I think these creatures could easily destroy the entire population of our planet. They are smart, cunning, resourceful and incredibly poisonous. Possessing big amount limbs, unlike humans, these creatures are able to move faster. They are also able to weave skillful traps into which each of us fell. But such seemingly perfect plans to take over the world fall apart due to their size. Nature decided that they should be no larger than a human palm.

Can you guess who we'll be talking about in this top?

That's right, about spiders. Enough dangerous creatures, is not it? People are very lucky that these creatures are so small in size. After all, even if they were at least the size of an ordinary cat, I think there are few who would remain on earth now except these poisonous arthropods.

Spiders were even defined as a separate class based on phenotype. However, they are practically unique properties, I think, also deserve this separate group.

Now let’s prove our thoughts with facts. Top 10 most dangerous and poisonous spiders on the planet!

It is also called golden or golden, although judging by the consequences of meeting it, it is not such a “golden” spider. He lives mainly in Europe. Its size is very small, up to one centimeter in length. These arthropods build their houses like a bag, elongated like a pipe. Sometimes they can hide inside the house. Very often their bites are misdiagnosed - they are mistaken for the bite of a brownish recluse spider. These bites are always clinically dangerous. After them, severe pain appears and a necrotic wound develops, of course not as quickly as in a recluse spider. A yellow spider may bite only because it senses danger. Therefore, if you are planning a trip to European countries, be sure to remember what the Poisonous Spider Sak looks like, and do not anger him when you meet him.

One of the largest spiders on the planet, it is also called the goliath tarantula. Its body reaches 9 centimeters, and its legs reach a span of up to 25 cm! One of the spiders of this species was listed in the Guinness Book of Records, because its legs reached a span of 28 cm!!! Its size allows it to feed on toads, mice, and even small birds and snakes. His habitat is distant Brazil, and he is unlikely to reach us, because he prefers humid climate tropics. Due to its frightening size, it was believed for a long time that the venom of this spider was extremely dangerous; its potency was comparable to that of curare. But scientists have found that, even with such powerful fangs that it can easily bite through human skin, the tarantula spider does not waste its venom. After all, it can’t kill a person, so why waste poison? Theraphoza Blonde bites only in cases of danger.

This spider is also called the violin spider and it is also dangerous to human life and health. This arthropod is very small in size (0.6 - 2 cm), it is not aggressive, it almost never attacks, but it is still not recommended to live in close proximity to such a “baby”. He chooses dry and dark places, likes to live in attics, woodsheds, old closets, etc. But, despite its small size and fairly peaceful disposition, its poison is very strong. After a bite, the first symptoms appear within 24 hours, because it is during this period of time that the poison spreads throughout the victim’s entire body, so it is very important to provide assistance as quickly as possible. A person may feel nausea, fever, swelling of tissues, the appearance of a rash, pain, but the bite itself is not felt. Thirty percent of those bitten experienced tissue necrosis, and deaths from recluse bites have been reported. The peculiarity of this spider is its six eyes, arranged in pairs. It lives mainly in California and other southeastern states of America.

This representative of arthropods is part of a special group of hairy and large spiders, and belongs to the family of tarantulas. Their color is quite variable - from dark gray to light brown, and can even have a red tint with spots. The color most often depends on and is adapted to the area (soil) where the tarantula lives. There are many species of this spider; in Russia alone there are about a hundred species of tarantulas. This arthropod digs quite deep burrows (50-60 cm deep) for housing, most often on the slopes of mountains; a small roll of dry leaves is formed at the entrance. The tarantula prefers a nocturnal lifestyle, when it goes for its prey, most often insects, and during the day it usually sits out in a burrow. For the winter, he “seals” the entrance to his “house” with dry wood, fastened with cobwebs. This spider is distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Russia; it can be found in fields, vegetable gardens, forests, on river banks, and even in houses. Whatever the species of tarantula, they are all poisonous. The venom of tarantulas is not fatal, but it brings a lot of problems - swelling and pain at the site of the bite, the skin can turn yellow for a long time. But again, if you don’t tease him, he won’t attack a person first.

Meeting with it famous spider, or rather, a “spider” often ends in the death of the bitten (especially if these are old people and children), because the venom of this arthropod is extremely poisonous, it is fifteen times stronger than poison rattlesnake. And if a person is bitten by a female, then help must be provided to him within 30 seconds - an antidote must be administered. Females grow up to two centimeters in size and are much more dangerous than males. After mating, females always kill their partners, which is why they got their name. They live in many parts of our planet, preferring desert areas and prairies. The spider's color is black with small bright spots in the shape of an hourglass. The black widow attacks only when she senses danger.

This is one of the most poisonous spiders in Russia. The name translates as “black worm”, it is also called steppe spider, this is a species of spider from the black widow genus. Its dimensions are very small; males can grow up to 7 mm, and females up to two centimeters. Their entire body is black, there are red spots on the abdomen, sometimes these spots can be edged with white. But in adult individuals the spots disappear, they become glossy black. They live in steppes and desert areas. When the summer is very hot, they can migrate northward, but they only live there until winter. Females with red dots on their abdomen are especially poisonous. Karakurt bites are almost not felt, but after a few minutes a sharp pain appears at the site of the bite, which begins to spread throughout the body. There may be pain in lumbar region, chest, stomach, cramps begin, causeless fear arises, and a red rash appears. If you provide timely assistance to the victim, relief will occur within a few days, but if the person does not receive qualified assistance, then an encounter with a karakurt can result in death. But it is worth noting that the karakurt attacks only when it feels a threat to itself.

