Real wild bull is now very rare. Many species of these animals, which were found 200 years ago in the vastness of Eurasia and Africa, have already been completely exterminated or domesticated. A striking example there may be a tour from which the modern cow descended. However, thanks to the actions of conservation organizations, corners of the wild nature still remain, which has helped to preserve some of these majestic animals. In addition, active work is currently underway to restore the lost varieties by breeding their domesticated descendants. This has already yielded certain positive results.

A real wild bull is now a rarity.

North American bison

This is the most famous species of wild animals of this species. Before appearing in North America European colonialists on the open prairies of the continent roamed more than 600 million wild bison. For a very a short time their number was reduced to 835 individuals. Thanks to nature conservation measures and the creation of protected areas, their number is gradually being restored. Their population has already reached about 30 thousand individuals. A healthy adult bison is very large in size.

The animal can reach approximately 2.5 m at the withers and exceed 3 m in length. There is a characteristic hump on the back. The head is elongated. It is very massive. The head, neck and part of the back are covered with a thick woolen mane. Bulls can weigh around 1500 kg. A healthy adult has practically no natural enemies... Wolves, which are found on the plains where these ungulates live, prefer to attack in a pack on young, sick or old individuals who have strayed from the herd. Such buffalo usually cannot offer violent resistance. The diet of these ungulates throughout the year can include;

  • forbs;
  • lichens;
  • young branches and foliage;
  • seaweed.

Polar animal arctic fox

This subspecies of the wild bull swims well, therefore it can even overcome large rivers during migrations that animals carry out while searching for food. These creatures have very strong hooves, so they can dig themselves food even from under the deep snow.

Catching wild bulls (video)

Majestic European bison

These are real bulls that trace their ancestry back to the time when mammoths roamed the snowy plains. American species of such animals and bison share common roots. And now there is a lot in common between these species. Currently, the number of these majestic creatures reaches only about 7 thousand heads. They live mainly in European reserves, including Belovezhskaya Pushcha... Here these large beasts eat herbs and young shoots. The Bialowieza bull differs from its North American counterpart not only in name, but also in some anatomical features.

These are real bulls that trace their ancestry back to the time when mammoths roamed the snowy plains.

The body length of an animal can reach about 3 m and a height of about 2 m. A bull usually weighs about 1 ton, and a cow weighs up to 800 kg. These animals have a fairly well developed musculature. The head is relatively small. Bulls usually have large horns, rounded in the shape of a crescent. These creatures usually live in herds of up to 50 individuals. The dominant position in the strict hierarchy is occupied by a large male. Like many species of bulls that live in wildlife, creatures are perfectly adapted to their natural environment. They can withstand even the most severe frosts, overcome obstacles up to 2 m and swim across large rivers.

African Killer Bees: Dangerous Workers

Resurrection of the forest bull

Some major representatives the bovids are now completely extinct. For example, the last wild forest bull disappeared from natural environment in 1967, although domesticated representatives of this species have quite successfully survived to this day. It is believed that the cause of the extinction of these animals was the massive deforestation and the emergence of new diseases. The wild forest bull was unable to adapt to the changing ecosystem.

The species began to disappear almost everywhere, even in the protected areas created for its preservation.

They were real giant bulls. Their weight exceeded 1000 kg. The males were black with a characteristic white stripe along the ridge. The height of an adult animal was about 180 cm at the withers. The cow was somewhat smaller. She had a brownish-brown coat. This wild bull with huge horns made his way with ease even through dense forest thickets. The animals were kept in small herds of 50 individuals. They could eat a wide variety of vegetation.

Currently, scientists from the Ostvarderspassse nature reserve, which is located in the Netherlands, have recreated a wild forest bull, called Heck. These animals look very much like those ungulates that became extinct more than 4 centuries ago. The modern wild forest bull is just undergoing a period of adaptation. A whole herd of such animals has already been bred, but they are under the close scrutiny of scientists. The modern wild forest bull is not yet fully accustomed to natural conditions but work is underway on this. It is assumed that such animals will continue to live without human intervention.

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Indian zebu

These bovids are found exclusively in tropical and subtropical latitudes. The Indian zebu bull has nothing to do with tours and forms its own subspecies. Some individuals were domesticated and are now used not only for obtaining high-quality milk and meat, but also as draft animals.

This wild bull of India is often interbred with domesticated buffaloes.

