Sudden death due to cardiac causes: from acute coronary insufficiency and others

Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is one of the most severe cardiac pathologies, which usually develops in the presence of witnesses, occurs instantly or in a short period of time and has as the main cause the coronary arteries.

The factor of surprise plays a decisive role in making such a diagnosis. As a rule, in the absence of signs of an impending threat to life, instantaneous death occurs within a few minutes. A slower development of the pathology is also possible, when arrhythmia, heart pain and other complaints appear, and the patient dies in the first six hours from the moment of their occurrence.

The greatest risk of sudden coronary death is observed in people 45-70 years old who have some form of disturbances in the blood vessels, heart muscle, and its rhythm. Among young patients, there are 4 times more men; in old age, men are susceptible to pathology 7 times more often. In the seventh decade of life, gender differences are smoothed out, and the ratio of men and women with this pathology becomes 2:1.

Most patients with sudden cardiac arrest occur at home; a fifth of cases occur on the street or in public transport. In both places there are witnesses to the attack who can quickly call an ambulance, and then the likelihood of a positive outcome will be much higher.

Saving a life may depend on the actions of others, so you cannot simply walk past a person who has suddenly fallen on the street or lost consciousness on a bus. You need to at least try to carry out the basic - indirect massage heart and artificial respiration, after calling doctors for help. Cases of indifference are not rare, unfortunately, and therefore the percentage of unfavorable outcomes due to late resuscitation occurs.

Causes of sudden cardiac death

the main cause of SCD is atherosclerosis

The causes that can cause acute coronary death are very numerous, but they are always associated with changes in the heart and its blood vessels. The lion's share Sudden deaths occur when fatty tissues form in the coronary arteries, obstructing blood flow. The patient may not be aware of their presence, may not make any complaints as such, then they say that it is completely healthy man died suddenly from heart attack.

Another cause of cardiac arrest may be acutely developed, in which proper hemodynamics are impossible, the organs suffer from hypoxia, and the heart itself cannot withstand the load and.

The causes of sudden cardiac death are:

  • Cardiac ischemia;
  • Congenital anomalies of the coronary arteries;
  • arteries with endocarditis, implanted artificial valves;
  • Spasm of the arteries of the heart, both against the background of atherosclerosis and without it;
  • for hypertension, defect,;
  • Metabolic diseases (amyloidosis, hemochromatosis);
  • Congenital and acquired;
  • Heart injuries and tumors;
  • Physical overload;
  • Arrhythmias.

Risk factors have been identified when the likelihood of acute coronary death becomes higher. The main such factors include ventricular tachycardia, a previous episode of cardiac arrest, cases of loss of consciousness, previous cardiac arrest, and a decrease in the left ventricle to 40% or less.

Secondary, but also significant conditions under which the risk is increased sudden death, consider concomitant pathology, in particular, diabetes, obesity, myocardial hypertrophy, tachycardia more than 90 beats per minute. Smokers and those who neglect motor activity and, conversely, athletes. With excessive physical exertion, hypertrophy of the heart muscle occurs, a tendency to rhythm and conduction disturbances appears, so death from a heart attack is possible in physically healthy athletes during training, a match, or competitions.

Diagram: distribution of causes of SCD at a young age

For more careful monitoring and targeted examination groups of people at high risk of SCD have been identified. Among them:

  1. Patients who have undergone resuscitation due to cardiac arrest or;
  2. Patients with chronic heart failure and ischemia;
  3. Persons with electric;
  4. Those diagnosed with significant cardiac hypertrophy.

Depending on how quickly death occurred, instant cardiac death and rapid death are distinguished. In the first case, it occurs in a matter of seconds and minutes, in the second - within the next six hours from the onset of the attack.

Signs of sudden cardiac death

In a quarter of all cases of sudden death of adults, there were no previous symptoms; it occurred without obvious reasons. Other One to two weeks before the attack, patients noted a deterioration in their health in the form of:

  • More frequent pain attacks in the heart area;
  • Rise ;
  • A noticeable decrease in performance, feelings of tiredness and fatigue;
  • More frequent episodes of arrhythmia and interruptions in cardiac activity.

Before cardiovascular death, pain in the heart area increases sharply, many patients manage to complain about it and experience severe fear, as happens with myocardial infarction. Psychomotor agitation is possible, the patient grabs the heart area, breathes noisily and frequently, gasps for air, sweating and redness of the face are possible.

Nine out of ten cases of sudden coronary death occur outside the home, often against the background of strong emotional distress or physical overload, but it happens that the patient dies from acute coronary pathology in his sleep.

When ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrest occur during an attack, severe weakness appears, dizziness begins, the patient loses consciousness and falls, breathing becomes noisy, and convulsions are possible due to deep hypoxia of the brain tissue.

Upon examination, pale skin is noted, the pupils dilate and stop responding to light, heart sounds cannot be heard due to their absence, and the pulse in large vessels is also not detected. In a matter of minutes, clinical death occurs with all its characteristic signs. Since the heart does not contract, the blood supply to everyone is disrupted. internal organs, therefore, within a few minutes after loss of consciousness and asystole, breathing disappears.

The brain is most sensitive to a lack of oxygen, and if the heart is not working, then 3-5 minutes are enough for irreversible changes to begin in its cells. This circumstance requires the immediate start of resuscitation measures, and the sooner chest compressions are provided, the higher the chances of survival and recovery.

Sudden death due to accompanying atherosclerosis of the arteries, then it is more often diagnosed in older people.

Among young Such attacks can occur against the background of spasm of intact blood vessels, which is facilitated by the use of certain drugs (cocaine), hypothermia, and excessive physical exertion. In such cases, the study will show no changes in the vessels of the heart, but myocardial hypertrophy may well be detected.

