it, the valley expands to 20-30 km. The valley is asymmetrical: the left slope is lower; the right one, represented by the northern edge of the Patom Highlands, is steeper and higher. On both slopes grow dense coniferous forests, only occasionally replaced by meadows. From Olekma to Aldan, the Lena does not have a single significant tributary. For more than 500 km, the Lena flows in a deep and narrow valley cut into limestone. Below the city of Pokrovsk there is a sharp expansion of the Lena Valley. The current speed slows down greatly; nowhere does it exceed 1.3 m/s, and for the most part drops to 0.5-0.7 m/s. The floodplain alone is five to seven kilometers wide, and in some places even 15 kilometers wide, while the entire valley is 20 kilometers or more wide. Below Yakutsk, the Lena receives its two main tributaries - Aldan and Vilyui. Now it's gigantic water flow; even where it runs in one channel, its width reaches 10 km, and its depth exceeds 16-20 m. Where there are many islands, the Lena overflows for 20-30 km. The banks of the river are harsh and deserted. Settlements are very rare. In the lower reaches of the Lena, its basin is very narrow: from the east, the spurs of the Verkhoyansk Range, the watershed of the Lena and Yana rivers, advance; from the west, insignificant elevations of the Central Siberian Plateau separate the basins of the Lena and the Olenyok River. Below the village of Bulun, the river is compressed by the Kharaulakh ridges coming very close to it from the east and Chekanovsky from the west. About 150 km from the sea, the vast Lena delta begins.

River hydrology The length of the river is 4400 km, the basin area is 2490 thousand km 2. The main food, as well as almost all tributaries, consists of melted snow and rainwater. Ubiquitous permafrost interferes with river feeding groundwater, the only exceptions are geothermal sources. Due to general regime Precipitation for the Lena is characterized by spring floods, several fairly high floods in summer and low autumn-winter low water levels of up to 366 m 3 /s at the mouth. Spring ice drift is very powerful and is often accompanied by ice jams. The highest average monthly water flow at the mouth was observed in June 1989 and amounted to 104,000 m 3 /s; the maximum water flow at the mouth during a flood can exceed 250,000 m 3 /s. Hydrological data on water flow at the mouth of the Lena in different sources contradict each other and often contain errors. The river is characterized by periodic significant increases in annual flow, which occur not due to the large amount of precipitation in the basin, but primarily due to the intensive melting of ice and permafrost in the lower part of the basin. Such phenomena occur during warm years in the north of Yakutia and lead to a significant increase in runoff. For example, in 1989, the average annual water flow was 23,624 m 3 /s, which corresponds to 744 km 3 per year. Over 67 years of observations at the Kyusyur station near the mouth, the average annual water flow is 17,175 m 3 /s or 541 km 3 per year, and had a minimum value in 1986 - 13,044 m 3 /s.

The earliest, at the end of April, the spring flood begins in the Kirensk region - on the upper Lena - and, gradually moving north, advancing on the still ice-bound river, reaches the lower reaches in mid-June. During a flood, water rises 6-8 m above the low-water level. In the lower reaches, the water rise reaches 10 m. In the wide expanses of the Lena and in places where it narrows, the ice flow is menacing and beautiful. Large tributaries of the Lena significantly increase its water content, but, in general, the increase in flow rates occurs from top to bottom quite evenly. Economic use Lena to this day remains the main transport artery of Yakutia, connecting its regions with the federal transport infrastructure. The main part of the “northern delivery” is carried out along the Lena River. The Kachug pier is considered the beginning of navigation, however, upstream from the port of Osetrova, only small ships pass through it. Below the city of Ust-Kut, right up to the confluence of the Vitim tributary on the Lena, there are still many difficult areas for navigation and relatively shallow places, forcing annual dredging work. The navigation period lasts from 125 to 170 days.

The tenth largest river in the world, the Lena, flows through Siberia, originates from a small swamp located near Lake Baikal, and flows into the Laptev Sea. Replenishment and renewal of water occurs from melting snow, as well as rainwater. Translated from northern dialects, the name of the river sounds like “ big river».

