So far the sun in the Dnieper is not particularly hot. However, summer will soon become much hotter. In a couple of weeks, weather forecasters promise temperatures of up to 35 degrees. Let's not wait until it's ready, and we'll take all the precautions in advance. We will tell you how to protect yourself from abnormal heat.

Good bad air conditioner

On the one hand, if this miracle of technology is in your home, you are very lucky. On the other hand, half an hour under direct air currents guarantees a cold. Keep this in mind if you decide to install air conditioning in a one-room apartment.

If it's cool air currents from the air conditioner will be directed directly at you, this can cause a cold, or even a fever. Keep this in mind when installing an air conditioner in the living room or bedroom.

Also, do not forget that the air conditioner dries the air, “taking” water vapor from it in the form of condensation. Therefore, it is better to purchase an air humidifier along with the air conditioner.

On the street

There is a risk of sunstroke or heatstroke. The difference is that the first one you get from direct sun rays, and the second - in a closed, stuffy room, for example, in a crowded minibus. Check in periodically shopping centers or supermarkets - the air conditioning is always working there.

If in such weather you are forced to constantly move around the city, you will need a special “arsenal”:

  • headdress - hat, cap, at least a bandana or scarf;
  • half liter bottle of water. Carry it with you constantly and periodically take at least a couple of sips;
  • facial spray with thermal or mineral water. If you think that all these “cosmetic things” are not for you, you can periodically wipe your face with a damp cloth.

As soon as possible, you should take off your shoes and walk barefoot. Of course, not on asphalt or paving stones, but on grass. It turns out that there are many points on the feet that are responsible for internal organs. Walking barefoot massages them, improving blood circulation. This can be done, for example, during lunch break, if there is a green area near your place of work.

At home

Close the curtains before it gets hot

And you shouldn’t keep the windows open at all. It is through them that it comes from the street most of heat.

In the mornings, you should close the windows tightly and draw the curtains. This will protect the apartment from penetration warm air from the street.

At night - windows wide open

Just remember to use a mosquito net. As an option - a fumigator. But burning pills or coils – you know, is not an option. It's already stuffy.

Turn off unnecessary lights

Especially during the day. Incandescent lamps provide more heat than the summer sun. By the way, no one has canceled energy saving either.

Reflective film on windows

On forums, many aesthetes complain that from the street the shiny “addition” looks unnatural, like iron teeth in the mouth. Be that as it may, in combination with a single fan and on time closed windows allows you to reduce the temperature in the room from +28 to 24 degrees (tested by a MistoNews correspondent).

Don't forget about the hood

In the summer, even cooking a simple omelet will turn your stove into an infernal machine. Don't let your kitchen get to this point.

A little trick: an air conditioner in a small room can be replaced by several ice containers

In the absence of air conditioning, ice heating pads successfully perform its functions. Just freeze a few plastic bottles of water in the freezer and then place them in your room.

In the office

Doctors tell city residents every summer about office colds and the dangers of sitting under air conditioning. However, the insidious household appliances There are quite harmless analogues.

Spray bottle with water

Spray bottle with water: spray it around yourself and it immediately becomes easier to breathe. A wonderful thing, it’s a pity that the effect does not last long.

Aquarium with fish

Can be placed at your workplace small aquarium. Even without fish, the water evaporating from it will be quite enough for you.


Everyone knows that indoor plants produce much-needed oxygen. And if you have “green pets” in the office with large leaves(for example, ficus or begonia) and periodically spray them with water, the air in the room will remain humidified for a long time.

Drink water

Don't forget to hydrate your body from the inside. Try to drink more water(on average 2-3 liters per day). And no coffee - it only dehydrates the body. Give preference to green tea without sugar.

Flowers and an aquarium on the table work well as an air humidifier

  • FACT

IN hot weather The load on the blood vessels increases significantly, the blood vessels dilate, the pressure decreases, and the heart has to work at a higher frequency. Large physical exercise increase heat transfer five times, which can provoke dehydration of the body. In such weather, you need to refrain from overexertion. As for mental work, the most difficult issues should be solved in the first half of the day.

