The unique nature of Australia has always attracted people from other continents. British sailors were fascinated by the kangaroos they first saw during a voyage with Captain Cook. They were also amazed by the millions of blue and black butterflies they saw on the continent. Dutch travelers in the 17th century brought the first news of kangaroos and the first description of black swans to Europe.

The first governor of Australia, Arthur Philip, returning to Britain, took with him exotic Australian animals, as well as a whole collection of plants. And a kangaroo was sent as a gift to the English King George III. Many researchers were worried, and often frightened, by such representatives of Australian fauna as slow-moving koala bears, 6 m long crocodiles, poisonous snakes and spiders.

Later, information began to arrive about even more interesting animals. Only Australia is home to unique mammals that lay eggs - echidna and platypus. The birds there are also extraordinary, including birds the size of half a sparrow and giant emu ostriches, which cannot fly, but run quickly. There's something else that lives there too amazing creature- a giant earthworm, reaching 3.5 m in length and 30 cm in thickness: it quickly slides through its underground tunnels, making strange rustling and gurgling sounds. Such is the nature of Australia, and it is no coincidence that this continent is called "the land of prehistoric creatures."

Nature of Australia. Photo: F Delventhal

The nature of Australia has many features that distinguish it from the nature of other parts of the world. Australia is primarily a continent of relics - animals and plants preserved from past geological eras. There are no young folded mountains, active volcanoes, or modern glaciation here. Australia is the driest of all the continents on Earth. She gets 5 times less atmospheric precipitation than Africa, and 8 times less than South America. Vast areas of the continent are occupied by deserts.

The base of the Australian mainland is formed by a rigid Precambrian platform, composed of ancient crystalline and volcanic rocks, in places overlain by sandstones, limestones and other sedimentary rocks. This platform was formed in the initial era of the geological history of the Earth, which is separated from our time by almost 3 billion years. Subsequently, the Australian platform was repeatedly subjected to faults (mainly in the eastern and northern parts) and oscillatory movements: it sank deep under the ocean level, then rose to the surface again. However, ocean waters never completely covered the platform. Its westernmost part did not experience water transgressions.
Tectonic movements - uplifts, subsidences, troughs, faults, which occurred throughout the entire geological history of the continent, formed three main forms of its relief: the Western Plateau, the Central Lowland and the chain of the East Australian Mountains.

During the last powerful tectonic movements 25-30 million years ago (the period of Alpine folding), when large mountain uplifts were formed on almost all the continents of our planet (the Alps, the Himalayas, the Caucasus Mountains and many others), the East Australian mountains. Since these mountains were basically composed of ancient hard rocks that could not be compressed into folds, during the period of Alpine folding, predominantly vertical uplifts and subsidences occurred, which determined the fault-block forms of the relief of this mountain system. Vast mountain ranges were formed here, separated from each other by basins. On some of them, small cones of long-extinct volcanoes have been preserved. Volcanic activity during mountain building was very active, so extensive lava covers can still be found not only on the peaks, but also in the basins.

The East Australian Mountains, or as they are called in Australia, the Great Dividing Range, stretch along the entire eastern edge of the continent. As can be clearly seen on the map, in their central part the mountains reach considerable width; their average height here is from 800 to 1000 m. To the south, the system of mountain rises gradually narrows and takes on the character of a mountain range (especially in the states of New South Wales and Victoria - the Blue Mountains and the Australian Alps).

Australian Alps. This is the only area on the continent where there is snow. all year round. The Australian Alps are the most high part Great Dividing Range. They are composed of ancient crystalline rocks. Their average height reaches almost 2000 m. The Australian Alps also contain the highest peaks of Australia - the Bokong massif (about 2000 m) and Mount Kosciuszko (2230 m).
The Australian Alps bear traces of ancient glaciation. This is the only area in Australia where snow remains in shaded gorges and glacial cirques throughout the year, although not in the form of a continuous cover, but in separate spots.
The eastern slopes of the Great Dividing Range drop steeply to a narrow coastal plain. The western slopes are gentle and, gradually descending, turn into hilly foothills, which in Australia are called the downs.
The island of Tasmania is an extension of the Great Dividing Range. It was separated from the mainland by a large fault, which resulted in the formation of a huge tectonic depression - the modern Bass Strait, connecting the Pacific Ocean with the Indian Ocean. The island consists of plateaus with steep slopes and composed of ancient crystalline and metamorphic rocks, in places covered by lava flows.