And this spider has a strong resemblance to a black widow, however, this is not at all the case. This arthropod comes from Australia, but is already moving to other countries: Japan, New Zealand, Belgium... This baby only grows up to one centimeter, but despite its miniature size, it is not at all harmless. After its bite, the consequences for a person can be very serious. Muscle spasms, attacks of nausea and profuse sweating appear. These spiders do not attack people without reason, without threat to their lives; they prefer flies, cockroaches and spiders, and sometimes even lizards as food.

And here is another representative of the order of arthropods from Australia. This spider lives near the Australian capital, literally a hundred kilometers away. It grows up to 5-7 centimeters - this is only a body. He likes to live on trees, stumps, under stones or simply in open areas. But if showers begin, then this spider changes its location, and this can lead to an encounter with people. This resident of Australia does not attack for no reason, but if he senses the slightest danger, he will immediately demonstrate his readiness to attack and aggressiveness. He rears up, like in horror films, and bares his terrible fangs. Moreover, if this aggressor attacks, then he bites several times in a row, digs into the skin and is not so easy to tear him off the body. The male is especially terrible - his poison is much stronger than that of the female and the dose of injected poison is much greater. Therefore, try to avoid this small and poisonous aggressor.

This spider was called the sand spider because its favorite habitat is the deserts and sandy areas of Africa. The peculiarity of this arthropod is that they, like the ships of the desert - camels, are able to do without food and water for a long time. Latest Research these periods are said to last up to one year. Very interesting and funny to watch six-eyed spider buries itself in the sand, well, then be careful, because it buried itself in order to wait and let its victim get closer. The bite of this spider is very dangerous for humans, since its venom is a powerful hemolytic-necrotic toxin. Under its influence, the blood thins out, because of this the tissues begin to disintegrate, which leads to rupture blood vessels. But the worst thing is that there is still no antidote to the venom of the six-eyed sand spider.

This wandering creature is considered one of the most dangerous in the world. Its habitat is Southern and Central America, tropical regions. Interestingly, he does not create a network and, accordingly, never stays in one place, which is why he was nicknamed the wandering one. It eats insects, spiders that are smaller than it, sometimes birds and even lizards that are larger than it. He loves to be in fruit baskets, and most of all he “loves” bananas, which is why he received the nickname “banana”. It grows up to 19 cm, and the span of its legs can be up to 12 cm. If it senses danger, it will rear up, raise its front legs and show threatening fangs.

This spider loves to crawl into people's houses, which means meeting with it is quite possible. After its bite (very painful), suffocation, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, profuse sweating occurs, and then paralysis and suffocation occur. Of course, its bite does not always end fatally for an adult, but a strong allergic reaction almost guaranteed. The poison is so strong that more than two hundred mice can die from its effects. But praise be to scientists - an antidote to the poison of the wandering spider has been invented! Therefore, even if you think that meeting this arthropod is unlikely, when you are going on a trip, be sure to find out who may pose a threat to your life and health and try to protect yourself.

Spiders are mostly non-venomous, and the pain from their bites lasts less than an hour. However, there is also poisonous spiders, the bite of which can have more serious consequences. Spider venoms work on one of two basic principles: they are either neurotoxic (affecting the nervous system) or necrotic (affecting tissues, and in some cases, organs). This photo shows a female brown recluse spider, 10 - 11 mm, very poisonous. Whether crawling along her web with the help of 8 legs, or moving away from the lair, she is ready to attack any victim. She skillfully spins her silk to seduce her hapless prey, and the process is nothing short of admirable. Many spiders are poisonous, and some can even kill people. In this collection you will learn about the 10 most poisonous spiders on earth, taking into account not only the toxicity of the venom, but also their level of aggressiveness.

Family Hyracantidae

The beautiful Yellow Sac spider is one of the least venomous on our list – but is still very dangerous. Yellow bag spiders are from the family Chiracantidae; fortunately, they rarely bite people. One of the dangers of their bite is the possibility of introducing a serious infection into the body. Death in the event of a bite from this poisonous spider is excluded.

Tarantula spider

The fringed ornate tarantula is a venomous spider whose bite can have serious consequences. Cases of coma have been reported in the tropics following its bite. Not too much is known about the venomousness of this spider, but all tarantulas have large fangs, and even though most are harmless, in this case the bite can cause serious damage, not to mention severe pain!

Chinese tarantula

Chinese tarantula spider - big tarantula with paws 20 centimeters long. Much research has been done on the venom of this large spider, as this aggressive creature can kill small mammals in tiny doses. Living in South-East Asia The spider has caused at least one infant death that has been officially recorded. 0.70 mg/kg of poison was enough to cause death in 50 percent of mice in the laboratory. This spider is definitely more dangerous than the average tarantula.

Mouse spider

The Missoulina mouse spider lives in Australia. Females are completely black in color, while males have a reddish tint and red jaws. Despite his modesty sounding name, this spider is very dangerous. However, most often the mouse spider makes so-called “dry” bites without releasing its poison. Its venom has the potential to kill humans, although no deaths have been recorded so far. The combination of quick emergency treatment and the spider's habit of valuing and protecting its venom did not result in any human casualties.

