The leadership of the United States and Iran continue to exchange information attacks against the backdrop of ongoing negotiations over the future fate of nuclear program IRI.

In connection with the decision Russian President, who on April 13 signed a decree authorizing the supply of S-300 systems to Iran, Barack Obama stated: these anti-aircraft missile systems will not save Tehran in the event of a military operation by the Americans.

“Our defense budget is almost $600 billion, and theirs (the Iranians) is a little less than $17 billion. Even if they receive several air defense systems, we will be able to bypass them if necessary,” the Nobel “peacemaker” said in his characteristic arrogant manner. This is not the first evidence that the decision was taken extremely painfully in Washington. Vladimir Putin lift the embargo on the supply of S-300PMU-1 air defense systems to Iran.

Before this, the US President, not without some malice, publicly expressed surprise that Russia had not supplied Iran with S-300s for so long. “This deal should have taken place back in 2009. I first met Putin, who was then prime minister. And they stopped and postponed the sale at our request. “I’m honestly surprised that it lasted so long, given that there were no sanctions that would prohibit this deal,” Barack Obama clearly mocked the Kremlin’s naivety on April 17.

Let us recall that in September 2010, during the presidential reign Dmitry Medvedev Moscow voluntarily decided to suspend the contract for the supply of S-300 to Iran, which had already been signed and entered into force. This gesture of goodwill, according to the old bad tradition, was perceived by the West as a manifestation of weakness (an indirect confirmation of which was further events in Ukraine).

Washington found itself in a double win. On the one hand, from a position of strength, it forced Tehran to participate in the negotiation process. Moreover, in a format beneficial to the West. On the other hand, it deprived the Russian Federation of a natural ally in countering American hegemony (at least in the Middle East region).

It can be assumed that the last straw that “filled the Kremlin’s cup of patience” was the decision formalized by law by the US Congress to begin supplying lethal weapons to Ukraine. In light of this, the step of Vladimir Putin, who “unfrozen” the anti-aircraft deal with Iran, looks not only logical, but, in fact, there is no alternative.

The five divisions of S-300PMU-1 systems that Iran will receive represent optimal structure one part, explains former boss Air Force Air Force, Lieutenant General Vladimir Gorkov.

- In other words, this is one regiment. At the head of this entire structure is the command post (CP), including the F9 hardware container and detection radar (SAR). In a combat situation, the CP manages the work of the entire regiment, distributing objectives between divisions. That is, all five divisions are under his control.

Each unit includes a target illumination radar and launchers with SAMs (anti-aircraft guided missiles). Typically, each division includes from 8 to 12 launchers. The command post and air defense system include means of communication, power supply, topographical reference, etc.

“SP”: — What are the combat technical and tactical characteristics of the S-300 air defense system?

— The air defense system affects aerodynamic (airplanes and cruise missiles) and ballistic (tactical and operational) tactical missiles) goals. With certain characteristics, launch range, speed and effective surface.

"SP": - In what altitude range?

- In the altitude range from 25 m to 25 km, later modifications have expanded capabilities - from 10 m to 30 km.

“SP”: — In light of what has been said, how should we evaluate the words of the head of the White House?

- Let's do the usual arithmetic calculation. So, we are supplying Iran with five units (at least, this figure appeared in the 2007 contract). Each has 12 launchers. In total, it turns out to be 60. Each launcher has 4 missiles. In total, Iran receives 240 lethal weapons in a regimental kit. Now you need to divide this number by two, you get 120.

"SP": - What is the meaning of this arithmetic operation?

— Because the consumption of missiles for one airborne object is at least two missiles. This turns out to be 120 firing or 240 launches. Even purely psychologically, this will affect the pilot. With such cover fire density, it is unlikely that he will be able to attack an object at close range. With an average efficiency of one firing (approximately 0.9), the mathematical expectation of the number of destroyed aircraft is more than 100 units. Each unit can simultaneously destroy six targets. In total, it turns out that there are 30 targets that can be fired at by two missiles. That is, 60 missiles can rise from the ground at the same time.

When a pilot approaches an object and sees such a “sea of ​​fire,” he has practically no chance.

“SP”: — It turns out that Israel will no longer be able to carry out its favorite airstrikes?

- Yes, and the USA too. However, the latter also have cruise missiles, for example, Tomahawks. The Pentagon has about four thousand cruise missiles in total, deployed on various carriers, including aircraft carriers. But this already assumes an unmanned rather than a manned attack. With cruise missiles, the number of simultaneously attacked targets is less than 30. Because they approach an object at an altitude of 25-50 meters, skirting the terrain. It is more difficult to hit such a target.

In this case, five divisions will cover the object on the principle of all-round, echeloned defense with concentration of efforts in a certain area. The Americans will have to create a “winged armada” to hit the desired target.

“SP”: — As far as one can judge, this will not be a cheap pleasure for the United States, and Israel will apparently have to use up its entire small arsenal of cruise missiles?

— The cost of one Tomahawk missile launch in March 2011 was about $1.5 million. So, Washington will have to pay a decent price for its aggression.

“SP”: — Could Russia supply an additional S-300 group to Iran?

— In principle, it is possible to carry out additional composition of the group, depending on the assigned tasks. The first pre-composition is the cover of an object: Tehran, Isfahan or a nuclear center. The second part of the pre-composition is ensuring the survivability of the group itself. Despite the defensive nature of the complex, for this it must be covered with offensive weapons. Capable of destroying airfields, storage bases, control centers and the same aircraft carriers.

In fact, this already requires a separate operation - to warn, reduce the effectiveness of the use of Tomahawks, and sink aircraft carriers. Iran has such offensive weapons. For example, Chinese anti-ship missiles, which allow you to remotely attack sea vessels. True, they are designed to attack small ships with a displacement of less than 200 tons.

Iran is armed with the C-601 and other Silkworm-class missiles, carrying a warhead weighing half a ton (a firing range of over 150 kilometers). The C-802 missile carries a 165-kilogram warhead capable of hitting ship armor. Its flight range is 200 kilometers. And this could already become a serious problem for aircraft carriers.

But Iran's most important naval weapon is the SS-N-22 Mosquito missile. This is a development of the USSR from the end of “ cold war" Weighs anti-ship missile 4.5 tons, capable of delivering a warhead weighing 320 kilograms, firing range up to 100 km. The accuracy of hitting the target is over 99%.

“SP”: — The Israeli authorities blame Moscow for the fact that the supplied S-300s can be used as offensive weapons.

- Only if these complexes are located at a distance of up to 150 km from Israel. Then the S-300 missiles will be able to shoot down planes. This, you understand, does not apply to Iran.

“SP”: — Israeli military experts, citing the Syrian experience, claim that the S-300 is supposedly an ineffective system that “saves objects only if no one attacks them.” Is this a pure bluff, or is there some truth in these statements?

“It’s difficult for me to comment on this, given that we have not supplied the S-300 to this country.

“SP”: — Some Russian military experts claim the opposite.

- I don’t have such information. Another thing is that there are old Soviet-made systems there.

“SP”: — And yet, isn’t there some truth in the words of critics, considering that the S-300 was developed back in the late 1970s?

— And the American Tomahawks appeared in the early 1980s. So what now? They are approximately the same age. In addition, the complex was constantly modernized. It differs from the first samples in the level of security and spatial characteristics.

“SP”: — How will the air defense system be delivered to Iran. It is clear that the Americans are unlikely to risk actively preventing this, and yet, which method is the most reliable?

— We have access to Iran through the Caspian Sea. You can also transport it by air, for example, on Ruslans or Il-76s.

"SP": - Could Russia in the future supply Iran with more advanced air defense systems, for example, the S-400?

— Everything will depend on the political situation and our relations with the United States and the West in general. First of all, on the events in Ukraine and on whether Washington will be able to come to an agreement with Tehran regarding the future of its nuclear program.

There have never been S-300 systems in Syria, I agreed with my colleague Deputy Director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis Alexander Khramchikhin.

“So Israeli speculation should not worry anyone. They could not learn anything from the Syrian example. Western aviation has never encountered the S-300.

“SP”: — Has this anti-aircraft missile system ever been tested in real combat conditions?

- Never. Therefore, all statements (both “for” and “against”) are pure hypotheses, unconfirmed guesses and assumptions. In this sense, both sides are bluffing. Until the complex is tested in real combat conditions, any talk about its effectiveness is premature. On the other hand, ignorance creates uncertainty, which plays the role of a deterrent.

Of course, the Americans can suppress the S-300 with several hundred cruise missiles. Ultimately, the complexes will be suppressed because they will use up their ammunition. In addition, there is an insoluble recharging problem.

Much will still depend on the degree of preparation of Iranian calculations. Depends on how well they shoot. While Iran does not have its own specialists of this profile, they will still have to train for a long time...

In Israel, the situation is more complicated - there are too few cruise missiles. And air raids on targets covered by the S-300PMU-1 mean downed pilots. And this is a very serious problem.

"SP": - Who threatens Iran more - Israel or the USA?

- Of course, Israel. For Tel Aviv there are no norms of international law at all. And he doesn’t play any special geopolitical games either - he just strikes at his enemies and that’s it. On the other hand, Israel has much more limited opportunities, otherwise they would have crushed Iran long ago. Israel's main strike force is the F-15 and F-16 aircraft. There are, however, a little submarines, on which some kind of cruise missiles are placed.

“SP”: — How should Obama’s statement be assessed? Is this an attempt to hide irritation that Moscow, despite sanctions and contrary to the opinion of Washington, is doing its own thing, strengthening Iran’s negotiating position with the supply of S-300? Or, from the point of view of the American-Iranian confrontation, are deliveries of the S-300 really “not making a difference”?

— You have to understand that Obama is now exposed to very strong pressure from their political opponents. In their opinion, he is pursuing an ineffective foreign policy. In this regard, negotiations with Iran are only a disadvantage for him.

“SP”: — What are the prospects for continuing Russian-Iranian cooperation in the air defense sector. We could, for example, supply Tehran with more perfect complexes S-400?

— The S-400 may appear in Iran no earlier than 2025.

Photo at the opening of the article: launch of the S-300 PMU-2 system/ Photo: Leonid Yakutin/ Kommersant

Anti-aircraft missile system S-300P / S-300PT designed for the defense of important administrative and industrial facilities, headquarters and military bases from air attack. Up to 6 targets can be fired at the same time with 12 missiles when up to two missiles are aimed at one target. At the end of the 60s, a new long-range anti-aircraft missile system was created in the Soviet Union, and three types of complexes were simultaneously designed. The Almaz design bureau developed the S-300P (SA-10 Grumble according to classification) air defense system mounted on a wheeled chassis for the country's air defense forces. The S-300F air defense system was developed at the Altair Research Institute for the Navy and Ground Forces. The S-300V complex, which was supposed to be installed on a tracked chassis, was developed at the Research Institute-20 of the Ministry of Radio Industry (later renamed the Antey Design Bureau). In accordance with the tactical and technical specifications, initially only the S-300V air defense system was supposed to have the capability to destroy tactical missiles.