Signs of death from heart failure in acute coronary pathology will be pallor or cyanosis of the skin, rapid increase liver and neck veins, pulmonary edema is possible, which is accompanied by shortness of breath up to 40 breathing movements per minute, severe anxiety and convulsions.

If the patient has already suffered from chronic organ failure, but edema, cyanosis of the skin, an enlarged liver, and expanded borders of the heart during percussion may indicate a cardiac origin of death. Often, when the ambulance team arrives, the patient’s relatives themselves indicate the presence of a previous chronic illness; they can provide doctors’ records and hospital extracts, then the diagnostic issue is somewhat simplified.

Diagnosis of sudden death syndrome

Unfortunately, cases of post-mortem diagnosis of sudden death are not uncommon. Patients die suddenly, and doctors can only confirm the fact of a fatal outcome. At the autopsy, they do not find any pronounced changes in the heart that could cause death. The unexpectedness of the incident and the absence of traumatic injuries speak in favor of the coronarogenic nature of the pathology.

After the arrival of the ambulance team and before the start of resuscitation measures, the condition of the patient, who by this time is already unconscious, is diagnosed. Breathing is absent or too rare, convulsive, the pulse cannot be felt, heart sounds cannot be detected on auscultation, the pupils do not respond to light.

The initial examination is carried out very quickly, usually a few minutes are enough to confirm the worst fears, after which doctors immediately begin resuscitation.

Important instrumental method Diagnosis of SCD is an ECG. With ventricular fibrillation, erratic waves of contractions appear on the ECG, the heart rate is above two hundred per minute, and soon these waves are replaced by a straight line, indicating cardiac arrest.

With ventricular flutter, the ECG recording resembles a sinusoid, gradually giving way to random waves of fibrillation and an isoline. Asystole characterizes cardiac arrest, so the cardiogram will show only a straight line.

With successful resuscitation at the prehospital stage, already in a hospital setting the patient will undergo numerous laboratory examinations, starting with routine urine and blood tests and ending with a toxicological study for certain drugs that can cause arrhythmia. Daily ECG monitoring, ultrasound examination of the heart, electrophysiological study, and stress tests will be required.

Treatment of sudden cardiac death

Since sudden cardiac death syndrome causes cardiac arrest and respiratory failure, the first step is to restore the functioning of life support organs. Emergency care should be started as early as possible and includes cardiopulmonary resuscitation and immediate transport of the patient to the hospital.

At the prehospital stage, resuscitation options are limited; it is usually carried out by emergency specialists who find the patient in the most different conditions– on the street, at home, in the workplace. It’s good if at the time of the attack there is a person nearby who knows her techniques - artificial respiration and chest compressions.

Video: Performing basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation

After diagnosing clinical death, the ambulance team begins chest compressions and artificial ventilation of the lungs with an Ambu bag, providing access to a vein into which medications can be injected. In some cases, intratracheal or intracardiac administration of drugs is practiced. It is advisable to administer drugs into the trachea during intubation, and the intracardiac method is used most rarely - when it is impossible to use others.

In parallel with the main resuscitation actions, an ECG is taken to clarify the causes of death, the type of arrhythmia and the nature of the heart’s activity in this moment. If ventricular fibrillation is detected, then the best method for stopping it will be, and if the necessary device is not at hand, then the specialist delivers a blow to the precordial area and continues resuscitation measures.


If cardiac arrest is determined, there is no pulse, and there is a straight line on the cardiogram, then during general resuscitation the patient is given any in an accessible way adrenaline and atropine at intervals of 3-5 minutes, antiarrhythmic drugs, cardiac pacing is established, after 15 minutes sodium bicarbonate is added intravenously.

After the patient is admitted to the hospital, the fight for his life continues. It is necessary to stabilize the condition and begin treatment of the pathology that caused the attack. May need surgery, the indications for which are determined by doctors in the hospital based on the results of examinations.

Conservative treatment includes the administration of drugs to maintain blood pressure, heart function, and normalize electrolyte metabolism disorders. For this purpose, beta blockers, cardiac glycosides, antiarrhythmic drugs, antihypertensive drugs or cardiotonics, and infusion therapy are prescribed:

  • Lidocaine for ventricular fibrillation;
  • Bradycardia is treated with atropine or isadrine;
  • Hypotension is the reason for intravenous administration of dopamine;
  • Fresh frozen plasma, heparin, aspirin are indicated for DIC syndrome;
  • Piracetam is administered to improve brain function;
  • For hypokalemia - potassium chloride, polarizing mixtures.

Treatment in the post-resuscitation period lasts about a week. At this time, electrolyte disturbances, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and neurological disorders are likely, so the patient is placed in the intensive care unit for observation.

Surgery may involve radiofrequency ablation of the myocardium - for tachyarrhythmias, the effectiveness reaches 90% or higher. If there is a tendency to atrial fibrillation, a cardioverter-defibrillator is implanted. Diagnosed atherosclerosis of the heart arteries as a cause of sudden death requires valvular heart surgery.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to provide resuscitation measures within the first few minutes, but if it was possible to bring the patient back to life, then the prognosis is relatively good. As research data show, the organs of people who have suffered sudden cardiac death do not have significant and life-threatening changes, therefore maintenance therapy in accordance with the underlying pathology allows them to live for a long time after coronary death.

Prevention of sudden coronary death is needed for people with chronic diseases cardiovascular system, which can cause an attack, as well as those who have already survived it and were successfully resuscitated.

To prevent a heart attack, a cardioverter defibrillator may be implanted, which is especially effective for serious arrhythmias. At the right moment, the device generates the impulse the heart needs and does not allow it to stop.

Requires medication support. Beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, and products containing omega-3 fatty acids are prescribed. Surgical prevention consists of operations aimed at eliminating arrhythmias - ablation, endocardial resection, cryodestruction.

Nonspecific measures to prevent cardiac death are the same as for any other cardiac or vascular pathology - healthy image life, physical activity, refusal bad habits, proper nutrition.