Lena River on the map

Soon after its source, the Lena becomes a fairly narrow river. Surrounded by mountains, it cannot spread wide enough. In the middle reaches, after merging with Vitim, it expands significantly, reaching a depth of more than 20 meters and spreading up to 20 km in width. And only approaching the sea does Lena form a wide, deep, branched delta.

Fishing and recreation on the Lena River

There are practically no settlements along the banks of this river. A slight recovery is observed only in the vicinity of Yakutsk.

Shipping on the Lena is important for development northern regions. Despite the presence of numerous difficult sections of the river, the navigation period is more than 150 days.

An important attraction of the river are the Lena Pillars - tall stone blocks. Their location has been declared a national park.

Vast areas along the banks of the Lena are also protected because of the small and very rare plants growing there, listed in the Red Book. Among them are teresken, hollyweed, some types of poppy and dandelion.

The main species of fish living in the waters of the Lena are muksun, omul and hazel grouse.

Siberian sturgeon, taimen, lenok, and nelma are also found. Fishing on the Lena River is very valuable; fishing enthusiasts from all over the country come here every year. In total, 37 species of fish live in the river basin. Main view commercial fish considered muksun, sturgeon and nelma.

The Lena River is rightfully considered the largest river in the northeastern part of Siberia. Lena is one of the 10 longest rivers in the world. It flows through the territory of Yakutia and the Irkutsk region. Its length is 4,400 km, and the basin area occupies 2,490,000 square meters. km.

The nature of the Lena River is amazing and rich. Its water flows are divided into numerous powerful branches that flow through the Central Yakut Plain, endless taiga, dense forests and spacious steppes.

A large section of the Lena River is represented by steppe vegetation, wormwood and poke, all kinds of trees and shrubs grow here. Before reaching the Laptev Sea, the territory of the river is covered with lichens.

On the banks of the Lena River live large numbers of rodents, chipmunks, voles, flying squirrels, elk and Brown bear. Birds typical for taiga areas are found here - hazel grouse, hawk owl, owl, woodpeckers, capercaillie and rudd nightingale. Among the inhabitants of the tundra there are deer and arctic fox. Found in the Lena River delta marine mammals- these are the walrus, beluga, narwhal, seal and sea hare. Photo materials used from Wikimedia © Foto, Wikimedia Commons

One of the longest rivers on our planet is the mighty Lena River. The river is fed by rain and melted snow. Floods occur in the spring. Since Lena is located in the northern part of the territory Russian Federation, then due to permafrost the river cannot be saturated with groundwater. Unlike other Russian rivers, the Lena is characterized by strong ice accumulation. In spring, ice flow is especially powerful and jams often form, which is why serious floods occur. In spring, the water level can increase to almost ten meters.

It is impossible to imagine the northern expanses of the country without the beautiful river. Coniferous forests and dense taiga spread out along the banks of the Lena. It is thanks to it, and several other mighty rivers, that Russia is considered one of the richest states in the world. The river gives its state diamonds, gold and furs.

Length of the Lena River

Lena begins not far from Lake Baikal. Heads towards Yakutsk, makes a big detour and moves to northern regions Russia. The Great Lena is more than 4000 kilometers long. It flows through the Irkutsk region, then goes through the Lensk and Olekminsk urban districts, as well as through the regions of Yakutia. Maximum depth- 22 meters.

Source of the Lena River

(Source Great River begins with a small lake in the cozy region of Lake Baikal)

A small lake adjacent to Lake Baikal is the source of the Lena River. The small body of water that gives life to the mighty river currently has no name. The lake is located ten kilometers from Baikal and rises almost 1,400 meters above sea level. In other words, Lena takes its source in a small mountain reservoir that does not have a name, which is located on the territory of the Baikal ridge.

A small church was erected not far from the beginning of the river. Many tourists come here to see the source of the Lena River and also enjoy the surrounding picturesque views. The Shishkinsky Mountains are the most famous places in the upper reaches of the river. Drawings have been preserved on ancient rocks to this day. primitive people that are of historical significance. Here you can see depicted scenes of sacrifices, hunting and other rock “writings” of ancient peoples. These places are the most extensive areas where you can get a broad idea of ​​the life of primitive settlements.