In the car

When the temperature “overboard” is above 30 degrees, driving a car turns into a test of strength. Drivers have a particularly difficult time in traffic jams.

By summer, car enthusiasts should take care of air conditioning in the cabin.

During rush hour there is a risk of heatstroke. Therefore, standard tricks like a water bottle or spray will come in handy here. Besides:

Additional cooling

The best option is, of course, air conditioning. If the funds or car model do not allow you to install it, you can simply place a small battery-powered fan on the front panel.

Protect your car with a cover

Park in the shade or place a reflective screen on your windshield. High temperatures can destroy the plastic of the dashboard and overheat the sensors.

Cleanliness comes first

At high temperature air engine old car It might just “boil.” To avoid this, before each trip you need to check whether debris is clogged in the radiator cells ( Poplar fluff or dust). Also, in hot weather, discs and pads overheat twice as quickly.

How to dress in the heat

If possible, avoid synthetic outfits - they only create " Greenhouse effect" By the way, putting on a wet T-shirt or T-shirt for greater freshness is also not an option. Moisture perfectly transmits the sun's rays, so the body heats up even faster.

The more the body is ventilated, the better.

Ideal outfit for hot weather - skirts, sundresses, jackets and pantsuits loose-fitting from natural fabrics - for example, linen or cotton.

In such heat, doctors recommend taking off your shoes and walking barefoot whenever possible. Of course, not on hot asphalt, but on grass. Located on the feet big number points responsible for internal organs. When a person walks barefoot, these points are affected. As a result, blood circulation improves, the overall tone of the body increases, and cell renewal even begins.

Plain water can be replaced with water-containing vegetables and fruits, for example, cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon. Thanks to them, the body receives an additional portion of vitamins and minerals. Hot green tea, which southerners drink, is also useful in the heat: it regulates heat exchange.

It is not recommended to eat foods that warm you from the inside, such as honey and lard. Before going to bed, avoid “serious” foods like meat, because digesting heavy food causes an increase in body temperature and increases sweating. Products with a slight astringent taste (persimmons or bananas) and all green and white fruits and vegetables cool the body and help adapt to the heat.

Those who like to cool off in the river should keep in mind that diving into the water is not recommended. Temperature changes can provoke spasm of the heart vessels. Therefore, before water procedures Cool down in the shade. You shouldn’t get under an ice-cold shower either: cold water causes the blood vessels to narrow and then widen even more. In hot weather, it is better to take a warm shower: when you get out, the temperature environment will seem lower than it actually is.

Remove accessories and small decor from your home. Many people love to decorate their apartment with all kinds of figurines, toys, frames, stands, candles... Considering the frequency with which you open the windows in the heat, these delights will only collect dust, and it will be, oh, so difficult to wash all their squiggles.

If some of the rooms are on the sunny side, you can close the windows with thick curtains, but this is ineffective. It is best to use foil, which must be secured to the outside or inside of the window. Foil reflects heat and light well and will significantly reduce overheating of the room.

Next, we turn our attention to the bath and toilet. Many apartments have flow-through heated towel rails that remain hot all year round(excluding shutdown time hot water). On the one hand, this is good, because the constant heat does not allow the bath to become damp. On the other hand, if you live on the upper floors, it is already so hot that the presence of hot pipes does not affect the dampness in the bathroom. Wrap the heated towel rail over the entire surface with foil, this will reduce the heating of the air several times.

Now about the body. Sweat may be unpleasant to you and others, but it is a protective barrier in the fight against overheating of the body. You should not desperately fight its release, especially on open areas bodies. At the same time, the folds of the skin and the places where it comes into contact with clothing can be treated with anything that suits you to prevent irritation from the salt secreted by the body.

Well, the “classic” ways to cope with the heat...