Brown recluse spider

The brown recluse spider and its related species, the Chilean recluse, are extremely poisonous. But they have small fangs and cannot bite through clothing. They are also hermits, so they are very rarely encountered by humans. Some of the most danger signs their bites - necrosis - tissue death at the site of the bite, which can spread over several tens of centimeters. The Chilean recluse spider is even more poisonous; its venom can lead to kidney failure. One study in Chile found that 3-4 percent of all bites resulted in death. The lethal dose of Chilean hermit venom in tests on mice was 1.45 mg/kg. This spider is definitely worth avoiding.

Redback spider

The redback spider (Latrodectus hasseltii) belongs to the genus black widows and is highly toxic. They are native to Australia and have a distinctive red stripe on their backs, as well as an hourglass shape on their bellies. Before an antivenom was created, 14 people died as a result of redback spider bites. Most people tolerate less severe symptoms, from localized skin infection to swollen lymph nodes, headache, fever, nausea and shaking. More significant, although less common, consequences are respiratory failure, amputation of limbs and even coma. It's easy to see why these creatures have such a bad reputation.

Black Widow

There is hardly anyone who has not heard of the Black Widow - a spider that is extremely poisonous. The female black widow eats the male after the mating process. A spider bite causes a condition called latrodectism, which causes severe muscle spasms and temporary spinal or cerebral paralysis, and in in rare cases- death. All species of Black Widow spiders have a bright red hourglass mark on their abdomen, while some also have other red markings on their body. Before an antidote can be administered, 5 percent of those bitten die. Its lethal dose is 0.002 mg/kg. This means it is not required large quantity poison to do his dirty deed.

Sydney funnel web spider

Sydney funnel web spiders are among the most venomous on earth. They have very large fangs which, unlike some other highly venomous spiders, invariably deliver a full dose of venom instead of dry bites. They are also more likely to bite again rather than run away or hide. The Sydney funnel-web spider's venom contains atrocotoxin, which is very dangerous to all primates - including humans. One child died within 15 minutes, but this was before the discovery of an antidote. The lethal dose is 0.16mg/kg.

Six-eyed sand spider

The six-eyed sand spider is also one of the most poisonous in the world, but fortunately lives in areas where there are few people. It is not aggressive and in this regard is more similar to the hermits found in Africa and South Asia, but its poison is many times stronger. There is no antidote for the bite other than localizing the necrosis. The venom can cause disseminated intravascular coagulation, which leads to lumps in the veins and other more serious consequences. Obviously, the six-eyed sand spider is something to be afraid of.

Brazilian wandering spider

In 2010 Brazilian wandering spider included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most poisonous spider in the world. It is also aggressive, injecting a very powerful neurotoxin during the bite, paralyzing breathing and causing subsequent suffocation. Another effect of its venom is priapism, which causes painful erections leading to complete impotence. However, the poison is being studied as possible way solutions to sexual dysfunction. There were deaths among people even after the antidote was invented.

About 30 representatives of arachnids live in our country. They can be found in the most remote corners of the country. What spiders live here? Yes, very different: in lifestyle, forms of reproduction, nutrition, development. They can be called similar only by their structure. Usually we are afraid of them. There is even a term for the fear of spiders - arachnophobia. What spiders should you be wary of and how to avoid meeting them? Let's get acquainted with some poisonous representatives of this class.

Karakurt or steppe spider

This arthropod is 4-22mm in size. The spider is black with 13 spots on the abdomen (disappear with age). The female is larger than the male. She has another name - black widow. The spider has tentacles with which it finds food and weaves a web. Feeds on small insects.

The black widow can bear offspring in any conditions, having high fertility. Dark, closed places, under a curtain of cobwebs, create for this ideal conditions. The female lays eggs in cocoons. The male mates once in his life, after which he dies, leaving behind a new generation. The female kills him, entangling him in a web and inflicting one fatal bite.

Spiders, after hatching, continue to live in a cocoon for up to six months. Only after this do they begin an independent life. This spider is known in the Crimea, Astrakhan, and Orenburg regions, where it can form large concentrations in spring and summer.

The spider (female) causes damage with its bites. The black widow can be aggressive when protecting its young. The poison does not act immediately. 10-15 minutes pass and shortness of breath appears, convulsions, pain in the back and chest are possible.
After the bite we proceed as follows:
1. If a spider has just bitten, then you can apply any hot object to the sore spot (thermal method).
2. Ask for help at the first aid station, where there is an anti-toxic solution for insect bites.
3. After treatment, you need a hot bath and plenty of fluids.
Without medical care the poison spreads throughout the body through the bloodstream and after 3 days will lead to fatal outcome. It is not for nothing that the karakurt is the most poisonous spider in Russia.

Advice: Since the spider does not attack on its own, it is better not to touch it. After all, in the chain of evolution this is one of the most interesting species.

Tarantula or Mizgir

Another poisonous spider living in our country is the tarantula. It lives alone and meets its “other half” only during the breeding season. Males constantly quarrel with each other. The spider can reach a size of up to 10 cm, and the paw span is 30 cm. Females are much larger than males. The color is gray, brown or black, and the body is covered with small hairs.