Fauna of Australia

The fauna of Australia includes about 200 thousand species of animals, and among them there are a huge number of unique animals. 83% of mammals, 89% of reptiles, 90% of fish and insects and 93% of amphibians are indigenous to Australia and completely unique to the rest of the planet.
A characteristic feature of Australia has always been that it has no indigenous predatory mammals. The only dangerous predatory animal and almost the only enemy of sheep herds is the dingo dog, an animal of medium size between a fox and a wolf. Dingoes were introduced by the Austronesians, who traded with Aboriginal Australians from 3000 BC. e. Australia also did not have its own pachyderms and ruminants.
Many plants and animals, including giant marsupials, became extinct with the settlement of the mainland by aborigines; others (such as the Tasmanian tiger (better known as marsupial wolf)) became extinct with the advent of Europeans.
Many of Australia's ecological regions and their flora and fauna are still threatened by human activity and non-indigenous, imported plant and animal species.

The fauna of Australia and surrounding waters includes 379 species of mammals, including 159 marsupials, 76 chiropterans, 69 rodents, 44 cetaceans, 10 pinnipeds, 3 placental land predators, 13 introduced ungulates, 2 introduced lagomorphs, and 1 siren (better known like Dugong).

Flora of Australia

The Australian continent has more than ten thousand plant species, 80% of which are unique and unique to this territory. The most popular are some types of eucalyptus and acacia trees. The presence of plants that prefer a minimum of humidity is due to the dry climate of Australia. Cereals, the already mentioned eucalyptus and bottle trees feel good here. Plants in Australia mainly have massive long rhizomes, up to three tens of meters long, which help them obtain water for nutrition from underground. Trees have even adapted to saving liquid consumption - so some species turn their leaves with their ribs towards the sun to reduce the surface area for liquid evaporation!

It’s a different matter in the northwestern part of the country, where the situation with water is much better and the Mediterranean, tropical climate prevails. It's time for tropical forests to grow here. And again you will see eucalyptus trees. They were joined by large-leaved ficus trees, spreading palm trees and many others. Here they spend moisture without fear of drought - the leaves of different plants create a roof of greenery over the forest, so the forest is damp, dark and gloomy. The coast will greet you with thickets of bamboo plants and mangroves.

Towards the south, the climate “dries out” again, and the deserts are very close. The forests are becoming sparser, and in some places you can see groups of acacias and eucalyptus trees. The park area of ​​the subequatorial type begins.

We move to the deserts, to the central zone. Here, due to aridity, thorns and bushes without leaves predominate. The ubiquitous eucalyptus and acacia trees are becoming stunted. In some places there are no plants at all; in some places wild cereal crops grow. The territory of the Great Dividing Pass presents a magnificent landscape. Here again begins the kingdom of the tropics and never-fading green, powerful trees and bushes.

The material presented in the article introduces students to the flora of Australia and its characteristics. Forms an idea of ​​the ability of plants to adapt to conditions external environment. The article contains interesting historical facts, the discovery of which was influenced by plants growing only in these territories.

Flora of Australia

IN amazing world Eucalyptus trees are present almost everywhere in the Australian flora. There are more than 500 species of them growing in Australia.

IN Mediterranean climate on the northwestern tip of the mainland are possessions tropical forests. They occupy only two percent of the entire continent's area. These are eucalyptus trees, but in collaboration with palm trees, ficus trees and other exotic representatives of the local flora. As a percentage, this amounts to 80% of the species presented.