Large-scale unification of elements of all three types of air defense systems was envisaged. For example, to provide anti-aircraft defense against targets flying at speeds of up to 3,500 km/h at altitudes from 25 to 25,000 m, at ranges from 6 to 75 km, it was planned to use the V-500R missile developed by the Fakel IKB with a combined guidance system. And at the first stage, a simplified and much cheaper V-500K missile with a radio command guidance system was created for use at ranges of up to 50 km. But deep interspecific unification of the S-300 air defense systems could not be achieved, since the elements of the complexes were developed by various industrial enterprises, using their own components and their own technologies. In the process of creating the S-300V system, the developers abandoned the use of the Fakel design bureau's missile defense system, preferring for anti-aircraft defense the missile created at the Sverdlovsk Novator design bureau.

air defense missile system S-300P(P - mobile) was put into service in 1979. It replaced the S-25 Berkut air defense systems located around Moscow, as well as the S-125 and S-75 complexes. It is believed that the first S-300P regiment to carry out combat duty in 1979 was the regiment stationed in Elektrostal, Moscow Region. According to Jane magazine estimates, at the end of 1996, 2,075 launchers for the S-300 family of complexes were produced. In the S-300P air defense system ( S-300PT) towed launchers with vertical launch of 4 missiles and transport vehicles designed to transport missiles were used. At the launch position, the launchers extended outrigger supports to achieve stabilization and leveling. The time it took to bring the complex's launch equipment into combat readiness at a new launch position exceeded 30 minutes.

As stated earlier, in complex S-300PT Initially, the original V-500K missile was used, which was the first Soviet missile to include a significant level of electronics in its control system. The maximum effective range for hitting an aerodynamic target was 47 km. The rocket has a solid propellant engine; upon launch, it was ejected from the transport and launch container using squibs to a height of 25 m, and then the rocket engine was started. One of the authors, serving in the 234th training center combat use anti-aircraft missile forces (Priozersk, Kazakhstan) in the mid-80s, witnessed the destruction of a target missile by a B-500K missile at a range significantly greater than 47 km. This fact did not become widely known, since then it would be necessary to reduce the rating for the result of combat firing of an anti-aircraft missile regiment from “excellent” to “good” due to firing at a target located outside the launch zone.

The S-300PT complex includes:
Illumination and guidance radar (RPN) ZONb, which guides up to 12 missiles to 6 simultaneously tracked targets in an azimuth sector of 60° (later 120°);
low-altitude detector (LDA) - a low-altitude target reconnaissance radar with a continuous signal, usually located on a 24-meter tower in order to increase the detection range of suddenly appearing targets at low altitudes;
up to 3 launch complexes, each of which can have up to 4 launchers, and each launcher can have up to 4 missiles of the V-500K or V-500R type located in the TPK (thus, the maximum number of missiles in the complex is 48 pieces);
means of autonomous power supply, cabins with spare equipment and accessories located in them, cable management.

The NVO detects a low-altitude aerodynamic target with an effective reflective surface of 1 m2, flying at an altitude of 100 m, at ranges of up to 45 km, and subsequently at 50 km. Targets such as a cruise missile with an effective dispersion surface of 0.1 m2, flying at altitudes of 50 m, are detected at ranges of up to 28 km, and subsequently from 38 km, which allows the combat crew of the complex to confidently destroy targets both deep in the affected area and and at the near border of the affected area. The probability of hitting a target with one missile was 0.7.

SAM S-300P was in service with anti-aircraft missile regiments and brigades of the country's air defense forces. In addition to the S-300P air defense system, the regiment included a command post 5N83 as part of a combat control point (CCU) 5K56 and a detection radar (RAO) 5N64K. The combat operations of the regiment (brigade) were controlled centrally with the help of a command post. Detection and state identification of air targets is carried out by radar at ranges of up to 300 km, information about all detected targets is transmitted to the combat control point, where target routes are formed, target distribution and target designation is issued to combat-ready systems (taking into account the available number of missiles). The commander of the combat crew of the PBU could interfere with the automated mode of issuing target designations and, by his decision, make manual target distribution. Information about newly discovered low-flying targets (with the help of NVO) was also displayed on the indicators of the PBU combat crew. The combat crew monitored the technical condition of all PBU and SAM systems. High level automation of the combat operation of all systems, modern (at that level) combat operation algorithms ensured the high efficiency of the combat operation of each S-300P air defense system (simultaneous firing of up to six targets and guidance of 12 missiles).

In 1982, in addition to the complex S-300P self-propelled complex began to enter service S-300PS. After the end of the Gulf War, the S-300P air defense system was tested as a means of combating tactical ballistic missiles. The elements of the complex have been improved, and the combat control algorithms have been improved. It is believed that the complex significantly surpassed the American Patriot air defense system in its tactical and technical characteristics. The export version of the first generation air defense system S-300P received the designation S-300PMU, and a modification was launched in 1993. S-300PM became known as S-300PMU1. It was this complex that was demonstrated at the international arms exhibition IDEX-93, and subsequently acquired by the Cypriots in January 1997. There is information about the sale of the complex S-300PMU1 To China.

The S-300PMU1 air defense system is available in self-propelled and towed (cheaper) versions. These second-generation air defense systems differ from the systems of previous modifications primarily due to the use of the 48N6 missile, which has a firing range of up to 150 km.

Performance characteristics of the S-300P air defense system
Borders of the affected area, km
- long-range (aerodynamic target) 75
- long-range (BRMD) 25
- near 5
Target engagement altitude, km
- minimum (aerodynamic target) 0.025
- maximum (aerodynamic target) 27
Maximum speed SAM, m/s up to 2000
Maximum speed of targets hit, m/s 1200
On-load tap-changer viewing sector (azimuth), deg 90
Number of tracked targets up to 12
Number of targets fired up to 6
Number of simultaneously guided missiles up to 12
Rate of fire, from 3-5
Expansion/collapse time, min 5/5
The number of missiles in the complex is up to 48

SAM S-300 "Favorite"

Anti-aircraft missile system (AAMS)

USSR, Russia

Service history

Years of operation:


Production history


NPO "Almaz" named after. A. A. Raspletina, NPO "Antey" (S-300V), VNII RE (S-300F), NIIP (radar), IKB "Fakel" (Missiles)

Designed by:


VMP "AVITEK" (missiles)

Years of production:

S-300PT from 1975, S-300PS and S-300PM from 1978 to 2011.


S-300p, S-300PT, S-300PT-1, S-300PT-1A, S-300PS, S-300PM, S-300PMU, S-300PM1 (PMU-1), S-300PMU2, S-300V, S -300VM, S-300VMD, S-300B4, S-300F, S-300FM.


Anti-aircraft guided missile

Maximum range, m:

40-200 (300) km (for an aerodynamic target), 5-40 km (for a ballistic target)

Problems of unification


Radar stations

Means of camouflage and protection


Modifications of the S-300 system

S-300VM "Antey-2500"

S-300F (SA-N-6)

In service

Combat use


S-300 "Favorite"(customer index: 35Р6, 70Р6, 75Р6, 9К81, 3М-41) - a family of anti-aircraft missile systems capable of hitting various targets at altitudes: from lower than the possible flight altitude - to those exceeding the altitude ceiling for targets; at ranges: from several kilometers to 150, 200, 300 kilometers, depending on the type of elements of the S-300 family used and, in particular, interceptor missiles.

Designed for the defense of large industrial and administrative facilities, military bases and command posts from attacks by enemy aerospace attack weapons. Capable of hitting ballistic and aerodynamic targets. It became the first multi-channel anti-aircraft missile system, capable of tracking up to 6 targets with each complex (SAM) and directing up to 12 missiles at them. When creating command and control facilities (CS), consisting of a combat control point and a detection radar, we solved the problem of automatically linking routes to up to one hundred targets and effectively managing divisions located at a distance of 30-40 km from the control center. For the first time, a system with full automation of combat work was created. All tasks - detection, tracking, target distribution, target designation, target designation training, target acquisition, tracking, capture, tracking and guidance of missiles, evaluation of firing results - the system is able to solve automatically using digital computing tools. The operator's functions are to control the operation of the equipment and launch missiles. In difficult situations, manual intervention in the course of combat work is possible. None of the previous systems possessed these qualities. The vertical launch of missiles ensured the firing of targets flying from any direction without turning the launcher in the direction of fire. Modern modifications (presented publicly since 1997) with one set can hit up to 36 aerodynamic or ballistic targets by aiming up to 72 missiles at them, or (separate modifications) in various combinations, including without outside help.

The main developer is NPO Almaz named after. A. A. Raspletina (now part of the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern). Anti-aircraft guided missiles for the S-300 system were developed by the Fakel IKB. Serial release system (S-300PT) was launched in 1975. In 1978, testing of the system was completed; in 1979, the first S-300PT regiment went on combat duty.

The S-300 anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) consists of a command post with a detection radar (SAR), with which up to 6 5ZH15 anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM) are associated. Each of the 6 air defense systems is usually under the jurisdiction of its own military unit. The command post serves for automated distribution of targets between air defense systems and does not contain missiles. The price of the S-300PMU-1 (12PU) complex is $115 million.

A further development of the S-300 air defense system was the creation of the S-400 (40Р6) air defense system, which was put into service in 2007. In 2011, it was decided to remove modifications of the S-300PS and S-300PM complex from production.

History of creation

In the 1950s, it was decided to make the Moscow air defense system mobile.

By the end of the 1960s, the experience of using air defense systems in combat operations in Vietnam and the Middle East revealed the need to create a mobile complex with a short transfer time from a traveling and duty position to a combat position (and back). This was caused by the need to leave the firing position after firing before the enemy strike aviation group arrived. For example, the standard coagulation time of the S-125 complex is 1 hour 20 minutes, but it was increased to 20-25 minutes. This reduction in the standard was achieved by improvements in the design of air defense systems, training, and the coherence of combat crews, but the accelerated winding down led to losses in the cable industry, for which there was no time left for winding down.

In the USSR, the following complexes of anti-aircraft guided missiles were in service with the country's Air Defense Forces during these years: stationary multi-channel S-25 (only near Moscow), mobile single-channel target S-75 (medium-range), S-125 (low-altitude short range) and a long-range complex up to 400 km S-200.

Design work on the new S-300 anti-aircraft missile system began in 1969 by decree of the USSR Council of Ministers. It was envisaged to create air defense ground forces, air defense ships of the Navy and Air Defense Forces countries of three systems: S-300V (“Military”), S-300F (“Navy”) and S-300P (“Country Air Defense”).

For use in the S-300P, under the leadership of V. S. Burtsev, a series of control computers (Digital Computing Complex - TsVK) 5E26 was developed. Initially, the series included only two computers - 5E261 and 5E262. With the advent of a new element base in the mid-1980s, software compatible with the first models of the 5E265 and 5E266 computer series were developed for the S-300P system, which became the most mass-produced TsVK of the USSR, in total about 1.5 thousand copies were produced. Since 1988, the TsVK 40U6, a modification of the 5E26 with increased (3.5 million op./s) performance and additional equipment redundancy, began to be produced for the S-300 air defense systems.

Problems of unification

The main developer of the systems is the Almaz Central Design Bureau, which by the mid-1960s had experience in creating air defense and missile defense missile systems, in cooperation with the Fakel Design Bureau, carried out design work to create a single medium-range complex for the Ground Forces, the country's Air Defense Forces and the Navy with unified rocket.