During the day, spiders try to hide in deep holes, and at night it is hunting time. Large jaws (chelicerae) with poisonous ducts are a means of defense and attack. They feed on small insects and amphibians, and the size of the prey does not exceed the size of the prey. Having attacked, the spider paralyzes its victim with poison, dissolving all its internal organs. Then it sucks out the resulting contents. Tarantulas are voracious, but can go a long period without eating at all. The main thing is that there is a water source nearby.

Mating season occurs at the end of summer. The male performs a mating dance, fertilizing the female. After which it’s time to leave your “beloved” so as not to become her next victim. The female weaves a cocoon to lay eggs. She carries it with her, and the hatched spiderlings live on their mother’s back for some time.

The tarantula is a large, poisonous spider that usually does not attack itself. It will bite if you approach its burrow or accidentally touch it. The bite is not dangerous for an adult, but children and people with allergic reactions may suffer.

Symptoms from a bite:
swelling, pain, redness of the skin;
malaise and drowsiness;
increased body temperature for a short time;
nausea, vomiting (rare).

First aid required:
1. Drink as much fluid as possible.
1. Rinse and treat the wound with an antiseptic.
2. Call an ambulance.
3. Cool the bite site with a cold heating pad or ice cubes.
4. Take antihistamines.

Advice: If you keep a tarantula in your apartment as a pet arachnid, then it is advisable to get a female. She is quite unpretentious and lives up to 30 years.

Argiope or orb weaving spider

What do poisonous spiders of this genus look like? The spider reaches 3 cm, the female is larger and has a bright color. The cephalothorax is protected by dense hairs, and the abdomen is striped. The legs are long, with yellow rings. The appearance resembles the color of a wasp. Males are not bright: dark in color.
Angiopes live in colonies, which is quite a rare occurrence.

They settle where there is a lot of vegetation, stretching nets between branches. The nets are interesting because of their unusual patterns. And the predator is in the center, waiting for prey. Their food is insects. They kill their victims with poison, wrap them in webs and eat them quite quickly.

They reproduce until they molt, after which the female eats the male to replenish protein reserves for reproduction. She makes several cocoons in which she lays eggs, and then dies. The offspring spend the winter in cocoons, and in the spring they begin independent life.

An angiopa's bite is not fatal. The female will only bite if disturbed. The bite is painful, the skin around the wound quickly turns red and swells, and goes numb. The tumor will disappear in 2-3 days. The bite is dangerous if you are allergic to insect bites. Previously, representatives of this species lived only in the south of Russia, but now they can be seen in the northern regions.

Advice: If you are bitten by a spider, try not to panic, remember the simplest first aid measures if you are in the forest: treat the wound, apply something cold or simply raise your hand up to drain the blood, drink water or any other liquid.

Heiracanthium or golden spider

The poisonous spider for humans is Cheiracanthium. The yellowish, pale spider is small in size - 5-10 mm. The abdomen is oval in shape. Males have elongated chelicerae (jaws) and long forelimbs. The web is formed by the anterior and posterior warts.

Lives in bushes and plant thickets, but can also live among stones. The golden spider hunts at night. As soon as the insect touches the hunter’s paw, he immediately attacks. Its food is small insects.

Reproduction occurs without preliminary courtship. Spiders mate after molting. The fertilized female makes a closed shelter from plants rolled up inside. Stays nearby all the time, trying not to leave the cocoon without special reasons. Sometimes the hatched offspring devours the parent.

Heiracanthium is very poisonous. Spiders have poisonous channels in the chelicerae, with the help of which they inject poison. When bitten, they are observed following signs:
severe, burning pain that goes away over time;
swelling and redness of the bite site;
blisters appear at the site of the bite;
nausea and vomiting;
fever and headache.
Quickly after a bite, it is important to take an analgesic, wash the wound, apply cold compress. You should definitely go to the hospital because the condition may worsen.

Advice: Don't touch unknown spider with your hands, try to kill it directly on the body (it’s better to shake it off carefully); when working outside, it’s better to use gloves.

Salpuga or phalanx

Salpugi are quite large, up to 7 cm. They have powerful chelicerae and walking legs, which make it possible to move quite quickly. Due to their structural features, they are also called camel spiders. Color brownish-yellow. The abdomen is divided into 10 segments, so the arachnid has an oblong shape. There are numerous hairs and bristles on the body.

They are active at night and mate at night. The male searches for the female by the characteristic smell. The fertilized female is very voracious and aggressive. She digs a small hole and lays eggs there, from which small spiders hatch. They are covered with a transparent cuticle and cannot move. Only after molting does the young salpuga begin to move. The female does not abandon her offspring and feeds them for some time.

This type of spider is extremely voracious. In addition to insects, they attack small chicks and young rodents. The main thing is to defeat your victim. The camel spider moves at high speed, easily climbs vertical surfaces and jumps quite far. When meeting an enemy, it takes a frightening position and makes sharp sounds.

Spiders bite very painfully. They leave deep wounds. Inflammations often occur because products from other victims remain on the chelicerae. If you are bitten, you need to do the following:
- wash and treat the wound,
- it is advisable to use analgesics,
- apply a bandage with an antibiotic,
- go to the first aid station.