In desert areas, the climate is extremely aggressive and therefore only cereal crops thrive there. Among the representatives tall plants In Australia, the main part is made up of trees that have a long root system, going up to 30 meters deep. The local large forms of flora and other plants have adapted to the arid climate. This is indicated by thick powerful roots, a wide trunk that accumulates moisture and the ability of the leaves to turn away from the sun. Thanks to these features, the plants protect the moisture inside them from evaporation.

Trees with wide trunks are entwined with vines and various climbing flowers, which are also called epiphytes. Very often, up to 50 different types of epiphytes can be counted on one tree.

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Rice. 1. Epiphytes.

Against the background of eucalyptus trees with gray bark, tall powerful ferns seem like green fountains, which makes organic world continent even more mysterious and unique.

Rice. 2. Ferns.

Closer to the coast there are mangroves and bamboo groves.

Green continent symbol

The vegetation of the Australian south abounds in acacias and eucalyptus trees. A distinctive feature of the plants in these territories is their stockiness, which is explained by the aridity of the climate.

Eucalyptus trees are endemic among the plants that dominate the continent.

List of the most common plants for the mainland:

  • eucalyptus trees,
  • thorny evergreen shrubs,
  • acacias,
  • ferns.

Eucalyptus is considered plant symbol Australia. The tree is ideally adapted to the arid climate. Trees that grow near swamps are able to absorb moisture from swamp water and drain the reservoir.

Rice. 3. Eucalyptus.

The mainland is characterized by the presence of thorny bushes that are completely devoid of foliage.

Along the watersheds there are impassable, evergreen shrubs, from which animals often suffer.

Another feature of the flora and fauna of Australia is that animal world The continent does not contain a single predator. However, this does not mean that there are no carnivorous animals on the continent.

What have we learned?

We found out what types of plants grow in specific areas of the mainland. The reasons why only part of the continent's land is suitable for growing cereals have been established. We determined the growing zone of evergreen thorny bushes. We found out exactly what factors influence the size of plants and the structural features of their foliage and root systems.

Nature of Australia

Even though Australia is ancient continent Earth, it was discovered much later than other continents. That's why natural beauty better preserved here. The location itself makes it unique.

Australia is located in four climatic zones. The waters carry warmth to its shores Indian Ocean and equatorial winds. Frosts from Antarctica reach south coast mainland.

The Australian landscape is of particular interest. The coast is surrounded by lush greenery of dense trees, and the center of the continent is covered with savannas and semi-deserts. Australia receives little rainfall, so there are few natural bodies of water.

There are mountain ranges in the east and southwest of the country. Their height is not great. Despite the big name “Australian Alps”, the mountains do not exceed 1300 meters. However, their peaks are covered with snow all year round, so the vegetation here is quite sparse.

Australia includes many islands, the largest of which is Tasmania, which was once part of the continent. The uniqueness of local climatic conditions and relief influenced the flora and fauna, which are particularly diverse and unusual. Today, there are over 1,000 nature reserves in the country that are home to wild animals and vegetation.

Flora of Australia (with photo)

Australia is distinguished by its incredibly original flora. It is symbolized by the majestic eucalyptus. This huge tree with powerful roots going 20-30 meters deep into the earth was able to adapt to the Australian drought. Eucalyptus trees growing near swamps are able to drain them, drawing out all the moisture. This method of draining swampy land, for example, was used on the coast of the Caucasus. The narrow leaves of the tree are turned edge-on towards the sun, so it is very difficult to find shade in a eucalyptus forest. Eucalyptus trees grow throughout almost the entire Australian flora world. There is an incredible variety of them here: over 500 varieties.

The Australian mainland receives significantly less rainfall than South America and Africa. Abundance of rain is typical only for northern tropical forests in the summer at the end of the year. At this time, local plants develop especially actively and rapidly, reaching heights of two meters.

Most Australian plants and trees have various adaptations for living in arid climates: wide trunks and powerful roots that can accumulate large amounts of moisture. They are entwined with vines and epiphytes - climbing flowers.

The eastern coast of the continent, washed by Pacific waters, is drowned in dense bamboo thickets.

