How to determine a person’s energy

If you want to find out what type of energy you have, then you just need to observe yourself and everything that happens around you.
People with low energy tend to get tired very quickly. They often feel low energy after traveling, business meetings, events and being in a crowd of people for a long time.
Weak energy also affects the health of the body. People with weak energy get sick very often. In addition, they are often aggressive and irritable. These emotions arise for a reason. They feel a lack of energy, and this forces them to be rude and hot-tempered. Those with weak energy are always unconsciously looking for energy replenishment. The most accessible way for them to constantly gain strength is through contact with dogs. These animals provide energy to humans. It should be noted that cats, on the contrary, feed on energy, and the owner weak biofield at the level of intuition, he will never decide to get a cat.
People with weak energy do not fit in well in the house houseplants. They wither, quickly fade and die, no matter how well a person takes care of them.
People with strong energy potential, according to Elena Yasevich, are almost always active, positive and calm. They know how to conserve their energy, do not waste it and will always find a way out for energy surpluses.
Increased energy manifests itself in everything a person does. Everything goes smoothly in his hands; you always want to smile next to him. People with strong energy know how to control themselves and find internal balance. The owner of a strong biofield is a successful, purposeful and happy person.
What to do if your energy is not so strong, and is it possible to increase it? Participant in the “Battle of Psychics” Elena Yasevich gave several recommendations to all those who want to become stronger energetically. Try to have less contact with negative people (whiners, rude people, indecisive individuals). Dealing with them leads to loss of energy. Always prepare food in good mood. A dish prepared with a smile will charge you with energy for the whole day. When taking a shower, imagine how the water washes away all the bad things from you. Be in nature more often. This will allow you for a long time be in a great mood. Be in solitude more often. Enjoy the peace and quiet. This will allow you to maintain energy and gain strength. Do your favorite activity or creativity more often. This will give you positive emotions and a feeling of happiness.
These tips from psychic Elena Yasevich will help you increase your energy and become a strong and confident person.

Those who seriously study esotericism sooner or later come to the teaching about the energy potential of people, their aura and the influence of its color on life.

It turns out that the science of bioenergy can tell a lot about a person’s life, activity, periods of decline and rise in energy based on a person’s date of birth. Let's look at these questions in more detail and learn how to determine the color of a person's biofield based on the time of his birth, as well as predict important periods of life.

Human bioenergy potential by date of birth

If you want to find out a person's energy by date of birth, we suggest you try the simplest and easy way, for which you only need a piece of paper, a pen and a calculator. And, of course, the full date of birth of the person you are interested in.

Calculation rules

  1. Write down the person's date of birth on a line on a piece of paper. If, for example, he was born on September 25, 1974, the entry will look like this: 09/25/1974.
  2. Now write down on one line only the year of birth, and on the other the month and day without dots - first the month, then the day. In our example we get the following:
  1. Take a calculator and multiply the resulting numbers among themselves, removing extra zeros at the beginning of the second number, if any, as a result you will get a six or seven-digit number. Write it down separately. For our example: 1974x925=1825950, this is the number that will be the first key for our calculations.
  2. Now add all the digits of the first key number together. In our example it looks like this: 1+8+2+5+9+5+0=30. This will be the second key number, write it down separately.

What does the first number you receive indicate?

Based on the first number obtained, you can find out how a person’s energy potential will change over every seven years of his life. Why seven? Because in our example, the first key number turned out to be seven digits.

For six-digit numbers it will be reviewed accordingly every six years. The fact is that throughout life, a person’s energy changes cyclically, and cycles tend to repeat themselves. To evaluate and determine the periods of decline and rise in energy, you need to remember school lessons and build a simple graph, where the years of a person’s life will be on the X axis, and the energy value on a scale from 0 to 9 on the Y axis. To calculate the graph plotting points, we use the first key number: the first digit will reflect the point on the Y axis in the 1st year of a person’s life, the second – respectively, in the 2nd year, and so on.

Remember that after seven or six years (depending on what number you got), the cycle repeats again and starts again from the first digit. For our example, we got the following figure, in which we looked at ages from 0 to 21 years for a person born on September 25, 1974.

