From the middle summer months and until approximately the end of September in our forests you can find great amount delicious mushrooms. Boletus is especially good, and not a single mushroom picker disdains it. Unfortunately, one danger may lie in wait for an inexperienced assembler. The fact is that there are false oils, poisoning with which does not lead to anything good. But there are several reliable ways to distinguish these “werewolves” from our article. Our article will tell you about them.


Common butterflies immediately catch the eye, as their shiny yellowish caps are hard to miss in the forest moss. Their peculiarity is that they grow up as whole families. Found one oiler? Most likely, there are a dozen more lurking nearby!

But every mushroom you find needs to be carefully studied. You need to examine the color of the cap especially carefully. All false boletus differ from their edible “colleagues” in that their caps have a certain purple tint.

You can discover many surprising things by simply turning the mushroom you find upside down. If it is edible, then there will be a whitish film on the inside, under which hides that porous structure that is so characteristic of good butter. But their dangerous relatives do not have this. All false boletus have a lamellar structure reverse side hats that make them easy to distinguish!

In addition, the plates have a grayish color, which also makes them visible to an experienced mushroom picker. Real butterflies have a hat at a young age has a pleasant yellowish color, and its reverse surface (remember once again that it should have a porous structure) is painted in exactly the same way.

Their “fake” relative should not be confused with the spruce sap fungus. It can often be found in and in appearance it is somewhat reminiscent of false boletus. This little-known mushroom It has a grayish cap with a mucous coating, as well as a reverse side with a lamellar structure. The surprising thing is that it is an edible mushroom, although not very common. But if you don't know exactly what's in front of you, don't take it!

What happens when poisoned

We have already noted more than once that false butter can be dangerous if accidentally consumed. It contains quite dangerous and strong toxins that can cause serious harm to your health.

If you accidentally eat it, the first signs of poisoning will be nausea, accompanied by a severe headache and fever. If you feel something like this after eating a mushroom dish, you should contact your doctor right away!

Just one false butterfly mushroom, which accidentally got into a roast, can cause you a lot of problems, or even send you straight to hospital bed. So once again we take the liberty of reminding you of the basic rule of a mushroom picker: if you’re not sure, don’t take it! One mushroom will not empty your basket, but you will be able to save your life and health.

Maslyata are mushrooms that Russian mushroom pickers have long appreciated for their pleasant taste, aroma, beneficial features and high yields and are actively collecting them. But it is important not only to be able to find and cut these mushrooms, but also to process them in a timely manner. Dishes and preparations for the winter made from butter are very tasty and appetizing.

This name can come from two reasons:

firstly, the mushroom caps are covered with an oily, shiny film, which must be removed when cooking. The fact is that dirt can accumulate on it. Some housewives claim that its presence can even change the taste of mushrooms; when frying them, it can burn and stick to the pan, and when marinating, it can separate and float separately in the jar. Therefore, in most cases, this film, from which the mushroom gets its name, is removed.

The second reason for this name is the yellowish-white color of the mushroom pulp, which resembles butter. One way or another, this name was assigned to the oil can a very long time ago, and in various places similar names derived from this word can be used: maslyuk, maslenik, maslekha.

The butterdish is a mushroom that, depending on the species and some other conditions, can reach a height of 12...13 cm or, conversely, be barely noticeable and rise above ground level by only 3 cm. It is impossible to find the butterdish individually, as they grow in families. This fact also cannot but attract mushroom pickers. Butterflies appear in the forests in waves, so it is important not to miss the moment and have time to reap a rich harvest.

There are about 50 types of buttermilk, but the following are considered the most delicious and common:

Summer oiler

Prefers coniferous forests and grows mainly under pine trees. The diameter of the cap of this mushroom can reach 10 cm, and the thickness of the stem can be 2 cm. There is no ring on the stem. The color of the mucous skin varies from brownish-yellow to brown. The pulp of the mushroom is very aromatic.

The most common type of oiler is also called real or ordinary. Most often found under pine trees. There is a white ring on the leg that divides it into two colors - white on top and brown below. The color of the cap is most often brown mixed with light shades of red. The cap can reach a diameter of 12 cm and has drooping edges.

It can be found in forests where larches or cedar pines. The convex cap becomes flatter as the mushroom ages, the color of the skin is yellowish with shades of orange or brown. The leg, up to 1.5 cm thick, is characterized by a cylindrical shape and has a yellowish hanging ring that disappears with age.

