- this is one of the subspecies of fish of the white fish genus, belongs to the family whitefish, order Salmonidae. is a freshwater or semi-anadromous fish. Lives in the Northern basin Arctic Ocean, to the Mackenzie River from the Ponoy River. The fish spawns in quantities from 125 to 420 eggs. Spawning period of nelma passes into autumn period, falls in the month of September-October.

spawns in places with a sandy and pebble bottom, with a water temperature of 3 to 8°C. The eggs develop on the bottom between the stones throughout the winter. In the first year of life, nelma becomes a predator and feeds on smelt, vendace, and juvenile perch carp fish and whitefish. This fish is very valuable for industry and is very easy to artificially breed.

differs from salmon in its color; it lacks the characteristic dark spots. The body of nelma is slightly flattened laterally and elongated. The color of the back is dark brown, the sides are light silver, the belly of the nelma is white, big mouth with small teeth. This fish is enough large sizes, its weight on average is from 5 to 16 kg, but you can still find individuals weighing about 30-40 kg.

Spread of nelma

Towards the end of June, a large mass of nelma enters the rivers from desalinated sea areas; the lower the water temperature, the higher the intensity of the nelma movement. When a fish enters a river, it moves close to the bottom and moves along the riverbed itself. Moving further along the river, nelma in most cases rises to the surface of the reservoir. Nelma does not like riffles and shallow waters, so she rests only in the deepest holes on river bed. Moving to the spawning site, nelma rises along the river and destroys on its way great amount various small fish. Nelma They are caught immediately after the opening of the rivers right up to spawning. After spawning, nelma goes to sea, although a small number of individuals remain in the rivers for some time (from 1 to 2 years) and end up in flood lakes in search of food.

Habitats of nelma

Mainly nelma lives in large cold rivers - Lena, Irtysh, Yenisei and Ob. She usually chooses desalinated areas of the lower reaches of rivers that flow into the Arctic Ocean. Also, nelma can be found in some lakes (for example, in Kubenskoye or Zaisan). Its local forms can be found in these lakes. Nelma It is intensively caught by amateur fishermen. The number of fish is declining everywhere, not only due to its massive catch, but also due to deteriorating natural conditions reproduction. Work is constantly underway on artificial reproduction with the subsequent release of juveniles into natural environment habitats, but in large cases they are at the level of experiments, which are carried out in small quantities.

Nelma meat has high taste qualities, which make this fish a promising object for commercial fish farming.

Composition, calorie content and beneficial properties of nelma

Calorie content of nelma equal to 88 kcal per 100 grams of meat. Fish meat contains proteins, fats, water, as well as vitamin PP, which is very useful for the human body, the macroelement chlorine and microelements: zinc, molybdenum, chromium, nickel and fluorine.

During a diet, they usually use lean or moderate fatty fish, but some diets use protein-rich, fatty fish such as nelma. Nelma fats are useful because they are well absorbed by the body and contain mainly unsaturated fatty acids, including those essential for the human body. However, thanks to fats that can oxidize very quickly, in the open air, in the presence of light and elevated temperature, fish is considered a perishable product and under the above conditions goes rancid.

Nelma in cooking

Nelma dishes They are highly valued not only for their beneficial and nutritional properties, but also for their unusual taste. Protein-rich nelma meat has a balanced composition of fats and amino acids. Nelma is an easily digestible product without fear for the digestive system; it can be eaten even in large quantities. A variety of dishes, including gourmet dishes, can be prepared from nelma meat.

Gourmets highly appreciate the unsurpassed taste of nelma. If you are preparing this noble fish for the first time, then there is no need to rush to use it in complex recipes; simply fry the fish and you will get a wonderful dish. To do this, you need to gut the fish, remove large bones, salt, then cut into large pieces without removing the fins. Each piece of nelma should be breaded in flour, to which you must first add spices and seasonings to taste. Nelma fries quite quickly, no more than 3-4 minutes on each side. You need to carefully place the nelma in the pan and turn it over so that the shape of the piece is preserved. Finished pieces fried fish laid out on a large dish and decorated with lemon slices and herbs. Nelma prepared in this way will not only be tasty, but also a very impressive dish on your table.

In stores you can buy canned nelma in oil or in own juice. In this form, it is very good in fish salads.

Professional chefs use nelma in the cooking process complex dishes from fish that require skill and time - fish pies, unusual salads from lightly salted nelma and others.