All requirements put forward for the version of the Ground Forces air defense system during the design work, could not be satisfied when using a single missile for all variants of the complex. Therefore, after OKB Fakel refused to develop missile variants for the Ground Forces complex, this work was entrusted in full to the design bureau of the plant named after. M.I. Kalinina.

In turn, Almaz Central Design Bureau faced significant difficulties in ensuring the creation of complexes according to a single structure. Unlike the air defense and naval systems, which had to be used using a developed system of radar reconnaissance, warning and target designation, the air defense complex of the Ground Forces had, as a rule, to work in isolation from other means. The feasibility of developing a land version of the complex (the future S-300V) by another organization and without significant unification with air defense and naval systems became obvious. The work on creating the complex was transferred to NII-20 (NPO Antey), which by that time had experience in creating army air defense systems.

At the same time, such special sea conditions as the specific reflection of the radar signal from the sea surface, pitching, water splashes, as well as the need to ensure communication and compatibility with general ship complexes and systems, led to the fact that the lead organization for the ship complex (C- 300F) was determined by the VNII RE (formerly NII-10).

As a result, only the detection radars (SARs) of the S-300P (5N84) and S-300V (9S15) systems, as well as the missiles of the air defense and navy systems, turned out to be partially unified.


An important quality of all complexes of the S-300 family is the ability to work in various combinations within one modification and within one complex, between modifications (to a limited extent), as well as through various mobile higher command posts to form into batteries of any composition, quantity, modifications, location and so on, including the introduction of other air defense systems into a single battery for all. The illumination and guidance radar as part of the air defense missile system division of the *P* family has a sector of 60 degrees for the S-300P, for PT and PS and the next 90 degrees.

One of the standard modes of combat operation is the next stage, the missiles are guided (in particular) by the RPN 5N63 or the 3R41 Volna naval radar using an active illumination and guidance radar. The RPN 5N63 can have six target and twelve missile channels, that is, it can simultaneously fire at six targets, aiming up to two missiles at each. Targets flying at speeds of up to 4 speeds of sound (S-300PT, PS), as well as up to 8.5 speeds of sound for later modifications (S-300PM/S-300PMU-1) can be successfully fired at. The minimum interval between missile launches is 3 seconds. The division's command post is capable of managing up to 12 launchers simultaneously. A similar sequence, surveillance radar - KP - SAM - RPN, is also used in the S-300V.

The fragmentation warhead has a mass of 133 kg for 5V55 series missiles, 143 kg for 48N6 missiles and 180 kg for 48N6M missiles. The missiles have non-contact radar fuses. The warhead is filled with ready-made destructive elements in the form of cubes. Depending on the type of missile launcher, the launch weight is from 1450 to 1800 kg. The rocket is launched “mortar-style” directly from the transport and launch container, the container lid is knocked out by excess pressure created by the gas generator located in the TPK (contrary to popular misconception, the rocket does not pierce the lid, which could damage the fairing of the guidance head). On the S300B complex, the TPK cover is fired off using pyrobolts and then folded back using a spring mechanism. After shooting off the container lid, the rocket is thrown vertically upward to a height of 50 m, and already in the air the starting engine is started and tilted towards the target (by means of gas-dynamic aileron rudders), thereby eliminating the need to rotate the launcher. The launch scheme allows: 1) placing the launcher on any suitable “patch”, between buildings, in narrow gorges and hollows, tall and dense forests, protected from weapons of destruction and detection of the enemy, which does not prevent the use of even remotely located launchers through command means, even those that are equipped with their own on-load tap-changer. 2) a) shoot in any direction. for ballistic targets and low altitude even with a very limited number of launchers and missiles on launchers and attacking with different heights and directions without turning the entire launcher both *vertically* and *horizontally* to any required value (up to *in the opposite* direction), b) without losing flight time for the pre-launch deployment of missiles towards the target that can from low altitudes or through interference or through target separation (for example, an aircraft launching a number of missiles) - appear unexpectedly and not where the launcher is looking.

The S-300 has serious capabilities for adapting to a jamming environment and suppressing “leading interference.” Noise-resistant communication lines with automatic frequency tuning are used; there are modes of “collective” operation; data received from different radars flows to a single command post. The command post, summarizing fragmentary information from several radars, constantly has a complete picture of what is happening. It can also remove elements of the system from combat and introduce new ones so as to limit the enemy’s ability to get away from the fire or suppress it with fire (since the newly introduced element is closer and in a different direction, and the anti-missiles have already been spent on the withdrawn element, which will also be very difficult to hit because he can *leave* (in particular for the S-300V, PS simply lower/fold the on-load tap-changer tower and thereby end up behind cover (mountain/forest/building)) and/or be out of reach in range (adjusted for the fact that he and so it was out of reach, but to complete the interception, a closer element is used in order to deceive interference (both passive and active guidance))). It is possible to work in triangulation mode - simultaneous illumination of the target by two radars; Knowing the exact distance (base) between the radars and the angles/azimuths at which they observe the target, you can construct a triangle, at the base of which is the base, at the vertex is the target. In a moment, the computer will accurately determine the coordinates of the target, for example, the location of the jammer. It is possible (S-300B family) simultaneous active and passive detection in standard mode. A universal tower 40V6M or 40V6MD with a height of up to 39 meters is optionally available. This allows you to detect, using a low-altitude detector 76N6, a target with an ESR of 0.02 m2 and a flight altitude of 500 m at a distance of 90 km with a tower, you can use most S-300 radars (P family), for example, a low-altitude detector 5N66M or a surveillance radar 96L6E. This equipment is unique and allows the 36D6 radar to detect a target at an altitude of 60 m at a distance of 40 km versus 27 km without a tower. This reduces the capabilities of the attacking side, since both speed and range at low altitudes are significantly reduced relative to even medium altitudes (in particular, according to analytical data, the launch range of the Kh-58 anti-radar missile at low altitudes is 36 km and 120 km when launched from an altitude of 10 km, the maximum a range of 160 km is achieved from an altitude of 15 km).


System parameters

System and missiles used

Aircraft affected area, by range, km

Aircraft affected area, height, km

Probability of aircraft being hit

Maximum target speed, m/s

Ammunition, missiles

Rate of fire, s

Folding and unfolding time, min

S-300PT, S-300PT-1 with 5V55K (V-500K) missiles

S-300PT, S-300PT-1 with 5V55R (V-500R) missiles

S-300PS, S-300PMU with 5V55R (V-500R) missiles

S-300PMU1 with 48N6E missiles

Radar stations

RPN 30N6 (targeting illumination radar, English. FLAP LID A according to NATO classification) is installed on a truck. RLO 64N6 (surveillance radar, English. BIG BIRD according to NATO classification) is installed on a large trailer along the generator and is usually attached to an 8-wheel MAZ. HBO 76N6 (low-altitude detector, English. CLAM SHELL according to NATO classification) is installed on a large trailer with a tower that can rise from 24 to 39 m.

The original S-300P uses a combination of an NVO 76N6 Doppler radar for target acquisition and a 30N6 phased array RPN for tracking and targeting. There is also a command post on a separate truck and 12 launchers on trailers with 4 missiles each. The S-300PS/PM is similar in elements, but uses a modernized 30N6, combined with a command post and launchers on trucks.

If the system is used to destroy ballistic or cruise missiles, the 64N6 radar is used. It is capable of detecting ballistic missiles at a distance of up to 1,000 km and moving at speeds of up to 10,000 km/h, as well as cruise missiles at a distance of up to 300 km.

36D6 can also be used to provide early target detection data to the complex. It can detect missile-type targets flying at an altitude of 60 m at a distance of at least 20 km, at an altitude of 100 m at a distance of 30 km, and at high altitude at a distance of up to 175 km. In addition to it, the 64N6 can be used, which can detect a target at a distance of up to 300 km.

Surveillance radars

GRAU index

NATO designation


Detection range, km

First used


35D6 (ST-68UM)

detection, identification and tracking of air targets

signal intensity from 350 kW to 1.23 MW

Low altitude detector

Low altitude detector

2.4 kW frequency modulation monochromatic wave

All-altitude detector

All-round view

Sector overview

MP-800 Voskhod

Target tracking and illumination stations

GRAU index

NATO designation

Frequency range according to NATO classification

Tracking range, km

Simultaneously supported goals

Simultaneously fired targets

First used



3Р41 Wave


Rocket parameters

GRAU index

Range, km

Maximum speed, m/s

Diameter, mm

Weight, kg

Weight of warhead, kg


First used with

5V55K (V-500K) /5V55KD

Radio command guidance with illumination/guidance radar

5V55R (V-500K) /5V55RM

Semi-active guidance; Target illumination is provided by an external radar



Same as 5V55R, but with a “special” (nuclear) warhead

Same as 5V55R, but with “increased coverage area”

Radio command + semi-active

same as 48N6E

Command-inertial + Semi-active homing

Semi-active guidance

Active guidance

Active guidance

Means of camouflage and protection

  • Disguise. To camouflage the components of the S-300 system, unmasking full-scale inflatable dummies are used, equipped with additional devices for simulating electromagnetic radiation in the infrared and radio ranges.

All kinds of camouflage means can also be used, such as camouflage nets and placement of S-300 components in trenches, which will significantly complicate detection from long distances. Jamming stations for enemy radars, SPN-30, Pelena-1.

  • Protection. Additional elements of protection are the placement of S-300 components in trenches (both placement on hills is practiced for better visibility and faster movement beyond the horizon, and placement in trenches for secrecy and protection from explosion fragments).

An integral element for countering anti-radar missiles is the Gazetchik-E system for the S-300; the probability of intercepting a HARM-type PRR missile is 0.85; for missiles with active radar guidance, thermal or remote-controlled guidance systems, the probability of interception is 0.85-0.99. In this case, interception refers to the inability of an object to cause harm due to it missing the target.

Comparison between systems

Official name

Range, km

aerodynamic purposes

ballistic targets

Altitude, km

aerodynamic purposes

ballistic targets

Maximum target speed m/s

4500 for ballistic purposes

Maximum speed of missiles of the system m/s

number of guided interceptor missiles in a salvo

Number of simultaneously fired targets

Rocket weight, kg

from 330 to 1900

Warhead weight, kg

180 (for the heaviest)

Seconds between shots of the complex

3 (0 when starting from different media)

1.5 (0 when starting from different media)

3-4 (1 when starting from different media)

Minutes to minimize/expand the system


wheeled self-propelled gun

wheeled self-propelled gun

wheeled self-propelled gun

tracked self-propelled vehicle

wheeled semi-trailer

wheeled semi-trailer


The S-300 system has a large number of modifications, differing in different missiles, radars, the ability to protect against electronic warfare, longer range and the ability to fight short-range ballistic missiles or targets flying at low altitude. But the following main modifications can be distinguished.