In some cases, wild individuals can take herds of females from pastures if people are not careful enough about grazing and do not control animals. Bulls of this breed are distinguished by great strength and bad character. Their weight reaches approximately 600-800 kg. This forest bull from India has a sleek short coat. The torso and legs are usually light gray, while the neck and head are dark. There is a distinct hump on the back.

The meaning of the word BIZON in the Bolshoi Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language


Large bovids with long soft hair; wild North American bull.

A large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. 2012

See also the interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is BIZON in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • BUFFALO in Encyclopedia Biology:
    , a mammal of the genus ...
  • BUFFALO in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • BUFFALO in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Bison bison) is a wild bull of the bovine family of the artiodactyl order. Lives in North America. Close to European bison; some zoologists believe ...
  • BUFFALO in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
    [latin, ancient greek bison] wild bull found in the north ...
  • BUFFALO in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a, m., odush. Wild North American bull with long soft hair. Bison, bison - related to the bi-zone, ...
  • BUFFALO in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. A large, half-horned, cloven-hoofed animal with soft hair, a wild North American bull. II app. bison, th, th and bison, th, ...
  • BUFFALO in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    BIZON, cloven-hoofed woman, sem. bovids. Close to bison. L. bodies up to 3 m, weight up to 720 kg. Lived on the prairie ...
  • BUFFALO in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia.
  • BUFFALO in the Complete Accentuated Paradigm by Zaliznyak:
    bizo "n, bizo" us, bizo "on, bizo" new, bizo "well, bizo" us, bizo "on, bizo" new, bizo "nom, bizo" nami, bizo "no, ...
  • BUFFALO in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
    American ...
  • BUFFALO in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (Latin bison) wild bull large sizes close to a bison; as a result of extermination, the number has sharply decreased; now preserved ...
  • BUFFALO in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [lat. bison] wild bull of large size, close to the bison; as a result of extermination, the number has sharply decreased; currently preserved in ...
  • BUFFALO in the dictionary of Russian Synonyms:
    animal, bison, ...
  • BUFFALO in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova:
  • BUFFALO in the Dictionary of the Russian language Lopatin:
    bison, ...
  • BUFFALO in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    bison, ...
  • BUFFALO in the Spelling Dictionary:
    bison, ...
  • BUFFALO in the Ozhegov Russian Language Dictionary:
    large, half-eared cloven-hoofed animal with soft hair, wild North American ...
  • BIZON in Dahl's Dictionary:
    husband. wild American bull, black-brown, shaggy; it is mistakenly mixed with our bison and with the musk bull living in the very north ...
  • BUFFALO in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    cloven-hoofed animal of the bovids family. Close to bison. Body length up to 3 m, weighs up to 720 kg. Lived on the prairies of the North. ...
  • BUFFALO in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov:
    bison, m. (Greek bison) (zool.). American wild bull, ...
  • BUFFALO in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    bison m. Large animal of the bovids family; wild North American ...
  • BUFFALO in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    m. Large animal of the family of bovids; wild North American ...


Large bovids with long soft hair; wild North American bull.

  • - Giuseppe Bernardino 1762, Palma Nova - 1844, Milan. Italian painter. Born in the village of Palma Nova near Udine and soon moved to Venice. He studied in Venice with K. Chedini and set designer A. Mauri ...

    European Art: Painting. Sculpture. Graphics: Encyclopedia

  • - an early version of the PP-19 "Bizon" with a screw magazine for 64 rounds of 9x18mm PM Caliber: 9x18 mm PM / PMM; 7.62x25mm ...

    Encyclopedia small arms

  • - a kind of bull. It reaches 2.5-2.8 meters in length and up to 1.5 meters in height. - Its thick coat is gray-brown, black-brown on the head and on the neck. The front of the body is covered with more long hair...

    encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - a wild bull of the bovids family of the artiodactyl squad. Lives in North America. Close to the European Bison; some zoologists consider B. a subspecies of bison ...

    Big Soviet encyclopedia

  • - a cloven-hoofed animal of the bovids family. Close to bison. Body length up to 3 m, weighs up to 720 kg. Lived on the prairies of the North. America. To the end. 19th century almost completely exterminated ...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • -; pl. bizo / ny, R ....

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - husband. wild American bull, black-brown, shaggy; it is mistakenly mixed with our bison and with the musk ox living in the very north of America ...