Stroganina from nelma

You can try cooking National dish northern peoplesnelma stroganina, whose calorie content is 172.6 kcal per 100 g. product.

All you need for this is nelma, salt and ground black pepper. From fresh, quickly frozen fish, you need to remove the scales and skin, after which, very sharp knife Remove the plates from the whole carcass into thin shavings, as if slicing a fish. The length of the fish strips should not exceed 3 cm. Fresh planed fish should be served with salt and pepper or tomato sauce.

Currently, special fishing for nelma is prohibited. The only thing that is not prohibited is its catching as by-catch for other fish species.

An old fishing wisdom: “To catch a specific fish, you need to try to find out everything about it.” There are a great variety of fish on Earth, and in this article we will look at nelma. “Whitefish,” as it was popularly called (incorrectly, let us explain), has a number of distinctive features, features of life, nutrition and development. We will try to talk about the nelma fish not only from the point of view of biology, but also of fishing: where to fish, what it bites on, how to fish it, what conditions it needs.

General description of the type, differences

Nelma is a representative of the Whitefish genus and, oddly enough, belongs to the Salmon family. Why “surprising”: salmon fish have red meat, but in our case this is not observed. An interesting exception to the rule. White fish are covered with large silvery scales, the back is gray. Upwards it can move to darker shades of this color. The body is elongated, the mouth is large, the lower jaw protrudes slightly forward, the lip overlaps top part mouth The gill covers are elongated, rounded at the ends of the valves. The skull and lids are not covered with scales. Eye color is yellowish.

The life expectancy record for nelma was 25 years, and the maximum weight reached 40 kilograms. On average, individuals weigh 5–10 kg. Females are ready to spawn at 2–3 years, and males mature at 5. To spawn, nelmas go into rivers, swim about 1,500 kilometers, the female is capable of laying from 80 to 400 thousand eggs. The caviar is small. The development of the fry inside is about 250 days from the moment they are thrown until they emerge.

Nelmas live within coastlines seas of the North, enter the Ob, Lena, Yenisei, Irtysh and other rivers flowing into the Arctic Ocean. There the individuals spawn. Nelma is a species that leads a completely predatory lifestyle, feeding not only on fry, but also on other aquatic life. There is no sexual dimorphism, that is, in appearance both males and females are no different. Fish oil a lot, this is due to non-residents living in cold water and high physical activity– fat deposits are needed as a reserve and in order to warm up the body.

Other differences:

  • there are no dark spots on the body, which is also an exception (almost all Salmonids have such specks);
  • near the tail there is an upper fatty growth-fin;
  • many small sharp teeth, they are also found on the fish’s tongue;
  • hunting style and behavior are very similar to the habits of an asp;
  • high noise level, can be compared to bursts of taimen.

Now about the myth, the Caspian whitefish and nelma are not the same thing, but two subspecies, as reported by scientific description. The former appeared later, descended from the latter. The name shows where white fish live, on the Caspian Lake (scientifically so), they swim to the Volga to spawn. Weight Limit much smaller, only 14 kilograms, live up to 22 years.

White fish are not only smaller, they have a certain “bulge-eyed” appearance, their body is narrower than that of their progenitor.

IMPORTANT! Whitefish appeared in the Caspian Lake immediately after the end ice age. During evolution, this fish has changed a little. For example, body size has decreased. Similar changes occur in animals when the space for a full life or the amount of food is reduced.

In summer, whitefish migrate to the middle and southern Caspian Sea, and with a decrease in temperature (autumn, up to 8–10 degrees Celsius) they head to northern part lakes. When the dams were not yet built, whitefish entered the Oka, Kama, Ufa, Belaya and Upper Volga. Now they penetrate into the Ural rivers, less often the Terek. Before spawning, they stay in river holes, like nelma, and then swim back to the sea. For these fish, water with a salt content of no more than 20 ppm is ideal.

When and what to catch

They go hunting for nelma in the morning and evening; during the day their activity is low. The diet is divided into two parts, sea and freshwater, it is clear why. In the seas, nelma and whitefish eat smelt, sprat, vendace, and even some representatives of their own genus Whitefish. IN fresh waters nelmas are especially good at eating small perches and all representatives of the Cyprinidae family, for example, bream, roach, crucian carp, carp or small molts. Hunting is always carried out against the current, using the driven method. In addition to fry, individuals are also not averse to eating aquatic insects and their larvae, frogs, and newts.