Tributaries of the Lena River

(View of the tributaries of the Lena River)

Most of the river's tributaries belong to the Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Transbaikal territories and Buryatia. The left tributaries include the Anai, Nyuya, Kuta, Turuka, Kukhta, Verkhnyaya Kytyma and others. And to the right tributaries are the Anga, Chichapta, Kirenga, Cherepanikha, Bolshoi Patom and many others. The main tributaries are Aldan, Vilyui, Vitim and Olekma. The Vilyui tributary is considered the largest and longest tributary of the river among its left tributaries.

Mouth of the Lena River

(The Lena River receives a tributary of the Vilyui River)

Having passed its way through Yakutsk, the river receives two main tributaries - Vilyui and Aldan. Now it is not a calm river, but a powerful water element with a width of up to 21 km, and a depth of more than 20 meters. The banks of the Lena in these places are very dangerous. There are small settlements here. The water avalanche moves and flows into the Laptev Sea. About 100 km from the sea, the river transforms into a huge delta, consisting of 780 tributaries and islands of varying sizes. Three main river channels reach the sea - Olenekskaya, Trofimovskaya and Bykovskaya. Vessels that have important industrial significance for the entire country sail along the channels. The picturesque delta amazes with its flora and fauna. Here you can meet rare plants and more than 120 different types birds.

Cities of Russia on the Lena River

(Ice-covered Lena near Pokrovsk)

The banks of the Lena are not home to many major cities Russia. Mostly populated areas are located in the Yakutsk region. Today, many villages are empty or serve as places for rotational camps. But, nevertheless, Pokrovsk, Siktyak, Kyusyur, Chekurovka and some other settlements founded their houses on the banks of the river.

(Famous Lena Pillars)

In the Haagalas region there are unique Lena Pillars. Picturesque natural Park contains a lot of interesting things for every guest of these places. Two historically important settlements spread out on the banks. Sottintsy and Zhigansk. Sotnitsy is the original foundation of Yakutsk. The Lena River offers cruises, boat rides and hikes to local attractions. Lena also offers a lot of other entertainment, so many travelers prefer to relax on the banks of the mighty Lena.

Lena River in folk culture

Many historians believe that Vladimir Ulyanov named himself Lenin in honor of this powerful element. The river has great value for every inhabitant of its shores. Locals they compose songs and poems in honor of the nurturing river, and paint pictures. The beauty of river landscapes has been sung by many world poets. Lena is also immortalized on some famous paintings by artists. The power and greatness of Lena also inspires our modern creators.

The Lena is the largest river in North-Eastern Siberia, flowing into the Laptev Sea. Length 4400 km (10th place in the world), basin area 2490 thousand km².
Lena is the most long river in the world, completely occurring in the permafrost zone.

Main tributaries: Vitim, Olekma, Aldan, Vilyui. It mainly flows through the territory of Yakutia, some of the Lena tributaries belong to the Irkutsk and Chita regions and to the Republic of Buryatia.

The source of the Lena is located in the northwestern slopes of the Baikal ridge. This is a very small, unnamed lake, lying at an altitude of 930 m above sea level, 10-12 km from Lake Baikal. In the upper reaches of the Lena flows among the mountains along the bottom of a deep and narrow valley, in winter it freezes almost to the bottom, and in dry and hot summers it almost dries up; its depth barely reaches, and even then not everywhere, up to half a meter. But soon, having received the first tributaries, the Lena becomes a raftable river.

The Kachuga pier is considered the beginning of navigation on the Lena, however, only small ships pass along it up to Osetrovo, and only below it does the “real water road” to the ocean begin. The entire upper reaches of the Lena (up to Vitim), that is, almost a third of its length, falls in the mountainous Cisbaikalia region.

The first information about the great east river penetrated the Russians living in Siberia, in early XVII V. Small detachments of Cossacks set off to the east one after another, carrying out reconnaissance of an unknown land. In 1628, the Cossack Vasily Bugor and his detachment set out on a long journey. Having climbed up the Angara, they reached Ilim, from there they crossed the watershed “on foot” and along the Kuta River reached the Lena. A few years later, this path was repeated by the centurion Pyotr Beketov. His detachment installed the first houses at the mouth of Kuta. This was the beginning of the city of Ust-Kut, where a little later the explorer Erofey Pavlovich Khabarov set up the first saltworks. Most researchers believe that the name of the river is the Tungus-Manchu (Even-Evenki) “Yelyu-Ene”, modified by the Russians, which means “Big River”.