1. Drink green tea.

2. Go to the beach.

3. Wear light, light-colored clothes made from natural fabrics.

4. Stay in the shadows more.

5. Eat ice cream.

6. Use less cosmetics.

Don't drink in hot weather

Beer (it causes dehydration)

- strong coffee (vascular overload)

- alcoholic cocktails with vodka (the heart may not stand it). But dry white wine, diluted in half with mineral water, can

...At work

1. When the air temperature is above +26 degrees, drink a glass of water every half hour.

2. Place a small aquarium on the table (you can even do it without fish and without plants, as long as it has water), let it evaporate the moisture and cool the air a little.

3. Buy a simple spray bottle and spray the area with cold water from time to time.

4. If possible, place a wet scarf on your shoulders.

5. Run to the toilet more often and wash your hands up to your armpits with cool water and wash your face.

6. At least once every two hours, try to lie down for about five minutes - you will protect your blood vessels from overload.

7. Plants with large leaves (for example, begonia or ficus) help well: if you douse them with water, they will remain wet for a long time and cool the heat.

8. Try to solve the most important things in the first half of the day, before the midday sun heats up your workplace. car

1. Hang sunblinds (with suction cups) on all car windows. Their use will reduce the temperature in the cabin by 5-7 degrees.

2. Buy a “mirror” screen for the windshield. Only install it outside the car (the edges are clamped by the doors). If you install the screen inside, lion's share the heat and sunlight reflected by it remains in the cabin.

3. Wash and polish your car more often. The more dirt there is on the body and glass, the worse the reflection from them sunlight, and the faster they heat up.

4. Do not leave lighters or pressurized containers (for example, hairspray) in the car. In hot weather they often explode. Also, in the open sun, audio cassettes and other small plastic items left in the car will certainly deteriorate.

When the thermometer does not drop below +30, when the asphalt melts, and the air seems viscous and thick, like jelly? Many people feel summer period extremely uncomfortable. Try using the tips below - and long-awaited relief will definitely come.

How to beat the heat at home

First of all, you should pay attention to the windows. Curtains or blinds hung on them will already reduce the temperature inside the room by 3-10 degrees. Additionally, reflective film glued to windows or sewn to curtains for the summer will help. Windows should only be opened wide in the early morning and late evening. If possible, sleep with the windows and balcony open.

You can get rid of an expensive air conditioner if you buy a fan and make sure that, when working, it blows on a container with ice or cold air flows into the apartment. And to reduce energy losses from fan operation, say goodbye to old incandescent lamps and replace them with energy-saving ones. Which, in addition to their intended purpose, emit 4/5 less heat than those we are used to.

The diet on hot days is fresh vegetables and fruits, cold snacks, in general, foods that do not require cooking on the stove or in the oven. You can drink hot tea or cold water(only in small sips so as not to get a cold in your throat).

It is better to take a warm shower, with a water temperature above 20 degrees - then the blood will not rush to the skin to compensate for its cooling. If it becomes completely unbearable, a remedy from India will help, where people can escape the heat by wrapping a turban made of a wet towel around their head.

2-3 hours before bedtime, you should place the folded plastic bag bed sheets. When choosing it for the summer, by the way, give preference to light and natural fabrics. And at night, there should be a bottle of cold water next to the bed for drinking and wiping your face.

How to beat the heat at work

Clothing - spacious, light colors, cotton or other natural fabrics. Makeup, cream, antiperspirants - to a minimum: women, take pity on your skin, it’s not easy for it anyway.

Saviors who are always with you: a bottle of water that spent the night in the freezer, a handkerchief and a fan. However, you will have to drink the water as it thaws, one small sip at a time. The handkerchief is useful for wetting and wiping your face and hands.

Try to move all important and necessary tasks to the first half of the working day, while it is not so hot. Then it will be much more difficult for your head to think.

To humidify the air in the work area, you can use a small spray bottle, indoor plant with large leaves, a small aquarium (possibly without fish).