The north of the mainland is covered with dense sub tropical forests with mangroves and huge palm trees. It is typical for him greatest number precipitation. Ferns, horsetail, pandanus, and acacia grow here.

In southern Australia, there are bottle trees, named because of their bottle-shaped fruits. Locals collect from them rainwater. The forest in this part is thinning out more and more and turns into a savannah zone, which is a luxurious carpet of all kinds of grasses. In summer it dries up, turning into a bare desert.

The central part of the continent is strewn with pastures. Cultivated plants were brought to Australia by Europeans. After colonization, the cultivation of flax, cotton, wheat, as well as fruits and vegetables spread here. Cereals grow well in desert areas.

The northern part of Australia's flora is represented by tropical forests, occupying only a couple of percent of the entire continent. Eucalyptus trees, familiar to the local region, coexist with ficus trees, palm trees and other exotic representatives of the plant world.

Australia's watersheds are surrounded by impenetrable, thorny evergreen shrubs. The characteristic Australian vegetation is the famous scrub - an interweaving of wild low-growing eucalyptus trees.

Fauna of Australia (with photo)

The Australian fauna is no less diverse and rich than the flora. Her main characteristic– endemic animals, i.e. living in wildlife Only here. Local symbols - koalas and kangaroos - are known throughout the planet. Among the 17 genera of kangaroos, there are over 50 varieties: derby kangaroos, tree and rock kangaroos, and kangaroo rats. The largest of them grow more than 1.5 meters in height, and the smallest - about 20 centimeters. Australians themselves call only two species of these marsupials “kangaroos”: the red one and the gray giant one. The remaining representatives of the kangaroo genus are called wallabies.

The wildlife is filled with over 300 species of mammals. Many birds and animals have been able to adapt to living in the Australian scrub and jungle. In Australia, flying squirrels flutter from tree to tree, and frilled lizards walk on two legs. Amazing platypuses and echidnas live here. The forests are home to possums and wombats, prized for their fur. Very bloodthirsty looking flying foxes, despite their preference for feeding on flowers and nectar. For humans, they are dangerous due to the possibility of transmitting a terrible infection. Australian bats, whose weight reaches 1 kg and wingspan of 1.5 meters, have acquired a terrible appearance.

The bizarre picture of the Australian fauna is complemented by flocks of extraordinary birds, forced to constantly roam due to the arid climate. Most of them are brightly colored and unusual in appearance. Powerful emu ostriches have lived on these lands for centuries. Huge cockatoos resound with an unprecedented cry from the forest thickets. The chirping of fabulous lyre birds is similar to the playing of musical instruments. In the Australian forests there are sounds reminiscent of human laughter. They are produced by kookaburras that live in tree holes. This beautiful birds with large beaks, gray and blue plumage. Their nutritious diet includes small lizards and rodents.

Penguins are brought from the Arctic to the south of the continent. Whales ply imposingly in the ocean waters, migrating to Africa with the arrival of cold weather. Neighbor here and bloodthirsty sharks with friendly dolphins. They made a den in Australian rivers huge crocodiles. The Great Barrier Reef is home to corals, polyps, moray eels, and stingrays.

Another distinctive characteristic of the unique continent is the absence of mammalian predators. The only exceptions were the wild dogs Dingo - something between a fox and a wolf.

Just like cultivated plants, domestic animals were brought to Australia by Europeans. Over time, herds of sheep, goats, cows, herds of horses began to roam the local expanses of savannas, and, of course, cats and dogs appeared. Interestingly, the number of sheep here exceeds the number of people by more than 5 times.

The history of the animal world can be divided into several stages. Truly Australian representatives of the fauna became extinct during the time of the Aboriginal people. Later, the continent was settled by Europeans, who dealt another blow to the local nature. Today, many species of birds and animals are on the verge of extinction. However, they still amaze the entire planet not only with their exoticism, but also with their wide variety and unsurpassed richness.

It is distinguished by such unearthly uniqueness, magic and richness. Australian world flora and fauna, which has no analogues anywhere on the planet.

Now you know what animals and plants are in Australia.