The Lena in its upper reaches is fast, winding, and sometimes rapids. Its shores are composed of strong crystalline rocks. More than one millennium passed until frost, sun, wind, and rain carved fanciful towers, battlements, and “fortress walls” into the rocks. The figures created by nature in places where red sandstones are exposed are especially diverse. Huge, majestic cliffs, the so-called Lena Pillars, rise along its banks below Kirensk, reaching a height of 200-300 m.

Compressed on both sides by rocks, the Lena foams and seethes on the “Devil’s Path” riffle, hits the “Drunken Bull” rocks with force... The narrowest and most dangerous places for navigation are called “Cheeks”. After accepting the Kirenga, a large and high-water tributary, from the right, the Lena itself becomes noticeably more water-rich, its depths increase to 10 m, and the flow slows down somewhat.

The right tributary of the Lena, the Vitim, which ends its upper course, begins east of Baikal, in the mountains of the Vitim Plateau. It is a large river, almost 2,000 km long, collecting water from an area of ​​225,000 km. The Vitim valley is narrow, in places resembling a gap; Rapids and rapids are scattered throughout the river. Big number rapids impede the development of navigation on Vitim, and regular ship traffic occurs only 300 km to the city of Bodaibo, a gold-mining area.

The middle current includes its section between the mouths of the Vitima and Aldana rivers, 1,415 km long. Throughout almost this entire section, the Lena flows in a close latitudinal direction and, somewhat short of Yakutsk, turns sharply to the north.

Near the confluence of the Vitim, the Lena enters Yakutia and flows along it to the very mouth. Having accepted Vitim, Lena turns into a very large, high-water river. Depths increase to 10-12 m, the channel expands, and numerous islands appear in it, overgrown with grass or small clumps of forest. The bedrock slopes recede, the valley expands to 20-30 km, a wide floodplain and several terraces appear. The valley is asymmetrical: the left slope is lower; the right one, represented by the northern edge of the Patom Highlands, is steeper and higher. On both slopes there are dense coniferous forests, only occasionally replaced by meadows.

Between Vitim and Olekma the Lena does not receive large tributaries. The tributaries Bolshoi Patom on the right and Nyuya on the left flow for quite a long time among dense forests on rocky banks parallel to the Lena before joining it.

About 150 km from the sea, the vast Lena delta begins. At its beginning rises the island of Stolbovoy - a remnant washed away by water from one of the forts of the Kharaulakh ridge. The Lena Delta, one of the largest in the world, is larger than even the huge Nile Delta and covers an area of ​​30,000 km. Countless islands, islets, channels and lakes, low, flooded during floods, constantly changing shape... Only three main channels reach the sea without interruption: the westernmost - Olenekskaya, the middle - Trofimovskaya and the eastern - Bykovskaya. They are all navigable, but highest value has Bykovskaya, 130 km long, along which ships approach Tiksi Bay, on the shore of which there is the sea gate of Yakutia - the port of Tiksi.

The banks of the Lena are very sparsely populated. From village to village, the taiga stretches for hundreds of kilometers, and only as you approach Yakutsk do you feel the revival: the villages are becoming more frequent, motor boats and barges go up and down the river, and large passenger ships are more common. The river is the main transport artery of Yakutia, the beginning of navigation on the Lena is considered to be the Kachuga pier, however, only small ships pass along it up to Osetrovo, and only below it does the “real water road” to the ocean begin.

The main nutrition of the Lena, as well as almost all of its tributaries, is melted snow and rainwater. The widespread occurrence of permafrost interferes with the supply of groundwater to rivers. Due to the general precipitation regime, the Lena is characterized by spring floods, several fairly high floods in summer and low autumn-winter low water. Spring ice drift is very powerful and is often accompanied by large ice jams. Lena freezes in the reverse order of opening - from the lower reaches to the upper reaches.