Modifications of the S-300 system

System Modifications


S-300P ( Air defense of the country)

S-300V ( Military)

S-300F ( Navy)

S-300PT, S-300PT-1, S-300PT-1A, ( Transportable)

S-300PS, S-300PMU, ( Self-propelled)

S-300PM, S-300PMU1

S-300PMU2 “Favorite”

S-300F "Fort"

S-300FM "Fort-M"

Designation, NATO

5V55K (V-500K), 5V55R (V-500R)

5V55K (V-500K), 5V55R (V-500R), 5V55KD

48N6, 9M96E1, 9M96E2

48N6, 48N6E2, 9M96E1, 9M96E2









USSR, Russia

Service history

Years of operation:


Production history


Designed by:

1978 (S-300PT), 1982 (S-300PS)


S-300PT, S-300PT-1, S-300PT-1A, S-300PS (PMU)


Anti-aircraft guided missile 5V55K (V-500K), 5V55R (V-500R), 5V55KD (S-300PS)

Maximum range, m:

47 km (5V55K rocket), 90 km (5V55R rocket)

S-300PT(UV air defense index - 70Р6) (English) SA -10 A Grumble according to NATO classification; the letter T in the name means “transportable”), was produced since 1975, tests of which were completed in 1978, and then put into service, intended for air defense forces of objects and military groups. It replaced the older S-25 air defense systems and S-75 and S-125 air defense systems. The system included a command post (consisting of a 5N64 detection radar and a 5K56 combat control post) and up to 6 5ZH15 anti-aircraft missile systems. The system used 5V55K missiles (V-500K, without an on-board direction finder) with a range of destruction of aerodynamic targets up to 47 km (launch thrust DU 25 tf, operating time DU - 9 s). Later they were replaced by longer-range 5V55R missiles (V-500R, with an on-board radio direction finder) with a range of hitting targets up to 75 km.

The 5Zh15 complex consisted of a 5N66 radar for detecting air targets at low and extremely low altitudes. TIN SHIELD according to NATO classification), control systems with 5N63 guidance illumination radar (eng. FLAP LID according to NATO classification) and 5P85-1 launchers. The launchers were located on a semi-trailer. The 5N66 low-altitude detector was an attached means, i.e. the complex could function without this radar. The missiles were initially planned to use a command guidance system with an illumination/guidance radar using information from the missile's passive radar. But due to problems with targeting targets below 500 m, the developers decided that the ability to fire at low-altitude targets was more important, and initially only guidance was implemented by command from a ground-based radar. Later, a missile with its own guidance system was developed, which made it possible to achieve a minimum target height of 25 m.

Based on improvements in the S-300PT system, several important modifications were created for the domestic and export markets. S-300PT-1 And S-300PT-1A(UV air defense index - 70Р6-1) (English) SA-10 b/c according to NATO classification) are direct improvements to the original S-300PT. With them came the 5V55KD rocket with cold launch capabilities. The readiness time was reduced to 30 minutes, optimization of the trajectory of the 5V55KD missile made it possible to achieve a range of 75 km.

Anti-aircraft missile system S-300PS(UV air defense index - 75Р6) (the letter C in the name stands for “self-propelled”, designation SA-10d according to NATO classification) began entering service in 1982, and was then adopted. The warranty period expires in 2012-2013. The creation of this system was determined by the analysis of the experience of combat use of air defense systems in Vietnam and the Middle East, where the survival of units was greatly facilitated by their mobility. The new system had a record-breaking short deployment time of 5 minutes, making it difficult to attack by enemy aircraft. The S-300PS air defense system includes a 5N83S command post and up to 6 5ZH15S anti-aircraft missile systems.

The command post includes a 5N64S detection radar on the MAZ-7410 chassis and the 9988 semi-trailer and a 5K56S combat control point on the MAZ-543 chassis. The 5Zh15S complex includes a 5N63S illumination and guidance radar (RPN) and up to 4 launch complexes (each launch complex includes the main 5P85S launcher, to which 2 additional 5P85D are connected). Each launcher carries 4 missiles. The full ammunition load of the complex is 48 missiles. The complex's combat assets are also placed on the MAZ-543 chassis. To increase the system's capabilities for detecting and destroying low-altitude targets, the complex is equipped with a 5N66M low-altitude detector.

The NVO antenna post is installed on a 40V6M(D) tower, which is unified and can also be used to place an on-load tap-changer antenna post to reduce closing angles at a specific position. Autonomous power supply means - gas turbine power units GAP-65 - are installed on the chassis of combat vehicles. The Sosna antenna-mast device based on the ZIL-131N ensured the exchange of information with the command post at a distance of about 20 km from the division, and the 40V6M universal mobile tower with a height of 25 m on the MAZ-537 vehicle expanded the capabilities of the fire control radar in range. Subsequently, on the basis of the latter, a two-section 40V6MD tower with a height of 39 m was created, which was installed in an unequipped position within 2 hours. The all-altitude three-coordinate radar 36D6 (about 100 targets) or 16Zh6 (16 targets) and the 1T12-2M topographic surveyor on the GAZ-66 chassis were assigned to the S-300PS division in order to increase its autonomy, the accuracy of determining coordinates and ensuring the conduct of combat operations in isolation from the air defense command post. When using the division in a sparsely populated area, it could be equipped with a combat duty support module consisting of four blocks (canteen, dormitory, guardhouse with a machine gun mount, power unit) on the chassis of a MAZ-543 vehicle. The means of providing the S-300PS air defense system include means of external power supply (diesel power plants 5I57, distribution and converting devices 63T6, transportable transformer substations 83(2)X6, cable sets), means of increasing the range of voice and telecode communication - antenna-mast devices AMU FL- 95M on the ZIL-131 chassis, 1T12 topographic surveyors on the GAZ-66 chassis, 12Yu6 missile systems laboratory (tool for repairing digital computer systems 5E265(6), sets of individual and group spare parts on the chassis of semi-trailers of the OdAZ type. Transportability of non-self-propelled elements is ensured by KrAZ onboard and truck tractors -260. Designation of a unified transport vehicle-semi-trailer 5T58.

S-300PMU. Appeared in the mid-80s, the main difference is the ammunition load increased to 96-288 missiles. In 1989, an export version of the S-300PS-S-300PMU system appeared (NATO code designation - SA-10C Grumble). In addition to minor changes in the composition of the equipment, the export version also differs in that the launchers are offered only in the version transported on semi-trailers (5P85T). For operational maintenance, the S-300PMU system can be equipped with a mobile repair station PRB-300U.

S-300PMU1/S-300PMU2 (SA-20 Gargoyle)

S-300PMU1/S-300PMU2 (SA-20 Gargoyle)

Medium-range anti-aircraft missile system (AMS)

USSR, Russia

Service history

Years of operation:


Production history


NPO "Almaz" named after. A. A. Raspletina, NIIP (radar), IKB "Fakel" (Missiles)

Designed by:


S-300PM (PMU-1), S-300PMU2 “Favorite”


Anti-aircraft guided missile 48N6, 48N6E2 (“Favorite”), 9M96E1, 9M96E2

Maximum range, m:

150 km (48N6 rocket), 200 km (48N6E2 rocket), 40 km (9M96E1 rocket), 120 km (9M96E2 rocket)

Anti-aircraft missile system S-300PM(UV air defense index - 35Р6) (the letter M in the name means “modernized”), the S-300PM air defense system, despite its external similarity, is fundamentally different from previous versions. It began to be developed simultaneously with the adoption of the S-300PS into service in 1983. The use of the new element base made it possible to ensure its high noise immunity and double the range. After successful tests in 1989, it was adopted by the country's Air Defense Forces. Export version S-300PMU1, became a further development of the complex and became the S-300PM air defense system (NATO code designation - SA-10D Grumble). Development of an improved version of the complex began in 1985. The S-300PMU was adopted for service in 1993. The S-300PMU1 was first shown at the Mosaeroshow-92 air show in Zhukovsky, and a year later its capabilities were demonstrated during demonstration shooting at the international arms exhibition IDEX-93 (Abu Dhabi, UAE). NATO designation SA-20a Gargoyle). The main improvement of the S-300PM is the new 48N6 missile, which takes many of the improvements from the S-300FM naval missiles, but with a slightly smaller warhead than the naval version - 143 kg. The missile has improved hardware and is capable of hitting air targets flying at speeds of up to 6,450 km/h; the range of destruction of enemy aircraft is 150 km. Ballistic targets up to 40 km. The radars were also modernized; the 64N6 detection radar was included in the system. BIG BIRD according to NATO classification) and a 30N6E1 illumination and guidance radar. Latest systems were produced until 1994. The warranty period is 25 years.

air defense missile system S-300PMU1 designed to combat massively used modern aircraft, cruise and aeroballistic missiles, TBRs, TBRs day and night in any weather, climatic and physical-geographical conditions with intense electronic countermeasures. This automated, noise-resistant air defense system can be used autonomously and as part of a grouping of various air defense systems controlled by a set of control equipment (CS) 83M6E or an automated control system (Baikal-1E, Senezh-M1E). The first production prototype of the system was presented at the Moscow Aviation and Space Salon in 1995 (MAKS-95). EPR minimum 0.02 m2.

In 1999, several types of missiles were introduced for the first time; in addition to the 5V55R (V-500R), 48N6 and 48N6E2 missiles, the S-300PMU1 could use two new missiles: 9M96E1 and 9M96E2. Both are significantly smaller than previous missiles, weighing 330 and 420 kg respectively, while carrying smaller (24 kg) warheads. 9M96E1 has a damage radius of 1-40 km and 9M96E2 1-120 km. For maneuvering, they do not use an aerodynamic tail, but rather a gas-dynamic system, which allows them to have a very high probability of destruction, despite a much smaller warhead. The probability of hitting a ballistic target with a single missile is 0.8-0.9/0.8-0.97, depending on the type of missile. S-300PMU1 uses the 83M6E control system, although it is also compatible with old system management of Baikal-1E and Senezh-M1E. 83M6E includes the 64N6E surveillance radar. The on-load tap-changer uses the 30N6E1 and can additionally use the low-altitude detector 76N6 and all high-altitude detectors 96L6E. The 83M6E can control up to 12 launchers, both self-propelled 5P85SE and trailed 5P85TE. Usually, support vehicles are also included, such as the 40V6M tower, designed to raise the antenna post. All S-300PM air defense systems in service with the Aerospace Defense Forces have undergone modernization under the Favorit-S program. The second stage of improvement will increase the probability of hitting ballistic targets, replace outdated workstations and computing facilities with modern models (Elbrus, Baguette, RAMEC), introduce autonomous detection and target designation equipment into the system, as well as upgraded communication equipment and modern topographic reference tools. The effectiveness of the upgraded S-300PM air defense system to the PM2 level, when repelling combined attacks from aerodynamic and ballistic targets, increases by an average of 15-20%.

S-300PMU2 Favorite(UV air defense index - 35Р6-2) (NATO designation SA-20b Gargoyle) was introduced in 1997, in the same year it was put into service as an update to the S-300PMU1 with an increased range of up to 195 km. EPR minimum 0.02 m2. A new 48N6E2 rocket was developed for it. This system can combat not only short-range ballistic missiles, but medium-range tactical ballistic missiles. The system uses the 83M6E2 control system, consisting of a 54K6E2 command post and a 64N6E2 detection radar with two-way phased array. Up to 6 98Zh6E air defense systems as part of the 30N6E2 illumination and guidance radar and up to 12 launchers (4 missiles each) from the s-300 Favorit and/or s-300PMU1. Optionally, all-altitude radar 96L6E, low-altitude radar 76N6, mobile tower(s) for 30N6E2 can be attached. The previously released S-300PM and S-300PMU1 can be upgraded to the level of the S-300PMU2. Provides: autonomous solution of combat missions when notified of an air attack, destruction of air targets at ranges of up to 200 km, destruction of non-strategic ballistic missiles at ranges of up to 40 km, increased efficiency of destruction of all types of targets due to the modernization of system equipment, new missile guidance algorithms and the use of 48N6E2 missiles with modernized combat equipment, high noise immunity, the ability to use 48N6E missiles from the S-ZOPMU1 air defense system, the possibility of integration into air defense groups. So far only one division is armed with the Favorit complex Russian army(year 2013).