Such a food supply is only an indicator that nelma may be present here, and not a list of baits. An ordinary fisherman has the right to catch these fish only with a spinning rod. Fishing nets are allowed exclusively to fishing organizations. The main tool of whitefish hunters is a long-range spinning rod, capable of casting bait 20–40 meters from the shore. Fishermen take two or three rods with them just in case:

  • heavy fishing rod (60 grams of dough);
  • medium stick – 25–20 g;
  • light fishing rod, less than 12.

The photo shows a medium sized salmon.

There are also requirements for the coil:

  • the presence of a clear clutch adjustment;
  • so that the spool reels in at least 200 meters of fishing line;
  • power to withstand a load of at least 9 kilograms.

IMPORTANT! Of course, the sources don’t give any specific requirements for fishing lines, but it’s better to use monofilament cord rather than braided line.

The monofilament is resistant to sharp stones and shell rocks and does not collect debris. Yes, nelma has sharp teeth, but, like a pike, it will not bite through the fishing line. Thread too - at least 9 kg load is needed. Any color, even if you use bright fishing line, nelma are not afraid of it. There is no need to use large hooks; medium doubles and tees will be enough for us, as long as the quality does not let us down. It is advisable to tie small swivels, combining minimalism and reliability. By the way, the Owner company makes good equipment elements.

Three types of bait are used: oscillating spoons, wobblers and streamers. Nelma will grab across the body, and not chase like a pike. By the way, the latter can accidentally grab the bait; it is better to equip it with a metal leash to avoid overbite.

But if there is pike in the area where you came to catch salmon or white fish, then you will not catch the target fish. Where there is pike, there is no nelma. This phenomenon is associated with competition between these species. Pike is the dominant inhabitant in our case.

Legislative aspects

Nelma is a species undergoing population decline. As with many other fish, this inhabitant is becoming extinct due to poachers and water pollution. Due to such circumstances, amateurs and athletes are limited. Let's imagine the following nuances:

  • It is prohibited to catch nelma whose length is less than 59 centimeters;
  • In almost all places, fishing for both subspecies in winter is prohibited;
  • it is impossible to follow nelma to the rivers where it spawns, moves to the spawning ground or moves away from it;
  • the use of any gear other than a spinning rod is considered poaching;
  • fishing is allowed at the mouths of rivers and near the coastlines of the seas;
  • Accidental catching of nelma on the river is not punishable if, for example, you came here for another fish.

Fishing tactics

Both subspecies are similar in habits. There are two types of tactics:

  • fishing places where, in the fisherman’s opinion, whitefish are located;
  • throws on the splash of nelma.

Both methods require skill. Fishermen use the first method when fish do not hit the water with their tail, despite their presence. In such cases, the fisherman fishes in an arc, relatively speaking, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (in the direction of the arrow). If necessary, you can change the bait and repeat the procedure.

This is what the meat of this whitefish representative looks like. As you can see, it doesn’t look like red fish at all. By the way, residents of the North have long known that this fish makes good planed meat; the bones are easily separated from the muscles.

If it doesn't help, then:

  • she really isn't there;
  • the fish doesn’t bite, for example, it needs other conditions, regardless of the fisherman;
  • incorrect wiring.

Wiring is carried out at a moderate speed, you should try to imitate a short path with smooth movements peaceful fish. There is no need to wind too quickly. Small changes in the wiring speed are allowed, sometimes nelma become more active and attack just because of this.

It’s easier if the inhabitants of the depths hit the water, then the angler makes a swing and sends the spoon to the place of the splash. You can’t throw into the “circle” itself, it will get scared, you should try to deliver the bait two meters further and slowly reel it in.

Hooking is done with a sharp movement, because the structure of the mouths of nelma and whitefish increases the chances of getting off the hook. You need to hook it securely. Individuals make several jerks, which the fisherman dampens with a friction clutch. Further, everything is not like that of pike - nelma quickly calm down and are pulled towards the shore with almost no resistance.

IMPORTANT! We definitely take the net with us. It happens that fish come off the hooks literally at the fisherman’s feet. This happens when the hook is not reliable enough, although it helped to tighten aquatic inhabitant to the shore. Insurance will not be unnecessary.

In terms of cooking, white fish and nelma are universal. They are suitable even for fish soup, even for smoking, even for frying.

Instead of a conclusion, it is worth giving advice regarding the storage of freshly caught nelma. These fish die without water within a few minutes. It is recommended to stock up on a large fish tank so that the temperature is maintained, there is water, and the catch does not disappear. If you notice heavy bleeding from under the gill flaps, this is normal, the hook just broke the capillaries oral cavity, of which there are many throughout the inhabitant’s skull.

