Why do promises you make to yourself about running often end in nothing? The answer is obvious - because it is difficult for a person to immediately rush into a sports pool if before that his physical activity was minimal. For an unprepared body, the mere thought of running is already stressful, so you need to gradually bring your body up to it.

AND we're talking about not only that jogging should be started with minimal loads, but also that before starting classes you need to prepare thoroughly. The first step is to visit a doctor.

Going to the doctor

If you've never gravitated towards physical activity, suddenly becoming an avid runner is not a safe idea. After for long years In case of permanent physical inactivity, the body needs to be prepared for stress, and an experienced doctor will help you with this, who will examine you, draw conclusions about the state of your health and give appropriate recommendations.

During the examination, special attention should be paid to:

  • heart and blood vessels (including brain vessels);
  • joints (especially knee, ankle and hip);
  • spine;
  • nervous system(for neuroses, sleep disorders and hyperexcitability, running may be contraindicated).

Additionally, consult your doctor if you have excess weight. You may need to lose a few pounds in other ways before you start running to protect your heart and joints from overuse. Varicose veins also have some contraindications that should be discussed with your doctor.

Equipment selection

Running clothes should be comfortable, not restrict movement, and breathable. Girls need a sports bra or top that supports their breasts securely. Choose clothes made from fabrics that absorb and wick moisture well.

It is better to choose running shoes with a slight elevation under the heel. But the height of the “heel” should not exceed 1.5 cm, otherwise the position of the foot will be unnatural, and it will develop correct technique running will be very difficult. The exception is people with large overweight who require additional foot support. For flat feet, special orthopedic insoles are needed.

When, how long and how often should you run?

The ideal time to run depends on many individual factors. If running invigorates you and you can afford to set aside time in the morning, run in the morning. If even after a short run you feel tired and need to rest, run in the evening. Focus on your own work schedule, biorhythms and habits.

For a beginner, 3 sessions per week is enough - over time, the number of runs can be increased to 5-6. You should start with 20 minutes, gradually adding 5 minutes. Before your run, be sure to warm up by doing a light joint gymnastics– pay special attention to your knees, ankle joints and lower back. After your run, walk at a brisk pace for another 4-6 minutes, and then gradually reduce your speed until you reach a slow walk. So is your heart and respiratory system will slowly and smoothly return to normal operation after loading.

Running technique for beginners

The most difficult thing for those who want to learn to run from scratch is to place their feet correctly. It should land not on the heel, but on the widest part of the foot. In this case, you do not need to move your leg far forward - it should touch the ground clearly under the center of gravity, that is, under your torso.

The body will lean forward a little while running. At the same time, the abs are tense to prevent slouching. The neck is in a relaxed, neutral position that allows you to look both forward and down at the same time. With ideal technique, the head, pelvis and foot of the front leg are in line.

Start with a leisurely run that will not cause you any discomfort. Ideal speed for a beginner - one in which he could maintain a conversation by inserting individual sentences into the conversation. Breathe naturally, deeply and evenly.

Monitor your heart rate – ideally, you should purchase a heart rate monitor. Your heart rate while running should range between 60-70% of your maximum. To calculate your maximum heart rate, simply subtract your age from 220. You can also find out your pulse without the appropriate device - count the number of beats (on your neck or wrist) in 10 seconds and multiply by 6.

Nutrition before and after a run

You should go for a run no earlier than an hour and a half after eating. It’s better to eat something carbohydrate - porridge, pasta, toast, bread. Avoid fatty, heavy, spicy foods - they can cause abdominal discomfort when running. You can run on an empty stomach if you don’t feel weak or unwell.

It’s also better not to eat immediately after a run - after a shake-up, the stomach needs time to return to normal. But a glass of water will be very helpful. Don't forget to drink while running - this is especially important in hot weather.

How to start running from scratch: program for beginners

The adaptation program lasts 16 weeks. It is suitable for beginners who run 3-4 times a week.

Running is an amazing tool that allows a person to overcome laziness, increase performance, improve blood circulation, keep muscles and joints in good shape, and maintain normal weight. Running relieves nervous tension and directs unspent energy into useful channels. Proper running brings pleasure, because it is time alone with yourself and for yourself.

Millions of people around the world run to improve their health, improve their endurance, gain new emotions, and take a break from their daily routine. Each of these people, to one degree or another, improved their own personal qualities and started running.

Of course, running is a serious sport; you need to have a lot of information about correct sequence actions during training, thoughtful clothing and shoes, correct technique, frequency, running intensity. However, the first thing you need to do is clearly decide - you need this and get off the couch!

Usually the first 2-3 workouts are carried out with enthusiasm, but then with the onset of fatigue, discomfort in the chest and muscles after a few minutes of running or after several runs, there is often a desire to quit everything. Many console themselves that this is not given to them. In fact, running is only contraindicated certain groups of people:

  • with congenital heart disease;
  • thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities;
  • with pathological disorders of blood circulation and heart rhythm.

At the beginning of training, the body adapts to new conditions, loads, muscles involved, which are rarely included in work during Everyday life. Experts allocate an adaptation period of about 1.5–2 months with regular training. In the future, an increase in loads (increasing the time of training, the distance of the route, making it more difficult) will also lead to a similar loss of strength and mood. This is a temporary period that can be overcome through self-control, determination, and regular practice.

Be sure to visualize yourself while running. Watch the competitions of professional athletes, observe how beautifully they move, how well thought out their positions and movements are: straight back, toned stomach, graceful movement of the leg forward, correct landing on the foot. Don’t feel complex that while your movements are not so graceful, improve – your achievements are ahead of you!

Ideal time to run

Scientists believe that perfect time for running from 6-30 to 7-30, 10-00 to 12-00, 16-00 to 18-00. If you have the opportunity to run at this time, great. If not, no big deal. Choose yours convenient time, suitable for 3-4 workouts per week. The body quickly gets used to physical activity at the same time, even if it is conditionally “non-ideal”.

Running Clothing and Shoes

For running, choose clothes made from natural fabrics. It should correspond to the time of year, be free, comfortable for movement. Pay special attention to your shoes; they should fit your feet tightly, fit exactly, have an anatomical insole, and a wide sole in the forefoot and heel area. Professional runners choose their running shoes based on the anatomy of the arch of the foot and the surface on which they need to run. For beginners, classic running shoes with good cushioning and a gel strip under the cushion are suitable. thumb. These shoes relieve stress from the joints and spine.

Running technique

Please note the following important points regarding running technique:

  • Smooth start. This is especially important for those who have led an inactive, “sedentary” lifestyle. You can’t just get up from your chair and run; after 200 meters you will have a pain in your chest and hypochondrium, as well as a lack of desire to run at all. The body is gradually prepared for stress: first you need to learn to walk at a fast pace, then alternate between running and walking. Only after this should you start running.
  • Workouts begin with a warm-up and end with a cool-down. Warm up by stretching and walking for about 5 minutes. Cool down is a transition from running to quick step, then take a step at a medium pace, slow and stop (ideally 5 minutes for each walking pace).
  • Start training for 20-30 minutes, gradually increasing your running time. The duration of non-professional level training should be no more than 60–85 minutes.
  • Place your feet correctly. The moment the leg touches the surface of the ground, it takes the entire weight of the body upon itself. At this moment, a large load is placed on the foot, knee, pelvis, and spine. There are 3 techniques for placing your feet while running: on the entire area of ​​​​the foot, on the toe and on the heel. Heel running loads knee-joint, but it is a natural heel-toe roll for a person and is easier for a beginner to master. The knee will not get injured due to the still low intensity of training. When the load increases, running uphill or over rough terrain, it is better to lower the leg over the entire area of ​​​​the foot. Having mastered these methods, feel free to move on to the safest for your joints, but the most difficult technique - running on your toes.

Many beginners turn to help special programs allowing you to master running technique. They are compiled for different levels training focused on different distance route and time to achieve the result. However, they are all built on the principle of alternating running and walking. Their main task is to control the intensity of training, so as not to rush things and not try to immediately take on a fast pace that the body is not yet capable of.

Food and drinks

Be sure to pay attention to what you eat and drink before and after your workout. You need to run no earlier than two hours after lunch. You need to drink before and after training. To avoid dehydration you can drink:

  • plain still water;
  • unsweetened green tea;
  • water with lemon;
  • special sports drinks.

Quickly breaking down carbohydrates: fruits or sweets will help you regain strength after a workout. A secret but effective remedy: a piece of chocolate and a banana.

Over time, you will master all the tricks of running techniques, learn to recover quickly and enjoy training. The hardest thing is to start running! Use your willpower, don’t stop training, look for an opportunity to exercise at least 3 times a week and be sure to do it right! Good luck!

Insufficiently active lifestyle modern man becomes the cause of many heart, stomach, and other diseases, as well as the acquisition of excess weight. I want to regain my health, but what needs to be done to achieve this? To begin with, it is worth increasing the quantity and quality of physical activity. The most accessible and effective way is jogging.

Running is a sport that does not require large financial investments. To practice running, there is no need to find a highly paid coach or buy a gym membership. It is advisable to conduct jogging classes in uncrowded places with paths or paths. It could be a stadium, a park or a forest.

Any of these options has its advantages: the park will relieve stress and set you in a positive mood, the stadium will provide a convenient surface for training paths.

Just put on a new one sports suit(it is advisable to choose natural fabrics) and comfortable shoes (it’s good if they are sneakers or sneakers).

How to start running correctly?

Any person can run, but not everyone knows how to learn to run correctly. First, you should understand what benefits running brings to the body. The healing of the body occurs due to the following reasons:

  • Active breathing while running causes blood to enter, and therefore into every cell, more oxygen.
  • The heart pumps blood more intensely, so metabolic processes accelerate, causing improvement general well-being person.
  • All muscles of the body are trained and strengthened.
  • Freeing the body from harmful substances occurs due to increased sweating.
  • When running, the hormone of happiness is produced, which relieves stress and depression.

Taking into account all the advantages of running, we should not forget about possible contraindications.

More likely, sedentary lifestyle life has already confidently begun to lead the body to passive aging, so a sharp outbreak of physical activity can cause a system failure.

It would be a good idea to consult a doctor, as there are the following contraindications to jogging:

  • Congenital heart defect.
  • Severe heart rhythm disturbance.
  • Circulatory failure.
  • Mitral stenosis.
  • Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities.

Running program for beginners

Most often, novice runners do not create any sports programs. And in vain. The program allows a beginner to short time achieve best results. You can create a training plan yourself, because everyone knows the characteristics of their body. If there are difficulties in drawing up a program or the runner does not know where to start, you can use a ready-made plan. Classes according to the program are easier to bear psychologically, because they are limited in time. You need to start with small loads, gradually moving to more complex ones.

An approximate jogging plan for beginners looks like this:

  • 1 week – 1 minute running, 2 minutes walking. Total duration – 21 minutes.
  • Week 2 – 2 minutes of running, 2 minutes of walking. Total duration – 20 minutes.
  • Week 3 – 3 minutes of running, 2 minutes of walking. Total duration – 20 minutes.
  • Week 4 – 5 minutes of running, 2 minutes of walking. Total duration – 21 minutes.
  • Week 5 – 6 minutes of running, 90 seconds of walking. Total duration – 20 minutes.
  • Week 6 – 8 minutes of running, 90 seconds of walking. Total duration – 18 minutes.
  • Week 7 – 10 minutes of running, 90 seconds of walking. Total duration – 23 minutes.
  • Week 8 – 12 minutes jogging, 1 minute walking, 8 minutes jogging. Total duration – 21 minutes.
  • Week 9 – 15 minutes jogging, 1 minute walking, 5 minutes jogging. Total duration – 21 minutes.
  • Week 10 – 20 minutes of running. Total duration – 20 minutes.

From the above plan it is clear that you need to transition to running smoothly, alternating it with walking. This is necessary so that the body gradually gets used to the necessary loads. Those who start playing sports aggressively, trying to immediately achieve great results, most often quickly “burn out” without getting what they want.

The body adapts to each workout and allows you to run 2 times more than the previous one.

You need to choose an uncomplicated route, it should not have sharp descents and ascents, this creates an additional load that should be approached gradually. Only a month after the start of classes can you adjust the route, making it more difficult.

If for some reason this program is not suitable, you can change it by adapting it to suit you. For example, today the setting is to run 1 km, tomorrow – 1.5, the day after tomorrow – 2 km, and so on. The program can be arbitrary, but the most important thing is that training should be carried out no more than 5 times a week. Two days should be a weekend.

How to start running to lose weight?

If you decide to go jogging, you need to choose the time at which it will be most convenient to do it. In the morning, from 6.30 to 7.30 human body perceives physical activity most positively, during the day it is better to run from 11.00 to 12.00 hours, and in the evening the suitable hours are from 16.00 to 18.00.

By the way, the goals of running largely influence the timing. Morning exercises are suitable for strengthening the cardiovascular system, daytime jogging is advisable for maintaining muscle tone, and for losing extra pounds, they are ideally used. evening hours. However, these conventions will not interfere with jogging, the main thing is to jog at the same time of day. In this case, the body will get used to receiving physical activity, which will make them more effective.

The process of losing weight takes a very long time. It requires enormous willpower and desire from a person.

Ordinary running cannot give quick results. For weight loss, another type of jogging is suitable, it is recommended to switch to it only 2-3 months after the start of training.

How to run correctly to lose weight? Only interval running can give the body the load it needs to burn fat.

The essence of the method is to alternate running with the greatest effort with rest, during which the body rests. To do this, you should walk 100 meters, then jog 100 meters, and then add 100 meters of running at maximum speed and load. Next, you need to repeat the steps.

What happens during interval running? During fast run With maximum effort, there is a rapid loss of glycogen, which is restored during the walking phase. At this time, fat breakdown occurs, since after a fast run the flow of oxygen-enriched blood to fat deposits increases significantly. After interval jogging, fat breakdown continues for about 5-6 hours.

Unfortunately, such a load is contraindicated for people with heart disease. When doing interval running, the heart bears a very big responsibility, since it is the heart that pumps blood in an emergency mode. In any case, the recommendations of a cardiologist will be very helpful. It is possible that interval running in the gym under the supervision of a specialist will be allowed.

Warm up before running

There is no special preparation required to start running, but beginners should learn how to warm up before running. As a warm-up, you can use brisk walking to disperse the blood, take deep breaths and exhale several times, make swinging movements with your arms and legs, and then lightly stretch your back. This, in principle, is enough even for beginners.

Warm-up is especially important for those who have not previously run. More experienced runners begin their run with a fast walk, after which they smoothly move on to a slow run, gradually increasing their speed to their usual speed.

How to run correctly? You should keep your body straight, without tilting it forward, without jumping or making unnecessary movements while running. You need to look straight ahead, without throwing your head back or down. Place your feet gently, without putting pressure on your heels; placing them on the ground, quickly lift it off the surface. Breathing should be uniform through the nose. While jogging, you don’t need to talk on the phone or be distracted by extraneous moments.

Goals for running can vary. Someone wants to lose excess weight, someone wants to increase their endurance, someone strives to improve the health of the body as a whole. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to pursue any serious goal; you can simply give yourself pleasure and receive exactly that hormone of happiness, which for some reason is not enough in modern life.

“Start running in the morning” is a standard item in plans that are traditionally written under New Year and are not embodied too often. You imagine something like the picture below, but in the cruel reality it turns out that the flight lasts 100 meters, after 200 meters it becomes difficult, and after 500 you want to die. The logical conclusion follows that running is for masochists and “it’s just not my thing.” Those who are especially persistent repeat it a couple more times, but most often they also abandon this dubious activity. We know, we swam, I didn’t succeed on the first try either.

In this post I will share technical information, which, I hope, will help you start running gradually, without severe self-harm and without injury, and in the next one I will give some advice, . All of personal experience, observations, books and other sources. Tested on unexamined relatively healthy people from young to , all experimental subjects survived and are running :)

FAQ for beginners

A small selection of questions that usually arise for those who want to start running.

What time of year is best to start?

If you plan to run outside, the optimal season to start jogging is spring or early summer. Long daylight hours pleasant temperature and no need to fight natural disasters increase your chances of going out for another run. In addition, by holding out until the onset of a gloomy, rainy autumn and a terrible winter, you will have time not only to get involved, but also to get hooked on this business :)

Run in the morning or evening?

When it is convenient and optimally fits into the daily routine. It is advisable to allocate a clear time in your schedule for jogging, otherwise delays and postponements are inevitable. When running in the morning, it is important to pay more attention to warming up so that the body has time to wake up and invigorate itself before a more serious load. I love it - they give me a boost of energy for the whole day and a pleasant feeling of completion. And it’s also beautiful and deserted - both in the city and in nature.

How to dress?

To begin with, any sportswear that is comfortable will do. It is better that it be made of synthetics, and not cotton, which becomes heavy when wet, sticks to the body and does not dry. I recommend that girls immediately buy good sports underwear - with wide straps and tight fit.

Concerning temperature regime, then this is individual and selected empirically. A general rule of thumb is to wear one less layer than usual when going for a run. When you go outside, it should be slightly cool, while running you will warm up. There is no need to wear a bunch of thick clothes in hopes of losing weight - this does not make you lose weight, but dehydration, which is harmful to the body and has nothing to do with fat loss.

In my heat-loving version (without correction for strong wind) at temperatures above +10 I run in shorts/skirt and a T-shirt/T-shirt. If it’s colder, add a T-shirt with sleeves, then tights (legs are more frost-resistant). I put on a windbreaker when the temperature is closer to 0.

How fast should you run?

One of the most common mistakes beginners, especially males, make is trying to run too fast. Ambition turns jogging into best case scenario into masochism, at worst - into masochism with unpleasant health consequences, for example, injuries. It's like trying to start building a house from the second floor. First there must be a foundation - an aerobic base and muscles, ligaments and joints prepared for stress. It can only be built through slow kilometers at a comfortable pace.

A comfortable pace is one at which you can speak in sentences rather than in abrupt phrases. If you are out of breath and your pulse is too fast, you need to run slower. It doesn’t help - take a step, restore your breathing, then run again. Speed ​​is not an indicator that beginners should pay attention to. It is more important to increase the time of continuous running at a pace that is comfortable for you, i.e. endurance.

How to increase distance?

The generally accepted rule for increasing weekly mileage is to increase it by no more than 10% from the previous week. A good option- use one of ready-made plans, for example, c25k, which I give below. There are also good proven plans for beginners on the Hal Higdon website. Following one of these plans will allow you not to overestimate your strength and not do something stupid like “ran a half marathon after a month of training from scratch, then treated injuries for 3 months.”

Should you run every day?

No. If you are a beginner, you simply won’t have time to recover. In addition, it is psychologically difficult, which means that the chances of starting to skip workouts and then abandoning them altogether increase. Rest and recovery are no less important part of the process than running itself. Three times a week is enough for a beginner.

How to breathe while running?

There are a lot of theories and approaches, from “breathe only through your nose” to a given number of inhalations and exhalations for a certain number of steps. All this reminds me of that centipede that was wondering how to move its legs and got completely entangled in them. Breathing is a natural function of the body, even if it regulates it. You're not trying to control your heartbeat, are you? Just try to breathe deeply and evenly.

What is warm-up, cool-down and stretching?

Warm-up is done before jogging; its task is to raise the pulse and warm up the muscles, preparing them for the load. Usually it includes light jogging or fast walking and exercises that are well known to us from physical education lessons - all kinds of turns, bends, swings, and circular movements of the limbs.

The cool-down is done after the main part of the run. Stopping abruptly is harmful to both the heart and muscles, so at the end you need to lightly jog or walk for 5-10 minutes.

Stretching is done after a run; its purpose is to speed up recovery and avoid muscle strain.

Video with options for warming up -, stretching -.

More about good habits For .

How to eat before and after a run?

You should not eat immediately before running. In half an hour or an hour you can have a snack with something light and carbohydrate, for example, a banana or toast with peanut butter. 2-3 hours before - complex carbohydrates, for example, porridge. It is not advisable to eat protein, fatty or heavy foods several hours before a run.

Don't forget to drink water after your workout, and if it's hot, it won't hurt to take some with you, too.

After a run, you should not eat everything that is not nailed down, under the motto “we will compensate for the calories spent.” Bad news: under load entry level Calorie consumption turns out to be very modest, in contrast to appetite. Example: 30 minutes of running at a speed of 9 km/h with a runner weighing 60 kg is only 270 kcal, well, a very modest piece of cake.

  • Jack Daniels "From 800 meters to marathon"
  • "Road Running for Serious Runners" by Pete Fitzinger
  • Arthur Lydiard, Gilmort Garth "Running with Lydiard. Accessible methods of healthy running from the great trainer of the 20th century"
  • Mat Fitzgerald "The 80/20 Rule of Running: Train Slower to Race Faster"
  • Matt Fitzgerald "Diet of Champions. Five principles of nutrition for the best athletes"

About running technique

  • Gordon Pirie "Run fast and without injury"

There is a great desire to have a slim, toned body, and how difficult it can be to find the strength to change your life for the better. The diet does not bring its results, the weight goes away, but the body remains unattractive. Remains tested and reliable way get your body in order - run.

All of us are forced to start running by approximately the same thing - an inner voice that is dissatisfied with the state of affairs. It occurs when, having climbed to the third floor, you realize that already on the second floor you have shortness of breath and slight weakness in your legs. Or when a pumped-up guy or a slender girl passed by.

How to start running from scratch?

When going out onto the streets of the city, you can see people running to meet you. There are an average of 5 runners per walk. And someone once told me that “running has gone out of fashion” - no matter how it is. Today, sports are gaining popularity, and running is the most accessible and effective tool dream body modeling.

Armed with sneakers and sportswear appropriate for the weather, you can safely start training. It seems that everything is simple, just run. This is true. However, there are techniques that a short time can work wonders: the distance increases, the running speed increases, the body becomes slender.

Running training program

Every self-respecting athlete should know what awaits him in training today. The topic becomes especially relevant for beginners who simply don’t know what to do? The answer is simple - arm yourself with the running training program and tips below.

1 day Run for 30 seconds at a pace of 30% of maximum speed. Stop slowly. Take 3 deep breaths in and out. Walk for 30 seconds and repeat from the beginning. Repeat 5 times.
Day 2 Run for 30 seconds at 40% of your maximum. Follow the recommendations to restore breathing. Repeat 6 times.
Day 3 Increase the time to 45 seconds and run at a 30% pace. Restore your breathing. Rest time remains 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
4 day Try to run 1 kilometer using the suggested option. Accelerate to 40% of your maximum pace for 15 seconds, then jog for 15 seconds. You speed up again. You cannot walk while completing the distance.
5 day Gradually increase the distance while decreasing the jogging time. Don't allow yourself to start walking. The pace can be reduced by up to 20%.

Tip 1. To avoid muscle pain, cool down after running.

Cool down is a slow run after performing a long load on the legs.

You can cool down on the way home by jogging.

Tip 2. When you get home, take a contrast shower. Alternate hot and cool water for a minute, 5 seconds at each temperature. If that doesn't work, just take a shower.

Someone will say, what about the warm-up? Running is a warm-up. Start by jogging slowly and gradually increase your pace until you feel you have reached your optimal speed.

How to run correctly?

Nature introduced into our genotype the ability to run almost from the cradle. However, you still need to learn how to run correctly.

Please note:

Correct breathing

Breathing plays a key role in achieving results. The ability of muscles to work effectively depends on the dosage of oxygen, which is delivered in the right quantity to the right time through blood.

Standard advice we were told back in school “inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth” stops working when, after running part of the distance, there is a need to take short, frequent inhalations and exhalations. I want to gasp for as much air as possible. On top of everything, it hurts in the side.

A few tricks to help you start running successfully , eliminating unnecessary difficulties.

Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth - is this the correct technique? Actually yes. Ideally, the breathing cycle occurs in this form.

There are several reasons for this.

  1. Inhalation occurs under the difference atmospheric pressure external environment and lungs. Thus, inhalation is a voluntary action. Exhalation is forced.
  2. The inhalation is smooth and longer than the exhalation. The nose is ideal for this task. By exhaling deeply, the lungs empty by 3-4 liters of air and oral cavity capable of passing such a volume within a second.

Runners who are not accustomed to breathing correctly may experience dizziness and yawning. Therefore, try to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, but learn this gradually.

If the colitis is on the right, the liver hurts, on the left – the spleen.

The reasons why a stabbing in the side can naturally vary. Usually associated with a load to which the organs have not had time to adapt.

The right equipment

A runner's outfit includes different sets of clothing depending on the time of year and the outside temperature. The shoe that remains unchanged is sneakers.

What should sneakers be like? Lightweight ~400 grams, toe box easy to bend, springy heel.

Why sneakers?

A distinctive feature of sneakers from sneakers is their preparedness for the type of load. If such points as lightness and a soft toe can have both options, then the heel of a sneaker does not have a springy effect. Small detail, but it works important role, because at constant use sneakers as running shoes cause the athlete’s heel to get knocked off, which subsequently leads to pain in the knees. In addition, running in sneakers will be easier, because... a higher heel promotes forward movement.

Summer equipment usually has short view: T-shirt shorts.

Sneakers. Lightweight, soft toe, springy heel.

Socks. There is a lot of debate about the length of socks. We are of the opinion that they should be short. And of course, allow the skin to breathe as much as possible.

Shorts. Should be above the knee so as not to restrict forward movement. Well secured, for example with a lace or a tight elastic band.

T-shirt. Should allow the skin to breathe. It should not restrict the movement of the arms, preferably fitted, with short sleeves or without it at all (T-shirt).

Winter equipment should not allow air to directly penetrate the body. Standard set of equipment: socks, sneakers, sweatpants, sweatshirt (tank top), gloves, hat.

Socks. Now there is no need to talk about length. It is important that the socks are comfortable and do not crowd the foot in the sneakers.

Sneakers. All the same light and comfortable. Some runners specifically purchase shoes with studded soles for better traction on slippery surfaces.

Sports trousers. There are no special criteria. The only desirable point is warm inner part. Knitted pants work well for this purpose.

Olympic. The collar should cover the throat as much as possible from oncoming cold air. The sleeve may have an elastic band. The bike will be warmer. It is worth noting here that the choice is about comfort for everyone.

Gloves. A mandatory attribute that many beginners neglect to run. During running, the hands are the least active, especially the outer side of the hand freezes. A lot of heat comes out through your hands.

A cap. The leader in retaining heat is a hat. More heat comes out through the head than through the hands. An alternative would be a headband or a bike hood - better than nothing.

In case spring turns out to be cold, and late fall warm, remember a simple rule: +15 and above – short form clothes, +14 and below – long version equipment.

What to do if you don’t feel like running today?

Quite natural behavior for people who decide to go for a run regularly. Runners remember how reluctant they were to run before a tiring day or after a crazy day. Muscle fatigue as a result of the first workout also affects.

What to do?

Running takes 1 hour

— 15 minutes preparation for training (putting on equipment, going to the running area)

— 15-30 minutes of running

- 15 minutes shower after training session.

The hardest thing is to go outside. As soon as you left the living quarters and headed to the training place, the lesson took place. While running, try to follow the instructions: breathe correctly, watch the movement of your arms, legs, torso, be attentive.

Get over yourself once, the next time will be easier.

It's boring to run

Many people hesitate to start running because they are bored. Let's make running fun!