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Unusual and interesting Australian wildlife, and there are reasons for this. The continent is famous for its cloudless blue skies, generous sun and quite favorable mild climate. There are practically no sharp temperature changes in this area of ​​the planet.

There are several natural areas of Australia. Animals and the birds that live in them undoubtedly have their own characteristics, because constantly wet, evergreen forests, savannas and deserts are distinguished by individual vicissitudes of climate, the nature of the soil, the terrain and the presence fresh water.

The continent itself is located at the junction of two endless oceans: the Indian and the Pacific, and their waves rage in the southern tropical zone. The shores of the fifth continent are separated from the expanse of water by mountains.

That is why the restless ocean almost does not interfere with the life of this blessed land. The climate here is dry. True, the comfort of existence of organic life is often affected by the shortage of fresh water: many rivers are depleted, lakes are too salty, and tropical desert captured about half of the entire territory.

The world of Australian nature is extremely unique. For a long time, the continent was hidden from the rest of the world, separated from other continents by a boundless area of ​​​​ocean space.

That's why it's distant tropical continent not just unusual, but, in some way, fantastic, because animals of Australia have originality and uniqueness.

In general, the climate in the described part of the world is very favorable for organic life, so the flora is very rich. As for the fauna: the number of species on this continent is in the tens of thousands.

Description of Australian animals, birds and other living organisms can be continued ad infinitum. But this is not the only reason why the fifth continent has been declared a continent-reserve everywhere.

About two or three of the presented types of highly developed life are endemic, that is, inhabitants of a limited area, inhabitants exclusively of a given continent.

What animals live in Australia to date? It should be noted that with the advent of civilization on this formerly wild continent, many animals and birds were brought into its territory from other parts of the world, and many species of local fauna disappeared from the face of the fifth continent, and all that remains is to remember: what animals are in Australia lived in the vastness of the mainland in past, blessed times for wildlife.

But in the present, the pristine Australian nature is protected in national parks and reserves. Here are some representatives of the fauna of this distant continent.


An unusual creature for other continents, but quite typical for Australian nature, is the platypus, classified as an oviparous mammal.

Like all representatives of this class of vertebrates, the animal traces its origins to reptile-like ancestors. Such creatures seem to be assembled piece by piece from elements of various representatives of the fauna.

The appearance of this creature is characterized by short front legs, its hind legs are so strong that they make it possible to move quickly, making long jumps.

The appearance of a kangaroo is complemented by an impressive tail. There are enough varieties of such animals. But red kangaroos are especially famous. The creatures actively communicate with their relatives, living in groups, and also willingly coming into contact with humans. Large red kangaroos reach a height of about one and a half meters.

In the photo there is a red kangaroo


List rare animals of Australia more than extensive. Among them or. These creatures are half a meter tall with a tail as long as their body. Tree branches are their main living space. And they are easily capable of climbing to a height of more than two tens of meters. They feed on leaves and berries.

Pictured is a wallaby

Short-faced kangaroos

Among the kangaroo species, representatives of a very small size are known (sometimes less than 30 cm). Short-faced kangaroos are quite rare animals. They have a long tail and spend their lives on the ground. Their fur is soft and thick, gray-brown or reddish in color. They unite in flocks and build nests from dry grass.

The photo shows a short-faced kangaroo

Three-toed rat kangaroos

Animals weighing about a kilogram. With a large tail and elongated muzzle they resemble. The color is brown, chestnut or gray. Powerful legs help the animal move at high speed.

Three-toed rat kangaroo

Great rat kangaroo

Lives in semi-deserts and Australian steppes. The height of the mammal is about half a meter. The color is brown, reddish or gray. Animals develop their activity at night. They feed on grass leaves, mushrooms and root vegetables.

Great rat kangaroo

Short-tailed kangaroos

- harmless creatures that can easily become prey for predators. These animals of Australia, name“short-tailed kangaroos” owe their external similarity to other species of kangaroos.

However, they have short tail. They are the size of a cat, go out for a walk at night, feed on grass, so they prefer to inhabit grassy, ​​dry areas.