Poisonous spiders in our country are not as common as in other countries. But you need to be careful while in nature. If you do not know which arachnids are poisonous, then it is better not to touch them at all. Then they won't harm you either. Poisonous spiders live separately, but an encounter with them can take place anywhere. If a spider bites you, you need to take first aid measures and get to a nearby village.

Arachnids are among the most ancient creatures on our planet: they lived on Earth long before humans. While many of them are completely harmless, there are also deadly poisonous spiders that pose a direct threat to humans. In the article we will take a detailed look at the most dangerous spiders on the planet, and also tell you who they are and which spider is the most poisonous among them.

The most dangerous spiders in the world

There are quite a lot of arachnids endowed with poisonous glands. With the help of them, these creatures protect themselves from dangers, and also get their own food. In most cases, such creatures live in the wild, but in tropical regions, poisonous spiders can easily become domestic inhabitants.

Brazilian wandering spider (soldier spider)

This creature is considered one of the most dangerous and aggressive among all arachnids. Unlike its relatives, the spider does not tend to weave a web, as it exhibits direct predatory habits.

The Brazilian wandering spider does not stay in one place for long, preferring to actively move in search of food. Its bite is dangerous, and the poison instantly spreads throughout the body, having a paralytic effect on the nervous system.

The wandering spider is widespread mainly in the tropical regions of Central and South America. The creature prefers a secretive lifestyle, so it can most often be found in dark thickets, near rocky formations, etc.
The Brazilian wanderer often wanders into a person’s home. But, despite its aggressive habits, it will not attack first - its bite is only a defensive reaction.

This poisonous spider is considered quite large: an adult reaches a length of about 15 cm. Its color varies depending on the area where it lives, but most often it is all kinds of sandy or light brown shades. The species feeds on small insects, small reptiles or rodents.

Important! The venom of the soldier spider is extremely toxic: in 85% of cases, its bite leads to muscle paralysis and death.

Black widow (karakurt)

Until recently, karakurts were considered the most dangerous creatures on the planet, since their poison has led to human death for decades. Its toxins cause general malaise, fever and pain, which often results in death.
Despite the danger of the poison, today a karakurt bite rarely leads to the death of a person, since an effective antidote has been created against its toxins. The natural habitat of the karakurt is considered to be North America, but thanks to human expansion, the species was also distributed throughout Oceania.

The spider can also be found on the territory Central Asia, in the southern regions of Ukraine and Russia. Black widows live solitarily, in bushes or woody thickets. But during the breeding season, males can move long distances in search of a female.

The black widow is famous primarily for its cannibalism. As is known, females of the species tend to kill and eat a male who is not potentially considered as a partner. Young spiderlings are also known for cannibalism: very often the older brothers eat the smaller, weaker ones.

The appearance of this spider is quite expressive: the body is covered with a uniform black or dark brown color, small orange spots are visible on the abdomen. The length of the female black widow does not exceed 12 mm, the male - 5 mm. Karakurt leads predatory image life, feeding on small insects and spiders.

Sydney leucopaweb or funnel web spider

The species is known for being one of the largest and powerful fangs among arachnids, which often reach a length of 1 cm. With their help, the Sydney leukoweb spider can easily bite through human skin and cause serious damage.

Did you know? In ancient times, the black widow was often called the “watchmaker.” This name did not arise by chance, since the bright orange pattern on the spider’s abdomen resembles an hourglass.

It rarely bites humans, but its bite is deadly. Once in the body, the poison causes paralysis of nerve endings, which leads to dysfunction of individual organs or the entire nervous system.

You can meet this spider in southeastern Australia. It lives in burrows with numerous passages, in the area of ​​bushes and in tree-like thickets. Females often lead a sedentary lifestyle, while males actively move around the territory in search of food.

When meeting a person, the Sydney leukoparachnoid behaves aggressively, showing clear dominance. The funnel-web spider looks quite serious: its length ranges from 1 to 5 cm, but under optimal conditions it can grow up to 8 cm.
Sydney body leucoweb spider uniform black color, but on the belly the shade is brown or black-brown. By its nature, this creature is a predator: its food is large insects or small relatives.

Australian widow spider (redback spider)

Australian widow is a representative of a group of spiders widespread on the planet, united under the general name karakurt (black widow). Like related species, the creature is characterized by cannibalism, which is most pronounced during the period of growth or reproduction.

This species is considered one of the most dangerous on the planet, since its neurotoxic poison causes damage to the nervous system, often incompatible with life. The red-backed spider lives throughout Australia, but thanks to humans, the species managed to move to the Japanese archipelago.
You can most often encounter a spider in an urban area or in nature, near small bushes. The creature is nocturnal and sedentary; only young spiders are capable of active migration.

The Australian widow differs from its relatives in the larger and richer color of the ornament on its abdomen. At the same time, its size is inferior to them: the length of the female does not exceed 10 mm, the male - 3–4 mm. The red-backed spider is a predator, so it feeds on insects or smaller relatives.

Did you know? The Australian widow spider is one of the few venomous spiders that is prey for other predators. Its natural enemy is the more aggressive white-tailed spider.

North American black widow (southern widow)

The North American black widow is a typical representative of the karakurt group. It was these spiders that at the beginning of the last century became one of the main causes of human death in the United States.