Nelma belongs to the salmon family, the white fish order. It lives in the rivers of the Arctic Ocean basin. It can reach a length of up to 150 cm with a weight of 30 – 50 kg. Lives up to 22 years.

Nutrition and habitat of nelma

Nelma is predatory fish. It feeds on smelt, vendace, and juvenile whitefish, carp and perch fish. Its meat is very fatty, ideal for frying, fish soup and smoking. Nelma is considered a valuable commercial fish. You can buy nelma here http://pervie.ru/catalog/nelma

Nelma has an elongated body, flattened on the sides, silver in color, with a brown back and white belly. She has a large mouth with jaws studded with small teeth, and the lower jaw protrudes strongly forward.

Nelma feeds in fresh areas of the ocean and northern seas where Siberian rivers flow. To spawn, it rises upstream of rivers, sometimes reaching the very upper reaches. When schools of this fish go to spawn, they simultaneously destroy a huge number of smaller river fish. It moves along the river bed, sometimes rising almost to the surface. It rests at the bottom, choosing the deepest holes and pools.

After spawning, the fish return back to their habitats. The eggs develop throughout the winter period, and only in the spring do the young appear. The fry's diet consists of small benthic invertebrates and crustaceans. After reaching a length of about 30 cm, nelma begins to feed on other types of freshwater fish.

Spawning for each individual does not occur every year. The break can be 2 or more years.


Currently, the number of this fish in the rivers of Siberia has begun to decline steadily. The nelma population is being heavily decimated by fishermen-poachers, for whom it is a desirable prey. Artificial reproduction is only at an experimental stage, and Taken measures efforts to prevent illegal fishing are not fully implemented. The fish is listed in the Red Book of Russia, under the heading “Endangered Species”.

Useful and taste qualities of nelma

The meat of this fish is very fatty and tender. Nelma forgives all kinds of culinary mistakes and is very tasty no matter how it is prepared. You can cook it even without adding vegetable oils. A wide variety of dishes are prepared from nelma, including gourmet dishes. It is fried, smoked, baked over coals, steamed and in the oven, dried, etc. It makes great fish salads, aspic, fish balyk, sauces and other dishes.

Meat is very high in calories (88 kcal per 100g). The high fat content determines the rapid absorption of the product by the human body. Thanks to this, nelma is recommended for consumption by everyone who monitors their diet and condition. digestive system and health.

Fish oil is rich in Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are very beneficial for many body systems. They have a restorative effect on the cardiovascular system, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol, and regulate heart rhythm. Researched beneficial influence fish oil on kidney function, endocrine system, condition skin and hair.

Nelma meat contains a number of useful microelements: vitamins B and E, amino acids, minerals, etc. They have a positive effect on metabolic processes, the formation and regeneration of tissues, organs and body systems.


A separate subspecies of nelma is the whitefish, which lives in the Caspian Sea and spawns in the Volga, Ural, Terek and other rivers of the basin

Nelma is one of the fish that has become a symbol of the ichthyofauna of Siberia. Large fish, which is found off the coasts of the Arctic Ocean, at points where large Siberian rivers flow into the sea, and the salinity does not exceed 20 ppm. The habitats of nelma are the junction of fresh and salt water, deltas and river mouths, and shallow areas of the sea near them. Amazing fish nelma has another name - whitefish.

From east to west it becomes less and less common. The westernmost habitat is limited to the White Sea. This species is rarely found on the northern European coast of Russia; it prefers the Trans-Urals. It is also found on the shores of Alaska.

A separate subspecies lives in the Caspian Sea.

Adults live in the sea, entering large rivers flowing into the ocean to spawn. The most nelma-rich places are the mouths of the Siberian giants: the Ob, Lena and Yenisei. They can travel very long distances, reaching the south of Siberia. The fry feeds in river waters, fattening up to three years. The matured fish returns back to the sea.

What does it eat?

An absolute predator. It feeds on almost anything, incl. their smaller brothers. The basis of the diet is whitefish, as well as, etc. Even the fry of this fish at one month of age already feed on the juveniles of other fish, for example. In rivers it can feed on any protein food - crustaceans, insects and insect larvae. Only shellfish are not welcome. Never takes prey from the bottom.

It lives and hunts in a flock, and in a flock it strikes prey in a similar way - it suppresses it with blows of its tail and then picks it up. It often hunts in small bays near rapids, where small fish like to settle.