In the photo there are quokkas


Marsupial mammal, representing the family. A small animal (length no more than 60 cm), has triangular ears and a long tail. Its soft fur can be black, brown or grayish-white in color.

It prefers to lead an active lifestyle at night, masterfully climbing branchy trees, and a tenacious tail helps such a creature move. Bark, leaves, flowers and bird eggs serve as daily food for these creatures.

In the photo there is an animal called Kuzu


Another marsupial of the Australian continent. Looking at this animal, it is difficult to understand who is in front of your eyes: small or large rodent. In fact, they have very little in common with the animals mentioned.

Like rodents, these creatures dig holes. Their thick, hard skin is an excellent defense against enemy attacks. And the rear part is protected by a shield located on pelvic bones, which can be very useful when attacking enemies from behind. The fluid in the animal's body is preserved almost like that of, and the process of processing food lasts an unusually long time.

Pictured is a wombat


It is related to the wombat, a very peaceful animal, touching the observer with its appearance. These creatures are extremely trusting of people, and even allow them to pick them up.

Their life is spent on trees, the branches of which they wrap their tenacious paws around, and their food is eucalyptus leaves. The existence of these animals is mostly calm and measured.

Just like wombats, they look like funny bears, they are capable of not needing to replenish the body with water reserves for a long time, and the food they consume, rich in protein, is digested extremely slowly.


A marsupial that lives in an arid zone, outwardly resembling a harmless one, but even smaller in size. Nevertheless, it is a predator. Serious danger represents only insects, which serve as prey for it.

The teeth of these creatures are like those of rodents, the back is grayish, the belly is lighter, and the tail has short fur. Possess interesting feature: If they lack food, they go into hibernation.

Wongo animal


Having long tongue, helping him extract termites. These tailed animals, distinguished by their sharp muzzles, do not have a pouch, but their cubs grow up clinging to the mother's fur and firmly sucking on the nipples.

Length adult usually does not exceed 25 cm. Numbats live in eucalyptus forests and move on the ground. And they build their nests by finding a suitable hollow in a fallen tree.

Anteater nambat

Saltwater crocodile

The unique world of the continent’s fauna is not only interesting, but also fraught with danger, because in the wild Australia's dangerous animals can meet every minute.

One of them is the comb - an insidious and swift man-eating predator that lives in the northern waters of the continent. The antiquity of these animals is estimated at hundreds of thousands of years.

They are excellent swimmers, dangerous by their cunning, and their pale yellow color hides them even from the attentive gaze of troubled waters reservoirs of the tropics. Male individuals can reach a length of more than 5 m.

Saltwater crocodile

Tasmanian devil

Aggressive in nature, a voracious marsupial that can cope with many fairly large opponents. makes terrible screams at night, because it is during this period of the day that he leads an active lifestyle.

And during the daytime it sleeps in the thickets of bushes. It has asymmetrical paws, a massive body and a dark color. Lives in a shroud near the coast.

There is an animal in the photo Tasmanian devil

Tiger cat

About the color and appearance of this a bright representative predatory animals of Australia The name itself says it all. This ferocious creature is also called marsupial. It is found in eucalyptus forests and has such developed paws that it can climb trees.

Tiger cats catch birds on the fly and feast on their eggs. When hunting, predators patiently track their prey, seizing the most opportune moment to attack. Small kangaroos and tree gliders can become their victims.

Tiger cat


Poisonous snake, very common in Australia. One bite contains enough poison to kill hundreds of people. Fast in attack and very aggressive. Likes to hide in sugar cane thickets. There is a vaccine against the bite, but it helps when administered immediately.

Poisonous taipan snake

Great white shark

In the ocean waters washing the coast of the mainland, a meeting with an incredibly large and strong ancient creature could become fatal. sea ​​monster, capable of cutting through human flesh in an instant. , nicknamed the “white death”, can reach a length of more than 7 m, it has a huge mouth and a powerful, mobile body.