The energy scale reflects energy potential. When it is at zero, a person is deprived vital energy, he has a hard time coping with things, he is emotionally exhausted. Number 9 is the maximum peak of energy activity - at such a time a person can handle anything, since he has an excess of energy. Numbers from 4 to 6 are indicators of the average energy level, from 1 to 3 – quite low, but not critical, and from 7 to 8 – high.

Now that you know how to determine a person’s energy by his date of birth, you can analyze his life according to a schedule, find out the most fruitful and successful years, as well as crisis and difficult periods.

This information may be useful to you for planning your own life. For example, periods of high energy are well suited for starting new businesses, getting married, having children, while at the stages low level energy, it is better to save your strength, not to plan important undertakings and events with great responsibility - it is better to rest more and gain vital energy.

What does the second key number mean?

The second key number shows the natural energy of a person given to him at birth - his bioenergetic potential. Thus, figures from approximately 18 to 23 are considered the average statistical norm for a person, numbers above 23 - respectively increased energy, and below 18 - reduced. In our example, the second key number turned out to be 30, which means that a person is naturally given strong energy.

In no case should you think that people with an energy potential below 18 are weak and characterless, it is simply more difficult for them to achieve success than for those with higher potential.

High potential opens up more opportunities for self-realization, and those who have low potential just need to practice more and put in more effort, and then they will certainly succeed.

It is interesting to compare the bioenergetic potentials of two people, for example, spouses or relatives, parents and their children. So, for example, in a marriage the person whose performance will be higher will be the leader. If a child has a higher energy index than his parents, it will be very difficult for them to get obedience from him. Sisters and brothers may well be born with different potentials, and this will be noticeable even in the first years of their lives.

A person's aura by date of birth

Knowing when a person was born, you can not only analyze his energy potential, but also even find out the color of his aura. If you are unable to “see” the biofield of other people, do not be discouraged - we will tell you how to determine a person’s aura by date of birth. Numerology will help us with this.

Calculation of a person’s biofield by date of birth

To calculate the biofield by date of birth, you need to stock up on a piece of paper and a pen. The calculations will be very simple, so you won't need a calculator. In this way, you can find out your aura by date of birth or the color of the biofield of any person you are interested in.

  1. Write it down full date birth of a person in digital form. So, for example, for a person born on April 23, 1980, the entry will look like this: 04/23/1980.
  2. Add up all the numbers of your date of birth. In our example it will look like this: 2+3+0+4+1+9+8+0=27.
  3. Now you need to add both digits of the resulting number together. The exceptions are the numbers 11 and 22 - there is no need to reduce them to a single digit number, leave them as is. In our example: 2+7=9.
  4. Find your number in the table below and find out what it means.

Aura color meaning


This bright color speaks of sensuality, love of life, optimism and determination of the owner of such a biofield. These people are prone to ambition, so they need to set goals not in the spirit of competition with someone, but ones that will allow them to assert themselves without humiliating someone else.

People with a red aura should not fall into apathy and indifference, otherwise the bright color will fade.


With such an aura, healthy, emotional, sociable and sensitive people are born. Their the main objective- caring for others. If you have an orange aura, you need to learn to accept yourself as you are, engage in constructive and useful activities, and, if possible, avoid anything that brings irritation.


This is the color high intelligence and creative energy. People with yellow aura They are like little suns - they are sociable, open and warm those around them with their warmth. They need to realize themselves in professions related to communication and avoid a frivolous approach to life.


People with a green aura are filled with compassion for others. They are trusting, vulnerable, sometimes sentimental and can easily adapt to circumstances. Emotional stress and stubbornness are contraindicated for them. If you have green aura– take a simpler approach to life, and then new opportunities will open up before you.


Those with an aura blue color, love an active lifestyle and travel. They have innate creativity, an adventurous spirit and a rich imagination. They should not try to keep up with everything and everywhere - it is better to focus on one thing and realize themselves in it.


It is the color of caring, humanity and beneficence. Those with a blue aura are confident in themselves, respect the opinions of others, and instinctively sense the hidden motives of others. They should listen to the voice of their heart more often and not voluntarily take on other people’s responsibilities, forgetting about their own needs.