Video: Presentation on Sudden Cardiac Death

Video: lecture on the prevention of sudden cardiac death

November 21st, 2016

The question “What is death?” worries more than one generation, which is absolutely understandable - a person is born, lives and... leaves. Where? For what? Why? What death is is of interest to everyone, because sooner or later we will all die, which means there is no point in being afraid of it, because while we are alive, we live, and when this “lady with a scythe” gets close to us, we will already be dead. In search of an answer to the question: “What is death?” It's important to think about:
how we live now, what we think about, do we care about our future, which definitely awaits all of us...
And most importantly: do not die for others while being alive.

Let's continue...

- Let's talk about the causes of death. When people die of old age, it is clear that their program has ended. But old people die in different ways: some easily, others get very sick and suffer for a long time. Why do they have different deaths?

– They die peacefully for two main reasons: the souls have accurately completed their program or the souls that will go to decoding. Those who suffer before death are mainly those who did not acquire some type of energy during their lives. Therefore, their disease is associated with the corresponding organ that produces the required type of energy.

– Why do some old people live for a very long time, although no one needs them anymore and there is no benefit from them, but they still live and live?

– If an old man lives in a family, then in this case he is necessary for the purpose of developing certain qualities in the souls of his relatives, or more precisely identifying them, for example, patience or, conversely, hostility; respect or hatred. If an old man lives alone and for a long time, then his soul suffers: from loneliness, and from a weak body, and from much more; in this way the education of his soul continues. Old age teaches you a lot.

– And if a baby dies, then for what reason?

– Basically, this is a punishment to parents for some karmic past sins. During a very short life, the baby’s soul itself also gains some of the energies it lacks. Sometimes for this it is enough just to be born and immediately die. Both birth and death are accompanied by large outbursts of energy.

– Why do children at 10-11 years old and young people at 20-24 die? Why are such short lives needed?

– If a ten-year-old child dies, this means that in the past he did not complete the program and did not obtain the amount of energy that a person produces during ten years of life, sometimes in less time, but with a more intense program, since some programs are so eventful saturated, which allow a person to produce the same amount of energy, but in more short term. Therefore, everything that a child has accumulated over ten years of real life serves as an addition to his achievements. past life.

The same is true for young people in their twenties. Their shortcomings amount to a larger volume of energy than the souls that are sent into your life for ten years, so they are given a longer lifespan to work off their past debts. When such a young man dies, then in the distributor his last two lives are grouped into one whole, that is, they are summed up.

– Why do these souls get into debt? Are these suicides?

- There may be such. But basically, energy debts appear due to an incorrect lifestyle, when a person is not so much fulfilling his life program as he is in pursuit of pleasure. He needs to produce energy of some quality according to the program, but he, succumbing to temptations, laziness and empty pastime, produces energies of a lower quality.

Any work: both physical and intellectual, search, struggle with difficulties or improvement in creativity - produces energies of a higher quality than passive reading of fiction, lying on the couch, in a word - doing nothing. Or, let’s say, according to the program, a person was given the opportunity to develop his musical abilities, which means studying musical notation, mastering a musical instrument, and refining his knowledge of the art of music. And the young man tries to study, it seems difficult to him, and he, giving up musical education, is content with listening to other people's music with great pleasure.

This is where debts come from. He had to work in the musical direction himself, but he is content with the fruits of other people's labors. Any abilities or talents given to a person must be developed and brought to perfection, then there will be no energy debts. Of course, this applies not only to abilities, but also to any actions of a person when he replaces work and diligence, that is, development, with passive contemplation and the pursuit of pleasure.

– Do these young people, who have not yet sinned, experience any unpleasant sensations after death?

– They do not experience any unpleasant sensations compared to your life on Earth. All the most unpleasant things are on Earth. And when moving to Us, the most unpleasant things appear only from bad memories of one’s past life.

– Before death, many people usually suffer for a long time and experience serious illnesses. Is this related to human sins?

– The type of death does not depend on sins, because the processing of real sins is transferred to the next life. The type of death is programmed even before a person is born and is determined by some features of his past life. A person can lie down and not wake up, so suffering is not necessary.

– Many alcoholics die suddenly, without suffering, and good people, in our opinion, lie paralyzed for a long time. It seems to us that it should be the other way around.

– There are several reasons why alcoholics die easily and quickly. Firstly, alcoholics are also completely different. There are worthless, empty people, and there are smart and good people who became alcoholics due to difficult circumstances. Empty souls who have strived for nothing in this life except wine are going to be destroyed, so there is no point in making them suffer. Additional suffering will not give them anything. Therefore, they are quickly and without any complications removed from your world. People who had some aspirations in life, but then lost their way and suffer greatly, seeing their worthlessness, can also die suddenly, since previous suffering has already given enough energy of this quality.

If we talk about good people who suffer before death, then they suffer in order to give a purer form to some energy that they have not worked through in life in small quantities. The type of missing energy corresponds to a specific disease, based on which the body will additionally produce as much energy as required by the program.

In addition, many patients suffer for a long time to test their relatives in order to reveal the true attitude towards the patient, since as long as a person is healthy, there is one attitude towards him; when he gets sick, it’s different. Moreover, even the same person can change his attitude towards the patient if the illness drags on for a long time: at first he looks after him with sincere sympathy, then he either gets tired or gets tired of it, and he begins to secretly desire him speedy death. So illnesses are often given to test the attitude towards a person among his environment, and therefore, this helps to identify low character traits of people.

– Could it be that it is not an alcoholic, but simply a sinner who dies easily?

– Yes, let’s say, if his wife is a very decent woman and her husband’s illness can bring her unnecessary hardships, then he is quickly removed. That is, if the wife or relatives do not need additional suffering, then the sinner is removed through some kind of instant death not related to illness.