During your lunch break, just like at home, give up heavy food and coffee in favor of vegetable salad, fruit and green tea.

How to beat the heat in a car

The easiest way is to wash and polish it regularly. A perfectly clean car perfectly reflects the scorching rays of the sun.

Protect the car's interior with sunshades on each window (inside) and a reflective screen on the windshield (outside, the edges of the screen need to be closed by the doors).

To keep the air in the cabin cooler, place containers of ice or frozen water (in reasonable quantities and appropriately packaged) in the rear seat.

Take advantage essential oil coniferous trees, known for its refreshing effect when inhaled.

How to escape the heat in general

Walk barefoot.

Quench your thirst with mineral water, water with lemon, compotes, fresh juices.

You can quench your thirst, and with benefit for the body, with cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon and other fruits that contain a lot of water.

Do not quench your thirst with beer and other alcoholic drinks (dehydration), coffee (increases the load on blood vessels), lemonades ( a large number of sugar increases blood pressure).

Try not to go outside from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., when it’s really hot.

Do not turn on household appliances that heat the air during the day.

Get out of the city and into nature, to a natural body of water (stream, lake, river, sea, ocean).

All year round (not just in summer) drive healthy image life - it will help you easily adapt to any season and any weather.

Today we invite you to familiarize yourself with simple tips that we hope will help you maintain strength to carry out daily activities, adapt to summer anomalies, and most importantly, stay healthy, despite the summer heat.

Summer heat. What is best to wear on hot days

In hot weather It is best to wear as little clothing as possible. Preference should be given to light outfits made from natural cotton. The best option There will be loose-fitting products made in light colors. Such cloth It allows air to pass through well and does not stick to the body if you sweat, because... capable of absorbing moisture. It is necessary to avoid outfits decorated with all kinds of rhinestones and sparkles, because... the rays of the sun are attracted to them. Regarding underwear, it should not be synthetic or excessively tight.

When planning to go outside, do not forget about your headdress (hat, panama hat, scarf). It will be absolutely wonderful if your headdress It will have wide brims. As for shoe options for hot weather, then it is best to wear low-soled sandals or flip-flops. note that in the summer heat legs can often swell, so shoes should be free. Also, don’t forget about your eyesight – wear sunglasses outside.

Summer heat. What can you eat and drink in the heat?

As we said above, summer heat may lead to dehydration. For this reason, it is very important to maintain your drinking regime. When asked what is the drinking norm in hot weather, there is no definite answer, so you need to focus on the needs of your own body.

The best drink to replenish fluid reserves in the body is a regular cool drink. pure water. This drink Unlike others, it does not contain harmful dyes, flavors and sugar. Besides quench thirst You can have all kinds of fruit drinks, non-sweet compotes and hot green tea.

From alcoholic drinks in the summer heat It’s better to refuse altogether, because they create additional stress on the heart. We also note that beverages, containing caffeine, as well as any types of beer, help accelerate the dehydration process.

In the summer heattry to reduce the content of salts, spices, fatty and fried meat, canned food, sweets and flour. Preference should be given to fruits and vegetables. You need to eat more often and in small portions. Do not eat very hot foods.

Summer heat. How to beat the heat indoors

If there is an air conditioner in the room, summer heat you won't be afraid. In the absence of such a useful device, you can protect yourself from the heat by using a fan that will circulate air in the room.

When heat It will subside on the street (in the evening and at night), leave the vents and windows open. To keep the room cool during the day, use blinds and blackout curtains. If the room has several rooms, then keep the doors between them open, this promotes air circulation and it will heat up less.

Please note that working equipment, electrical appliances, lighting lamps, stoves, etc. They heat the air in the room, so it is better to use them only when necessary. Cool the room in hot weather You can humidify the air in it. This can be done by placing containers of water during the day, and also by moistening curtains and carpets with a spray bottle at night. Another way to humidify the air in a room is to hang towels soaked in water.

Escape from the heat indoors by frequent rinsing with water room temperature. However, you should not frequently use soap and similar products. Also escape the heat Foot baths will help you.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

If you are indoors or apartment. The simplest and the right way, you say, install an air conditioner. But, alas, you will not be entirely right. Yes, the easiest way to buy an air conditioner. But everyone has long ago experienced the consequences of being in the same room with air conditioning. All you have to do is step out of an air-conditioned room into forty-degree heat. Here you can not only lose consciousness, but also end up in the hospital with a serious pressure drop. In addition, it is worth considering that not every resident of our country can go and buy an air conditioner the first time they need it. Many simply do not have enough money for this.

Having clarified the relationship with air conditioners, we will move on to simple and accessible ways fight the heat.

The simplest and all in a known way The fight against heat is the so-called draft. It's very easy to make. Open the windows to opposite sides apartments or premises and ensure unhindered air circulation. In order to add a little coolness, you can place it on the windowsills open windows frozen water bottles. This way the draft will blow cool air.

The next step in the fight against heat is to close the sunny windows. Moreover, curtains will not be enough to achieve the desired effect. The best way to protect windows from sunlight is to use foil, which must be attached to the outside of the window. Thus, the foil will reflect the sun's rays and keep you cool perfectly. Foil can also be used to wrap pipes and heated towel rails, which remain hot all year round.

So, it's time to switch from free heat-fighting products to low-budget ones. That is, those that will not cost you too much. For example, you can install exhaust fans on the windows of your apartment, which today are not that expensive. If you install an exhaust fan to blow air out of the apartment, then you will get the effect of ordinary air circulation. At the same time, the air in your apartment will always be clean and fresh. But you can do it differently by installing an exhaust fan to blow air into the apartment. So you get the same thing as in previous method. Only as a bonus there will also be cool air that will blow over you.

Now let's remember a few ways to combat the heat that directly affect our health. First of all, it is worth giving useful advice for those who cannot hide from the heat in a cool office or go to a cool country house for the whole summer. For those who spend the entire summer day after day on the street, for example, sellers of spontaneous markets, postmen, construction workers, etc. Such people simply need to know that it is imperative to hide their heads from the sun's rays. And if you feel that you have already been overtaken sunstroke, and your whole body is so overheated that you cannot stand on your feet, immediately take off your shoes and stand on the grass that has been previously watered with water. This will really help you, since the feet are where the most large quantity points responsible for the work internal organs.

What follows are tips intended for absolutely all people. If you are constantly thirsty, drink to your health. Liquid during the heat is very, very good. But do not forget that you should not drink very hot or very cold drinks. Hot drinks in the heat can lead to severe overheating of the body, and cold drinks can lead to sore throat or other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Ideal option There will be still water and unsweetened green tea with lemon. Thanks to these drinks, your body will work like clockwork during the heat.

When there is terrible heat outside, we strongly recommend that you avoid eating “heavy” foods such as meat, lard, honey, etc. It is best to limit yourself to light vegetable dishes and various fruits on such days. Thanks to them, your body will be able to receive an additional portion of minerals and vitamins.

For those who like to take a dip in a river on a hot summer day, you need to know that under no circumstances should you suddenly dive into cold water. Especially if you feel that your body is very overheated. In this case, a strong temperature difference can lead to spasm of the heart vessels. That is why, before going into the water, you should sit for a while in the shade under a tree and cool down a little, and only then gradually enter the water. Also, during the heat, you should not take an ice-cold shower. The fact that it invigorates and refreshes is a mistaken opinion. While taking such a shower, a person’s blood vessels are subjected to extreme stress. They first narrow greatly, and then expand even more, which leads to strong sweating. But if you take a lukewarm shower, then when you get out of it, you will feel fresh and cool.

By using these tips, you can protect yourself from the annoying summer heat, and also bring peace into your life. summer months real coolness, coziness and comfort. In addition, we should not forget that our health is in our hands. Take care of him, and then even the most heatwave you won't be afraid.