S-300V (SA-12 Gladiator/Giant)

Anti-aircraft missile system S-300V Antey-300(GRAU MO index - 9K81) is not included in the S-300 PT/PS/PMU/F family of air defense systems. In fact, it is a separate development of another design bureau. Designed for anti-aircraft missile units of the Ground Forces of the Soviet Army. It was in service with anti-aircraft missile brigades of district subordination. Partially adopted in 1983. EPR from 0.05 sq.m.

  • Designed to directly cover troops located close to the enemy, primarily from ballistic missiles and aircraft and also various other targets.
  • S-300V air defense system - the first mobile universal system anti-missile and anti-aircraft defence.

Organizationally, it is a separate anti-aircraft missile division, including a combat control point 9S457, one all-round radar 9S15MT(B), one sector-view radar 9S19M2 (in the modification S-300V2, to increase the capabilities of detecting ballistic targets, instead of the all-round radar 9S15M, fiber-synchronized radars are used optical cable two 9S19M2 radars), four multi-channel missile guidance stations MSNR 9S32, 8 self-propelled launchers 9A82 (for 9M82 missiles), 16 self-propelled launchers 9A83 (for 9M83 missiles), 4 self-propelled launching and loading installations 9A84 (for maneuvering 9M82 missiles) and 8 self-propelled launcher-loaders 9A85 (for maneuvering 9M83 missiles). (The actual number of launchers and ROMs in batteries, as well as the number of batteries in divisions varies and differs from what was planned). Anti-jamming modes differ between radars, which obliges the enemy to use them all at once; at the same time, part of the radar also operates in passive mode (guidance based on interference). Additional equipment included in the system include maintenance vehicles 9V878, 9V879, 1P15, and a training complex 9F88. The S-300V group assets (as part of an anti-aircraft missile brigade) include 9T82 missile transport vehicles, rigging equipment sets, 1P14, 1P16, 9V898 maintenance and repair vehicles, and a 9T447 group spare parts kit. The S-300V anti-aircraft missile system provides detection at a range of up to 300 km and simultaneous firing of up to 24 (according to the number of launchers) air targets (airplanes, helicopters, cruise and ballistic missiles) at a range of up to 100 km with 9M82 missiles and up to 75 km with 9M83 missiles. Guidance of up to 48 missiles is provided, up to 4 to 1 target from two launchers. The maximum firing range of the target ballistic missiles is 1100 km, the maximum target speed is 3 km/s. The performance of divisions within the S-300B for aerodynamic or ballistic targets will be determined by the applied mode when the division is turned on. The mode change occurs in less time than folding/unfolding the complex (5 minutes). Since 1988, the S-300B complex has been put into service in its entirety. The command post (CP) 9S457 was designed to control the combat operations of the air defense systems (anti-aircraft missile divisions) of the S-300B system, both during autonomous operation of the system and when controlled from a higher command post (from the command post of an anti-aircraft missile brigade) in missile defense and anti-aircraft defense modes.

In the missile defense mode, the command post ensured the operation of the air defense system to repel the attack of Pershing-type ballistic missiles and SRAM-type aircraft ballistic missiles detected using the "Ginger" program survey radar, received radar information, controlled the combat operating modes of the "Ginger" radar and multi-channel missile guidance station, and recognized and selection of true targets based on trajectory characteristics, automatic distribution of targets among air defense systems, as well as issuance of sectors of operation of the "Ginger" radar for detecting ballistic and aeroballistic targets, jamming directions for determining the coordinates of jammers. The KP took measures to maximize automation of the management process. In the anti-aircraft defense mode, the command post ensured the operation of up to four air defense systems (batteries) with 6 target channels in each, that is, up to 24 targets simultaneously, for repelling a raid, targets detected by the all-round radar "Obzor-3" aerodynamic targets (up to 200), in including in conditions of interference, it initiated and tracked target tracks (up to 70), received information about targets from a multi-channel missile guidance station and a higher command post, recognized target classes (aerodynamic or ballistic), and selected the most dangerous targets to destroy air defense systems. The command post provided for the issuance of up to 24 target designations (TC) of the air defense system during the target distribution cycle (three seconds). The average working time of the command post from receiving marks from targets to issuing a control center when working with an all-round radar (with a viewing period of 6 seconds) was 17 seconds. When working on the Lance-type ballistic missile, the control point issuance boundaries were 80-90 km. The average operating time of the control panel in missile defense mode did not exceed 3 seconds. The radar implemented two modes of a circular regular view of the airspace, used in detecting aerodynamic targets, as well as ballistic missiles of the Scud and Lance types. All S-300V air defense systems are equipped with means of protection against the damaging factors of weapons mass destruction. March speed up to 60 km/h.

In the centralized control mode, the brigade (3-4 air defense systems) of the S-300V air defense system worked according to commands, target distribution and target designation from: 1) an automated command post (Polyana-D4 automated control system) 2) a radar post (which included a 9S15M all-round radar, program review 9S19M2, standby radar 1L13 and radar information processing station PORI-P1).

An important difference between the S-300B and the “parallel” system is: 1) the presence of two types of anti-aircraft guided missiles, of which one type 9M83 is used to destroy aerodynamic targets at a distance of up to 75 km, and the second 9M82 can hit ballistic targets of the ground-to-surface class - operational-tactical missiles of the "R-11" type ( Scud according to NATO codification), Lance, Pershing-1A, as well as aircraft of all types with speeds of up to 3000 m/s at a range of up to 100 km. All elements of the system are mounted on tracked chassis of the Object 830 family. 2) Each air defense system (battery) as part of the air defense system (division) can conduct independent combat work, and at the same time, each launcher is equipped (this is another level of radar that is not in the S-300 family P) with a target illumination and missile guidance radar.

S-300VM "Antey-2500"

The continuation of the line is the S-300VM air defense system "Antey-2500". The Antey-2500 complex is an export modification developed separately from the S-300 family but fully consistent with it, supplied to Venezuela, approximate export price of 1 billion dollars, the system has 1 type of missiles in 2 versions, the main one and supplemented by a sustainer stage doubling the firing range ( up to 200 km, according to other sources up to 250 km), can simultaneously hit up to 24 air or 16 ballistic targets in various combinations, being practically the only system capable of simultaneously hitting both aerodynamic and ballistic targets as part of 1 complex. It also contains its own sector radar for revealing areas affected by interference (rather than using external elements of the RTV troop system). The maximum firing range of target medium-range ballistic missiles is 2500 km. Maximum speed of hit ballistic targets, 4500 m/s. The minimum effective dispersion surface of destroyed targets is 0.02 m2, the range of developed target overloads is up to 30 units. Maximum height of destruction, aerodynamic targets 30 km, ballistic targets up to 24 km, Number of missiles aimed at one target, pcs.: when firing from one launcher up to 2, when firing from different launchers up to 4. Interval between launches of missile defense systems, sec: s one launcher 1.5, from different launchers 0. Maneuverability and additional characteristics: expansion/collapse time, no more than 6 minutes. The maximum speed of movement under its own power is 50 km/h. The cruising range of combat vehicles without refueling, with subsequent operation of the gas turbine power unit for 2 hours, is 250 km. Climatic conditions operation: temperature, ±50°С. Humidity at a temperature of +30°C, 98%. Altitude above sea level, up to 3000 m. Wind speed with deployed assets, up to 30 m/s.

Compound. Detection and target designation unit consisting of: all-round radar; command post; Sector-view radar. Up to 4 air defense systems, each consisting of: a multi-channel missile guidance station; launcher with 4 9M83ME missiles (with illumination and guidance radar); launch-loading installation with 2 9M82ME missiles (on-load tap-changer replaced by loading equipment). Technical means. Missile support means: transport vehicle; set of rigging equipment; control and testing station. Means for maintenance and repair of military equipment in field conditions: maintenance vehicles; a set of maintenance and repair machines; group kit. Training equipment for combat crew operators: operational training samples of missile defense systems; overall weight models of missile defense systems; computer simulator 9F681ME. The speed of the 9M82M missile is Mach 7.85.

air defense missile system C-300B4 is a further modernization of the S-300V and S-300VM air defense systems. It is a priority air defense weapon and ensures the destruction of ballistic missiles and aerodynamic targets at ranges of more than 300 kilometers. The S-300V4 air defense system has increased combat capabilities, achieved through the introduction of new components, the introduction of modern elemental base and computing facilities, which made it possible to improve the technical and operational characteristics of the air defense system, including the working conditions of combat crews. The speed of the S-300V4 air defense missiles is 9M, and the warhead is detonated by radio command.

  • In 2012, the modernization of all S-300V systems to the S-300V4 level was completed; also in 2013, 3 new S-300V4 divisions were delivered and a contract was signed for the supply of more new divisions until 2015. The effectiveness of the new B4 complex is 1.5-2.3 times greater than the previous B3.

S-300F (SA-N-6)

S-300F (SA-N-6)

Medium-range anti-aircraft missile system (AMS)

USSR, Russia

Service history

Years of operation:


Production history


VNII RE, NIIP (radar), MKB "Fakel" (Missiles)

Designed by:

1993 (S-300PMU1) 1997 (S-300PMU2 “Favorite”)

Designed by:

1983 (S-300F “Fort”), 1990 (S-300FM “Fort-M”)


S-300F "Fort", S-300FM "Fort-M"


Anti-aircraft guided missile 5V55RM, 48N6

Maximum range, m:

75 km (5V55RM rocket), 150 km (48N6 rocket)

S-300F Fort(URAV Navy Index - ZM-41) - long-range ship-type air defense system, created on the basis of the S-300P air defense system with new 5V55РМ missiles with a range extended to 5-75 km, and a maximum speed of targets hit up to 1300 m/s, while the altitude range was reduced to 25 m - 25 km, intended for naval forces.

Entered service in 1983. The ship version uses a homing system using the missile's semi-active radar. The first prototype was installed in 1977 and was tested on the Azov BOD of Project 1134B Berkut B (eng. Kara class according to NATO classification). The prototype air defense system included two revolving launchers for 48 missiles and a Fort control system, which were placed in place of the removed Shtorm aft air defense system. It was also installed on the cruisers of project 1164 “Atlant” (Slava class according to NATO classification, 8 launch silos) and 1144 “Orlan” (eng. Kirov class according to NATO classification, 12 launch silos), the launcher is rotating and can accommodate 8 missiles. The rocket is launched from a container under the launch hatch. The main engine starts after the rocket exits, which ensures fire and explosion safety of the cellar. After the rocket descends, the drum rotates, bringing the next rocket to the launch line. The export version of this system is known as "Reef".