- The exit of the soul from physical body very painful?

– No, death itself is not at all scary and painless. People confuse the suffering associated with some disease and death itself. Illness brings pain and suffering, and death is a short moment of transition, which, on the contrary, ends the suffering of existence. Instant death in accidents is generally not recorded by consciousness for a person, although for those who observe the picture of the accident from the outside, the sight looks terrible.

– If before death one of the family members has dreams that he is being taken away by the deceased family member, who gives him this information?

– Determinant of the second person. In such an individual, reprogramming occurs and in a dream the information of the future is processed, and the person sees that he has a new program with a focus on death.

– Can you always believe such dreams?

- No. Sometimes this can be some kind of warning or a test of a person's reaction to own death.

– Can a clairvoyant determine from a person’s aura that he will soon die?

– Yes, it can, since the death of a person is only a moment on the physical plane, and in the “subtle” world preliminary preparations are underway. Only catastrophes happen instantly, but they are also planned in advance and are always accurately calculated. Therefore, a person is prepared for death in advance and its signs hover over him a few minutes before death is supposed to occur.

– Why do those who are close to death lose their aura or have a dark channel appear above their heads?

– The Determinant prepares the “subtle” structures of a person for the moment of death and frees the exit channel for the soul. The clairvoyant perceives the absence of some “subtle” structures as the disappearance of the aura or a dark pillar above the head.

– How does the Determinator carry out this preparation?

– All data about a person, including his physical shell and “subtle” ones, are in the Determinant’s computer, so preparation is carried out through a computer. First, everything is reproduced on the screen, that is, in its database, and then these changes are transferred to the living environment.

– After death, does the soul perceive reality as vaguely as in a dream?

- No, after death the soul becomes aware of itself and the world clearly, the only thing is that, due to its unpreparedness, not every soul is able to understand what happened to it.

“But some people who have been in a state of clinical death claim that they did not see or hear anything.

– Clinical death does not always mean true death, therefore, not all people at this moment experience the exit of the soul from the body. Their consciousness simply turns off at this moment. If a person’s design is such that he is able to leave the body even in a dream, and in the event of any significant damage to the body, then such a soul is capable of flying out during clinical death. This usually happens with subtle natures. And when flying out, they can observe their body from the side or rise to higher spheres, realizing what is happening.

– Recently (spring 1998) a plane crashed in Irkutsk. Good pilots died. But people regard them as excellent, highly qualified specialists. Who did you take: the best or the useless on Earth?

- Those who We needed died.

- This means pilots. And the civilian population that died - the plane fell on residential buildings - are these casualties?

- We need them all. Everything is planned.

– In recent years, planes have crashed very often. We have an assumption that someone is deliberately incapacitating them, influencing them from the “subtle” world. Who is directly involved in this?

– These are Our Essences, plasmoids that acted according to the assigned task. Naturally, they are not visible to the human eye.

- Did they turn off three engines on the plane at once so that it fell on Irkutsk?

- Yes. The plane was absolutely fine. Absolutely. The entities simply turned off his engines during the flight. The Negative System turned off in such a way that none of your super-experts will ever determine the cause of the accident.

– Were these Entities on “flying saucers”?

- What are you talking about! These were the Essences of the “subtle” plane, or our Minus. There is a Minus System, which deals with the calculation of all accidents. It worked in this case as required. The accuracy of the actions taken in the situation is exceptional. Calculations are carried out by some Entities, and they are carried out in action by other Entities. People in the physical world are not able to perceive their actions, so all accidents remain a mystery to them. And how much technical workers no matter how you prepare the plane, plasmoids from the Minus System will always disable it in right time and in the right place, since We control the situations, not the person.

– Have the people who were on the plane that died over Irkutsk come to the end of their programs?

– No, in this case not by the end, although usually We select people at the stage of completion of their programs. But now is a different time, now is the end of the second millennium, a change of eras, and this says a lot.

– So, now people’s program can be half completed and you take them away?

- Yes. For most people, programs do not reach the final stage. We take many people to this period ahead of schedule, because all the old programs, that is, the programs of the people of the fifth civilization, are being wound down, and the promotion of a new time begins with the introduction of the programs of the representatives of the sixth civilization.

– But what will happen to unfinished programs? Will these people have to refine them in the next life or is it something else?

– The issue will be resolved with each person separately. First, all the souls taken will be sorted according to the qualities they have acquired, and then We will decide what to do with them. Distinctive feature of this time is that the Earth is transitioning from one stage of development of the program to another, and the transition of humanity from the fifth civilization to the sixth; therefore, what was previously established as laws is now being violated. Many souls are currently being removed forever, as those who have not justified themselves.

– The mine disasters that became more frequent in the nineties – is this the Earth’s reaction to the wrong actions of people or something else?

– No, this is also the work of the Minus System. And the Earth can only manifest itself where there are wars or where people create explosions in the Earth itself, causing harm to it. She doesn’t like explosions and aggressive outbursts in people’s moods, and she can respond to them with earthquakes and other disasters.

– When a person dies from an illness or dies instantly in an accident, is there any difference in the energy output?

– Diseases provide more energy of a specific type, since they are associated with organ disease, and accidents contribute to the release of energy general view, characteristic of this person. But if at the time of the accident a person experiences severe stress, then it (stress) communicates to the soul higher speed to rise up. Stress favors the instant and painless flight of the soul from the body.

– Is there any consistency in the selection of people now?

- Certainly. The sequence is also determined by the Minus System. There are certain norms and rules according to which souls are collected in normal times and in a transitional period, as now. What is unacceptable in normal times becomes possible during the transition period. We now have a lot of Entities working to collect souls. There are separate groups that carry out certain work related to the collection of souls.

Let's say some groups check the general programs of people and choose who can be removed so as not to break the following connections. Others adjust new programs by linking them with old ones. Still others create situations and accidents that lead to death. The fourth are already working directly with liberated souls, and so on. There is a lot of work. But the sequence is always observed, since it is impossible to take all of the intended souls at once.

In the Bible, this sequence is depicted very clearly by the trumpet voice of the Angels: “The first Angel sounded, and there was hail and fire...”, “The second Angel sounded, and the third part of the sea became blood...”, “The third Angel sounded, and many of the people died from the waters.” ...", and so on, seven Angels. Following the sound of the trumpet, events follow that entail a reduction in population. This is nothing more than a reflection of the development program of the fifth civilization at the completion stage, the passage of the last checkpoints in the program by civilization.

Process of death

– How does the process of death itself occur?

– When a person’s program reaches its final stage, its last point expresses the picture of the person’s death itself, determining how he should die. If a person dies in an accident, several Determinants are involved in this situation, acting out a scene at the moment of death, as in puppet theater. People are led into situations that lead to death. Sometimes, in order for an accident to occur, it is enough for a person to turn off consciousness or attention for a few seconds, more precisely, a split second.

If a person must die due to illness, then the situation is played out on the computer of his Determinant. Heart attacks and strokes are the business of the Determinants. Using a computer, they deliver an energy strike to a place or organ, the failure of which should result in the death of a person. Sometimes the nourishing energy is simply cut off from a person.

– You said that death is accompanied by a surge of energy. At the moment of death, all energy leaves the physical body?

- No, not all Vital energy released. Zero-fifth part (0.5) remains to carry out disintegration, to destroy the physical shell. The body cannot remain the same as it was during life. It must be decomposed into its component elements, from which other bodies will again begin to be built. This is the cycle of rough physical energies.

– A powerful surge of energy from the body is what contributes to the flight of the soul?

- Yes. It serves as the starting energy for departure at the moment of death.

– What is the vital energy of the physical body? Is this something that the cells themselves produce?

– No, all energy is given from Above and only from the Determinant. And the process of decay also comes from him, since even after the death of a person, the Determinant continues to control the processes in his body through his computer. He ends controlling only after the work of decay is completely completed.

– What happens to the soul at this time?

– After the soul sheds its rough shell, it begins its path of ascent to Us. Ritual days after death: three, nine and forty days are the stages of ascent through the earth’s layers. They correspond to the time of shedding of “thin” shells close to the physical body.

After three days the etheric one is reset, after nine - the astral one, after forty days - the mental one. All temporary shells are discarded, except for the last four, close to the soul. These shells, starting from the causal one, are permanent and remain with the soul for the entire period of all its incarnations on Earth. When the soul reaches the hundredth Level in terms of development, that is, the last for a person, then it throws off the fourth, connecting shell, and puts on other temporary shells, depending on which world it will be directed to next.

– When the soul is in the “subtle” world, does it need recharging with energy?

- No, the soul does not need recharging.

– Do religious rituals with prayers and commemorations feed the energy of the newly deceased?

– At the first stage of death, this affects the soul, because all its shells are with it, not a single shell has yet disintegrated and they require additional energy to rise to the corresponding filter layer. Many people lose their energy during life and cannot rise to where they need to go after death. Additional energies in the form of prayers that feed their shells help them ascend to the proper Level.

If a person is buried without prayers, then the soul is raised either by special Essences*, the same plasmoids, or special mechanisms that act on the principle of a magnet that attracts the soul to Right place. Now, basically, prayers no longer matter; they used to, but Lately mechanisms are used that capture souls and direct them where they should be. Our sampling methods and “fine” technology are also constantly being improved.

– Recharging the shells was important until when?

- Up to forty days. But this is required by the most earthly souls. And those who are spiritually higher themselves rise to the required Level. For example, you no longer need any recharge (they say for envoys)*. You won't even see your funeral. As soon as you die, you will instantly be taken away from the Earth. You won’t even see your body like others do. High energy will not allow you to stay on Earth even for a few seconds. You already have such energy that it will take you away from here with lightning speed. In terms of energy, you are no longer people, but Essences. You will be pushed out of the heavy layers of the earth like a bullet from a barrel. And other psychics and highly spiritual people also do not require recharge in the form of prayers.

What can low energy people give to high energy people? Therefore, if a person has accumulated high energy as a result of some practices or spiritual work, he is obliged to preserve it until the end of his earthly life. This will help the ascension of his soul.

– The soul flies out of the physical body due to a burst of energy. What is the mechanism for its departure from the astral shell? Is there some kind of starting energy at work too?

– In the “subtle” world, a different mechanism operates. There are special layers of “subtle” matter around the Earth. Each layer has a certain density corresponding to the density of the astral, mental and subsequent shells, that is, it is made of energies corresponding to these ranges. Therefore, when the soul rises to the indicated layers, the shells corresponding to the density of the achieved layer disappear.

For example, take the astral shell. It reaches a layer corresponding to its density and gets stuck in it. This layer above does not allow it to pass through. Other shells are lighter than this layer, so they rise higher. The next layer corresponds to the density of the matter of the mental shell, therefore it retains it. Being heavy, it can’t rise any higher, but everything that’s lighter flies higher. And so on, so that the three temporary shells remain in these layers until their complete disintegration.

– Do filter layers purify people, determine the degree of development of the soul, and in these same layers does it refine some situations?

– Layers are multifunctional.

L. A. Seklitova; L. L. Strelnikova

Soviet fighter pilot Valentin Bondarenko could become the first man in space. In any case, he had a chance of this... But he simply did not live to see his first flight: he died by a stupid accident during testing.

First squad

Valentin Vasilyevich Bondarenko was born on February 16, 1937 in Kharkov. His father, the head of a workshop at the Kharkov fur factory, went to the front in the first days of the war. Together with his mother and older brother, Valentin survived the German occupation. As a high school student, he began studying at the Kharkov flying club. In 1954, after graduating from school, he entered the Voroshilovgrad Military Aviation School, after its disbandment he transferred to Grozny, and then to the Armavir School, from which he graduated with honors in 1957. Bondarenko served in the aviation units of the Air Force of the Baltic Military District.