Where can you get the real pleasure in summer period? Of course, at the resort. IN this period All hotels are ready to receive guests, friendly staff are busy arranging the rooms. Hotel owners constantly update the list of offers for tourists. Particularly popular are those places of residence that are located directly at the height of the mouth of the Lena River above sea level. Having your own beach allows you to attract a large flow of visitors.

Manufacturers of sports equipment are constantly expanding their range of products designed for beach holiday. You will be able to familiarize yourself with big amount offers designed for people of all ages. When you go looking for a man for a trip to the sea together, you can take with you various games, air mattresses of various sizes, and swimming accessories designed for diving.

Rest and relaxation, catching stingrays in the Black Sea video, guest house by the sea, Sukhumi, climate zone Barents Sea, flood Temryuk Sea of ​​Azov 1969, seaside holiday in Slovenia in 2015, the largest rivers of Siberia, what seas they flow into, the sea was as deserted as in those days, the traveler swam across the sea on a yacht at a speed of 21, a mysterious object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea .

Modern people are accustomed to resting properly. There is no point in spending your long-awaited vacation on spring cleaning or re-sticking wallpaper. It is much easier to hire a master who will perform the repair efficiently and beautifully. During this period, you should go to Egypt and go to the sea yourself, which will allow you to recharge yourself with positivity and enjoy a pleasant fresh air. Modern hotels await you on the warm coast.

Mouth of the Lena River

The Lena flows through the territory of Siberia. The source is the Baikal ridge. The mouth is the Laptev Sea.
The Lena is the tenth longest river in the world. The length of the river, from source to mouth, is 4,400 km. The area of ​​the drainage basin is 2,490 thousand sq. km. The river is mainly fed by melt and rainwater. It flows through the territory of Yakutia in the Irkutsk region.

The source of the Lena River is located near Lake Baikal, on the Baikal Ridge. The height of the source above sea level is 1470 meters.

It is from here that the largest river in Siberia originates from a small swamp.

In its upper reaches, the Lena flows through the mountainous Cisbaikal region and its channel is relatively narrow. The middle course is the segment between two tributaries: Vitim and Aldan. In its middle reaches it is already a large, full-flowing river, with a depth reaching up to 20 meters. Coniferous forests grow on both banks. After the city of Yakutsk, two more large tributaries flow into the river - Aldan and Vilyui. Lena turns into a truly gigantic stream. Its width is 10 km, and sometimes it floods over 30 km. Further on, the river bed is sandwiched between mountains and ridges, which prevent it from overflowing.

At the mouth, the river forms a vast delta with many branches and flows into the Laptev Sea.

The river is divided into three main sections: the upper one - from the source to the confluence of the Vitim River, the middle one - from the mouth of the river. Vitim to the confluence of the river. Aldan, lower - from the confluence of the river. Aldan to the mouth. In the upper reaches it carries its waters in a deeply incised valley, the rocky and steep slopes of which rise above the river often up to 300 m. The width of the valley varies from 1-2 to 10 km; in some places there are narrowings of up to 200 m; the most famous narrowing is called “Drunken Bull” (237 km below the city of Kirensk). Here a large right tributary, the Kirenga, flows into the river.

The Lena freezes in the direction from the mouth upward, and begins to melt in the opposite direction. At the end of October mighty river covered with ice, which melts at the end of May. Ice jams are not uncommon at the river mouth.

At the mouth of the Lena River there is the Ust-Lena protected area, which consists of the Delta and Sokolova parts. The area of ​​the reserve is more than 1 million hectares. Despite the fact that it is located in high latitudes, where, as a rule, they do not grow coniferous trees, in it you can find larch, which has adapted to cold conditions. In the northern part, in a low-growing bush, only a specialist can determine it, and already to the south there are trees up to three meters high.

The mouth of the Lena forms the largest delta in our country (2nd in the world - after the Mississippi) with an area of ​​​​approx. 30 thousand sq. km.

The Lena Delta is a land typical for Northern Yakutia, which plays a huge hydrological and ecological role in the natural functioning of large river basin and the coastal system of the Laptev Sea.

The site is of particular value to the local population engaged in fishing and hunting, for stability ecological state Lena basin, as well as climate-forming and ice processes in the Laptev sector of the Arctic Ocean.

About 1.5 thousand tons of valuable fish are caught at the mouth of the Lena.

Mouth of the Lena River near the Laptev Sea

Lena- the largest river in Siberia, and throughout Russia, flows into the Laptev Sea. The tenth longest river in the world, flows through the territory of Yakutia, Irkutsk region, some of its tributaries belong to the Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Transbaikal region and to the Republic of Buryatia. The length of the river excluding tributaries is 4,400 km, the basin area is 2,490 thousand km2. The main food is melted snow and rainwater. You can read more about the Lena pool here.

River flow

The source of Lena is small swamp located 12 kilometers from Lake Baikal on the Baikal ridge. Upstream The river is located in the mountainous Pre-Baikal region, here it is relatively narrow and not wide. The middle course is the section between the Vitima and Aldana rivers. After the confluence of the Vitim, the Lena becomes a huge full-flowing river with a depth of up to 20 meters, the valley expands to 20 km. Dense coniferous forests grow on both sides. From Olekma to Aldan, not a single large tributary flows into the Lena; all these 500 km it flows in a narrow and deep valley. After the city of Pokrovsk there is a sharp expansion of the valley. After Yakutsk, two flow into it major tributary- Aldan and Vilyuy. Now it is a gigantic water stream up to 10 km wide, and in some places it overflows up to 20-30 and up to 20 meters deep. In the lower reaches the river is very narrow on all sides, and mountains and ridges prevent it from overflowing. At the mouth, about 150 km from the sea, the vast Lena delta begins.


The banks of the Lena River are deserted, settlements Hardly ever. A large number of settlements are observed only in the Yakutsk region.

There are many abandoned villages and rotational camps.

Most big cities This:

  • Ust-Kut
  • Kirensk
  • Lensk
  • Olekminsk
  • Pokrovsk
  • Yakutsk
  • Zhigansk


Lena is one of the main transport arteries of Yakutia. In conditions of bad roads, waterways become very important. The main part of the “northern delivery” is carried out along this river. Navigation starts from the Kachug pier. Unfortunately, below the settlement of Ust-Kut and before the confluence of the Vitim tributary with the Lena River there are a lot of shallow and difficult areas for navigation. Every year, work is carried out to deepen the Lena riverbed.

The navigation period lasts from 125 to 170 days. The largest ports on the Lena:

  • Osetrovo
  • Kirensk
  • Lensk
  • Yakutsk

Change of channel

Scientists from the National French Center scientific research, as well as scientists from the Institute of Permafrost Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the University of Alaska, described and found that warming has a negative impact on the Lena River.
In this area in winter the temperature surrounding area drops to -70 degrees, the thickness of permafrost reaches 1.5 km. Scientists have discovered that over the past forty years average temperature the air rose by four degrees, and the soil temperature by one degree Celsius. Water temperatures in spring and summer rose by two degrees.
Every year the flood becomes more and more powerful, plus during ice drift the banks are subjected to very strong thermal and mechanical effects and as a result are destroyed. In addition, due to accelerating erosion processes, the islands, consisting mainly of silt and sand, are gradually moving towards the lower reaches of the river. In 2009 average speed migration of the islands reached 27 meters per year.

Main tributaries of the Lena

  • Aldan
  • Vitim
  • Olekma
  • Vilyui
  • Kirenga
  • Young
  • Tuolba
  • Buotama
  • Blue

The largest of them are the Aldan and Vitim rivers.


  • Researchers suggest that the name of the river comes from the Tungus-Manchu “Yelyu-Ene”, which translates as “big river”
  • The river was discovered by Russians in 1619-1623, by the explorer Pyanda
  • Lena is the main transport artery of Yakutia
  • Because of global warming Lena changes direction.
  • The Lena is the 10th longest among all the rivers in the world, with a length of 4400 km.
  • On part of the right bank of the river there is the Lena Pillars National Natural Park

Main characteristics of the Lena River:

  • The length of the River is 4400 km.
  • Basin area - 2,490 thousand km2
  • The maximum width of the floodplain is 30 km.
  • Maximum depth - 21 m.

Photo of Lena