S-300FM Fort-M an updated version of the system, installed only on 1144 Orlan class cruisers. Kirov class according to NATO classification) and uses 48N6 missiles, which were introduced in 1990. The maximum speed of targets hit was increased to 1800 m/s. The warhead weight was increased to 150 kg. The destruction radius was increased to 5-93 km (the 48N6 missile has a maximum destruction range of up to 150 km, but the control system that existed in 1993 allowed a range of only 93 km), and the altitude range of up to 25 m was 25 km. The new missiles use a guidance system through the missile's radar and can intercept short-range ballistic missiles. The export version is called "Rif-M". Chinese Type 051C destroyers are armed with this system.

Both ship systems can include an infrared guidance system to reduce vulnerability to interference. The missile is also allowed to destroy targets beyond radar range, such as warships or anti-ship missiles.

On the cruiser "Peter the Great", in addition to the modernized aft complex for the use of 48N6 missiles, a new bow complex S-300FM "Fort-M" with a new antenna post was installed. In the process of modernizing the Fort-M complex on the Peter the Great, the 48N6 missiles were replaced with more modern 48N6E2 missiles with a maximum launch range of 200 km and improved characteristics of hitting ballistic targets (the missiles were unified with the S-300PMU2 land complex). Due to the design features of the new version, the ammunition load of missiles was reduced by 2 to 46. Thus, the cruiser "Peter the Great" is armed with one S-300F complex with 48 48N6 missiles and one S-300FM complex with 46 48N6E2 missiles.

In service

The S-300 is used primarily in Eastern Europe and Asia, although sources are conflicting about which specific countries have the system.

  • Azerbaijan: 2 divisions of S-300PMU-2 air defense systems, 8 launchers in each division, also 200 SAM48N6E2 were delivered from Russia in 2011;
  • Algeria acquired 8 S-300PMU2 in 2006;
  • Armenia: 5 S-300pt battalions (according to other sources, 3 S-300PS battalions) with 12 systems each;
  • Belarus has one S-300B brigade, one brigade and two S-300PS regiments. In 2005-2006, 4 divisions (48 launchers) of the S-300PS were delivered from the RF Armed Forces; payment by barter for eight-axle MZKT-79221 chassis for the RS-12M1 Topol-M missile systems; 4 divisions will be delivered in 2014.
  • Bulgaria - a number of S-300P as of 2013;
  • Venezuela - the exact number is unknown. Launchers of the S-300VM Antey-2500 air defense system were demonstrated at the parade on April 19, 2013 in honor of the 203rd anniversary of the declaration of independence;
  • Vietnam - 12 S-300PMU1 launchers as of 2013, purchase cost about $300 million;
  • Iran: the presence of the S-300 in the country remains controversial. A number of S-300s were probably purchased in 1993; a denial was issued. He tried to purchase a certain amount from Russia in 2010, but the contract was blocked by decree of the Russian President, and the advance was returned. Tehran filed a lawsuit in an international court, demanding to recognize the failure of the contract and pay a penalty or supply the systems; Tehran refused Moscow’s offer to supply the Tor-M2ET instead of the S-300. However, according to some reports, the delivery of the S-300 VM Antey-2500 air defense system is being prepared; a refutation appeared in 2014.
  • Kazakhstan has a small number of S-300s, which are concentrated around Astana. In February 2009, a contract was signed for the supply of 10 S-300PMU-1 divisions from the reserve of the Russian Armed Forces. The end of deliveries is planned for 2011; 5 divisions of S-300PS will be delivered in 2014.
  • China: 32 S-300PMU, 64 S-300PMU1, 64 S-300PMU2 for 2013. We purchased the S-300PMU1 and a production license under the name Hongqi-10(HQ-10). China is also the first buyer of the S-300PMU2 and may likely use the S-300V under the name Hongqi HQ-18. They also created an upgraded version of the HQ-10, calling it the HQ-15, with the maximum range increased from 150 km to 200 km. There are unconfirmed reports that this version is the Chinese-made S-300PMU2. In total, from 1993 to 2008, 4 S-300PMU divisions, 8 S-300PMU1 divisions and 8 S-300PMU2 divisions were delivered (total 20 S-300 divisions, each division - 4 launchers);
  • Cyprus/Greece: 2 S-300PMU1(12PU) complexes for 2013. Cyprus signed an agreement to purchase the S-300 (2 divisions + KP-RLO) in 1996. Eventually acquired the S-300PMU1 variant, but due to political differences between Cyprus and Turkey and intense Anglo-American pressure, the S-300 was moved to the Greek island of Crete. Cyprus later acquired the Tor-M1 complex;
  • DPRK: The KN-06 air defense system is, according to some assumptions, a copy of the C-300, according to others, a modification of the KN-02 (a copy of the Tochka OTRK). The system was demonstrated at the 2012 parade in Pyongyang and tested in February 2013;
  • Republic of Korea: Since 2007, a modified version of the S-300, called Cheolmae-2, modified to NATO standards, has been developed and produced. The system consists of a multifunctional radar (NATO classification I-band) developed at Almaz Design Bureau, a command post and several launchers for the Korean version of the 9M96 missiles. Currently, the main customer is Samsung Thales - a joint company between the Korean Samsung Electronics and the French Thales;
  • Russia: 1900 S-300PT/PS/PMU launchers, 200 S-300V (presumably all upgraded to B4 by 2012) as of 2013;
  • Syria showed interest in purchasing the S-300P in 1991; in 2010, a contract was signed for the supply of S-300 air defense systems; according to US and Israeli intelligence estimates, 6 S-300 air defense systems should be supplied from Russia. According to Putin's statement in an interview on September 4, 2013, individual components were delivered and the delivery has been suspended due to the situation in Syria;
  • Slovakia - some S-300PT-1 as of 2013
  • USSR - passed to the states formed after the collapse;
  • The USA has dismantled 1 on-load tap-changer and 5P85 launcher purchased from Belarus; an attempt to purchase 2 on-load tap changers and spare parts for them through Kazakhstan from Russia ended in failure. We officially purchased the S-300V, without the MSNR 9S32;
  • Ukraine - The exact number is unknown, 6 S-300 air defense systems have undergone major overhauls. According to the Ukrainian specialized press, as of April 2013, 60 divisions of the S-200V, S-300V1, S-300PT/PS and Buk-M1 air defense systems were on combat duty. It is reported that the S-200V, S-300PT and S-300V1 air defense systems will be removed from service and transferred to storage bases. In 2012, 1 S-300 PT complex was repaired, the service life was extended for 5 years. In April 2013, in Sevastopol, the division took up combat duty to protect airspace, which at the end of 2012 received the modernized S-300PS anti-aircraft missile system;
  • Croatia - some S-300P as of 2013.

Combat use

The S-300 has never taken part in real combat. Operating countries often conduct training firings of the S-300, based on the analysis of which various experts recognize it as a very combat-ready air defense system.

During combat training and demonstration firing, the system has repeatedly confirmed its high capabilities in combating various types air targets.

After the first war (1991) in the Persian Gulf, several S-300PMU air defense systems were fired at targets similar to Lance-type ballistic missiles, all targets were hit. In 1993, during demonstration shooting at an international exhibition modern weapons in Abu Dhabi (February 1-7), the S-ZOPMU1 system shot down a training target. The high combat capabilities and mobility of the S-300V anti-aircraft missile systems have been repeatedly confirmed by combat training and special exercises. Thus, during the Oborona-92 exercises, the system ensured that aircraft were destroyed by the first missile, and ballistic missiles were destroyed by it with the consumption of no more than two missiles.

In 1995, at the Kapustin Yar test site, when testing the S-300 system, for the first time in the world, it was possible to achieve the destruction of an operational-tactical missile of the R-17 type in the air: at the interception point, the detonation of the combat equipment of the S-300 anti-aircraft missiles caused the initiation of the warhead of the ballistic missile " R-17". For comparison, four years earlier, during the Gulf War, the Patriot complexes were unable to show high efficiency, since they mainly hit the body of missiles of this type, without destroying the warhead of the target missile, but only deflecting it. However, given the low inherent accuracy of missiles of the R-17 type, the criterion for classifying affected missiles as “downed” is subjective and the real effectiveness of the main rival S-300 can hardly be assessed reliably. Later modifications of the Patriot air defense system, characterized by greater guidance accuracy, more advanced software and the presence of a new fuse that ensures detonation of the warhead when sufficiently close to the enemy missile, in 2003 in the war with Iraq already gave different results - all 9 launched by Iraq “ Scadov" were shot down. Delegations from 11 countries were present. At the same time, the La-17M targets, the 8K14 (5S1Yu) ballistic missile launched from a distance of 70 km from the air defense system, and the Kaban target missile based on the MP-10 meteorological missile, simulating a small ballistic missile, were destroyed with 100% effectiveness.

In April 2005, NATO conducted an exercise in France and Germany called Trial Hammer 05, the purpose of which was to practice techniques for suppressing enemy air defenses. The participating countries were pleased that the Slovak Air Force provided the S-300PMU as it gave NATO a unique opportunity to become familiar with the system.

During testing of the S-300PMU2 air defense system in China, firing was carried out at 4 types of targets, while: simulators of an operational-tactical missile were shot down at ranges of 34 and 30.7 km at altitudes of 17.7 km and 4.9 km, respectively, a simulator of a strategic aircraft aviation was hit at a range of 184.6 km, a small-sized UAV-type target was destroyed at a range of 4.6 km, and a small-sized ballistic target was also destroyed. In general, the entire range of tests ended in success, confirming the high performance of the S-300PMU2 anti-aircraft missile system.

In November 2010, calculations S-300V OTR simulators were shot down for the first time. 2 S-300B divisions took part in the shooting; the targets were Kaban analogue missiles. A year earlier, anti-aircraft missile units of the Northwestern Air Force and Air Defense Association took part in the Air Force Air Fire Conference at the Ashuluk training ground. The strike density reached six targets per minute, and in just two minutes of battle, 14 target missiles were destroyed - analogues of promising air attack weapons of a potential enemy.

Having studied the S-300PMU1 complex purchased by Cyprus in 1996, during joint Israeli-Greek air exercises, Israeli experts stated that they had identified the weaknesses of this version of the complex. Israel, concerned about the possibility of supplying S-300 systems to Iran and Syria, devoted significant efforts to creating electronic countermeasures systems specifically for this missile system (2008).

In September 2013, Russia lost the tender for the supply of S-300 systems to Turkey. Initially, participation in the tender of the S-400 complex was announced, but subsequently the Russian side refused to sell the S-400 abroad until the needs of its own army were satisfied. Together with Russia, the United States participated in the tender, offering the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system, China, as well as European manufacturers. Turkey preferred the cheaper Chinese analogue of the S-300, which is essentially an unlicensed copy of the S-300 missile system. Moreover, during the negotiations, China agreed to reduce the cost of missile systems supplied to Turkey from 4 to 3 billion US dollars.


The S-300PS anti-aircraft missile system (AAMS) is designed for the defense of the most important administrative, industrial and military facilities from attacks of all types of air attack weapons in their entire range practical application, including when on constant combat duty. The S-ZOOPS air defense system ensures the destruction of modern and advanced aircraft, cruise missiles, ballistic and other targets flying at speeds of up to 1200 m/s in a zone of up to 75 (90) km in range at altitudes from 25 m to the practical ceiling of their combat use, in conditions massive raid, in a difficult tactical and jamming environment. The system is all-weather and can be used in various climatic zones.