Big White shark

sea ​​wasp

This is a sea stinger, capable of killing a victim in one minute. Its size is small, but its arsenal contains so much poison that it is enough to kill six dozen people. These are the creatures to watch out for in the high seas off the northern coast of Australia.

The appearance of this creature is impressive: the numerous tentacles hanging from its bell are capable of stretching up to a meter in length and are equipped with several hundred stingers.

Sea wasp jellyfish


Another one, a meeting with which can become fatal for a person. Its dimensions are very modest, but less than half an hour is enough for the poison released by it to end the life of the victim. Like sea ​​wasp, its tentacles are replete with stings, which are also located on the stomach.

Irukandji jellyfish

Mosquitoes of the genus Biters

In the world of original Australian nature mortal danger can represent not only large animals, but also small insects. Among them are tiny ones. The bite of these carriers of encephalitis and fever can be fatal and is transmitted into the victim’s blood through the insect’s saliva.

Poisonous mosquito

Leukoweb spider

The most dangerous on the mainland (up to 7 cm long). Its strong and powerful chelicerae are capable of biting through human skin even through the nail plate. It acts mercilessly and lightning fast, usually inflicting several bites at once.

And its poison is able to penetrate the inside of the bone. Insects make their shelters in rotting tree trunks and deep burrows that they dig underground. Children most often die from the bite of such spiders.

Leukoweb spider

Ostrich Emu

A relative of the ostrich, outwardly similar to its relative, the species of which was previously called Australian ostrich, but is currently classified by biologists as belonging to the cassowary family. The size of this creature is no more than two meters, its long plumage resembles wool.

They live in flocks and constantly roam in search of food and sources of moisture. Their eggs impressive size, weighing half a kilogram and have a dark green color. It is surprising that it is mainly papa emus that incubate future chicks.

In the photo there is an Emu ostrich


A large parrot belonging to the category rare birds. At one time, these interesting birds were brought from Australia to all European countries, becoming favorite pets for many.

They are attractive because they can play various melodies, perform acrobatic acts and even dance. The feathers of most parrots are colored White color. They have a yellow crest and feed on small insects, seeds and fruits.

Cockatoo parrot


An inhabitant of deep Australian forests, remarkable for its large size and weight of about 80 kg. It's a bird, but it can't fly. It is black in color and has a kind of helmet on its head, which is a keratinized substance of a spongy structure, which often becomes a useful defense against the vicissitudes of fate and attacks from predators.

The bird consumes small rodents as food, and also finds berries and fruits in the forest. A kick can cripple a person. Having once become the object of rampant hunting, these creatures were subjected to significant extermination.

Pictured is a cassowary


forest bird- a real designer. Male individuals build huts for their girlfriends, decorating their buildings with feathers, shells and flowers, painting them with the juice of wild berries, thereby gaining the favor of the “ladies.”

Birds are relatives and appearance resemble their brothers. Their size is about 35 cm, the upper part of the beak is curved with a hook, the legs are thin, and the eyes are bright blue.

Bowerbird bird


An inhabitant of the sea coast, found on inland lakes and lagoons. The body length is just under two meters. The bird's powerful beak is equipped with a leather bag that can hold about 13 liters of water.

It serves this unusual bird as a kind of sap for catching aquatic life which he feeds on. are long-lived. The wingspan of some individuals can be up to 4 m.

Pelican in the photo

Narrow-snouted crocodile

Relatively small reptile. The muzzle is narrow, the teeth are sharp; The color is light brown, the back and tail are decorated with black stripes. It feeds on mammals, reptiles, many species of birds and fish. When hunting, he usually sits in one place, waiting for his prey to pass by him. It is considered harmless to humans.

Narrow-snouted crocodile


A lizard that prefers to spend its life in the arid territories of the fifth continent. It has a relatively small size. Amazes the observer with his eyelids; and her brittle tail is capable of regenerating.

This creature makes many interesting sounds, which is why it received the nickname of the singing lizard. For this feature and interesting colors, they are often bred in home terrariums.