A distinctive feature of the spider, like other karakurts, is cannibalism, which is characteristic of females after mating and young cubs. The poison of the southern widow has a paralytic effect on nerve endings, which often results in death for humans.
Despite the invention of an antidote, the bite North American widow extremely dangerous, since quite often over time the poison causes side effects for the nervous system.

A dangerous creature lives in warm regions North America. The southern widow leads a sedentary and solitary lifestyle, but males are capable of migration during the breeding season. The body length of females is no more than 12 mm, males are half as long, no more than 5–6 mm.

The body color is typical for karakurts: the body has a uniform black or dark brown tint, bright red spots or one large oblong spot resembling an hourglass can be seen on the back.

Did you know? Contrary to popular belief, spiders are not insects. These creatures belong to a separate class of creatures- Arachnids.

IN at a young age these spots are often surrounded by a white border. The southern widow feeds on small insects or non-poisonous spiders.

This species of arachnid is best known for the characteristic effects of its venom on the human body. In addition to fever and general malaise, a recluse spider bite causes acute tissue necrosis in the affected area.
This is often accompanied by deep ulcers, which, even with timely medical intervention, recover within 3–6 months. Despite this, the species is not particularly aggressive, so its representative can bite a person in exceptional cases when the spider’s life is in direct danger.

You can meet the creature in the territory from the south of the US Midwest to the borders Gulf of Mexico. In this zone brown recluse spider It lives everywhere, and it also thrives in urban areas.

Most often it hides in dark and cool areas of private houses (closets, attics, etc.), thickets, under stones and in crevices. The hermit leads a solitary, predominantly nocturnal lifestyle.

The spider is distinguished by a uniform color of brown, dark yellow or gray shades; there are numerous short hairs on the abdomen. The length of its body reaches no more than 20 mm, while traditionally males are somewhat smaller, up to 15 mm. The species feeds on small insects.

Video: about hermit spiders

Unlike its relatives, the sand spider does not tend to weave a web, so it hunts prey from a small ambush. Masquerading as environment, this creature can spend more than one hour in ambush.

The species is extremely dangerous: when it enters the body of an animal or a person, the toxins of its venom instantly destroy the vascular system, which often leads to the painful death of the bitten person, which is why the sand spider is considered one of the most poisonous in nature.

The six-eyed sand spider lives in desert regions South Africa and the New World. Often, small holes in the sand, places under stones or fallen tree trunks become shelter for it.

The spider rarely enters a human home, so its main contact with people occurs in the wild. It is characterized by a secretive and solitary lifestyle, which is disrupted only during the breeding season.

The body of the spider is about 10–15 mm long, while the span of its legs can be about 50 mm. A distinctive feature of the species is the characteristic body shape, reminiscent of the body of a crab.
The color of the spider’s body depends on the region where it lives, but often the color is dominated by light or dark tones of brown. The species feeds on small insects or scorpions.

Close contact with the Chilean recluse spider almost always ends unfavorably for a person: when its poison enters the body of people or animals, the toxins cause a local allergic reaction and also inhibit the functioning of the heart, and cough and runny nose are often observed.

Important! If you suspect that you have been bitten by a poisonous spider, you should apply a tight bandage for 5 days before being examined by a doctor.10 cm above the wound. This will help slow the spread dangerous toxins through the circulatory system.

After a few days, tissue necrosis occurs at the site of the bite, which gradually turns into an open ulcer. In order to cure such necrosis, it will take from several months to several years.

The natural range of the species is South America, but thanks to a man he successfully moved to warm regions North America, Europe and Australia. The spider leads a hidden lifestyle; during the day it hides in small burrows, under stones or in crevices.
It feels great in a person’s home. Most often, the Chilean hermit hides in the warmest corners of the house: behind paintings, under baseboards, furniture, in bed or on shelves with clothes. A recluse spider can be identified due to its characteristic appearance.

It is characterized by a brown, brown or gray-yellow hue of the body; a darker pattern can be seen on the back, shaped like a violin neck. Its body size is small - about 6–20 mm. The species feeds on insects or small species of spiders.

Important! The Chilean recluse spider is considered one of the most dangerous: its bite is almost invisible, while the main symptoms of large-scale intoxication can occur after 56 hours after it.

Mouse spider (mouse spider)

The spider got its name thanks to misconception that it is capable of digging deep holes, similar in design to the holes of mice. However, today it is known that this creature bears its name thanks to its ability, like a mouse, to quickly move around the territory.

The spider is not characterized by aggression, but its poison is dangerous for humans. When bitten, severe disorders of the nervous system are observed, which causes disturbances in the functioning of both individual parts of the body and the entire organism.
The mouse spider is a typical representative of the fauna of Australia, but it can also be found in Chile and nearby regions. This creature lives alone, far from noise and human habitation, so it is quite difficult to meet it. In nature, it lives in old burrows, under stones and tree litter.

The average individual has a length from 10 to 30 mm. There are strict differences in the color of the spider's body: females are predominantly black or dark brown, males have a bright bluish-black back and a red head.

The body of the mouse spider has a characteristic glossy tint and slight pubescence. By nature, the species is predatory; its prey is insects, small spiders and small animals.

Heiracanthium (yellow sac spider)

Heiracanthium tops the list of the top 10 most poisonous arachnids among the inhabitants of Europe. Its bite ends in headaches, nausea and other symptoms of intoxication for a person. However, contact with heiracanthium does not lead to death - its poison is only a protective measure that helps avoid attacks by larger species.

The species lives mainly in Europe, in areas from temperate to subtropical climate, however thanks human activity You can also find it in the USA. Cheiracanthium lives both in the forest and in the city.
Most often it hides under leaves and tree litter or chooses the most secluded and dark corners of the house. But it is difficult to meet this spider, since it is quite timid and avoids any contact with large species, and also leads a nocturnal lifestyle.

The average Cheiracanthium is about 10 mm long, its body is light brown or gray-brown. The abdomen is painted in a pale yellow or gray-yellow tint; on its upper part there is a characteristic orange-brown stripe. Cheiracanthiums feed on small insects.

Poisonous or not

Sometimes the list of the most dangerous arachnids also includes other species. They often have an equally menacing appearance, but only some of them can be dangerous to humans.

These are the so-called conditional safe types, direct contact with which in most cases ends successfully. To protect yourself, you should definitely determine whether all these spiders are truly non-venomous.

Spider wasp (Argiope brunnich)

Argiope Brünnich belongs to poisonous species, but it is not dangerous for humans, since the arachnid is not capable of releasing the required amount of toxins to cause damage.
However, the bite of argiope is quite painful, even for absolutely healthy person it causes pain, itching and redness in the affected area, so you need to handle this creature with caution.

In the wild, the species lives in almost any latitude with subtropical or tropical climate- from Africa to Japan. The wasp spider has no natural enemies Therefore, he feels free both in the wild and in the city, often showing increased interest in humans.

In nature, this species lives in small groups of several dozen individuals, on lawns or along bush thickets. Argiope Brünnich is characterized by pronounced sexual dimorphism. Females are predominantly large, about 10–15 mm long.

Their color often resembles that of a wasp: black, white and yellow stripes alternately run through the entire body, forming a continuous pattern. Males are less bright - a uniform light brown or grayish-brown hue, their length is up to 5 mm. The species often feeds on orthoptera and other types of insects.

Video: about the Argiope brunnich spider

This species is considered one of the most famous and widespread on the planet, since quite often arachnid lovers keep it in their terrariums.

Officially, the tarantula is absolutely safe for humans, but on its body, in the area where the tooth-claw is located, it has poisonous glands with specific toxins. The consequences of such a bite can be severe pain, redness, swelling, numbness and spasms in the affected area.

IN natural environment tarantulas are distributed everywhere, on all continents except Antarctica, in the subtropical and tropical climatic zones Oh. Most often, individuals of the species are found in the shade of woody vegetation or in desert areas.

They live both freely and creating small burrows. Tarantulas are not considered aggressive, but if there is a direct threat, they can attack humans.

The size of tarantulas can reach up to 20–28 cm, and the species has a fairly bright color: depending on the subspecies, it can be brown, yellow, red, brown-yellow and even blue.
Also a feature of the spider is solid hairline from short hairs. The tarantula is a predator: its food includes lizards, small species of spiders, large insects and small birds.


Almost everyone who has gone out into nature at least once is familiar with the cross. But few people know that the formidable and bright spider from temperate latitudes practically safe for humans. Its venom does not cause serious complications for the body, but a bite from this creature should be avoided.

Its poisonous glands contain a sufficient amount of toxins, which can cause swelling, pain and redness in the affected area for several hours.

The crossbill lives in the zone temperate climate in the territory North Africa and Europe everywhere. You can often meet it in forest areas and swamps, but quite often the cross can also be seen in personal gardens.

These creatures live secretly, avoiding humans and excessive noise, in cool, dark areas. It is quite simple to distinguish the cross from its relatives: its body length does not exceed 15–20 mm, and the species has a characteristic color.
The body has brown, red-brown, light brown and white spots, which form a cross-shaped pattern in the dorsal area. Also, the spider’s body is covered with a special glossy secretion, which, under unfavorable conditions, prevents dehydration. The crossweed feeds on small insects.

Did you know? Among arachnids, the tarantula is considered a true long-liver. IN natural conditions he is able to live about 30 years, while his relatives live no more than 23 years.

Harvester (long-legged spiders)

Haymakers are considered typical representatives of the fauna of almost all climatic zones, with the exception of the harsh Arctic regions, so almost everyone has encountered them at home.

Despite his formidable appearance, it is not dangerous for humans. However, this creature must be handled carefully, since when bitten, burning, discomfort and redness in the affected area cannot be avoided.

The haymaker lives both in the wild and next to humans - on almost all continents, with the exception of Antarctica. In its natural environment, it lives in the area of ​​shrubs and woody vegetation; in urban areas it settles in residential and non-residential rooms or in the local area.
The spider prefers quiet and secluded places, in which it weaves an uneven and chaotic web. This creature does not show aggression towards humans and is distinguished by its increased peacefulness.

The body size of individuals is up to 10 mm. The color of the harvester's body is predominantly light brown or yellow-gray. His distinctive feature are elongated front legs, which in large individuals can reach a length of about 50 mm. The main food for harvesters are small insects and ants.

The tarantula is often called one of the most exotic arachnids, since its unique appearance is known to almost everyone.

Unlike popular opinion, this creature is safe for humans, but if threatened, it can throw poisonous hairs at its enemy, which, if they come into contact with the body, can cause a sharp allergic reaction (itching, redness, burning, swelling, etc.).

The tarantula lives in America, Asia, Australia and Europe; its natural habitat is considered to be warm tropical or subtropical regions. Small cracks or openings under stones or tree litter can serve as their homes, but tarantulas often dig holes up to 60 cm deep.
The creature often lives away from humans, avoiding direct contact. This view is different impressive size: the length of some subspecies can reach 30 cm, but more often its dimensions range from 25–100 mm.

The body color of the tarantula is predominantly brown, black or brown, but lighter colors are also found. The spider is an active predator: it attacks its prey from a small shelter; large insects, frogs, mice and other small animals become its food.

Today we took a closer look at whether all the spiders in the top 10 most dangerous are poisonous, and also found out what you can expect from them. Each of the arachnids, even the most harmless, is naturally endowed with poisonous glands, which it will use in case of danger. In this case, pain and discomfort in the area from the bite cannot be avoided.

Dangerous spiders are most people's nightmare. These small and very quirky creatures give you goosebumps. Agree, it turns out illogically: a man who proclaimed himself the king of nature is afraid of a tiny spider. In fact, there is nothing surprising in such fear. We have an instinct of self-preservation, which causes a feeling of fear when a threat arises. As you know, many spiders can be poisonous, thereby posing a danger to human life. We know this, which is why we want to run away at the mere sight of furry insects.

Hotshowlife may please good news: A Gosha spider living in your bathroom is unlikely to cause significant harm to health. Its much more formidable relatives live in the world. So, we present to you the top 10 most dangerous spiders from all over the planet.

A small insect, up to 1 cm long, honey-golden in color, is an ardent predator. As soon as you anger the spider, he will immediately rush to attack. Don't think that its bite will only give you a small itchy pimple. small teeth yellow spider Saka leaves painful necrotic wounds. You can meet the evil representative of insects in European countries.

If you decide to breathe California air, be careful. In the southeastern part of America, the fauna is somewhat exotic, and dangerous spiders not uncommon here. For example, the homes of Californians are often inhabited by the brown recluse spider, a tiny insect that can kill a person with one bite. Moreover, it is not always possible to hospitalize the victim on time, since the affected area does not hurt, and the symptoms become general (nausea, chills, dizziness, etc.).

To meet a tarantula, you don’t have to travel all over the planet. The spider lives almost throughout the entire territory of Russia, Ukraine and other states bordering them. Tarantulas, as a rule, settle in mountainous or river areas, although they often become inhabitants of human dwellings. Fortunately, it is difficult not to notice such a “neighbor” - its size can reach 30 cm. And the creature never attacks a person first, but bites only for the purpose of self-defense. Tarantula venom is not so dangerous as to be instantly fatal, but it does cause many unpleasant symptoms such as burning and redness in the affected area.

This malicious predator could well lay claim to the title of “The most dangerous spider in the world.” Black widow venom is 15 times stronger than rattlesnake venom. It can kill a person in 30 seconds, so the bite vaccine should be administered immediately after the insect attacks. Greatest danger are females who also kill males after mating.

Another tiny furry enemy of humans is common in deserts, as well as steppe and other open areas. It can often be found near the Black Sea coast. Karakurts are dangerous spiders for humans and animals. Their bite causes sharp pain and manifestations of unreasonable fear. Fortunately, the victim has a chance of survival if hospitalized in a timely manner.

Such a creature can hardly be called an insect. A spider with fluffy legs up to 30 cm long resembles a pet rather than a predator. Blond's theraphose is considered the most big spider on the planet. But it’s not worth trying to defeat the Goliath. Teraphosa Blond are quite dangerous spiders if disturbed. The animal's teeth are large and sharp enough to bite through skin.

In the small spider you can find some similarities with the black widow. The insects are similar both in appearance and in character. The red-backed spider belongs to the class of predators, hunting beetles, flies and even lizards. It can become a person's worst enemy if disturbed. Victims usually experience severe spasms of the limbs, dizziness and nausea. Initially, these dangerous spiders lived in Australia, but gradually they began to migrate to other countries, reaching Japan and Belgium.

Another Australian resident scares tourists with his pronounced aggression. The funnel-web spider attacks with lightning speed and often inflicts several bites in a row, trying to disarm the victim. The size of the insect reaches 5-7 cm in the body, which makes it stronger than most of its poisonous relatives. The fangs of a predator are enough to damage skin and even nail plates. Before attacking a victim, these dangerous spiders take a warlike stance, rising on their hind legs. Their bites are usually easily diagnosed and treated, but in critical cases can lead to coma.

Unlike most members of its species, the Brazilian wandering spider does not spin webs. The insect prefers to roam, never staying in one place for a long time. The animal's diet consists of small insects and sometimes birds, several times the size of the predator. The Brazilian wandering spider loves to sneak into people's homes, settling in fruit baskets. An insect bite is not fatal in most cases, but leads to a severe allergic reaction.

The undoubted winner of the top is a resident of the desert zones of Africa. The spider is able to go without food for a long time, therefore, having caught a victim, it becomes merciless. Waiting for prey, the insect hides in the sand and then unexpectedly attacks at the right moment. Cunning creatures are the most dangerous spiders in the world. Their bite leads to the death of a person, since the toxins rapidly thin the blood, promoting tissue destruction and internal organs. There is no antidote for sand spider bites.