April 28, 1960 came true cherished dream Valentina: after a careful selection, he was enrolled in the first detachment of Soviet cosmonauts. Out of several thousand applicants, only 29 people were selected.

Initially, Valentin was not one of the six candidates for space flight on the Vostok spacecraft. But for various reasons, several selected future cosmonauts dropped out of action, and Bondarenko was brought in for training.

Ridiculous death

The tests included a ten-day stay in a pressure chamber, the purpose of which was to test the reaction to the absence of external stimuli. It was believed that the conditions in the chamber were close to the conditions inside the spacecraft. It was located at the Air Force Research Institute-7 (now the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine).

At the end of the experiment, Valentin was informed that he could remove the medical sensors attached to his body. There were red marks left at the attachment points, which Bondarenko wiped with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. After that, the young man, without looking, threw the cotton wool towards the trash can. But by an unfortunate accident, it landed on the spiral of a hot electric stove and immediately burst into flames... Since the chamber was filled with almost pure oxygen, the flame quickly spread. Bondarenko's woolen training suit caught fire.

It was not possible to open the chamber quickly due to the large pressure drop. When it was finally opened, the cadet was still alive. Doctors at the Botkin Hospital fought for his life for 8 hours. He died on March 23, 1961, just 19 days before Gagarin’s flight, who, together with his squad comrades, spent several hours in his hospital... The cause of death was burn shock.

Secret Hero

The death of Senior Lieutenant Valentin Bondarenko was not reported anywhere: in those days, everything related to space was strictly classified. However, on June 17, 1961, by decree of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR Bondarenko “for the successful completion of the government’s assignment” was posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Star.

At Bondarenko’s grave, located in Kharkov at the Filippovsky cemetery, an obelisk was erected with the inscription: “ In loving memory from fellow pilots." Only in the 80s did the postscript appear: “-cosmonauts of the USSR.”

Bondarenko left behind his wife Anna and son Alexander. For some time they continued to live in Star City, where Anna worked at the Cosmonaut Training Center, then they left for Kharkov, where they had relatives. Until Sasha’s 16th birthday, he was paid a pension of 100 rubles for his father - quite decent money at that time. Subsequently, Alexander Bondarenko followed in his father’s footsteps and became a military pilot.

Only in 1980 did the Western press begin to write about the death of Valentin Bondarenko. In the USSR, an article about him was first published in 1986 in Izvestia. In 1991, one of the lunar craters was named after Bondarenko, and in July 2013, the name of the cosmonaut was given to school No. 93 in the city of Kharkov, where he once studied.

It would seem that the death of Valentin Bondarenko has nothing to do with the space flights themselves - it is simply a tragic accident. However, without such mistakes and tragedies, astronautics could not develop. By the way, this story forced engineers and scientists to reconsider the design of the test pressure chamber, in particular, changing the composition and pressure of the atmosphere, which was taken into account in the further development of manned spacecraft.

Today in the Museum of the First Flight, located in the city of Gagarin Smolensk region, in the small homeland of the world’s first man to go into space, you can see a deaf chamber, which is an exact copy of the one in which Valentin Bondarenko died.

The causes of death are always determined by doctors. It can occur as a result of exposure to external or internal factors. In forensic medicine you can find a classification of the reasons why a person died.

Accepted terminology

Death is understood as a complete cessation of life activity, in which physiological and biological processes. There is a special direction in medicine that studies the body in the final stage of the dying process. This science is called thanatology.

For most people at all times, death has been fraught with mysticism and mystery. It is inevitable, often unpredictable and unexpected. But the concepts of death in law, medicine, philosophy, and religion differ markedly.

Doctors separately identify several thermal conditions that precede immediate death. This is pre-agony, agony and clinical death. At this time, resuscitation measures may still be successful. If they were not carried out or were ineffective, then doctors diagnose biological death. In this state, an irreversible cessation of all physiological processes occurs in tissues and cells.

Subsequently, the decomposition process begins. This is the name for the destruction of the body, during which all nerve connections are damaged. Recovery after this becomes absolutely impossible. Experts call this stage information death.

Until it occurs, there is a theoretical possibility of preserving the body in a state of suspended animation (using, for example, cryonics), which can prevent further destruction of the body. In this case, the theoretical possibility of its restoration in the future remains.

Classification of causes

Death can be violent or non-violent. In the first case, it occurs as a result of the influence of various external factors. Lead to non-violent death various diseases. It can also occur due to the appearance of profound age-related changes. Although at present it is impossible to say that a person died of old age, a specific reason is needed that led to this. Sometimes it happens that external and internal factors act simultaneously. In this case, it can be difficult to determine the cause of death. After all, forensic experts must identify which factor played a decisive role.

Nonviolent death can be:

Physiological: from senile decrepitude or prematurity of a newborn child;


The last type of death is caused not only by progressive diseases. It can also be sudden, it is also called sudden.

Violent death occurs as a result of:

  • suicide;
  • murders;
  • accident.

Forensic medicine studies and determines this.

Factors leading to natural non-violent death

Quite often people die from problems with various organs and systems. Sudden or pathological death can occur as a result of diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • respiratory organs;
  • endocrine system;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • infectious lesions;
  • central nervous system;
  • genitourinary system;
  • other organs and systems of the body.

Malignant neoplasms also lead to non-violent death. Sometimes it occurs as a result of pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. The exact reasons can be found out only after a pathological autopsy. Based on its results, a death certificate is issued. It displays the reasons that led to the person dying.

Sudden death is a non-violent death that occurs in a healthy person, in the opinion of others. It arises as a result of the occurrence acute form disease or a chronic disease occurring in a latent form.