This is the color of high spirituality, strong intuition and supernatural abilities. Such people can realize themselves in any field of art, but sometimes it is very difficult for them to get along with others, because they listen only to their own opinion. Their life task is to turn fantasies into reality.


People with a pink aura are very hardworking and purposeful. They are more inclined to the material than to the spiritual realm. They should find an activity that pleases them, get rid of monotony, not follow the lead of others, be able to stop in time and say “no.”


The color of self-sacrifice and humanism. Such people are very responsive and vulnerable. Despite the fact that their life task is to help others, they need to learn not to forget about their own interests.


This is the color of visionaries and dreamers. The owners of such an aura are highly spiritual people with a rich imagination and a natural gift of intuition. They should avoid emotional overload and nervous tension.


People with a golden aura from birth have unlimited potential that can be realized in absolutely any area. They have extraordinary abilities, a sense of responsibility and grandiose plans that can and should be brought to life. The main thing is not to get upset if suddenly something doesn’t work out.

Now that you have become acquainted with the definition of human bioenergy by date of birth, you can surprise your family and friends with your new knowledge. And also - to improve further in this area.

The structure of the human brain is somewhat reminiscent of the familiar radio receiver, since it is capable of emitting and also receiving various energies. Thanks to this ability, people have the opportunity to perceive the reality around us. Energy in its modern understanding can be divided into two types, namely: physical and free. The first comes to us as a result of eating food, the second is creative. Energy is constantly consumed, so it must be replenished in a timely manner. And for this you need to know how to check your energy.

How to find out your energy

  • There is a fairly old folk method, which in ancient times was used to check internal state, that is, the energy potential of a person. However, for the results to be truly true, it is necessary to believe in the existence of energy fields and not perceive them with skepticism. So, the healers handed the man an aspen splinter. In the absence of one, you can use an ordinary match available in any home.
  • Light a match and wait until it burns completely. In order not to burn your fingers, you can grab the match - grab the burnt end, or burn it in two stages, there is no fundamental difference. The only important thing is that the match is held by the person who wants to test his energy. Ask why? The thing is that it is the fire that comes into contact with energy fields person, and the result of such contact in turn changes the properties of the wood located in the center of the flame.
  • After waiting for the match to burn completely, throw it into a glass with pre-prepared ordinary water. If after 2-3 minutes the match sinks, the subject’s energy levels are impaired. Of course, you can try to object and assure that the match will sink in any case, since coal has more heavy mass. However, this statement is true only from the scientific side, but in the question: how to check your energy important role other aspects play out as well. So, if an aspen match was held by a person with sufficiently strong energy, then its stub will not drown, since it will stop absorbing water.

That is why, for the most correct understanding of the experiment, we recommend taking an aspen splinter. If she drowns, don’t rush to get upset. Energy can always be replenished, the main thing is to detect problems in time. Moreover, you already know how to test a person’s energy.

Have you ever experienced unpleasant sensations when communicating with any individual that did not go away immediately? If we're talking about not about personal hostility, but about very specific physical manifestations of discomfort, it is quite possible that you have come across an interlocutor with a negative energy field.

Energy is not understood as visible to the eye shell, surrounding people and other living beings. There is a theory that inanimate objects also have their own energy field. For example, in ancient times they tried to get rid of competitors by throwing them an object that was the embodiment of evil energy. But how to recognize a negative field in a living person? Read the answers in the article.

You can find something similar in both a stranger and your loved one. The main signs indicating that not everything is good with the energy field are:

1. The occurrence of physical problems during and after communication with a negative character. You may feel the following:

  • The head begins to hurt, stabbing and pressing sensations appear in the various parts bodies;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the heart or chest as a whole;
  • The emergence of groundless aggression, feelings of loneliness, depression, suicidal thoughts;
  • Nightmares begin to torment me. If the above occurs, it is necessary to carry out a cleansing ritual, at least with plain water, otherwise the consequences of the energy impact can be very serious.

2. Chronic problems in the carrier.
A negative field is often called weak. It is not only capable of causing harm to others, but, above all, it destroys the carrier himself. A person with negative energy tends to get tired, it is difficult for him to regain strength, he lives with the feeling that he cannot cope with his assigned responsibilities and does not have time to do anything.