The S-300PS is a self-propelled version of the S-300P anti-aircraft missile system and received the NATO code designation - SA-10B Grumble. The complex has been entering service since 1982. The lead developer is NPO Almaz, chief designer A. Lemansky. The system included missiles of the 5V55R (V-500R) type, created by the Fakel Design Bureau (Moscow) and produced at the Northern Plant Production Association (Leningrad). Work on the creation of self-propelled launchers was carried out at KBSM under the leadership of Chief Designer A.F. Utkin, and since 1979 under the leadership of N.A. Trofimov.

The creation of this complex was determined by an analysis of the experience of the combat use of air defense missiles in Vietnam and the Middle East, where the survival of air defense systems was greatly facilitated by their mobility, the ability to escape from an attack “in front of the very nose” of the enemy and quickly prepare for battle in a new position. The new complex had a record short deployment time of 5 minutes, making it difficult to attack by enemy aircraft. The export version of the S-ZOOPS system, characterized by minor changes in the composition of the equipment, received the designation S-ZOOPSMU (NATO code designation - SA-10C Grumble)).

A further development of the S-300PS (S-300PMU) air defense system is the S-ZOOPMU-1 system with improved tactical and technical characteristics, which was put into service in 1993.


The S-ZOOPS (S-300PMU) anti-aircraft missile system includes:

  1. anti-aircraft guided missiles 5V55R
  2. anti-aircraft missile system 90Zh6, containing:
    • command post 5N63S with illumination and guidance radar (RPN) 30N6;
    • up to four launch complexes 5P85SD, each of which consists of one main launcher (PU) 5P85S and two additional launchers 5P85D,
    • autonomous radar detection and target designation equipment - radar 76N6 and (or) radar 36D6(added additionally)
  3. technical support means.

ZRK 90Zh6 can be interfaced with automated control systems 83M6E.

Launch complex 5P85SD

The 5P85SD complex includes:

    main PU 5P85S, equipped with a container for preparing and controlling the launch of F3S missiles,

    up to two “additional” 5P85D launchers, controlled through the F3S container on the 5P85S launcher.

Launchers of both types carry four transport-launch containers (TPC) with 5V55R missiles, are equipped with a 5S18A autonomous power supply system and are mounted on the chassis of heavy-duty MAZ-543M off-road vehicles. Weight of PU 5P85S - 42150 kg. Launcher dimensions: length - 13.11 m, width - 3.15 m, height - 3.8 m.

The 5P85D launchers are installed in position in pairs relative to the 5P85S launcher in such a way that the distance between the cabins is 2-3 meters (which is determined by the length of the cable connecting the 5P85D launcher to the F3S container), and the distance between the TPK packages is 5-6 meters. All 5P85S launchers must have their cabins oriented towards the 30N6 on-load tap-changer (the exact angular location of the launcher is determined by reference points on the F2S container using artillery panoramas installed on the 5P85S launcher) and are located at a distance of up to one hundred meters from it. Communication of the 5P85S launchers with the PBU for controlling the operation of the F3S container and ensuring the preparation of missiles is carried out via a radio link through an antenna located behind the launcher driver's cabin on the F3S container. On later series of launchers, a disk-shaped antenna of the communication system is used.

When deployed into a combat position, launch complex vehicles are mounted on hydraulic supports. In this case, leveling errors are almost completely compensated by a special PU unit.

The 5N63S command post is mounted on an F20 chassis based on a MAZ-543M vehicle and includes:

  • RPN 30N6 - container F1S - receiving and transmitting cabin with interrogator
  • combat control cabin (CCU) - F2K hardware container.

The F20 chassis includes: a 5S18A power supply system with two gas turbine power units (GAP) and a power take-off generator (from the MAZ vehicle engine) and a telescopic antenna mast device (AMU) for communication with a higher command post and an automatic control system.

The highly automated multifunctional target illumination and missile guidance radar (RPN) 30N6 receives and processes target designations from 83M6E controls and attached autonomous information sources, detects (including in autonomous mode), selects targets for priority firing, captures and automatically tracks targets , determination of their nationality, capture, tracking and guidance of missiles, illumination of targets being fired to ensure the operation of semi-active homing heads of guided missiles. The ground edge, in which low-altitude targets may appear, is automatically scanned. The complex's digital control system assesses the interference situation and suppresses interference, both passive and active. RPN 30N6 provides simultaneous guidance of up to 12 missiles at six targets of various types.

The design of the F20 chassis allows combat work to be carried out directly “from the wheels” after installing the vehicle on hydraulic supports (leveling errors are calculated by a special computing unit located in the F1S container). Cable connections to other elements of the complex and power sources are made if necessary and if time is available.

When the location of the division is more than 20 km from the location of the system command post, the AMU FL-95 (FL-95M, FL-95MA) is introduced into the division - a telescopic farm mast up to 25 meters high based on the chassis of the ZIL-131N vehicle (AMU Sosna ") - for the sustainable exchange of information about the air installation and the conduct of combat operations.

To expand the capabilities for detecting and tracking low-altitude targets when deploying anti-aircraft divisions and units of radio technical troops (RTV) in wooded or very rough terrain, the country's air defense forces have used stationary towers since the 60s to raise SNR antenna posts, reconnaissance and target designation radars. In relation to the S300P complexes of various modifications, a universal mobile tower 40V6M with a height of about 25 meters, towed in the transport position by a MAZ-537 tractor, was developed to accommodate the RNP antenna post. The tower was put into service in the late 70s - early 80s. Somewhat later, the 40V6MD tower, about 39 meters high, was developed and put into service, differing from the 40V6M tower by an additional 13-meter extension. To transport an additional section of the 40V6MD tower, a road train based on a MAZ-938 semi-trailer is used. Installation of the 40V6M tower and lifting of the on-load tap-changer is carried out in 1 hour using the standard means of the tower, for the 40V6MD tower - in 2 hours using standard means and an additional crane of the KT-80 "Yanvarets" type or a lifting load similar in lifting capacity and height.

The KT-80 (KS-7571) crane with a lifting capacity of up to 80 tons was created by GSKTB using the chassis of mobile launchers of the Pioneer strategic missile system - a six-axle MAZ-547A all-terrain vehicle. The production of cranes was carried out by the plant named after the January Uprising (Odessa).

The time of deployment of the complex and transfer from the traveling position to the combat position is determined by the time of automatic monitoring of the functioning of the complex systems and the transmitters entering the high voltage mode. All operations are carried out by combat crews from the cockpits of launch complexes and control units.

During combat operations, the interaction of all participating units of equipment is carried out via telemetric communication channels (radio link). A cable connection is provided between the 5P85D and 5P85S launchers (to the F3S container) of the 5V85SD complexes and between the 5V85S launchers and the F2K containers. If there is time, external power supply systems (EPS) are connected to the appropriate consumers.

The rate of fire is 3.5 seconds, up to 6 targets can be fired at the same time with 12 missiles when aiming up to two missiles at each target. There is a mode for firing at ground targets.

Anti-aircraft guided missile 5V55R

The 5V55R missile defense system is designed to engage modern and future air targets, including strategic and tactical aviation, cruise missiles, as well as ballistic and tactical missiles of various bases and other air targets. The missile is single-stage, made according to the normal aerodynamic design. Equipped with a highly efficient solid propellant engine, it consists of a number of compartments in which a radio direction finder, an equipment compartment (on-board equipment is made in the form of a monoblock), a high-explosive fragmentation warhead, a solid propellant rocket engine, and rocket rudder control units are located (see photo 1, photo 2). The rocket launch is vertical, using a catapult installed in the TPK without first turning the launcher towards the target. After the rocket exits the TPK, the air rudders-ailerons open to their working position under the action of torsion bars, and the engine starts. After starting the engine, the rocket tilts in the required direction depending on the position of the target.

To ensure declination, gas rudders-ailerons are installed on the rocket, which bring it to the required angle of inclination of the trajectory in the first seconds after launch, when the speed of the rocket is still low and air rudders-ailerons are not effective. Subsequently, the gas rudders-ailerons are disconnected from the control mechanism of the rudders-ailerons using squibs, and air rudders-ailerons are used to ensure controlled flight.

The missile's high maneuverability and high-power high-explosive fragmentation warhead ensure effective destruction of targets.

The rocket does not require inspections and adjustments during its entire service life - 10 years.

Low-altitude detector 5N66M

For more successful detection of low-altitude targets, the division is equipped with a low-altitude detector (NVO) 5N66M mounted on a universal mobile tower, developed at NPO Utes (Moscow) under the leadership of L. Shulman and adopted in the late 70s for service with the country's Air Defense Forces.

NVO 5N66M (see photo) is supplied to the troops consisting of:

  • antenna post F52M,
  • universal tower 40V6M (40V6MD),
  • Autonomous power supply system (SAPP) - diesel power plant 5I57 (5I57A)
  • remote equipment in container F2
  • distribution and conversion device (RPU) 5I58 (or 63T6A).

The operation of the NVO, which determines the azimuth, range and speed of the target, is controlled from the F52M container or remotely from the F2K container. Accuracy of coordinate determination: range - 250 m, azimuth - 20 arc minutes, speed - 2.4 m/s. Power consumption - 55 kW. The NVO in transport condition is transported by two 5T58 road trains (a KrAZ-250 truck tractor and a trailer manufactured by ChMZAP).

Technical equipment assigned to the S300PS division

When conducting autonomous combat operations in isolation from the system command post, the division is assigned an all-altitude three-dimensional radar 36D6 (or 19Zh6). The antenna post with a rotating device, the radar cabin is mounted on a single semi-trailer. The station kit includes a diesel-electric station 5I57. At the combat position, the radar operates directly from the semi-trailer or its antenna and rotary support devices can be installed on a 40V6M (40V6MD) tower.

At some distance from the center of the position (location of the on-load tap-changer), two OdAZ-828M semi-trailers with ZIP-1V (P3 and P4) and an ED cabin ("Operational Documentation" - OdAZ-828M semi-trailer or KrAZ-225/KrAZ vehicle) are towed by ZIL-131 truck tractors. -260 with KUNG).

When conducting combat operations as part of a S-300PS regiment, in order to accurately determine the coordinates of the fire division relative to the system command post (CPS), when changing positions, the division is assigned a 1T12-2M topographic surveyor based on a GAZ-66 or UAZ-3151 vehicle, which, when deployed to a new position, as a rule, it is installed in the direction of travel of the line with on-load tap-changer at some distance.

To control the division on the march when changing position, the division commander's vehicle and the command and staff vehicle (UAZ-3151 or GAZ-66), equipped with the R-123M combined radio station (R-125P2 as part of the R-134, R-173, R853V1 radio stations) are intended. . To provide the machines with power supply, the AB-1-P285-VVI power unit is supplied to the positions.

To provide cover from attacking enemy helicopters and effectively combat enemy ground forces (landing forces), the division is equipped with the Utes anti-aircraft machine gun mount - heavy machine gun NSV (12.7 mm) on a 6U6 machine.

When placed at a prepared position, the division is provided with external power supply systems (SVEP), power units (modules): 94E6, 98E6 and 99E6 as part of DES 5I57A and RPU 63T6A (two RPU cabins for 99E6) - for power supply of launch complexes, NVO, RPN and F2K container respectively. All diesel power plants and control units of the S-300P system are mounted in KT10 type van bodies based on the MAZ-5224V trailer chassis. The mass of the diesel-electric station is 13600 kg, the 63T6A distribution and conversion device is 11930 kg.

