“Territory of Russia” - The youngest reserve in Russia. Azovskoe. Bratskoe. Beringovo. The sea where the highest tides in the country are observed. ural mountains. Elbrus. Quiz. Anadyr. Ural Mountains. Baikal. Richest in plants and animals natural area. Azov sea. The most long river, flowing only through the territory of Russia.

“Russia’s position on the world map” - Valovoy domestic product. Geographical position Russia. The longest borders. Place of Russia. Geographical position. Russia on the world map. It is washed by the waters of 3 oceans. Extreme points of Russia. Length of borders. Borders of Russia. Place. Russia.

“Questions on the geography of Russia” - Game field. Geographic golf. Russia. End of the game. Rules of the game.

“Economic geography” - A situation that allows you to determine the state of objects and weather in the future. A situation that allows you to manage geographical objects. Equipment. Geographic forecast. Differences in the economy from place to place and spatial combinations in the economy. Regional studies studies the population, economy, culture, and religion of a country.

“Russia on the world map” - Russian border. Practical work: “State borders of the Russian Federation and border states.” Map political world. Map of Russia. Glossary of terms. Russian empire(until 1917) USSR CIS RF. The largest foreign trade partners of Russia (since 1995). Table 3. You, Rus', spread wide across the face of the Earth in royal beauty.” I. Nikitin “Rus”.

“Towards knowledge of Russia” - “I love and know. Rus', Motherland, Fatherland, Russia... Awarded 3 Orders of Lenin, 2 other orders, as well as medals. A.S. Pushkin. I know and love. And here is Siberia. Here is the sea. Where does the Motherland begin? Fields in the copses of dawn. Ibryaev K. . From the smiles and tears of mothers; From the path the children walked, From home to school doors.

There are 30 presentations in total

BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES OF THE SEA OF AZOV AND THEIR USE BY HUMAN According to scientists, even in the first half of the twentieth century, biological resources Sea of ​​Azov were so high that they had no equal among all other bodies of water in the World Ocean. Today, marine productivity has been significantly reduced. The basis of the industrial potential is fish stocks, which are represented by 79 species and subspecies. But many of them are no longer of commercial importance due to a sharp decline in numbers

Migratory fish species A peculiarity of representatives of this group of inhabitants of the reservoir is that they do not leave sea waters until puberty. After this, the individuals head to rivers to spawn. The entire spawning process takes from one to two months... Biological resources The Sea of ​​Azov is distinguished by the presence of such valuable commercial fish species as stellate sturgeon, beluga, sturgeon, herring, shemaya, and vimba. All of them belong to the pass-through category.

Beluga is considered the most big fish migrating to spawn in rivers. In the recent past, the species was not considered rare, but is now listed in the Red Book. In addition to the Azov Sea, it lives in the Caspian and Black Sea. The Azov beluga most often ascends the Don River to breed. Kuban is used less for caviar by sturgeon.

Semi-anadromous fish species Pike perch, ram, bream, sabrefish - these are the names of fish belonging to the category of semi-anadromous fish; there are twelve of them in the group. They, like representatives of migratory species, go from the sea to rivers to spawn. But the difference is that this whole process for semi-anadromous animals takes a long time, sometimes up to a year. In addition, young animals can remain in rivers throughout the winter.

One of the representatives of this category of fish is pike perch. A fairly common species, found in the basin of not only the Azov, but also the Baltic, Caspian, Black, and Aral seas. Pike perch is large predator, feeding on invertebrates and small fish. Dimensions adult can reach one meter in length, and the weight is usually 10-15 kilograms.

Marine species The biological resources of the Sea of ​​Azov are largely represented by this group of fish. There are 47 representatives in the category. TO marine species fish include pilengas, gobies, flounder, needlefish, glossa, perkarina, sprat, three-spined gnat. The peculiarity that distinguishes these particular fish of the Azov Sea is that they constantly live in salty waters. This is where reproduction occurs, the young hatch, and reach sexual maturity.

Pilengas is one of the most common inhabitants of the sea. It is interesting because it was specially brought into the pool about 40-50 years ago. For enough short period managed to successfully acclimatize, and today the fish is considered a commercial species. The size of the sawfish is impressive - up to 150 centimeters in length and weighing up to 12 kilograms.

Migratory fish species When describing the biological resources of the Azov Sea, it is necessary to mention the species that make constant migrations. Such types sea ​​fish, like the Azov and Black Sea anchovy, herring, singil, mullet, horse mackerel, red mullet, sharpnose, Black Sea Kalkan, mackerel, regularly change their habitats, crossing from the Black Sea to the Azov Sea or vice versa.

Of the four known varieties of red mullet, only one of them lives in the basin. The fish live in schools in the bottom waters. In the upper layers of the seabed it finds small animals that serve as food for the mullet. Fish has commercial value.

Freshwater species Sterlet, bleak, silver crucian carp, ide, pike belong to freshwater fish, despite their residence in sea ​​waters. Belonging to the group is explained by the fact that they inhabit desalinated sea areas. For this reason, fish do not make large migrations. There are a total of 13 species in the category.

Usage natural resources Today, the state of the ecology of the Sea of ​​Azov is causing concern among specialists. The thoughtless use of natural resources and the intensive reduction of river flows have led to a fourfold decrease in fish species. Their total number has decreased by 10-15 times. These dramatic changes in the ecosystem have occurred in less than 80 years and are solely due to economic activity person.

Since the year 2000, commercial catching of sturgeon has been prohibited due to a sharp decline in the number of the species. The list of bodies of water where the ban applies includes the Sea of ​​Azov. The description of fish species that require careful treatment, unfortunately, is not limited to sturgeon. Flounder and mullet have also lost their commercial importance.

The water area of ​​the Azov Sea is used for economic purposes by two states - Russia and Ukraine. The well-being of the region, as well as the improvement of environmental situation throughout the entire pool.

Environmental problems in the Sea of ​​Azov have worsened since the middle of the last century. During this period of time, construction began on the rivers flowing into it. hydraulic structures regulating inflow fresh water. Before this, there were problems, but they were not so catastrophic for its ecosystem.

The Sea of ​​Azov is classified as Atlantic Ocean, which is associated with complex system straits and seas. This is the most continental and shallowest in the world with an average depth of about 7.4 m and a maximum of up to 14 m. The depth gradually increases with distance from the coast. The water surface area is about 37,800 km 2, the length is 380 km, and the width is 200 km.

The water temperature in it varies depending on the season. In winter, it may freeze completely or partially. In summer, the water temperature in it is about 26 0 C on the surface and in the vertical depths practically does not change.

According to one scientific version, before 5600 BC, there was no Sea of ​​Azov at all.

The origin of the name has not been reliably established. In ancient times it was called Lake Meotia. In the 13th century - the Saksi Sea. It was also called Frankish, Sourozh, Kaffa, Cimmerian and so on. In the 17th chronicle of Pimen, his part near Taganrog is called Azov. This name was established only at the end of the next century.

Living world and natural resources

The variety of flora and fauna in the Sea of ​​Azov is unparalleled. Per unit area, the number of fish exceeds the Caspian by 6.5 times, the Black by 40, and the Mediterranean by 160 times.

Low salinity makes it possible for both freshwater and marine living organisms to coexist in it. There is a lot of phytoplankton and benthos, the bulk of which are mollusks. It contains 103 species of fish, which can be divided into four categories. The first are migratory, that is, those that go into the river to spawn. These are beluga, stellate sturgeon, herring and vimba. The second are semi-anadromous, which also go into the river to spawn, but can remain in it for longer. a long period time. These include: pike perch, ram, bream, sabrefish. The next ones are sea. They reproduce and live accordingly. These are pelengas, kalkan, sprat, stickleback, gobies and so on. And the latter are the species of fish that enter the Azov Sea from the Black Sea. Among them are anchovy, mackerel, red mullet, horse mackerel, and others. The unique mammal of Azov is the Azov dolphin or Harbour porpoise. The majority of fish species are of commercial interest.

An oil deposit was discovered in the Temryuk Gulf of the Azov Sea.

Resource usage and other issues

Man began exploiting water and natural resources here a long time ago. This also applied to industrial fishing and transport. Ports, fishing cooperatives and fish processing plants, as well as numerous large and small settlements located along the banks, on the one hand, seized numerous natural resources, and on the other hand, they dumped and dumped into it great amount untreated sewage, waste and so on.

Problems were caused by runoff with pollutants carried by the waters of the rivers flowing into it. With these "gifts" from neighbors upper reaches, the sea also coped. By the 90s of the last century, the production of 22% of the agricultural and 17% of the industrial products of the USSR was concentrated in its basin, with all the ensuing consequences. And this circumstance did not affect the ecology of the sea, the volume of which is only 300 km 3, which is equal to the river flow over 8 years.

The environmental problem, which can be equated to a disaster, began in the 50s of the 20th century, when hydraulic structures and artificial reservoirs began to be built along the rivers flowing into the sea. The influx of fresh water has dropped significantly. At the same time, the influx of silt, so necessary for the ecosystem, also decreased. As a result, its salinity increased. In some areas it is significant. By the end of the century, almost all rivers were blocked.

In summer, water transparency decreased. In some areas it is almost zero. The rapid growth of the smallest animals began and plant organisms, which is why the water began to “bloom.” A massive fish kill began. In addition, it harms fish stocks huge damage poaching and prohibited types of fishing. Especially trawl, which damages the bottom and destroys feeding and spawning areas for fish.

Another source of pollution is ports and industrial enterprises Taganrog and Mariupol. Such industrial giants as Azovstal and Azovmash.

The last major blow to the environment was dealt by a massive ship accident in 2007, when tons of fuel oil and sulfur spilled into the sea.

Video - The Sea of ​​Azov unexpectedly showed a piece of the bottom

The resources of the Sea of ​​Azov have been practically destroyed: out of 40 commercial fish species, only three remain for full catching (sprat, goby and anchovy), the rest are caught in scanty quantities, says the press service of the Association of Fishermen of Ukraine, citing environmentalists.

As the release reminds, the Sea of ​​Azov is the world’s fish pearl, which until recently was 6.5 times higher in fish productivity than the Caspian Sea. Scientists propose to stop industrial fishing in the waters of Azov for at least 5 years. This is exactly how much is needed for the sea to begin to regain its fishing potential, they say.

According to the State Environmental Inspectorate of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Ukraine, for last decade The volume of catch of sawfish decreased by more than twenty times, pike perch by five times, and flounder by seven times.

Ecologist Gennady Molodan, director of the Meotida National Natural Landscape Park, is convinced that such a critical situation has never happened before. " The Sea of ​​Azov was destroyed by irresponsibility and greed. Not a single species of fish disappeared just like that. But not everything is so bad - the ecosystem’s ability to self-heal has not yet been lost, so it is urgent to take strict measures in the field of protection and reproduction of fish stocks“, Mr. Molodan said, adding that industrial fishing in the Azov Sea should be banned for at least 5 years.

« I think that it is possible to return the former potential to the Sea of ​​Azov under one condition - if industrial fishing is closed for 5 years. Fish with a fishing rod, no one minds, but know: if you go out to sea with a net or trawl, you will get an article. Moreover, strict measures need to be introduced by both the Ukrainian and Russian sides“, the ecologist emphasized.

Head of the Ukrainian Fishermen's Association Alexander Chistyakov, I am convinced that a direct ban on fishing should not be an end in itself, it is without a Program for rational and civilized use aquatic biological resources The Sea of ​​Azov in harmony with nature will not give anything. And it can cause enough harm. Not all fish species are found today depressed state. Some of them: anchovy, sprat, goby are so numerous that the fishery catches only one third of the amount allowed by science.

In his opinion, therefore, any use of fish schools in the Azov Sea must be approached selectively. If it is necessary to reduce the industrial catch of those species of fish that require it, then, in turn, it is necessary to redirect the fishery to those species whose numbers are in satisfactory condition. At the same time, you should not set any time frame for nature - 5 or 8 years, during which it should be reborn. Let science monitor the dynamics of the restoration of fish schools, which are now in a depressed state.

He also noted that, without a doubt, we must strive to restore the fish stocks of the Azov Sea at least to the 1991 level. " We also need to remember,” the expert continued, “ that the Sea of ​​Azov is used by us together with Russian Federation, and therefore there is a Permanent Ukrainian-Russian Commission, which prescribes and approves the rules of industrial fishing, as well as the amount of catch (permissible limits)».

« Only with the help of an interstate program thought out to the smallest detail can the issue of reducing the number of certain fish species be solved“said Chistyakov, clarifying that the Food Program, which is designed to fill our consumer basket domestic fish products have not been canceled, and today Azov fishermen catch almost half of the total catch in the country.

« Today we are on the brink of survival sturgeon species fish that, due to unsatisfactory ecological state Azov basin, poaching and unreasonable fishing are listed as endangered species in the Red Book of Ukraine. Also today, from these reasons, plus the almost complete disappearance of natural spawning grounds, the invader of the Azov Sea, the sawfish, is suffering greatly. Without any doubt, in Lately flocks of sawfish have thinned out catastrophically. If in 2007 2,236 tons of it were caught, then in 2016 only 109 tons. Currently, nature suffers greatly from economic activity; it has become dependent on humans“said the head of the Ukrainian Fishermen’s Association.

According to him, therefore " If we are talking about restoring the fish schools of Azov, we cannot do without the practice of artificial stocking of native fish species, as well as the invader - Pilengas».

« By reducing fishing, it is necessary to provide businesses with all the conditions for the development of aqua and mariculture, including cage farms, as well as mussel and oyster farms", Chistyakov summarized.

At the same time, Azovryboohrana reported that in 2016, a record amount of aquatic living resources was caught in the Sea of ​​Azov - almost 36,000 tons. The most caught were goby (21 thousand tons), sprat (12.5 thousand tons) and anchovy (2 thousand tons). Fishing in 2016 was carried out by 150 Ukrainian users.

« This is the best catch since 2004, - said the head of Azovrybokhrana Sergey Chikh. — Thanks to professional work fisheries protection, we were able to reduce the incidence of illegal fishing, as well as bring them out of the shadows significant amount unreported catch by fishers».

Also, according to him, the reserves of the above-mentioned fish species make it possible to increase the fishing results several times.

According to Azovfishery, the average annual catch in the Sea of ​​Azov is 28 thousand 184 tons of fish, including: Azov anchovy - 5 thousand 91 tons, sprat - 8 thousand 848 tons, gobies - 8 thousand 684 tons. The average percentage of national quotas is 33%.

« With full development of the scientifically based limit, without damage to aquatic biological resources, it is possible to produce about 120,000 tons of fish and other aquatic living resources“Azovrybokhrana said.

According to scientists, even in the first half of the twentieth century, the biological resources of the Sea of ​​​​Azov were so great that they had no equal among all other bodies of water in the World Ocean.

Today, marine productivity has been significantly reduced. The basis of the industrial potential was fish stocks, which are represented by 79 species and subspecies. But many of them are no longer of commercial importance due to a sharp decline in numbers. Let's give some statistics on the species of fish that until recently formed the basis of the Sea of ​​​​Azov.
Migratory fish species
A peculiarity of representatives of this group of inhabitants of the reservoir is that they do not leave sea waters until puberty. After this, the individuals head to rivers to spawn. The entire spawning process takes from one to two months...
The biological resources of the Azov Sea are distinguished by the presence of such valuable commercial fish species as stellate sturgeon, beluga, sturgeon, herring, shemaya, and vimba. All of them belong to the pass-through category.
Beluga is considered the largest fish that migrates to rivers to spawn. In the recent past, the species was not considered rare, but is now listed in the Red Book. In addition to the Azov Sea, it lives in the Caspian and Black Sea. The Azov beluga most often ascends the Don River to breed. Kuban is used less for caviar by sturgeon.

Semi-anadromous fish species
Pike perch, ram, bream, sabrefish - these are the names of fish belonging to the category of semi-anadromous, there are twelve of them in the group. They, like representatives of migratory species, go from the sea to rivers to spawn. But the difference is that this whole process for semi-anadromous animals takes a long time, sometimes up to a year. In addition, young animals can remain in rivers throughout the winter.
One of the representatives of this category of fish is pike perch. A fairly common species, found in the basin of not only the Azov, but also the Baltic, Caspian, Black, and Aral seas. Pike perch is a large predator that feeds on invertebrates and small fish. The size of an adult individual can reach one meter in length, and the weight is usually 10-15 kilograms.

Marine species
The biological resources of the Sea of ​​Azov are largely represented by this group of fish. There are 47 representatives in the category. Marine fish species include sawfish, gobies, flounder, needlefish, glossa, percarina, sprat, and three-spined gnat.
The peculiarity that distinguishes these particular fish of the Azov Sea is that they constantly live in salty waters. This is where reproduction occurs, the young hatch, and reach sexual maturity.
Pilengas is one of the most common inhabitants of the sea. It is interesting because it was specially brought into the pool about 40-50 years ago. In a fairly short period, it managed to successfully acclimatize, and today the fish is considered a commercial species. The size of the sawfish is impressive - up to 150 centimeters in length and weighing up to 12 kilograms.
Migratory fish species
When describing the biological resources of the Sea of ​​Azov, it is necessary to mention the breeds that make constant migrations. Species of marine fish such as Azov and Black Sea anchovy, herring, singil, mullet, horse mackerel, red mullet, sharpnose, Black Sea Kalkan, mackerel, regularly change their habitats, crossing from the Black Sea to the Azov Sea or vice versa.
Of the four known varieties of red mullet, only one of them lives in the basin. The fish live in schools in the bottom waters. In the upper layers of the seabed it finds small animals that serve as food for the mullet. The fish is of commercial importance.

Freshwater species
Sterlet, bleak, silver crucian carp, ide, and pike are freshwater fish, despite their habitat in sea waters. Belonging to the group is explained by the fact that they inhabit desalinated sea areas. For this reason, fish do not make large migrations. There are a total of 13 species in the category.

Use of natural resources
Today, the state of the ecology of the Sea of ​​Azov is causing concern among specialists. The thoughtless use of natural resources and the intensive reduction of river flows have led to a fourfold decrease in fish species. Their total number has decreased by 10-15 times. These dramatic changes in the ecosystem have occurred in less than 80 years and are associated exclusively with human economic activity.
Since the year 2000, commercial catching of sturgeon has been prohibited due to a sharp decline in the number of the species. The list of bodies of water where the ban applies includes the Sea of ​​Azov.
The description of fish species that require careful treatment, unfortunately, is not limited to sturgeon.
Flounder and mullet have also lost their commercial importance. The water area of ​​the Azov Sea is used for economic purposes by two states - Russia and Ukraine. The well-being of the region, as well as the improvement of the environmental situation throughout the entire basin, depends on the coordination of their actions.
Despite the acute crisis in bilateral relations, Russia and Ukraine recently managed to agree on the conditions of fishing in the Sea of ​​Azov.
The Joint Fisheries Commission determined the catch volumes of the main commercial species in 2018. And for pike perch, bersh and sabrefish, additional restrictions have been developed.
The Russian-Ukrainian commission on fisheries in the Sea of ​​Azov was held on October 24-26, 2017 in Rostov-on-Don. The parties confirmed the need to strictly observe the regulation of industrial fishing in the Sea of ​​Azov, and also informed each other about the results of fishing in the current season. Also, for 2018, production volumes of the main commercial fish species were established for our countries. Let us remind you that these include gobies, pilengas, herring, anchovy, red mullet and others.
They did not forget to agree on control over vessels fishing in the Sea of ​​Azov and the Kerch Strait. In general, the delegations managed to develop important decisions aimed at preserving and rational use aquatic biological resources and ensuring conditions for sustainable fishing.
Well, perhaps such coordinated actions of fishermen will become an example for other sectors of the national economy of our countries.

Andrey Kravtsov. Prepared according to information: fb.ru

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From an old notebook. I wrote 15 years ago... In the eighties of the last century, when I first came to these fertile places for fishing, I was still quite “green”, like three Soviet rubles, a fisherman, and met one person unique in the fishing community. This fleeting meeting remained forever in my memory. My friends and I were fishing in the Nedvikovka area. The ram was caught well with bloodworms and maggots, and occasionally a decent fish was caught. Suddenly, my attention was attracted by a figure that appeared from around the bend of the channel. The man and his behavior seemed inappropriate and unrealistic in this setting. I was surprised by the fact that he looked little like a fisherman, but rather resembled a passerby hurrying about his business. Sliding briskly he moved along the opposite bank of the channel, waving his arms as he walked. He was dressed in a short army jacket, tied at the waist with a wide soldier's belt. The outfit was completed with tarpaulin boots and a worn earflaps. Suddenly, as if fulfilling someone’s command, he stopped and pulled out from his belt an ax that was behind him and had not previously been noticed by me. Leaning towards the ice, he cut a hole with three or four well-calibrated blows. Returning the ax to old place, took out a medium-sized fishing rod from a spacious canvas bag slung over his shoulder and, having unwinded a certain amount of fishing line from the reel, lowered his spoon into the hole. Having made three short swings with small pauses with his fishing rod, on the fourth he pulled a one and a half kilogram pike onto the ice! Slowly putting it, and the coiled fishing rod, into the bag. The fisherman continued his path with the same fast, sliding gait and soon disappeared from my wide-open eyes around the next bend in the channel. The unreality of what happened defied my understanding. I already sinfully thought that I had imagined all this or, at worst, dreamed, and I even pinched myself on the arm, trying to drive away this vision. But the pain clearly pointed to reality, no matter how consistent with the picture I saw. Somewhere in the subconscious, an obsessive thought about a psychotherapist arose by itself... My fishing friends came up and brought me back to the sinful earth. And with the words: “So Mitrich ran, now we can have a snack,” they began to pack an impromptu lunch. Their story about Mitrich completely clarified the situation. It turns out that Mitrich lives in Khopry, and every winter, almost every day at eight o’clock in the morning, he begins his unusual fishing trip, which has already become a local attraction, from Khopry to Morskoye Chulek and back. It's 16 km long, one way only. Mitrich's full marathon was more than 32 km, and it ended around five o'clock in the afternoon, or rather winter evening, at the starting point. According to old fishermen, Mitrich never returns from such an unusual fishing trip without a trophy, but in his understanding, he never takes too many fish; he is content with three or four pike or pike perch, or even a large perch. Less than a kilogram weight, Mitrich always releases the fish... To this day, I continue to be amazed by this man’s purposeful, selfless attitude towards fishing, his understanding, love and careful attitude to nature and to all living things. Mitrich has been gone for a long time, but the memory of this amazing person stayed.
Much has changed since then; there is no former fish diversity and abundance, as in old times. The time has changed, the country has changed, moral principles and ideals. Both the person himself and his attitude towards everything around him have changed. It was man, due to his ignorance, indifference and greed, who violated what seemed to be such a strong, centuries-old balance in the ecosystem, but in reality it was so fragile and vulnerable. In place of the former “oasis”, a “semi-desert” was formed...
From its former popularity and abundance of fish, only pitiful memories remain. The Sea of ​​Azov has lost its former glory as a “blue field” that fed almost half of great country, the “time of troubles” not only significantly reduced fish resources Sea of ​​Azov, but also caused irreparable geographical, moral and moral damage to the once mighty and seemingly unshakable country like Soviet Union. But greatest damage suffered the people who inhabited it. And our task is to try to revive the former glory not only of the Sea of ​​Azov, but also of the power of Russia. Greatness starts small. And the memory of people like Mitrich, with whom the Russian land is rich, is part of this small thing. It depends only on us what kind of fish, and in what river we will catch, and in what country we and our children will live. Every fisherman should remember this earth loving, where he had the honor of being born. It is his task to preserve it for his descendants.
Pokrovskoe. March. 2002.