By the end working day the strength of such people is exhausted. If there are susceptible people around, then they too become infected with the blues. A person with a negative shell resembles an energy vampire, but he is not fed by the sucked energy, it does not bring him any benefit.

3. Attracting problems and difficulties.
Such characters are often referred to as “karkal”. They are the ones who tend to predict the unsuccessful outcome of the case. They seem to attract bad luck and then say “I told you so” with a sad face.

Fortunately, energy can be improved. Man is the architect of his own happiness. This saying can also be applied to his energy field. To begin with, play sports. Physical exercise allow you to release positive energy. Communication with interesting people, visiting fun places, setting and achieving goals can do wonders. And yesterday’s energetically weak character becomes a magnet for those around him, because he simply radiates positivity.

Negative energy - how to understand

If a person experiences failures all the time, then it may well be that his aura is polluted. This usually happens after committing serious sins or as a result negative influence from the outside. After all, energy is susceptible to everything. People's auras are in contact with each other all the time, which is why they exchange energies with each other.

Sometimes negativity passes to a person from another completely unconsciously and uncontrollably. This occurs as a result of experiencing extremely negative, strong emotions, which can be anger and envy, hatred or something else.

Well, if negativity is purposefully directed at a person, for example, damage, then you urgently need to get rid of it. However, it is practically impossible to do this on your own. If a person feels that he has been damaged or the evil eye has been cast upon him, then he should turn to specialists to remove the negativity, otherwise the consequences can be very dire.

Main signs of negativity

If a person you know has negative energy, but this does not interfere with communicating with him, then everything is fine for those around him. However, sometimes it happens that people associate with good and polite person, He interesting person, but something incomprehensible seems to push him away. There is a desire to leave quickly and never meet him again. There are also clingy personalities from whom you want to get away, but this is almost impossible to do, they literally follow you on your heels.

From such personalities a person feels only tiredness and emptiness, his mood deteriorates and his head begins to hurt. There is no strength left for anything at all. It was as if they had evaporated. Why is this happening? After all, in family life everything is fine, at work too.

It is worth noting that people with negative energy are encountered at almost every step. They may not even know it, but they are incredibly annoying to others.

What is bad energy?

Very often you can meet many people in the office who are in the same space and experience the same emotions. There are groups with negative and positive energy. When a person gets into a group with bad energy, he immediately experiences dizziness and even pressure, as if on his physical body influence is carried out.

Man includes energy system, which contains many bodies. They are the ones who store within themselves all the consequences of good and bad deeds, thoughts and emotions committed and contrived by a person during his life. If a lot of negativity has accumulated, then serious problems with health, because energy must be in balance. Heavy energy has a repulsive effect on others.

It is worth understanding that a person’s energy is directly dependent on him. However, few agree with this statement, because it is easier to find the causes of problems on the outside, but not within ourselves.

To a person with positive energy everyone seems to be attracted to him, they want to communicate and talk with him, even just to get closer and stay close to him for a while. Well, everyone runs away from a person with negative energy like they are on fire, they communicate with them only when necessary, and usually they are alone.

How to understand what kind of energy a person has?

If a person feels strong and prefers to lead an active lifestyle, after a hard day there is still a lot of strength, the mood quickly becomes good even after troubles, then he has good energy.

In the case when a person constantly feels tired, does not get enough sleep, does not have time to do anything, and has Bad mood almost constantly, which means it is full of negative energy. You also need to pay attention to indoor plants. If they suddenly begin to dry out and wither, then it’s time to think about the state of your own aura.

Varieties of human energy

Energy mirror

If on this person direct any energy, it will definitely return to the director. Such a person is able to reflect energy, both positive and negative. Such human properties can be used to ensure reliable protection from negative influences, targeted damage and the evil eye.

Mirror personalities have a great sense of those around them, so they instantly understand that in front of them there is a person full of negativity, and they try to limit all communication with him.

However, it should be noted that a person with negative energy also senses mirrors. Therefore, he tries not to meet with them. Returning negativity to its owner has a very bad effect on his health and life in general.

A person with good energy always wants to meet mirror personalities, because it is very pleasant to receive positive energy back. Such a person experiences only positive things from communicating with mirror personalities.

Energy Leech

Such people are probably the majority. Every person meets such individuals every day. It is likely that they may be acquaintances, friends or colleagues. Leeches can be compared to energy vampires, they stick to a person in order to receive the charge of energy they need.

Such people often express aggression, they are very persistent, and it is not so easy to get rid of them. They seem to radiate only negativity, pumping energy out of those around them in a very unique way. Typically, such individuals independently provoke a quarrel or scandal, humiliate a person and feed on his frustration.

After this, the leeches feel great, they become cheerful and feel the strength to move mountains. After all, the people around them gave them their energy, which will now help them accomplish new feats. However, leech donors feel depressed and tired, and have headaches after communicating with such a person.

Energy walls

A person with an energy wall has incredibly strong energy, it is as if he is impenetrable. All troubles quickly pass without much loss, because they seem to be created from concrete.

It’s only when communicating with such individuals that you can see negative sides. Negative energy flies away from them, but can be returned to a non-director. But to a completely different person.

Energy Velcro

Such personalities immediately upon meeting begin to dump only negative energy on the person. They talk about how everything is bad for them and nothing is working out, and no one could ask them any questions.

Velcro are not able to take energy from a person; they try to draw it out by pouring negativity on others.

These individuals are very weak, they impose themselves on others, follow on the heels of others, call their friends and complain about life, ask for advice and make appointments.

If they have certain difficulties in their lives, they always blame others for them, but not themselves. They are given moral support, so they feed off of it.

As a result, such individuals impose themselves on others, force them to communicate with themselves and feed on their energy. It should be noted that those around you do not suffer from Velcro as much as from vampires.

Energy absorbers

Energy absorbers can both give and receive energy. Such people are quite sensitive, they quickly exchange energies with others. They love to meddle in other people's affairs, want to help everyone and influence the energy of those around them.

Absorbers can absorb positive and negative energy, they are constantly offended with or without reason, but soon they stop being angry. Also, some take on all the negativity, but give out positive energy, worry about the problems of others, and suffer from their own kindness.

Energy Samoyeds

Such people constantly worry about their own problems. They are very reserved and prefer to stay in all alone, and they do it consciously. They do not know how to use their energy, so they constantly accumulate negativity.

Energy plants

Such individuals give energy to others. They are quite curious, constantly asking about other people's lives. That is why they constantly have troubles with others, because they do not like gossips and questions.

Energy filters

These individuals have very strong energy, so they can pass through any of its types. It returns all the information that reaches such a filter to the source, but its appearance is completely changed. Negative energy returns to its source with positivity. Such individuals often become peacemakers, psychologists or diplomats.

Energy intermediaries

Mediators exchange energies very well. They absorb it perfectly, but practically cannot resist the negativity. If you tell the mediator about the troubles, he will take all the negativity upon himself. Then he seeks to transfer negative energy to someone else.

Increasing human energy.

In order to increase human energy, several conditions must be met, then everything will be fine. You definitely need to get enough rest and sleep well, and sometimes you should take time off from work and not do business. A person must definitely get rid of the negative attitude in life.

When a person begins to get angry and enraged, to experience feelings of hatred and indignation, one must remember that his energy is rapidly being destroyed. Subject to these points further work energy restoration will not be needed.

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Human energy is the reserve of vitality and energy that a particular person possesses. We can increase our energy with in various ways(they are discussed in detail in another article). But there are certain limitations - each person by nature has his own energy potential, which cannot change significantly. In this article we will tell you how energy is determined by date of birth.

When a person is sufficiently filled with vital energy, he feels confident in his abilities. This is a leader who does not worry about the opinions of others about himself. He generates various ideas and actively implements them. Such individuals are distinguished by natural behavior, direct expression of their feelings and emotions.

Extraordinary, creative people who act as sources of fresh ideas and are able to share their energy with others receive great energy potential from nature. These are wonderful storytellers, they always have plenty of fans, they easily establish connections with new people due to their politeness, charm and goodwill.