Prevalence of causes of non-violent dying

By analyzing the factors that led to the cessation of people's lives, forensic experts can understand which causes of death are the most common.

More than 75% of people die from diseases of the circulatory system. However, most of them are diagnosed with chronic ischemic heart disease. They may have acute or repeated myocardial infarction or cardiomyopathy. Slightly less common are cerebral infarctions, subarachnoid hemorrhages, and arterial diseases.

Less common causes of nonviolent death are respiratory diseases. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease leads to death. With chronic bronchitis, the airways become swollen and the passages become narrow. Emphysema occurs when the lungs are damaged. With these diseases, breathing problems begin.

Stage 4 cancer also leads to death slightly less often. Men often suffer from the appearance malignant neoplasms in the prostate, and in women - in the breast. But the most common cause of death is lung cancer. It is difficult to detect in the initial stages. They don't show themselves in any way. Problems begin only when metastases appear.

It is worth noting that smokers are 12 times more likely to develop lung problems than non-smokers. Also, giving up this bad habit reduces the likelihood of developing kidney cancer.

Also, almost a quarter of people die from infectious diseases, eating disorders, and neonatal diseases. In countries with low level income and life, birth injuries, asphyxia, problems caused by prematurity are the leading causes of death in newborns.

Causes of violent death

People often die due to exposure not internal, but external factors. The main types of violent death are:

  • mechanical damage;
  • asphyxia;
  • exposure to extreme temperatures;
  • toxic substances, this also includes gas poisoning;
  • exposure to electric current;
  • beam energy.

Mechanical damage includes falls from a height, traffic accidents, and injuries caused by sharp and blunt objects. Any gunshot wound that causes cessation of life activity may also be included in this category.

Poisoning occurs as a result of exposure to the body toxic substances. They can be caused by low-quality or contaminated food, water, alcohol, and medicines. You can be poisoned by carbon monoxide in unventilated areas, in factories or in houses heated by stoves.

Death from suffocation can occur due to the development of oxygen starvation, which was caused by mechanical reasons. This can be strangulation, hanging, closing the airways with loose or liquid objects, closing the openings of the mouth and nose. Compression of the abdomen and chest can also lead to asphyxia.

We must understand that the type of violent death and the reasons that led to it are different concepts. They are determined by forensic experts. Even with the same exposures, a person can die from different causes.

The type of death is determined depending on the exact impact on the person. But the reasons are determined by what changes have occurred in the body as a result of certain influences on it. For example, it was determined that blunt trauma to the skull led to death. This means that a person could die from a contusion of the brain or its compression by the resulting hematoma.

Gas poisoning can also be voluntary, accidental or intentional. But the manner of death has already been established law enforcement agencies.

The need for a forensic medical examination

It is possible to determine what exactly caused a person to die during a special medical event. It's called forensic examination. It is mandatory if it is obvious that the death was violent. It also needs to be done in cases where:

  • there was a sudden death, but there is a suspicion that it could have been violent;
  • the cause of death is unknown, the person died outside the walls of a medical institution;
  • death occurred in the hospital, but the patient was not diagnosed;
  • the person died in the hospital, but the investigative authorities accepted a complaint from relatives.

Also, regardless of the place and presumed cause of death, a forensic medical examination is carried out on all unidentified persons.

Examination of the corpse allows us to determine why the person died. Depending on this, the tactics of further actions are determined. If the forensic examination establishes that death occurred from poisoning, for example, methyl alcohol, then law enforcement agencies will have to establish why this happened. This could be suicide: a person could pour himself methyl alcohol and drink it, wanting to end his life. He could also have used it by mistake. In this case, the death will be classified as an accident. But if it was a set-up, and another person poured methyl alcohol into the glass, then we are talking about murder.


In order to determine whether a death occurred natural or violent, it is necessary to examine the corpse. The autopsy can be a conventional pathological or forensic one. The first type is carried out in cases where the death was non-violent. Such an autopsy can be carried out in several ways:

  • Abrikosov method;
  • Leshka incision;
  • Shore's method;
  • Fisher's method.

But according to the instructions of the investigating authorities, a forensic autopsy is carried out. During its implementation, the following is established:

  • time of death;
  • the presence and nature of the damage is determined whether it was inflicted during life or after death;
  • mechanisms and methods of causing damage, their sequence;
  • reasons that led to death.

Also, forensic medical examination can resolve other issues of a medical and biological nature. She can tell which non-life-threatening injuries were sustained in the first place, and how exactly the person died.

Conducting a forensic examination

To determine the causes of violent death, a special examination is carried out by doctors who have been trained in Forensic Medicine.

The investigation begins with an examination of clothing and items that arrived with the corpse. The expert must identify possible damage, marks, or overlaps on them. After this, the body of the deceased is examined directly. The corpse is carefully examined, everything is described post-mortem changes. If damage was detected, then its nature, features, and location are determined. Soft tissues and internal organs must be examined.

If poisoning is suspected, the corpses are sent for a special forensic chemical study. But this is not the only possible additional examination. If necessary, bacteriological, physical-technical, and histological examinations are carried out. The list of additional examinations is determined by the expert depending on what tasks were assigned to the forensic medical examination and on what the suspected cause of death is.

Based on the results of the study, not a death certificate is given, as with a conventional pathological autopsy, but a conclusion or report forensic medical examination. It describes all the procedures performed with the corpse, the results of examinations, establishes a diagnosis and gives a conclusion that contains answers to the questions posed to the forensic examination.

Stages of Dying

Regardless of whether death occurred from old age, violent or other non-violent causes, experts distinguish two types. Dying can be slow or fast. In the first case, a prolonged terminal state, agony, is observed. And with a quick death, which is also called acute, these stages are blurred.

The dying process begins in the preagonal state. In some cases it is completely absent. This is a protective reaction of the body. It can be observed in people who have stage 4 cancer. After all, they usually have severe and painful body injuries. IN last hours inhibition processes develop in the central nervous system. This is accompanied by a corresponding psychological state. There is indifference to what is happening around, sensitivity disappears. Some people lose consciousness completely or partially.

In a preagonal state, a person may fall into a coma or stoppage, his blood pressure decreases, and blood circulation centralizes. Breathing may become rapid but shallow. The lungs are not fully ventilated.

If the patient does not undergo therapeutic measures, or they are ineffective, then this condition is replaced by a thermal pause. After this the agony begins. This is the name given to the body’s attempt to use all remaining capabilities to preserve life. In this state, blood pressure rises, heart function is restored, and breathing becomes strong. But the lungs are not ventilated due to malfunction muscles. It usually lasts about 5 minutes, in some cases it can last up to half an hour. Following the agony comes clinical death.

Necessary diagnostics

Before determining what exactly caused the cessation of a person’s life, doctors must make sure that the patient is really dead. Even if a gunshot wound is visible, an investigation is carried out. Perhaps it did not affect vital important organs, and the person is alive.

They look at a set of signs, the so-called vital tripod: the preservation of the functions of the central nervous system, breathing and heart activity. But there are situations when doctors can make mistakes.

For example, the safety of breathing can be checked using a mirror, fluff, auscultation or the Winslow test. But they can all be wrong. Any gust of wind high humidity indoors, passing traffic may cause incorrect results.

More informative is checking cardiovascular activity. Auscultation of heart contractions, palpation of the pulse, and cardiac impulse are performed. But very weak manifestations of vital activity may go unnoticed.

The most important indicator is the preservation of central nervous system functions. One of the valuable signs is the absence or presence of the corneal reflex. The doctor checks how the pupils react to light. One of the first signs of death is the Beloglazov phenomenon, or “cat's pupil.” The tone of the muscles that constrict the pupil disappears. When the eyeball is compressed, it takes on an oval shape.

Over the past decade, the leading diseases that claimed the most lives were coronary heart disease, stroke, lower respiratory tract infections and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Zozhnik provides data on how human mortality has changed over 12 years (according to WHO).

By the way, we have already published (based on data in the UK), but depending on the standard of living, the causes of death are strikingly different.

What do people die from? The most common causes of death

HIV deaths have decreased from 1.7 million (3.2% of all deaths in 2000) to 1.5 million deaths in 2012. Diarrhea is no longer among the top 5 leading causes of death, but is still in the top 10, causing 1.5 million deaths in 2012.

Lung cancer (along with trachea and bronchial cancer) caused many more deaths in 2012—1.6 million people, up from 1.2 million in 2000. Likewise, mortality from diabetes has increased by one and a half times - 1.5 million people died in 2012, compared to 1 million in 2000.

* COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

How did mortality from various causes rise or fall from 2000 to 2012?

Changes in the leading causes of death over 12 years. Data: WHO

Leading causes of death by income

It is clear that in different countries There are different causes of death in the world, and first of all it depends on the level of development of the country as a whole (and medicine, education, and nutrition level in particular). And the difference in causes of death is striking.

For example, if in poor countries 53 people per 100 thousand die from diarrhea, then in rich countries this cause of death is not included in the top ten.

This is what people die from in poor countries:

But why - in the rich:

In rich countries, 7 out of 10 deaths occur in fairly older people- from 70 years and older. People die mainly from chronic diseases: cardiovascular diseases, cancer, dementia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or diabetes.

In poor countries, almost 4 out of every 10 deaths occur in children under 15 years of age, and only 2 out of every 10 deaths occur in people aged 70 years or older. People die mainly from infectious diseases: together, lower respiratory tract infections, HIV/AIDS, diarrheal diseases, malaria and tuberculosis account for almost a third of all deaths in these countries.


How many people actually die every year in the world?
In 2012, an estimated 56 million people died worldwide.

Is cardiovascular disease the leading cause of death in the world?
Yes, 17.5 million people died from cardiovascular disease in 2012, that's 3 out of every 10. Of that number, 7.4 million people died from coronary heart disease and 6.7 million people died from stroke.

It is often stated that smoking main reason mortality. How does tobacco use affect these causes of death?
Tobacco use is important reason many of the world's deadliest diseases, including cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer. In total, approximately 1 in 10 adults worldwide die from tobacco use. Smoking is often a hidden cause of disease that is recorded as a cause of death.

How has the situation changed over the past decade?
Coronary heart disease, stroke, lower respiratory tract infections and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have continued to be the leading causes of death over the past decade.

In 2012, noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) accounted for approximately 68% of all deaths worldwide, up from 60% in 2000. 2.6 million more people died from cardiovascular disease alone in 2012 than in 2000.

Injuries still kill 5 million people a year. At the same time, despite the development of safety technologies, more and more people are dying from road accidents over the past 12 years: in 2012, almost 3,500 people died every day, this is about 600 more people than in 2000. Therefore, road accidents are now among the 10 leading causes of death in 2012.

How many children die in the world and why?
In 2012, 6.6 million children under 5 years of age died, 99% of these deaths occurred in low- and middle-income countries. Children die mainly from pneumonia, prematurity, birth asphyxia and diarrheal diseases. Malaria remained a significant cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa, with nearly 15% of children under 5 years of age dying from it in the region.

Causes of death around the world: an overview

Imagine a diverse international group of 1,000 people, a representative sample of the women, men and children from around the world who died in 2012.

Of these 1000 people:

  • 133 people are residents of low-income countries, 356 - low-middle-income countries, 302 - middle-income countries high level income and 209 - high-income countries.
  • 153 are children under the age of 15, 412 are adults aged 15-69 and 435 are adults aged 70 and over.
  • More than half (514) of these 1000 deaths would be caused by the following 10 pathologies: