Not long ago, Evgeny Tishkovets, an employee of the Phobos weather center, said that summer would not return to Moscow in 2017. According to him, the temperature is unlikely to reach even +25 degrees. The specialist suggested that open swimming season It's almost impossible in this weather.

Let us remind you that the “weather swing” began in Moscow back in May. Last month spring surprised the residents of the capital with snow. Then rainy June took over the baton, which was recognized as the coldest in the last 14 years.

In turn, the head of the Hydrometeorological Center of the Russian Federation, Roman Vilfand, spoke about the current weather situation. “Summer has arrived, and it has arrived on the Asian territory of Russia. East of the Urals, and in the European part of Russia, this is the situation: the temperature is below long-term values. Forecast for the third decade: temperatures will be around or below normal in the European part of Russia, and beyond the Urals it will be significantly above normal,” the expert said.

In general, the summer of 2017 will not bring us either abnormal heat or unpredictable rainy season. It will pass within normal limits, so there is no need to worry about significant temperature changes. Precipitation will reach its maximum in July, with more expected in the same month. high temperatures. This summer season will be quite moderate in terms of temperature regime, and in terms of precipitation.

Meanwhile, July 7 promises to be the coldest day of the month. The cyclone that hit Moscow brought cloudy and windy weather. In the morning the temperature is expected to be 8-10 degrees, in the afternoon the air will warm up to a maximum of 15 degrees. It will rain in places. Usually by July 7th - and this is the holiday of Ivan Kupala - the capital becomes summer-like warm. Average Maximum temperature air at the VDNKh station reaches 22.5 degrees.

As a consolation, Muscovites should know that July 7, 2017 will not be the coldest in the history of meteorological observations. The record was recorded in 1952, when average daily temperature was 9.1 degrees, and more than 10 millimeters of precipitation fell.

There will be no hot summer this year. But frosts won’t come until autumn. The presenter is sure of this Researcher Department of Meteorology and Climatology, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University Mikhail Lokoshchenko.

But thunderstorms showers Hail and squally gusts of wind are expected in abundance. Director of the Hydrometeorological Center Roman Vilfand advises citizens to closely monitor the forecasts. According to him, such weather is very dangerous - every year people die from lightning strikes.

As the hero said famous film: “There will be no summer, and winter will last forever...” Here, of course, everything is not so gloomy, but weather forecasters no longer promise anything optimistic. If in May we were still told about a hot July, now they are timidly reporting about a “changeable” August, about warm days - with notes of uncertainty, about rain - with a high degree of probability.

Folk omens do not work in this century

And this is all true folk calendar with signs you can throw it into the firebox at the same time, since nothing matches to the old days. Frosty January “promised” a hot July, but it is not and, apparently, will not be. Cloudy, rainy every evening, and at night - showers, during the day - thunderstorms, which we never saw in May. Gardeners “tear and toss”, everything invested in the harvest “flows away” with every rain. Those who did not buy a ticket to the real hot country, also “biting their elbows” - they relied on the folk calendar...

Where did summer go in Moscow?

Summer in middle lane Russia is as it should be, i.e. moderately cool, moderately rainy, moderately sunny. We're after all sorts of things natural disasters forgot what summer it really was. It turns out that the saying “it will freeze for three years, soak it for three years, dry it for three years, and produce a harvest in one year” - this is not so much for gardeners, but for everyone in general. And the saying is not wrong yet, just don’t count three years at a time, but one at a time, and everything will be accurate, and it’s more expensive to trust the weather forecasters.<.p>

Scientists say that the promised summer “gone” to “nowhere” due to two main reasons:<.p>

  • global warming and its consequences: storms, hurricanes, torrential downpours;
  • anticyclones advanced the front warm climate closer to the north, this is caused by incredibly rapid melting Antarctic ice and transfer " equatorial belt» closer to Russia.

Now the Ministry of Emergency Situations is sounding the alarm because “the weather is becoming too nervous,” like a woman who has lost her loved one. You can expect anything, and all services are “strictly ordered” to follow all instructions, to be constantly on alert, since hurricanes can happen anywhere. You don’t have to look far for examples: Moscow and squally winds with rain, Vladivostok and abnormal heat in early July (water temperature up to +20 degrees).

What will the weather be like in August?

The same unpredictability. And if there is no rain in the forecast, don’t forget to take an umbrella, or even better, a raincoat. Don’t plan long trips with overnight stays in nature for the weekend; you shouldn’t risk your health. If you want warmth and sun - catch it on any sunny day, take days off, a short vacation and go to the lake! Urgently gather the children and swim before the nearest cute fluffy cloud turns into a purple cloud. Believe only your eyes, not forecasts.

Weather in Moscow and the Moscow region for July 2017 at its most accurate forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center

The middle of summer in the Russian capital is always associated with hot asphalt, air conditioners operating at full capacity in shopping centers, a massive influx of guests into the heart of our Motherland. Certainly, summer weather in Moscow - July is especially distinguished by high air temperatures. The amount of precipitation falling during this month increases sharply compared to other periods of the year. Of course, summer rain, especially a short downpour, brings briefly refreshing coolness, knocks dust off trees and roads, delighting all the residents and guests of the capital. According to the most accurate forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center, the weather in Moscow and the Moscow region will be hot, but with little sunshine. Large climate change not expected. When listening to weather forecasters, do not forget to check their information with folk signs- this way you yourself will learn to determine whether bad weather is approaching or, on the contrary, pleasant dry warmth awaits the city.

The most accurate weather forecast in Moscow in July 2017 - Air temperature

The weather of July 2017 will bring with it many thunderstorms. According to the most accurate weather forecast, the month will begin and end with rain. The air temperature on most July days will remain at +26 +28⁰ C. Since heat and humidity, especially in Moscow with its traffic jams and mass of people on the streets, are very poorly tolerated by many people, doctors recommend drinking at this time more water. In the middle of summer, you should not neglect wearing hats - stuffiness and heat can cause fainting. Of course, summer also brings a lot of positive emotions. On weekends, townspeople join children splashing in the Moscow River and even fountains. There are many holidays in July. The most famous of them are Ivan Kupala on the 7th and the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity on the 8th. Of course, many will spend these days in nature, cooking barbecue and swimming in ponds. The air at this time will heat up to 30⁰C, and the level of fire danger in forests will increase. Remember to put out fires behind you and try to spend more time in the shade.

July 2017 in Moscow - The most accurate weather forecast and signs

Today, predicting the weather has become more difficult - the climate often presents unusual surprises. However, according to the most accurate forecast given by Russian weather forecasters, the weather in Moscow in the middle of summer will not surprise citizens with its vagaries. It will be hot all month (about +27⁰C). Only in mid-July, on the 15th – 18th, will it get colder to +16 +20 ⁰C. Without neglecting the information received from the Hydrometeorological Center, today Muscovites are increasingly interested in folk signs. They can accurately predict weather changes. For example, the morning July fog spreading across the water promises an excellent clear, warm day. Before drought, puddles look green. A light morning July rain precedes a fine day. It is believed that after July 12, the earth gradually begins to prepare for winter.

Weather in Moscow - July 2017 from the Hydrometeorological Center

With the onset of July, fewer and fewer Muscovites remain in the capital - townspeople are fleeing the stuffiness and hot asphalt, going to resorts, the sea and even the mountains. Since not everyone can take a vacation in the middle of summer, the remaining residents of the capital city who work in Moscow at the very hot month year, they are always interested in forecasts from the Hydrometeorological Center. In July 2017, warm, short winds will blow here, bringing rain and thunderstorms. The average air temperature will approach +27⁰ C during the day and +16⁰ C at night. The heaviest rainfall will occur at the beginning and end of the month, with showers and thunderstorms possible.

According to long-term forecasts, the weather in the Moscow region in July 2017 will be slightly different from the capital. For example, in the north, in the Klin, Dubna, Mytishchi, Sergiev Posad, Pushkin, and Solnechnogorsk regions, the average monthly air temperature will be 2 degrees lower than in Moscow itself (about +25⁰C). In the south of the region, in the Kashirsky, Podolsky, Stupinsky, Podolsky districts, on the contrary, mid-summer will be hot and dry. The last ten days of the month will bring thirty-degree heat here.

What weather changes are predicted in the Moscow region in July 2017

Weather V The Moscow region traditionally differs little from the capital. However, in the heat, even a difference of two degrees is felt especially strongly. In the Domodedovo urban district, located south of Moscow, the heat in July 2017 will be felt especially strongly. On July 6–10 and July 27–30, the thermometer at noon here will show +32⁰C. In the north of the region (for example, in the Khimki region) it will be a little cooler. The air here will not warm up to +30⁰C. On July 16–18, the temperature is expected to drop to +16 +19⁰C.

According to the most accurate preliminary forecast received from the workers of the Hydrometeorological Center, the weather in Moscow is July 2017 , will bring a sharp increase in air temperature, reaching +32⁰C at the end of the month. Climatic conditions in the Moscow region in mid-summer they will be almost no different from the capital.


Is it time to go on your planned vacation or forget about swimsuits, creams and tanning? When will the long-awaited summer arrive? People call it fleeting because the days fly by like crazy, especially for schoolchildren who are enjoying the holidays. When summer comes for 2017, the latest data, tips and wishes.

This summer

If nature followed the calendar, then most likely a place with an ideal, precise climate would appear, when by December 31 people would be delighted with fluffy, plentiful snow and moderate frosts, spring was in a hurry by March 1, the snow was melting and the drops were ringing, and on June 1 the temperature was cheerfully jumped from +15 to hot +30, with clean, blue sky, where there is no cloud, no breeze. Yes, maybe somewhere (in fairy tales, films or cartoons) this exists, but in reality nature is full of surprises, when March is still snowy, “winter”, April barely scrapes up +10, and May is more or less like spring. What about summer?

Yes, the beginning of May, or rather the middle of it, justified the expectations of the weather forecasters. People were finally able to put away their heavy winter clothes and enjoy the first flowers and the arrival of birds. And they could think about the upcoming, future vacation.

Further, June pleased us with long-awaited warmth. Most regions noted +20, at least +15 heat, with sunny, fine days. Some broke records, the summer heat rose to 30 degrees, especially by mid-to-late May.

If we talk about summer, weather forecasters' forecasts will differ here. Some are sure, for Russia summer will pass rainy, cool, with a minimum of real, fine days. Only the south is threatened by drought, even fires.

In general, summing up the general, intermediate results, summer will bring warmth, but, as usual, it will be short. Temperatures will be slightly higher than normal and there will be warm summer rains at times. But why short? According to weather forecasters, by the middle, around the 20th of August, the first coolness will arrive, and the end of August will become much colder than the middle or beginning. True, the south of the country will be able to extend its summer as usual, although from time to time torrential, real, autumn rains will bring it there. Warm, sunny, pleasant weather will remain there. All of August, then September (until the 15th-20th).

In the Urals, June will be dry, hot, with minimal precipitation. July is just as hot and fine, when +28+30 normal temperature. Although the heat is sometimes replaced by rain and thunderstorms, in the summer it is pleasant and does not interfere at all. August is warm and sometimes rainy.

Other forecasters, on the contrary, assure that Russia will face a dry, stuffy, hot summer. The crop may suffer. If we remember the crisis predicted earlier, now is the time to run, stock up on breadcrumbs, buy flour, firewood and various cereals. What else .


Well, those who decided to spend there own vacation tourists have nothing to fear. Summer is there, thanks to the sea, continental climate, it will be long, comfortable, and the sea is nearby. Beauty. The water is +23, and the air is at least +26, there is little rain.

Although, of course, reality will show how good weather forecasters are at their job. People are used to scolding them if anything happens, but there is only nature and its desires. Although weather forecasters use modern, high-quality equipment and knowledge, they only make forecasts, calculating how the front will move later, and look at the amount of precipitation.

It is impossible to give 100% accurate forecasts up to the maximum value. Therefore, the options differ. True, if you look at people’s opinions, they are more likely to support the first group. It’s better to get wet in the summer rains and listen to a thunderstorm than to sit without a harvest in a hot, suffocating summer.

And so, if you look at it in practice, the course and atmosphere of summer will be determined as usual by July. In June, everything is just beginning, the weather “settles down”, and a number of regions experience June as spring. Flowers bloom, leaves form, late birds arrive - spring. From time to time, rains delight lovers of thunderstorms and coolness. The evenings are cool. But you can walk as much as you like, it’s warm during the day. Hot days are rare.

We are all looking forward to summer! This is a wonderful time of vacations, magical walks in nature, sunny days and travel, including across the expanses of our homeland - Russia. But any plans for the summer can be seriously spoiled by unexpected weather vagaries. Therefore, we invite you to find out in advance what the summer of 2017 will be like in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and also in the Urals. We are confident that this most accurate forecast of the weather expected in these regions, from the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, will help you plan the ideal summer rest this year!

What will summer 2017 be like in Russia - the most accurate forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center

Let's start with general information about what the summer of 2017 will be like in Russia according to the most accurate forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center. This information, of course, is preliminary and is based on many years of observations by weather forecasters of weather situations in our country. Nevertheless, when compiling the most accurate forecast of what summer 2017 will be like in Russia, experts also take into account solar cycles. For example, in the summer of this year, solar activity will no longer be at its most acute stage, and therefore, we should not expect abnormal temperatures for us.

What weather is expected in Russia in the summer of 2017 according to forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center

According to forecasters, the weather in the summer of 2017 in most of Russia will be typical for certain regions. Experts from the Hydrometeorological Center suggest that June and July for most Russian regions will be warm and rainy, with minimal precipitation expected in August.

What will the coming summer of 2017 be like in Moscow - what weather is expected according to the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center

If we talk separately about what the coming summer of 2017 in Moscow will be like and about the weather that is expected according to the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center in the capital, then there will be no abnormal temperatures. Most forecasters are inclined to believe that the summer of 2017 will be typical for the capital: moderately hot, with moderate precipitation and mostly windless.

What weather is expected in Moscow in the summer of 2017, according to the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center

According to the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center for the coming summer of 2017, the weather in Moscow is expected to be warm and sunny. Forecasters predict short periods of precipitation and a drop in temperature to 19-20 degrees above zero in early June and mid-July. Throughout August, the weather in the capital will delight with hot +25-27 degrees and almost complete absence of rain.

What kind of summer is predicted to happen in 2017 in St. Petersburg - what weather is expected at the beginning and end of the season

The question of what summer is predicted to be like in 2017 in St. Petersburg, or more precisely, what weather is expected at the beginning and end of the season, worries not only local residents, but also tourists. Summer - perfect time in order to visit the Northern capital and enjoy all its beauties. So, according to weather forecasters, the weather in the summer of 2017 in St. Petersburg is expected to be sunny and warm at the beginning and end of the season.

What weather is expected at the end of summer 2017 in St. Petersburg according to weather forecasters

The hottest days with temperatures around 25-27 degrees will delight St. Petersburg residents in mid-August. True, already at the end of summer, experts from the Hydrometeorological Center predict the beginning of rains and a drop in temperatures to 19-20 degrees above zero.

What will summer 2017 be like in the Urals - the most accurate weather forecast

If you believe the most accurate weather forecast, what will summer 2017 be like in the Urals? local residents you won't be surprised. Of course, average temperatures will vary depending on the specific region, but the general picture for summer in the Urals will be similar.

Accurate weather forecast for summer 2017 for the Urals

So what will summer 2017 be like in the Urals according to the most accurate weather forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia? To put it in one word, it’s typical: moderately hot, mostly dry, but also possible heavy rainfall. The beginning and end of summer in this region resemble similar forecasts for Moscow and St. Petersburg in these months. However, in mid-summer the weather in the Urals is expected to be sunnier, but not as hot as, for example, in the south of Russia.

What will the summer of 2017 be like in Russia: abnormal weather in the summer of 2017. For more than a month now, residents of the central and southern parts of Russia have had to bravely endure all the unpleasant surprises that the weather brings.

Destructive hurricanes, prolonged downpours and low temperature- this is clearly not the weather that Russians expected to experience at the end of May and beginning of June. This is not the first time that slight warming up to 20 degrees has been replaced by colder temperatures and rainfalls. Residents of our country are unlikely to remember such a cold “start” of summer over the past 30 or even 50 years. Therefore, every day more and more Russians are interested in the weather forecast for summer 2017.

What will the summer of 2017 be like according to weather forecasters?

Unfortunately, weather forecasters also tend to make mistakes. Thus, the forecasts they made on the 20th of May did not come true. According to the expectations of Hydrometeorological Center specialists, June was supposed to begin with average temperature about 20 degrees and dry. However, residents of the central regions of Russia continue to freeze and get wet under torrential downpours. Therefore, you should not expect a serious improvement in the weather in this part of the country until June 20 - the temperature is unlikely to rise above 22-23 degrees and the rain will remain.

However, if you believe the forecast of the chief forecaster of Russia, the head of the Hydrometeorological Center, Roman Vilfand, then his general forecast for the summer still inspires some optimism. According to him, the summer of 2017 is expected to be changeable, but quite comfortable with average temperatures within normal limits. You should not expect very heavy precipitation, just like dry periods.

Most people's favorite time of year is summer. There are, of course, lovers of autumn, like Pushkin, for example, who lamented: “I would love you, O red summer, if it were not for mosquitoes and midges!” Schoolchildren look forward to summer - after all, the most wonderful holidays begin at this time, students dream of it as the end of exams, and for adults it’s time for vacation.

To plan your future vacation in advance, you should know what kind of summer the coming 2017 will give us. All long-term weather forecasts, whether spring, summer or autumn and winter, have common feature- they are approximate. The weather is generally changeable, like a woman’s mood.

Long-term forecasts are made by experts based on complex calculations: movements air masses, cyclones and anticyclones, warm and cold ocean currents. But, nevertheless, it is not always possible to find out with one hundred percent accuracy what kind of weather “the coming day has in store for us.”

In general, the summer of 2017 will not bring us either abnormal heat or an unpredictable rainy season. It will take place within normal limits, so there is no need to worry about serious temperature changes. Precipitation levels will peak in July, with the highest temperatures expected in the same month. This summer season will be quite moderate both in terms of temperature and precipitation.

The first month of summer - June, does not have a stable temperament, and often breaks down into spring rainy moods.

This is probably why young June gave us stormy winds, downpours, hail, and snow. The long-term forecast did not anticipate such cataclysms. And the operational one, 2-3 days in advance, warned, but few believed.

In the evenings and mornings it is still cool, you can safely take a jacket or sweater with you. The second half of the month will delight residents of the Central region with a pleasant +20-22 degrees during daylight hours and +11-13 at night. These temperature ranges are considered normal and should not cause inconvenience even to those people who are most susceptible to natural disturbances.

After the day summer solstice we can expect a turnaround by this summer. The thermometer will settle at +25-28 degrees during the day and +18-20 at night.

The hottest month of the year is loved by many, despite its difficult and “ardent” nature. It is during this period that the heat hits our region. But in July 2017, you shouldn't expect "unbearable" temperatures. July will begin with a stable +26-29 degrees. At this time, the second summer month of 2017 will be very similar to the beginning of summer, which is why the population of the Central region will feel very comfortable. After the Ivan Kupala holiday, which marks the beginning of haymaking, July will become hotter, and until the end of the month the temperature will range from +27 to 32 degrees.

Everyone knows the changeable moods of August. During this period, the breath of autumn can already be clearly heard: the days become noticeably shorter, the nights become colder, nature is preparing for the autumn season, and man along with it. The first days of August will be brightly lit summer sun. During this period, the best thing to do is to make forays into nature with an overnight stay, because after sunset it is not yet so cold, and you can have a pleasant time in the fresh air.

The second half of August will become cooler. On average, the temperature will fluctuate between +20-25 degrees, but by the end of August it can drop to +17 during the day.

Learn about the many vagaries of nature summer period possible long before the onset of the first warm days. First of all, the winter months predict what the coming summer will be like. Pay attention to December - the more snow falls this month, the more precipitation will fall in June. The harsher the first winter month, the more sultry the first month of summer will become. But the weather in January 2017 can tell us about the character of July. Heavy precipitation in January foreshadows a rainy July. By tracking the weather in February, you can find out what August will be like in 2017. Frequent temperature changes in the latter winter month threaten to spike on the thermometer in August.

Unfortunately, under human influence, nature and weather change their character. This is not the first year we have seen abnormal heat and drought in some regions, heavy rains and floods in others, unusual cold in others. Folk omens are also not so accurate.

But, as the philosopher said, we have already seen what happened. We'll see what happens.