When placing a division of a position with the ability to connect to an industrial power grid, transportable transformer substations (TPS) 82X6, 83X6 are used.

To increase autonomy, divisions can be assigned an AC-5.5 tank truck for transportation diesel fuel based on the KamAZ-4310 vehicle or a fuel tanker based on the Ural-375, ZIL-131 vehicles, a maintenance vehicle - MTO-4S, a water carrier vehicle, usually based on the ZIL-130, ZIL-131 or GAZ-66 vehicles.

When changing the combat position, vehicles for towing trailers, transporting personnel and property arrive from the regiment's motor service.

In some cases, the assets assigned to divisions may include a combat duty support module (MOBD), consisting of four self-propelled chassis of the MAZ-543 type with blocks: a canteen, a dormitory, a guardhouse (all based on the MAZ-543M chassis), a power unit (based on MAZ-543A chassis). Additionally, a diesel power plant on a trailer is being introduced.

All MAZ-543M vehicles of the S-300PS division are equipped with night vision devices and radio stations for communication on the move.

To conduct driving training when practicing reloading self-propelled launchers, size-weight mock-ups of the TPK are installed on them (it is possible to install a TPK version for missile modifications that are not used in the complex). For temporary storage of TPK in divisions and for storing missile reserves in TPK at weapons depots, 5P32 packages are used, which allow for multi-tiered installation in racks. Transportation of missiles in TPK, packed in 5P32 packages. carried out by 5T58-2 road trains or in ordinary gondola cars.

To reload 5P85 launchers of all modifications, a 5T99 loading machine based on the KrAZ-255 or 5T99M chassis based on the KrAZ-260 is used; it is also possible to install missiles on the launcher using a KS-4561AM truck crane. The KS-4561A crane with a lifting capacity of 16 tons is mounted on the chassis of a KrAZ-257K1 vehicle. The crane, created on the basis of the KrAZ-250 vehicle chassis, has the index KS-4561A-1. Currently, truck cranes of the KS-4561 type, developed and produced by the Kamyshin Crane Plant, have been discontinued. Launcher reloading equipment is not included in the fire divisions. Currently, new loading vehicles with a modified manipulator design are being supplied to the Air Defense Forces.

Performance characteristics

Borders of the affected area, km
- long-range (aerodynamic target) 75
- long-range (BRMD) 25
- near 5
Target hit height, km
- minimum (aerodynamic target) 0,025
- maximum (aerodynamic target) 27
Maximum speed of missiles, m/s up to 2000
Maximum speed of targets hit, m/c 1200
OLTC viewing sector (in azimuth), hail 90
Number of tracked targets up to 12
Number of targets fired until 6
Number of simultaneously guided missiles up to 12
Rate of fire With 3-5
Expansion/collapse time min 5/5
Number of missiles in the complex up to 48

Air defense has always been a priority task for the Russian Armed Forces. Today, vast experience is used in organizing the air defense structure and the material and technical base accumulated and created during the Soviet period. One of the pillars of the country's air defense this moment is a universal air defense system S 300, inherited by the Russian Armed Forces from Soviet Union.

At the moment, this air defense system in the PS, PM and PMU modifications is the main combat component of the combat capability of the Russian anti-aircraft missile forces. The weapon, created more than 40 years ago, still has quite high characteristics. The complex was created to provide cover from air attacks for army groups, aviation and naval bases, and strategic and administrative infrastructure facilities. The main targets for anti-aircraft missiles are multiple warheads of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and tactical and strategic aircraft.

The creation of a new air defense system is a requirement for defense sufficiency

In the mid-60s of the 20th century, the Soviet Union had one of the most powerful and developed air defense systems in the world. Surrounded by military bases of the United States and NATO countries, the USSR was forced to pay great attention to protecting its strategic facilities and main administrative centers from a possible air-nuclear strike. In those days, the main means of arming the air defense forces were the S-75 missile systems, which were a rather successful design from a technical point of view. The weapon turned out to be so successful that it was produced in large series for the needs of the domestic air defense system and for delivery abroad.

On May 1, 1960, over the Southern Urals, the S-75 anti-aircraft missile systems in service with the country's air defense shot down an American U-2 spy plane. The target was hit at an altitude of about 22 km. (The S-75 air defense system had a maximum target engagement altitude of 25 km).

However, the combat experience gained during the use of S-75 missile systems in Vietnam and during the wars in the Middle East showed the insufficient efficiency of the combat system. In conditions modern warfare, when the approach time of jet aircraft was reduced to a minimum, a quick transfer of anti-aircraft weapons from the traveling position to the combat position was required. The appearance in Europe, Turkey and Italy of American medium- and short-range missiles generally made everything European part The Soviet Union was defenseless against a rapid missile strike. From the moment the signal about an air attack was received, there was practically no time left to transfer the anti-aircraft missile systems to combat mode in such conditions.

In addition, it was necessary to increase the tactical and technical characteristics of anti-aircraft missiles. The appearance of multiple warheads on ballistic missiles forced the defending side to increase the number of anti-aircraft countermeasures. Strategic aviation flights were carried out at high altitudes, so it was necessary to increase the flight range of anti-aircraft missiles, warhead power and maximum altitude. The appearance of the new S-125 anti-aircraft missile system made it possible to solve the problem for a short period of time, strengthening the air defense of army groups and main strategic facilities. However, the problem was not solved globally. A new, mobile and powerful anti-aircraft missile system was required, capable of simultaneously tracking several targets, shooting over long distances and overtaking targets at high altitudes.

The solution to this situation was the S 300, a mobile missile system that significantly strengthened the air defense of the Soviet Union. For that time, it was the most modern anti-aircraft missile system, based on the use of the most advanced technologies and a qualitatively new approach to equipping missile systems with auxiliary means.

The birth of a new anti-aircraft missile system

The technical requirements for new missile systems were based on comments from the military. The country's air defense command and senior military leadership set the designers the task of creating a mobile anti-aircraft missile system unified for different types of troops. The main conditions of the project were mobility, a wide range of hitting targets in height, long range and a high rate of fire.

At first, the time allotted for collapsing and deploying the system was 90 minutes. Over time, this indicator will be improved tenfold.

Work on the project began back in 1969. For 5 years, long and painstaking work took place in all areas, from the creation of a new anti-aircraft missile and control systems to the development of a launch and transport base. The complex was created in conditions of close cooperation. Considering the fact that new air defense system should become universal, each modification had its own developers. Thus, the S-300V complex, designed to equip ground army units, was created at NII-20. The naval version of the air defense system was created at the Altair Research Institute. The lead developer of the S-300P missile system for the needs of the country's air defense forces is the Almaz Central Design Bureau.

Despite the fact that the general design and technological base for the complexes being created was unified, it was not possible to achieve complete unification of the missile systems. The sea and land versions of the missile system are similar only in appearance and are only half unified. The greatest differences in the systems created were in radar equipment and tracking equipment. The main highlight of the project was to be anti-aircraft missile 5B55 of the S-300 complex, which was a powerful weapon for destroying air targets. On the first version, the mass of the warhead was 133 kg warhead. A non-contact radar fuse allows the fragmentation warhead of a missile to be activated at a given altitude. The main damaging element is steel cubes.

Subsequently, on other modifications of the 48N6 and 48N6M missiles, the warheads had a warhead mass of 143 and 180 kg. respectively. The rocket was launched from a transport and launch container as a result of the activation of a pyrotechnic charge.

The created weapon made it possible to solve the following problems:

  • defense of large military and industrial facilities;
  • protection of administrative settlements Union appointment;
  • protection of military bases of the fleet and aviation, command and control centers.

The main targets for the new air defense system were ballistic and cruise missiles, which the Soviet system could shoot down at any altitude from 250 m to 27 km and at a range from 5 to 50 km. The complex had two computers capable of processing information on target detection and tracking. The onboard radar is capable of tracking up to 100 targets, providing target designation for 6 or 12 targets for 2 missiles at once.

The anti-aircraft missile of the S 300 anti-aircraft missile system could shoot down targets whose speed reaches 2Max. Later versions of the S-300PS and S-300PMU air defense systems are already ready to destroy targets traveling at speeds 8 times the speed of sound. The rate of fire is 2 missiles within 3-4 seconds. One anti-aircraft missile division usually includes 12 launchers. A single control point can simultaneously monitor all 12 launchers, distributing target parameters and tracking the air horizon in a given sector.

The design of the missile and the technological capabilities of the entire complex made it possible to improve its combat characteristics and constantly improve its tactical and technical performance.

Combat service of the SAM S 300

Thanks to its high combat characteristics, the S-300 has become the most numerous and widespread anti-aircraft system in the world. Its new modifications, among which the most technically mastered is the S-300PS, are the main air defense missile system Russian Federation. Thanks to the saturation of the air defense forces with these missile systems, the entire western and central part of the country is under reliable protection.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, many anti-aircraft missile systems of various modifications went to the former republics, becoming the main element of national air defense systems. These complexes are in service in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. In the export version, weapons were supplied to China, Vietnam, Algeria and North Korea. Various modifications of the S-300 can be found equipping the air defense systems of Iran, Venezuela, Cyprus, Greece and Bulgaria. The Syrian Republic, which is currently experiencing an acute military-political crisis, also has a number of S-300PS anti-aircraft missile systems.

During subsequent work to modernize the system, firing exercises were carried out repeatedly. For the first time in new history Russia, at the Kapustin Yar training ground in 1995, public anti-aircraft missile firing was held, in which the S 300PS air defense system took part. Ballistic missile The SS-17 Scad, which forms the main strike force of regional states in the Middle East, was shot down during the flight. Compared to the actions of the American Patriot air defense systems that covered targets in Israel and Saudi Arabia, the Russian S-300s turned out to be much more effective. To destroy an operational-tactical missile, 1-2 48N6E missiles were required, and not only the launch vehicle was destroyed, but also the warhead. American anti-aircraft missile systems were forced to spend 4-5 anti-missile missiles to destroy one Iraqi missile.

Russian new generation missiles had a monstrous destructive force. A warhead equipped with heavy destructive fragments creates high kinetic energy during detonation. The fragments scatter in a dense stream at a certain angle to the target, causing its complete destruction upon contact.

At the moment, the technological capabilities of the complex have not been fully exhausted. The latest modification of the S-300PMU-1 air defense system is, according to military experts, a completely satisfactory means of combating air targets. It is not without reason that some third world countries are showing interest in these weapons, seeking to obtain contracts for the supply of Russian anti-aircraft missile systems.

The subsequent development of the S-300 air defense system was the new S-400 missile system, which entered service with the Russian Aerospace Forces in 2007. This is an anti-aircraft system with completely different technical characteristics, significantly superior not only to its predecessors, but also to the best Western analogues. Nowadays, work is underway to create and launch into mass production a newer version of the anti-aircraft missile system. The S-500 air defense system should begin to be equipped in 2018 anti-aircraft missile divisions country's air defense systems.

If the first S-300 missile system, which entered service with the USSR air defense in 1979, was called “Favorite,” the new S-500 anti-aircraft missile system is called “Prometheus.” Its 55r6M Triumfator anti-aircraft missile is superior in all respects to all existing analogues in the world, giving an advantage air defense Russia for 10-15 years ahead.