The main feeding time is morning and evening, while nelma are always active in the morning. Destroys many juveniles of other fish, incl. carp and perch.

Behavior by season

There are no differences in the behavior of the growing nelma - from 3 to 5 years old; it stays in the sea, in coastal waters, occasionally going close to river mouths. Having reached sexual maturity - males are a year earlier than females - white fish of both subspecies rushes into the rivers as soon as ice drift begins. All late spring and the summer moves in a flock to the spawning grounds, while individual schools, in search of food, separate and enter small rivers and flood lakes. It spawns in September, after which it remains to winter in the river until next summer, gradually sliding back to the ocean.


The spawning cycle of nelma is one year after another. During the first year, the fish goes to spawn, the second year it returns to the ocean, and only by the third year it again goes to the spawning grounds, which are more distant. warm waters middle and lower reaches of Siberian rivers. It goes along the center of the riverbed.

Reference! For spawning grounds, nelma does not choose any rivers. She needs clean and fast enough running water.

Small caviar light color. At one time it lays 120 - 420 thousand eggs. Incubation takes 250 days - that is, the fry appear by the beginning of spring. The development of eggs occurs between large stones, in thickets aquatic plants nelma does not spawn.

Fishing in different seasons

First of all, we note that, like other valuable salmon fish, nelma is under state protection. Targeted fishing for salmon is prohibited everywhere, except in those areas where large rivers fall into polar ocean. There, white fish are allowed to be caught by all means, including industrially and with nets.

You can catch nelma not purposefully, but in by-catch with some other permitted fish, but only on the way to the spawning grounds. In some southern regions of Siberia, sport fishing is allowed, but not every fisherman can boast of catching a delicious fish there, since it does not live in these rivers permanently, but is an occasional guest. Therefore, we can say that there is no particular difference in the methods of sports and amateur fishing for whitefish by season. Since it is actually possible to catch it only in the summer.

What to fish with

How to catch this fish where it is allowed? Fishermen use conventional spinning rods of the appropriate construction, because... average weight specimens caught on a hook is 5-7 kg. It must be remembered that only specimens that have reached sexual maturity are caught in the river. At this point, they are at least 80 cm in length. Spinning spoons and spinners are used as bait. Nelma willingly bites on something that looks similar to its main prey - a small silvery fish like smelt.

Night biting is almost impossible.

Note! After the bite, the nelma resists for some time, but quickly gives in and allows itself to be caught in the landing net.

Once pulled out of the water, it “falls asleep” very quickly, and blood begins to flow from the gill slits.

Nelma is a semi-anadromous and freshwater fish, from the subspecies of white fish, the salmon family. It can be found in the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean. The mouth of the Yenisei, Irtysh, and Lena rivers abound in fish. Nelma can be called prolific, because during spawning one individual produces up to 400 thousand eggs. IN autumn months the fish begins to spawn in rivers with a sandy-rocky bottom, where fast current, and the water warms up to 5 degrees. In winter, the eggs ripen between the stones.

Nelma is real river predator , which feeds on small fish such as vendace or smelt. This is a valuable commercial species, which is also bred artificially. With the help of numerous experiments and calculations it was confirmed that artificial breeding nelma in the basin allows increasing the population size and contributes to ensuring commercial return.

Description of nelma

She is rightfully considered the most major representative order of salmonids, because the length of the fish often exceeds 1 m, and the weight sometimes reaches half a quintal. When fishing, you mainly come across individuals weighing 5–8 kg.

Like other commercial salmonids, it has a large body with a white belly, covered with silvery scales. Body shape - spindle-shaped . Fish has adipose fin and a large terminal-upper mouth. On the lower jaw, which protrudes forward, there is a sharp bend, shaped like a tooth entering the recess of the upper jaw.

The skull is articulated with the rest of the body at the back of the eye sockets. The jaws, vomer and tongue have small sharp teeth. Unlike other whitefish, this fish does not have dark spots on its body. The mating coloration differs slightly from the usual coloration. Sometimes, in males, an underdeveloped comb-like and tuberculate outgrowth can be found on the scales and head.

Two subspecies are known:

  1. Whitefishes living in the Caspian basin.
  2. Nelma, whose habitat covers northern rivers.

White fish came to the Caspian Sea from the Arctic Ocean during the last ice age. Fish live up to 20 years. They demonstrate high growth rates compared to other salmonids, but within a wide distribution zone there are significant differences in the rate of maturation, as well as a significant difference in the size and life expectancy of the population.