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - BIZON, -a, husband. A large, half-horned, cloven-hoofed animal with soft hair, a wild North American bull. | adj. bison, th, th and bison, th, ...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - BISON, bison, husband. ...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - bison m. A large animal of the bovids family with long soft hair ...

    Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - biz "...

    Russian orthographic dictionary

  • - bison from French. bison, middle-lat. bison from the Greek. βίσων ...

    Vasmer's etymological dictionary

  • - BISON a, m. Bison m. 1. North American wild bull, lived in countless herds for another 40-50 years. our century; now almost completely destroyed. Pavlenkov 1911. Sl. nat. ist. 1788 1 37 ...

    Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

  • - BIZON, -a, m. Big, strong man ...

    Dictionary of Russian argo

  • - ...

    Word forms

  • - strong man, big man ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Bison" in the books

Bison is an ally of the Redskins!

the author Akimushkin Igor Ivanovich

Bison is an ally of the Redskins!

From the book Animal World. Volume 1 [Stories about the platypus, echidna, kangaroo, hedgehogs, wolves, foxes, bears, leopards, rhinos, hippos, gazelles and many others the author Akimushkin Igor Ivanovich

Bison is an ally of the Redskins! Bison came to America along the path of the most ancient settlers: from Chukotka to Alaska and further south. They found vast untouched steppes and forests there. When the Europeans showed up here, there were so many buffaloes in America that it’s hard to believe: apparently,


From the book The Big Culinary Dictionary author Dumas Alexander

6. Bison in life

From the book From the notes of the district opera author Kuzemko V

6. Bison in life Having long since got rid of illusions about his native state, Bison did not hesitate to openly spend the money he had from "his" brothers. Everyone in the city knew, for example, that he bought an apartment of seven rooms in the city center ( former "communal apartment"), having made there


From the book Define Your Totem. Full description magical properties animals, birds and reptiles author Andrews Ted

Bison Key Trait: Abundance Period of Activity: All year round The American Buffalo is a bison. Buffaloes are called their close relatives living in Asia and Africa. For the Plains Indians, the buffalo was a symbol of life and abundance.


From the book Encyclopedia of Animals the author Moroz Veronica Vyacheslavovna

Bison Bison is the closest relative of the bison. He lives in North America. Outwardly, it is very similar to a bison, but much more massive due to an even lower-set head and especially thick and long hair covering the head, neck, shoulders, hump and partly the front legs.


From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (B) author Brockhaus F.A.

Bison Bison (Bos bison s. Bison americanus) is a species of bull. It reaches 2, 5 - 2, 8 meters in length and up to 1, 5 meters in height. - Its thick coat is gray-brown, black-brown on the head and on the neck. The front of the body is covered with longer hair. The head is massive with a wide forehead; short thick

Bison The main active ingredient of the drug is succinic acid. Also, ordinary soda is included in the bison, which is needed to normalize the acid-base balance. In case of a hangover, the contents of 1 sachet should be dissolved in a glass of water and taken after


From the book Artillery and Mortars of the XX century author Ismagilov R.S.

"Bison" German experiments with the creation of self-propelled versions of the sIG 33 cannon attracted the attention of Czech engineers from the MBB company, who did not stand aside and developed their own artillery mount of this type on the basis of the chassis light tank LT-38. Combat

"Lonely Bison"

From the book To the Barrier! Conversations with Yuri Mukhin the author Mukhin Yuri Ignatievich

“Lonely Bison” - And how did Moscow meet you? - Like a nugget with money, who came from the backwoods, whom everyone in Moscow is obliged to teach life. When it turned out that it was me who was teaching them life, and I had little money, they simply began to ignore me ... - This statement

Bison and Fufunchik

From the book "Paradise Farms" and other stories the author Shipov Yaroslav Alekseevich

Bison and Fufunchik Father Gabriel is very old. It's hard for him to get to the temple, but he always arrives in advance, forty minutes over. Then the sexton appears, followed by the deacon, the young priests, and finally, just before the beginning of the service, the abbot. Having unlocked the door, Father Gabriel

Bison and Fufunchik

From the book First Prayer (collection of stories) the author Shipov Yaroslav Alekseevich

Bison and Fufunchik Father Gabriel is very old. It's hard for him to get to the temple, but he always arrives in advance, forty minutes over. Then the sexton appears, followed by the deacon, young priests, and, finally, just before the beginning of the service, the abbot. Having unlocked the door, Father Gabriel


From the author's book

BIZON, BIZON-2 AND BIZON-Z submachine guns The Bizon submachine gun family was developed by the design bureau headed by Viktor Kalashnikov and Alexei Dragunov, who followed in the footsteps of their fathers. Kalashnikov Jr., apparently, actually

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 3 minutes


Large cattle bred not only for milk or meat productivity. There are animals that belong to cattle, but they do not give milk and do not receive meat from them either. These are plush cows. They live in the USA. Animals are like big toys than animals. There are shaggy cows. They have meat productivity, but milk is only used to feed the calves. They are bred in the highland meadows of Scotland. What are the characteristics of these animals, and how to care for them?