Maslyata: video

Butterflies are classified as products that do not contain a large number of calories (about 19 per 100 g), but at the same time rich in vitamins (A, C, group B and PP), micro- and macroelements, resinous substances and fats. Surprisingly, these mushrooms are almost 85% water. They also contain lecithin, which prevents the deposition of bad cholesterol in the body. Thanks to such a rich chemical composition, boletus is credited with a wide range of beneficial properties and actions for human health:

  • help with gout, due to the presence of resinous substances;
  • have an analgesic effect and restrain severe pain for migraines;
  • have a positive effect on potency in men;
  • remove waste and toxins, cleansing the body;
  • increase immunity and improve overall health;
  • increase gastric secretion.

Yes, these mushrooms are very healthy, but you shouldn’t get carried away and overeat. In addition, not all groups of people can eat them, for example, those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and digestion, individual intolerance, as well as children under 7 years of age.

Butter takes a long time to digest in the stomach, so eating it at night is not recommended.

False boletus - description of how to distinguish

Butterflies, like most other mushrooms, have inedible doubles with which a novice mushroom picker can confuse them. As many years of practice have shown, it is generally better not to joke with mushrooms, since poisoning with them can cause consequences that are even more serious than nausea and headaches. In order not to be poisoned yourself, and also not to harm others, you need to be able to distinguish false butter from edible ones.

Experienced mushroom pickers can easily distinguish real mushrooms from false ones, but a novice mushroom picker should use with the following instructions to determine the edibility of a mushroom:

  1. It is necessary to pay attention to the color of the top layer of the cap of the mushroom found. If it has an admixture of purple tint, then most likely it is a false oiler. Real edible boletus is characterized by a cap color ranging from yellowish-orange to brownish-brown.
  2. If you still have doubts about the shade of the cap, then you just need to turn the mushroom over and inspect the structure of the cap from below. In ordinary butternuts there is a white film, under which the porous side of the cap is hidden. And the false representatives of this fungus internal structure lamellar caps.
  3. You should also pay attention to the color of the stem of the mushroom found. The leg should be white or yellowish in color, it may turn into darker brown tones below, but there should not be any shades of purple on it.

Therefore, in order to avoid poisoning by false boletus, you need to collect them very carefully and inspect them without haste. harvested.

How to cook

Butter is very widely used in cooking for preparing various dishes. These mushrooms are loved not only by adults, but also by children. Fragrant dishes made from boletus will bring friends and family to the table. There are many ways to process the harvested boletus: you can make soups from them, fry them, store them for the winter, or freeze them for later use. Below are several recipes that allow you to quickly and tasty process the collected boletus

Butter soup is considered a lean dish and is also very light, so it is suitable for people watching their weight. Calorie content of soup prepared according to this recipe, is only 90 kcal per 100 g.

To prepare boletus soup you will need:

  • boletus – 350 g;
  • potatoes – 450 g;
  • carrots (large) – 1 piece;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • bay leaf – 2…3 pcs;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • salt, ground pepper - to taste.

Pre-cooking butter

To start required amount mushrooms need to be cleaned, that is, the cap must be freed from the adhesive film. After this, they are thoroughly washed several times, placed in a pan, filled with water, brought to a boil and the waste water is drained. Then they dial again clean water, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes, skimming off the foam that forms on the surface of the broth.

After completing this operation, the mushrooms can be additionally fried with carrots, onions and seasonings in vegetable oil while the peeled potatoes are cooked. Then the soup will turn out richer and heavier.

For cooking light In butter soup, they are not fried, but chopped potatoes and seasonings are added to the boiling mushroom broth. While it is boiling, peel and fry the chopped onion, and also cut carrots into large slices. All this is added to the soup when the potatoes are almost ready. Cook everything together for about 5 more minutes, after which the fire is turned off and the soup is allowed to brew for 10...15 minutes.

The finished soup is poured into bowls and, if desired, garnished with a sprig of parsley or dill.

Nowadays there are a huge number of recipes for marinating butter, they differ in the seasonings and additional ingredients they add. Will be discussed below standard way pickling these mushrooms for the winter, which will appeal to all lovers of good food and snacks.