Maturation adult ends at 6–10 years in males and 7–12 years in females. During its entire life, a fish is able to lay eggs only a few times. One or two years may pass from one spawn to the next.

Migration for spawning begins in mid-summer. Nelma leaves its native waters and travels considerable distances (sometimes up to 2 thousand km).

Spawning is carried out in deep-water sections of the river bed located between the rifts. The female looks for places with a sandy and pebble bottom. The masonry is usually shallow. The fertility of the species varies from 100 to 400 thousand eggs. Duration incubation period approximately 200 days.

From the first days, the fry shows itself to be a predator, beginning to look for suitable prey, although a mixed diet remains until it reaches 50 cm. For six months, the young animals follow the stream downstream to feeding areas.


Being semi-passable and freshwater fish, she swims in rivers belonging to the Arctic Ocean basin. Nelma is a frequent visitor to the Yenisei. Fishing for this fish is also popular in estuaries and deltas. such rivers Siberian region , How:

  • Irtysh.
  • Lena.

The beginning of ice drift is marked by the movement of salmon from the Arctic Circle to spawning grounds. This is the average and upstream rec. The fish begin to move upstream most intensively by mid-July.

At the beginning of autumn, flocks of nelma reach the southeast of Siberia, where they stop in numerous rivers. But for caviar throwing the fish does not prefer the first river it comes across. As soon as it enters the mouth of the river, it tries to stay closer to the bottom, while moving along the river flow. Further advancement often occurs in the upper layers of water. The fish tries to avoid shallows and riffles.

Moving along the river to the spawning ground, nelma feeds big amount small fish. During morning and evening feeding, nelma rises to the upper and middle layers of water. White salmon feeds in almost the same way as sheresper, suddenly bursting into a school of small fish, drowning them with its fin, and then collecting the confused river inhabitants.

While fishing, even experienced fishermen sometimes flinch from the splash on the river that nelma creates. Perhaps there is no other fish on the Yenisei that could make such a sound loud and amplitude splash. The splash can be heard very close to the shore, not far from a bush or snag where the fry are kept, or in a wide, calm bay with a moderate current.

Fishing Features

As mentioned above, nelma is a predatory river inhabitant that feeds on the young of other fish species (smelt, vendace, roach, burbot, char).

Morning fishing is usually more productive than evening fishing. It is unlikely that you will be able to catch nelma in the dark. Daytime fishing is encouraged only on a calm and cloudy day.

Best used for fishing spinning tackle. Fishing is carried out using a rotating and narrow oscillating spoon. Experienced fishermen advise using a light rod with a line no thicker than 0.5 mm. A thin braided cord will also work.

The spoon is cast along the upper layers of water, where nelma usually feed. Avid fishermen have long noticed that for the lower and middle streams it is better to use a light-colored spoon that resembles white fish. In the upper reaches, salmon are tempted by dark brass bait. Nelma makes itself known with loud splashes, which are heard when trying to stun small fish. The spoon is thrown into middle part roll approximately 12–15 meters.

Nelma is not one of the tireless fighters for her life, because after the bite, which is often sluggish and poorly expressed, the fish quickly loses strength. True, the initially hooked fish can be quite energetic and prevent the fisherman from approaching it. You should catch the fish using a landing net or hook.

Nelma in cooking

A dish prepared from this fish is always enjoyed by the most highly appreciated not only for beneficial features, but also for its delicious and unique taste. Fish is rich in valuable protein, its fillet has a balanced fat and amino acid composition. Due to the fact that dishes based on nelma are easily digestible, they can be consumed in unlimited quantities without fear for the condition of your digestive tract. From delicious meat Nelma chefs prepare the most unusual dishes that will please even the most spoiled picky eater.

Gourmets appreciate this salmon fish behind unsurpassed taste. If nelma first came to the table after fishing or was bought in a store, then you should not start with a complex recipe. Simply fry the fish in a frying pan or bake it in foil.

Before this, the fish is thoroughly gutted and washed. Remove the bones and cut into pieces, keeping the fins. The pieces are rolled in flour, to which your favorite spices are added.

Over high heat nelma fry for no more than five minutes on each side. To ensure that the pieces retain their shape, they are carefully laid out and turned over. Finished product Place on plates, garnish with lemon slices and herbs. On supermarket shelves you can find canned products: fish in oil or its own juice. This nelma will be good in a fish salad.

Northern nelma fish