Plush American breed Cattle

Plush cows are very pretty. They are used to decorate private meadows and large courtyards where lawns are planted. They look clumsy, the wool resembles a plush: it is just as soft and velvety to the touch. The color of the cows is brown. There are light brown, black, black and white individuals. On the belly white stripe... The tail is shaggy with a long tassel.

  • Height at the withers is only 135 cm, but their weight is impressive. The weight of the cows is 550 kg, and the calves are 800 kg. This is good weight for individuals of the dairy direction, only they are much higher in height.
  • The limbs of plush animals are thick and shaggy. They look like pillars. The hooves are practically invisible.
  • The body is massive, but behind the fluffy coat it is impossible to notice the muscles.
  • Cows do not give milk. Since animals are pets for the owners, like a cat or a dog, animals are also not allowed to eat meat.
  • Plush cows are purchased to decorate the yard and to participate in exhibitions.
  • The cost of an animal is from 5 thousand dollars.

They look after cows and gobies as if they were pets. They are kept in spacious, clean houses, and walked on large grounds. Hygiene is carefully monitored. This can be pasture or a large lawn in the yard. In order for the animals to be always in shape, active games are arranged with them. Cows are forced to run and jump. They are fed with grass, vegetables, fodder. The house in which the pet lives is cleaned and washed.

For cows to have such plush wool, they are taken to specialized hairdressers. Animals are washed there, dried with a hairdryer. The wool is not allowed to dry naturally. It can collapse. The cow has a very thick undercoat. Brushes and combs are used with a hairdryer. Apply styling products: mousses, gels, oil. Before the show, the wool can be laid with tongs or curlers. At cattle exhibitions, the strength of the skeleton, the condition of the teeth and wool are assessed. The championship is held by the individuals Warm Wave and Monopoly.

The plush breed came from a cross between Herefords, Angus and Hairy Highland cows. It refers to meat production. The breed is not officially registered. Experts do not know what type of it to refer to. Animals are bred in the state of Iowa, on the farm of Mr. Lottner. He is considered the creator of a new breed.

Highlands are shaggy, hairy cows. They live high in the highlands of Scotland. Animals are business card countries. They are appreciated and protected. Highlands are adapted to both heat and cold. They have a thick undercoat and long wool... Outwardly, they look like small bison. Wool helps animals not to freeze in winter cold. In the spring, she protects them from insects. The eyes are protected by a long bang. The sun is bright in the mountains, and the bangs protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation.

  • The color of the animals is brown, but there are individuals of both white and black. Shaggy wool is not combed. It is twisted into bundles. The sebaceous glands work well in animals. They lubricate the body and fur of the Highlands, protecting them from frost and insects.
  • The physique is strong. Large head and massive neck. On the head long horns... Animals use them to get food under the snow and to protect them from wild animals.
  • Height at the withers is 135 cm. The hairy bull weighs 750 kg, the cow weighs 450 kg. Animals have juicy and tasty meat. The calf weighs 25 kg. At 2.5 years old, animals are considered adults.
  • Highlands are centenarians. They retain their productivity up to 18 years old, which is considered a rarity among cattle.

Highland - high mountain breed of cows

Highland care is minimal. No cowsheds are built for them. They live in open pens under sheds. The two-layer wool allows them to lie in the snow. Feeders and drinkers are installed in the pens. The only requirement is that the area for keeping animals must be large. Hairy cows are used to freedom. Subject to the restrictions, their appetite and weight can sharply decrease.

Highlands feed on both lush grass and dry branches. They have very small hooves. They do no damage to the pasture. Rather, on the contrary, they clean it from dead wood. Thanks to these properties, they are used for the improvement of territories.

The Czech government has bought a large number of livestock in order for the animals to help restore national park... After walking the highlands, young grass begins to grow better, and the playground becomes well-groomed and beautiful.