A strong energy field is also manifested by certain external signs:

  • characterized by thin lips;
  • massive chin;
  • thick eyebrows;
  • wide jaw;
  • in most cases such people are dark-haired;
  • people with dark eye color have a very strong aura.

How date of birth affects energy

The day, month, year and even time of birth has a huge impact on a person’s entire subsequent life. The concept we are talking about now is also known as “bioenergy”. Today, even such a profession has appeared - bioenergetics. Experts in this field are able to trace the connection between a specific person, numbers, the Universe, and so on.

Bioenergetics (based on numerology) has established that the date of birth can shed light on a person’s energy potential. By resorting to simple mathematical calculations, it is possible to make a forecast of future events for a specific period of life. This data is also used to build a life curve and monitor changes in. The more energy a person has, the correspondingly higher the curve will be.

Bioenergy by date of birth: calculation

How it happens energy calculations

  1. Remember the date of your birth. For example, May 25, 1994.
  2. Write down the first number - the year of birth is 1994.
  3. The second number is formed by the ordinal number of the month of birth and the day - 0525.

Note! If your birthday is formed by a single digit number (for example, nine), then write the second number this way - 809.

  1. Now multiply the first number by the second = 1994*0525=1,046,850.
  2. After this, we calculate the sum of all digits of the resulting number:

The resulting number represents a person’s bioenergetic potential (E) and demonstrates how much vitality (energy) he has.

Now comes the fun part - find out who you are:

  • energy vampire – E less than twenty;
  • a normal person - E values ​​will range from twenty to thirty;
  • energy donor – has an energy potential of thirty or more.

Regardless of our natural energy balance, we all have periods in our lives when we are in a weakened state and need additional energy replenishment. In this case, the person unconsciously begins to “vampire” those around him.

Wherein normal people and donors begin to feel uncomfortable. But donors whose E exceeds the “thirty-three” mark are able to be recharged with cosmic energy or feed on energy from nature. They give generously vitality people around them, people strive to be close to them in order to recharge with energy.

Where is the energy lost?

Perhaps you are familiar with the state when your strength begins to leave, as if someone is “blowing” you away like balloon. You eat well, sleep enough hours, exercise physical activity, but inside you still feel tired. The symptoms described above describe a state of outflow of vital energy: you seem to be doing everything to replenish it, but it is becoming less and less.

Why is this happening? You need to analyze your behavior and lifestyle, because there is a reason for something, but we will now try to establish what it is.

So, it can cause severe loss of energy:

  1. Feelings of guilt. This is how your conscience speaks to you, representing our strictest judge throughout your life. Conscience causes serious psychological discomfort, due to which energy is wasted.

If you try to drown out the voice of conscience, you will be faced with the exact opposite result and an even greater deterioration of the situation. Outwardly, this will also manifest itself in the form of a deterioration in the financial situation. The most reasonable solution in this case is to find an internal compromise yourself.

  1. Grievances also lead to energy deficiency. The most popular option is grievances against parents, which probably last from childhood. If a person, even as an adult, cannot let go of the past and forgive his parents, this will greatly influence various aspects of his life.

What kind of relationships were in your parental family will have an impact on the model own family. And hidden long-term grievances have the most negative impact on people; they contribute to exhaustion, both emotional and energetic.

  1. Psychological discomfort, which provokes energy losses, can also be caused by other negative emotions: fear, fear of uncertainty, anxiety, disappointment and mental pain.
  2. Envy– causes a lot of controversy among experts regarding its effect on the human body. One part of the experts identifies envy as a motivating emotion that can accelerate the achievement of success and challenge a person specific goals in life.

We have listed the main internal reasons energy losses. And there are also external ones, which include communication with energy “bloodsuckers”, which are bores, whiners, slackers, losers, victims and patients, maniacs, as well as ideological fighters. By contacting them, you become energetically weaker.

That's why you should surround yourself with positivity. thinking people, try to always be in a good mood, finish what you start on time, not worry about your future (or rather, worry, but within reasonable limits), cleanse yourself of your inner negative emotions(resentment, anger, aggression, and so on) and then your energy field will strengthen every day.