Preparing Ingredients

To prepare pickled butter you will need:

  • boletus – 1 kg;
  • water – 0.5 l;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • salt – 2 tsp;
  • bay leaf – 1 piece;
  • black pepper and allspice – 2…3 pcs each;
  • cloves – 2 pcs;
  • vinegar 6% concentration – 50 ml;
  • garlic – 1…2 cloves.

Preparing butter

The oils are cleaned and washed well. After this, they are boiled for 20 minutes over low heat in salted water, removing the foam that appears on the surface. After this time, the mushrooms are thrown into a colander and the water is drained. You can add a little citric acid to the water along with salt, then the mushrooms will not darken.

Preparing the marinade

Pour clean water into the pan, add all the spices and seasonings from the list of ingredients, except garlic and vinegar. Then the pan is placed on the fire and the contents are brought to a boil. Then you can add the prepared butter. Cook everything together over low heat for half an hour. Vinegar is added to the marinade 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

Packaging oil in jars

There’s probably no point in talking about sterilizing jars, since every housewife prepares jars and lids in her own way: in a water bath, in the oven, or even in the microwave. In already clean jars, place a clove of garlic at the bottom, then fill it with mushrooms and only after that the marinade is evenly poured into the jars. When the jars are filled, roll them up and let them cool at room temperature, and stored in a cool place - in the cellar or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Frying butter is a simple matter and takes very little time from the housewife. The end result is a very satisfying and tasty dish.

Preparing Ingredients

In order to simply fry butter without additional additives, you will need:

  • boletus – 700…800 g
  • onions (medium size) – 2 pcs;
  • butter – 1 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp;
  • salt, ground pepper and other spices - to taste.

Preparing mushrooms

They need to be cleaned of the film on which all the dirt and debris accumulates and then rinsed well. You can dry them on paper towels. After this, the boletus is cut into fairly large pieces.

Frying onions

The onions are peeled and chopped as finely as possible. During this time, you can already heat the frying pan with vegetable and butter. Throw the chopped onion into a frying pan and fry until transparent, without browning.

Frying butter

Add pre-prepared butter to the fried onions and fry them over low heat for 15...20 minutes. It is important to stir them regularly with a spatula. Add salt, pepper and other seasonings.

The dish can be made even more delicious by simply adding 2…3 tbsp to the already fried mushrooms. sour cream, stir, cover and simmer for about 5 minutes. At the very end, add herbs and garlic if desired.

Fried potatoes with mushrooms Recipe for fried potatoes with butter: video

Usually boletus is frozen for later use in two different ways:

  • with pre-heat treatment,
  • fresh.

The second method allows you to save natural look and buttery aroma, as well as prepare any dish after defrosting them. In the first case, we mean freezing already boiled and fried mushrooms. Both of these methods can be useful in different situations, so each of them is discussed separately below.

Freezing oil with preliminary heat treatment

Before processing, the butter must be cleared of skin and film and washed thoroughly. After this, they are cut into large pieces. Next, you can boil them in salted water for half an hour and then let them cool, or fry them in a small amount of vegetable oil with added salt for 20 minutes over low heat. Also give it time to cool. Boiled boletus is usually placed in special resealable bags for freezing, displacing the air from them, and fried mushrooms Best placed in plastic containers with lids. It is best to use no more than 1 kg of mushrooms for one serving of frozen product, so that you can eat them completely upon further consumption.

This freezing method is faster than the previous one. Here it is important to pay attention to the preparatory process: remove the skin and film from the butter, rinse them thoroughly and dry them, spreading them out on paper towels. If the butter mushrooms are small, then they do not need to be cut, but larger specimens are cut into pieces of about 3 cm. Only healthy mushrooms that have not been bitten by pests are suitable for such freezing. Prepared boletus is placed in resealable plastic containers or bags for freezing. They need to be stored separately from other products, as these mushrooms very easily absorb foreign odors.

These are the different ways you can process the harvested boletus and please your family and friends with delicious and aromatic dishes made from these healthy mushrooms.

How to distinguish false boletus from edible ones?

Delicious boletus can be easily distinguished by brown hat with an oily coating. But there are other mushrooms masquerading as them. You need to know what a false oiler looks like so as not to carry extra weight from the forest. Putting a double in the basket can cause serious stomach upset later on.

Description of false oils

IN middle lane There are no truly poisonous oils. This makes me happy! But lookalikes of real butternut squashes are practically inedible and can cause stomach upset.

Source: Depositphotos

It is easy to distinguish false boletus from the description

Among the 50 varieties of oily beauties there are 2 inedible species: yellow-brown and Siberian. They are not toxic, but completely tasteless. These boletus are similar in appearance to edible ones; their underside is tubular. The main difference: when cut or broken, the flesh turns bluish-purple.

Edible mushrooms are often confused with pepper fly mushrooms. They are reddish-brown, and the underside of the cap has a large cellular structure. These mushrooms are not poisonous, but have a very bitter taste. Although some mushroom pickers do not disdain them and boil them for 15 minutes before cooking to remove the bitter aftertaste.

Even more often, spruce moth is disguised as an oil can. This mushroom has a grayish or purple slimy cap. Its underside is not tubular, but lamellar, gray. Knowing these nuances, it is not difficult to visually distinguish the mushroom.

This is important because severe intestinal upset may occur after eating mothweed.

All twins grow in the same conditions as edible forest products and ripen at approximately the same time - in summer and autumn. And mushrooms prefer to settle in spruce, pine and mixed forests.

How to distinguish false and edible boletus

The handsome butterfly has a tight leg, in a light skirt. The flesh is yellowish, the pores are almost invisible. U false oiler There is also a faded purple skirt. But it does not hug the leg, but seems to hang on it.

The main differences of the edible butter dish:

    • yellow underside of the cap with faint tubularity;
    • brown sticky skin, practically without spots;
    • light skirt with legs;
    • the lower part of the leg is slightly darker than the upper.

Most poisonous mushrooms there are spots on the cap. U edible butter There are also grass stripes or small dents. This makes identification difficult. In order not to worry, it is better to take only young fungi with smooth caps. Collect mushrooms whose caps are no more than 4 cm in diameter.

If you are new to “silent hunting,” before going into the forest, familiarize yourself with the main features and descriptions of edible and poisonous forest gifts. And remember the main rule of the mushroom picker: if in doubt, don’t take it!

The pale grebe and the fly agaric are known to everyone since early childhood. Eating them is dangerous to life. But besides the famous inedible mushrooms, there are double mushrooms, which are often difficult to distinguish from good ones, which is why they are called false. For example, false boletus, it would seem, is no different from its edible “brother.” It is difficult for a novice mushroom picker without certain knowledge to find the differences between them, so go to “ quiet hunt“It’s possible, but with experience.

The name of the mushroom fully justifies itself: the cap is oily and slippery, has a hemispherical shape with a small tubercle in the middle.

hat light brown, the flesh of the mushroom is yellow, the sticky skin peels off easily. Under the cap you can see the remains of a ring-shaped cover.

The leg has yellow tint and smooth shape, resembling a cylinder. Height up to 12 cm, diameter - no more than 4 cm. The upper part of the leg is most often lighter than the lower.

Where and when do they grow?

You can prepare boletus for the winter - marinate it. For this you will need:

  • 1 liter of water.
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt.
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  • Allspice peas (8-10 peas are enough).
  • 1 clove.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • Dry dill and bay leaf.
  • 2 kg of butter.

Rinse in several waters and clean the mushrooms. Boil in lightly salted water for 10 minutes. Add 3 drops of vinegar to the water. Pour out the first water. Cook again for 15 minutes adding salt, sugar and spices. Then place the butter tightly in a jar and pour marinade over it. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar 9%. Pickle mushrooms only in sterilized containers and store in a cool place.

Butter - tasty and healthy mushrooms. Their main qualities are their unique composition and excellent taste. Dishes made from them are a worthy snack that even true gourmets will appreciate.

In the first place in terms of toxicity are generally not the same famous mushrooms, like toadstool, fly agaric and others, and mushrooms are doubles. And boletus is no exception; they also have similar brothers - false boletus. We will tell you in this article what they are, how they grow, and how they differ from real edible mushrooms.

Mushrooms - common boletus: types

Oiler - common name a genus of tubular mushrooms. They belong to the Boletaceae family. Their name comes from the fact that they have an oily and slippery cap. It is by this peculiar feature that these mushrooms are recognized. Under the cap there are remains of a spathe that forms a ring.

In total, there are more than 50 different representatives of boletus.

Russian mushroom pickers are more familiar with ordinary autumn boletus. Less common, but false butterflies are also found among them. How to distinguish them from the usual edible ones will be described below.

Also in Russian natural conditions White, cedar and Siberian boletus are found, albeit rarely. Very little known - swamp (or yellowish). The latter are category 4 mushrooms.

A mushroom that does not have a very pleasant taste is the yellow-brown (or variegated) butterfly. It looks a lot like a moss fly. There is also an American one, which grows only in Chukotka in the thickets of dwarf cedar.

Description of common butter

Before learning how to identify false mushrooms (boletus mushrooms), consider the description of edible tasty mushrooms that are familiar to most mushroom pickers.

The mushroom cap is hemispherical with a small tubercle in the very center. The skin has a color close to brownish shades, but sometimes olive-brown caps are also found. The skin of the mushroom is quite easily separated from the juicy and soft pulp, which, in turn, has a yellowish tint.

The color of the tubular layer fused with the stalk is yellowish. The cylindrical leg itself reaches a height of up to 11 cm, and its width in diameter is 3 cm. Its lower part is usually darker in color than the upper.

What false boletus looks like and its features will be described in more detail below.

Places of growth

The butter dish is ordinary - traditional for Russian areas. It occurs more often in deciduous forests and in pine forests, and also in plantings among heather and cereals.

Boletus also grows in Africa and Australia (wherever the climate is close to temperate). False mushrooms accompany their edible counterparts everywhere.

Usually boletus grows well on sandy or calcareous soils, in small families, so collecting them is very convenient - a pleasure.

Grows well in well-drained sandy soils. They do not like particularly strong shading, and therefore are slightly less common in heavily overgrown forests. There is a high probability of finding them in thinned out pine plantings, on pine forest edges, along the edges of forest roads on the side of the road, and even on old fire pits.

Boletus can perfectly coexist with chanterelles, porcini mushrooms and russula.

Growth periods are difficult

What are the benefits of boletus? The harvest can be harvested starting in June, and the ripening of these mushrooms lasts until the first frost. And the false butterfly mushroom, accordingly, grows along with them.

It should be noted that it is best to collect mushrooms whose caps are no more than 4 centimeters in diameter, since non-overgrown specimens are much tastier. They appear several times in the summer, periodically.

Many may not know, but there is a first wave that occurs at the time when the rye begins to ear. At this time, the so-called spike mushrooms appear: porcini mushrooms and boletus mushrooms. They suddenly appear and then disappear.

False mushrooms: differences

How to distinguish inedible mushrooms among butter mushrooms? The false one is very similar in appearance to the edible one.

However, with the naked eye, upon closer inspection, you can notice several distinctive features false oils.

It is the appearance that can help determine whether it is a real oiler or not. In this case, first of all, you need to pay attention to the mushroom cap and its inner surface. U false mushroom she has a slight purple color, inner side painted in a bright yellowish-cream color. And the lower part of the mushroom has a lamellar structure (spongy structure in edible ones).

False butterflies also have distinctive rings on their stems. Usually edible mushroom they are light purple. And the false oiler has a ring of white or light purple color, and it hangs down the stem. And, as a rule, this ring dries out very quickly, which is not observed with ordinary oils.

False boletus can also be distinguished by its pulp. In this mushroom it has a reddish tint and a spongy structure. In addition, at a cut or break, the pulp changes color over a short period of time.

Inedible boletus

Regular types of butter mushrooms are delicious. Only the yellow-brown butterdish with flesh that turns blue when cut has an unattractive taste. In some Western reference books it is listed as inedible, but not poisonous.

Inedible non-toxic (also false) butterflies: Siberian butterfly, remarkable and pepper. Their visual difference can be considered a change in color, more dark hat and red spongy layer.

Typically, poisonous boletus is rarely found in Russian forests. You can only find pepper buttermilk, which is easily confused with the usual tasty one. It is also not poisonous, but contains bitterness. Mushroom pickers tend to pick it with the belief that the bitter taste of the mushroom is greatly reduced by boiling it for about 15 minutes and then frying it with the rest. It can also be found next to regular boletus.

To avoid getting false boletus when picking mushrooms, how can you distinguish them and weed them out?

To do this, you need to follow the simplest tips described above. Although it seems at first glance that this is extremely difficult to do, it is better to spend some time to make sure that the mushroom is really edible. Eating false buttermilk can lead to extremely negative consequences. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and not tempt fate.