Siberian lynx is carnivorous mammal an animal belonging to the order "Predatory" and belonging to the family "".

The lynx can rightly be attributed to the most dangerous forest cats. Its preferred habitats are dense dark coniferous forests in the taiga.


I have always admired this forest beauty; I have not seen her in the forests, but in zoos, I was able to observe this amazing animal.

Many people are interested in what animal is the lynx? In this section, we will try to answer the question posed. In appearance it can be compared to a tall adult dog, the lynx's body length is no more than 135 cm. The body is short and dense, the tail is short, about 45 cm. The head is small and has a rounded shape. The long hair on the sides of her face may slightly resemble sideburns.

This cat has a short muzzle, wide eyes, and round pupils. They have very powerful paws formidable weapon. The cat's claws are unusually sharp, their length can reach ten centimeters, and are shaped like a curved hook. The ears are medium in size, and have long panicles on them.

The paws have powerful and thick black pads, which, during the harsh Siberian winter, become overgrown with short but at the same time thick hairs.

As a result, the sole of the animal's paws resembles the shape of skis; they are very useful, as they help the cat to easily press down snowdrifts by reducing the load on the loose support.

The colors of these beauties are very diverse, depending on their habitat. IN Siberian forests, the cat has a color from reddish-brown to dark smoky. In addition, its color is diluted by pronounced spotting along the top of the body and on the sides. The abdomen has long but sparse light-colored hair.

The weight of the Siberian lynx can reach up to 30 kilograms, but these are the rarest specimens; often this animal weighs from 18 to 25 kg. As for females, their weight is significantly less than that of males, and can hardly reach 18 kg.

If we compare its fur with other cats, then the lynx has the thickest and most valuable coat. On the top and sides of the body, the length of the hairs is up to 5 cm, and on the stomach the length can reach up to 7 cm.

Range and habitat

This type of cat is recognized as the most northern view ever lived on Earth. In Scandinavia it can be found even beyond the Arctic Circle. Until the mid-twentieth century, its range was much wider, and the lynx could be found in Central and Western Europe.

In the second decade of the twentieth century, its numbers declined greatly, due to actions that directly began to influence the decline in the population of this species of animal. Poachers and amateurs carried out mass shooting of animals for wool and trophies.

Let's give a few countries where it remained to live and reproduce. European countries:

  • Czech Republic;
  • Hungary;
  • Romania;
  • Spain;
  • Serbia;
  • Sweden;
  • Poland;
  • Slovenia;
  • Macedonia;

But this list is not complete; there are at least 10 more countries where it can be found. On the territory of Russia, it prefers to live on Sakhalin and Kamchatka; by the way, the lynx appeared here relatively recently. She really loves cluttered and dense coniferous forests.

Another wild cat can be found in the Caucasus, in Central Asia, however, in these places its population is very small. Concerning middle zone Russian Federation, then its habitat will look like this:

  • Russia;
  • Georgia;
  • Estonia;
  • Belarus;

In Ukraine, it can be seen in mountainous areas, such as the Carpathian Mountains. This animal also lives in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.


The lynx animal prefers to live in deep, dark forests. Also, forests located at higher elevations can become its place of residence. May wander into the forest-steppe or forest-tundra.

Our animal has several advantages that allow it to be at its best compared to other types of predatory animals. She climbs trees very well, runs fast, jumps far and swims well.

We previously wrote that it can live within the Arctic Circle and beyond it. In such places she feels great, the only thing that may not suit her is the lack of food in sufficient quantities.

The lynx leads a sedentary lifestyle only if there are plenty of small and large animals. Otherwise, it begins to migrate from one place to another in search of food.


The lynx goes hunting in the dark. This fact completely destroys the myth that it jumps from a tree onto its prey. Tries to get as close to prey as possible, often trying to hide near a fallen tree or in dense bushes.

Choosing the most appropriate moment, usually this is a distance of 10 - 15 meters and instantly attacks, making jumps from 3 to 5 meters. Once caught in the paws and teeth of a predator, the prey dies within a few seconds.

Razor-sharp teeth and claws tear arteries in the neck and flesh of the animal, leaving no chance of salvation. Having eaten enough, she hides the remaining food in the snow or under small tree branches. A less fortunate hunter likes to follow the lynx - the wolverine, who is not averse to feasting on the remains of the prey.

If larger prey is being hunted, a surprise may await the wild cat. When it attacks a sika deer, it is able to drag a lynx on itself for several meters; sometimes the victim manages to escape from the tenacious clutches of the predator. But if you trust the statistics, in most cases, the cat kills its victim after some time.


The lynx's diet is very varied; it can consist of both rodents and artiodactyls. More often she likes to catch and eat various fish that live within her place of residence. In search of food, she can walk more than thirty kilometers a day.

IN harsh winters the animal can go to the outskirts of its property and attack domestic dogs and cats. I suggest you study the menu in detail wild beast. The most favorite food for this type of cat is: white hare, as well as:

  • Roe deer;
  • Musk deer;
  • Bad deer;
  • Foxes;
  • Partridges;
  • Raccoon dogs;
  • Grouse;
  • Beavers;

This list does not include all the animals that our heroine can eat.

The animal eats little; one caught hare can last it for 3-4 days. For a lactating female, this food is enough for one meal. A caught large artiodactyl animal can feed a single individual for more than 1.5 weeks.

Usually some, being well-fed, do not hunt until the main supply of food runs out, but a lynx during this period can unnecessarily kill a fox or marten. This is probably due to the fact that she sees these animals as obvious competitors. Since their diet is very similar.

The lynx animal performs one of the most important tasks of exterminating weak and sick animals, preventing them from infecting healthy generations.


The breeding season for lynx begins in March. At this moment, they behave quietly, except occasionally, making menacing sounds and purring. A female can be followed by 2-3 males, who periodically arrange fights against each other.

Outside of breeding, they lead exclusively single image life.

Individuals who have formed a pair move on to the next stage, which is called “greeting.” First of all, they start sniffing each other's noses.

After this, perform a movement with your heads, which is more reminiscent of head-butting cattle. After some time, the cats mutually lick each other's fur.

The female's pregnancy lasts from 65 to 70 days. There can be from 2 to 5 babies in a litter. The female chooses the place before giving birth thoroughly; often these places can be: holes, cracks in rocks, ravines with holes and other safe places.

Lynx cubs are born blind, their weight does not exceed 350 grams. On the twelfth day after birth, babies' eyes begin to open. They feed on rich mother's milk; after a month, the female begins to feed the cubs solid food.

Both family members participate in raising offspring. When they grow up, they go hunting with their parents and this can continue until the next breeding season. Then, they leave their native lair to begin an independent solitary life.

Young males reach sexual maturity after 35 months, and females are ready to mate at 23 months.


Ordinary Siberian lynx V wildlife can live no more than 23 years.

  1. Despite the fact that she leads a secretive lifestyle, she is not afraid of humans. But he won’t have time to attack either. Not one truthful, authoritative source says that the lynx specifically hunted a person in order to kill him.
  2. wild adult lynx, can quickly get used to a person and even allow himself to be picked up.

The common lynx (Lynx lynx) is an animal belonging to the species of mammals and the genus of lynx, which includes four species. The common lynx belongs to the fairly widespread order Carnivora and the Feline family.

Description and appearance

Today, our planet is inhabited by several species of lynx, which differ somewhat in size, skin color and distribution area. Currently, the lynx is the northernmost species of all the felines..

This is interesting! The image of a lynx found enough wide application in heraldry, therefore such a symbol is often found on the flags and coats of arms of various cities, including Gomel and Ust-Kubinsk in the Vologda region.


A short and dense body is characteristic of all lynxes, regardless of the species. The ears have long and well-defined tufts of hair. The tail is quite short, with a very characteristic, “chopped off” part. The head is small in size and has a pronounced round shape. Elongated hair is located in large quantities on the sides of the muzzle, and forms very peculiar “whiskers”. The muzzle is shortened, with wide eyes and round pupils. Paws are large in size, with good pubescence in winter.

This is interesting! With the onset of winter, the lower part of the lynx's paws becomes overgrown with long and fairly thick hair, thanks to which the animal can move even in very deep and relatively deep waters. loose snow like skiing.

Lynx sizes

The average body length of an adult lynx can vary between 80-130cm. The height of the animal at the withers reaches 65-70cm. As a rule, an adult and well-formed lynx is similar in size to a fairly large, massive dog. The weight of an adult male lynx varies between 18-25 kg, but some males are capable of reaching a weight of 28-30 kg, and females most often weigh no more than 18-20 kg.

Skin color

The coloring of lynx fur today is very variable, and can be represented by many types of colors and shades, which directly depend on the geography of the habitat of the individuals. The color can vary from reddish-brown to fawn-smoky tones, with less or more pronounced spotting on the back and paws, as well as on the sides of the animal.

On the belly of the lynx, the hair is quite long and soft, silky, but not thick, and almost always pure white with sparse, relatively noticeable specks. In the southern regions, individuals have a more pronounced red coloration, and also have relatively short and dense hair. The predatory animal sheds in spring and autumn.


The average life expectancy of a common lynx in natural conditions is about fifteen or seventeen years old. In Europe and in the Siberian taiga, the main enemies that significantly reduce the lynx population are wolves.

In captivity, including zoos and nurseries, such predatory individuals can live for a quarter of a century or a little more.

Lifestyle of the common lynx

Along with most other species of predatory animals, the common lynx prefers to lead a nocturnal or so-called twilight lifestyle. This is a solitary predator, but the female and her cubs live together for several months.

This is interesting! Lynxes go out in search of their prey after it begins to get dark. The tassels located on the ears of the predator serve as a kind of device that makes it easier to detect prey.

In addition to hunting with the so-called stealth, lynxes are able to wait for their prey in ambush. This predatory animal often lies in wait for its prey near hare trails, as well as near the main watering hole for ungulates.

Where does the lynx live, its range

Lynxes prefer to inhabit dense dark coniferous forests and taiga, but sometimes they can enter forest-steppe or forest-tundra. The animal can easily climb not only trees, but also rocks, and can also swim very well.

Thanks to its abundant fur, the lynx has perfectly adapted to life in the snow in the Arctic Circle. The spots on the fur make the lynx almost invisible in the daytime among the glare of the sun that falls on the ground, and also camouflage the animal very well among trees and bushes.

Food and prey

Common lynxes hunt, in most cases, hares. If possible, the animal is capable of attacking medium-sized ungulates, including roe deer, musk deer and wapiti, as well as young wild boars. Lynxes often catch squirrels and martens, and also eat hazel grouse, wood grouse and black grouse.

In search of food, lynxes are able to walk about thirty kilometers within a day, and in very hungry years, the predator often approaches a person’s home, where domestic or stray cats and dogs, and small livestock become its prey. Uneaten prey is buried in the snow or ground.

This is interesting! This one is well known unusual fact, like the unmotivated aggression of lynxes towards foxes. The predator tries to kill the fox at the first opportunity, but the lynx never eats this meat.

Reproduction and offspring

The common lynx is a predator leading a solitary lifestyle. The lynx rut begins in March. During this period, predators emit very characteristic loud screams, and also purr or meow loudly. At the rutting stage, each female is accompanied by several males, fiercely fighting with each other. Educated married couples perform a kind of greeting ritual, and affection is expressed by licking each other's fur.

This is interesting! The female's gestation period varies between 64-70 days. One litter usually consists of a pair of kittens, but sometimes their number can reach five. The born lynx cubs are blind and deaf, so the female initially hides them in a den, which is located under the roots of fallen trees, in deep holes or earthen caves. Also, some females sometimes make a den in low-lying hollows or in large rocky crevices.

The average weight of a newborn kitten, as a rule, does not exceed 250-300 grams. The baby lynx's eyes open only on the twelfth day. Until about a month, the female feeds her cubs exclusively with milk, after which gradual feeding of solid protein foods begins. The upbringing of born kittens is carried out by both parents, who not only protect their offspring, but also teach them how to get food for themselves and hide from enemies. Sexual maturity in females occurs closer to two years, and in males several months later.

Among numerous types only lynx is found in felines northern regions. Human activity contributed to the partial, and in some places, complete disappearance of this representative of the animal kingdom in Europe. Today you can meet a lynx only in some countries; this wild animal is protected by law in many of them. The Siberian lynx species is common in Russia, the description of which we will discuss in this article.

Appearance of the animal

The lynx belongs to and belongs to the order of predators. It looks like it, but in fact it is a dangerous forest cat. This species mainly lives in dark coniferous forests. What does the Siberian lynx look like? Let's try to take a closer look:

  • The size of the lynx is approximately the same as that of adult large dogs.
  • Its body length reaches a maximum of 135 cm, and its tail is approximately 45 cm.
  • The head is small, round in shape.
  • The cat has a short muzzle, on which wide eyes with round pupils shine.
  • The lynx's ears are decorated with soft tassels.
  • The body is short and dense in structure.
  • On the lynx's muzzle (on the sides) hang long hair. In appearance they resemble sideburns.
  • The Siberian lynx has very powerful paws with sharp claws, which it uses as a weapon when hunting.
  • The length of the claws can reach 10 cm. They look like a curved hook.
  • Black pads on a lynx's paws cold period overgrown with thick short pile.
  • The shape of the sole has a unique structure, which allows the predator to easily move across snowy expanses.
  • The color is varied and depends on whether red with a brown tint and dark smoky colors are found in individuals living in the forests of Siberia.

The fur of this cat species is very valuable, which is why the animal often became the object of hunting. Many people are interested in: how much does the Siberian lynx weigh? In nature, there were individuals whose weight reached 30 kg. On average, the weight of males is 18-25 kg, for females this figure does not exceed 18 kg.

Where is the species distributed?

Lynxes are the only kind cats that live in northern regions of our planet. In the Scandinavian countries, the predator was encountered in the Arctic Circle. The habitat of the lynx until the middle of the 20th century was very wide. These cats could be seen in Western and Central Europe. Their numbers have sharply decreased due to mass shooting. Poachers destroyed animals for their valuable fur.

Today you can meet lynx in the following European countries:

  • Hungary.
  • Spain.
  • Macedonia.
  • Poland.
  • Romania.
  • Serbia.
  • Slovenia.
  • Czech Republic.
  • Sweden.

On Russian territory The Siberian lynx is found in the region of Sakhalin and Kamchatka, and it appeared in these places not so long ago. Main habitat wild cat considered the Siberian taiga.

On the territory of Ukraine it is possible to see such an animal very rarely and only in mountainous area Carpathians


Lynx (photo) is a predatory animal, and unlike other animals, it has a number of advantages that allow it to survive in forest conditions. The cat expertly climbs trees, can swim, makes long jumps and runs fast. It lives mainly in dark coniferous forests, but sometimes the animal wanders into the forest-tundra or forest-steppe. There have been cases when the beast was seen outside the Arctic Circle.

If in the area where the Siberian lynx has settled there is a large number of can lead a sedentary life. But as soon as a problem arises with obtaining food, the cat migrates in search of a hot spot.

How does the Siberian lynx hunt?

The predatory cat goes hunting exclusively at night. She approaches her prey as carefully as possible, trying to remain unnoticed. A lynx can hide in the bushes or near a fallen tree, waiting for the animal to approach the predator. After waiting for the most appropriate moment (the distance is 10-15 m), the cat rushes towards the prey. The attacked animal dies in a matter of minutes in the paws of the lynx, as it digs its sharp fangs into its neck, tearing muscle tissue and arteries. The prey has no chance at all to survive. Having eaten heavily, the cat hides what is left of its prey in the snow or branches. Very often the trot is followed by a wolverine, which cannot boast of such hunting skills, but loves to have a snack at someone else’s expense.

When it comes to large prey, attacks are not always successful. When attacking a roe deer or deer, a lynx may end up with nothing, since the victim is capable of dragging the predator along with it for some time, and sometimes even eluding it altogether. But in most cases, a lynx hunt ends in victory for the cat.

What does a lynx eat?

The diet of a predatory cat includes the following animals:

  • fox;
  • white hare;
  • partridge;
  • roe deer and sika deer;
  • grouse;
  • raccoon dog;
  • beaver;
  • wild boar piglet.

In severe winter, when there is a lack of prey in the forest, the Siberian lynx can leave its usual environment and go to human habitats. Here she attacks domestic animals: cats and dogs.

The predator cannot be called voracious; one killed hare lasts her for half a week, with the exception of lactating females, who are able to eat such a volume of food at one time. If the cat has caught a large animal, the meat will last for 7-10 days.

Lynx breeding

The lynx (you can see the photo in the article) is a solitary animal. Only during the breeding season do cats form a pair. The mating season occurs at the beginning of March. At this time, lynxes behave very quietly. Several males can accompany the female at once, periodically arranging fights among themselves.

The resulting pair proceeds to the “greeting” stage, sniffing each other. Then they begin to rub their heads, and their actions resemble butting a large cattle. A little later they lick the fur of their partner.

Female lynx reach sexual maturity at 2 years, while males reach this age at 35 months.

The duration of pregnancy is 65-70 days. The female gives birth to 2 to 5 kittens in one litter. The expectant mother prepares thoroughly for childbirth. Most often, she chooses holes, caves in rocks and other safe places.

At birth, kittens are blind, and their weight is no more than 350 g. The eyes of small lynxes open on the 12th day. The female feeds them for a month breast milk, as soon as the babies are stronger and can feed themselves, she accustoms them to the natural diet for lynxes.

Lynx at home

It is very difficult to answer unequivocally how dangerous the Siberian lynx is at home. Breeding wild animals is serious step, and a person who decides to do this must approach this issue with all responsibility and understanding.

Since the claws of a wild animal are very sharp, it is necessary to trim them regularly. Like domestic cats, the lynx often swallows hairballs, so you need to constantly groom and brush it.

No matter how cute the animal may seem, having such a pet in a family with small children is not recommended. A predator is always a predator. The owner has no guarantees that forgotten instincts will not awaken in the wild pet.

The mythical hero Lucius, who had the gift of seeing through objects, gave the name to one of the most graceful predators - the lynx. Residents ancient Greece attributed the same supernatural property to this animal. They called amber petrified lynx urine.

In 1603, Italian scientists created the Academy of Lynxes community, even Galileo became a member of it. The community was engaged in the search for truth and the eradication of prejudice.

The symbol - a lynx tearing apart Cerberus - meant the fight against ignorance with the power of knowledge. The lynx in heraldry means keen eyesight. According to some experts, it is she who adorns the Finnish coat of arms, and not the lion.

Features and habitat of the lynx

The habitat of this beautiful mammal is quite large: Eurasia, the North of the American continent, the Arctic region and Kamchatka. Previously, the lynx inhabited a wider area, but the value of its fur led to its destruction in many European states. Nowadays lynx, a predator that is listed in the Red Book. It is re-imported into some areas.

TO lynx species include: common lynx, Canadian lynx, Iberian lynx and bobcat. , it is also called steppe or desert lynx, lives mainly in Asia and the east.

For a long time it was classified as a member of the lynx family, however, a number of genetic characteristics contributed to his being singled out in separate species. Marble – an animal that looks a lot like a lynx, but is not its species, lives in southeast Asia and is slightly larger in size than a regular cat.

The animal's appearance is very similar to big cat about a meter long (females are slightly smaller) with a chopped tail of about 20–25 cm. Males weigh up to 25 kg, females - up to about 18 kg. Sometimes you can find quite large individuals, weighing up to 30 kg.

The short, muscular body of the animal is covered with thick and soft fur with dense undercoat. The color of the coat depends on the habitat of the animal and can be reddish, gray and brown. The areas of the lynx's back and sides are covered with bright dark spots. Animals molt twice a year; the summer coat is shorter and not as thick as the winter coat.

The hind limbs are about 20% shorter than the front ones, which makes it possible to make unusually long jumps of up to 4.5 meters. The difference between the lynx and other cats is that its front paws have four toes, and its hind paws have five.

In winter, the sole of the animal is covered with thick fur, which greatly facilitates the movement of the animal along snow cover. When walking, a lynx uses its hind paws to follow the tracks of its front paws, and if several individuals move, they step on the tracks of those in front. This manner of gait is characteristic of a tiger and a wolf.

On a round head with huge eyes there are triangular-shaped ears with tassels at the ends, which act as an antenna and allow the predator to hear subtle sounds. Scientists have found that without brushes, the animal begins to hear much worse.

Character and lifestyle of the lynx

Lynx is a wild animal. This big cat lives in the taiga and mountain forests. Less commonly, lynx is found in the tundra or forest-steppe. However, predatory cat climbs trees well and feels much more confident in their branches than on the ground.

Lynx is an animal of the taiga and forest, it is there that she can satisfy her hunting instinct to her fullest. The Eurasian lynx can withstand temperatures down to -55 degrees.

Each lynx lives in a specific area measuring up to 250 square meters. km, which she can walk around within 1-2 weeks. It leaves its individual territory only when there is a lack of food. The main enemies of the lynx are wolves and.

It is not known why wolves treat predatory cats this way, or whether they really like lynx meat or in the fight for food. However, the lynx fails to escape from a pack of wolves. If the experienced ones hide in the trees, then the young individual will almost certainly be killed by the flock.

It's a pity, but the most great danger for the animal represents man. Poachers annually reduce the number of these noble animals. By the way, meeting a lynx is considered lucky, because it prefers to hide from people in the thickets of trees.

The lynx's excellent hearing allows it to catch steps long before its approach and escape in time. But if a person wounds a predatory cat, he can expect a powerful attack using sharp teeth and claws. An animal can easily break a person's neck, but this happens very rarely.

The lynx cannot stand the thief of a fox. waits for her and kills her, leaving the corpse untouched on the spot. Curiously, the wild cat has an interesting habit of wagging its tail. It has not yet been clarified in what cases she does this.


Excellent physical fitness, the ability to climb tree branches and rocks, as well as swim and jump, excellent sense of smell, vision and hearing make the lynx a first-class hunter. During the daytime, the lynx rests to get food.

She starts from about three o'clock in the morning until dawn. Only Canadian lynx goes out hunting during the day. In an ambush, an animal, without moving, can wait for a victim for a very long time; spots on its fur perfectly camouflage it among environment.

This cat never hunts from trees, being on branches, it only looks out for prey. Having tracked down the prey, the predator attacks, while jumping several meters.

If it is not possible to immediately catch the prey, it chases it for 100 meters and, if unsuccessful, stops the attempt. The speed of the animal is approximately 20 km per hour, the maximum is up to 40 km per hour. In search of prey, a predatory cat can walk up to 30 km per day.

A predator requires several kilograms of meat per day, however, a hungry animal can eat up to 6 kg per day. A well-fed lynx is resting. The rest of the prey is buried in the snow or ground. By the way, he hides his prey inaccurately. Others calmly find the cache and eat the supply.

Very often, having hidden food, the lynx never returns to it. The lynx's main diet is hare, but the diet also includes various rodents, squirrels, raccoons and birds. From time to time, larger game is encountered: roe deer, deer, .

If an animal lives close to people, its prey may be livestock. In the spring, when fish spawn in shallow water, the lynx stuffs its paw in any quantity and feasts on it with pleasure.

Reproduction and lifespan

From the beginning of spring to summer, the lynx's mating season begins. Several males, who constantly accompany the female, constantly fight, meow, growl and scream. These sounds can be heard over a long distance. When the female gives preference to the most dexterous and strong, the animals create a family.

A couple in love licks each other, sniffs each other and begins to lightly and tenderly butt heads with each other. Next comes the arrangement of the home, which can be located in the roots of a tree, a hollow, an earthen cave or a rock crevice. They line their house with grass, animal hair and feathers.

After 2-2.5 months, 2-4 babies are born, weighing approximately 300 g, hearing nothing and deaf. However, after a week, the parents begin to raise the little hunter from the kitten. They bring small rodent or a bird and hide it.

The child’s task is to find them. At three months, lynx cubs are already hunting with their mother, and at five months of age they learn to independently obtain food for themselves. When the kittens turn one year old, the mother lynx drives them away and has new offspring.

The female is ready to mate at about one and a half years, males at two and a half. The lifespan of predators in nature reaches 20 years, in captivity this figure reaches 25.

Content is in vogue now wild inhabitants flora in houses and apartments. At buying an animal such as a lynx, it is necessary to take into account that they need a large living space and special care.

The habits of this wild animal do not make it possible to keep it in an apartment, however, today the “Domestic Lynx” breed has been bred by crossing wild lynx with the appropriate coat color. Trot price quite tall, but it’s worth it if you have such a smart, beautiful and graceful pet.

In the northern hemisphere of our planet, there are quite large areas where lynxes live. These predatory animals can be found not only in forest areas, but also in subtropical forests, but even in the tundra.

External description

The lynx is indeed similar to a very large cat, differing only short tail and tassels on the tips of the ears. Its weight usually does not exceed 25 kg, and its body length can be from 75 to 130 cm. The body is dense with a small round head. The muzzle is framed by elongated, coarse hair, similar to sideburns. The fur is very thick, especially in winter when the undercoat appears. Most often, animals are found with a reddish-gray color and dark spots, randomly located throughout the body. But the color of the coat depends on the species and on where the lynx lives, in what zone, so it may be of a different shade.

The limbs are somewhat different in structure from those of cats. Hind legs lynxes are longer than the front ones and have only 4 toes. In winter, the pads are overgrown with thick hair, which allows the animal to easily move through the snow without falling into snowdrifts. The paws seem too wide for such a small animal, but it is this structure that helps the predator successfully hunt and obtain food. Beautiful tassels on the ears act as an antenna, thanks to which the lynx perfectly hears the quietest sounds. This animal jumps superbly (up to 4 meters in length), climbs trees and runs very fast. Like all representatives of the cat family, it is distinguished by strength and extraordinary agility.


The genus of lynx has several species: Pyrenean, Canadian, red, and Eurasian. The smallest is that living in North America. Its height is no more than 35 cm at the withers. Most major representative This genus is considered the common Eurasian lynx, which lives almost throughout the entire territory of Russia, including the Arctic, and can be found in completely impassable areas of Siberia. Deep forests and thickets of young animals are the places where lynxes most often live.

The closest relative of the Eurasian is significantly smaller in size. This North American cat inhabits almost the entire territory of Canada and the northern American states, preferring to settle in areas where there is dense undergrowth.

A special species - bright-spotted Iberian lynx. It is on the verge of extinction. Only in Portugal and southern Spain are these animals still occasionally found. Deforestation has led to the fact that the territory where lynxes live is becoming smaller. In addition, because of the beautiful fur of bright leopard colors, hunters often shoot these animals.


Lynx is found in almost all European countries, as well as in Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Greece, China, Azerbaijan and Georgia. On the American continent, the largest numbers of these predators are observed in the southeastern United States, Canada and Mexico.

In Russia, the largest lynx population is recorded in the taiga regions and in the zone mixed forests. Relatively recently, animals settled in Kamchatka. Our country is huge, so the areas where lynx live in Russia can be very far from each other. As a result, animals of the same species can differ greatly not only in size, but also in color and degree of spotting.

The favorite place for lynxes is thickets of young animals - it is most convenient to set up a den there. Basically, this predator chooses to live in any forest (coniferous, mixed, mountainous) where bears and elk live. Lynx can also be found in the forest-tundra, where there are many bushes and other low-growing vegetation, and even beyond the Arctic Circle.

What does a lynx eat?

This is a predator, and accordingly, it prefers fresh meat, which requires at least 2-3 kg per day. The objects of hunting are a variety of animals - from voles to roe deer and food depends on the habitat. But the lynx's main prey is usually the hare. It is on its numbers in the region where lynxes live that their well-being depends. One caught hare lasts a predator 4 days. As a rule, she hunts them mainly in winter, when the choice of food is small. In the taiga, wild boars often become prey for this dexterous animal.

The lynx knows how to deftly and quietly get close to its prey and kill it with one blow of its powerful paw. In addition, the predator’s huge fangs are similar to those of a leopard or leopard. And among the birds there are many victims who fall into these fangs. Usually these are black grouse, capercaillie and hazel grouse.


The lynx is a solitary animal. During her life she rarely makes any sounds. The sharp cry of a lynx, similar to a cat's, can be heard only during the rutting period, which usually occurs in February. This animal is extremely careful. The lynx spends the whole day in its den, which is located in a deep thicket. Late in the evening she goes hunting. It leads and only when food resources in its habitat run out does it migrate to another territory. It can cover a distance of up to 30 km in a day.


You can find a lot of information about the lynx - what it eats, where it lives, but it unusual habits also deserve attention. For example, this animal eats exclusively fresh meat, disdaining carrion. She never returns to the remains of her prey, although she buries them in the ground. Moreover, she does this very carelessly, and foxes and wolverines following in her footsteps often use the remnants of the feast.

Each individual has its own territory for hunting. Lynx is bloodthirsty. She almost always hunts and often kills animals much more Furthermore than he can eat. The lynx has a particular dislike for foxes, which is caused by food competition. But after killing a fox, he will never eat it. Hunting for lynx usually ends in success. Waiting for her prey on a tree, she rushes at her like lightning. Thanks to the developed hind limbs a lynx can even catch birds flying from the ground.

When there is not enough food in the forest, the predator can visit nearby villages and farms. There it is not difficult for him to steal a chicken or even a lamb.


During mating season the female is accompanied by several males, who are constantly in conflict with each other. Pregnancy lasts about 2 months. About 5 hours before giving birth, the lynx begins to make a den. Usually it is done at heights - in tree hollows or rock crevices. The cubs are born at the end of April - beginning of May, blind, weighing up to 300 grams and open their eyes only after two weeks.

The mother feeds them with her milk for a month, then begins to bring mice and hares to the babies. At the age of 3 months, the cubs already follow their mother, and another 2 months later they begin to acquire their first hunting skills. When they turn one year old, the mother drives the cubs away from her, and they begin an independent life. At one and a half years, females become sexually mature, males mature a year later. The lifespan of a lynx is on average 15-20 years.

Despite the fact that there are not many places on the planet where lynx do not live in the wild, the population of this animal is declining. The reason is destruction natural environment habitat and excessive hunting of these beautiful animals. In some European countries they have already been practically exterminated.