Pictured is a gecko


Counts largest lizard on the planet, often reaches the size of . The creatures' paws are tenacious, and their muscles are well developed. They have a long tail the size of their body. The color is dominated by black, brown, sand and gray tones, often with stripes and spots. are active predators.

Pictured is a monitor lizard

frilled lizard

The body of this reptile has a pinkish or dark gray color. It got its name from the presence of a peculiar collar in the form of a leather membrane, reminiscent of a cloak. Such decoration, as a rule, is painted in bright colors and is normally lowered, but in moments of danger it can scare the enemy to death.

frilled lizard


Telling about animals of Australia, it is impossible not to mention. On this body interesting creation thorns grow that can scare away his opponents. And the condensation that settles on such growths accumulates and flows directly into the mouth of the moloch. Depending on the state of the external environment, these creatures slowly change their color.

Lizard moloch

desert frog

It has a large head and developed swimming membranes. The adaptability of these creatures to unfavorable conditions simply amazing. In the complete absence of moisture, they bury themselves in the silt, waiting for rain. And they can remain in this state for up to five years.

desert frog

Speaking about Australia, it should be recalled that it is a beautiful country that has an ideal ecology, enchanting landscapes and stunning nature. All the superiority of natural contrast will not allow any person to remain indifferent. The continent is located at the lowest elevation above sea level - only 330 meters.

Just like any other corner of the earth, Australia has its own unusual and interesting facts. For example, poisonous spiders, which live in Australia, represent a very small percentage of the danger. Statistics show that since 1979, not a single person has died due to a spider bite, but if an unpleasant encounter does occur, then the bite is not terrible for a person. An equally scary character in many films is the shark, although in fact this natural creature is far from being a controversial species. It has been observed that in Australia, sharks are involved in human death equal to two percent.

It is worth mentioning a person known throughout the continent - this is Steve Irwin, a special lover and connoisseur of nature, who was repeatedly close to the most dangerous animals, but, unfortunately, died from a stingray needle. It is also worth mentioning the twenty-centimeter octopus, the bite of which can cause paralysis of all limbs, resulting in death.

If we talk about nature, it is necessary to mention climatic conditions. The weather has specific features, the temperature is changeable, due to ignorance of the scorching sun, tourists get burned. As for rain, precipitation falls no more than 500 mm, which affects the dry continent. Most long river on the continent the Murray (2375 km) with its tributary Darling (1472 km) is considered.

Also in Australia is the largest coral chain, which is 2300 km long, called the Great Barrier Reef. Initially, the continent was small in size; more than fifty-five million years ago it was part of one continent, Gondwana, and was separated only at the end of the Mesozoic era.

Most high point In Australia, Mount Kosciuszko is considered to be – it reaches a height of 2228 meters. Unique and big trees– eucalyptus. Despite the fact that the continent almost entirely consists of deserts and semi-deserts, this does not prevent moisture-loving eucalyptus trees from growing and replenishing their ranks. Acacias are a magnificent flower, they are found in the same way as bottle trees, only in Australia.

As for the animal world, the country is home to koalas, emus and kangaroos. In terms of the number of sheep in the whole world, it ranks first, there are more than 700 thousand, and, of course, the country also occupies a leading position in wool production. The diversity of flora and fauna boggles the mind of anyone. Mammals live on the mainland - the platypus and echidna, marsupials - opossums, moles, squirrels and others.

The largest marsupial of the carnivorous class is the Tasmanian devil. Frilled lizards also live in Australia (by nature they are adapted to run on hind legs), monitor lizards, reaching a length of approximately two meters, there are also lizards that collect liquid with their skin.

The territory contains only those predators that were brought from the Southeast; we are talking about dingoes. The marsupial wolf was considered the single most ferocious predator, but, unfortunately, this species was exterminated. Birds are not far behind in their beauty and uniqueness; many birds live on the mainland - parrots, emus, cockatoos, ostriches, black swans, little blue penguins and many other charming birds.

As for the protection of plants, animals, birds, in Australia, just like everywhere else, National parks. Every Australian considers it his duty to respect nature and protect it. Bookmark this page: